2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView'
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal'
template = require 'templates/core/create-account-modal/basic-info-view'
forms = require 'core/forms'
errors = require 'core/errors'
User = require 'models/User'
State = require 'models/State'
This view handles the primary form for user details — name, email, password, etc,
and the AJAX that actually creates the user.
It also handles facebook/g+ login, which if used, open one of two other screens:
sso-already-exists: If the facebook/g+ connection is already associated with a user, they're given a log in button
sso-confirm: If this is a new facebook/g+ connection, ask for a username, then allow creation of a user
The sso-confirm view *inherits from this view* in order to share its account-creation logic and events.
This means the selectors used in these events must work in both templates.
This view currently uses the old form API instead of stateful render.
It needs some work to make error UX and rendering better, but is functional.
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
module.exports = class BasicInfoView extends CocoView
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
id: 'basic-info-view'
template: template
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
'change input[name="email"]': 'onChangeEmail'
'change input[name="name"]': 'onChangeName'
2016-07-08 13:31:40 -04:00
'change input[name="password"]': 'onChangePassword'
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
'click .back-button': 'onClickBackButton'
'submit form': 'onSubmitForm'
'click .use-suggested-name-link': 'onClickUseSuggestedNameLink'
'click #facebook-signup-btn': 'onClickSsoSignupButton'
'click #gplus-signup-btn': 'onClickSsoSignupButton'
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
initialize: ({ @signupState } = {}) ->
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
@state = new State {
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
suggestedNameText: '...'
checkEmailState: 'standby' # 'checking', 'exists', 'available'
checkEmailValue: null
checkEmailPromise: null
checkNameState: 'standby' # same
checkNameValue: null
checkNamePromise: null
error: ''
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
@listenTo @state, 'change:checkEmailState', -> @renderSelectors('.email-check')
@listenTo @state, 'change:checkNameState', -> @renderSelectors('.name-check')
@listenTo @state, 'change:error', -> @renderSelectors('.error-area')
@listenTo @signupState, 'change:facebookEnabled', -> @renderSelectors('.auth-network-logins')
@listenTo @signupState, 'change:gplusEnabled', -> @renderSelectors('.auth-network-logins')
2016-07-08 13:31:40 -04:00
# These values are passed along to AuthModal if the user clicks "Sign In" (handled by CreateAccountModal)
updateAuthModalInitialValues: (values) ->
@signupState.set {
authModalInitialValues: _.merge @signupState.get('authModalInitialValues'), values
}, { silent: true }
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
2016-07-08 13:31:40 -04:00
onChangeEmail: (e) ->
@updateAuthModalInitialValues { email: @$(e.currentTarget).val() }
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
checkEmail: ->
email = @$('[name="email"]').val()
2016-07-07 19:55:57 -04:00
if email is @state.get('checkEmailValue')
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
return @state.get('checkEmailPromise')
if not (email and forms.validateEmail(email))
checkEmailState: 'standby'
checkEmailValue: email
checkEmailPromise: null
2016-07-07 19:55:57 -04:00
return Promise.resolve()
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
checkEmailState: 'checking'
checkEmailValue: email
checkEmailPromise: (User.checkEmailExists(email)
.then ({exists}) =>
return unless email is @$('[name="email"]').val()
if exists
@state.set('checkEmailState', 'exists')
@state.set('checkEmailState', 'available')
.catch (e) =>
@state.set('checkEmailState', 'standby')
throw e
return @state.get('checkEmailPromise')
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
2016-07-08 13:31:40 -04:00
onChangeName: (e) ->
@updateAuthModalInitialValues { name: @$(e.currentTarget).val() }
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
checkName: ->
name = @$('input[name="name"]').val()
if name is @state.get('checkNameValue')
return @state.get('checkNamePromise')
if not name
checkNameState: 'standby'
checkNameValue: name
checkNamePromise: null
return Promise.resolve()
checkNameState: 'checking'
checkNameValue: name
checkNamePromise: (User.checkNameConflicts(name)
.then ({ suggestedName, conflicts }) =>
return unless name is @$('input[name="name"]').val()
if conflicts
suggestedNameText = $.i18n.t('signup.name_taken').replace('{{suggestedName}}', suggestedName)
@state.set({ checkNameState: 'exists', suggestedNameText })
@state.set { checkNameState: 'available' }
2016-07-07 19:19:11 -04:00
.catch (error) =>
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
@state.set('checkNameState', 'standby')
throw error
2016-07-08 13:31:40 -04:00
return @state.get('checkNamePromise')
onChangePassword: (e) ->
@updateAuthModalInitialValues { password: @$(e.currentTarget).val() }
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
checkBasicInfo: (data) ->
# TODO: Move this to somewhere appropriate
'email': (email) ->
if forms.validateEmail(email)
return null
return {code: tv4.errorCodes.FORMAT_CUSTOM, message: "Please enter a valid email address."}
res = tv4.validateMultiple data, @formSchema()
forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$('form'), res.errors) unless res.valid
return res.valid
formSchema: ->
type: 'object'
email: User.schema.properties.email
name: User.schema.properties.name
password: User.schema.properties.password
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
required: ['email', 'name', 'password'].concat (if @signupState.get('path') is 'student' then ['firstName', 'lastName'] else [])
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
onClickBackButton: -> @trigger 'nav-back'
onClickUseSuggestedNameLink: (e) ->
onSubmitForm: (e) ->
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
data = forms.formToObject(e.currentTarget)
valid = @checkBasicInfo(data)
return unless valid
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
AbortError = new Error()
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
.then @checkName()
.then =>
if not (@state.get('checkEmailState') is 'available' and @state.get('checkNameState') is 'available')
throw AbortError
# update User
emails = _.assign({}, me.get('emails'))
emails.generalNews ?= {}
emails.generalNews.enabled = @$('#subscribe-input').is(':checked')
me.set('emails', emails)
unless _.isNaN(@signupState.get('birthday').getTime())
me.set('birthday', @signupState.get('birthday').toISOString())
me.set(_.omit(@signupState.get('ssoAttrs') or {}, 'email', 'facebookID', 'gplusID'))
me.set('name', @$('input[name="name"]').val())
jqxhr = me.save()
if not jqxhr
throw new Error('Could not save user')
return new Promise(jqxhr.then)
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
.then =>
# Use signup method
switch @signupState.get('ssoUsed')
when 'gplus'
{ email, gplusID } = @signupState.get('ssoAttrs')
jqxhr = me.signupWithGPlus(email, gplusID)
when 'facebook'
{ email, facebookID } = @signupState.get('ssoAttrs')
jqxhr = me.signupWithFacebook(email, facebookID)
{ email, password } = forms.formToObject(@$el)
jqxhr = me.signupWithPassword(email, password)
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
return new Promise(jqxhr.then)
.then =>
{ classCode, classroom } = @signupState.attributes
if classCode and classroom
return new Promise(classroom.joinWithCode(classCode).then)
.then =>
.catch (e) =>
if e is AbortError
console.error 'BasicInfoView form submission Promise error:', e
@state.set('error', e.responseJSON?.message or 'Unknown Error')
finishSignup: ->
@trigger 'signup'
displayFormSubmitting: ->
@$('#create-account-btn').text($.i18n.t('signup.creating')).attr('disabled', true)
@$('input').attr('disabled', true)
displayFormStandingBy: ->
@$('#create-account-btn').text($.i18n.t('signup.create_account')).attr('disabled', false)
@$('input').attr('disabled', false)
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
onClickSsoSignupButton: (e) ->
ssoUsed = $(e.currentTarget).data('sso-used')
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
handler = if ssoUsed is 'facebook' then application.facebookHandler else application.gplusHandler
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
context: @
success: ->
context: @
success: (ssoAttrs) ->
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
@signupState.set { ssoAttrs }
{ email } = ssoAttrs
User.checkEmailExists(email).then ({exists}) =>
@signupState.set {
email: ssoAttrs.email
if exists
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
@trigger 'sso-connect:already-in-use'
2016-06-30 18:32:58 -04:00
2016-06-07 17:51:41 -04:00
@trigger 'sso-connect:new-user'