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// PopupMenu NONPORTABLE, NewPopupMenu portable
#ifndef _POPUP_H
#define _POPUP_H
#include <wasabicfg.h>
#include <bfc/string/StringW.h>
#include <bfc/PtrList.h>
#include <api/locales/xlatstr.h>
class PopupMenu;
class PopupMenuCallback
virtual PopupMenu *popupMenuCallback(PopupMenu *parent, intptr_t param) = 0; // returns the new popupmenu to be displayed
class PopupMenuEntry
PopupMenuEntry(const wchar_t *txt, int cmd, PopupMenu *_submenu, int _checked, int _disabled, PopupMenuCallback *cb = NULL, int cbparam = 0) : text(_(txt)), command(cmd), submenu(_submenu), checked(_checked), disabled(_disabled), callback(cb), callbackparam(cbparam) {} // txt = null for separators and menus, cmd = -1 for separators and submenus, if submenu == null && cmd == -1 and text == NULL then it's a separator
virtual ~PopupMenuEntry() {}
int getCommand() { return command; }
const wchar_t *getText() { return text; }
PopupMenu *getSubmenu() { return submenu; }
int getChecked() { return checked; }
int getDisabled() { return disabled; }
int isSeparator() { return command == -1 && submenu == NULL && text == NULL; }
int isSubmenu() { return (command == -1 && submenu != NULL) || callback; }
void setChecked(int check) { checked = check; }
void setDisabled(int disable) { disabled = disable; }
PopupMenuCallback *getCallback() { return callback; }
int getCallbackParam() { return callbackparam; }
StringW text;
int command;
PopupMenu *submenu;
int checked;
int disabled;
PopupMenuCallback *callback;
int callbackparam;
class SortMenuEntries
static int compareItem(PopupMenuEntry *p1, PopupMenuEntry *p2)
if (p1->getCommand() < p2->getCommand()) return -1;
if (p1->getCommand() > p2->getCommand()) return 1;
return 0;
static int compareAttrib(const wchar_t *attrib, PopupMenuEntry *item)
int c = *(int *)attrib;
if (c < item->getCommand()) return -1;
if (c > item->getCommand()) return 1;
return 0;
class PopupMenu
PopupMenu(ifc_window *parent);
PopupMenu(PopupMenu *parent);
virtual void addSubMenu(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *text, int disabled = FALSE);
virtual void addSubMenuCallback(const wchar_t *text, PopupMenuCallback *cb, int param);
virtual void addCommand(const wchar_t *text, int command, int checked = 0, int disabled = 0, int addpos = -1);
virtual void addSeparator(int addpos = -1);
virtual void checkCommand(int cmd, int check);
virtual void disableCommand(int cmd, int disable);
virtual int popAtXY(int x, int y, int native = 0);
virtual int popAnchored(int type = POPUP_ANCHOR_LL); // dropped off the sourceWnd given above
virtual int popAtMouse();
virtual int getNumCommands();
virtual const wchar_t *getCommandText(int command);
virtual void abort();
void rebuildMenu();
void invalidateMenu(); // no virtual please (it's called in the destructor)
ifc_window *getParent() { return parent; }
PtrList<PopupMenuEntry> entries;
PtrListQuickSorted<PopupMenuEntry, SortMenuEntries> sortedentries;
ifc_window *parent;
#include "../bfc/basewnd.h"
#include "../bfc/ptrlist.h"
#include <tataki/bitmap/autobitmap.h>
#include "../studio/skincb.h"
#define POPUP_TIMERID 1171
class PopupMenu;
class ButtonWnd;
class MenuButtonSurface;
class _PopupMenu
virtual ~_PopupMenu() {}
virtual void addSubMenu(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *text, int disabled = FALSE) = 0;
virtual void addSubMenuImage(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *bitmap, const wchar_t *pushedbitmap = 0, const wchar_t *highlightbitmap = 0) = 0;
virtual void addSubMenuCallback(const wchar_t *text, PopupMenuCallback *cb, int param) = 0;
virtual void addCommand(const char *text, int command, int checked = 0, int disabled = 0, int addpos = -1) = 0;
virtual void addCommandImage(const wchar_t *bitmap, const wchar_t *pushedbitmap, const wchar_t *highlightbitmap, int command, int checked, int disabled, int addpos = -1) = 0;
virtual void addSeparator(int addpos = -1) = 0;
virtual void checkCommand(int cmd, int check) = 0;
virtual void disableCommand(int cmd, int disable) = 0;
virtual int popAtXY(int x, int y) = 0;
virtual int popAnchored(int type = POPUP_ANCHOR_LL) = 0; // dropped off the sourceWnd given above
virtual int popAtMouse() = 0;
virtual void showAtXY(int x, int y, int *rc, int revside = 0, int parentW = 0) = 0;
virtual int getNumCommands() = 0;
virtual const wchar_t *getCommandText(int command) = 0;
virtual void onPostPop(intptr_t result) = 0;
virtual void selectFirst() = 0;
class PopupMenu : public _PopupMenu, public POPUPMENU_PARENT, public SkinCallbackI
PopupMenu(ifc_window *sourceWnd);
PopupMenu(HWND sourceWnd);
PopupMenu(PopupMenu *sourceWnd);
virtual ~PopupMenu();
void addSubMenu(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *text, int disabled = FALSE);
void addSubMenuImage(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *bitmap, const wchar_t *pushedbitmap = 0, const wchar_t *highlightbitmap = 0);
void addSubMenuCallback(const wchar_t *text, PopupMenuCallback *cb, int param);
void addCommand(const wchar_t *text, int command, int checked = 0, int disabled = 0, int addpos = -1);
void addCommandImage(const wchar_t *bitmap, const wchar_t *pushedbitmap, const wchar_t *highlightbitmap, int command, int checked, int disabled, int addpos = -1);
void addSeparator(int addpos = -1);
void checkCommand(int cmd, int check);
void disableCommand(int cmd, int disable);
int popAtXY(int x, int y);
int popAnchored(int type = POPUP_ANCHOR_LL); // dropped off the sourceWnd given above
int popAtMouse();
int getNumCommands();
virtual int bypassModal() { return 1; }
const wchar_t *getCommandText(int command);
virtual int onPaint(Canvas *canvas);
virtual int childNotify(ifc_window *child, int msg, intptr_t param1 = 0, intptr_t param2 = 0);
virtual int onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y);
virtual int onRightButtonDown(int x, int y);
virtual int onMouseMove(int x, int y); // only called when mouse captured
virtual int onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y);
virtual int onRightButtonUp(int x, int y);
virtual void timerCallback(int id);
virtual int onKillFocus();
virtual int skincb_onCheckPreventSwitch(const char *skinname);
virtual int onKeyDown(int code);
virtual void navigate(int p, int f = 0); // 1 = next, -1 = previous, 0 = self (open submenu or run action)
virtual void onSetVisible(int p);
virtual void selectFirst();
virtual int onSysKeyDown(int code, int d);
virtual void abort();
virtual void setFriendlyId(const wchar_t *id);
virtual MenuButtonSurface *getNextFriend() { return chainmenu; }
virtual int onInit();
void invalidateItem(int i);
String translateButtonText(const wchar_t *text);
virtual void onPostPop(intptr_t result) {}
// used internally, as well as by parent Popups.
void showAtXY(int x, int y, int *rc, int revside = 0, int parentW = 0);
void hide();
int isMine(int x, int y);
int getWhichItem(POINT &p);
void onButtonUp(int wb, int x, int y);
void onButtonDown(int wb, int x, int y);
void resetTimer(int p);
void initMenuCallback(int item);
int bdown;
int lastitem;
int rcode;
int *rcp;
typedef struct
int cmd;
ButtonWnd *butt;
PopupMenu *menu;
PopupMenuCallback *cb;
int issep;
int cbparam;
PtrList<ItemT> items;
ifc_window *parentRootWnd;
HWND parentWnd;
AutoSkinBitmap tex, ful, fur, fll, flr, fl, fr, ft, fb, sr, sl, sc;
int openmenuid;
int timerset;
int timeritem;
int popupdelay;
int reverse_side;
ifc_window *init_with;
int disable_autopop;
int kbdhooked;
int toplevelmenu;
POINT lastxy;
int keyctrl;
String friendid;
MenuButtonSurface *chainmenu;
String switchskinto;
#include "guiobjwnd.h"
#include "script/c_script/c_grouplist.h"
#include "../bfc/popexitcb.h"
#include "../bfc/notifmsg.h"
#define POPUPMENU_PARENT GuiObjectWnd
enum {
typedef struct
int type;
int cmd;
PopupMenu *menu;
PopupMenuCallback *cb;
String txt;
int checked;
int disabled;
int cbparam;
class PopupMenu : public _PopupMenu, public POPUPMENU_PARENT, public PopupExitCallbackI
PopupMenu(ifc_window *sourceWnd);
// PopupMenu(HWND sourceWnd);
PopupMenu(PopupMenu *sourceWnd);
virtual ~PopupMenu();
virtual void addSubMenu(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *text, int disabled = FALSE);
virtual void addSubMenuImage(PopupMenu *menu, const wchar_t *bitmap, const wchar_t *pushedbitmap = 0, const wchar_t *highlightbitmap = 0) {}
virtual void addSubMenuCallback(const wchar_t *text, PopupMenuCallback *cb, int param);
virtual void addCommand(const wchar_t *text, int command, int checked = 0, int disabled = 0, int addpos = -1);
virtual void addCommandImage(const wchar_t *bitmap, const wchar_t *pushedbitmap, const wchar_t *highlightbitmap, int command, int checked, int disabled, int addpos = -1) {}
virtual void addSeparator(int addpos = -1) {}
virtual void checkCommand(int cmd, int check) {}
virtual void disableCommand(int cmd, int disable) {}
virtual int popAtXY(int x, int y);
virtual int popAnchored(int type = POPUP_ANCHOR_LL);
virtual int popAtMouse();
virtual void showAtXY(int x, int y, int *rc, int revside = 0, int parentW = 0);
virtual int getNumCommands() { return 0;}
virtual const wchar_t *getCommandText(int command) { return NULL; }
virtual void onPostPop(intptr_t result) {}
virtual int onInit();
virtual void onNewContent();
virtual int popupexitcb_onExitPopup();
virtual ifc_dependent *popupexit_getDependencyPtr() { return getDependencyPtr(); }
virtual int bypassModal() { return 1; }
String translateButtonText(const wchar_t *text);
void fillContent();
void addItem(ItemT *item);
void initMenuCallback(int item);
void myInit();
int reverse_side;
int rcode;
PtrList<ItemT> items;
int menuchecks;
int submenus;
C_GroupList *c_grouplist;
int totalheight, totalwidth;
#endif |