var fs = require("fs"); var util = require("./util.js"); var instruments_map = require("./instruments_map.json"); var config = require("./config.json"); var indexjs = require("./index.js"); var handler = require("./command-handler.js"); var playing = false; var tuning = false; var interval = null; var nowPlaying = { "song_name": undefined, "time": { "current": -1, "full": -1 }, "url": undefined, "addedBy": undefined }; var cancelTune = false; var cancelPlay = false; function resetNowPlaying() { nowPlaying = { "song_name": undefined, "time": { "current": -1, "full": -1 }, "url": undefined, "addedBy": undefined }; } function isValidFile(file) { if(file == null) return false; return fs.existsSync(file) && fs.statSync(file).isFile(); } function parse(file) { if (!isValidFile(file)) { console.log(`File ${file} is not a valid file!`); return null; } let data = fs.readFileSync(file).toString(); if (data == null || typeof(data) != "string") return null; data = data.split("\n").map(line => line.replace(/\r/, "")); /*data = data.filter(line => { if (line == null) return false; let split = line.split(":"); try { let tick = parseInt(split[0]); let pitch = parseInt(split[1]); let instrument = parseInt(split[2]); return tick != null && pitch != null && instrument != null; } catch(e) { return false; } });*/ let parsed = []; data.forEach((line) => { let split = line.split(":"); if(split[0] == null || split[1] == null || split[2] == null) return; let tick = parseInt(split[0]); let pitch = parseInt(split[1]); let instrument = parseInt(split[2]); parsed.push({tick, pitch, instrument}); }); return parsed; } function songInfo(file) { if (!isValidFile(file)) { console.log(`Error: ${file} is invalid!`); return null; } // lines shit let lines = fs.readFileSync(file) if (lines instanceof Buffer) lines = lines.toString(); if (lines == null || typeof(lines) != "string") return null; lines = lines.split("\n").map(line => line.replace(/\r/, "")); //filter out bad lines lines = lines.filter(line => { if (line == null) return false; let split = line.split(":"); let tick = split[0]; let pitch = split[1]; let instrument = split[2]; return !(isNaN(tick) || pitch < 0 || pitch > 24 || instrument < 0 || instrument > 15); }); if (lines.length == 0) { console.log(`Error: ${file} is invalid!`); return null; } let used_pitches = []; let used_instruments = []; let noteblocks_list = []; let noteblocksByInstrument = {}; let songlength = 0; lines.forEach(line => { let split = line.split(":"); if(split[0] == undefined || split[1] == undefined || split[2] == undefined) return; let tick = parseInt(split[0]); let pitch = parseInt(split[1]); let instrument = parseInt(split[2]); if (!used_pitches.includes(pitch)) used_pitches.push(pitch); if (!used_instruments.includes(instrument)) used_instruments.push(instrument); if (noteblocks_list.filter(obj => obj.pitch == pitch && obj.instrument == instrument).length == 0) noteblocks_list.push({pitch, instrument}); if (noteblocksByInstrument[instrument] == null) noteblocksByInstrument[instrument] = [instrument]; else if (!noteblocksByInstrument[instrument].includes(pitch)) noteblocksByInstrument[instrument].push(pitch); if (tick > songlength) songlength = tick; }); return { used_pitches, used_instruments, noteblocks_list, noteblocksByInstrument, minimunNoteblocks: used_pitches.length, songlength }; } function tuneNoteblocks(file, noteblocks_1, instruments_enabled = false, callback = null) {/* tuning = true; if(callback == null) callback = function(res, err) {if(res){console.log(res)} if(err){console.log(err)} }; if (!isValidFile(file)) { if(file.toString().startsWith("http")) { callback(undefined, `${file} appears to be a invalid notebot file, try ${handler.prefix}playurl`); //Tells the user to use the playurl command if it starts with "http" } callback(undefined, `The file ${file} could not be found!`); tuning = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } var noteblocks = util.clone(noteblocks_1); var info = songInfo(file); if(info == null) { callback(undefined, `Failed to get songinfo for ${file}`); tuning = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } if (noteblocks.length < info.minimunNoteblocks) { callback(undefined, `${file} needs atleast ${info.minimunNoteblocks} noteblocks, ${info.minimunNoteblocks - noteblocks.length} are missing`); tuning = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } var pitches = info.used_pitches; var tuned = []; var untuned = []; var tuneLater = []; var nbByInst = info.noteblocksByInstrument; if(!instruments_enabled) { noteblocks.forEach((noteblock) => { if (pitches.includes(noteblock.pitch) && !tuned.includes(noteblock)) { tuned.push(noteblock); util.remove(noteblocks, noteblock); } if(pitches.length == 0) { tuning = false; callback("Done tuning!", undefined); return; } }); } else { noteblocks.forEach((noteblock) => { if (nbByInst[noteblock.instrumentid] == null) return; if(nbByInst[noteblock.instrumentid].includes(noteblock.pitch)) { tuned.push(noteblock); var idx = nbByInst[noteblock.instrumentid].indexOf(noteblock.pitch); nbByInst[noteblock.instrumentid].splice(idx, 1); } else { untuned.push(noteblock); } }); untuned.forEach((noteblock) => { if (nbByInst[noteblock.instrumentid].length > 0 && !tuned.includes(noteblock)) { let pitch = nbByInst[noteblock.instrumentid].shift(); tuneLater.push({noteblock, pitch}); } }) var missing_instruments = Object.keys(nbByInst).map(key => nbByInst[key]).filter(instrument => instrument.length > 0); if (missing_instruments.length > 0) { let missing = {}; Object.keys(nbByInst).forEach(key => { if (nbByInst[key].length > 0) missing[key] = nbByInst[key].length; }); let message = Object.keys(missing).map(key => { return `&r${instruments_map.lowercase[key]}/&7${instruments_map.blocks[key]} &r(&c${missing[key]}&r)`; }).join(", "); console.log(`Missing Instruments: ${message}`); callback(undefined, `Missing Instruments: ${util.colors(message)}`); instruments_enabled = false; } } */ function next() { /*if (instruments_enabled) { if(tuneLater[0] == null) {*/ tuning = false; cancelTune = false; callback("Done tuning!", undefined); return; /*} if (tuneLater[0].noteblock != null) tuneNoteblock(tuneLater[0].noteblock, tuneLater[0].pitch, (success) => { tuned.push(tuneLater[0].noteblock); tuneLater.shift(); if(cancelTune) { callback(undefined, undefined); cancelTune = false; tuning = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } if (tuneLater.length > 0) { next(); } else { tuning = false; cancelTune = false; callback("Done tuning!", undefined); } }); } else { if(noteblocks[0] == null || pitches[0] == null) return; tuneNoteblock(noteblocks[0], pitches[0], (success) => { tuned.push(noteblocks[0]); pitches.shift(); noteblocks.shift(); if(cancelTune) { callback(undefined, undefined); cancelTune = false; tuning = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } if(pitches.length > 0) { next(); } else { tuning = false; cancelTune = false; callback("Done tuning!", undefined); } }); } */} next(); } function tuneNoteblock(block, pitch, callback) { if(block == null) { callback(false); return; } if(block.pitch == pitch) { callback(true); return; } let play_times = 0; if (pitch - block.pitch < 0) play_times = 25-(block.pitch-pitch); else play_times = pitch-block.pitch; var timeouts = [] for (i = 0; i < play_times; i++) { if(cancelTune) { for(i = 0; i < timeouts.length; i++) { clearTimeout(timeouts[i]); } callback(false); cancelTune = false; tuning = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } timeouts[i] = setTimeout(() => { indexjs.getBot()._client.write('block_place', { location: block.position, direction: 1, hand: 0, cursorX: 0.5, cursorY: 0.5, cursorZ: 0.5 }); }, config.settings.tune_speed*i); if(i == play_times-1) { setTimeout(() => { callback(true); }, config.settings.tune_speed*i); } } block.pitch = pitch; } function timeConverter(duration) { duration = duration * 50;//1 tick = 50ms let milliseconds = parseInt((duration % 1000) / 100), seconds = Math.floor((duration / 1000) % 60), minutes = Math.floor((duration / (1000 * 60)) % 60), hours = Math.floor((duration / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24); return { h: hours, min: minutes, sec: seconds, ms: milliseconds } } function play(bot, noteblocks, file) { if (playing == true || tuning == true) return false; if (!isValidFile(file)) return false; playing = true; var parsed = parse(file); var info = songInfo(file); let tick = 0; if(info !== null) { nowPlaying.time.full = info.songlength; } interval = setInterval(function() { if (interval != this) { clearInterval(this); return; } if (Object.keys(parsed).length <= 1) {`Finished playing`)); clearInterval(this); interval = null; playing = false; cancelPlay = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } parsed.forEach((note, i, arr) => { if(cancelPlay) { clearInterval(this); cancelPlay = false; playing = false; resetNowPlaying(); return; } var foundBlock = null; if (tick >= note.tick) { /*noteblocks.forEach(noteblock => { if (noteblock.pitch == note.pitch && noteblock.instrumentid == note.instrument) { foundBlock = noteblock; } }); */arr.splice(i, 1);/* if(foundBlock == null) { console.log("not found:", note); } else { playNoteblock(bot, foundBlock); }*/ let floatingpitch = Math.pow(2, (note.pitch-12) / 12.0);`/playsound block.note_block.${instruments_map.lowercase[note.instrument]} player @a ~ ~ ~ 2000000 ${floatingpitch}`); } }); tick++; nowPlaying.time.current = tick; }, 1000/20); // every tick = 50ms } function playNoteblock(bot, noteblock) { bot._client.write('block_dig', { status: 0, location: noteblock.position, face: 1 }); bot._client.write('block_dig', { status: 1, location: noteblock.position, face: 1 }); } module.exports.timeConverter = timeConverter; module.exports.tuneNoteblocks = tuneNoteblocks; module.exports.tuneNoteblock = tuneNoteblock; module.exports.parse = parse; = play; module.exports.songInfo = songInfo; module.exports.isValidFile = isValidFile; module.exports.getNowPlaying = () => {return nowPlaying}; module.exports.editNowPlaying = (song_name, current, full, url, addedBy) => { song_name != undefined ? nowPlaying.song_name = song_name : undefined; current != undefined ? nowPlaying.time.current = current : undefined; full != undefined ? nowPlaying.time.full = full : undefined; url != undefined ? nowPlaying.url = url : undefined; addedBy != undefined ? nowPlaying.addedBy = addedBy : undefined; }; module.exports.isTuning = () => {return tuning}; module.exports.isPlaying = () => {return playing}; module.exports.setcancelTune = (b) => {cancelTune = b}; module.exports.setcancelPlay = (b) => {cancelPlay = b};