2015-02-04 16:54:35 -05:00
log = require 'winston'
2014-12-15 14:45:12 -05:00
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
plugins = require '../plugins/plugins'
2015-02-04 16:54:35 -05:00
utils = require '../lib/utils'
2014-12-15 14:45:12 -05:00
2015-01-14 20:51:04 -05:00
AnalyticsLogEventSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
u: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
e: Number # event analytics.string ID
p: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed
# TODO: Remove these legacy properties after we stop querying for them (probably 30 days, ~2/16/15)
user: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
event: String
properties: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed
}, {strict: false})
2015-01-27 13:02:47 -05:00
2015-01-14 16:03:02 -05:00
AnalyticsLogEventSchema.index({event: 1, _id: 1})
2014-12-15 14:45:12 -05:00
2015-02-04 16:54:35 -05:00
AnalyticsLogEventSchema.statics.logEvent = (user, event, properties) ->
unless user?
log.warn 'No user given to analytics logEvent.'
saveDoc = (eventID, slimProperties) ->
doc = new AnalyticsLogEvent
u: user
e: eventID
p: slimProperties
# TODO: Remove these legacy properties after we stop querying for them (probably 30 days, ~2/16/15)
user: user
event: event
properties: properties
utils.getAnalyticsStringID event, (eventID) ->
if eventID > 0
# TODO: properties slimming is pretty ugly
slimProperties = _.cloneDeep properties
if event in ['Clicked Level', 'Show problem alert', 'Started Level', 'Saw Victory', 'Problem alert help clicked', 'Spell palette help clicked']
delete slimProperties.level if event is 'Saw Victory'
properties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId properties.ls if properties.ls
slimProperties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId slimProperties.ls if slimProperties.ls
if slimProperties.levelID?
# levelID: string => l: string ID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.levelID, (levelStringID) ->
if levelStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.levelID
slimProperties.l = levelStringID
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
else if event in ['Script Started', 'Script Ended']
properties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId properties.ls if properties.ls
slimProperties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId slimProperties.ls if slimProperties.ls
if slimProperties.levelID? and slimProperties.label?
# levelID: string => l: string ID
# label: string => lb: string ID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.levelID, (levelStringID) ->
if levelStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.levelID
slimProperties.l = levelStringID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.label, (labelStringID) ->
if labelStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.label
slimProperties.lb = labelStringID
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
else if event is 'Heard Sprite'
properties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId properties.ls if properties.ls
slimProperties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId slimProperties.ls if slimProperties.ls
if slimProperties.message?
# message: string => m: string ID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.message, (messageStringID) ->
if messageStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.message
slimProperties.m = messageStringID
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
else if event in ['Start help video', 'Finish help video']
properties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId properties.ls if properties.ls
slimProperties.ls = mongoose.Types.ObjectId slimProperties.ls if slimProperties.ls
if slimProperties.level and slimProperties.style?
# level: string => l: string ID
# style: string => s: string ID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.level, (levelStringID) ->
if levelStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.level
slimProperties.l = levelStringID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.style, (styleStringID) ->
if styleStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.style
slimProperties.s = styleStringID
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
else if event is 'Show subscription modal'
delete properties.category
delete slimProperties.category
if slimProperties.label?
# label: string => lb: string ID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.label, (labelStringID) ->
if labelStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.label
slimProperties.lb = labelStringID
if slimProperties.level?
# level: string => l: string ID
utils.getAnalyticsStringID slimProperties.level, (levelStringID) ->
if levelStringID > 0
delete slimProperties.level
slimProperties.l = levelStringID
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
saveDoc eventID, slimProperties
log.warn "Unable to get analytics string ID for " + event
2014-12-15 14:45:12 -05:00
module.exports = AnalyticsLogEvent = mongoose.model('analytics.log.event', AnalyticsLogEventSchema)