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ThangState = require './thang_state'
module.exports = class WorldFrame
@className: "WorldFrame"
constructor: (@world, @time=0) ->
@thangStateMap = {}
@setState() if @world
getNextFrame: ->
# Optimized. Must be called while thangs are current at this frame.
nextTime = @time + @world.dt
return null if nextTime > @world.lifespan
@hash = @world.rand.seed
@hash += system.update() for system in @world.systems
nextFrame = new WorldFrame(@world, nextTime)
return nextFrame
setState: ->
for thang in @world.thangs
@thangStateMap[thang.id] = thang.getState()
restoreState: ->
thangState.restore() for thangID, thangState of @thangStateMap
for thang in @world.thangs
if not @thangStateMap[thang.id] and not thang.stateless
#console.log "Frame", @time, "restoring state for", thang.id, "and saying it don't exist"
thang.exists = false
restoreStateForThang: (thang) ->
thangState = @thangStateMap[thang.id]
if not thangState
if not thang.stateless
thang.exists = false
#console.log "Frame", @time, "restoring state for", thang.id, "in particular and saying it don't exist"
toString: ->
map = ((' ' for x in [0 .. @world.width]) \
for y in [0 .. @world.height])
symbols = ".ox@dfga[]/D"
for thang, i in @thangs
rect = thang.rectangle().axisAlignedBoundingBox()
for y in [Math.floor(rect.y - rect.height / 2) ... Math.ceil(rect.y + rect.height / 2)]
for x in [Math.floor(rect.x - rect.width / 2) ... Math.ceil(rect.x + rect.width / 2)]
map[y][x] = symbols[i]
@time + "\n" + (xs.join(' ') for xs in map).join('\n') + '\n'
serialize: (frameIndex, trackedPropertiesThangIDs, trackedPropertiesPerThangIndices, trackedPropertiesPerThangTypes, trackedPropertiesPerThangValues, specialValuesToKeys, specialKeysToValues) ->
# Optimize
for thangID, thangIndex in trackedPropertiesThangIDs
thangState = @thangStateMap[thangID]
if thangState
thangState.serialize(frameIndex, trackedPropertiesPerThangIndices[thangIndex], trackedPropertiesPerThangTypes[thangIndex], trackedPropertiesPerThangValues[thangIndex], specialValuesToKeys, specialKeysToValues)
@deserialize: (world, frameIndex, trackedPropertiesThangIDs, trackedPropertiesThangs, trackedPropertiesPerThangKeys, trackedPropertiesPerThangTypes, trackedPropertiesPerThangValues, specialKeysToValues, hash) ->
# Optimize
wf = new WorldFrame null, world.dt * frameIndex
wf.world = world
wf.hash = hash
for thangID, thangIndex in trackedPropertiesThangIDs
wf.thangStateMap[thangID] = ThangState.deserialize world, frameIndex, trackedPropertiesThangs[thangIndex], trackedPropertiesPerThangKeys[thangIndex], trackedPropertiesPerThangTypes[thangIndex], trackedPropertiesPerThangValues[thangIndex], specialKeysToValues