name: Release on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: target_version: type: string required: false description: "mod version | empty = next option" update_type: type: choice required: false description: "update type" default: "minor" options: - "major" - "minor" - "patch" - "none" release_type: type: choice required: true description: "type of release" default: "release" options: - "alpha" - "beta" - "release" loaders: type: choice required: true description: "loaders to release for" default: "both" options: - "fabric" - "forge" - "both" debug: type: boolean required: false default: false description: "enable debug mode (GitHub only)" jobs: redirect: uses: AlmostReliable/.github/.github/workflows/release-nf.yml@main secrets: inherit with: mod_name: "AlmostUnified" # name used for the output JAR files (use a dash instead of spaces) curseforge_id: "633823" # ID of the project on CurseForge modrinth_id: "sdaSaQEz" # ID of the project on Modrinth dependencies: | # can be removed if there are no dependencies jei(optional){curseforge:238222}{modrinth:u6dRKJwZ} rei(optional){curseforge:310111}{modrinth:nfn13YXA} emi(optional){curseforge:580555}{modrinth:fRiHVvU7} kubejs(optional){curseforge:238086}{modrinth:umyGl7zF} target_version: ${{ github.event.inputs.target_version }} update_type: ${{ github.event.inputs.update_type }} release_type: ${{ github.event.inputs.release_type }} loaders: ${{ github.event.inputs.loaders }} debug: ${{ github.event.inputs.debug }}