name = "IPTFreedom" mc_version = "1.19.4" [jar] type = "url" url = "" [variables] SERVER_ADDRESS = "" PORT = "25565" TELNET_PORT = "25765" OWNERS = "maniaplay" EXECUTIVES = "G6_" ASSISTANT_EXECUTIVES = "" DISCORD_INVITE = "" DISCORD_TOKEN = "" DISCORD_PREFIX = "ipt!" DISCORD_SERVER_ID = "" DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID_CHAT = "" DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID_ADMIN = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_MASTER_BUILDER = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_ADMIN = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_SENIOR_ADMIN = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_DEVELOPER = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT_EXECUTIVE = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_EXECUTIVE = "" DISCORD_ROLE_ID_SERVER_OWNER = "" [launcher] aikars_flags = true proxy_flags = false eula_args = true nogui = true [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "modrinth" id = "buildersutilities" version = "usc9dcSx" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "spigot" id = "carz.56255" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" [[plugins]] type = "url" url = "" # TODO: Decompile this one and clean up the code & make a release [[plugins]] type = "url" url = ""