+ if($imgonly) { $imgonly=1; } else { $imgonly=0; }
+ $row['sub'] = mysqli_escape_string($row['sub']);
+ $row['com'] = mysqli_escape_string($row['com']);
+ $row['filename'] = mysqli_escape_string($row['filename']);
+ mysqli_board_call($con, "INSERT INTO ".SQLLOGDEL." (imgonly,postno,board,name,sub,com,img,filename,admin) values('$imgonly','$resno','".SQLLOG."','$adname','{$row['sub']}','{$row['com']}','$adfsize','{$row['filename']}','$auser')");
+ }
+ if($row['resto']==0 && $children && !$imgonly) // select thread and children
+ $result=mysqli_board_call($con, "select no,resto,tim,ext from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno or resto=$resno");
+ else // just select the post
+ $result=mysqli_board_call($con, "select no,resto,tim,ext from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno");
+ while($delrow=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
+ // delete
+ $delfile = $path.$delrow['tim'].$delrow['ext']; //path to delete
+ $delthumb = THUMB_DIR.$delrow['tim'].'s.jpg';
+ if(is_file($delfile)) unlink($delfile); // delete image
+ if(is_file($delthumb)) unlink($delthumb); // delete thumb
+ if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && is_file($path.$delrow['tim'].'.pch'))
+ unlink($path.$delrow['tim'].'.pch'); // delete oe animation
+ if(!$imgonly){ // delete thread page & log_cache row
+ if($delrow['resto'])
+ unset( $log[$delrow['resto']]['children'][$delrow['no']] );
+ unset( $log[$delrow['no']] );
+ $log['THREADS'] = array_diff($log['THREADS'], array($delrow['no'])); // remove from THREADS
+ //mysqli_board_call($con, "DELETE FROM reports WHERE no=".$delrow['no']); // clear reports
+ if(USE_GZIP == 1) {
+ @unlink(RES_DIR.$delrow['no'].PHP_EXT);
+ @unlink(RES_DIR.$delrow['no'].PHP_EXT.'.gz');
+ }
+ else {
+ @unlink(RES_DIR.$delrow['no'].PHP_EXT);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //delete from DB
+ if($row['resto']==0 && $children && !$imgonly) // delete thread and children
+ $result=mysqli_board_call($con, "delete from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno or resto=$resno");
+ elseif(!$imgonly) // just delete the post
+ $result=mysqli_board_call($con, "delete from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno");
+ return $row['resto']; // so the caller can know what pages need to be rebuilt
+// purge old posts
+// should be called whenever a new post is added.
+function trim_db() {
+ global $con;
+ if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) return;
+ log_cache();
+ $maxposts = LOG_MAX;
+ // max threads = max pages times threads-per-page
+ $maxthreads = (PAGE_MAX > 0)?(PAGE_MAX * PAGE_DEF):0;
+ // New max-page method
+ if($maxthreads) {
+ $exp_order = 'no';
+ if(EXPIRE_NEGLECTED == 1) $exp_order = 'root';
+ //logtime('trim_db before select threads');
+ $result = mysqli_board_call($con, "SELECT no FROM ".SQLLOG." WHERE sticky=0 AND resto=0 ORDER BY $exp_order ASC");
+ //logtime('trim_db after select threads');
+ $threadcount = mysqli_num_rows($result);
+ while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result) and $threadcount >= $maxthreads) {
+ delete_post($row['no'], 'trim', 0, 1); // imgonly=0, automatic=1, children=1
+ $threadcount--;
+ }
+ mysqli_free_result($result);
+ // Original max-posts method (note: cleans orphaned posts later than parent posts)
+ } else {
+ // make list of stickies
+ $stickies = array(); // keys are stickied thread numbers
+ $result = mysqli_board_call($con, "SELECT no from ".SQLLOG." where sticky=1 and resto=0");
+ while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
+ $stickies[ $row['no'] ] = 1;
+ }
+ $result = mysqli_board_call($con, "SELECT no,resto,sticky FROM ".SQLLOG." ORDER BY no ASC");
+ $postcount = mysqli_num_rows($result);
+ while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result) and $postcount >= $maxposts) {
+ // don't delete if this is a sticky thread
+ if($row['sticky'] == 1) continue;
+ // don't delete if this is a REPLY to a sticky
+ if($row['resto'] != 0 && $stickies[ $row['resto'] ] == 1) continue;
+ delete_post($row['no'], 'trim', 0, 1, 0); // imgonly=0, automatic=1, children=0
+ $postcount--;
+ }
+ mysqli_free_result($result);
+ }
+//resno - thread page to update (no of thread OP)
+//rebuild - don't rebuild page indexes
+function updatelog($resno=0,$rebuild=0){
+ global $log,$path;
+ global $con;
+ set_time_limit(60);
+if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='GET' && !valid()) die(''); // anti ddos
+ log_cache();
+ $imgdir = ((USE_SRC_CGI==1)?str_replace('src','src.cgi',IMG_DIR2):IMG_DIR2);
+ if(defined('INTERSTITIAL_LINK')) $imgdir .= INTERSTITIAL_LINK;
+ $thumbdir = THUMB_DIR2;
+ $imgurl = DATA_SERVER;
+ $resno=(int)$resno;
+ if($resno){
+ if(!isset($log[$resno])) {
+ updatelog(0,$rebuild); // the post didn't exist, just rebuild the indexes
+ return;
+ }
+ else if($log[$resno]['resto']) {
+ updatelog($log[$resno]['resto'],$rebuild); // $resno is a reply, try rebuilding the parent
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if($resno){
+ $treeline = array($resno); //logtime("Formatting thread page");
+ if(!$treeline=mysqli_board_call($con, "select * from ".SQLLOG." where root>0 and no=".$resno." order by root desc")){echo S_SQLFAIL;}
+ }else{
+ $treeline = $log['THREADS']; //logtime("Formatting index page");
+ if(!$treeline=mysqli_board_call($con, "select * from ".SQLLOG." where root>0 order by root desc")){echo S_SQLFAIL;}
+ }
+ //$counttree=count($treeline);
+ $counttree=mysqli_num_rows($treeline);
+ if(!$counttree){
+ $logfilename=PHP_SELF2;
+ $dat='';
+ head($dat,$resno);
+ form($dat,$resno);
+ print_page($logfilename, $dat);
+ }
+ $update_start = time();
+ touch("updatelog.stamp", $update_start);
+ $low_priority = false;
+ clearstatcache();
+ if(@filemtime(PHP_SELF) > $update_start-UPDATE_THROTTLING) {
+ $low_priority = true;
+ //touch($update_start . ".lowprio");
+ }
+ else {
+ touch(PHP_SELF,$update_start);
+ }
+ // $mt = @filemtime(PHP_SELF);
+ // touch($update_start . ".$mt.highprio");
+ }
+ // if we're using CACHE_TTL method
+ if(CACHE_TTL >= 1) {
+ if($resno) {
+ $logfilename = RES_DIR.$resno.PHP_EXT;
+ }
+ else {
+ $logfilename = PHP_SELF2;
+ }
+ //if(USE_GZIP == 1) $logfilename .= '.html';
+ // if the file has been made and it's younger than CACHE_TTL seconds ago
+ clearstatcache();
+ if(file_exists($logfilename) && filemtime($logfilename) > (time() - CACHE_TTL)) {
+ // save the post to be rebuilt later
+ rebuildqueue_add($resno);
+ // if it's a thread, try again on the indexes
+ if($resno && !$rebuild) updatelog();
+ // and we don't do any more rebuilding on this request
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // we're gonna update it now, so take it out of the queue
+ rebuildqueue_remove($resno);
+ // and make sure nobody else starts trying to update it because it's too old
+ touch($logfilename);
+ }
+ }
+ for($page=0;$page<$counttree;$page+=PAGE_DEF){
+ $dat='';
+ head($dat,$resno);
+ form($dat,$resno);
+ if(!$resno){
+ $st = $page;
+ }
+ $dat.='