# `sensei-grading-bookmarklet` [![Bookmarklet Size][bookmarklet_size_badge]][bookmarklet_file] > A bookmarklet to enhance the grading experience of code ninja assignments. ## Purpose Grading code ninjas' submissions is slow and tedious because the current site has a poor user experience. My goal is to make an entirely keyboard-navigable enhancement in the form of a bookmarklet. ## Getting Started To install a bookmarklet, it must be added to your bookmarks bar. 1. Right-click your bookmark bar. 1. Click "Add page...". 1. Set the name to `Sensei Grading +`. 1. Set the URL to [the latest bookmarket distribution][bookmarklet_file]. 1. Click "Save". Now that you have installed the bookmarklet, using it is as simple as the following steps: 1. Visit the [grading console][grading_console] while logged in as a code sensei. 1. Click "Sensei Grading +" on your bookmarks bar to execute the bookmarklet code. 1. Grade. ## Keybinds | Key | Action | | ---------------- | ------------------------------ | | i | Marks assignment as incomplete | | s | Skips to next assignment | | 1 | Rates assignment as 1-star | | 2 | Rates assignment as 2-star | | 3 | Rates assignment as 3-star | | enter | Submits assigment grade | ## Development This [bookmarklet][bookmarklet_definition] is compiled using [NodeJS][node_installation]. Upon cloning this project, execute `npm i` to install of the necessary dependencies. To run in development mode, run `npm run dev`. To generate the bookmarklet, run `npm start`. ## Security For security reasons, modern browsers will make you type out the prefix (`javascript:`) manually. They use this as a method of opting into the potentially dangerous act of executing foreign JavaScript on a webpage. This code, however, is non-malicious, so no worries. [grading_console]: https://gdp.code.ninja/Grading [bookmarklet_definition]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet [node_installation]: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ [bookmarklet_size_badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/size/EthanThatOneKid/code-sensei/sensei-grading-bookmarklet/bookmarklet.txt?label=bookmarklet%20size [bookmarklet_file]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EthanThatOneKid/code-sensei/main/sensei-grading-bookmarklet/bookmarklet.txt