
1159 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/play/world-map-view'
LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession'
EarnedAchievement = require 'models/EarnedAchievement'
CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer'
LevelSetupManager = require 'lib/LevelSetupManager'
ThangType = require 'models/ThangType'
MusicPlayer = require 'lib/surface/MusicPlayer'
storage = require 'core/storage'
AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal'
SubscribeModal = require 'views/core/SubscribeModal'
Level = require 'models/Level'
trackedHourOfCode = false
class LevelSessionsCollection extends CocoCollection
url: ''
model: LevelSession
constructor: (model) ->
@url = "/db/user/#{}/level.sessions?project=state.complete,levelID"
module.exports = class WorldMapView extends RootView
id: 'world-map-view'
template: template
'subscribe-modal:subscribed': 'onSubscribed'
'click .map-background': 'onClickMap'
'click .level a': 'onClickLevel'
'click .level-info-container .start-level': 'onClickStartLevel'
'mouseenter .level a': 'onMouseEnterLevel'
'mouseleave .level a': 'onMouseLeaveLevel'
'mousemove .map': 'onMouseMoveMap'
'click #volume-button': 'onToggleVolume'
constructor: (options, @terrain) ->
if options and application.isIPAdApp # TODO: later only clear the SuperModel if it has received a memory warning (not in app store yet)
options.supermodel = null
@terrain ?= 'dungeon' # or 'forest', 'desert'
super options
options ?= {}
@campaign = new Campaign({_id:campaignHandle})
@supermodel.loadModel(@campaign, 'campaign')
@editorMode = options.editorMode
@nextLevel = @getQueryVariable 'next'
@levelStatusMap = {}
@levelPlayCountMap = {}
@sessions = @supermodel.loadCollection(new LevelSessionsCollection(), 'your_sessions', null, 0).model
# Temporary attempt to make sure all earned rewards are accounted for. Figure out a better solution...
@earnedAchievements = new CocoCollection([], {url: '/db/earned_achievement', model:EarnedAchievement, project: ['earnedRewards']})
@listenToOnce @earnedAchievements, 'sync', ->
earned = me.get('earned')
addedSomething = false
for m in @earnedAchievements.models
continue unless loadedEarned = m.get('earnedRewards')
for group in ['heroes', 'levels', 'items']
continue unless loadedEarned[group]
for reward in loadedEarned[group]
if reward not in earned[group]
console.warn 'Filling in a gap for reward', group, reward
addedSomething = true
@supermodel.loadCollection(@earnedAchievements, 'achievements')
@listenToOnce @sessions, 'sync', @onSessionsLoaded
$(window).on 'resize', @onWindowResize
@probablyCachedMusic = storage.load("loaded-menu-music")
musicDelay = if @probablyCachedMusic then 1000 else 10000
@playMusicTimeout = _.delay (=> @playMusic() unless @destroyed), musicDelay
@hadEverChosenHero = me.get('heroConfig')?.thangType
@listenTo me, 'change:purchased', -> @renderSelectors('#gems-count')
@listenTo me, 'change:spent', -> @renderSelectors('#gems-count')
@listenTo me, 'change:heroConfig', -> @updateHero()
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Loaded World Map', category: 'World Map', ['Google Analytics']
# If it's a new player who didn't appear to come from Hour of Code, we register her here without setting the hourOfCode property.
elapsed = (new Date() - new Date(me.get('dateCreated')))
if not trackedHourOfCode and not me.get('hourOfCode') and elapsed < 5 * 60 * 1000
$('body').append($('<img src="" style="visibility: hidden;">'))
trackedHourOfCode = true
@requiresSubscription = not me.isPremium()
destroy: ->
@$el.find('.ui-draggable').draggable 'destroy'
$(window).off 'resize', @onWindowResize
if ambientSound = @ambientSound
# Doesn't seem to work; stops immediately.
createjs.Tween.get(ambientSound).to({volume: 0.0}, 1500).call -> ambientSound.stop()
clearTimeout @playMusicTimeout
getLevelPlayCounts: ->
return unless me.isAdmin()
success = (levelPlayCounts) =>
return if @destroyed
for level in levelPlayCounts
@levelPlayCountMap[level._id] = playtime: level.playtime, sessions: level.sessions
@render() if @fullyRendered
levelIDs = []
for campaign in campaigns
for level in campaign.levels
levelPlayCountsRequest = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'play_counts', {
url: '/db/level/-/play_counts'
data: {ids: levelIDs}
method: 'POST'
success: success
}, 0
onLoaded: ->
return if @fullyRendered
@fullyRendered = true
@preloadTopHeroes() unless me.get('heroConfig')?.thangType
onSubscribed: ->
@requiresSubscription = false
getRenderData: (context={}) ->
context = super(context)
context.campaign = _.find campaigns, { id: @terrain }
for level in context.campaign.levels
level.x ?= 10 + 80 * Math.random()
level.y ?= 10 + 80 * Math.random()
level.locked = not me.ownsLevel level.original
window.levelUnlocksNotWorking = true if level.locked and is @nextLevel # Temporary
level.locked = false if window.levelUnlocksNotWorking # Temporary; also possible in HeroVictoryModal
level.locked = false if @levelStatusMap[] in ['started', 'complete']
level.locked = false if me.get('slug') is 'nick'
level.locked = false if @editorMode
level.disabled = false if @levelStatusMap[] in ['started', 'complete']
level.color = 'rgb(255, 80, 60)'
if level.requiresSubscription
level.color = 'rgb(80, 130, 200)'
if level.unlocksHero
level.unlockedHero = level.unlocksHero.originalID in (me.get('earned')?.heroes or [])
level.hidden = level.locked or level.disabled
## put lower levels in last, so in the world map they layer over one another properly.
#context.campaign.levels = (_.sortBy context.campaign.levels, 'y').reverse()
# Actually, there's some logic that depends on the order of iteration of levels to determine
# which one to do next when you're coming here not from a level; can we do this another way?
context.levelStatusMap = @levelStatusMap
context.levelPlayCountMap = @levelPlayCountMap
context.isIPadApp = application.isIPadApp
context.mapType = _.string.slugify @terrain
context.nextLevel = @nextLevel
context.forestIsAvailable = @startedForestLevel or (Level.levels['defense-of-plainswood'] in (me.get('earned')?.levels or []))
context.desertIsAvailable = @startedDesertLevel or (Level.levels['the-mighty-sand-yak'] in (me.get('earned')?.levels or []))
context.requiresSubscription = @requiresSubscription
context.editorMode = @editorMode
afterRender: ->
unless application.isIPadApp
_.defer => @$el?.find('.game-controls .btn').tooltip() # Have to defer or i18n doesn't take effect.
@$el.find('.level').tooltip().each ->
return unless me.isAdmin()
$(@).draggable().on 'dragstop', ->
bg = $('.map-background')
x = ($(@).offset().left - bg.offset().left + $(@).outerWidth() / 2) / bg.width()
y = 1 - ($(@).offset().top - bg.offset().top + $(@).outerHeight() / 2) / bg.height()
console.log "#{$(@).data('level-id')}\n x: #{(100 * x).toFixed(2)}\n y: #{(100 * y).toFixed(2)}\n"
@$el.addClass _.string.slugify @terrain
unless window.currentModal or not @fullyRendered
@highlightElement '', delay: 500, duration: 60000, rotation: 0, sides: ['top']
if levelID = @$el.find('').data('level-id')
@$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show() unless @editorMode
pos = @$el.find('').offset()
@adjustLevelInfoPosition pageX: pos.left, pageY:
@manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID = levelID
afterInsert: ->
return unless @getQueryVariable 'signup'
return if me.get('email')
authModal = new AuthModal supermodel: @supermodel
authModal.mode = 'signup'
@openModalView authModal
onSessionsLoaded: (e) ->
if @editorMode
@startedForestLevel = true
@startedDesertLevel = true
forestLevels = ( for f in forest)
desertLevels = ( for f in desert)
for session in @sessions.models
@levelStatusMap[session.get('levelID')] = if session.get('state')?.complete then 'complete' else 'started'
@startedForestLevel = true if session.get('levelID') in forestLevels
@startedDesertLevel = true if session.get('levelID') in desertLevels
if @nextLevel and @levelStatusMap[@nextLevel] is 'complete'
@nextLevel = null
onClickMap: (e) ->
# Easy-ish way of figuring out coordinates for placing level dots.
x = e.offsetX / @$el.find('.map-background').width()
y = (1 - e.offsetY / @$el.find('.map-background').height())
console.log " x: #{(100 * x).toFixed(2)}\n y: #{(100 * y).toFixed(2)}\n"
onClickLevel: (e) ->
levelElement = $('.level')
levelID ='level-id')
campaign = _.find campaigns, id: @terrain
level = _.find campaign.levels, id: levelID
if application.isIPadApp
@$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show()
@adjustLevelInfoPosition e
if level.requiresSubscription and @requiresSubscription and not @levelStatusMap[] and not level.adventurer
@openModalView new SubscribeModal()
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Show subscription modal', category: 'Subscription', label: 'map level clicked', level: levelID
else if $('disabled')
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: '/contribute/adventurer'
else if $( 'locked'
@startLevel levelElement
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Clicked Level', category: 'World Map', levelID: levelID, ['Google Analytics']
onClickStartLevel: (e) ->
levelElement = $('.level-info-container')
@startLevel levelElement
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Clicked Start Level', category: 'World Map', levelID:'level-id'), ['Google Analytics']
startLevel: (levelElement) ->
@setupManager = new LevelSetupManager supermodel: @supermodel, levelID:'level-id'), levelPath:'level-path'), levelName:'level-name'), hadEverChosenHero: @hadEverChosenHero, parent: @
onMouseEnterLevel: (e) ->
return if application.isIPadApp
return if @editorMode
levelID = $('.level').data('level-id')
return if @manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID and levelID isnt @manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID
@$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show()
@adjustLevelInfoPosition e
@manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID = false
onMouseLeaveLevel: (e) ->
return if application.isIPadApp
levelID = $('.level').data('level-id')
return if @manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID and levelID isnt @manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID
@manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID = null
@$levelInfo = null
onMouseMoveMap: (e) ->
return if application.isIPadApp
@adjustLevelInfoPosition e unless @manuallyPositionedLevelInfoID
adjustLevelInfoPosition: (e) ->
return unless @$levelInfo
@$map ?= @$el.find('.map')
mapOffset = @$map.offset()
mapX = e.pageX - mapOffset.left
mapY = e.pageY -
margin = 20
width = @$levelInfo.outerWidth()
@$levelInfo.css('left', Math.min(Math.max(margin, mapX - width / 2), @$map.width() - width - margin))
height = @$levelInfo.outerHeight()
top = mapY - @$levelInfo.outerHeight() - 60
if top < 20
top = mapY + 60
@$levelInfo.css('top', top)
onWindowResize: (e) =>
mapHeight = iPadHeight = 1536
mapWidth = {dungeon: 2350, forest: 2500, desert: 2350}[@terrain] or 2350
aspectRatio = mapWidth / mapHeight
pageWidth = @$el.width()
pageHeight = @$el.height()
widthRatio = pageWidth / mapWidth
heightRatio = pageHeight / mapHeight
# Make sure we can see the whole map, fading to background in one dimension.
if heightRatio <= widthRatio
# Left and right margin
resultingHeight = pageHeight
resultingWidth = resultingHeight * aspectRatio
# Top and bottom margin
resultingWidth = pageWidth
resultingHeight = resultingWidth / aspectRatio
resultingMarginX = (pageWidth - resultingWidth) / 2
resultingMarginY = (pageHeight - resultingHeight) / 2
@$el.find('.map').css(width: resultingWidth, height: resultingHeight, 'margin-left': resultingMarginX, 'margin-top': resultingMarginY)
playAmbientSound: ->
return if @ambientSound
return unless file = {dungeon: 'ambient-dungeon', forest: 'ambient-map-grass', desert: 'ambient-desert'}[@terrain]
src = "/file/interface/#{file}#{AudioPlayer.ext}"
unless AudioPlayer.getStatus(src)?.loaded
AudioPlayer.preloadSound src
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'audio-player:loaded', @playAmbientSound, @
@ambientSound = src, loop: -1, volume: 0.1
createjs.Tween.get(@ambientSound).to({volume: 0.5}, 1000)
playMusic: ->
@musicPlayer = new MusicPlayer()
musicFile = '/music/music-menu'
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'music-player:play-music', play: true, file: musicFile"loaded-menu-music", true) unless @probablyCachedMusic
preloadTopHeroes: ->
for heroID in ['captain', 'knight']
url = "/db/thang.type/#{ThangType.heroes[heroID]}/version"
continue if @supermodel.getModel url
fullHero = new ThangType()
fullHero.setURL url
@supermodel.loadModel fullHero, 'thang'
updateVolume: (volume) ->
volume ?= me.get('volume') ? 1.0
classes = ['vol-off', 'vol-down', 'vol-up']
button = $('#volume-button', @$el)
button.toggleClass 'vol-off', volume <= 0.0
button.toggleClass 'vol-down', 0.0 < volume < 1.0
button.toggleClass 'vol-up', volume >= 1.0
createjs.Sound.setVolume(if volume is 1 then 0.6 else volume) # Quieter for now until individual sound FX controls work again.
if volume isnt me.get 'volume'
me.set 'volume', volume
onToggleVolume: (e) ->
button = $('#volume-button')
classes = ['vol-off', 'vol-down', 'vol-up']
volumes = [0, 0.4, 1.0]
for oldClass, i in classes
if button.hasClass oldClass
newI = (i + 1) % classes.length
else if i is classes.length - 1 # no oldClass
newI = 2
@updateVolume volumes[newI]
updateHero: ->
return unless hero = me.get('heroConfig')?.thangType
for slug, original of ThangType.heroes when original is hero
@$el.find('.player-hero-icon').removeClass().addClass('player-hero-icon ' + slug)
console.error "WorldMapView hero update couldn't find hero slug for original:", hero
dungeon = [
name: 'Dungeons of Kithgard'
type: 'hero'
id: 'dungeons-of-kithgard'
original: '5411cb3769152f1707be029c'
description: 'Grab the gem, but touch nothing else. Start here.'
x: 14
y: 15.5
continue: 'gems-in-the-deep'
name: 'Gems in the Deep'
type: 'hero'
id: 'gems-in-the-deep'
original: '54173c90844506ae0195a0b4'
description: 'Quickly collect the gems; you will need them.'
x: 29
y: 12
continue: 'shadow-guard'
name: 'Shadow Guard'
type: 'hero'
id: 'shadow-guard'
original: '54174347844506ae0195a0b8'
description: 'Evade the Kithgard minion.'
x: 40.54
y: 11.03
continue: 'forgetful-gemsmith'
name: 'Kounter Kithwise'
type: 'hero'
id: 'kounter-kithwise'
original: '54527a6257e83800009730c7'
description: 'Practice your evasion skills with more guards.'
x: 35.37
y: 20.61
continue: 'crawlways-of-kithgard'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Crawlways of Kithgard'
type: 'hero'
id: 'crawlways-of-kithgard'
original: '545287ef57e83800009730d5'
description: 'Dart in and grab the gemat the right moment.'
x: 36.48
y: 29.03
continue: 'forgetful-gemsmith'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Forgetful Gemsmith'
type: 'hero'
id: 'forgetful-gemsmith'
original: '544a98f62d002f0000fe331a'
description: 'Grab even more gems as you practice moving.'
x: 54.98
y: 10.53
continue: 'true-names'
name: 'True Names'
type: 'hero'
id: 'true-names'
original: '541875da4c16460000ab990f'
description: 'Learn an enemy\'s true name to defeat it.'
x: 68.44
y: 10.70
continue: 'the-raised-sword'
unlocksHero: {
img: '/file/db/thang.type/53e12be0d042f23505c3023b/portrait.png'
originalID: '53e12be0d042f23505c3023b'
name: 'Favorable Odds'
type: 'hero'
id: 'favorable-odds'
original: '5452972f57e83800009730de'
description: 'Test out your battle skills by defeating more munchkins.'
x: 88.25
y: 14.92
continue: 'the-raised-sword'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'The Raised Sword'
type: 'hero'
id: 'the-raised-sword'
original: '5418aec24c16460000ab9aa6'
description: 'Learn to equip yourself for combat.'
x: 81.51
y: 17.92
continue: 'haunted-kithmaze'
name: 'Haunted Kithmaze'
type: 'hero'
id: 'haunted-kithmaze'
original: '545a5914d820eb0000f6dc0a'
description: 'The builders of Kithgard constructed many mazes to confuse travelers.'
x: 78
y: 29
continue: 'the-second-kithmaze'
name: 'Riddling Kithmaze'
type: 'hero'
id: 'riddling-kithmaze'
original: '5418b9d64c16460000ab9ab4'
description: 'If at first you go astray, change your loop to find the way.'
x: 69.97
y: 28.03
continue: 'descending-further'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Descending Further'
type: 'hero'
id: 'descending-further'
original: '5452a84d57e83800009730e4'
description: 'Another day, another maze.'
x: 61.68
y: 22.80
continue: 'the-second-kithmaze'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'The Second Kithmaze'
type: 'hero'
id: 'the-second-kithmaze'
original: '5418cf256bae62f707c7e1c3'
description: 'Many have tried, few have found their way through this maze.'
x: 54.49
y: 26.49
continue: 'dread-door'
name: 'Dread Door'
type: 'hero'
id: 'dread-door'
original: '5418d40f4c16460000ab9ac2'
description: 'Behind a dread door lies a chest full of riches.'
x: 60.52
y: 33.70
continue: 'known-enemy'
name: 'Known Enemy'
type: 'hero'
id: 'known-enemy'
original: '5452adea57e83800009730ee'
description: 'Begin to use variables in your battles.'
x: 67
y: 39
continue: 'master-of-names'
name: 'Master of Names'
type: 'hero'
id: 'master-of-names'
original: '5452c3ce57e83800009730f7'
description: 'Use your glasses to defend yourself from the Kithmen.'
x: 75
y: 46
continue: 'lowly-kithmen'
name: 'Lowly Kithmen'
type: 'hero'
id: 'lowly-kithmen'
original: '541b24511ccc8eaae19f3c1f'
description: 'Now that you can see them, they\'re everywhere!'
x: 85
y: 40
continue: 'closing-the-distance'
name: 'Closing the Distance'
type: 'hero'
id: 'closing-the-distance'
original: '541b288e1ccc8eaae19f3c25'
description: 'Kithmen are not the only ones to stand in your way.'
x: 93
y: 47
continue: 'the-final-kithmaze'
name: 'Tactical Strike'
type: 'hero'
id: 'tactical-strike'
original: '5452cfa706a59e000067e4f5'
description: 'They\'re, uh, coming right for us! Sneak up behind them.'
x: 83.23
y: 52.73
continue: 'the-final-kithmaze'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'The Final Kithmaze'
type: 'hero'
id: 'the-final-kithmaze'
original: '541b434e1ccc8eaae19f3c33'
description: 'To escape you must find your way through an Elder Kithman\'s maze.'
x: 86.95
y: 64.70
continue: 'kithgard-gates'
name: 'The Gauntlet'
type: 'hero'
id: 'the-gauntlet'
original: '5452d8b906a59e000067e4fa'
description: 'Rush for the stairs, battling foes at every turn.'
x: 76.50
y: 72.69
continue: 'kithgard-gates'
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Kithgard Gates'
type: 'hero'
id: 'kithgard-gates'
original: '541c9a30c6362edfb0f34479'
description: 'Escape the Kithgard dungeons and don\'t let the guardians get you.'
x: 89
y: 82
continue: 'defense-of-plainswood'
name: 'Cavern Survival'
type: 'hero-ladder'
id: 'cavern-survival'
original: '544437e0645c0c0000c3291d'
description: 'Stay alive longer than your opponent amidst hordes of ogres!'
x: 17.54
y: 78.39
adventurer: true
forest = [
name: 'Defense of Plainswood'
type: 'hero'
id: 'defense-of-plainswood'
original: '541b67f71ccc8eaae19f3c62'
description: 'Protect the peasants from the pursuing ogres.'
continue: 'winding-trail'
x: 18
y: 37
name: 'Winding Trail'
type: 'hero'
id: 'winding-trail'
original: '5446cb40ce01c23e05ecf027'
description: 'Stay alive and navigate through the forest.'
continue: 'patrol-buster'
x: 24
y: 35
name: 'Patrol Buster'
type: 'hero'
id: 'patrol-buster'
original: '5487330d84f7b4dac246d440'
description: 'Defeat ogre patrols with new, selective targeting skills.'
continue: 'thornbush-farm'
x: 34
y: 25
name: 'Endangered Burl'
type: 'hero'
id: 'endangered-burl'
original: '546e97033f1c1c1be898402b'
description: 'Hunt ogres in the woods, but watch out for lumbering beasts.'
continue: 'thornbush-farm'
x: 29
y: 35
name: 'Village Guard'
type: 'hero'
id: 'village-guard'
original: '546e91b8a4b7840000ee92dc'
description: 'Defend a village from marauding munchkin mayhem.'
continue: 'thornbush-farm'
x: 33
y: 37
practice: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Thornbush Farm'
type: 'hero'
id: 'thornbush-farm'
original: '5447030525cce60000745e2a'
description: 'Determine refugee peasant from ogre when defending the farm.'
continue: 'back-to-back'
x: 37
y: 40
name: 'Back to Back'
type: 'hero'
id: 'back-to-back'
original: '5448330517d7283e051f9b9e'
description: 'Patrol the village entrances, but stay defensive.'
continue: 'ogre-encampment'
x: 39
y: 47.5
name: 'Ogre Encampment'
type: 'hero'
id: 'ogre-encampment'
original: '5456b3c8d5ada30000525605'
description: 'Recover stolen treasure from an ogre encampment.'
continue: 'woodland-cleaver'
x: 39
y: 55
name: 'Woodland Cleaver'
type: 'hero'
id: 'woodland-cleaver'
original: '5456bb8dd5ada30000525613'
description: 'Use your new cleave ability to fend off munchkins.'
continue: 'shield-rush'
x: 39.5
y: 61
name: 'Shield Rush'
type: 'hero'
id: 'shield-rush'
original: '5459570bb4461871053292f5'
description: 'Combine cleave and shield to endure an ogre onslaught.'
continue: 'peasant-protection'
x: 42
y: 68
# Warrior branch
name: 'Peasant Protection'
type: 'hero'
id: 'peasant-protection'
original: '545ec477e7f60fd6c55760e9'
description: 'Stay close to Victor.'
continue: 'munchkin-swarm'
x: 44.5
y: 75.5
name: 'Munchkin Swarm'
type: 'hero'
id: 'munchkin-swarm'
original: '545edba9e7f60fd6c5576133'
description: 'Loot a gigantic chest while surrounded by a swarm of ogre munchkins.'
continue: 'coinucopia'
x: 49
y: 81
# Ranger branch
name: 'Munchkin Harvest'
type: 'hero'
id: 'munchkin-harvest'
original: '5470001860f6cc376131525d'
description: 'Join forces with a new hero: Amara Arrowhead.'
continue: 'swift-dagger'
x: 38
y: 72
requiresSubscription: true
unlocksHero: {
img: '/file/db/thang.type/52fc0ed77e01835453bd8f6c/portrait.png'
originalID: '52fc0ed77e01835453bd8f6c'
name: 'Swift Dagger'
type: 'hero'
id: 'swift-dagger'
original: '54701f7860f6cc37613152a1'
description: 'Deal damage from a distance with your new hero.'
continue: 'shrapnel'
x: 33
y: 72
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Shrapnel'
type: 'hero'
id: 'shrapnel'
original: '5470291c60f6cc37613152d1'
description: 'Explore the explosive arts.'
continue: 'coinucopia'
x: 28
y: 73
requiresSubscription: true
# Wizard branch
name: 'Arcane Ally'
type: 'hero'
id: 'arcane-ally'
original: '5470b98ceb739dbc9d2402c7'
description: 'Stand your ground against large ogres with a new hero: Ms. Hushbaum.'
continue: 'touch-of-death'
x: 47
y: 71
requiresSubscription: true
unlocksHero: {
img: '/file/db/thang.type/52fbf74b7e01835453bd8d8e/portrait.png'
originalID: '529ec584c423d4e83b000014'
name: 'Touch of Death'
type: 'hero'
id: 'touch-of-death'
original: '5470ca33eb739dbc9d2402ee'
description: 'Learn your first spell to siphon life from your foes.'
continue: 'bonemender'
x: 52
y: 70
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Bonemender'
type: 'hero'
id: 'bonemender'
original: '5470d013eb739dbc9d240323'
description: 'Cast regeneration on allied soldiers to withstand a siege.'
continue: 'coinucopia'
x: 58
y: 67
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Coinucopia'
type: 'hero'
id: 'coinucopia'
original: '545bb1181e649a4495f887df'
description: 'Start playing in real-time with input flags as you collect gold coins!'
continue: 'copper-meadows'
x: 56
y: 82
name: 'Copper Meadows'
type: 'hero'
id: 'copper-meadows'
original: '5462491c688f333d05d8af38'
description: 'This level exercises: if/else, object members, variables, flag placement, and collection.'
continue: 'drop-the-flag'
x: 60
y: 86
name: 'Drop the Flag'
type: 'hero'
id: 'drop-the-flag'
original: '54626472f3c64b7b0598590c'
description: 'This level exercises: flag position, object members.'
continue: 'rich-forager'
x: 65.5
y: 91
name: 'Deadly Pursuit'
type: 'hero'
id: 'deadly-pursuit'
original: '54626f270cacde3f055434ac'
description: 'This level exercises: if/else, flag placement and timing, item collection.'
continue: 'rich-forager'
x: 74.5
y: 92
requiresSubscription: true
unlocksHero: {
img: '/file/db/thang.type/5466d449417c8b48a9811e83/portrait.png'
originalID: '5466d449417c8b48a9811e83'
name: 'Rich Forager'
type: 'hero'
id: 'rich-forager'
original: '546283ddfdd66af405fa8209'
description: 'This level exercises: if/else if, collection, combat.'
continue: 'siege-of-stonehold'
x: 80
y: 88
unlocksHero: {
img: '/file/db/thang.type/52e9adf7427172ae56002172/portrait.png'
originalID: '52e9adf7427172ae56002172'
name: 'Siege of Stonehold'
type: 'hero'
id: 'siege-of-stonehold'
original: '54712072eb739dbc9d24034b'
description: 'Unlock the desert world, if you are strong enough to win this epic battle!'
continue: 'the-dunes'
x: 85.5
y: 83.5
name: 'Multiplayer Treasure Grove'
type: 'hero-ladder'
id: 'multiplayer-treasure-grove'
original: '5469643c37600b40e0e09c5b'
description: 'Mix collection, flags, and combat in this multiplayer coin-gathering arena.'
x: 56.5
y: 20
name: 'Dueling Grounds'
type: 'hero-ladder'
id: 'dueling-grounds'
original: '5442ba0e1e835500007eb1c7'
description: 'Battle head-to-head against another hero in this basic beginner combat arena.'
x: 83
y: 23
adventurer: true
desert = [
name: 'The Dunes'
type: 'hero'
id: 'the-dunes'
original: '5480b62e1bf0b10000711c59'
description: 'Behold, the desert, full of glory, danger, and sand. Lots of sand.'
continue: 'the-mighty-sand-yak'
x: 8.47
y: 21.93
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'The Mighty Sand Yak'
type: 'hero'
id: 'the-mighty-sand-yak'
original: '5480b9d01bf0b10000711c5f'
description: 'Test your nerves by dodging huge sand yaks on the open dunes!'
continue: 'oasis'
x: 16.56
y: 27.77
requiresSubscription: false
name: 'Oasis'
type: 'hero'
id: 'oasis'
original: '5480ba761bf0b10000711c64'
description: 'Run a gauntlet of sand yaks to reach oasis and quench your thirst!'
continue: 'sarven-road'
x: 23.35
y: 31.60
requiresSubscription: false
name: 'Sarven Road'
type: 'hero'
id: 'sarven-road'
original: '548c82360ffdc235e80ef04b'
description: 'Watch out for ogre scouts on the road as you search for water.'
continue: 'sarven-gaps'
x: 28.36
y: 24.59
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
name: 'Sarven Gaps'
type: 'hero'
id: 'sarven-gaps'
original: '548c8f4a0ffdc235e80ef0a8'
description: 'Keep the oasis safe by building fences to hold back the enemy.'
continue: 'thunderhooves'
x: 21.13
y: 9.29
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Thunderhooves'
type: 'hero'
id: 'thunderhooves'
original: '548c90020ffdc235e80ef0ad'
description: 'Fence off the stampeding sand yaks to reach the next watering hole.'
continue: 'medical-attention'
x: 35.08
y: 20.48
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
name: 'Medical Attention'
type: 'hero'
id: 'medical-attention'
original: '548ce3300ffdc235e80ef0b2'
description: 'Get help from a helpful wizard while you fend off an ogre attack.'
continue: 'minesweeper'
x: 42.84
y: 21.82
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
name: 'Minesweeper'
type: 'hero'
id: 'minesweeper'
original: '5490cb7c623b972aa26b25a3'
description: 'Lead a band of hapless peasants through a treacherous canyon while you heroically trigger the mines.'
continue: 'sarven-sentry'
x: 47.64
y: 12.40
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Sarven Sentry'
type: 'hero'
id: 'sarven-sentry'
original: '548cef7f0ffdc235e80ef0cc'
description: 'Coming Soon'
continue: 'keeping-time'
x: 51.48
y: 26.09
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
disabled: not me.isAdmin()
name: 'Keeping Time'
type: 'hero'
id: 'keeping-time'
original: '548cf1a90ffdc235e80ef0d1'
description: 'Coming Soon'
continue: 'hoarding-gold'
x: 58.42
y: 34.14
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
disabled: not me.isAdmin()
name: 'Hoarding Gold'
type: 'hero'
id: 'hoarding-gold'
original: ''
description: 'Coming Soon'
continue: 'decoy-drill'
x: 61.73
y: 29.51
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
disabled: not me.isAdmin()
name: 'Decoy Drill'
type: 'hero'
id: 'decoy-drill'
original: ''
description: 'Coming Soon'
continue: 'yakstraction'
x: 62.05
y: 40.44
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
disabled: not me.isAdmin()
name: 'Yakstraction'
type: 'hero'
id: 'yakstraction'
original: ''
description: 'Coming Soon'
continue: 'sarven-brawl'
x: 66.46
y: 48.87
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: true
name: 'Sarven Brawl'
type: 'hero'
id: 'sarven-brawl'
original: '548cf2850ffdc235e80ef0d6'
description: 'Coming Soon'
# continue: ''
x: 69.01
y: 33.80
adventurer: true
requiresSubscription: false
disabled: not me.isAdmin()
WorldMapView.campaigns = campaigns = [
{id: 'dungeon', name: 'Dungeon Campaign', levels: dungeon }
{id: 'forest', name: 'Forest Campaign', levels: forest }
{id: 'desert', name: 'Desert Campaign', levels: desert }