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105 lines
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CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/level-dialogue-view'
DialogueAnimator = require './DialogueAnimator'
module.exports = class LevelDialogueView extends CocoView
id: 'level-dialogue-view'
template: template
'sprite:speech-updated': 'onSpriteDialogue'
'level:sprite-clear-dialogue': 'onSpriteClearDialogue'
'level:shift-space-pressed': 'onShiftSpacePressed'
'level:escape-pressed': 'onEscapePressed'
'sprite:dialogue-sound-completed': 'onDialogueSoundCompleted'
'click': 'onClick'
onClick: (e) ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:focus-editor', {}
onFrameChanged: (e) ->
@timeProgress = e.progress
onSpriteDialogue: (e) ->
return unless e.message
@$el.addClass 'active speaking'
@setMessage e.message, e.mood, e.responses
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Heard Sprite', {message: e.message, label: e.message}, ['Google Analytics']
onDialogueSoundCompleted: ->
@$el.removeClass 'speaking'
onSpriteClearDialogue: ->
@$el.removeClass 'active speaking'
setMessage: (message, mood, responses) ->
message = marked message
# Fix old HTML icons like <i class='icon-play'></i> in the Markdown
message = message.replace /<i class='(.+?)'><\/i>/, "<i class='$1'></i>"
clearInterval(@messageInterval) if @messageInterval
@bubble = $('.dialogue-bubble', @$el)
@bubble.removeClass(@lastMood) if @lastMood
@lastMood = mood
group = $('<div class="enter secret"></div>')
if responses
@lastResponses = responses
for response in responses
button = $('<button class="btn btn-small banner"></button>').text(response.text)
button.addClass response.buttonClass if response.buttonClass
response.button = $('button:last', group)
s = $.i18n.t('play_level.hud_continue_short', defaultValue: 'Continue')
sk = $.i18n.t('play_level.skip_tutorial', defaultValue: 'skip: esc')
if not @escapePressed
group.append('<span class="hud-hint">' + sk + '</span>')
group.append($('<button class="btn btn-small banner with-dot">' + s + ' <div class="dot"></div></button>'))
@lastResponses = null
@animator = new DialogueAnimator(message, @bubble)
@messageInterval = setInterval(@addMoreMessage, 1000 / 30) # 30 FPS
addMoreMessage: =>
if @animator.done()
@messageInterval = null
$('.enter', @bubble).removeClass('secret').css('opacity', 0.0).delay(500).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 500, @animateEnterButton)
if @lastResponses
buttons = $('.enter button')
for response, i in @lastResponses
channel = response.channel.replace 'level-set-playing', 'level:set-playing' # Easier than migrating all those victory buttons.
f = (r) => => setTimeout((-> Backbone.Mediator.publish(channel, r.event or {})), 10)
$('.enter', @bubble).click(-> Backbone.Mediator.publish('script:end-current-script', {}))
onShiftSpacePressed: (e) ->
@shiftSpacePressed = (@shiftSpacePressed || 0) + 1
# We don't need to handle script:end-current-script--that's done--but if we do have
# custom buttons, then we need to trigger the one that should fire (the last one).
# If we decide that always having the last one fire is bad, we should make it smarter.
return unless @lastResponses?.length
r = @lastResponses[@lastResponses.length - 1]
channel = r.channel.replace 'level-set-playing', 'level:set-playing'
_.delay (-> Backbone.Mediator.publish(channel, r.event or {})), 10
onEscapePressed: (e) ->
@escapePressed = true
animateEnterButton: =>
return unless @bubble
button = $('.enter', @bubble)
dot = $('.dot', button)
dot.animate({opacity: 0.2}, 300).animate({opacity: 1.9}, 600, @animateEnterButton)
destroy: ->
clearInterval(@messageInterval) if @messageInterval