# MTKClient ![Logo](mtkclient/gui/images/logo_256.png) Just some mtk tool for exploitation, reading/writing flash and doing crazy stuff. For windows, you need to install the stock mtk port and the usbdk driver (see instructions below). For linux, a patched kernel is only needed when using old kamakiri (see Setup folder) (except for read/write flash). Once the mtk script is running, boot into brom mode by powering off device, press and hold either vol up + power or vol down + power and connect the phone. Once detected by the tool, release the buttons. ## MT678x, MT689x, MT688x, MT698x - These chipsets use a new protocol called V6 and the bootrom is patched, thus you need a valid da via --loader option. - On some devices, preloader is deactivated, but you still use it by running "adb reboot edl". - This only works with UNFUSED devices currently. - For all devices with DAA, SLA and Remote-Auth activated no public solution currently exists (for various reasons). ## Credits - kamakiri [xyzz] - linecode exploit [chimera] - Chaosmaster - Geert-Jan Kreileman (GUI, design & fixes) - All contributors ## Installation ### Use Re LiveDVD (everything ready to go, based on Ubuntu): User: user, Password:user (based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) [Live DVD V4](https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=15664248565197184488) [Live DVD V4 Mirror](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10OEw1d-Ul_96MuT3WxQ3iAHoPC4NhM_X/view?usp=sharing) ## Install ### Linux / Mac OS - (Ubuntu recommended, no patched kernel needed except for kamakiri) #### Install python >=3.8, git and other deps #### For Debian/Ubuntu ``` sudo apt install python3 git libusb-1.0-0 python3-pip ``` #### For ArchLinux ``` (sudo) pacman -S python python-pip git libusb ``` or ``` yay -S python python-pip git libusb ``` #### Grab files ``` git clone https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient cd mtkclient pip3 install . ``` #### Install rules ``` sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER sudo cp mtkclient/Setup/Linux/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d sudo udevadm control -R ``` Make sure to reboot after adding the user to dialout/plugdev. If the device has a vendor interface 0xFF (like LG), make sure to add "blacklist qcaux" to the "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Windows #### Install python + git - Install python >= 3.9 and git - If you install python from microsoft store, "python setup.py install" will fail, but that step isn't required. - WIN+R ```cmd``` #### Grab files and install ``` git clone https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient cd mtkclient pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` #### Get latest UsbDk 64-Bit - Install normal MTK Serial Port driver (or use default Windows COM Port one, make sure no exclamation is seen) - Get usbdk installer (.msi) from [here](https://github.com/daynix/UsbDk/releases/) and install it - Test on device connect using "UsbDkController -n" if you see a device with 0x0E8D 0x0003 - Works fine under Windows 10 and 11 :D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Use kamakiri (optional, only needed for mt6260 or older) - For linux (kamakiri attack), you need to recompile your linux kernel using this kernel patch : ``` sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev bison flex libssl-dev libelf-dev libdw-dev git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/devel/pahole/pahole.git cd pahole && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install sudo mv /usr/local/libdwarves* /usr/local/lib/ && sudo ldconfig ``` ``` wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-`uname -r`.tar.xz tar xvf linux-`uname -r`.tar.xz cd linux-`uname -r` patch -p1 < ../Setup/kernelpatches/disable-usb-checks-5.10.patch cp -v /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config make menuconfig make sudo make modules_install sudo make install ``` - These aren't needed for current ubuntu (as make install will do, just for reference): ``` sudo update-initramfs -c -k `uname -r` sudo update-grub ``` See Setup/kernels for ready-to-use kernel setups - Reboot ``` sudo reboot ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Usage ### Using MTKTools via the graphical user interface: For the 'basics' you can use the GUI interface. This supports dumping partitions or the full flash for now. Run the following command: ``` python mtk_gui ``` ### Run multiple commands ```bash python mtk script run.example ``` See the file "[run.example](https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient/blob/main/run.example)" on how to structure the script file ### Root the phone (Tested with android 9 - 12) 1. Dump boot and vbmeta ``` python mtk r boot,vbmeta boot.img,vbmeta.img ``` 2. Reboot the phone ``` python mtk reset ``` 3. Download patched magisk for mtk: Download latest Magisk [here]([https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vvb2060/magisk_files/44ca9ed38c29e22fa276698f6c03bc1168df2c10/app-release.ap](https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases)k) 4. Install on target phone - you need to enable usb-debugging via Settings/About phone/Version, Tap 7x on build number - Go to Settings/Additional settings/Developer options, enable "OEM unlock" and "USB Debugging" - Install magisk apk ``` adb install app-release.apk ``` - accept auth rsa request on mobile screen of course to allow adb connection 5. Upload boot to /sdcard/Download ``` adb push boot.img /sdcard/Download ``` 6. Start magisk, tap on Install, select boot.img from /sdcard/Download, then: ``` adb pull /sdcard/Download/[displayed magisk patched boot filename here] mv [displayed magisk patched boot filename here] boot.patched ``` 7. Do the steps needed in section "Unlock bootloader below" 8. Flash magisk-patched boot and empty vbmeta ``` python mtk w boot,vbmeta boot.patched,vbmeta.img.empty ``` 9. Reboot the phone ``` python mtk reset ``` 10. Disconnect usb cable and enjoy your rooted phone :) ### Boot to meta mode via payload Example: ``` python mtk payload --metamode FASTBOOT ``` ### Read efuses Example: ``` python mtk da efuse ``` ### Unlock bootloader 1. Erase metadata and userdata (and md_udc if existing): ``` python mtk e metadata,userdata,md_udc ``` 2. Unlock bootloader: ``` python mtk da seccfg unlock ``` for relocking use: ``` python mtk da seccfg lock ``` 3. Reboot the phone: ``` python mtk reset ``` and disconnect usb cable to let the phone reboot. If you are getting a dm-verity error on Android 11, just press the power button, then the device should boot and show a yellow warning about unlocked bootloader and then the device should boot within 5 seconds. ### Read flash Dump boot partition to filename boot.bin via preloader ``` python mtk r boot boot.bin ``` Dump boot partition to filename boot.bin via bootrom ``` python mtk r boot boot.bin [--preloader=Loader/Preloader/your_device_preloader.bin] ``` Dump preloader partition to filename preloader.bin via bootrom ``` python mtk r preloader preloader.bin --parttype=boot1 [--preloader=Loader/Preloader/your_device_preloader.bin] ``` Read full flash to filename flash.bin (use --preloader for brom) ``` python mtk rf flash.bin ``` Read full flash to filename flash.bin (use --preloader for brom) for IoT devices (MT6261/MT2301): ``` python mtk rf flash.bin --iot ``` Read flash offset 0x128000 with length 0x200000 to filename flash.bin (use --preloader for brom) ``` python mtk ro 0x128000 0x200000 flash.bin ``` Dump all partitions to directory "out". (use --preloader for brom) ``` python mtk rl out ``` Show gpt (use --preloader for brom) ``` python mtk printgpt ``` ### Write flash (use --preloader for brom) Write filename boot.bin to boot partition ``` python mtk w boot boot.bin ``` Write filename flash.bin as full flash (currently only works in da mode) ``` python mtk wf flash.bin ``` Write all files in directory "out" to the flash partitions ``` python mtk wl out ``` write file flash.bin to flash offset 0x128000 with length 0x200000 (use --preloader for brom) ``` python mtk wo 0x128000 0x200000 flash.bin ``` ### Erase flash Erase boot partition ``` python mtk e boot ``` Erase boot sectors ``` python mtk es boot [sector count] ``` ### DA commands: Peek memory ``` python mtk da peek [addr in hex] [length in hex] [optional: -filename filename.bin for reading to file] ``` Poke memory ``` python mtk da peek [addr in hex] [data as hexstring or -filename for reading from file] ``` Read rpmb (Only xflash for now) ``` python mtk da rpmb r [will read to rpmb.bin] ``` Write rpmb [Currently broken, xflash only] ``` python mtk da rpmb w filename ``` Generate and display rpmb1-3 key ``` python mtk da generatekeys ``` Unlock / Lock bootloader ``` python mtk da seccfg [lock or unlock] ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Bypass SLA, DAA and SBC (using generic_patcher_payload) `` python mtk payload `` If you want to use SP Flash tool afterwards, make sure you select "UART" in the settings, not "USB". ### Dump preloader - Device has to be in bootrom mode and preloader has to be intact on the device ``` python mtk dumppreloader [--ptype=["amonet","kamakiri","kamakiri2","hashimoto"]] [--filename=preloader.bin] ``` ### Dump brom - Device has to be in bootrom mode, or da mode has to be crashed to enter damode - if no option is given, either kamakiri or da will be used (da for insecure targets) - if "kamakiri" is used as an option, kamakiri is enforced - Valid options are : "kamakiri" (via usb_ctrl_handler attack), "amonet" (via gcpu) and "hashimoto" (via cqdma) ``` python mtk dumpbrom --ptype=["amonet","kamakiri","hashimoto"] [--filename=brom.bin] ``` For to dump unknown bootroms, use brute option : ``` python mtk brute ``` If it's successful, please add an issue over here and append the bootrom in order to add full support. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Crash da in order to enter brom ``` python mtk crash [--vid=vid] [--pid=pid] [--interface=interface] ``` ### Read memory using patched preloader - Boot in Brom or crash to Brom ``` python mtk peek [addr] [length] --preloader=patched_preloader.bin ``` ### Run custom payload ``` python mtk payload --payload=payload.bin [--var1=var1] [--wdt=wdt] [--uartaddr=addr] [--da_addr=addr] [--brom_addr=addr] ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Stage2 usage ### Run python mtk stage (brom) or mtk plstage (preloader) #### Run stage2 in bootrom `` python mtk stage `` #### Run stage2 in preloader `` python mtk plstage `` #### Run stage2 plstage in bootrom - Boot in Brom or crash to Brom ``` python mtk plstage --preloader=preloader.bin ``` ### Use stage2 tool ### Leave stage2 and reboot `` python stage2 reboot `` ### Read rpmb in stage2 mode `` python stage2 rpmb `` ### Read preloader in stage2 mode `` python stage2 preloader `` ### Read memory as hex data in stage2 mode `` python stage2 memread [start addr] [length] `` ### Read memory to file in stage2 mode `` python stage2 memread [start addr] [length] --filename filename.bin `` ### Write hex data to memory in stage2 mode `` python stage2 memwrite [start addr] --data [data as hexstring] `` ### Write memory from file in stage2 mode `` python stage2 memwrite [start addr] --filename filename.bin `` ### Extract keys `` python stage2 keys --mode [sej, dxcc] `` For dxcc, you need to use plstage instead of stage --------------------------------------------------------------------- ### I have issues ....... please send logs and full console details ! - Run the mtk tool with --debugmode. Log will be written to log.txt (hopefully) ## Rules / Infos ### Chip details / configs - Go to config/brom_config.py - Unknown usb vid/pids for autodetection go to config/usb_ids.py