@file:Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar import net.fabricmc.loom.api.LoomGradleExtensionAPI import net.fabricmc.loom.task.RemapJarTask val license: String by project val minecraftVersion: String by project val modVersion: String by project val modId: String by project val modName: String by project val modDescription: String by project val modAuthor: String by project val autoServiceVersion: String by project val parchmentVersion: String by project val fabricApiVersion: String by project val forgeVersion: String by project val jeiVersion: String by project val reiVersion: String by project val githubRepo: String by project val githubUser: String by project plugins { id("architectury-plugin") version "3.4.+" id("dev.architectury.loom") version "1.3.+" apply false id("io.github.juuxel.loom-vineflower") version "1.11.0" apply false id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "8.1.1" apply false java `maven-publish` } architectury { minecraft = minecraftVersion } /** * configurations for all projects including the root project */ allprojects { apply(plugin = "java") tasks { withType { options.encoding = "UTF-8" options.release.set(17) } withType { enabled = false } } extensions.configure { toolchain.languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)) withSourcesJar() } } /** * configurations for all projects except the root project */ subprojects { apply(plugin = "architectury-plugin") apply(plugin = "dev.architectury.loom") apply(plugin = "io.github.juuxel.loom-vineflower") apply(plugin = "maven-publish") base { archivesName.set("$modId-${project.name.lowercase()}") version = "$minecraftVersion-$modVersion" } repositories { maven("https://maven.parchmentmc.org") // Parchment maven("https://maven.shedaniel.me") // REI maven("https://maven.blamejared.com/") // JEI mavenLocal() } val loom = project.extensions.getByName("loom") loom.silentMojangMappingsLicense() dependencies { /** * Minecraft * Kotlin accessor methods are not generated in this gradle * they can be accessed through quoted names instead */ "minecraft"("com.mojang:minecraft:$minecraftVersion") "mappings"(loom.layered { officialMojangMappings() parchment("org.parchmentmc.data:parchment-$minecraftVersion:$parchmentVersion@zip") }) /** * non-Minecraft dependencies */ compileOnly("com.google.auto.service:auto-service:$autoServiceVersion") annotationProcessor("com.google.auto.service:auto-service:$autoServiceVersion") } tasks { /** * resource processing for defined targets * will replace `${key}` with the specified values from the map below */ processResources { val resourceTargets = listOf("META-INF/mods.toml", "pack.mcmeta", "fabric.mod.json") val replaceProperties = mapOf( "version" to project.version as String, "license" to license, "modId" to modId, "modName" to modName, "minecraftVersion" to minecraftVersion, "modAuthor" to modAuthor, "modDescription" to modDescription, "fabricApiVersion" to fabricApiVersion, "forgeVersion" to forgeVersion, // use major version for FML only because wrong Forge version error message // is way better than FML error message "forgeFMLVersion" to forgeVersion.substringBefore("."), "jeiVersion" to jeiVersion, "reiVersion" to reiVersion, "githubUser" to githubUser, "githubRepo" to githubRepo ) println("[Process Resources] Replacing resource properties for project '${project.name}': ") replaceProperties.forEach { (key, value) -> println("\t -> $key = $value") } inputs.properties(replaceProperties) filesMatching(resourceTargets) { expand(replaceProperties) } } } /** * Maven publishing */ publishing { publications { val mpm = project.properties["maven-publish-method"] as String println("[Publish Task] Publishing method for project '${project.name}': $mpm") register(mpm, MavenPublication::class) { artifactId = base.archivesName.get() from(components["java"]) } } /** * information on how to set up publishing * https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/publishing_maven.html */ repositories { maven("file://${System.getenv("local_maven")}") } } /** * disabling the runtime transformer from Architectury * if the runtime transformer should be enabled again, remove this block and * add the following to the respective subproject: * * configurations { * "developmentFabric" { extendsFrom(configurations["common"]) } * "developmentForge" { extendsFrom(configurations["common"]) } * } */ architectury { compileOnly() } } /** * configurations for all subprojects except the common project */ subprojects { if (project.path == ":Common") { return@subprojects } apply(plugin = "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") extensions.configure { runs { forEach { val dir = "../run/${project.name.lowercase()}_${it.environment}" println("[Run Config] ${project.name} '${it.name}' directory: $dir") it.runDir(dir) // allows DCEVM hot-swapping when using the JBR (https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsRuntime) it.vmArgs("-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions", "-XX:+AllowEnhancedClassRedefinition") } } /** * "main" matches the default mod name * since `compileOnly()` is being used in Architectury, the local mods for the * loaders need to be set up too * otherwise, they won't recognize :Common. */ with(mods.maybeCreate("main")) { fun Project.sourceSets() = extensions.getByName("sourceSets") sourceSet(sourceSets().getByName("main")) sourceSet(project(":Common").sourceSets().getByName("main")) } } val common by configurations.creating val shadowCommon by configurations.creating // don't use shadow from the plugin, IDEA shouldn't index this configurations { "compileClasspath" { extendsFrom(common) } "runtimeClasspath" { extendsFrom(common) } } with(components["java"] as AdhocComponentWithVariants) { withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["shadowRuntimeElements"]) { skip() } } tasks { named("shadowJar") { exclude("architectury.common.json") configurations = listOf(shadowCommon) archiveClassifier.set("dev-shadow") } named("remapJar") { inputFile.set(named("shadowJar").get().archiveFile) dependsOn("shadowJar") archiveClassifier.set(null as String?) injectAccessWidener.set(true) } named("jar") { archiveClassifier.set("dev") } named("sourcesJar") { val commonSources = project(":Common").tasks.named("sourcesJar") dependsOn(commonSources) from(commonSources.get().archiveFile.map { zipTree(it) }) archiveClassifier.set("sources") } } }