2014-01-03 10:32:13 -08:00
__author__ = u ' schmatz '
from downloader import Downloader
import tarfile
import errors
from errors import DownloadCorruptionError
import warnings
import os
from configuration import Configuration
from dependency import Dependency
import shutil
from which import which
import subprocess
class Node ( Dependency ) :
def __init__ ( self , configuration ) :
super ( self . __class__ , self ) . __init__ ( configuration )
operating_system = configuration . system . operating_system
self . config . directory . create_directory_in_tmp ( u " node " )
if operating_system == u " mac " :
self . downloader = MacNodeDownloader ( self )
elif operating_system == u " win " :
self . downloader = WindowsNodeDownloader ( self )
self . config . directory . create_directory_in_bin ( u " node " ) #TODO: Fix windows node installation
elif operating_system == u " linux " :
self . downloader = LinuxNodeDownloader ( self )
def tmp_directory ( self ) :
return self . config . directory . tmp_directory
def bin_directory ( self ) :
return self . config . directory . bin_directory
def download_dependencies ( self ) :
self . downloader . download ( )
self . downloader . decompress ( )
def bashrc_string ( self ) :
return " COCO_NODE_PATH= " + self . config . directory . bin_directory + os . sep + u " node " + os . sep + " bin " + os . sep + " node "
def install_dependencies ( self ) :
install_directory = self . config . directory . bin_directory + os . sep + u " node "
2014-01-05 19:51:52 -05:00
#check for node here
2014-01-03 10:32:13 -08:00
unzipped_node_path = self . findUnzippedNodePath ( )
if self . config . system . operating_system in [ " mac " , " linux " ] and not which ( " node " ) :
print " Copying node into /usr/local/bin/... "
shutil . copy ( unzipped_node_path + os . sep + " bin " + os . sep + " node " , " /usr/local/bin/ " )
os . chmod ( " /usr/local/bin/node " , 0777 )
shutil . copytree ( self . findUnzippedNodePath ( ) , install_directory )
wants_to_upgrade = True
if self . check_if_executable_installed ( u " npm " ) :
warning_string = u " A previous version of npm has been found. \n You may experience problems if you have a version of npm that ' s too old.Would you like to upgrade?(y/n) "
from distutils . util import strtobool
print warning_string
#for bash script, you have to somehow redirect stdin to raw_input()
user_input = raw_input ( )
while True :
try :
wants_to_upgrade = strtobool ( user_input )
except :
print u " Please enter y or n. "
if wants_to_upgrade :
import urllib2 , urllib
print u " Retrieving npm update script... "
npm_install_script_path = install_directory + os . sep + u " install.sh "
urllib . urlretrieve ( u " https://npmjs.org/install.sh " , filename = npm_install_script_path )
print u " Retrieved npm install script. Executing... "
subprocess . call ( [ u " sh " , npm_install_script_path ] )
print u " Updated npm version installed "
def findUnzippedNodePath ( self ) :
return self . downloader . download_directory + os . sep + \
( os . walk ( self . downloader . download_directory ) . next ( ) [ 1 ] ) [ 0 ]
def check_if_executable_installed ( self , name ) :
executable_path = which ( name )
if executable_path :
return True
else :
return False
def check_node_version ( self ) :
version = subprocess . check_output ( u " node -v " )
return version
def check_npm_version ( self ) :
version = subprocess . check_output ( u " npm -v " )
return version
class NodeDownloader ( Downloader ) :
def download_url ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError
def download_directory ( self ) :
return self . dependency . tmp_directory + os . sep + u " node "
def downloaded_file_path ( self ) :
return self . download_directory + os . sep + u " node.tgz "
def download ( self ) :
print u " Downloading Node from URL " + self . download_url
self . download_file ( self . download_url , self . downloaded_file_path )
self . check_download ( )
def decompress ( self ) :
print u " Decompressing Node... "
tfile = tarfile . open ( self . downloaded_file_path )
#TODO: make directory handler class
tfile . extractall ( self . download_directory )
print u " Decompressed Node into " + self . download_directory
def check_download ( self ) :
isFileValid = tarfile . is_tarfile ( self . downloaded_file_path )
if not isFileValid :
raise DownloadCorruptionError ( u " Node download was corrupted. " )
class LinuxNodeDownloader ( NodeDownloader ) :
def download_url ( self ) :
if self . dependency . config . mem_width == 64 :
return u " http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/node-v0.10.24-linux-x64.tar.gz "
else :
return u " http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/node-v0.10.24-linux-x86.tar.gz "
class WindowsNodeDownloader ( NodeDownloader ) :
def download_url ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( u " Needs MSI to be executed to install npm " )
if self . dependency . config . mem_width == 64 :
return u " http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/x64/node.exe "
else :
return u " http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/node.exe "
class MacNodeDownloader ( NodeDownloader ) :
def download_url ( self ) :
if self . dependency . config . mem_width == 64 :
return u " http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/node-v0.10.24-darwin-x64.tar.gz "
else :
return u " http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/node-v0.10.24-darwin-x86.tar.gz "