2022-11-13 01:32:35 +00:00

140 lines
3.6 KiB

const { language } = require('./latest-minecraft-data')
const colormap = {
black: '§0',
dark_blue: '§1',
dark_green: '§2',
dark_aqua: '§3',
dark_red: '§4',
dark_purple: '§5',
gold: '§6',
gray: '§7',
dark_gray: '§8',
blue: '§9',
green: '§a',
aqua: '§b',
red: '§c',
light_purple: '§d',
yellow: '§e',
white: '§f',
reset: '§r'
const ansimap = {
'§0': '\x1b[0m\x1b[30m',
'§1': '\x1b[0m\x1b[34m',
'§2': '\x1b[0m\x1b[32m',
'§3': '\x1b[0m\x1b[36m',
'§4': '\x1b[0m\x1b[31m',
'§5': '\x1b[0m\x1b[35m',
'§6': '\x1b[0m\x1b[33m',
'§7': '\x1b[0m\x1b[37m',
'§8': '\x1b[0m\x1b[90m',
'§9': '\x1b[0m\x1b[94m',
'§a': '\x1b[0m\x1b[92m',
'§b': '\x1b[0m\x1b[96m',
'§c': '\x1b[0m\x1b[91m',
'§d': '\x1b[0m\x1b[95m',
'§e': '\x1b[0m\x1b[93m',
'§f': '\x1b[0m\x1b[97m',
'§r': '\x1b[0m',
'§l': '\x1b[1m',
'§o': '\x1b[3m',
'§n': '\x1b[4m',
'§m': '\x1b[9m',
'§k': '\x1b[6m'
function normalize (message) {
if (message == null) return ''
else if (typeof message === 'string' || typeof message === 'number' || typeof message === 'boolean') {
return message = { text: message }
} else if (Array.isArray(message) && message.length) {
const extra = message
message = extra.shift()
message.extra ??= []
message.extra = [...message.extra, ...extra]
return message
} else return message
* Parses a native minecraft text component in string form.
* @param {string} comp - A text component string, such as the chat packet's 'message' property.
* @returns {object} Parsed message in { raw, clean, ansi } form.
function parseText (comp, isJSON = false) {
if (isJSON) {
comp = JSON.parse(comp)
let raw = parseComponent(comp, { color: 'reset' })
if (raw.startsWith('§r')) {
raw = raw.substring(2)
const clean = raw.replace(/§.?/g, '')
const ansi = raw.replace(/§[a-f0-9rlonmk]/g, (m) => ansimap[m])
return { raw, clean, ansi }
* Parses a native minecraft text component in object form.
* @param {object} comp - The component.
* @param {object} parent - The parent component.
* @returns {string} The parsed raw string.
function parseComponent (comp, parent) {
comp = { ...normalize(comp) }
comp.color ??= parent.color
comp.bold ??= parent.bold
comp.italic ??= parent.italic
comp.underlined ??= parent.underlined
comp.strikethrough ??= parent.strikethrough
comp.obfuscated ??= parent.obfuscated
let raw = ''
let formatting = ''
formatting += colormap[comp.color] || ''
if (comp.bold) formatting += '§l'
if (comp.italic) formatting += '§o'
if (comp.underlined) formatting += '§n'
if (comp.strikethrough) formatting += '§m'
if (comp.obfuscated) formatting += '§k'
raw += formatting
if (comp.text) {
raw += comp.text
} else if (comp.translate) { // I checked with the native minecraft code. This is how Minecraft does the matching and group indexing. -hhhzzzsss
const _with = comp.with ?? []
let i = 0
raw += (language[comp.translate] ?? comp.translate).replace(/%(?:(\d+)\$)?(s|%)/g, (g0, g1) => {
if (g0 === '%%') {
return '%'
} else {
const idx = g1 ? parseInt(g1) : i++
if (_with[idx] != null) {
return parseComponent(_with[idx], comp) + formatting
} else {
return ''
} else if (comp.selector) {
raw += comp.selector
} else if (comp.keybind) {
raw += comp.keybind
} else if (comp.nbt) {
// raw += ''
if (comp.extra) {
comp.extra.forEach((extra) => {
raw += parseComponent(extra, comp)
return raw
module.exports = { normalize, parseText }