This provides a device agnostic, persistent opt-out for the new responsive functionality. The preference will show up under the skin selector if the user has their skin already set to MonoBook. I considered adding a new skin option to the radio selector of skins, but that is probably unnecessary for the majority of users, in addition to complicating how to differentiate the two modes (Classic MonoBook vs. Modern MonoBook?). Wikis that want to make this opt-in can control the default in the standard way ($wgDefaultUserOptions), or hide it entirely ($wgHiddenPrefs). Change-Id: Id22f8e5199ff2b15fd03c94097db5cdc7188f8b1
18 lines
808 B
18 lines
808 B
"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"skinname-monobook": "MonoBook",
"monobook-desc": "The classic MediaWiki skin since 2004, named after the black-and-white photo of a book in the page background",
"monobook.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect users of the MonoBook skin */",
"monobook.js": "/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the MonoBook skin */",
"monobook-jumptotop": "back to top",
"monobook-jumptopersonal": "user tools",
"monobook-jumptonavigation": "Jump to navigation",
"monobook-jumptosearch": "Jump to search",
"monobook-more-actions": "More",
"monobook-cactions-label": "Page actions",
"monobook-notifications-link": "Notifications ($1)",
"monobook-notifications-link-none": "Notifications",
"monobook-responsive-label": "Enable responsive MonoBook design"