const { LitElement, html, css } = require('lit') function getEffectClass (effect) { switch ( { case 19: return 'poisoned' case 20: return 'withered' case 22: return 'absorption' default: return '' } } class HealthBar extends LitElement { static get styles () { return css` .health { position: absolute; display: flex; flex-direction: row; left: calc(50% - 91px); bottom: 30px; --hardcore: 0; --kind: 0; --lightened: 0; --offset: calc(-1 * (52px + (9px * (4 * var(--kind) + var(--lightened) * 2)) )); --bg-x: calc(-1 * (16px + 9px * var(--lightened))); --bg-y: calc(-1 * var(--hardcore) * 45px); } .health.creative { display: none; } .health.hardcore { --hardcore: 1; } .health.poisoned { --kind: 1; } .health.withered { --kind: 2; } .health.absorption { --kind: 3; } .heart { width: 9px; height: 9px; background-image: url('textures/1.17.1/gui/icons.png'), url('textures/1.17.1/gui/icons.png'); background-size: 256px, 256px; background-position: var(--bg-x) var(--bg-y), var(--bg-x) var(--bg-y); margin-left: -1px; } .heart.full { background-position: var(--offset) var(--bg-y), var(--bg-x) var(--bg-y); } .heart.half { background-position: calc(var(--offset) - 9px) var(--bg-y), var(--bg-x) var(--bg-y); } .health.low .heart { animation: lowHealthAnim 0.2s steps(2, end) infinite; } .health.low .heart:nth-of-type(2n) { animation-direction: reverse; } .health.low .heart:nth-of-type(3n) { animation-duration: 0.1s; } .health.damaged { animation: damagedAnim 0.3s steps(2, end) 2; } @keyframes lowHealthAnim { to { transform: translateY(1px); } } @keyframes damagedAnim { to { --lightened: 1; } } ` } effectAdded (effect) { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health').classList.add(getEffectClass(effect)) } effectEnded (effect) { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health').classList.remove(getEffectClass(effect)) } onDamage () { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health').classList.toggle('damaged', true) if (this.hurtTimeout) clearTimeout(this.hurtTimeout) this.hurtTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health').classList.toggle('damaged', false) this.hurtTimeout = null }, 1000) } gameModeChanged (gamemode, hardcore) { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health').classList.toggle('creative', gamemode === 1) this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health').classList.toggle('hardcore', hardcore) } updateHealth (hValue, d) { const health = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#health') health.classList.toggle('low', hValue <= 4) const hearts = health.children for (let i = 0; i < hearts.length; i++) { hearts[i].classList.remove('full') hearts[i].classList.remove('half') } if (d) this.onDamage() for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(hValue / 2); i++) { if (i >= hearts.length) break if (hValue % 2 !== 0 && Math.ceil(hValue / 2) === i + 1) { hearts[i].classList.add('half') } else { hearts[i].classList.add('full') } } } render () { return html`