2014-11-28 17:49:41 -08:00
RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
2014-11-04 22:17:49 -08:00
template = require 'templates/admin/growth'
RealTimeCollection = require 'collections/RealTimeCollection'
2014-11-29 15:31:34 -08:00
require 'vendor/d3'
2014-11-04 22:17:49 -08:00
# Growth View ###################
# Display interesting growth data.
# Currently shows:
# Registered user totals and added, per-day and per-month
# 7-day moving average for registered users added per-day
# TODO: @padding isn't applied correctly
# TODO: aggregate recent data if missing?
module.exports = class GrowthView extends RootView
id: 'admin-growth-view'
template: template
height: 300
width: 1000
xAxisGuideHeight: 80
yAxisGuideWidth: 60
padding: 10
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@usersPerMonth = new RealTimeCollection 'growth/users/registered/per-month'
@usersPerMonth.on 'add', @refreshData
@usersPerDay = new RealTimeCollection 'growth/users/registered/per-day'
@usersPerDay.on 'add', @refreshData
destroy: ->
@usersPerMonth.off 'add', @refreshData
@usersPerDay.off 'add', @refreshData
refreshData: =>
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.crunchingData = @usersPerMonth.length is 0 and @usersPerDay.length is 0
c.usersPerDay = []
# @usersPerDay.each (item) ->
# c.usersPerDay.push date: item.get('id'), added: item.get('added'), total: item.get('total')
c.usersPerMonth = []
# @usersPerMonth.each (item) ->
# c.usersPerMonth.push date: item.get('id'), added: item.get('added'), total: item.get('total')
afterRender: ->
if me.isAdmin()
createPerDayChart: ->
addedData = []
totalData = []
@usersPerDay.each (item) ->
addedData.push id: item.get('id'), value: item.get('added')
totalData.push id: item.get('id'), value: item.get('total')
@createLineChart ".perDayTotal", totalData, 1000
@createLineChart ".perDayAdded", addedData, 10, true
createPerMonthChart: ->
addedData = []
totalData = []
@usersPerMonth.each (item) ->
addedData.push id: item.get('id'), value: item.get('added')
totalData.push id: item.get('id'), value: item.get('total')
@createLineChart ".perMonthTotal", totalData, 1000
@createLineChart ".perMonthAdded", addedData, 1000
createLineChart: (selector, data, guidelineSpacing, sevenDayAverage=false) ->
return unless data.length > 1
minVal = d3.min(data, (d) -> d.value)
maxVal = d3.max(data, (d) -> d.value)
widthSpacing = (@width - @yAxisGuideWidth - @padding) / (data.length - 1)
y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([minVal, maxVal])
.range([@height - @xAxisGuideHeight - 2 * @padding, 0])
points = []
for i in [0...data.length]
points.push id: data[i].id, x: i * widthSpacing + @yAxisGuideWidth, y: y(data[i].value) + @padding
links = []
for i in [0...points.length - 1]
if points[i] and points[i + 1]
links.push start: points[i], end: points[i + 1]
guidelines = []
diff = maxVal - minVal
interval = Math.floor(diff / 5)
for i in [0..4]
yVal = i * interval + minVal
yVal = Math.floor(yVal / guidelineSpacing) * guidelineSpacing
guidelines.push start: {id: yVal, x: 0, y: y(yVal)}, end: {id: yVal, x: @width, y: y(yVal)}
sevenPoints = []
sevenLinks = []
if sevenDayAverage
sevenTotal = 0
for i in [0...data.length]
sevenTotal += data[i].value
if i > 5
sevenAvg = sevenTotal / 7
sevenPoints.push x: i * widthSpacing + @yAxisGuideWidth, y: y(sevenAvg) + @padding
if i > 6
sevenTotal -= data[i - 7].value
for i in [0...sevenPoints.length - 1]
if sevenPoints[i] and sevenPoints[i + 1]
sevenLinks.push start: sevenPoints[i], end: sevenPoints[i + 1]
chart = d3.select(selector)
.attr("width", @width)
.attr("height", @height)
.attr("cx", (d) -> d.x )
.attr("cy", (d) -> d.y )
.attr("r", "2px")
.attr("fill", "black")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.attr("transform", (d, i) => "translate(" + d.x + "," + @height + ") rotate(270)")
.text((d) ->
if d.id.length is 8
return "#{parseInt(d.id[4..5])}/#{parseInt(d.id[6..7])}/#{d.id[0..3]}"
return "#{parseInt(d.id[4..5])}/#{d.id[0..3]}"
.attr("x1", (d) -> d.start.x )
.attr("y1", (d) -> d.start.y )
.attr("x2", (d) -> d.end.x )
.attr("y2", (d) -> d.end.y )
.style("stroke", "rgb(6,120,155)")
.attr("cx", (d) -> d.x )
.attr("cy", (d) -> d.y )
.attr("r", "2px")
.attr("fill", "purple")
.attr("x1", (d) -> d.start.x )
.attr("y1", (d) -> d.start.y )
.attr("x2", (d) -> d.end.x )
.attr("y2", (d) -> d.end.y )
.style("stroke", "rgb(200,0,0)")
.attr("x1", (d) -> d.start.x )
.attr("y1", (d) -> d.start.y )
.attr("x2", (d) -> d.end.x )
.attr("y2", (d) -> d.end.y )
.style("stroke", "rgb(140,140,140)")
.attr("x", (d) -> d.start.x)
.attr("y", (d) -> d.start.y - 6)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text((d) -> d.start.id)