# Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Attack Client / Diag Tools (c) B. Kerler 2018-2021 ## Why - Because we'd like to flexible dump smartphones - Because attacking firehose is kewl - Because memory dumping helps to find issues :) ### Use Re LiveDVD (everything ready to go, based on Ubuntu): [Download Re Live DVD V2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUK0toC6I0jhJ4ZTFPREhSXFTkSe9_gl/view?usp=sharing) User: livedvd, Password:livedvd ## Installation ### Linux (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/etc): ```bash sudo apt install adb fastboot python3-dev python3-pip liblzma-dev git sudo apt purge ModemManager git clone https://github.com/bkerler/edl.git cd edl git submodule update --init --recursive sudo cp Drivers/51-edl.rules /etc/udev/rules.d sudo cp Drivers/50-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install ``` ### macOS: ```bash brew install libusb git git clone https://github.com/bkerler/edl.git cd edl git submodule update --init --recursive python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install ``` ### Windows: #### Install python + git - Install python 3.9 and git - If you install python from microsoft store, "python setup.py install" will fail, but that step isn't required. - WIN+R ```cmd``` #### Grab files and install ``` git clone https://github.com/bkerler/edl cd edl git submodule update --init --recursive pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` #### Get latest UsbDk 64-Bit - Install normal QC 9008 Serial Port driver (or use default Windows COM Port one, make sure no exclamation is seen) - Get usbdk installer (.msi) from [here](https://github.com/daynix/UsbDk/releases/) and install it - Test on device connect using "UsbDkController -n" if you see a device with pid 0x9008 - Works fine under Windows 10 and 11 :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Get Loaders You should get these automatically if you do a ``` git submodule update --init --recursive ``` or from [here](https://github.com/bkerler/Loaders) ## Convert own EDL loaders for automatic usage - Make a subdirectory "newstuff", copy your edl loaders to this subdirectory - ```./Loaders/fhloaderparse.py newstuff Loaders``` - or sniff existing edl tools using Totalphase Beagle 480, set filter to ```filter({'inputs': False, 'usb3': False, 'chirps': False, 'dev': 26, 'usb2resets': False, 'sofs': False, 'ep': 1})```, export to binary file as "sniffeddata.bin" and then use ```beagle_to_loader.py sniffeddata.bin``` ## Install EDL loaders - ```mkdir examples``` - Copy all your loaders into the examples directory - ```./fhloaderparse.py examples Loaders``` -> will autodetect and rename loader structure and copy them to the "Loaders" directory - Or rename Loaders manually as "msmid_pkhash[8 bytes].bin" and put them into the Loaders directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Run EDL (examples) ### Generic - ```python edl.py -h``` -> to see help with all options - ```python edl.py server --memory=ufs --tcpport=1340``` -> Run TCP/IP server on port 1340, see tcpclient.py for an example client - ```python edl.py xml run.xml``` -> To send a xml file run.xml via firehose - ```python edl.py reset``` -> To reboot the phone - ```python edl.py rawxml ``` -> To send own xml string, example : ```python edl.py rawxml "``` - ```python edl.py [anycommand] --debugmode``` -> enables Verbose. Only do that is REALLY needed as it will print out everything happening ! ### For EMMC Flash - ```python edl.py printgpt``` -> to print gpt on device with emmc - ```python edl.py rf flash.bin``` -> to dump whole flash for device with emmc - ```python edl.py rl dumps --skip=userdata --genxml``` -> to dump all partitions to directory dumps for device with emmc and skipping userdata partition, write rawprogram0.xml - ```python edl.py rs 0 15 data.bin``` -> to dump 15 sectors from starting sector 0 to file data.bin for device with emmc - ```python edl.py rs 0 15 data.bin --skipresponse``` -> to dump 15 sectors from starting sector 0 to file data.bin for device with emmc, ignores missing ACK from phones - ```python edl.py r boot_a boot.img``` -> to dump the partition "boot_a" to the filename boot.img for device with emmc - ```python edl.py r boot_a,boot_b boot_a.img,boot_b.img``` -> to dump multiple partitions to multiple filenames - ```python edl.py footer footer.bin``` -> to dump the crypto footer for Androids with emmc flash - ```python edl.py w boot_a boot.img``` -> to write boot.img to the "boot" partition on lun 0 on the device with emmc flash - ```python edl.py w gpt gpt.img``` -> to write gpt partition table from gpt.img to the first sector on the device with emmc flash - ```python edl.py wl dumps``` -> to write all files from "dumps" folder to according partitions to flash - ```python edl.py wf dump.bin``` -> to write the rawimage dump.bin to flash - ```python edl.py e misc``` -> to erase the partition misc on emmc flash - ```python edl.py gpt . --genxml``` -> dump gpt_main0.bin/gpt_backup0.bin and write rawpartition0.xml to current directory (".") ### For UFS Flash - ```python edl.py printgpt --memory=ufs --lun=0``` -> to print gpt on lun 0 - ```python edl.py printgpt --memory=ufs``` -> to print gpt of all lun - ```python edl.py rf lun0.bin --memory=ufs --lun=0``` -> to dump whole lun 0 - ```python edl.py rf flash.bin --memory=ufs``` -> to dump all luns as lun0_flash.bin, lun1_flash.bin, ... - ```python edl.py rl dumps --memory=ufs --lun=0 --skip=userdata,vendor_a``` -> to dump all partitions from lun0 to directory dumps for device with ufs and skip userdata and vendor_a partition - ```python edl.py rl dumps --memory=ufs --genxml``` -> to dump all partitions from all lun to directory dumps and write rawprogram[lun].xml - ```python edl.py rs 0 15 data.bin --memory=ufs --lun=0``` -> to dump 15 sectors from starting sector 0 from lun 0 to file data.bin - ```python edl.py r boot_a boot.img --memory=ufs --lun=4``` -> to dump the partition "boot_a" from lun 4 to the filename boot.img - ```python edl.py r boot_a boot.img --memory=ufs``` -> to dump the partition "boot_a" to the filename boot.img using lun autodetection - ```python edl.py r boot_a,boot_b boot_a.img,boot_b.img --memory=ufs``` -> to dump multiple partitions to multiple filenames - ```python edl.py footer footer.bin --memory=ufs``` -> to dump the crypto footer - ```python edl.py w boot boot.img --memory=ufs --lun=4``` -> to write boot.img to the "boot" partition on lun 4 on the device with ufs flash - ```python edl.py w gpt gpt.img --memory=ufs --lun=4``` -> to write gpt partition table from gpt.img to the lun 4 on the device with ufs flash - ```python edl.py wl dumps --memory=ufs --lun=0``` -> to write all files from "dumps" folder to according partitions to flash lun 0 - ```python edl.py wl dumps --memory=ufs``` -> to write all files from "dumps" folder to according partitions to flash and try to autodetect lun - ```python edl.py wf dump.bin --memory=ufs --lun=0``` -> to write the rawimage dump.bin to flash lun 0 - ```python edl.py e misc --memory=ufs --lun=0``` -> to erase the partition misc on lun 0 - ```python edl.py gpt . --genxml --memory=ufs``` -> dump gpt_main[lun].bin/gpt_backup[lun].bin and write rawpartition[lun].xml to current directory (".") ### QFIL emulation (credits to LyuOnLine): - For flashing full image: ``` python edl.py qfil rawprogram0.xml patch0.xml image_dir ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### For devices with peek/poke command - ```python edl.py peek 0x200000 0x10 mem.bin``` -> To dump 0x10 bytes from offset 0x200000 to file mem.bin from memory - ```python edl.py peekhex 0x200000 0x10``` -> To dump 0x10 bytes from offset 0x200000 as hex string from memory - ```python edl.py peekqword 0x200000``` -> To display a qword (8-bytes) at offset 0x200000 from memory - ```python edl.py pokeqword 0x200000 0x400000``` -> To write the q-word value 0x400000 to offset 0x200000 in memory - ```python edl.py poke 0x200000 mem.bin``` -> To write the binary file mem.bin to offset 0x200000 in memory - ```python edl.py secureboot``` -> To display secureboot fuses (only on EL3 loaders) - ```python edl.py pbl pbl.bin``` -> To dump pbl (only on EL3 loaders) - ```python edl.py qfp qfp.bin``` -> To dump qfprom fuses (only on EL3 loaders) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### For generic unlocking - ```python edl.py modules oemunlock enable``` -> Unlocks OEM if partition "config" exists, fastboot oem unlock is still needed afterwards #### Dump memory (0x900E mode) - ```python edl.py memorydump``` - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Streaming mode (credits to forth32) #### Enter streaming mode ##### Sierra Wireless Modem - Send AT!BOOTHOLD and AT!QPSTDLOAD to modem port or use ```modem/boottodwnload.py``` script - Send AT!ENTERCND="A710" and then AT!EROPTION=0 for memory dump - ```python edl.py --vid 1199 --pid 9070 --loader=loaders/NPRG9x35p.bin printgpt``` -> To show the partition table ##### Netgear MR1100 - run ```python modem/boottodownload.py```, device will enter download mode (0x900E pid) - ```python edl.py printgpt --loader=Loaders/qualcomm/patched/mdm9x5x/NPRG9x55p.bin```, device will reboot to 0x9008 - now use python edl.py regulary such as ```python edl.py printgpt``` (do not use loader option) ##### ZTE MF920V, Quectel, Telit, etc.. Modem - run ```python modem/enableadb.sh```, or send to at port "AT+ZCDRUN=E", or send via ```python diag.py -sahara``` - ```adb reboot edl``` - ```python edl.py printgpt``` -> To show the partition table ## Run Diag port tools (examples) For Oneplus 6T, enter *#801#* on dialpad, set Engineer Mode and Serial to on and try : - ```python diag.py -vid 0x05c6 -pid 0x676c -interface 0 -info``` ### Usage - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -info``` -> Send cmd "00" and return info - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -spc 303030303030``` -> Send spc "303030303030" - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -cmd 00``` -> Send cmd "00" (hexstring) - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -nvread 0x55``` -> Display nvitem 0x55 - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -nvbackup backup.json``` -> Backup all nvitems to a json structured file - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -efsread efs.bin``` -> Dump the EFS Modem partition to file efs.bin - ```python diag.py -vid 0x1234 -pid 0x5678 -interface 0 -efslistdir /``` -> Display / directory listing of EFS ## Issues - Secure loader with SDM660 on Xiaomi not yet supported (EDL authentification) - VIP Programming not supported (Contributions are welcome !) - EFS directory write and file read has to be added (Contributions are welcome !) ## Tested with - Oneplus 3T/5/6T/7T/8/8t/N10/N100 (Read-Only), BQ X, BQ X5, BQ X2, Gigaset ME Pure, ZTE MF210, ZTE MF920V, Sierra Wireless EM7455, Netgear MR1100-10EUS, Netgear MR5100 Published under MIT license Additional license limitations: No use in commercial products without prior permit. Enjoy !