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synced 2025-02-17 07:40:14 -05:00
209 lines
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209 lines
6.3 KiB
const { LitElement, html, css } = require('lit-element')
class DebugMenuEntry {
constructor (text, hidden, breaking) {
this.text = text
this.hidden = hidden
this.breaking = breaking
class DebugMenu extends LitElement {
static get styles () {
return css`
.debugmenu-wrapper {
position: fixed;
.debugmenu {
overflow: hidden;
color: white;
font-size: 16px;
margin: 0px;
line-height: 100%;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #3f3f3f;
font-family: mojangles, minecraft, monospace;
width: calc(320px * 4);
max-height: calc(90px * 8);
top: calc(8px * 16);
padding: 4px;
.debugmenu p {
margin: 0px;
padding: 1px;
width: fit-content;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
static get properties () {
return {
debugEntries: { type: Object }
render () {
return html`
<div id="debugmenu-wrapper" class="debugmenu-wrapper">
<div class="debugmenu" id="debugmenu" style="display: none;">
<p id="debug-entry-renderer">Renderer: three.js r${global.THREE.REVISION}</p>
${Object.entries(this.debugEntries).map(([id, entry]) => html`
<p id="debug-entry-${id}" style="display:${entry.hidden ? 'none' : 'block'}">${entry.text}</p>${entry.breaking ? html`<br>` : ''}
constructor () {
this.debugEntries = {}
* Creates debug menu entry
* @param {string} text - Text to render
* @param {boolean} [breaking=false] - Adds a line break after the entry if set to true (useful if you want to separate a section from everything else)
* @return {number} Debug entry id - keep it somewhere to update entry contents later!
addEntry (text, breaking = false) {
const currentIds = Object.keys(this.debugEntries)
const id = parseInt(currentIds[currentIds.length - 1] ?? -1) + 1
this.debugEntries[id] = new DebugMenuEntry(text, false, breaking)
return id
* Updates entry contents
* @param {number} id - Debug entry id (returned with addEntry())
* @param {string} text - Text to render
* @return {boolean} true if successfully updated, false otherwise (if entry doesn't exist)
updateEntry (id, text) {
if (this.debugEntries[id] !== undefined) {
this.debugEntries[id].text = text
if (this.isOpen) this.requestUpdate() // This will make performance comparisons easier should something go wrong
return true
return false
* Sets entry visibility
* @param {number} id - Debug entry id (returned with addEntry())
* @param {boolean} [shouldRender=true] - set to false if you want to hide the entry
* @return {boolean|undefined} current visibility or undefined if entry doesn't exist
setEntryVisible (id, shouldRender = true) {
if (this.debugEntries[id] !== undefined) {
this.debugEntries[id].hidden = !shouldRender
return this.debugEntries[id].hidden
* Returns entry internals
* @param {number} id - Debug entry id (returned with addEntry())
* @return {DebugEntry} Debug entry internals
getEntry (id) {
return this.debugEntries[id] ?? null
* Completely removes debug entry (you won't be able to update it afterwards!)
* @param {number} id - Debug entry id (returned with addEntry())
* @return {boolean} true if element existed and was successfully annihilated, false otherwise
removeEntry (id) {
if (this.debugEntries[id]) {
delete this.debugEntries[id]
return true
return false
init (bot) {
const debugMenu = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#debugmenu')
this.isOpen = false
const showMenu = (shouldShow = true) => {
debugMenu.style.display = shouldShow ? 'block' : 'none'
this.isOpen = shouldShow
document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
e ??= window.event
if (e.key === 'F3') {
const viewDegToMinecraft = (yaw) => {
return yaw % 360 - 180 * (yaw < 0 ? -1 : 1)
const quadsDescription = [
'north (towards negative Z)',
'east (towards positive X)',
'south (towards positive Z)',
'west (towards negative X)'
const positionEntry = this.addEntry('XYZ: 0 / 0 / 0')
const chunkEntry = this.addEntry('Chunk: 0 0 0 in 0 0 0')
const rotationEntryV = this.addEntry('Facing (viewer): 0 0')
const rotationEntryM = this.addEntry('Facing (minecraft): 0 0')
const targetBlockEntry = this.addEntry('Looking at: 0 0 0', true)
bot.on('move', () => {
const pos = bot.entity.position
const rot = [bot.entity.yaw, bot.entity.pitch]
const minecraftYaw = viewDegToMinecraft(rot[0] * -180 / Math.PI)
const minecraftQuad = Math.floor(((minecraftYaw + 180) / 90 + 0.5) % 4)
const target = bot.blockAtCursor() // TODO: We should probably make a public property somewhere to not raycast it from every module
const targetDiggable = (target && bot.canDigBlock(target))
this.updateEntry(positionEntry, `XYZ: ${pos.x.toFixed(3)} / ${pos.y.toFixed(3)} / ${pos.z.toFixed(3)}`)
this.updateEntry(chunkEntry, `Chunk: ${Math.floor(pos.x % 16)} ~ ${Math.floor(pos.z % 16)} in ${Math.floor(pos.x / 16)} ~ ${Math.floor(pos.z / 16)}`)
this.updateEntry(rotationEntryV, `Facing (viewer): ${rot[0].toFixed(3)} ${rot[1].toFixed(3)}`)
this.updateEntry(rotationEntryM, `Facing (minecraft): ${quadsDescription[minecraftQuad]} (${minecraftYaw.toFixed(1)} ${(rot[1] * -180 / Math.PI).toFixed(1)})`)
if (targetDiggable) {
if (this.getEntry(targetBlockEntry).hidden) this.setEntryVisible(targetBlockEntry, true)
this.updateEntry(targetBlockEntry, `Looking at: ${target.position.x} ${target.position.y} ${target.position.z}`)
} else if (!targetDiggable && !this.getEntry(targetBlockEntry).hidden) {
this.setEntryVisible(targetBlockEntry, false)
window.customElements.define('debug-menu', DebugMenu)