We are updating the default menu labels inside core. This has implications on several messages which are updated here: // History rather than View history // Undelete rather than Undelete x edit(s) // Add topic rather than + Bug: T301203 Change-Id: I854a0fdaaa53791955b156b7861ea108e1b6c224
21 lines
924 B
21 lines
924 B
"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"skinname-monobook": "MonoBook",
"monobook-desc": "The classic MediaWiki skin since 2004, named after the black-and-white photo of a book in the page background",
"monobook.css": "/* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the MonoBook skin */",
"monobook.js": "/* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the MonoBook skin */",
"monobook-jumptotop": "back to top",
"monobook-jumptopersonal": "user tools",
"monobook-jumptonavigation": "Jump to navigation",
"monobook-jumptosearch": "Jump to search",
"monobook-more-actions": "More",
"cactions-mobile": "Page actions",
"monobook-cactions-label": "Page actions",
"monobook-notifications-link": "Notifications ($1)",
"monobook-notifications-link-none": "Notifications",
"monobook-view-history": "History",
"monobook-action-undelete": "Undelete {{PLURAL:$1|one edit|$1 edits}}",
"monobook-action-addsection": "+"