const mcp = require("minecraft-protocol") const { Worker } = require("worker_threads") const fs = require("fs") const path = require("path") const child_process = require("child_process") const config = require("./config.json") var globalTerm = null; var curWorker = null; child_process.execSync("chmod 760 *") var client = mcp.createClient({ username:"MCTerminal", host:process.argv[2] }) client.queue = [] function endWorker() { if(curWorker == null) return; curWorker.terminate() curWorker = null } let plugins = []; //NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE, PLUGINS ARE LOADED AUTOMATICALLY fs.readdirSync( path.join(__dirname, "plugins") ).forEach(function (file) { // populate plugins array if (file.endsWith(".js")) { plugins.push(path.join(__dirname, "plugins", file)); } }); plugins.forEach(function (plugin) { //load plugins let name = plugin.split("/"); name = name[name.length - 1]; try { let plug = require(plugin); plug.inject(client); console.log(`[${name}] Injected!`); } catch (e) { console.log(`[${name}] Exception loading plugin:`); console.log(require("util").inspect(e)); } }); setInterval(function() { if(client.queue[0]) { client.write("chat",{message:client.queue[0]}) client.queue.shift() } },200) client.on("message", function(username, message) { if(globalTerm == null) return; if(message.startsWith(">")) { switch(message.split(">")[1].split(" ")[0]) { case "pkg": if(message.split(">")[1].split(" ")[1] == "add") { if(curWorker == null) { client.queue.push(`&aAttempting to install &e${message.split(">")[1].split(" ")[2]}`) curWorker = new Worker("./workers/pkg.js",{workerData:{pkg: message.split(">")[1].split(" ")[2]}}) curWorker.on("message", function(msg) { switch(msg) { case "NOTFOUND": client.queue.push("&cPackage not found!") endWorker() break; case "ERR": client.queue.push("&cAn error occured while installing the package.") endWorker() break; case "INSTALLED": client.queue.push("&aPackage successfully installed!") endWorker() break; } }) } else { client.queue.push("&cThere is already a package installing!") } } break; case "break": default: globalTerm.stdin.write(message.substr(1) + "\n") break; } } }) client.on("login", function(){ client.queue.push("&eMCTerminal &astarted! Prefix your messages with &e>&a to execute them in the terminal! You can also install packages with &e>pkg add&a!") client.queue.push("&aThe terminal is starting, please wait...") setTimeout(function(){ child_process.execSync("chmod 760 *") var term = child_process.exec(`su ${config.user}`, function(err, stdout, stderr) { console.log("Process exited.") process.exit(0) }) globalTerm = term setTimeout(function(){ term.stdin.write("${config.password}\n") setTimeout(function(){ client.queue.push("&aAuthenticated user, giving input!") term.stdout.on("data", function(chunk){ client.queue = [].concat(client.queue,chunk.toString().replace(/\n/gm," ").match(/.{1,99}/g)) }) term.stderr.on("data",function(chunk){ client.queue = [].concat(client.queue,chunk.toString().replace(/\n/gm," ").match(/.{1,99}/g)) }) },1000) },200) },1000) }) client.on("end", function(reason){ console.log(reason) process.exit(0) }) client.on("error", function(err){ console.log(err) process.exit(0) }) process.on("uncaughtException", function(err){ console.log(err) process.exit(0) })