2014-10-27 17:11:48 -07:00
I18NEditModelView = require './I18NEditModelView'
LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent'
module.exports = class I18NEditComponentView extends I18NEditModelView
id: "i18n-edit-component-view"
modelClass: LevelComponent
buildTranslationList: ->
lang = @selectedLanguage
propDocs = @model.get('propertyDocumentation')
for propDoc, propDocIndex in propDocs
#- Component property descriptions
if i18n = propDoc.i18n
path = ["propertyDocumentation", propDocIndex]
if _.isObject propDoc.description
for progLang, description of propDoc
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} description (#{progLang})", [progLang, 'description'], description, i18n[lang]?[progLang]?.description, path, 'markdown'
else if _.isString propDoc.description
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} description", ['description'], propDoc.description, i18n[lang]?.description, path, 'markdown'
2014-10-28 09:41:51 -07:00
if context = propDoc.context
for key, value of context
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} context value", ["context", key], value, i18n[lang]?.context[key], path
2014-10-27 17:11:48 -07:00
#- Component return value descriptions
if i18n = propDoc.returns?.i18n
path = ["propertyDocumentation", propDocIndex, "returns"]
d = propDoc.returns.description
if _.isObject d
for progLang, description of d
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} return val (#{progLang})", [progLang, 'description'], description, i18n[lang]?[progLang]?.description, path, 'markdown'
else if _.isString d
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} return val", ['description'], d, i18n[lang]?.description, path, 'markdown'
#- Component argument descriptions
if propDoc.args
for argDoc, argIndex in propDoc.args
if i18n = argDoc.i18n
path = ["propertyDocumentation", propDocIndex, 'args', argIndex]
if _.isObject argDoc.description
for progLang, description of argDoc
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} arg description #{argDoc.name} (#{progLang})", [progLang, 'description'], description, i18n[lang]?[progLang]?.description, path, 'markdown'
else if _.isString argDoc.description
@wrapRow "#{propDoc.name} arg description #{argDoc.name}", ['description'], argDoc.description, i18n[lang]?.description, path, 'markdown'
2014-10-28 09:41:51 -07:00