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synced 2025-03-24 02:49:43 -04:00
* added readme pt-pt * added url/querystring deps and fix chat pos/scale url and querystring were missing in node_modules. chat scale option wasn't implemented and chat input was on top instead of bottom. * added bot version text field and guiScale for small screens text field to choose bot version. gui scale changes on small screens (slider takes no effect then). Removed unused images. * Update index.js * bot can now hit entities Co-authored-by: Romain Beaumont <romain.rom1@gmail.com>
143 lines
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143 lines
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/* global THREE performance */
const { Vec3 } = require('vec3')
function getViewDirection (pitch, yaw) {
const csPitch = Math.cos(pitch)
const snPitch = Math.sin(pitch)
const csYaw = Math.cos(yaw)
const snYaw = Math.sin(yaw)
return new Vec3(-snYaw * csPitch, snPitch, -csYaw * csPitch)
class Cursor {
constructor (viewer, renderer, bot) {
// Init state
this.buttons = [false, false, false]
this.lastButtons = [false, false, false]
this.breakStartTime = 0
this.cursorBlock = null
// Setup graphics
const blockGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1.001, 1.001, 1.001)
this.cursorMesh = new THREE.LineSegments(new THREE.EdgesGeometry(blockGeometry), new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0 }))
this.cursorMesh.visible = false
const loader = new THREE.TextureLoader()
this.breakTextures = []
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const texture = loader.load('textures/' + viewer.version + '/blocks/destroy_stage_' + i + '.png')
texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter
texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter
const breakMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
transparent: true,
blending: THREE.MultiplyBlending
this.blockBreakMesh = new THREE.Mesh(blockGeometry, breakMaterial)
this.blockBreakMesh.visible = false
this.blockBreakMesh.renderOrder = 999
// Setup events
document.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {
this.buttons[e.button] = false
document.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
if (document.pointerLockElement !== renderer.domElement) return
this.buttons[e.button] = true
const entity = bot.nearestEntity((e) => {
if (e.position.distanceTo(bot.entity.position) <= (bot.player.gamemode === 1 ? 5 : 3)) {
const dir = getViewDirection(bot.entity.pitch, bot.entity.yaw)
const { width, height } = e
const { x: eX, y: eY, z: eZ } = e.position
const { x: bX, y: bY, z: bZ } = bot.entity.position
const box = new THREE.Box3(
new THREE.Vector3(eX - width / 2, eY, eZ - width / 2),
new THREE.Vector3(eX + width / 2, eY + height, eZ + width / 2)
const r = new THREE.Raycaster(
new THREE.Vector3(bX, bY + 1.52, bZ),
new THREE.Vector3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z)
const int = r.ray.intersectBox(box, new THREE.Vector3(eX, eY, eZ))
return int !== null
return false
if (entity) {
this.lastPlaced = 4 // ticks since last placed
bot.on('physicsTick', () => { if (this.lastPlaced < 4) this.lastPlaced++ })
update (bot) {
let cursorBlock = bot.blockAtCursor(6)
if (!bot.canDigBlock(cursorBlock)) cursorBlock = null
let cursorChanged = !cursorBlock !== !this.cursorBlock
if (cursorBlock && this.cursorBlock) {
cursorChanged = !cursorBlock.position.equals(this.cursorBlock.position)
// Place
if (cursorBlock && this.buttons[2] && (!this.lastButtons[2] || cursorChanged) && this.lastPlaced >= 4) {
const vecArray = [new Vec3(0, -1, 0), new Vec3(0, 1, 0), new Vec3(0, 0, -1), new Vec3(0, 0, 1), new Vec3(-1, 0, 0), new Vec3(1, 0, 0)]
const delta = cursorBlock.intersect.minus(cursorBlock.position)
bot._placeBlockWithOptions(cursorBlock, vecArray[cursorBlock.face], { delta, forceLook: 'ignore' })
bot.lastPlaced = 0
// Start break
if (cursorBlock && this.buttons[0] && (!this.lastButtons[0] || cursorChanged)) {
this.breakStartTime = performance.now()
try {
bot.dig(cursorBlock, 'ignore')
} catch (e) {} // we don't care if its aborted
// Stop break
if (!this.buttons[0] && this.lastButtons[0]) {
try {
bot.stopDigging() // this shouldnt throw anything...
} catch (e) {} // to be reworked in mineflayer, then remove the try here
// Show break animation
if (cursorBlock && this.buttons[0]) {
const elapsed = performance.now() - this.breakStartTime
const time = bot.digTime(cursorBlock)
const state = Math.floor((elapsed / time) * 10)
this.blockBreakMesh.position.set(cursorBlock.position.x + 0.5, cursorBlock.position.y + 0.5, cursorBlock.position.z + 0.5)
this.blockBreakMesh.material.map = this.breakTextures[state]
this.blockBreakMesh.visible = true
} else {
this.blockBreakMesh.visible = false
// Show cursor
if (!cursorBlock) {
this.cursorMesh.visible = false
} else {
this.cursorMesh.visible = true
this.cursorMesh.position.set(cursorBlock.position.x + 0.5, cursorBlock.position.y + 0.5, cursorBlock.position.z + 0.5)
// Update state
this.cursorBlock = cursorBlock
this.lastButtons[0] = this.buttons[0]
this.lastButtons[1] = this.buttons[1]
this.lastButtons[2] = this.buttons[2]
module.exports = Cursor