85 lines
3.6 KiB
85 lines
3.6 KiB
const Kahoot = require('kahoot.js-api')
const questionColors = ['red', 'aqua', 'yellow', 'green']
const questionSymbols = ['▲', '♦', '●', '■']
function inject (bot) {
const answerError = () => bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootErrMsg('You cannot currently answer.')}`)
bot.kahoot ??= {}
bot.kahoot.playing ??= false
bot.kahoot.answer ??= answerError
bot.kahoot.client ??= new Kahoot()
bot.kahoot.leave = () => {
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg('Leaving...')}`)
bot.kahoot.playing = false
bot.kahoot.join = function (pin, username = 'Player') {
if (bot.kahoot.playing) {
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootErrMsg('The bot is already playing kahoot.')}`)
bot.kahoot.playing = true
bot.kahoot.client = new Kahoot()
bot.kahoot.client.join(pin, username).catch((err) => {
bot.kahoot.playing = false
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootErrMsg(err.description)}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('Joined', () =>
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg('Successfully joined the kahoot.')}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('QuizStart', () =>
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg('The quiz has started.')}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('QuestionReady', (question) =>
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg(`A ${question.type} question will start in ${question.timeLeft} seconds.`)}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('QuestionStart', (question) => {
bot.kahoot.answer = (answer) => {
bot.kahoot.answer = answerError
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg(`A ${question.type} question has started (Time Left: ${question.timeLeft / 1000} seconds).`)}`)
const answersMsg = ['']
for (let i = 0; i < question.numberOfChoices; i++) {
answersMsg.push({ text: '[', color: questionColors[i], clickEvent: { action: 'run_command', value: `${bot.prefix}kahoot answer ${i}` }, hoverEvent: { action: 'show_text', value: 'Click to answer' } })
answersMsg.push({ text: questionSymbols[i], clickEvent: { action: 'run_command', value: `${bot.prefix}kahoot answer ${i}` }, hoverEvent: { action: 'show_text', value: 'Click to answer' } })
answersMsg.push({ text: '] ', color: questionColors[i], clickEvent: { action: 'run_command', value: `${bot.prefix}kahoot answer ${i}` }, hoverEvent: { action: 'show_text', value: 'Click to answer' } })
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${JSON.stringify(answersMsg)}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('QuestionEnd', (results) => {
bot.kahoot.answer = answerError
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg(`You answered ${results.isCorrect ? '' : 'in'}correctly! You currently have ${results.points} points.`)}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('QuizEnd', (results) =>
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg(`The quiz has ended! Your rank is: ${results.rank}.`)}`)
bot.kahoot.client.on('Disconnect', (reason) => {
bot.core.run(`minecraft:tellraw @a ${kahootMsg(`Disconnected: ${reason}`)}`)
function kahootMsg (message) {
return JSON.stringify([
{ text: '', color: 'gray' },
{ text: '[', color: 'dark_gray' },
{ text: 'Kahoot', color: 'dark_purple' },
{ text: '] ', color: 'dark_gray' },
function kahootErrMsg (message) {
return JSON.stringify([
{ text: '', color: 'red' },
{ text: '[', color: 'dark_gray' },
{ text: 'Kahoot', color: 'dark_purple' },
{ text: '] ', color: 'dark_gray' },
module.exports = inject