.devcontainer | ||
.github | ||
mtkclient | ||
.flake8 | ||
.gitignore | ||
MANIFEST.in | ||
mtk | ||
mtk.bat | ||
mtk_console.spec | ||
mtk_gui | ||
mtk_gui.bat | ||
mtk_standalone.spec | ||
pyproject.toml | ||
README.md | ||
requirements.txt | ||
run.example | ||
stage2 | ||
vbmeta.img.empty |
Just some mtk tool for exploitation, reading/writing flash and doing crazy stuff. For windows, you need to install the stock mtk port and the usbdk driver (see instructions below). For linux, a patched kernel is only needed when using old kamakiri (see Setup folder) (except for read/write flash).
Once the mtk script is running, boot into brom mode by powering off device, press and hold either vol up + power or vol down + power and connect the phone. Once detected by the tool, release the buttons.
MT678x, MT689x, MT688x, MT698x
- These chipsets use a new protocol called V6 and the bootrom is patched, thus you need a valid da via --loader option.
- On some devices, preloader is deactivated, but you still use it by running "adb reboot edl".
- This only works with UNFUSED devices currently.
- For all devices with DAA, SLA and Remote-Auth activated no public solution currently exists (for various reasons).
- kamakiri [xyzz]
- linecode exploit [chimera]
- Chaosmaster
- Geert-Jan Kreileman (GUI, design & fixes)
- All contributors
Use Re LiveDVD (everything ready to go, based on Ubuntu):
User: user, Password:user (based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
Linux / Mac OS - (Ubuntu recommended, no patched kernel needed except for kamakiri)
Install python >=3.8, git and other deps
For Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install python3 git libusb-1.0-0 python3-pip libfuse2
For ArchLinux
(sudo) pacman -S python python-pip git libusb fuse2
yay -S python python-pip git libusb fuse2
Grab files
git clone https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient
cd mtkclient
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install .
Install rules
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo cp mtkclient/Setup/Linux/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control -R
Make sure to reboot after adding the user to dialout/plugdev. If the device has a vendor interface 0xFF (like LG), make sure to add "blacklist qcaux" to the "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf".
Install python + git
- Install python >= 3.9 and git
- If you install python from microsoft store, "python setup.py install" will fail, but that step isn't required.
Grab files and install
git clone https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient
cd mtkclient
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Get latest UsbDk 64-Bit
- Install normal MTK Serial Port driver (or use default Windows COM Port one, make sure no exclamation is seen)
- Get usbdk installer (.msi) from here and install it
- Test on device connect using "UsbDkController -n" if you see a device with 0x0E8D 0x0003
- Works fine under Windows 10 and 11 :D
Use kamakiri (optional, only needed for mt6260 or older)
- For linux (kamakiri attack), you need to recompile your linux kernel using this kernel patch :
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev bison flex libssl-dev libelf-dev libdw-dev
git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/devel/pahole/pahole.git
cd pahole && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
sudo mv /usr/local/libdwarves* /usr/local/lib/ && sudo ldconfig
wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-`uname -r`.tar.xz
tar xvf linux-`uname -r`.tar.xz
cd linux-`uname -r`
patch -p1 < ../Setup/kernelpatches/disable-usb-checks-5.10.patch
cp -v /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
make menuconfig
sudo make modules_install
sudo make install
- These aren't needed for current ubuntu (as make install will do, just for reference):
sudo update-initramfs -c -k `uname -r`
sudo update-grub
See Setup/kernels for ready-to-use kernel setups
- Reboot
sudo reboot
Using MTKTools via the graphical user interface:
For the 'basics' you can use the GUI interface. This supports dumping partitions or the full flash for now. Run the following command:
python mtk_gui
Run multiple commands
python mtk script run.example
See the file "run.example" on how to structure the script file
Root the phone (Tested with android 9 - 12)
- Dump boot and vbmeta
python mtk r boot,vbmeta boot.img,vbmeta.img
- Reboot the phone
python mtk reset
Download patched magisk for mtk: Download latest Magisk here
Install on target phone
- you need to enable usb-debugging via Settings/About phone/Version, Tap 7x on build number
- Go to Settings/Additional settings/Developer options, enable "OEM unlock" and "USB Debugging"
- Install magisk apk
adb install app-release.apk
- accept auth rsa request on mobile screen of course to allow adb connection
- Upload boot to /sdcard/Download
adb push boot.img /sdcard/Download
- Start magisk, tap on Install, select boot.img from /sdcard/Download, then:
adb pull /sdcard/Download/[displayed magisk patched boot filename here]
mv [displayed magisk patched boot filename here] boot.patched
Do the steps needed in section "Unlock bootloader below"
Flash magisk-patched boot and empty vbmeta
python mtk w boot,vbmeta boot.patched,vbmeta.img.empty
- Reboot the phone
python mtk reset
- Disconnect usb cable and enjoy your rooted phone :)
Boot to meta mode via payload
python mtk payload --metamode FASTBOOT
Read efuses
python mtk da efuse
Unlock bootloader
- Erase metadata and userdata (and md_udc if existing):
python mtk e metadata,userdata,md_udc
- Unlock bootloader:
python mtk da seccfg unlock
for relocking use:
python mtk da seccfg lock
- Reboot the phone:
python mtk reset
and disconnect usb cable to let the phone reboot.
If you are getting a dm-verity error on Android 11, just press the power button, then the device should boot and show a yellow warning about unlocked bootloader and then the device should boot within 5 seconds.
Read flash
Dump boot partition to filename boot.bin via preloader
python mtk r boot boot.bin
Dump boot partition to filename boot.bin via bootrom
python mtk r boot boot.bin [--preloader=Loader/Preloader/your_device_preloader.bin]
Dump preloader partition to filename preloader.bin via bootrom
python mtk r preloader preloader.bin --parttype=boot1 [--preloader=Loader/Preloader/your_device_preloader.bin]
Read full flash to filename flash.bin (use --preloader for brom)
python mtk rf flash.bin
Read full flash to filename flash.bin (use --preloader for brom) for IoT devices (MT6261/MT2301):
python mtk rf flash.bin --iot
Read flash offset 0x128000 with length 0x200000 to filename flash.bin (use --preloader for brom)
python mtk ro 0x128000 0x200000 flash.bin
Dump all partitions to directory "out". (use --preloader for brom)
python mtk rl out
Show gpt (use --preloader for brom)
python mtk printgpt
Mount the flash as a filesystem
python mtk fs /mnt/mtk
Write flash
(use --preloader for brom)
Write filename boot.bin to boot partition
python mtk w boot boot.bin
Write filename flash.bin as full flash (currently only works in da mode)
python mtk wf flash.bin
Write all files in directory "out" to the flash partitions
python mtk wl out
write file flash.bin to flash offset 0x128000 with length 0x200000 (use --preloader for brom)
python mtk wo 0x128000 0x200000 flash.bin
Erase flash
Erase boot partition
python mtk e boot
Erase boot sectors
python mtk es boot [sector count]
DA commands:
Peek memory
python mtk da peek [addr in hex] [length in hex] [optional: -filename filename.bin for reading to file]
Poke memory
python mtk da poke [addr in hex] [data as hexstring or -filename for reading from file]
Read rpmb (Only xflash for now)
python mtk da rpmb r [will read to rpmb.bin]
Write rpmb [Currently broken, xflash only]
python mtk da rpmb w filename
Generate and display rpmb1-3 key
python mtk da generatekeys
Unlock / Lock bootloader
python mtk da seccfg [lock or unlock]
Bypass SLA, DAA and SBC (using generic_patcher_payload)
python mtk payload
If you want to use SP Flash tool afterwards, make sure you select "UART" in the settings, not "USB".
Dump preloader
- Device has to be in bootrom mode and preloader has to be intact on the device
python mtk dumppreloader [--ptype=["amonet","kamakiri","kamakiri2","hashimoto"]] [--filename=preloader.bin]
Dump brom
- Device has to be in bootrom mode, or da mode has to be crashed to enter damode
- if no option is given, either kamakiri or da will be used (da for insecure targets)
- if "kamakiri" is used as an option, kamakiri is enforced
- Valid options are : "kamakiri" (via usb_ctrl_handler attack), "amonet" (via gcpu) and "hashimoto" (via cqdma)
python mtk dumpbrom --ptype=["amonet","kamakiri","hashimoto"] [--filename=brom.bin]
For to dump unknown bootroms, use brute option :
python mtk brute
If it's successful, please add an issue over here and append the bootrom in order to add full support.
Crash da in order to enter brom
python mtk crash [--vid=vid] [--pid=pid] [--interface=interface]
Read memory using patched preloader
- Boot in Brom or crash to Brom
python mtk peek [addr] [length] --preloader=patched_preloader.bin
Run custom payload
python mtk payload --payload=payload.bin [--var1=var1] [--wdt=wdt] [--uartaddr=addr] [--da_addr=addr] [--brom_addr=addr]
Stage2 usage
Run python mtk stage (brom) or mtk plstage (preloader)
Run stage2 in bootrom
python mtk stage
Run stage2 in preloader
python mtk plstage
Run stage2 plstage in bootrom
- Boot in Brom or crash to Brom
python mtk plstage --preloader=preloader.bin
Use stage2 tool
Leave stage2 and reboot
python stage2 reboot
Read rpmb in stage2 mode
python stage2 rpmb
Read preloader in stage2 mode
python stage2 preloader
Read memory as hex data in stage2 mode
python stage2 memread [start addr] [length]
Read memory to file in stage2 mode
python stage2 memread [start addr] [length] --filename filename.bin
Write hex data to memory in stage2 mode
python stage2 memwrite [start addr] --data [data as hexstring]
Write memory from file in stage2 mode
python stage2 memwrite [start addr] --filename filename.bin
Extract keys
python stage2 keys --mode [sej, dxcc]
For dxcc, you need to use plstage instead of stage
I have issues ....... please send logs and full console details !
- Run the mtk tool with --debugmode. Log will be written to log.txt (hopefully)
Rules / Infos
Chip details / configs
- Go to config/brom_config.py
- Unknown usb vid/pids for autodetection go to config/usb_ids.py