2014-01-03 10:32:13 -08:00
{ me } = require ( ' lib/auth ' )
# If we use marked somewhere else, we'll have to make sure to preserve options
marked . setOptions { gfm: true , sanitize: false , smartLists: true , breaks: true }
markedWithImages = (s) ->
s = s . replace / ! \ [ ( . * ? ) \ ] \ ( ( . + ) ? ( \ d + ) ( \ d + ) ? ( . * ? ) ? \ ) / g , ' <img src= " /images/docs/$2 " alt= " $1 " title= " $1 " style= " width: $3px; height: $4px; " class= " $5 " ></img> ' # setting width/height attrs doesn't prevent flickering, but inline css does
marked ( s )
module.exports.getDocsFor = (thang, props, isSnippet=false) ->
docs = [ ]
types = { }
for prop in props ? [ ]
type = if isSnippet then ' snippet ' else typeof thang [ prop ]
( types [ type ] ? = [ ] ) . push prop
order = [ " function " , " object " , " string " , " number " , " boolean " , " undefined " , " snippet " ]
order . push type for type of types when not ( type in order )
for type in order
for prop in ( types [ type ] ? [ ] )
docClass = if D . hasOwnProperty prop then D [ prop ] else Doc
docs . push new docClass ( thang , prop , type )
module.exports.hasLevelDocs = (levelID) ->
D [ levelID ] ?
module.exports.getLevelDocs = (levelID, world) ->
levelDocsClass = D [ levelID ] ? Level
new levelDocsClass world
module.exports.Doc = class Doc
writable: false
owner: " this "
constructor: (@thang, @prop, @type) ->
if @ owner isnt " this "
@type = typeof window [ @ owner ] [ @ prop ]
@ buildShortName ( )
buildShortName: ->
@shortName = @ prop
if @ type is ' function ' then @ shortName += " () "
if @ type isnt ' snippet ' then @shortName = " #{ @ owner } . #{ @ shortName } "
@shorterName = @ shortName . replace ' this. ' , ' '
@ shortName += ' ; '
title: ->
typeStr = @ type
if @ type is ' function ' and @ owner is ' this '
typeStr = ' method '
if @ type isnt ' function ' and not @ writable
typeStr += ' (read-only) '
nameStr = @ shortName
""" <h4> #{ nameStr } - <code class= \" prop-type \" > #{ typeStr } </code></h4> """
html: ->
s = markedWithImages ( @ doc ( ) )
if @ type in [ ' function ' , ' snippet ' ]
exampleCode = @ example ( )
if exampleCode . split ( ' \n ' ) . length > 1
exampleCode = " ``` \n #{ exampleCode } ``` "
exampleCode = " ` #{ exampleCode } ` "
s += marked ( " **Example**: \n #{ exampleCode } " )
args = @ args ? ( ) or [ ]
if args . length
s += marked ( " **Arguments**: " )
s += ( arg . html ( ) for arg in args ) . join ( ' ' )
s += @ value ( )
value: ->
< strong > Current value < / strong > :
< code class = \ " current-value \" data-prop= \" #{ @ prop } \" > #{ @ formatValue ( ) } </code>
doc: ->
This does something . I think .
example: ->
s = " #{ @ owner } . #{ @ shortName } ; "
if @ type is ' function '
exampleArgs = ( arg . example ? arg . default ? arg . name for arg in @ args ? ( ) ? [ ] ) . join ' , '
s = " #{ @ owner } . #{ @ prop } ( #{ exampleArgs } ); "
formatValue: ->
if @ owner is ' this '
v = @ thang [ @ prop ]
v = window [ @ owner ] [ @ prop ]
if @ type is ' number ' and not isNaN v
if v == Math . round v
return v
return v . toFixed 2
if _ . isString v
return " \" #{ v } \" "
module.exports.Arg = class Arg
constructor: (@name, @type, @example, @description, @default) ->
html: ->
s = " ` #{ @ name } `: ` #{ @ type } ` "
if @ example then s += " (ex: ` #{ @ example } `) "
if @ description then s += " \n #{ @ description } "
if @ default ? then s += " \n *Default value*: ` #{ @ default } ` "
marked s
module.exports.Level = class Level
constructor: (@world) ->
docID: (docName="doc") ->
" level-doc- #{ docName } "
html: (docName="doc", title, buttons) ->
forVictory = docName is " victory "
docID = @ docID docName
title ? = @ world . name + ( if forVictory then " Complete " else " " )
docHTML = if @ [ docName ] then markedWithImages ( @ [ docName ] ( ) ) else " No #{ docName } . Wail! "
if forVictory
buttonHTML = @ victoryButtons ( )
buttonHTML = @ buttons ( buttons ? [ " I ' m Ready. " ] )
""" <div id= " #{ docID } " class= " level-doc modal hide fade " tabindex= " -1 " >
< div class = " modal-header " >
< button type = " button " class = " close " data - dismiss = " modal " > × < / button >
< h3 > #{title}</h3>
< / div >
< div class = " modal-body " >
< / div >
< div class = " modal-footer " >
< / div >
< / div >
doc: ->
Venusaur ? Oh no , counterattack with whatever you feel like , man !
victory: ->
Detect it , it it no going and you tell me do things I done runnin ' .
buttons: (names) ->
buttonHTML = [ ]
for name in names
buttonHTML . push (
< button class = " btn btn-primary " data - dismiss = " modal " > #{name}</button>
buttonHTML . join ' '
victoryButtons: ->
buttons = """
< button id = " victory-stay " data - dismiss = " modal " class = " btn " > Stay A While < / button >
< a href = " / " class = " btn " > Go Home < / a >
if me . get ' anonymous '
buttons += """
< button class = " btn btn-success sign-up-button " > Sign Up for Updates < / button >
if @ world . nextLevel
buttons += """
< a href = " /play/level/ #{ @ world . nextLevel } " class = " btn btn-primary " data - dismiss = " modal " > Next Level < / a >
buttons += """
< div class = " share-buttons " >
2014-01-08 02:15:52 -08:00
< div class = " g-plusone " data - href = " http://codecombat.com " data - size = " medium " > < / div >
2014-01-03 10:32:13 -08:00
< div class = " fb-like " data - href = " http://codecombat.com " data - send = " false " data - layout = " button_count " data - width = " 350 " data - show - faces = " true " > < / div >
< / div >
D = { } # save typing for all these things
# Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
# GitHub Flavored Markdown: https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown
# Our Markdown parser and compiler: https://github.com/chjj/marked
# I have extended the img syntax to take width and height (preventing flicker).
D.ifElse = class IfElse extends Doc
buildShortName: ->
@shortName = @shorterName = " if/else "
doc: ->
The ` if ` control statement lets you choose whether to run the following code based on whether the condition evaluates truthily .
You can add an optional ` else ` clause to run instead when the condition evaluates falsily .
example: ->
if ( 2 + 2 === 4 ) {
/ / Code here
else {
/ / Code here
D.forLoop = class ForLoop extends Doc
buildShortName: ->
@shortName = @shorterName = " for-loop "
doc: ->
The ` for ` loop lets you run code many times . It has four parts:
* initial setup: ` var i = 0 ; ` ( run at the beginning )
* loop condition: ` i < 10 ; ` ( code runs while this is true )
* loop iteration: ` i += 1 ` ( runs after every iteration )
* main loop code: ` console . log ( " Counted to " , i ) ; `
example: ->
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i += 1 ) {
/ / Code here
D.whileLoop = class WhileLoop extends Doc
buildShortName: ->
@shortName = @shorterName = " while-loop "
doc: ->
The ` while ` loop lets you run code many times - - as long as the condition is true .
example: ->
var i = 10 ;
while ( i < 10 ) {
/ / Code here
i -= 1 ;
D.rotateTo = class RotateTo extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` rotateTo ` method rotates the #{@thang.spriteName}. 
Use this method to change the direction that the #{@thang.spriteName} shoots.
args: ->
[ new Arg " degrees " , " number " , " 180 " , " Desired rotation in degrees " ]
D.shoot = class Shoot extends Doc
doc: ->
Calling ` this . shoot ( ) ; ` makes the #{@thang.spriteName} choose the `shoot` action.
It ' s equivalent to: `this.setAction(this.actions.shoot);`
D.pos = class Pos extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` x ` ( horizontal ) and ` y ` ( vertical ) coordinates of the #{@thang.spriteName}'s center.
D.rotation = class Rotation extends Doc
doc: ->
The #{@thang.spriteName}'s rotation in radians (`0` to `2 * Math.PI`).
Use the ` rotateTo ` method to set this value .
D.degrees = class Degrees extends Doc
doc: ->
The #{@thang.spriteName}'s rotation in degrees (`0` to `360`).
Use the ` rotateTo ` method to set this value .
D.attackRange = class AttackRange extends Doc
doc: ->
How far the #{@thang.spriteName}'s attack reaches, in meters.
D.health = class Health extends Doc
doc: ->
How many health points the #{@thang.spriteName} has left.
D.team = class Team extends Doc
doc: ->
What team the #{@thang.spriteName} is on.
D.actions = class Actions extends Doc
doc: ->
The #{@thang.spriteName}'s available actions.
To , say , move , use: ` this . setAction ( " move " ) ; `
formatValue: () ->
v = @ thang [ @ prop ]
' [ ' + ( " \" #{ actionName } \" " for actionName of v ) . join ( ' , ' ) + ' ] '
D.action = class Action extends Doc
doc: ->
The current action the #{@thang.spriteName} is running.
To change this , use the ` setAction ` method .
D.setAction = class SetAction extends Doc
doc: ->
Sets the action that the #{@thang.spriteName} is running. Only actions in `this.actions` are valid.
#For example, if `this.action` is currently `"idle"` and you want it to move instead, you'd set a target location, then: `this.setAction("move");`
args: ->
exampleAction = " idle "
for action in [ " move " , " shoot " , " attack " ]
if @ thang . actions [ action ]
exampleAction = action
unless exampleAction
exampleAction = _ . some @ thang . actions , " name "
exampleAction = " \" #{ exampleAction } \" "
[ new Arg " action " , " object " , exampleAction , " The action to perform (must be one of `this.actions`). " ]
D.target = class Target extends Doc
doc: ->
The current target upon which the #{@thang.spriteName} is running its `action`.
To change this , use the ` setTarget ` method .
formatValue: () ->
v = @ thang [ @ prop ]
if v ? then v . toString ( ) else ' null '
D.setTarget = class SetTarget extends Doc
doc: ->
Sets what the #{@thang.spriteName} is targeting with its current `action`, such as an enemy to attack or a position to move to.
#For example, if `this.action` is currently `this.actions.move`, the #{@thang.spriteName} will move toward its `target`; if its action is `this.actions.attack`, it will try to attack its target.
#For some actions, you can also pass `x` and `y` coordinates as a target instead of another unit: `this.setTarget(65, 40);`
args: ->
exampleTarget = " 65, 40 "
for [ methods , code ] in [ [ [ " getNearestEnemy " ] , " this.getNearestEnemy() " ] ,
[ [ " pos " , " move " ] , " this.pos.x + 20, this.pos.y - 20 " ] ,
[ [ " attack " ] , " enemy " ] ,
[ [ " shoot " ] , " enemy " ] ]
if ( m for m in methods when m in @ thang . programmableProperties ) . length
exampleTarget = code
[ new Arg " target " , " object " , exampleTarget , " The new target upon which to act. " ]
D.chooseAction = class ChooseAction extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` chooseAction ` method is run every frame , allowing the #{@thang.spriteName} a chance to look at the world and decide what action to pursue this frame.
To see available actions , hover over the ` actions ` property below . To choose an action , say ` attack ` , you can write: ` this . setAction ( this . actions . attack ) ; `
D.plan = class Plan extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` plan ` method ( spell ) is where you write a sequence of methods ( spells ) to command the #{@thang.spriteName}.
Type your methods into the Spell Editor below . Hover over your available methods at the bottom to see what they do .
example: ->
this . moveRight ( ) ;
this . moveRight ( ) ;
this . attackNearbyEnemy ( ) ;
D.attack = class Attack extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` attack ` method takes an enemy ` target ` , sets the #{@thang.spriteName}'s `target` to that `target` with the `setTarget` method, and sets the #{@thang.spriteName}'s `action` to the `this.actions.attack` action with the `setAction` method.
args: ->
exampleTarget = " enemy "
for [ methods , code ] in [ [ [ " getNearestEnemy " ] , " this.getNearestEnemy() " ] ,
[ [ " getEnemies " ] , " this.getEnemies()[0] " ] ]
if ( m for m in methods when m in @ thang . programmableProperties ) . length
exampleTarget = code
[ new Arg " target " , " object " , exampleTarget , " The target enemy to attack. " ]
D.moveXY = class MoveXY extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` moveXY ` method sets the #{@thang.spriteName}'s `targetPos` to the given `(x, y)` coordinates and also sets the #{@thang.spriteName}'s `action` to `move`.
args: ->
new Arg " x " , " number " , " 24 " , " The x coordinate toward which to move. "
new Arg " y " , " number " , " 35 " , " The y coordinate toward which to move. "
D.distanceTo = class DistanceTo extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns the distance in meters to the ` target ` unit from the center of the #{@thang.spriteName}.
args: ->
exampleTarget = " enemy "
for [ methods , code ] in [ #[["getNearestEnemy"], "this.getNearestEnemy()"],
[ [ " getEnemies " ] , " this.getEnemies()[0] " ] ,
[ [ " getFriends " ] , " this.getFriends()[0] " ] ]
if ( m for m in methods when m in @ thang . programmableProperties ) . length
exampleTarget = code
[ new Arg " target " , " object " , exampleTarget , " The target unit whose distance you want to measure. " ]
D.getEnemies = class GetEnemies extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns an array of all living enemies within eyesight .
example: ->
var enemies = this . getEnemies ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < enemies . length ; ++ i ) {
var enemy = enemies [ i ] ;
/ / Do something with each enemy here
this . attack ( enemy ) ; / / Example
D.getFriends = class GetFriends extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns an array of all living friends within eyesight .
example: ->
var friends = this . getFriends ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < friends . length ; ++ i ) {
var friend = friends [ i ] ;
/ / Do something with each friend here
this . follow ( friend ) ; / / Example
D.getItems = class GetItems extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns an array of all living items within eyesight .
example: ->
var items = this . getItems ( )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < items . length ; ++ i ) {
var item = items [ i ] ;
/ / Do something with each item here
this . move ( item . pos ) ; / / Example
D.attackNearbyEnemy = class GetNearbyEnemy extends Doc
doc: ->
Attacks any enemy within #{@thang.attackNearbyEnemyRange ? 5} meters of the #{@thang.spriteName}.
D.getNearestEnemy = class GetNearestEnemy extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns the closest living enemy , or ` null ` if there aren \ ' t any.
example: ->
var enemy = this . getNearestEnemy ( ) ;
D.getNearestFriend = class GetNearestFriend extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns the closest living friend , or ` null ` if there aren \ ' t any.
example: ->
var friend = this . getNearestFriend ( ) ;
D.getNearestCombtaant = class GetNearestCombatant extends Doc
doc: ->
Returns the closest living friend or foe , or ` null ` if there aren \ ' t any.
example: ->
var enemy = this . getNearestCombatant ( ) ;
D.attackXY = class AttackXY extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` attackXY ` method makes the #{@thang.spriteName} attack the ground at the given `(x, y)` coordinates.
args: ->
new Arg " x " , " number " , " 24 " , " The x coordinate to attack. "
new Arg " y " , " number " , " 35 " , " The y coordinate to attack. "
D.patrol = class Patrol extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` patrol ` method causes the #{@thang.spriteName} to move between the given waypoints in a loop. When combined with code to `attack` nearby enemies, you can use it to guard an area.
args: ->
[ new Arg " patrolPoints " , " array " , " [{x: 15, y: 45}, {x: 30, y: 40}, {x: 25, y: 35}] " , " An array of positions to move between. " ]
D.attackNearestEnemy = class AttackNearestEnemy extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` attackNearestEnemy ` method causes the #{@thang.spriteName} to charge at the nearest enemy and try to slay it.
D.moveRight = class MoveRight extends Doc
doc: ->
Moves the #{@thang.spriteName} right by #{@thang.simpleMoveDistance} meters.
example: ->
this . moveRight ( ) ;
D.moveLeft = class MoveLeft extends Doc
doc: ->
Moves the #{@thang.spriteName} left by #{@thang.simpleMoveDistance} meters.
example: ->
this . moveLeft ( ) ;
D.moveUp = class MoveUp extends Doc
doc: ->
Moves the #{@thang.spriteName} up by #{@thang.simpleMoveDistance} meters.
example: ->
this . moveUp ( ) ;
D.moveDown = class MoveDown extends Doc
doc: ->
Moves the #{@thang.spriteName} down by #{@thang.simpleMoveDistance} meters.
example: ->
this . moveDown ( ) ;
D.say = class Say extends Doc
doc: ->
Makes the #{@thang.spriteName} say the given message. Anything within #{@thang.voiceRange ? 20} meters will hear it.
args: ->
[ new Arg " message " , " string " , " \" Follow me! \" " , " The message to say. " ]
D.chaseAndAttack = class ChaseAndAttack extends Doc
doc: ->
Makes the #{@thang.spriteName} attack `target` if in range, otherwise move to `target`.
args: ->
[ new Arg " target " , " object " , " this.getNearestEnemy() " , " The unit to chase and attack. " ]
D.wait = class Wait extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` wait ( ) ` method makes the #{@thang.spriteName} wait for a moment before continuing to execute the rest of the code.
It currently doesn ' t work inside nested functions in a `plan()` method.
args: ->
new Arg " duration " , " number " , " 0.1 " , " Number of seconds to wait. "
D.addRect = class AddRect extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` addRect ( ) ` method adds a rectangle centered at the given ` ( x , y ) ` coordinate with the given ` width ` and ` height ` .
args: ->
new Arg " x " , " number " , " 30 " , " x-coordinate of center of the rectangle. "
new Arg " y " , " number " , " 12 " , " y-coordinate of center of the rectangle. "
new Arg " width " , " number " , " 4 " , " width of the rectangle. "
new Arg " height " , " number " , " 24 " , " height of the rectangle. "
D.removeRectAt = class RemoveRectAt extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` removeRectAt ( ) ` method removes a previously added rectangle centered at the given ` ( x , y ) ` coordinate .
args: ->
new Arg " x " , " number " , " 30 " , " x-coordinate of center of the rectangle to remove. "
new Arg " y " , " number " , " 12 " , " y-coordinate of center of the rectangle to remove. "
D.getNavGrid = class GetNavGrid extends Doc
doc: ->
The ` getNavGrid ( ) ` method returns an undocumented data structure CodeCombat uses in its pathfinding system . Sorry - - will improve .
Just use its ` grid ` property , which is a two - dimensional array with one - meter resolution indicating where the walls are:
` ` `
var grid = this . getNavGrid ( ) . grid ;
var y = 12 ;
var x = 30 ;
var occupied = grid [ y ] [ x ] . length > 0 ;
` ` `
D.spawnedRectangles = class SpawnedRectangles extends Doc
doc: ->
An array of rectangle objects which have been added with the ` addRect ( ) ` method .
You can get a rectangle ' s dimensions, like this:
` ` `
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . spawnedRectangles . length ; ++ i ) {
var rect = this . spawnedRectangles [ i ] ;
/ / rect . pos . x , rect . pos . y , rect . width , rect . height
` ` `
D.pow = class Pow extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns ` base ` to the ` exponent ` power , that is , < code > base < sup > exponent < / sup > < / code > .
example: ->
Math . pow ( 7 , 2 ) ; / / returns 49
args: ->
new Arg " base " , " number " , " 7 " , " The base number. "
new Arg " exponent " , " number " , " 2 " , " The exponent used to raise the `base`. "
D.sqrt = class Sqrt extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns the square root of a non - negative number . Equivalent to ` Math . pow ( x , 0.5 ) ` .
example: ->
Math . sqrt ( 49 ) ; / / returns 7
args: ->
[ new Arg " x " , " number " , " 49 " , " " ]
D.sin = class Sin extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns the sine of a number ( between - 1 and 1 ) .
example: ->
Math . sin ( Math . PI / 4 ) ; / / returns √ 2
args: ->
[ new Arg " x " , " number " , " Math.PI / 2 " , " A number in radians. " ]
D.cos = class Cos extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns the cosine of a number ( between - 1 and 1 ) .
example: ->
Math . cos ( 3 * Math . PI / 4 ) ; / / returns - √ 2
args: ->
[ new Arg " x " , " number " , " Math.PI / 2 " , " A number in radians. " ]
D.tan = class Tan extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns the tangent of a number ( between - 1 and 1 ) .
example: ->
Math . tan ( Math . PI / 4 ) ; / / returns 0.9999999999999999
args: ->
[ new Arg " x " , " number " , " Math.PI / 2 " , " A number in radians. " ]
D.atan2 = class Atan2 extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments - - a numeric value between - π and π representing the counterclockwise angle theta of an ( x , y ) point and the positive X axis .
args: ->
new Arg " y " , " number " , " 90 " , " "
new Arg " x " , " number " , " 15 " , " "
D.PI = class PI extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter , approximately 3.14159 .
D.random = class Random extends Doc
owner: " Math "
doc: ->
Returns a random number x such that 0 <= x < 1 .