{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Jay94ks", "Matma Rex", "Meno25", "Metalhead64", "MuratTheTurkish", "Raymond", "Robby", "Umherirrender" ] }, "skinname-monobook": "{{name}}", "monobook-desc": "{{desc|what=skin|name=MonoBook|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Skin:MonoBook}}", "monobook.css": "{{optional}}\nCSS applied to users using MonoBook skin.", "monobook.js": "{{optional}}\nJS for users using MonoBook skin.", "monobook-jumptotop": "Label for mobile link icon to jump to top of page", "monobook-jumptopersonal": "Label for mobile link icon to jump to user tools", "monobook-jumptonavigation": "Accessibility link for jumping to the navigation links. Visually hidden by default.\n\nSee also\n* {{msg-mw|Navigation}}\n\n{{Identical|jumptonavigation}}\n\njay94ks:\nMaybe this translation context is duplicated. :)\nI've found the perfectly same thing even description also same.\n* MediaWiki:Vector-jumptonavigation/ko - This context must be filled out with same content.", "monobook-jumptosearch": "Accessibility link for jumping to the site search. Visually hidden by default.\n\nSee also\n* {{msg-mw|Search}}", "monobook-more-actions": "Label for the less-important or rarer actions that are hidden from the usual tabs on mobile interfaces (like moving the page, or for sysops deleting or protecting the page). {{Identical|More}}", "monobook-cactions-label": "Header for the content actions menu (tabs on the top of the page)", "monobook-notifications-link": "Label for Extension:Notifications link in mobile personal toolbar\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - number of current alerts/notifications", "monobook-notifications-link-none": "Label for Extension:Notifications link in mobile personal toolbar when no notifications present\n{{Identical|Notification}}", "monobook-responsive-label": "Label for preference checkbox" }