# ChomeNS Bot Java A Java verison of ChomeNS Bot. # Cum piling You will see that the exploits plugin is missing because I gitignored it to prevent exploit leaks To make this cum pie just make `ExploitsPlugin.java` in the plugins folder and add this code: ```java package land.chipmunk.chayapak.chomens_bot.plugins; import land.chipmunk.chayapak.chomens_bot.Bot; import java.util.UUID; public class ExploitsPlugin { public ExploitsPlugin (Bot bot) {} public void kick (UUID uuid) {} } ``` Then at the root of the project run `./gradlew shadowJar` for Linux or `gradlew.bat shadowJar` for Windows The .jar file will be at `build/libs`, to run the bot do `java -jar chomens_bot-rolling-all.jar`