mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:00:06 -04:00
lsusb from @invisiblek, unfortunately it seems to hang when used in VirtualBox (USB passthrough from Windows to Linux). The second CD of exposes the endpoints over bInterfaceNumber 2, so this patch simply activates the second CD. LG G4 (1004:6298) has this device descriptor: ... idVendor 0x1004 LG Electronics, Inc. idProduct 0x6298 bcdDevice 3.10 iManufacturer 1 LG Electronics Inc. iProduct 2 LGE Android Phone iSerial 3 VS986xxxxxxxx bNumConfigurations 2 Configuration Descriptor: ... bNumInterfaces 1 bConfigurationValue 1 ... Interface Descriptor: ... bNumEndpoints 3 bInterfaceClass 6 Imaging bInterfaceSubClass 1 Still Image Capture bInterfaceProtocol 1 Picture Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15470) iInterface 5 MTP ... (EP 1 IN Bulk) (EP 1 OUT Bulk) (EP 2 IN Intr) ... Configuration Descriptor: ... bNumInterfaces 4 bConfigurationValue 2 ... Interface Descriptor: ... bNumEndpoints 3 bInterfaceClass 6 Imaging bInterfaceSubClass 1 Still Image Capture bInterfaceProtocol 1 Picture Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15470) iInterface 6 MTP ... (EP 1 IN Bulk) (EP 1 OUT Bulk) (EP 2 IN Intr) ... Interface Association: bLength 8 bDescriptorType 11 bFirstInterface 1 bInterfaceCount 2 bFunctionClass 2 Communications bFunctionSubClass 2 Abstract (modem) bFunctionProtocol 1 AT-commands (v.25ter) iFunction 9 CDC Serial Interface Descriptor: ... bNumEndpoints 1 bInterfaceClass 2 Communications bInterfaceSubClass 2 Abstract (modem) bInterfaceProtocol 1 AT-commands (v.25ter) iInterface 7 CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM) ... (EP 4 IN Intr) Interface Descriptor: ... bNumEndpoints 2 bInterfaceClass 10 CDC Data bInterfaceSubClass 0 bInterfaceProtocol 0 iInterface 8 CDC ACM Data (EP 3 IN Bulk) (EP 2 Out Bulk) Interface Descriptor: ... bInterfaceNumber 2 bAlternateSetting 0 bNumEndpoints 2 bInterfaceClass 255 Vendor Specific Class bInterfaceSubClass 255 Vendor Specific Subclass bInterfaceProtocol 255 Vendor Specific Protocol iInterface 0 (EP 5 IN Bulk) (EP 3 OUT Bulk) ...
378 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
378 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Interactive shell for communication with LG devices in download mode (LAF).
# Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl>
# Licensed under the MIT license <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
from __future__ import print_function
from contextlib import closing
import argparse, logging, re, struct, sys
# Enhanced prompt with history
try: import readline
except ImportError: pass
# Try USB interface
try: import usb.core, usb.util
except ImportError: pass
# Windows registry for serial port detection
try: import winreg
except ImportError:
try: import _winreg as winreg
except ImportError: winreg = None
_logger = logging.getLogger("LGLAF.py")
# Python 2/3 compat
try: input = raw_input
except: pass
if '\0' == b'\0': int_as_byte = chr
else: int_as_byte = lambda x: bytes([x])
_ESCAPE_PATTERN = re.compile(b'''\\\\(
x[0-9a-fA-F]{2} |
[0-7]{1,3} |
.)''', re.VERBOSE)
b'n': b'\n',
b'r': b'\r',
b't': b'\t',
_ESCAPED_CHARS = b'"\\\''
def text_unescape(text):
"""Converts a string with escape sequences to bytes."""
text_bin = text.encode("utf8")
def sub_char(m):
what = m.group(1)
if what[0:1] == b'x' and len(what) == 3:
return int_as_byte(int(what[1:], 16))
elif what[0:1] in b'01234567':
return int_as_byte(int(what, 8))
elif what in _ESCAPE_MAP:
return _ESCAPE_MAP[what]
elif what in _ESCAPED_CHARS:
return what
raise RuntimeError('Unknown escape sequence \\%s' %
return re.sub(_ESCAPE_PATTERN, sub_char, text_bin)
def parse_number_or_escape(text):
return int(text, 0) if text else 0
except ValueError:
return text_unescape(text)
### Protocol-related stuff
def crc16(data):
"""CRC-16-CCITT computation with LSB-first and inversion."""
crc = 0xffff
for byte in data:
crc ^= byte
for bits in range(8):
if crc & 1:
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8408
crc >>= 1
return crc ^ 0xffff
def invert_dword(dword_bin):
dword = struct.unpack("I", dword_bin)[0]
return struct.pack("I", dword ^ 0xffffffff)
def make_request(cmd, args=[], body=b''):
if not isinstance(cmd, bytes):
cmd = cmd.encode('ascii')
assert isinstance(body, bytes), "body must be bytes"
# Header: command, args, ... body size, header crc16, inverted command
header = bytearray(0x20)
def set_header(offset, val):
if isinstance(val, int):
val = struct.pack('<I', val)
assert len(val) == 4, "Header field requires a DWORD, got %s %r" % \
(type(val).__name__, val)
header[offset:offset+4] = val
set_header(0, cmd)
assert len(args) <= 4, "Header cannot have more than 4 arguments"
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
set_header(4 * (i + 1), arg)
# 0x14: body length
set_header(0x14, len(body))
# 0x1c: Inverted command
set_header(0x1c, invert_dword(cmd))
# Header finished (with CRC placeholder), append body...
header += body
# finish with CRC for header and body
set_header(0x18, crc16(header))
return bytes(header)
def validate_message(payload, ignore_crc=False):
if len(payload) < 0x20:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid header length: %d" % len(payload))
if not ignore_crc:
crc = struct.unpack_from('<I', payload, 0x18)[0]
payload_before_crc = bytearray(payload)
payload_before_crc[0x18:0x18+4] = b'\0\0\0\0'
crc_exp = crc16(payload_before_crc)
if crc_exp != crc:
raise RuntimeError("Expected CRC %04x, found %04x" % (crc_exp, crc))
tail_exp = invert_dword(payload[0:4])
tail = payload[0x1c:0x1c+4]
if tail_exp != tail:
raise RuntimeError("Expected trailer %r, found %r" % (tail_exp, tail))
def make_exec_request(shell_command):
# Allow use of shell constructs such as piping. Needs more work not to eat
# all repetitive spaces, it should also escape some things...
body = b'sh -c "$@" -- eval 2>&1 </dev/null '
body += shell_command.encode('ascii') + b'\0'
return make_request(b'EXEC', body=body)
### USB or serial port communication
class Communication(object):
def __init__(self):
self.read_buffer = b''
def read(self, n, timeout=None):
"""Reads exactly n bytes."""
need = n - len(self.read_buffer)
while need > 0:
buff = self._read(need, timeout=timeout)
self.read_buffer += buff
if not buff:
raise EOFError
need -= len(buff)
data, self.read_buffer = self.read_buffer[0:n], self.read_buffer[n:]
return data
def _read(self, n, timeout=None):
"""Try one read, possibly returning less or more than n bytes."""
raise NotImplementedError
def write(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def reset(self):
self.read_buffer = b''
def call(self, payload):
"""Sends a command and returns its response."""
header = self.read(0x20)
validate_message(header, ignore_crc=True)
cmd = header[0:4]
size = struct.unpack_from('<I', header, 0x14)[0]
# could validate CRC and inverted command here...
data = self.read(size) if size else b''
if cmd == b'FAIL':
errCode = struct.unpack_from('<I', header, 4)
raise RuntimeError('Command failed with error code %#x' % errCode)
if cmd != payload[0:4]:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected response: %r" % header)
return header, data
class FileCommunication(Communication):
def __init__(self, file_path):
super(FileCommunication, self).__init__()
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
self.f = open(file_path, 'r+b', buffering=0)
self.f = open(file_path, 'r+b')
def _read(self, n, timeout=None):
return self.f.read(n)
def write(self, data):
def close(self):
class USBCommunication(Communication):
EP_IN = 0x85
EP_OUT = 3
VENDOR_ID_LG = 0x1004
# Read timeout. Set to 0 to disable timeouts
def __init__(self):
super(USBCommunication, self).__init__()
# Match device using heuristics on the interface/endpoint descriptors,
# this avoids hardcoding idProduct.
self.usbdev = usb.core.find(idVendor=self.VENDOR_ID_LG,
custom_match = self._match_device)
if self.usbdev is None:
raise RuntimeError("USB device not found")
cfg = usb.util.find_descriptor(self.usbdev,
current_cfg = self.usbdev.get_active_configuration()
if cfg.bConfigurationValue != current_cfg.bConfigurationValue:
except usb.core.USBError as e:
_logger.warning("Failed to set configuration, "
"has a kernel driver claimed the interface?")
raise e
def _match_device(self, device):
return any(
usb.util.find_descriptor(cfg, bInterfaceClass=255,
bInterfaceSubClass=255, bInterfaceProtocol=255,
for cfg in device
def _match_interface(self, intf):
return intf.bNumEndpoints == 2 and all(
ep.bEndpointAddress in (self.EP_IN, self.EP_OUT) and
usb.util.endpoint_type(ep.bmAttributes) ==
for ep in intf
def _match_configuration(self, config):
return usb.util.find_descriptor(config,
def _read(self, n, timeout=READ_TIMEOUT_MS):
# device seems to use 16 KiB buffers.
array = self.usbdev.read(self.EP_IN, 2**14, timeout=timeout)
try: return array.tobytes()
except: return array.tostring()
def write(self, data):
# Reset read buffer for response
if self.read_buffer:
_logger.warn('non-empty read buffer %r', self.read_buffer)
self.read_buffer = b''
self.usbdev.write(self.EP_OUT, data)
def close(self):
def try_hello(comm):
Tests whether the device speaks the expected protocol. If desynchronization
is detected, tries to read as much data as possible.
# Wait for at most 5 seconds for a response... it shouldn't take that long
# and otherwise something is wrong.
hello_request = make_request(b'HELO', args=[b'\1\0\0\1'])
data = comm.read(0x20, timeout=HELLO_READ_TIMEOUT)
if data[0:4] != b'HELO':
# Unexpected response, maybe some stale data from a previous execution?
while data[0:4] != b'HELO':
validate_message(data, ignore_crc=True)
size = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, 0x14)[0]
comm.read(size, timeout=HELLO_READ_TIMEOUT)
except RuntimeError: pass
# Flush read buffer
data = comm.read(0x20, timeout=HELLO_READ_TIMEOUT)
# Just to be sure, send another HELO request.
def detect_serial_path():
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) as key:
return winreg.QueryValueEx(key, r'\Device\LGANDNETDIAG1')[0]
except OSError:
return None
def autodetect_device():
if winreg is not None and 'usb.core' not in sys.modules:
serial_path = detect_serial_path()
_logger.debug("Using serial port: %s", serial_path)
if not serial_path:
raise RuntimeError("Please install LG drivers or PyUSB")
return FileCommunication(serial_path)
if 'usb.core' not in sys.modules:
raise RuntimeError("Please install PyUSB for USB support")
return USBCommunication()
### Interactive loop
def get_commands(command):
if command:
yield command
# Happened on Win32/Py3.4.4 when: echo ls | lglaf.py --serial com4
if sys.stdin is None:
raise RuntimeError('No console input available!')
if sys.stdin.isatty():
print("LGLAF.py by Peter Wu (https://lekensteyn.nl/lglaf)\n"
"Type a shell command to execute or \"exit\" to leave.",
prompt = '# '
prompt = ''
while True:
line = input(prompt)
if line == "exit":
if line:
yield line
except EOFError:
if prompt:
print("", file=sys.stderr)
def command_to_payload(command):
# Handle '!' as special commands, treat others as shell command
if command[0] != '!':
return make_exec_request(command)
command = command[1:]
# !command [arg1[,arg2[,arg3[,arg4]]]] [body]
# args are treated as integers (decimal or hex)
# body is treated as string (escape sequences are supported)
command, args, body = (command.split(' ', 2) + ['', ''])[0:3]
command = text_unescape(command)
args = list(map(parse_number_or_escape, args.split(',') + [0, 0, 0]))[0:4]
body = text_unescape(body)
return make_request(command, args, body)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LG LAF Download Mode utility')
parser.add_argument("--skip-hello", action="store_true",
help="Immediately send commands, skip HELO message")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--command", help='Shell command to execute')
parser.add_argument("--serial", metavar="PATH", dest="serial_path",
help="Path to serial device (e.g. COM4).")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', help="Enable debug messages")
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)
# Binary stdout (output data from device as-is)
try: stdout_bin = sys.stdout.buffer
except: stdout_bin = sys.stdout
if args.serial_path:
comm = FileCommunication(args.serial_path)
comm = autodetect_device()
with closing(comm):
if not args.skip_hello:
_logger.debug("Hello done, proceeding with commands")
for command in get_commands(args.command):
payload = command_to_payload(command)
header, response = comm.call(payload)
# For debugging, print header
if command[0] == '!':
_logger.debug('Header: %s',
' '.join(repr(header[i:i+4]).replace("\\x00", "\\0")
for i in range(0, len(header), 4)))
except Exception as e:
if args.debug:
import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
if __name__ == '__main__':