2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
const { LitElement, html, css } = require('lit-element')
2021-02-27 18:18:58 -05:00
const styles = {
black: 'color:#000000',
dark_blue: 'color:#0000AA',
dark_green: 'color:#00AA00',
dark_aqua: 'color:#00AAAA',
dark_red: 'color:#AA0000',
dark_purple: 'color:#AA00AA',
gold: 'color:#FFAA00',
gray: 'color:#AAAAAA',
dark_gray: 'color:#555555',
blue: 'color:#5555FF',
green: 'color:#55FF55',
aqua: 'color:#55FFFF',
red: 'color:#FF5555',
light_purple: 'color:#FF55FF',
yellow: 'color:#FFFF55',
white: 'color:#FFFFFF',
bold: 'font-weight:900',
strikethrough: 'text-decoration:line-through',
underlined: 'text-decoration:underline',
italic: 'font-style:italic'
const dictionary = {
'chat.stream.emote': '(%s) * %s %s',
'chat.stream.text': '(%s) <%s> %s',
// 'chat.type.achievement': '%s has just earned the achievement %s', // 1.8? Not tested
// 'chat.type.advancement.task': '%s has just earned the advancement %s',
// 'chat.type.advancement.goal': '%s has just reached the goal %s',
// 'chat.type.advancement.challenge': '%s did a challenge lolol %s',
'chat.type.admin': '[%s: %s]',
'chat.type.announcement': '[%s] %s',
'chat.type.emote': '* %s %s',
'chat.type.text': '<%s> %s'
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
class ChatBox extends LitElement {
static get styles () {
return css`
.chat-wrapper {
position: fixed;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.chat-display-wrapper {
bottom: calc(8px * 16);
padding: 4px;
max-height: calc(90px * 8);
width: calc(320px * 4);
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.chat-input-wrapper {
bottom: calc(2px * 16);
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
2021-02-27 18:18:58 -05:00
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
.chat {
overflow: hidden;
color: white;
font-size: 16px;
margin: 0px;
line-height: 100%;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #3f3f3f;
font-family: mojangles, minecraft, monospace;
width: 100%;
max-height: calc(90px * 8)
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input[type=text], #chatinput {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
display: none;
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li {
display: block;
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render () {
return html`
<div id="chat-wrapper" class="chat-wrapper chat-display-wrapper">
<div class="chat" id="chat">
<p>Welcome to prismarine-web-client! Chat appears here.</p>
<div id="chat-wrapper2" class="chat-wrapper chat-input-wrapper">
<div class="chat" id="chat-input">
<input type="text" class="chat" id="chatinput"></input>
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init (client, renderer) {
this.inChat = false
const chat = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#chat')
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const gameMenu = document.getElementById('game-menu')
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
const chatInput = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#chatinput')
const chatHistory = []
let chatHistoryPos = 0
renderer.domElement.requestPointerLock = renderer.domElement.requestPointerLock ||
renderer.domElement.mozRequestPointerLock ||
// Show chat
chat.style.display = 'block'
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const self = this
// Esc event - Doesnt work with onkeypress?!
2021-03-15 22:16:37 -04:00
document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
2021-04-06 07:31:02 -04:00
if (gameMenu.inMenu) return
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
if (!self.inChat) return
e = e || window.event
if (e.keyCode === 27 || e.key === 'Escape' || e.key === 'Esc') {
} else if (e.keyCode === 38) {
if (chatHistoryPos === 0) return
chatInput.value = chatHistory[--chatHistoryPos] !== undefined ? chatHistory[chatHistoryPos] : ''
} else if (e.keyCode === 40) {
if (chatHistoryPos === chatHistory.length) return
chatInput.value = chatHistory[++chatHistoryPos] !== undefined ? chatHistory[chatHistoryPos] : ''
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// Chat events
2021-03-15 22:16:37 -04:00
document.addEventListener('keypress', e => {
2021-04-06 07:31:02 -04:00
if (gameMenu.inMenu) return
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
e = e || window.event
if (self.inChat === false) {
if (e.code === 'KeyT') {
2021-03-16 16:55:28 -04:00
setTimeout(() => enableChat(false), 0)
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
if (e.code === 'Slash') {
2021-03-16 16:55:28 -04:00
setTimeout(() => enableChat(true), 0)
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
return false
if (!self.inChat) return
if (e.code === 'Enter') {
client.write('chat', { message: chatInput.value })
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// Enable inputs back when focused
/* document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", function(event) {
const canvas = document.getElementById("noa-canvas");
if (
document.pointerLockElement === canvas ||
document.mozPointerLockElement === canvas
) {
// Someone focused the game back so we hide chat.
chatState.inChat = false;
}); */
function enableChat (isCommand) {
// Set inChat value
self.inChat = true
// Exit the pointer lock
// Show chat input
chatInput.style.display = 'block'
// Show extended chat history
chat.style.maxHeight = 'calc(90px * 8)'
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight // Stay bottom of the list
if (isCommand) { // handle commands
chatInput.value = '/'
// Focus element
chatHistoryPos = chatHistory.length
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2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
function disableChat () {
// Set inChat value
self.inChat = false
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// Hide chat
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2021-03-01 23:06:51 -05:00
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
function hideChat () {
// Clear chat input
chatInput.value = ''
// Unfocus it
// Hide it
chatInput.style.display = 'none'
// Hide extended chat history
chat.style.maxHeight = 'calc(90px * 4)'
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight // Stay bottom of the list
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2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
function readExtra (extra) {
const shouldReturn = []
for (const i in extra) {
if (extra[i].text) {
text: extra[i].text,
color: extra[i].color,
bold: !!extra[i].bold,
italic: !!extra[i].italic,
underlined: !!extra[i].underlined,
strikethrough: !!extra[i].strikethrough,
obfuscated: !!extra[i].obfuscated
} else {
readExtra(extra).forEach(function (el) {
2021-02-27 18:18:58 -05:00
2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
return shouldReturn
2021-02-27 18:18:58 -05:00
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2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
client.on('chat', (packet) => {
// Reading of chat message
const fullmessage = JSON.parse(packet.message.toString())
let msglist = []
if (
fullmessage.extra &&
fullmessage.extra.length > 0 &&
) {
msglist = readExtra(fullmessage.extra)
} else if (fullmessage.text && fullmessage.text.length > 0) {
msglist.push({ text: fullmessage.text, color: undefined })
} else if (dictionary[fullmessage.translate]) {
let msg = dictionary[fullmessage.translate]
fullmessage.with.forEach(obj => {
if (obj.insertion && obj.text) {
msg = msg.replace('%s', obj.text)
if (obj.extra) {
if (obj.text && obj.text.length > 0) {
msglist.push({ text: obj.text, color: undefined })
} else {
const text = readExtra(obj.extra)
if (text.length > 1) {
console.log('Unsupported chat alert :(')
msg = msg.replace('%s', text[0].text)
msglist.push({ text: msg, color: undefined })
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2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
} else {
// msglist.push({
// text:
// "Unsupported message (Please report this):\n" +
// JSON.stringify(fullmessage),
// color: undefined
// });
const li = document.createElement('li')
msglist.forEach(msg => {
const span = document.createElement('span')
`${msg.color ? styles[msg.color.toLowerCase()] : styles.white}; ${
msg.bold ? styles.bold + ';' : ''
}${msg.italic ? styles.italic + ';' : ''}${
msg.strikethrough ? styles.strikethrough + ';' : ''
}${msg.underlined ? styles.underlined + ';' : ''}`
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2021-03-14 15:34:35 -04:00
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight // Stay bottom of the list
2021-02-27 18:18:58 -05:00
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window.customElements.define('chat-box', ChatBox)