2014-07-23 10:02:45 -04:00
WorldSelectModal = require './modals/WorldSelectModal'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
ThangType = require '/models/ThangType'
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
makeButton = -> $('<a class="btn btn-primary btn-xs treema-map-button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-screenshot"></span></a>')
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
shorten = (f) -> parseFloat(f.toFixed(1))
2014-05-09 19:35:10 -04:00
WIDTH = 924
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
module.exports.WorldPointNode = class WorldPointNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.point2d
constructor: (args...) ->
console.error 'Point Treema node needs a World included in the settings.' unless @settings.world?
console.error 'Point Treema node needs a RootView included in the settings.' unless @settings.view?
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForEditing: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
onClick: (e) ->
btn = $(e.target).closest('.treema-map-button')
if btn.length then @openMap() else super(arguments...)
openMap: ->
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
modal = new WorldSelectModal(world: @settings.world, dataType: 'point', default: @getData(), supermodel: @settings.supermodel)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
modal.callback = @callback
@settings.view.openModalView modal
callback: (e) =>
return unless e?.point?
@data.x = shorten(e.point.x)
@data.y = shorten(e.point.y)
class WorldRegionNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.object
# this class is not yet used, later will be used to configure the Physical component
constructor: (args...) ->
console.error 'Region Treema node needs a World included in the settings.' unless @settings.world?
console.error 'Region Treema node needs a RootView included in the settings.' unless @settings.view?
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForEditing: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
onClick: (e) ->
btn = $(e.target).closest('.treema-map-button')
if btn.length then @openMap() else super(arguments...)
openMap: ->
modal = new WorldSelectModal(world: @settings.world, dataType: 'region', default: @createWorldBounds(), supermodel: @settings.supermodel)
modal.callback = @callback
@settings.view.openModalView modal
callback: (e) =>
x = Math.min e.points[0].x, e.points[1].x
y = Math.min e.points[0].y, e.points[1].y
2014-06-30 22:16:26 -04:00
@data.pos = {x: x, y: y, z: 0}
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
@data.width = Math.abs e.points[0].x - e.points[1].x
@data.height = Math.min e.points[0].y - e.points[1].y
createWorldBounds: ->
# not yet written
module.exports.WorldViewportNode = class WorldViewportNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.object
# selecting ratio'd dimensions in the world, ie the camera in level scripts
constructor: (args...) ->
console.error 'Viewport Treema node needs a World included in the settings.' unless @settings.world?
console.error 'Viewport Treema node needs a RootView included in the settings.' unless @settings.view?
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForEditing: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
onClick: (e) ->
btn = $(e.target).closest('.treema-map-button')
if btn.length then @openMap() else super(arguments...)
openMap: ->
# can't really get the bounds from this data, so will have to hack this solution
options = world: @settings.world, dataType: 'ratio-region'
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
data = @getData()
options.defaultFromZoom = data if data?.target?.x?
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
options.supermodel = @settings.supermodel
modal = new WorldSelectModal(options)
modal.callback = @callback
@settings.view.openModalView modal
callback: (e) =>
return unless e
target = {
x: shorten((e.points[0].x + e.points[1].x) / 2)
y: shorten((e.points[0].y + e.points[1].y) / 2)
@set('target', target)
bounds = e.camera.normalizeBounds(e.points)
@set('zoom', shorten(WIDTH / bounds.width))
module.exports.WorldBoundsNode = class WorldBoundsNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.array
# selecting camera boundaries for a world
dataType: 'region'
constructor: (args...) ->
console.error 'Bounds Treema node needs a World included in the settings.' unless @settings.world?
console.error 'Bounds Treema node needs a RootView included in the settings.' unless @settings.view?
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForEditing: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-04-24 14:50:49 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
onClick: (e) ->
btn = $(e.target).closest('.treema-map-button')
if btn.length then @openMap() else super(arguments...)
openMap: ->
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
bounds = @getData() or [{x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 100, y: 80}]
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
modal = new WorldSelectModal(world: @settings.world, dataType: 'region', default: bounds, supermodel: @settings.supermodel)
modal.callback = @callback
@settings.view.openModalView modal
callback: (e) =>
return unless e
2014-06-30 22:16:26 -04:00
@set '/0', {x: shorten(e.points[0].x), y: shorten(e.points[0].y)}
@set '/1', {x: shorten(e.points[1].x), y: shorten(e.points[1].y)}
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
module.exports.ThangNode = class ThangNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.string
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.find('input').autocomplete(source: @settings.thangIDs, minLength: 0, delay: 0, autoFocus: true)
module.exports.TeamNode = class TeamNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.string
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.find('input').autocomplete(source: @settings.teams, minLength: 0, delay: 0, autoFocus: true)
module.exports.SuperteamNode = class SuperteamNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.string
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForEditing: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.find('input').autocomplete(source: @settings.superteams, minLength: 0, delay: 0, autoFocus: true)
module.exports.RadiansNode = class RadiansNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
deg = data / Math.PI * 180
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + "rad (#{deg.toFixed(0)}˚)"
module.exports.MetersNode = class MetersNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + 'm'
module.exports.KilogramsNode = class KilogramsNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + 'kg'
module.exports.SecondsNode = class SecondsNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + 's'
module.exports.MillisecondsNode = class MillisecondsNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + 'ms'
module.exports.SpeedNode = class SpeedNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + 'm/s'
module.exports.AccelerationNode = class AccelerationNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.number
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
valEl.text valEl.text() + 'm/s^2'
module.exports.ThangTypeNode = class ThangTypeNode extends TreemaNode.nodeMap.string
valueClass: 'treema-thang-type'
constructor: (args...) ->
super args...
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
data = @getData()
@thangType = _.find @settings.supermodel.getModels(ThangType), (m) => m.get('original') is data if data
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl) ->
@buildValueForDisplaySimply(valEl, @thangType?.get('name') or 'None')
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForEditing: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
thangTypeNames = (m.get('name') for m in @settings.supermodel.getModels ThangType)
input = valEl.find('input').autocomplete(source: thangTypeNames, minLength: 0, delay: 0, autoFocus: true)
input.val(@thangType?.get('name') or 'None')
saveChanges: ->
thangTypeName = @$el.find('input').val()
@thangType = _.find @settings.supermodel.getModels(ThangType), (m) -> m.get('name') is thangTypeName
if @thangType
@data = @thangType.get('original')
@data = null
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
module.exports.ItemThangTypeNode = class ThangTypeNode extends ThangTypeNode
valueClass: 'treema-item-thang-type'
2014-08-22 14:11:05 -04:00
buildValueForDisplay: (valEl, data) ->
super(valEl, data)
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
thangTypeNames = (m.get('name') for m in @settings.supermodel.getModels ThangType when m.get('kind') is 'Item')
input = valEl.find('input').autocomplete(source: thangTypeNames, minLength: 0, delay: 0, autoFocus: true)
input.val(@thangType?.get('name') or 'None')