-- Wireshark Dissector for LG LAF protocol -- Tested with Wireshark 2.0 -- -- Place it in ~/.config/wireshark/plugins/ -- (or ~/.wireshark/plugins/ if ~/.wireshark/ exists) -- -- Alternatively start with: wireshark -X lua_script:path/to/lglaf.lua local lglaf = Proto("lglaf", "LG LAF") local usb_transfer_type = Field.new("usb.transfer_type") local usb_endpoint = Field.new("usb.endpoint_number") lglaf.fields.cmd = ProtoField.string("lglaf.command", "Command") lglaf.fields.arg1 = ProtoField.uint32("lglaf.arg1", "Argument 1", base.HEX_DEC) lglaf.fields.arg2 = ProtoField.uint32("lglaf.arg2", "Argument 2", base.HEX_DEC) lglaf.fields.arg3 = ProtoField.uint32("lglaf.arg3", "Argument 3", base.HEX_DEC) lglaf.fields.arg4 = ProtoField.uint32("lglaf.arg4", "Argument 4", base.HEX_DEC) lglaf.fields.len = ProtoField.uint32("lglaf.len", "Body length") lglaf.fields.crc = ProtoField.uint32("lglaf.crc", "CRC", base.HEX) lglaf.fields.cmd_inv = ProtoField.bytes("lglaf.command_inv", "Command (inverted)") lglaf.fields.body = ProtoField.bytes("lglaf.body", "Body") lglaf.fields.body_str = ProtoField.string("lglaf.body_str", "Body (text)") function dissect_tx(tvb, pinfo, tree) local i local offset = 0 for i = 1, 2 do tree:add_le(lglaf.fields.opts, tvb(offset, 4)) offset = offset + 4 end return offset end function lglaf.dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree) local offset local transfer_type = usb_transfer_type().value local endpoint = usb_endpoint().value -- Process only bulk packets from (EP 5) and to the device (EP 3) if not ((endpoint == 0x85 or endpoint == 3) and transfer_type == 3) then return 0 end pinfo.cols.protocol = lglaf.name local lglaf_tree = tree:add(lglaf, tvb()) if tvb(0, 4):le_uint() ~= bit.bnot(tvb(0x1c, 4):le_uint()) then pinfo.cols.info:set("Continuation") return end local next_offset = 0 function add_dword(field) next_offset = next_offset + 4 field_tvb = tvb(next_offset - 4, 4) lglaf_tree:add_le(field, field_tvb) return field_tvb end add_dword(lglaf.fields.cmd) local v_args = { add_dword(lglaf.fields.arg1), add_dword(lglaf.fields.arg2), add_dword(lglaf.fields.arg3), add_dword(lglaf.fields.arg4), } local v_len = add_dword(lglaf.fields.len) add_dword(lglaf.fields.crc) add_dword(lglaf.fields.cmd_inv) pinfo.cols.info:set(tvb(0, 4):string() .. "(") for i, arg in ipairs(v_args) do if i > 1 then pinfo.cols.info:append(","); end pinfo.cols.info:append(arg:le_uint()) end pinfo.cols.info:append(")") -- TODO desegmentation support local body_len = v_len:le_uint() if body_len > 0 then local body_tvb = tvb(next_offset, body_len) lglaf_tree:add(lglaf.fields.body, body_tvb) lglaf_tree:add(lglaf.fields.body_str, body_tvb) local body_summary = body_tvb:string() body_summary = string.gsub(body_summary, "\n", "\\n") if #body_summary > 50 then body_summary = string.sub(body_summary, 1, 80) .. "…" end pinfo.cols.info:append(" [" .. body_len .. "] " .. body_summary) end end function lglaf.init() local usb_product = DissectorTable.get("usb.product"); usb_product:add(0x1004633e, lglaf) end