2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Interactive shell for communication with LG devices in download mode (LAF).
# Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl>
# Licensed under the MIT license <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
from __future__ import print_function
from contextlib import closing
import argparse, logging, re, struct, sys
# Enhanced prompt with history
try: import readline
except ImportError: pass
# Try USB interface
try: import usb.core
except ImportError: pass
2015-12-24 17:58:34 -05:00
# Windows registry for serial port detection
try: import winreg
except ImportError:
try: import _winreg as winreg
except ImportError: winreg = None
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
_logger = logging.getLogger("LGLAF.py")
# Python 2/3 compat
try: input = raw_input
except: pass
if '\0' == b'\0': int_as_byte = chr
else: int_as_byte = lambda x: bytes([x])
_ESCAPE_PATTERN = re.compile(b'''\\\\(
x[0-9a-fA-F]{2} |
[0-7]{1,3} |
.)''', re.VERBOSE)
b'n': b'\n',
b'r': b'\r',
b't': b'\t',
_ESCAPED_CHARS = b'"\\\''
def text_unescape(text):
"""Converts a string with escape sequences to bytes."""
text_bin = text.encode("utf8")
def sub_char(m):
what = m.group(1)
if what[0:1] == b'x' and len(what) == 3:
return int_as_byte(int(what[1:], 16))
elif what[0:1] in b'01234567':
return int_as_byte(int(what, 8))
elif what in _ESCAPE_MAP:
return _ESCAPE_MAP[what]
elif what in _ESCAPED_CHARS:
return what
raise RuntimeError('Unknown escape sequence \\%s' %
return re.sub(_ESCAPE_PATTERN, sub_char, text_bin)
def parse_number_or_escape(text):
return int(text, 0) if text else 0
except ValueError:
return text_unescape(text)
### Protocol-related stuff
def crc16(data):
"""CRC-16-CCITT computation with LSB-first and inversion."""
crc = 0xffff
for byte in data:
crc ^= byte
for bits in range(8):
if crc & 1:
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8408
crc >>= 1
return crc ^ 0xffff
def invert_dword(dword_bin):
dword = struct.unpack("I", dword_bin)[0]
return struct.pack("I", dword ^ 0xffffffff)
def make_request(cmd, args=[], body=b''):
if not isinstance(cmd, bytes):
cmd = cmd.encode('ascii')
2015-12-25 09:48:30 -05:00
assert isinstance(body, bytes), "body must be bytes"
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
# Header: command, args, ... body size, header crc16, inverted command
header = bytearray(0x20)
def set_header(offset, val):
if isinstance(val, int):
val = struct.pack('<I', val)
2015-12-25 19:09:07 -05:00
assert len(val) == 4, "Header field requires a DWORD, got %s %r" % \
(type(val).__name__, val)
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
header[offset:offset+4] = val
set_header(0, cmd)
2015-12-25 09:48:30 -05:00
assert len(args) <= 4, "Header cannot have more than 4 arguments"
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
set_header(4 * (i + 1), arg)
# 0x14: body length
set_header(0x14, len(body))
# 0x1c: Inverted command
set_header(0x1c, invert_dword(cmd))
# Header finished (with CRC placeholder), append body...
header += body
# finish with CRC for header and body
set_header(0x18, crc16(header))
return bytes(header)
def validate_message(payload, ignore_crc=False):
if len(payload) < 0x20:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid header length: %d" % len(payload))
if not ignore_crc:
crc = struct.unpack_from('<I', payload, 0x18)[0]
payload_before_crc = bytearray(payload)
payload_before_crc[0x18:0x18+4] = b'\0\0\0\0'
crc_exp = crc16(payload_before_crc)
if crc_exp != crc:
raise RuntimeError("Expected CRC %04x, found %04x" % (crc_exp, crc))
tail_exp = invert_dword(payload[0:4])
tail = payload[0x1c:0x1c+4]
if tail_exp != tail:
raise RuntimeError("Expected trailer %r, found %r" % (tail_exp, tail))
def make_exec_request(shell_command):
# Allow use of shell constructs such as piping. Needs more work not to eat
# all repetitive spaces, it should also escape some things...
body = b'sh -c "$@" -- eval 2>&1 '
body += shell_command.encode('ascii') + b'\0'
return make_request(b'EXEC', body=body)
### USB or serial port communication
class Communication(object):
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
def __init__(self):
self.read_buffer = b''
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
def read(self, n):
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
"""Reads exactly n bytes."""
need = n - len(self.read_buffer)
while need > 0:
buff = self._read(need)
self.read_buffer += buff
if not buff:
raise EOFError
need -= len(buff)
data, self.read_buffer = self.read_buffer[0:n], self.read_buffer[n:]
return data
def _read(self, n):
"""Try one read, possibly returning less or more than n bytes."""
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
raise NotImplementedError
def write(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def reset(self):
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
self.read_buffer = b''
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
def call(self, payload):
"""Sends a command and returns its response."""
header = self.read(0x20)
validate_message(header, ignore_crc=True)
cmd = header[0:4]
size = struct.unpack_from('<I', header, 0x14)[0]
# could validate CRC and inverted command here...
data = self.read(size) if size else b''
if cmd == b'FAIL':
errCode = struct.unpack_from('<I', header, 4)
raise RuntimeError('Command failed with error code %#x' % errCode)
if cmd != payload[0:4]:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected response: %r" % header)
return header, data
class FileCommunication(Communication):
def __init__(self, file_path):
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
super(FileCommunication, self).__init__()
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
self.f = open(file_path, 'r+b', buffering=0)
self.f = open(file_path, 'r+b')
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
def _read(self, n):
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
return self.f.read(n)
def write(self, data):
def close(self):
class USBCommunication(Communication):
EP_IN = 0x85
EP_OUT = 3
# Read timeout. Set to 0 to disable timeouts
def __init__(self):
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
super(USBCommunication, self).__init__()
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
self.usbdev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x1004, idProduct=0x633e)
if self.usbdev is None:
raise RuntimeError("USB device not found")
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
def _read(self, n):
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
# device seems to use 16 KiB buffers.
2015-12-26 16:03:49 -05:00
array = self.usbdev.read(self.EP_IN, 2**14, timeout=self.READ_TIMEOUT_MS)
try: return array.tobytes()
except: return array.tostring()
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
def write(self, data):
# Reset read buffer for response
if self.read_buffer:
_logger.warn('non-empty read buffer %r', self.read_buffer)
self.read_buffer = b''
self.usbdev.write(self.EP_OUT, data)
def close(self):
2015-12-25 09:55:15 -05:00
def try_hello(comm):
Tests whether the device speaks the expected protocol. If desynchronization
is detected, tries to read as much data as possible.
hello_request = make_request(b'HELO', args=[b'\1\0\0\1'])
data = comm.read(0x20)
if data[0:4] != b'HELO':
# Unexpected response, maybe some stale data from a previous execution?
while data[0:4] != b'HELO':
validate_message(data, ignore_crc=True)
size = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, 0x14)[0]
except RuntimeError: pass
# Flush read buffer
data = comm.read(0x20)
# Just to be sure, send another HELO request.
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
2015-12-24 17:58:34 -05:00
def detect_serial_path():
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) as key:
return winreg.QueryValueEx(key, r'\Device\LGANDNETDIAG1')[0]
except OSError:
return None
2015-12-25 19:09:07 -05:00
def autodetect_device():
if winreg is not None and 'usb.core' not in sys.modules:
serial_path = detect_serial_path()
_logger.debug("Using serial port: %s", serial_path)
if not serial_path:
raise RuntimeError("Please install LG drivers or PyUSB")
return FileCommunication(serial_path)
if 'usb.core' not in sys.modules:
raise RuntimeError("Please install PyUSB for USB support")
return USBCommunication()
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
### Interactive loop
2015-12-24 15:55:34 -05:00
def get_commands(command):
if command:
yield command
# Happened on Win32/Py3.4.4 when: echo ls | lglaf.py --serial com4
if sys.stdin is None:
raise RuntimeError('No console input available!')
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
if sys.stdin.isatty():
print("LGLAF.py by Peter Wu (https://lekensteyn.nl/lglaf)\n"
"Type a shell command to execute or \"exit\" to leave.",
prompt = '# '
prompt = ''
while True:
line = input(prompt)
if line == "exit":
if line:
yield line
except EOFError:
if prompt:
print("", file=sys.stderr)
def command_to_payload(command):
# Handle '!' as special commands, treat others as shell command
if command[0] != '!':
return make_exec_request(command)
command = command[1:]
# !command [arg1[,arg2[,arg3[,arg4]]]] [body]
# args are treated as integers (decimal or hex)
# body is treated as string (escape sequences are supported)
command, args, body = (command.split(' ', 2) + ['', ''])[0:3]
command = text_unescape(command)
args = list(map(parse_number_or_escape, args.split(',') + [0, 0, 0]))[0:4]
body = text_unescape(body)
return make_request(command, args, body)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LG LAF Download Mode utility')
2015-12-26 08:51:28 -05:00
parser.add_argument("--skip-hello", action="store_true",
help="Immediately send commands, skip HELO message")
2015-12-24 15:55:34 -05:00
parser.add_argument("-c", "--command", help='Shell command to execute')
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
parser.add_argument("--serial", metavar="PATH", dest="serial_path",
help="Path to serial device (e.g. COM4).")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', help="Enable debug messages")
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)
# Binary stdout (output data from device as-is)
try: stdout_bin = sys.stdout.buffer
except: stdout_bin = sys.stdout
if args.serial_path:
comm = FileCommunication(args.serial_path)
2015-12-25 19:09:07 -05:00
comm = autodetect_device()
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
with closing(comm):
2015-12-26 08:51:28 -05:00
if not args.skip_hello:
_logger.debug("Hello done, proceeding with commands")
2015-12-24 15:55:34 -05:00
for command in get_commands(args.command):
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
payload = command_to_payload(command)
header, response = comm.call(payload)
# For debugging, print header
if command[0] == '!':
_logger.debug('Header: %s',
2015-12-26 16:03:49 -05:00
' '.join(repr(header[i:i+4]).replace("\\x00", "\\0")
2015-12-24 14:03:07 -05:00
for i in range(0, len(header), 4)))
except Exception as e:
if args.debug:
import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
if __name__ == '__main__':