diff --git a/src/main/resources/language.json b/src/main/resources/language.json index 21014591..dd8ec05e 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/language.json +++ b/src/main/resources/language.json @@ -1,364 +1,380 @@ { - "accessibility.onboarding.screen.narrator": "Pres entar two enable naratorr", - "accessibility.onboarding.screen.title": "Welcom 2 Minecraft\n\nWud u b c00l if narration kitteh talk or Aksessibiwity Settinz??", - "addServer.add": "Dun", - "addServer.enterIp": "Servr Addres", - "addServer.enterName": "Servr naem", - "addServer.hideAddress": "Hide Addres", - "addServer.resourcePack": "SERVR RESOURCE PACKZ", - "addServer.resourcePack.disabled": "Turnd off", - "addServer.resourcePack.enabled": "Turnd on", - "addServer.resourcePack.prompt": "Prumpt", - "addServer.title": "Chaenj Servr info", - "advMode.allEntities": "uze \"@e\" to targit all theym entityz", - "advMode.allPlayers": "use \"@a\" to targit all them kittez", - "advMode.command": "console comarned", - "advMode.mode": "Moed", - "advMode.mode.auto": "Repet", - "advMode.mode.autoexec.bat": "Allwayz on", - "advMode.mode.conditional": "Condizional", - "advMode.mode.redstone": "Impulz", - "advMode.mode.redstoneTriggered": "Needz Redstone", - "advMode.mode.sequence": "clingy ropes", - "advMode.mode.unconditional": "Uncondizional", - "advMode.nearestPlayer": "uze \"'@p\" to targit neerist kitteh", - "advMode.notAllowed": "U must has OP priveleges nd be in HAX MOED", - "advMode.notEnabled": "comarned blocz are not enabeld on thiz servur", - "advMode.previousOutput": "preevyous owtpoot", - "advMode.randomPlayer": "uze \"@r\" to targit randem kitteh", - "advMode.self": "Uze \"@s\" 2 target da execushioning entity", - "advMode.setCommand": "set consol cmd 4 bluk", - "advMode.setCommand.success": "comarnd set: %s", - "advMode.trackOutput": "Trac otpoot", - "advMode.triggering": "Actvatyn", - "advMode.type": "Typ", - "advancement.advancementNotFound": "Unknewn advancement: %s", - "advancements.adventure.adventuring_time.description": "Disccover evry baium", - "advancements.adventure.adventuring_time.title": "Catvenshuring Tiem", - "advancements.adventure.arbalistic.description": "kill 5 diffrz mobs wit 1 crosbowz shot", - "advancements.adventure.arbalistic.title": "Arbalasticc", - "advancements.adventure.avoid_vibration.description": "Crouch walk near a Sculk detektor, Sculk Yeller or Blu shrek to igner it from detektin u", - "advancements.adventure.avoid_vibration.title": "crouch walk 100,000,000", - "advancements.adventure.bullseye.description": "Scritch da eye frum faaar awai", - "advancements.adventure.bullseye.title": "360 no scope", - "advancements.adventure.fall_from_world_height.description": "Fall rlly far (and survives)", - "advancements.adventure.fall_from_world_height.title": "Cavez n' Clifz", - "advancements.adventure.hero_of_the_village.description": "Stawp teh rade in da villag very good", - "advancements.adventure.hero_of_the_village.title": "Hero of the Cats", - "advancements.adventure.honey_block_slide.description": "Cat slidez on Sticky thing to B saved", - "advancements.adventure.honey_block_slide.title": "Sticky Cat", - "advancements.adventure.kill_a_mob.description": "Fite a bad kitteh", - "advancements.adventure.kill_a_mob.title": "Bad Kitteh deadmakr", - "advancements.adventure.kill_all_mobs.description": "Scratch wun uv each bad catz", - "advancements.adventure.kill_all_mobs.title": "Bad Kettehs made ded", - "advancements.adventure.kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst.description": "Meak a mob ded near Sculk Cat-alist :(", - "advancements.adventure.kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst.title": "Teh Weird Thing Spredz", - "advancements.adventure.lightning_rod_with_villager_no_fire.description": "Sav big-nos man frum lightening, but dun't start a fir", - "advancements.adventure.lightning_rod_with_villager_no_fire.title": "BOOM protecc", - "advancements.adventure.ol_betsy.description": "Shuut da Crosbowz", - "advancements.adventure.ol_betsy.title": "Ol' Betsey", - "advancements.adventure.play_jukebox_in_meadows.description": "Mak the Medows come aliv with the sond fo msic form a Jokebox", - "advancements.adventure.play_jukebox_in_meadows.title": "CATZ of musik", - "advancements.adventure.root.description": "Catvntur, explor an fite", - "advancements.adventure.root.title": "Catventure", - "advancements.adventure.shoot_arrow.description": "Pew-pew sumfin wid a bouw and Arrou", - "advancements.adventure.shoot_arrow.title": "Hedshot som1", - "advancements.adventure.sleep_in_bed.description": "taek a Nap 2 chengz ur kat home", - "advancements.adventure.sleep_in_bed.title": "Cat dreams", - "advancements.adventure.sniper_duel.description": "ez a boniboi frum at lest 50 metrs ewey", - "advancements.adventure.sniper_duel.title": "mLgY0l0 dewwel!!!", - "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_dragon.description": "Lok at teh Dwagon Bos throo Spyglaz", - "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_dragon.title": "IS THAT A SUPRA ?!!!!!", - "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_ghast.description": "Lok at Cryin Big Cat throo Spyglaz", - "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_ghast.title": "R it Balon?", - "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_parrot.description": "Lok at teh berd throo a Spyglaz", - "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_parrot.title": "R it bird?", - "advancements.adventure.summon_iron_golem.description": "Spawn 1 strange irun hooman 2 defend ordinary hoomanz in hooman town", - "advancements.adventure.summon_iron_golem.title": "Haird HALP", - "advancements.adventure.throw_trident.description": "Frow a Dinglehopper at sumthin.\nNot: Frowin away katz only wepun is no gud.", - "advancements.adventure.throw_trident.title": "EYE thruwei pun", - "advancements.adventure.totem_of_undying.description": "Uze a Toitem of Undining to cheetos deth", - "advancements.adventure.totem_of_undying.title": "After dieded", - "advancements.adventure.trade.description": "Successfullee traid wif villagr", - "advancements.adventure.trade.title": "Wat a deel!", - "advancements.adventure.trade_at_world_height.description": "Trade wit Villaguur many blukz high", - "advancements.adventure.trade_at_world_height.title": "Rlly good tradr", - "advancements.adventure.two_birds_one_arrow.description": "Makez 2 Creepy Flyin Tings ded wit a piering Arrrou", - "advancements.adventure.two_birds_one_arrow.title": "2 Birbz, 1 Errow", - "advancements.adventure.very_very_frightening.description": "Striqe a Villagur wiz lijthing!", - "advancements.adventure.very_very_frightening.title": "beri beri frijthing!", - "advancements.adventure.voluntary_exile.description": "Kill rade captain\nStay away frum villadges 4 nao...", - "advancements.adventure.voluntary_exile.title": "He Ded, Boi", - "advancements.adventure.walk_on_powder_snow_with_leather_boots.description": "Walk on Weird Snow...without fell in it (oh no)", - "advancements.adventure.walk_on_powder_snow_with_leather_boots.title": "Lite as a kitteh", - "advancements.adventure.whos_the_pillager_now.description": "Give a Pilagur a test of itz oon medicin", - "advancements.adventure.whos_the_pillager_now.title": "I am da Pilagur. Not U!", - "advancements.empty": "Dere duznt sem 2 bee anythin hier...", - "advancements.end.dragon_breath.description": "Colect dragonz breth in a glaz bottl", - "advancements.end.dragon_breath.title": "Throw in a Minetos", - "advancements.end.dragon_egg.description": "Hold Dragnoz' unhatched baby", - "advancements.end.dragon_egg.title": "Da next generashion", - "advancements.end.elytra.description": "I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYYYYYY", - "advancements.end.elytra.title": "Sky iz teh limit", - "advancements.end.enter_end_gateway.description": "ESC the I-land", - "advancements.end.enter_end_gateway.title": "Remut getawai", - "advancements.end.find_end_city.description": "Go in, wat cud possibly go wong?", - "advancements.end.find_end_city.title": "Da city @ end", - "advancements.end.kill_dragon.description": "Git gud", - "advancements.end.kill_dragon.title": "Free teh End", - "advancements.end.levitate.description": "Flai up 50 bloks laik suprkitty aftr getin hit by a shulker", - "advancements.end.levitate.title": "Supr dupr view up heer", - "advancements.end.respawn_dragon.description": "rspwn skary dragyboi", - "advancements.end.respawn_dragon.title": "Teh End... Agaen...", - "advancements.end.root.description": "Or da start?", - "advancements.end.root.title": "Teh End", - "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_cake_to_note_block.description": "Hav blu boi drop a cak aat a nout bluk", - "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_cake_to_note_block.title": "Happi Birfday!! (づ^・ω・^)づ", - "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_item_to_player.description": "Hav blu boi delievvr items 2 u", - "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_item_to_player.title": "therz a kat in mi <:D", - "advancements.husbandry.axolotl_in_a_bucket.description": "KATCH A KUTE FISH IN A BUKKIT", - "advancements.husbandry.axolotl_in_a_bucket.title": "Kitteh caught da KUTE FISH", - "advancements.husbandry.balanced_diet.description": "EAT ALL THE THINGZ", - "advancements.husbandry.balanced_diet.title": "ful uf fuuud", - "advancements.husbandry.breed_all_animals.description": "Briid oll da animalz!", - "advancements.husbandry.breed_all_animals.title": "2 by 2 iz 4?", - "advancements.husbandry.breed_an_animal.description": "Breeed 2 animalz 2gether", - "advancements.husbandry.breed_an_animal.title": "Da Parruts + da Batz", - "advancements.husbandry.complete_catalogue.description": "Become cat lord!", - "advancements.husbandry.complete_catalogue.title": "A Complet Cat-A-Log", - "advancements.husbandry.fishy_business.description": "Cat a fishy", - "advancements.husbandry.fishy_business.title": "fishy bashiness", - "advancements.husbandry.froglights.description": "get em all Toadshines in ya inventari", - "advancements.husbandry.froglights.title": "2gether we meoww!", - "advancements.husbandry.kill_axolotl_target.description": "Teem up wif a suger fwish an win fite", - "advancements.husbandry.kill_axolotl_target.title": "Teh Heelin Powr for Frendship", - "advancements.husbandry.leash_all_frog_variants.description": "Git evvy Toad on a Leesh", - "advancements.husbandry.leash_all_frog_variants.title": "Toad geng", - "advancements.husbandry.make_a_sign_glow.description": "Use da magik shineeh skwid powars too maek sign shiny :O", - "advancements.husbandry.make_a_sign_glow.title": "Low n' bee-hooold!", - "advancements.husbandry.netherite_hoe.description": "use an Netherite ingut to upgrat a hoe... R U SERIOZ????", - "advancements.husbandry.netherite_hoe.title": "r u seriouz y u do dis", - "advancements.husbandry.plant_seed.description": "Plant 1 seed and w8t 4 it 2 grouw", - "advancements.husbandry.plant_seed.title": "SEEDZ!", - "advancements.husbandry.ride_a_boat_with_a_goat.description": "Get in bowt an flowt wif Gaot", - "advancements.husbandry.ride_a_boat_with_a_goat.title": "Watevr floatz ur gaot!", - "advancements.husbandry.root.description": "Diz wurld iz full of catz an eetin stuffz", - "advancements.husbandry.root.title": "Huzbandry", - "advancements.husbandry.safely_harvest_honey.description": "Have Faier to get Sweetz from Beez House wit a Bottel so dey dnt bite u", - "advancements.husbandry.safely_harvest_honey.title": "B our cat", - "advancements.husbandry.silk_touch_nest.description": "Smooth mine da Beez 2 do a B-lokation", - "advancements.husbandry.silk_touch_nest.title": "totl B-lokatiuon", - "advancements.husbandry.tactical_fishing.description": "Cat a Fishy... wizhout a Stik!", - "advancements.husbandry.tactical_fishing.title": "Kattical fihing", - "advancements.husbandry.tadpole_in_a_bucket.description": "Katch a kute smol toad in a bukkit", - "advancements.husbandry.tadpole_in_a_bucket.title": "Bukkit²", - "advancements.husbandry.tame_an_animal.description": "Taem a friendooo", - "advancements.husbandry.tame_an_animal.title": "BEZT CATZ EVAARR", - "advancements.husbandry.wax_off.description": "Scrape Waks off for Coppr Blok!", - "advancements.husbandry.wax_off.title": "Waks off", - "advancements.husbandry.wax_on.description": "Apple Honeycomb 2 Coppr Blok", - "advancements.husbandry.wax_on.title": "Waks on", - "advancements.nether.all_effects.description": "Hav evri effelt applied at teh saem tiem", - "advancements.nether.all_effects.title": "Haw did we get 'ere¿", - "advancements.nether.all_potions.description": "Hav evri potion effect applied at teh same tiem", - "advancements.nether.all_potions.title": "Strange tastin' milk", - "advancements.nether.brew_potion.description": "Brw poshun", - "advancements.nether.brew_potion.title": "You're a lizard, Hairy", - "advancements.nether.charge_respawn_anchor.description": "FulL Powahhh", - "advancements.nether.charge_respawn_anchor.title": "fake LOLCAT!", - "advancements.nether.create_beacon.description": "mak and plais bacon", - "advancements.nether.create_beacon.title": "Bring hoem da bacon", - "advancements.nether.create_full_beacon.description": "Charg bacon 2 100%!!!1!", - "advancements.nether.create_full_beacon.title": "Baconator 2000", - "advancements.nether.distract_piglin.description": "Gib shinyy tu da Piglins", - "advancements.nether.distract_piglin.title": "Shinyyyy", - "advancements.nether.explore_nether.description": "Si al Nether bioms >:3", - "advancements.nether.explore_nether.title": "Veri hot vacashun", - "advancements.nether.fast_travel.description": "Uz da Nether 2 travl 7 km in slipycatwurld", - "advancements.nether.fast_travel.title": "Hiway thru hell", - "advancements.nether.find_bastion.description": "Go in Spoooky Place", - "advancements.nether.find_bastion.title": "Loong LoOong Agoo", - "advancements.nether.find_fortress.description": "Rush B I MEEN intu a Nether Fortress", - "advancements.nether.find_fortress.title": "Terribl Fortrez", - "advancements.nether.get_wither_skull.description": "get Wither skelet's skul", - "advancements.nether.get_wither_skull.title": "Spoopy Scury Skele-ton", - "advancements.nether.loot_bastion.description": "Steal frum an Anshien Cat Box", - "advancements.nether.loot_bastion.title": "War oinks", - "advancements.nether.netherite_armor.description": "get in a 4 sided Netherite box", - "advancements.nether.netherite_armor.title": "Covr meow in trash", - "advancements.nether.obtain_ancient_debris.description": "Ged de old trash", - "advancements.nether.obtain_ancient_debris.title": "Hidin under da couch", - "advancements.nether.obtain_blaze_rod.description": "Releef 1 blaze of its tail", - "advancements.nether.obtain_blaze_rod.title": "In2 fire", - "advancements.nether.obtain_crying_obsidian.description": "obtain depressed hard blok", - "advancements.nether.obtain_crying_obsidian.title": "The sadest blog evah :(", - "advancements.nether.return_to_sender.description": "Beet meanz Ghast w/ fiery ball", - "advancements.nether.return_to_sender.title": "Return 2 sendr", - "advancements.nether.ride_strider.description": "Climb on leg boats wif da moshroom stik", - "advancements.nether.ride_strider.title": "Dis bout haz legz!", - "advancements.nether.ride_strider_in_overworld_lava.description": "Take a Stridr for a looooooooong rid no a lav lak in teh Overwrld", - "advancements.nether.ride_strider_in_overworld_lava.title": "Itz laiK hOm", - "advancements.nether.root.description": "It's gun be HOT", + "accessibility.onboarding.screen.narrator": "Press enter to enable the narrator", + "accessibility.onboarding.screen.title": "Welcome to Minecraft!\n\nWould you like to enable the Narrator or visit the Accessibility Settings?", + "addServer.add": "Done", + "addServer.enterIp": "Server Address", + "addServer.enterName": "Server Name", + "addServer.hideAddress": "Hide Address", + "addServer.resourcePack": "Server Resource Packs", + "addServer.resourcePack.disabled": "Disabled", + "addServer.resourcePack.enabled": "Enabled", + "addServer.resourcePack.prompt": "Prompt", + "addServer.title": "Edit Server Info", + "advancement.advancementNotFound": "Unknown advancement: %s", + "advancements.adventure.adventuring_time.description": "Discover every biome", + "advancements.adventure.adventuring_time.title": "Adventuring Time", + "advancements.adventure.arbalistic.description": "Kill five unique mobs with one crossbow shot", + "advancements.adventure.arbalistic.title": "Arbalistic", + "advancements.adventure.avoid_vibration.description": "Sneak near a Sculk Sensor or Warden to prevent it from detecting you", + "advancements.adventure.avoid_vibration.title": "Sneak 100", + "advancements.adventure.bullseye.description": "Hit the bullseye of a Target block from at least 30 meters away", + "advancements.adventure.bullseye.title": "Bullseye", + "advancements.adventure.craft_decorated_pot_using_only_sherds.description": "Make a Decorated Pot out of 4 Pottery Sherds", + "advancements.adventure.craft_decorated_pot_using_only_sherds.title": "Careful Restoration", + "advancements.adventure.fall_from_world_height.description": "Free fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive", + "advancements.adventure.fall_from_world_height.title": "Caves & Cliffs", + "advancements.adventure.hero_of_the_village.description": "Successfully defend a village from a raid", + "advancements.adventure.hero_of_the_village.title": "Hero of the Village", + "advancements.adventure.honey_block_slide.description": "Jump into a Honey Block to break your fall", + "advancements.adventure.honey_block_slide.title": "Sticky Situation", + "advancements.adventure.kill_a_mob.description": "Kill any hostile monster", + "advancements.adventure.kill_a_mob.title": "Monster Hunter", + "advancements.adventure.kill_all_mobs.description": "Kill one of every hostile monster", + "advancements.adventure.kill_all_mobs.title": "Monsters Hunted", + "advancements.adventure.kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst.description": "Kill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst", + "advancements.adventure.kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst.title": "It Spreads", + "advancements.adventure.lightning_rod_with_villager_no_fire.description": "Protect a Villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire", + "advancements.adventure.lightning_rod_with_villager_no_fire.title": "Surge Protector", + "advancements.adventure.ol_betsy.description": "Shoot a Crossbow", + "advancements.adventure.ol_betsy.title": "Ol' Betsy", + "advancements.adventure.play_jukebox_in_meadows.description": "Make the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a Jukebox", + "advancements.adventure.play_jukebox_in_meadows.title": "Sound of Music", + "advancements.adventure.read_power_from_chiseled_bookshelf.description": "Read the power signal of a Chiseled Bookshelf using a Comparator", + "advancements.adventure.read_power_from_chiseled_bookshelf.title": "The Power of Books", + "advancements.adventure.root.description": "Adventure, exploration and combat", + "advancements.adventure.root.title": "Adventure", + "advancements.adventure.salvage_sherd.description": "Brush a Suspicious block to obtain a Pottery Sherd", + "advancements.adventure.salvage_sherd.title": "Respecting the Remnants", + "advancements.adventure.shoot_arrow.description": "Shoot something with an Arrow", + "advancements.adventure.shoot_arrow.title": "Take Aim", + "advancements.adventure.sleep_in_bed.description": "Sleep in a Bed to change your respawn point", + "advancements.adventure.sleep_in_bed.title": "Sweet Dreams", + "advancements.adventure.sniper_duel.description": "Kill a Skeleton from at least 50 meters away", + "advancements.adventure.sniper_duel.title": "Sniper Duel", + "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_dragon.description": "Look at the Ender Dragon through a Spyglass", + "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_dragon.title": "Is It a Plane?", + "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_ghast.description": "Look at a Ghast through a Spyglass", + "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_ghast.title": "Is It a Balloon?", + "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_parrot.description": "Look at a Parrot through a Spyglass", + "advancements.adventure.spyglass_at_parrot.title": "Is It a Bird?", + "advancements.adventure.summon_iron_golem.description": "Summon an Iron Golem to help defend a village", + "advancements.adventure.summon_iron_golem.title": "Hired Help", + "advancements.adventure.throw_trident.description": "Throw a Trident at something.\nNote: Throwing away your only weapon is not a good idea.", + "advancements.adventure.throw_trident.title": "A Throwaway Joke", + "advancements.adventure.totem_of_undying.description": "Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death", + "advancements.adventure.totem_of_undying.title": "Postmortal", + "advancements.adventure.trade_at_world_height.description": "Trade with a Villager at the build height limit", + "advancements.adventure.trade_at_world_height.title": "Star Trader", + "advancements.adventure.trade.description": "Successfully trade with a Villager", + "advancements.adventure.trade.title": "What a Deal!", + "advancements.adventure.trim_with_all_exclusive_armor_patterns.description": "Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder", + "advancements.adventure.trim_with_all_exclusive_armor_patterns.title": "Smithing with Style", + "advancements.adventure.trim_with_any_armor_pattern.description": "Craft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table", + "advancements.adventure.trim_with_any_armor_pattern.title": "Crafting a New Look", + "advancements.adventure.two_birds_one_arrow.description": "Kill two Phantoms with a piercing Arrow", + "advancements.adventure.two_birds_one_arrow.title": "Two Birds, One Arrow", + "advancements.adventure.very_very_frightening.description": "Strike a Villager with lightning", + "advancements.adventure.very_very_frightening.title": "Very Very Frightening", + "advancements.adventure.voluntary_exile.description": "Kill a raid captain.\nMaybe consider staying away from villages for the time being...", + "advancements.adventure.voluntary_exile.title": "Voluntary Exile", + "advancements.adventure.walk_on_powder_snow_with_leather_boots.description": "Walk on Powder Snow... without sinking in it", + "advancements.adventure.walk_on_powder_snow_with_leather_boots.title": "Light as a Rabbit", + "advancements.adventure.whos_the_pillager_now.description": "Give a Pillager a taste of their own medicine", + "advancements.adventure.whos_the_pillager_now.title": "Who's the Pillager Now?", + "advancements.empty": "There doesn't seem to be anything here...", + "advancements.end.dragon_breath.description": "Collect Dragon's Breath in a Glass Bottle", + "advancements.end.dragon_breath.title": "You Need a Mint", + "advancements.end.dragon_egg.description": "Hold the Dragon Egg", + "advancements.end.dragon_egg.title": "The Next Generation", + "advancements.end.elytra.description": "Find Elytra", + "advancements.end.elytra.title": "Sky's the Limit", + "advancements.end.enter_end_gateway.description": "Escape the island", + "advancements.end.enter_end_gateway.title": "Remote Getaway", + "advancements.end.find_end_city.description": "Go on in, what could happen?", + "advancements.end.find_end_city.title": "The City at the End of the Game", + "advancements.end.kill_dragon.description": "Good luck", + "advancements.end.kill_dragon.title": "Free the End", + "advancements.end.levitate.description": "Levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker", + "advancements.end.levitate.title": "Great View From Up Here", + "advancements.end.respawn_dragon.description": "Respawn the Ender Dragon", + "advancements.end.respawn_dragon.title": "The End... Again...", + "advancements.end.root.description": "Or the beginning?", + "advancements.end.root.title": "The End", + "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_cake_to_note_block.description": "Have an Allay drop a Cake at a Note Block", + "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_cake_to_note_block.title": "Birthday Song", + "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_item_to_player.description": "Have an Allay deliver items to you", + "advancements.husbandry.allay_deliver_item_to_player.title": "You've Got a Friend in Me", + "advancements.husbandry.axolotl_in_a_bucket.description": "Catch an Axolotl in a Bucket", + "advancements.husbandry.axolotl_in_a_bucket.title": "The Cutest Predator", + "advancements.husbandry.balanced_diet.description": "Eat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you", + "advancements.husbandry.balanced_diet.title": "A Balanced Diet", + "advancements.husbandry.breed_all_animals.description": "Breed all the animals!", + "advancements.husbandry.breed_all_animals.title": "Two by Two", + "advancements.husbandry.breed_an_animal.description": "Breed two animals together", + "advancements.husbandry.breed_an_animal.title": "The Parrots and the Bats", + "advancements.husbandry.complete_catalogue.description": "Tame all Cat variants!", + "advancements.husbandry.complete_catalogue.title": "A Complete Catalogue", + "advancements.husbandry.feed_snifflet.description": "Feed a Snifflet", + "advancements.husbandry.feed_snifflet.title": "Little Sniffs", + "advancements.husbandry.fishy_business.description": "Catch a fish", + "advancements.husbandry.fishy_business.title": "Fishy Business", + "advancements.husbandry.froglights.description": "Have all Froglights in your inventory", + "advancements.husbandry.froglights.title": "With Our Powers Combined!", + "advancements.husbandry.kill_axolotl_target.description": "Team up with an Axolotl and win a fight", + "advancements.husbandry.kill_axolotl_target.title": "The Healing Power of Friendship!", + "advancements.husbandry.leash_all_frog_variants.description": "Get each Frog variant on a Lead", + "advancements.husbandry.leash_all_frog_variants.title": "When the Squad Hops into Town", + "advancements.husbandry.make_a_sign_glow.description": "Make the text of any kind of sign glow", + "advancements.husbandry.make_a_sign_glow.title": "Glow and Behold!", + "advancements.husbandry.netherite_hoe.description": "Use a Netherite Ingot to upgrade a Hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices", + "advancements.husbandry.netherite_hoe.title": "Serious Dedication", + "advancements.husbandry.obtain_sniffer_egg.description": "Obtain a Sniffer Egg", + "advancements.husbandry.obtain_sniffer_egg.title": "Smells Interesting", + "advancements.husbandry.plant_any_sniffer_seed.description": "Plant any Sniffer seed", + "advancements.husbandry.plant_any_sniffer_seed.title": "Planting the Past", + "advancements.husbandry.plant_seed.description": "Plant a seed and watch it grow", + "advancements.husbandry.plant_seed.title": "A Seedy Place", + "advancements.husbandry.ride_a_boat_with_a_goat.description": "Get in a Boat and float with a Goat", + "advancements.husbandry.ride_a_boat_with_a_goat.title": "Whatever Floats Your Goat!", + "advancements.husbandry.root.description": "The world is full of friends and food", + "advancements.husbandry.root.title": "Husbandry", + "advancements.husbandry.safely_harvest_honey.description": "Use a Campfire to collect Honey from a Beehive using a Glass Bottle without aggravating the Bees", + "advancements.husbandry.safely_harvest_honey.title": "Bee Our Guest", + "advancements.husbandry.silk_touch_nest.description": "Move a Bee Nest, with 3 Bees inside, using Silk Touch", + "advancements.husbandry.silk_touch_nest.title": "Total Beelocation", + "advancements.husbandry.tactical_fishing.description": "Catch a Fish... without a Fishing Rod!", + "advancements.husbandry.tactical_fishing.title": "Tactical Fishing", + "advancements.husbandry.tadpole_in_a_bucket.description": "Catch a Tadpole in a Bucket", + "advancements.husbandry.tadpole_in_a_bucket.title": "Bukkit Bukkit", + "advancements.husbandry.tame_an_animal.description": "Tame an animal", + "advancements.husbandry.tame_an_animal.title": "Best Friends Forever", + "advancements.husbandry.wax_off.description": "Scrape Wax off of a Copper block!", + "advancements.husbandry.wax_off.title": "Wax Off", + "advancements.husbandry.wax_on.description": "Apply Honeycomb to a Copper block!", + "advancements.husbandry.wax_on.title": "Wax On", + "advancements.nether.all_effects.description": "Have every effect applied at the same time", + "advancements.nether.all_effects.title": "How Did We Get Here?", + "advancements.nether.all_potions.description": "Have every potion effect applied at the same time", + "advancements.nether.all_potions.title": "A Furious Cocktail", + "advancements.nether.brew_potion.description": "Brew a Potion", + "advancements.nether.brew_potion.title": "Local Brewery", + "advancements.nether.charge_respawn_anchor.description": "Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum", + "advancements.nether.charge_respawn_anchor.title": "Not Quite \"Nine\" Lives", + "advancements.nether.create_beacon.description": "Construct and place a Beacon", + "advancements.nether.create_beacon.title": "Bring Home the Beacon", + "advancements.nether.create_full_beacon.description": "Bring a Beacon to full power", + "advancements.nether.create_full_beacon.title": "Beaconator", + "advancements.nether.distract_piglin.description": "Distract Piglins with gold", + "advancements.nether.distract_piglin.title": "Oh Shiny", + "advancements.nether.explore_nether.description": "Explore all Nether biomes", + "advancements.nether.explore_nether.title": "Hot Tourist Destinations", + "advancements.nether.fast_travel.description": "Use the Nether to travel 7 km in the Overworld", + "advancements.nether.fast_travel.title": "Subspace Bubble", + "advancements.nether.find_bastion.description": "Enter a Bastion Remnant", + "advancements.nether.find_bastion.title": "Those Were the Days", + "advancements.nether.find_fortress.description": "Break your way into a Nether Fortress", + "advancements.nether.find_fortress.title": "A Terrible Fortress", + "advancements.nether.get_wither_skull.description": "Obtain a Wither Skeleton's skull", + "advancements.nether.get_wither_skull.title": "Spooky Scary Skeleton", + "advancements.nether.loot_bastion.description": "Loot a Chest in a Bastion Remnant", + "advancements.nether.loot_bastion.title": "War Pigs", + "advancements.nether.netherite_armor.description": "Get a full suit of Netherite armor", + "advancements.nether.netherite_armor.title": "Cover Me in Debris", + "advancements.nether.obtain_ancient_debris.description": "Obtain Ancient Debris", + "advancements.nether.obtain_ancient_debris.title": "Hidden in the Depths", + "advancements.nether.obtain_blaze_rod.description": "Relieve a Blaze of its rod", + "advancements.nether.obtain_blaze_rod.title": "Into Fire", + "advancements.nether.obtain_crying_obsidian.description": "Obtain Crying Obsidian", + "advancements.nether.obtain_crying_obsidian.title": "Who is Cutting Onions?", + "advancements.nether.return_to_sender.description": "Destroy a Ghast with a fireball", + "advancements.nether.return_to_sender.title": "Return to Sender", + "advancements.nether.ride_strider_in_overworld_lava.description": "Take a Strider for a loooong ride on a lava lake in the Overworld", + "advancements.nether.ride_strider_in_overworld_lava.title": "Feels Like Home", + "advancements.nether.ride_strider.description": "Ride a Strider with a Warped Fungus on a Stick", + "advancements.nether.ride_strider.title": "This Boat Has Legs", + "advancements.nether.root.description": "Bring summer clothes", "advancements.nether.root.title": "Nether", - "advancements.nether.summon_wither.description": "Summun da Wither", - "advancements.nether.summon_wither.title": "WUThering Heights", - "advancements.nether.uneasy_alliance.description": "rezcu a Ghast from Nether, brin it safly 2 cathouz 2 teh ovawurld... AND THEN BETRAYYYY!!!!!!!", - "advancements.nether.uneasy_alliance.title": "Un-eZ Aliance", - "advancements.nether.use_lodestone.description": "hit magned wit da other magned", - "advancements.nether.use_lodestone.title": "cawntry lowd, taek me hooome to da plazz i belllonggggg :)", - "advancements.sad_label": "UnU", - "advancements.story.cure_zombie_villager.description": "wekn & then kur a gren ded vlager!", - "advancements.story.cure_zombie_villager.title": "Zoombye Medic", - "advancements.story.deflect_arrow.description": "Arro NO pass", - "advancements.story.deflect_arrow.title": "Cat says, \"Nawt today!\"", - "advancements.story.enchant_item.description": "Inchant an item et an Inchant Tebl", - "advancements.story.enchant_item.title": "Encater", - "advancements.story.enter_the_end.description": "Entr teh End Portel", - "advancements.story.enter_the_end.title": "Teh End?", - "advancements.story.enter_the_nether.description": "Bilt, lite and entr Nether Portel", - "advancements.story.enter_the_nether.title": "Us needz 2 go deepurr", - "advancements.story.follow_ender_eye.description": "folo 4n ey of endr on twtter!!!", - "advancements.story.follow_ender_eye.title": "Aye Spai", - "advancements.story.form_obsidian.description": "obtian a Blokc ov Hardst Hardest Thing EVAR", - "advancements.story.form_obsidian.title": "Ize Bucket Chalendz", - "advancements.story.iron_tools.description": "Mek beter pikax", - "advancements.story.iron_tools.title": "Oh isnt it iron pik", - "advancements.story.lava_bucket.description": "Fil Bukkit wif Hot Sauce", - "advancements.story.lava_bucket.title": "Hot Stuffz", - "advancements.story.mine_diamond.description": "Get dimunds", - "advancements.story.mine_diamond.title": "DEEMONDS!", - "advancements.story.mine_stone.description": "Mine stone wif ur sparckling new pikaxe", - "advancements.story.mine_stone.title": "Stoen Aeg", - "advancements.story.obtain_armor.description": "Defend urself wid a piic of iron man suit", - "advancements.story.obtain_armor.title": "Suit up k?", - "advancements.story.root.description": "Da hart and stowy of de gaim", - "advancements.story.root.title": "Minceraft", - "advancements.story.shiny_gear.description": "Deemond suit saves kitties' lives", - "advancements.story.shiny_gear.title": "Covr cat wit shin' diamonds", - "advancements.story.smelt_iron.description": "Cook teh iruns", - "advancements.story.smelt_iron.title": "I can haz irun", - "advancements.story.upgrade_tools.description": "Maek a beder pikkatt", - "advancements.story.upgrade_tools.title": "Lehveleng UP", - "advancements.toast.challenge": "Chalendz Kumpleet!", - "advancements.toast.goal": "Gool Reetst!", - "advancements.toast.task": "Atfancemend maed!", - "argument.anchor.invalid": "invalid entity anchor posishun %s", - "argument.angle.incomplete": "not completz (1 angl ekspectd)", - "argument.angle.invalid": "Dis angul bad", - "argument.block.id.invalid": "Cat doezn't know diz bluk taiip '%s'", - "argument.block.property.duplicate": "Properti '%s' can unli bee set wans 4 bluk %s", - "argument.block.property.invalid": "Bluk %s doez not axept '%s' 4 %s properti", - "argument.block.property.novalue": "Cat doez expected valiu four properti '%s' on bluk %s", - "argument.block.property.unclosed": "expected closing ] fur blok state properlies", - "argument.block.property.unknown": "Bluk %s doez not haf properti '%s'", - "argument.block.tag.disallowed": "Tags arent allowud, onli real blokz", - "argument.color.invalid": "was dis color? %s", - "argument.component.invalid": "invalud chat compononent: %s", - "argument.criteria.invalid": "unknknomwn criterion '%s'", - "argument.dimension.invalid": "Idk teh dimenzion '%s'", - "argument.double.big": "Dubeel must not bE moar than %s, fund %s", - "argument.double.low": "Double must nut be lezz den %s, fund %s", - "argument.entity.invalid": "Bad naem or UUID", - "argument.entity.notfound.entity": "No entity wuz findz", - "argument.entity.notfound.player": "No playr wuz findz", - "argument.entity.options.advancements.description": "Catz wit atfancemends", - "argument.entity.options.distance.description": "ow far is entitii", - "argument.entity.options.distance.negative": "distance catnot be negativ", - "argument.entity.options.dx.description": "entitis bitwn x n x + dx", - "argument.entity.options.dy.description": "catz btwn y and y + dy", - "argument.entity.options.dz.description": "kat btwn z and z + dz", - "argument.entity.options.gamemode.description": "Catz wit gaemode", - "argument.entity.options.inapplicable": "Optshn '%s' isnt aplickyble her", - "argument.entity.options.level.description": "lvl", - "argument.entity.options.level.negative": "Levuls catnot be negativ", - "argument.entity.options.limit.description": "Max numberr of entitiz to returnn", + "advancements.nether.summon_wither.description": "Summon the Wither", + "advancements.nether.summon_wither.title": "Withering Heights", + "advancements.nether.uneasy_alliance.description": "Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it", + "advancements.nether.uneasy_alliance.title": "Uneasy Alliance", + "advancements.nether.use_lodestone.description": "Use a Compass on a Lodestone", + "advancements.nether.use_lodestone.title": "Country Lode, Take Me Home", + "advancements.sad_label": ":(", + "advancements.story.cure_zombie_villager.description": "Weaken and then cure a Zombie Villager", + "advancements.story.cure_zombie_villager.title": "Zombie Doctor", + "advancements.story.deflect_arrow.description": "Deflect a projectile with a Shield", + "advancements.story.deflect_arrow.title": "Not Today, Thank You", + "advancements.story.enchant_item.description": "Enchant an item at an Enchanting Table", + "advancements.story.enchant_item.title": "Enchanter", + "advancements.story.enter_the_end.description": "Enter the End Portal", + "advancements.story.enter_the_end.title": "The End?", + "advancements.story.enter_the_nether.description": "Build, light and enter a Nether Portal", + "advancements.story.enter_the_nether.title": "We Need to Go Deeper", + "advancements.story.follow_ender_eye.description": "Follow an Eye of Ender", + "advancements.story.follow_ender_eye.title": "Eye Spy", + "advancements.story.form_obsidian.description": "Obtain a block of Obsidian", + "advancements.story.form_obsidian.title": "Ice Bucket Challenge", + "advancements.story.iron_tools.description": "Upgrade your Pickaxe", + "advancements.story.iron_tools.title": "Isn't It Iron Pick", + "advancements.story.lava_bucket.description": "Fill a Bucket with lava", + "advancements.story.lava_bucket.title": "Hot Stuff", + "advancements.story.mine_diamond.description": "Acquire diamonds", + "advancements.story.mine_diamond.title": "Diamonds!", + "advancements.story.mine_stone.description": "Mine Stone with your new Pickaxe", + "advancements.story.mine_stone.title": "Stone Age", + "advancements.story.obtain_armor.description": "Protect yourself with a piece of iron armor", + "advancements.story.obtain_armor.title": "Suit Up", + "advancements.story.root.description": "The heart and story of the game", + "advancements.story.root.title": "Minecraft", + "advancements.story.shiny_gear.description": "Diamond armor saves lives", + "advancements.story.shiny_gear.title": "Cover Me with Diamonds", + "advancements.story.smelt_iron.description": "Smelt an Iron Ingot", + "advancements.story.smelt_iron.title": "Acquire Hardware", + "advancements.story.upgrade_tools.description": "Construct a better Pickaxe", + "advancements.story.upgrade_tools.title": "Getting an Upgrade", + "advancements.toast.challenge": "Challenge Complete!", + "advancements.toast.goal": "Goal Reached!", + "advancements.toast.task": "Advancement Made!", + "advMode.allEntities": "Use \"@e\" to target all entities", + "advMode.allPlayers": "Use \"@a\" to target all players", + "advMode.command": "Console Command", + "advMode.mode": "Mode", + "advMode.mode.auto": "Repeat", + "advMode.mode.autoexec.bat": "Always Active", + "advMode.mode.conditional": "Conditional", + "advMode.mode.redstone": "Impulse", + "advMode.mode.redstoneTriggered": "Needs Redstone", + "advMode.mode.sequence": "Chain", + "advMode.mode.unconditional": "Unconditional", + "advMode.nearestPlayer": "Use \"@p\" to target nearest player", + "advMode.notAllowed": "Must be an opped player in creative mode", + "advMode.notEnabled": "Command blocks are not enabled on this server", + "advMode.previousOutput": "Previous Output", + "advMode.randomPlayer": "Use \"@r\" to target random player", + "advMode.self": "Use \"@s\" to target the executing entity", + "advMode.setCommand": "Set Console Command for Block", + "advMode.setCommand.success": "Command set: %s", + "advMode.trackOutput": "Track output", + "advMode.triggering": "Triggering", + "advMode.type": "Type", + "argument.anchor.invalid": "Invalid entity anchor position %s", + "argument.angle.incomplete": "Incomplete (expected 1 angle)", + "argument.angle.invalid": "Invalid angle", + "argument.block.id.invalid": "Unknown block type '%s'", + "argument.block.property.duplicate": "Property '%s' can only be set once for block %s", + "argument.block.property.invalid": "Block %s does not accept '%s' for %s property", + "argument.block.property.novalue": "Expected value for property '%s' on block %s", + "argument.block.property.unclosed": "Expected closing ] for block state properties", + "argument.block.property.unknown": "Block %s does not have property '%s'", + "argument.block.tag.disallowed": "Tags aren't allowed here, only actual blocks", + "argument.color.invalid": "Unknown color '%s'", + "argument.component.invalid": "Invalid chat component: %s", + "argument.criteria.invalid": "Unknown criterion '%s'", + "argument.dimension.invalid": "Unknown dimension '%s'", + "argument.double.big": "Double must not be more than %s, found %s", + "argument.double.low": "Double must not be less than %s, found %s", + "argument.entity.invalid": "Invalid name or UUID", + "argument.entity.notfound.entity": "No entity was found", + "argument.entity.notfound.player": "No player was found", + "argument.entity.options.advancements.description": "Players with advancements", + "argument.entity.options.distance.description": "Distance to entity", + "argument.entity.options.distance.negative": "Distance cannot be negative", + "argument.entity.options.dx.description": "Entities between x and x + dx", + "argument.entity.options.dy.description": "Entities between y and y + dy", + "argument.entity.options.dz.description": "Entities between z and z + dz", + "argument.entity.options.gamemode.description": "Players with game mode", + "argument.entity.options.inapplicable": "Option '%s' isn't applicable here", + "argument.entity.options.level.description": "Experience level", + "argument.entity.options.level.negative": "Level shouldn't be negative", + "argument.entity.options.limit.description": "Maximum number of entities to return", "argument.entity.options.limit.toosmall": "Limit must be at least 1", - "argument.entity.options.mode.invalid": "invalid aw unnown geim moud '%s'", - "argument.entity.options.name.description": "Entitii naem", - "argument.entity.options.nbt.description": "Entitiz wit NBT", - "argument.entity.options.predicate.description": "Ur own predikate thingie", - "argument.entity.options.scores.description": "Entitiz wit scorz", - "argument.entity.options.sort.description": "Surt entitiz", - "argument.entity.options.sort.irreversible": "Invalid aw unnown surt styl '%s'", - "argument.entity.options.tag.description": "Entitiz wit tag", - "argument.entity.options.team.description": "Entitiz in team", - "argument.entity.options.type.description": "Entitiz of typ", - "argument.entity.options.type.invalid": "Invalid aw unnown entkitty styl '%s'", - "argument.entity.options.unknown": "unknauwn optshn '%s'", - "argument.entity.options.unterminated": "ekspected end of opshunz", - "argument.entity.options.valueless": "Cat doez expected valiu four option '%s'", - "argument.entity.options.x.description": "x positun", - "argument.entity.options.x_rotation.description": "Entiti'z x rotaetun", - "argument.entity.options.y.description": "y positun", - "argument.entity.options.y_rotation.description": "Entiti'z y rotaetun", - "argument.entity.options.z.description": "z positun", - "argument.entity.selector.allEntities": "All entitiz", - "argument.entity.selector.allPlayers": "All cats", - "argument.entity.selector.missing": "Missing selector kat", - "argument.entity.selector.nearestPlayer": "Neerest cat", - "argument.entity.selector.not_allowed": "Sileector don't allow ed ", - "argument.entity.selector.randomPlayer": "Rundom cat", - "argument.entity.selector.self": "Curent entitiii", - "argument.entity.selector.unknown": "Cat doezn't know diz silection taip '%s'", - "argument.entity.toomany": "Onwee wun enteetee ish alow'd, butt de provied'd shelektur alowz mur den wun", - "argument.enum.invalid": "Valu caan't use \"%s\" :(", - "argument.float.big": "Float must not be moar than %s, findz %s", - "argument.float.low": "Float must not be les than %s, findz %s", - "argument.gamemode.invalid": "unknawn gamemoed %s", - "argument.id.invalid": "Invawid ID", - "argument.id.unknown": "wuts the id %s ??", - "argument.integer.big": "Integr must not be moar than %s, findz %s", - "argument.integer.low": "Integr must not be les than %s, findz %s", - "argument.item.id.invalid": "Cat doezn't know diz item '%s'", - "argument.item.tag.disallowed": "Tegs arunt allwed, only itemz", - "argument.literal.incorrect": "expectd literal %s", - "argument.long.big": "Lounge must not b moar dan %s, findz %s", - "argument.long.low": "Lounge must not b les than %s, findz %s", - "argument.nbt.array.invalid": "Invalid urray styl '%s'", - "argument.nbt.array.mixed": "Cant insert %s into %s", - "argument.nbt.expected.key": "Ekspectd key", - "argument.nbt.expected.value": "Ekspectd valu", - "argument.nbt.list.mixed": "Cant insert %s into list ov %s", + "argument.entity.options.mode.invalid": "Invalid or unknown game mode '%s'", + "argument.entity.options.name.description": "Entity name", + "argument.entity.options.nbt.description": "Entities with NBT", + "argument.entity.options.predicate.description": "Custom predicate", + "argument.entity.options.scores.description": "Entities with scores", + "argument.entity.options.sort.description": "Sort the entities", + "argument.entity.options.sort.irreversible": "Invalid or unknown sort type '%s'", + "argument.entity.options.tag.description": "Entities with tag", + "argument.entity.options.team.description": "Entities on team", + "argument.entity.options.type.description": "Entities of type", + "argument.entity.options.type.invalid": "Invalid or unknown entity type '%s'", + "argument.entity.options.unknown": "Unknown option '%s'", + "argument.entity.options.unterminated": "Expected end of options", + "argument.entity.options.valueless": "Expected value for option '%s'", + "argument.entity.options.x_rotation.description": "Entity's x rotation", + "argument.entity.options.x.description": "x position", + "argument.entity.options.y_rotation.description": "Entity's y rotation", + "argument.entity.options.y.description": "y position", + "argument.entity.options.z.description": "z position", + "argument.entity.selector.allEntities": "All entities", + "argument.entity.selector.allPlayers": "All players", + "argument.entity.selector.missing": "Missing selector type", + "argument.entity.selector.nearestPlayer": "Nearest player", + "argument.entity.selector.not_allowed": "Selector not allowed", + "argument.entity.selector.randomPlayer": "Random player", + "argument.entity.selector.self": "Current entity", + "argument.entity.selector.unknown": "Unknown selector type '%s'", + "argument.entity.toomany": "Only one entity is allowed, but the provided selector allows more than one", + "argument.enum.invalid": "Invalid value \"%s\"", + "argument.float.big": "Float must not be more than %s, found %s", + "argument.float.low": "Float must not be less than %s, found %s", + "argument.gamemode.invalid": "Unknown game mode: %s", + "argument.id.invalid": "Invalid ID", + "argument.id.unknown": "Unknown ID: %s", + "argument.integer.big": "Integer must not be more than %s, found %s", + "argument.integer.low": "Integer must not be less than %s, found %s", + "argument.item.id.invalid": "Unknown item '%s'", + "argument.item.tag.disallowed": "Tags aren't allowed here, only actual items", + "argument.literal.incorrect": "Expected literal %s", + "argument.long.big": "Long must not be more than %s, found %s", + "argument.long.low": "Long must not be less than %s, found %s", + "argument.nbt.array.invalid": "Invalid array type '%s'", + "argument.nbt.array.mixed": "Can't insert %s into %s", + "argument.nbt.expected.key": "Expected key", + "argument.nbt.expected.value": "Expected value", + "argument.nbt.list.mixed": "Can't insert %s into list of %s", "argument.nbt.trailing": "Unexpected trailing data", - "argument.player.entities": "Onwee playrs can be efect'd by dis cmd, butt de provied'd shelektur includs enteetees", - "argument.player.toomany": "Onwee wun playr ish alow'd, butt de provied'd shelektur alowz mur den wun", - "argument.player.unknown": "Dat playr duz nawt exist", - "argument.pos.missing.double": "Expectd coordinaet", - "argument.pos.missing.int": "expected a blockz pozishun", - "argument.pos.mixed": "Cant mix world & locat coordz (everything must either use ^ or not)", - "argument.pos.outofbounds": "Dis pozishin iz outta diz wurld!!!!!!", - "argument.pos.outofworld": "dat pozishun is out of dis world!", - "argument.pos.unloaded": "dat pozishun iz not loaded", - "argument.pos2d.incomplete": "no enuf coordz, I WANS 2 COORDZ!!!", - "argument.pos3d.incomplete": "incompletez (ekspected 3 coords)", - "argument.range.empty": "expecc valu or ranj 0f vlues", - "argument.range.ints": "Ohnlee hoel numburz alowd, nat decimulz", - "argument.range.swapped": "min cannut be lahrger den max", - "argument.resource.invalid_type": "dis thingy '%s' hafe no no(s) '%s' (n u prolly meened '%s')", - "argument.resource.not_found": "cant find elemnt x for '%s' ov tiype '%s'", - "argument.resource_tag.invalid_type": "dis taggie '%s' hafe no no(s) '%s' (n u prolly meened '%s')", - "argument.resource_tag.not_found": "camt fimd thingmabob '%s' ov tyep '%s'", - "argument.rotation.incomplete": "incompletez (ekspected 2 coords)", - "argument.scoreHolder.empty": "No skore holdurs cat be foundz", - "argument.scoreboardDisplaySlot.invalid": "Cat doezn't know deespley eslot '%s'", - "argument.time.invalid_tick_count": "Tik nombur nedz 2 bee nu-negative", - "argument.time.invalid_unit": "Invalud yoonit", - "argument.time.tick_count_too_low": "No tik smol then %s, but u gabe %s", - "argument.uuid.invalid": "Invawid kat ID", - "arguments.block.tag.unknown": "Cat doezn't know diz bluk taj: '%s'", - "arguments.function.tag.unknown": "Cat doezn't know diz funktion taj '%s'", - "arguments.function.unknown": "Cat doezn't know diz funktion '%s'", - "arguments.item.overstacked": "%s can unli stack ap tu %s", - "arguments.item.tag.unknown": "Cat doezn't know diz item teg '%s'", - "arguments.nbtpath.node.invalid": "Invalud NBT path element", - "arguments.nbtpath.nothing_found": "Fond no elementz matching %s", - "arguments.nbtpath.too_deep": "resuwtin nbt 2 diipli birb nestid, sowwy", - "arguments.nbtpath.too_large": "da nbt 2 big, sowwy", - "arguments.objective.notFound": "Unknown scorebord objectiv %s", - "arguments.objective.readonly": "scorebord objectiv %s iz read-only", - "arguments.operation.div0": "cunot divid bai ZERo", - "arguments.operation.invalid": "Invalud operaishun", - "arguments.swizzle.invalid": "Wrong swizzle, ekspected 'x', 'y' and 'z'", + "argument.player.entities": "Only players may be affected by this command, but the provided selector includes entities", + "argument.player.toomany": "Only one player is allowed, but the provided selector allows more than one", + "argument.player.unknown": "That player does not exist", + "argument.pos.missing.double": "Expected a coordinate", + "argument.pos.missing.int": "Expected a block position", + "argument.pos.mixed": "Cannot mix world & local coordinates (everything must either use ^ or not)", + "argument.pos.outofbounds": "That position is outside the allowed boundaries.", + "argument.pos.outofworld": "That position is out of this world!", + "argument.pos.unloaded": "That position is not loaded", + "argument.pos2d.incomplete": "Incomplete (expected 2 coordinates)", + "argument.pos3d.incomplete": "Incomplete (expected 3 coordinates)", + "argument.range.empty": "Expected value or range of values", + "argument.range.ints": "Only whole numbers allowed, not decimals", + "argument.range.swapped": "Min cannot be bigger than max", + "argument.resource_tag.invalid_type": "Tag '%s' has wrong type '%s' (expected '%s')", + "argument.resource_tag.not_found": "Can't find tag '%s' of type '%s'", + "argument.resource.invalid_type": "Element '%s' has wrong type '%s' (expected '%s')", + "argument.resource.not_found": "Can't find element '%s' of type '%s'", + "argument.rotation.incomplete": "Incomplete (expected 2 coordinates)", + "argument.scoreboardDisplaySlot.invalid": "Unknown display slot '%s'", + "argument.scoreHolder.empty": "No relevant score holders could be found", + "argument.time.invalid_tick_count": "Tick count must be non-negative", + "argument.time.invalid_unit": "Invalid unit", + "argument.time.tick_count_too_low": "Tick count must not be less than %s, found %s", + "argument.uuid.invalid": "Invalid UUID", + "arguments.block.tag.unknown": "Unknown block tag '%s'", + "arguments.function.tag.unknown": "Unknown function tag '%s'", + "arguments.function.unknown": "Unknown function %s", + "arguments.item.overstacked": "%s can only stack up to %s", + "arguments.item.tag.unknown": "Unknown item tag '%s'", + "arguments.nbtpath.node.invalid": "Invalid NBT path element", + "arguments.nbtpath.nothing_found": "Found no elements matching %s", + "arguments.nbtpath.too_deep": "Resulting NBT too deeply nested", + "arguments.nbtpath.too_large": "Resulting NBT too large", + "arguments.objective.notFound": "Unknown scoreboard objective '%s'", + "arguments.objective.readonly": "Scoreboard objective '%s' is read-only", + "arguments.operation.div0": "Cannot divide by zero", + "arguments.operation.invalid": "Invalid operation", + "arguments.swizzle.invalid": "Invalid swizzle, expected combination of 'x', 'y' and 'z'", "attribute.modifier.equals.0": "%s %s", "attribute.modifier.equals.1": "%s%% %s", "attribute.modifier.equals.2": "%s%% %s", @@ -368,2965 +384,2972 @@ "attribute.modifier.take.0": "-%s %s", "attribute.modifier.take.1": "-%s%% %s", "attribute.modifier.take.2": "-%s%% %s", - "attribute.name.generic.armor": "Armur", - "attribute.name.generic.armor_toughness": "Armur fatness", - "attribute.name.generic.attack_damage": "attak damige", - "attribute.name.generic.attack_knockback": "Atacc noccbaccz", - "attribute.name.generic.attack_speed": "attak faztnes", - "attribute.name.generic.flying_speed": "flew spede", - "attribute.name.generic.follow_range": "mob folow raynge", - "attribute.name.generic.knockback_resistance": "Nockback Rezistance", - "attribute.name.generic.luck": "WOW get xtra one!!!", - "attribute.name.generic.max_health": "max helth", - "attribute.name.generic.movement_speed": "spede", - "attribute.name.horse.jump_strength": "horze jumpeh strenth", - "attribute.name.zombie.spawn_reinforcements": "zombee reinforzemontz", - "biome.minecraft.badlands": "Hot dirt land", - "biome.minecraft.bamboo_jungle": "Green Stick Junglz", - "biome.minecraft.basalt_deltas": "Bawzult deltaz", - "biome.minecraft.beach": "Watury sans", - "biome.minecraft.birch_forest": "Wite Forust", - "biome.minecraft.cherry_grove": "pinki groov", - "biome.minecraft.cold_ocean": "Cold Oshun", - "biome.minecraft.crimson_forest": "Crimsun wuds", - "biome.minecraft.dark_forest": "Creepy forest", - "biome.minecraft.deep_cold_ocean": "Deap Cold Oatshun", - "biome.minecraft.deep_dark": "Derk hole", - "biome.minecraft.deep_frozen_ocean": "Dep frzo oshun", - "biome.minecraft.deep_lukewarm_ocean": "Deap Lukwurm Oatshun", - "biome.minecraft.deep_ocean": "Deep Watur Land", - "biome.minecraft.desert": "Sandy Place", - "biome.minecraft.dripstone_caves": "VERY sharp caevz", - "biome.minecraft.end_barrens": "End Barenz", - "biome.minecraft.end_highlands": "End Tolllandz", - "biome.minecraft.end_midlands": "End Semilandz", - "biome.minecraft.eroded_badlands": "Broken Badlandz", - "biome.minecraft.flower_forest": "flowy woodz", - "biome.minecraft.forest": "Forust", - "biome.minecraft.frozen_ocean": "Iced watr land", - "biome.minecraft.frozen_peaks": "Frozeen Peeks", - "biome.minecraft.frozen_river": "Frushen Rivir", - "biome.minecraft.grove": "Groov", - "biome.minecraft.ice_spikes": "Spiky icy thngz", - "biome.minecraft.jagged_peaks": "Jagegd Peeks", - "biome.minecraft.jungle": "Gungle", - "biome.minecraft.lukewarm_ocean": "Lukwurm Oatshun", - "biome.minecraft.lush_caves": "Forest caevz", - "biome.minecraft.mangrove_swamp": "Mangroff Zwump", - "biome.minecraft.meadow": "Meedowe", - "biome.minecraft.mushroom_fields": "Mushroom fieldz", - "biome.minecraft.nether_wastes": "Nether sux", - "biome.minecraft.ocean": "Watur land", - "biome.minecraft.old_growth_birch_forest": "Old grouwth brch tree place", - "biome.minecraft.old_growth_pine_taiga": "Old grouwth sPine tree place", - "biome.minecraft.old_growth_spruce_taiga": "Old grouwth sprooce tree place", - "biome.minecraft.plains": "Planes", - "biome.minecraft.river": "Watur road", - "biome.minecraft.savanna": "Savanna oh nana", - "biome.minecraft.savanna_plateau": "Zavana Plato", - "biome.minecraft.small_end_islands": "Smol End Izlandz", - "biome.minecraft.snowy_beach": "Snuwy WatRside", - "biome.minecraft.snowy_plains": "Snowee Plans", - "biome.minecraft.snowy_slopes": "Snowee Slops", - "biome.minecraft.snowy_taiga": "Snuwy Tayga", - "biome.minecraft.soul_sand_valley": "ded peepl valee", - "biome.minecraft.sparse_jungle": "Spars Jngle", - "biome.minecraft.stony_peaks": "Stonee Peeks", - "biome.minecraft.stony_shore": "Ston Chore", - "biome.minecraft.sunflower_plains": "Sunflowr plans", - "biome.minecraft.swamp": "Zwump", - "biome.minecraft.taiga": "Tiga", - "biome.minecraft.the_end": "THE AND", - "biome.minecraft.the_void": "no thing nezz !!!", - "biome.minecraft.warm_ocean": "HOT Waterz", - "biome.minecraft.warped_forest": "warpd wuds", - "biome.minecraft.windswept_forest": "Windsept Forst", - "biome.minecraft.windswept_gravelly_hills": "Windsept Gravely Hlils", - "biome.minecraft.windswept_hills": "Windsept Hlils", - "biome.minecraft.windswept_savanna": "Windsept Savana", - "biome.minecraft.wooded_badlands": "Badlandz wit treeeez", - "block.minecraft.acacia_button": "Akacia Button", - "block.minecraft.acacia_door": "Acashuh Dor", - "block.minecraft.acacia_fence": "Cat Fence\n", - "block.minecraft.acacia_fence_gate": "ACAISHA GAIT", - "block.minecraft.acacia_hanging_sign": "Acashuh Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.acacia_leaves": "savana lefs", - "block.minecraft.acacia_log": "Acashuh lawg", - "block.minecraft.acacia_planks": "Acashuh Plankz", - "block.minecraft.acacia_pressure_plate": "Akacia Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.acacia_sapling": "Baby Acashuh", - "block.minecraft.acacia_sign": "Acashuh Sign", - "block.minecraft.acacia_slab": "Akacia Sleb", - "block.minecraft.acacia_stairs": "Acaci Stairz", - "block.minecraft.acacia_trapdoor": "Akacia Trap", - "block.minecraft.acacia_wall_hanging_sign": "Acashuh Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.acacia_wall_sign": "Acashuh Sign on ur wall", - "block.minecraft.acacia_wood": "Acashuh Wuud", - "block.minecraft.activator_rail": "POWAAAAAAAAAAAH", - "block.minecraft.air": "Aihr", - "block.minecraft.allium": "Alollium", - "block.minecraft.amethyst_block": "Purpur shinee bluk", - "block.minecraft.amethyst_cluster": "Dun purpur shinee", - "block.minecraft.ancient_debris": "super old stuffz", - "block.minecraft.andesite": "grey rock", - "block.minecraft.andesite_slab": "Grey Rock", - "block.minecraft.andesite_stairs": "Grey Rock Stairz", - "block.minecraft.andesite_wall": "Grey Rock Wal", - "block.minecraft.anvil": "Anvehl", - "block.minecraft.attached_melon_stem": "sticky melon stik", - "block.minecraft.attached_pumpkin_stem": "Atachd pumpkin stem", - "block.minecraft.azalea": "Turtl-shel-laik trea", - "block.minecraft.azalea_leaves": "Les pretehh lefs", - "block.minecraft.azure_bluet": "Bloo flowre", - "block.minecraft.bamboo": "Green Stick", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_block": "Thicc bamboo", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_button": "Cat stick pressablz", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_door": "Gren Dor", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_fence": "Gren Stik Fence", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_fence_gate": "Gren stik Gaet", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_hanging_sign": "gren banzuk Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_mosaic": "Gren blok", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_mosaic_slab": "Fansi Gren Smol Blok", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_mosaic_stairs": "Gren blok Smoll blok", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_planks": "Litle gren stick Plankz", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_pressure_plate": "gren blukz presurr plete", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_sapling": "littl baby green stik", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_sign": "gren blukz sign", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_slab": "Gren Smol Blocc", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_stairs": "BAMBOOO climby blukz", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_trapdoor": "Gren Trapdur", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_wall_hanging_sign": "gren banzuk Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.bamboo_wall_sign": "gren blukz wol book", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.black": "BLAK", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.blue": "Fully bloo feld", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.brown": "Fulle broun feld", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.cyan": "Full cayan feild", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.gray": "FLUL grayy field", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.green": "GREN", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.light_blue": "Fule lite bloooooo fieldd", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.light_gray": "LITTER COLUR", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.lime": "CAT MINT COLUR", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.magenta": "MEOWENTA", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.orange": "HONEY COLUR", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.pink": "PAW COLUR", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.purple": "PURRP", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.red": "cOMEPLETELY red feeld", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.white": "Fool wite filed", - "block.minecraft.banner.base.yellow": "Fuly ye low feild", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.black": "Blak Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.blue": "Blu Brdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.brown": "brown burder", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.cyan": "Sighan Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.gray": "Gra Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.green": "Gren Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.light_blue": "Lite bloo burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.light_gray": "Lite Gra Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.lime": "Lim Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.magenta": "Majenta burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.orange": "Ornge burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.pink": "Pnk Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.purple": "Purrrrple Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.red": "Redd Burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.white": "Wite burdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.border.yellow": "Yallow Brdur", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.black": "BRIK PATTURN!", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.blue": "covert in emo briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.brown": "Broun briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.cyan": "Nyan briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.gray": "Grey briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.green": "Grean briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.light_blue": "covert in laight blue briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.light_gray": "Lite Grey briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.lime": "lemi Feld mazond", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.magenta": "Majenta Feild Masoneded", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.orange": "coverd in oringe briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.pink": "Pink briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.purple": "Purpal briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.red": "Red briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.white": "wit fel mazon", - "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.yellow": "covert in yella briks", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.black": "Black Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.blue": "Bluu Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.brown": "Bruwn Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.cyan": "Cyan Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.gray": "Gry Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.green": "Gren Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.light_blue": "Light Bluu Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.light_gray": "Light Gry Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.lime": "Laim Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.magenta": "Magnta Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.orange": "Orang Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.pink": "Pinkie Raundl", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.purple": "Purpl Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.red": "Red Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.white": "Whit Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.circle.yellow": "Yello Rundel", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.black": "bleck creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.blue": "bleu creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.brown": "brouwn creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.cyan": "bleu creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.gray": "grey creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.green": "gryen creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.light_blue": "lite blew creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.light_gray": "lite grey creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.lime": "liem creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.magenta": "pyrple creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.orange": "oraynge creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.pink": "pienk creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.purple": "pyrple creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.red": "ried creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.white": "whiet creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.yellow": "yllow creeper churge", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.black": "Blak Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.blue": "Bloo Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.brown": "Brwn Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.cyan": "Cyan Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.gray": "Gra Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.green": "Gren Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.light_gray": "Lite Gra Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.lime": "Lim Salitr", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.magenta": "Majenta Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.orange": "Ornge Salitr", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.pink": "Pinc Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.purple": "Purrrrrrrple Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.red": "Red Salltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.white": "Wite Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.cross.yellow": "Yelo Saltir", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.black": "Blek bordur idedendededed", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.blue": "Bloo burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.brown": "Broun burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.cyan": "Nyan burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.gray": "Grey burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.green": "Grean burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.light_blue": "Lite bloo burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.light_gray": "Lite Grey burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.lime": "Lyem burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.magenta": "Majenta burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.orange": "Ornge burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.pink": "Pink burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.purple": "Purpal burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.red": "Red burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.white": "Wite burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.yellow": "Yello burdur indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.black": "Blak Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.blue": "Blu Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.brown": "Browhn Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.cyan": "Sigh-Ann Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.gray": "Grey Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.green": "Grean Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.light_blue": "Lite Blu Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.light_gray": "Lite Grey Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.lime": "Lah-I'm Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.magenta": "Muhgentuh Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.orange": "Ohrang Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.pink": "Pink Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.purple": "Purpel Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.red": "Red Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.white": "Wite Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.yellow": "Yelo Pr Behnd Sinistar", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.black": "Blak Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.blue": "Bloo Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.brown": "Brwn Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.cyan": "Sighan Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.gray": "Gra Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.green": "Gren Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.light_gray": "Lite Gra Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.lime": "Liem Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.magenta": "Majentaa Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.orange": "Ornge Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.pink": "Pnk Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.purple": "Purrrrple Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.red": "Redd Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.white": "Wite Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.yellow": "Yelo Purr Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.black": "Blak Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.blue": "Blu Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.brown": "Browwhn Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.cyan": "Sigh-Ann Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.gray": "Gray Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.green": "Grean Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.light_blue": "Light Blue Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.light_gray": "Lite Gra Purr Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.lime": "Lime Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.magenta": "Magenta Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.orange": "Orange Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.pink": "Pink Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.purple": "Perpul Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.red": "Red Pr Behnd Inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.white": "Wait Pur Bent Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.yellow": "Yellow Per Bend Invertd", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.black": "Blak Par Bentsinistrrr Incetteerf", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.blue": "Bluu Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.brown": "Brown Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.cyan": "Cyan Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.gray": "Gry Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.green": "Gren Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.light_blue": "Light bluu Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.light_gray": "Light Gry Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.lime": "Laim Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.magenta": "Magnta Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.orange": "Orang Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.pink": "Pink Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.purple": "Purpl Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.red": "Red Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.white": "Whit Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.yellow": "Yello Pur Bed Sinster Invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.black": "Blak flowr karge", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.blue": "Bloo Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.brown": "Broun Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.cyan": "Sighan Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.gray": "Gra Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.green": "Gren Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.light_gray": "Lite Gra Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.lime": "Liem Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.magenta": "Majentaa Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.orange": "Orang Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.pink": "Pinc Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.purple": "Purrrpl Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.red": "Redd Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.white": "Wite Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.flower.yellow": "Yelo Fluor Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.black": "Ender Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.blue": "Water Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.brown": "Chocolate Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.cyan": "Cyaan Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.gray": "Gray Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.green": "Grass Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.light_blue": "Waterer Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.light_gray": "Lite Cyaan Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.lime": "Limd Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.magenta": "Majenta Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.orange": "Carrot Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.pink": "Pinky Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.purple": "Parpal Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.red": "Mojang Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.white": "Snow Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.globe.yellow": "Banana Glolbe", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.black": "bleck faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.blue": "bleu faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.brown": "brouwn faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.cyan": "sea faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.gray": "grey faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.green": "greeen faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.light_blue": "lit bru gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.light_gray": "lite grey faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.lime": "liem faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.magenta": "maginte gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.orange": "oranje gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.pink": "pienk faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.purple": "TEH PRPLZ TRANSIST", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.red": "ryd faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.white": "wit gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.yellow": "yelouw faed", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.black": "blk gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.blue": "bru gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.brown": "bruwn gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.cyan": "nyan gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.gray": "gra grade", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.green": "gran gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.light_blue": "lite blu gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.light_gray": "lit gra grade", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.lime": "lemi gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.magenta": "magintaz gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.orange": "Ohrang Baze Graidieant", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.pink": "oink gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.purple": "poiple gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.red": "rad gradz", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.white": "Wite Bas Gradeent", - "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.yellow": "yello grad", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.black": "blak purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.blue": "blu purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.brown": "brawn purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.cyan": "cian purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.gray": "grey perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.green": "grean purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.light_blue": "lightish blu perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.light_gray": "lightish grey purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.lime": "lime perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.magenta": "majenta perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.orange": "orange perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.pink": "pink perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.purple": "purrpel purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.red": "red purr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.white": "colorless perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal.yellow": "yello perr fez", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.black": "blak purr fess inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.blue": "Bloo par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.brown": "brown purr fess inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.cyan": "Nyan par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.gray": "Grey par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.green": "green purr fess inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.light_blue": "Lite bloo par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.light_gray": "Lite Gray par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.lime": "Lyem par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.magenta": "Majenta par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.orange": "Ornge par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.pink": "Pink par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.purple": "Purpal par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.red": "Red par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.white": "Wite par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.yellow": "Yello par fazz invertud", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.black": "blak pur payl", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.blue": "bloo pore payl", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.brown": "broun pr payl", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.cyan": "cian pur pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.gray": "grey purr peil", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.green": "grean por pail", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.light_blue": "lightt bkuez purr pail", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.light_gray": "lit gra pur pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.lime": "leim purr peil", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.magenta": "majenta purr pail", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.orange": "oringe purr peil", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.pink": "stylish purr peil", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.purple": "porple pair paiyiyil", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.red": "red par pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.white": "white purr pail", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.yellow": "yella purr peil", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.black": "blak purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.blue": "blu purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.brown": "brown purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.cyan": "cyan purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.gray": "grey purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.green": "green purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.light_blue": "lightish blu purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.light_gray": "lighish grey purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.lime": "lime purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.magenta": "majenta purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.orange": "orange purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.pink": "pink purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.purple": "purrrppple purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.red": "red purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.white": "colorless purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical_right.yellow": "yellow purr pale inverted", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.black": "Blak thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.blue": "Bloo thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.brown": "Broun thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.cyan": "Nyan thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.gray": "Grey thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.green": "Grean thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.light_blue": "Lite bloo thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.light_gray": "Lite Grey thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.lime": "Lyme thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.magenta": "Majenta thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.orange": "Ornge thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.pink": "Pig-colored thing", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.purple": "Purpal thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.red": "Redz thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.white": "Wite thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.yellow": "Yello thng", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.black": "Blak noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.blue": "Blu nouze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.brown": "Brown noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.cyan": "Nyan noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.gray": "Gray noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.green": "Green noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.light_blue": "Lite bluu nouze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.light_gray": "Lite gray noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.lime": "Limy nose", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.magenta": "Magenta nouze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.orange": "Oreng noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.pink": "Pinku noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.purple": "Purrpl noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.red": "Redz noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.white": "Wite noze", - "block.minecraft.banner.piglin.yellow": "Yelo Noz", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.black": "blak losng", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.blue": "Blu losung", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.brown": "broun lozeng", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.cyan": "cian lozene", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.gray": "grey lozunj", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.green": "greyn lozinge", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.light_blue": "lit blu lozenge", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.light_gray": "lite gruy losinge", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.lime": "lym LOLzenge", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.magenta": "majina lizange", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.orange": "urang lizangee", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.pink": "Pinc Loseng", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.purple": "pupell losenge", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.red": "Rud lozanj", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.white": "wyte lozunge", - "block.minecraft.banner.rhombus.yellow": "yullo lozunge", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.black": "Blac Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.blue": "Bloo Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.brown": "Broun Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.cyan": "Sighan Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.gray": "Gra Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.green": "Gren Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.light_gray": "Lite Gra Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.lime": "Liem Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.magenta": "Majentaa Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.orange": "Orang Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.pink": "Pinc Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.purple": "Purrrpl Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.red": "rad SKULLZ charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.white": "Wite Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.skull.yellow": "Yelo Scul Charg", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.black": "Blak Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.blue": "Bluu Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.brown": "Brawn Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.cyan": "CyN Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.gray": "Grey Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.green": "Gre-n Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.light_gray": "Light Grey Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.lime": "Limeh Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.magenta": "Mujentaa Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.orange": "Ornge Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.pink": "Pinky Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.purple": "PurpL Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.red": "Red Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.white": "Wyt Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.small_stripes.yellow": "Yelo Palee", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.black": "Black Base Dextr Canton", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.blue": "bluz bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.brown": "browzn bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.cyan": "sian bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.gray": "grae bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.green": "Green Base Dextr Canton", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.light_blue": "lite blu bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.light_gray": "lite grae bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.lime": "laim bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.magenta": "majnta bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.orange": "oranj bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.pink": "pinkz bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.purple": "purpul bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.red": "Red Base Dextr Canton", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.white": "wiit bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_left.yellow": "yeloe bais lepht skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.black": "blak bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.blue": "blu bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.brown": "braun bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.cyan": "sian bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.gray": "grai bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.green": "grin bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.light_blue": "lite blu bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.light_gray": "lite grai bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.lime": "laim bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.magenta": "majnta bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.orange": "oraje bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.pink": "pinck bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.purple": "purpul bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.red": "red bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.white": "White baze sinistor kattun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.yellow": "yelloe bais rite skuair", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.black": "blak cheef dextor kattun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.blue": "blooh cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.brown": "broawn cheef dextor kattun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.cyan": "cian cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.gray": "greh cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.green": "grein cheef dextor kattun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.light_blue": "liat blooh cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.light_gray": "liat greh cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.lime": "liame cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.magenta": "magentorh cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.orange": "oringe cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.pink": "piank cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.purple": "perpol cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.red": "red cheef dextor kattun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.white": "white cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.yellow": "yelow cheef dextor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.black": "black cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.blue": "blooh cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.brown": "broawn cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.cyan": "cian cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.gray": "greyh cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.green": "grein cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.light_blue": "liat bloo cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.light_gray": "liat greyh cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.lime": "liame cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.magenta": "magentorh cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.orange": "oringe cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.pink": "piank cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.purple": "perpol cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.red": "red cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.white": "white cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_right.yellow": "yelow cheef sinistor cantun", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.black": "Blk Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.blue": "Bleu Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.brown": "Brawn Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.cyan": "Nyan Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.gray": "Grai Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.green": "Grean Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.light_blue": "Zero Bleu Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.light_gray": "Zero Grai Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.lime": "Lame Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.magenta": "Magnet Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.orange": "Orang-Utan Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.pink": "Pink Panther Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.purple": "Poople Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.red": "Read Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.white": "No Color Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.straight_cross.yellow": "Hello Yellow Croz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.black": "Blak Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.blue": "Bloo Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.brown": "Brwn Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.cyan": "Nyan Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.gray": "Gray Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.green": "Gren Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.light_gray": "Lite Gray Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.lime": "Liem Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.magenta": "Majenta Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.orange": "Orang Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.pink": "Pinc Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.purple": "Purpal Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.red": "Red Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.white": "Wite Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_bottom.yellow": "Yello Baze", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.black": "Blak Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.blue": "Bloo Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.brown": "Brwn Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.cyan": "Sigh-an Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.gray": "Gra Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.green": "Gren Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.light_gray": "Lite Gra Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.lime": "Liem Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.magenta": "Majentaa Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.orange": "Ornge Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.pink": "Pinc Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.purple": "Purrrrrrple Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.red": "Red Pal\n", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.white": "Wite Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_center.yellow": "Ylw Pal", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.black": "Bluk Vend Sinizturr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.blue": "Bluu Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.brown": "Brahwn Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.cyan": "CyN Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.gray": "Grey Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.green": "Gren Bent Siniste", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.light_blue": "Light Bluu Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.light_gray": "Light Grey Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.lime": "Limeh Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.magenta": "Magentah Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.orange": "Oreng Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.pink": "Pink Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.purple": "PurpL Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.red": "Reed Baend Sinistier", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.white": "Wite Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.yellow": "Yolo-w Bend SinistR", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.black": "darrk dawn line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.blue": "Bloo Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.brown": "bruwn side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.cyan": "greeen bleu side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.gray": "greay side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.green": "greeen side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.light_blue": "Teh lite blu bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.light_gray": "wite greay side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.lime": "brite greeen side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.magenta": "Teh Magentra Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.orange": "orng bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.pink": "peenk side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.purple": "Purrrrple Bend", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.red": "red dawn line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.white": "Whit Bund", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.yellow": "yelaw side line", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.black": "blak pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.blue": "blu pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.brown": "braun pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.cyan": "sian pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.gray": "grei pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.green": "grin pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.light_blue": "Lite Bleu Pail Dextr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.light_gray": "lite grei pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.lime": "laim pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.magenta": "Maginta Pail Dextr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.orange": "Orenge Pail Dextr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.pink": "pinck pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.purple": "purpl pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.red": "rad pail deztr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.white": "Wite Pail Dextr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.yellow": "Yello Pail Dextr", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.black": "Blak Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.blue": "Bloo Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.brown": "Brwn Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.cyan": "Sigh-an Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.gray": "Gray Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.green": "Gren Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.light_blue": "Late Bluu Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.light_gray": "Lite Gray Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.lime": "Lame Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.magenta": "purpl-ey Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.orange": "oranj dawn Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.pink": "Pinc Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.purple": "Purrrrple Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.red": "Red Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.white": "blanck dawn Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.yellow": "Yellau Fezz", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.black": "Blak Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.blue": "Bluu Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.brown": "Braun Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.cyan": "Cya Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.gray": "Grayz Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.green": "Gren Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.light_blue": "Late Bluu Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.light_gray": "Light Grayz Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.lime": "Lame Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.magenta": "Meigent Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.orange": "Oreng Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.pink": "Pink Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.purple": "Purpl Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.red": "Red Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.white": "Wait Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.yellow": "Yellau Peil Sinizter", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.black": "Blak Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.blue": "Bloo Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.brown": "Brwn Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.cyan": "Nyan Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.gray": "Gray Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.green": "Gren Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.light_gray": "Lite Gray Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.lime": "Liem Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.magenta": "Majenta Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.orange": "Orang Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.pink": "Pinc Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.purple": "Parpal Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.red": "Redish Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.white": "Wite Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.yellow": "Yello Chif", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.black": "Dark Chevronz", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.blue": "Blu Chevronz", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.brown": "Brown Chevronz", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.cyan": "Sighan Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.gray": "GREY SHEVRON", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.green": "Green Chevronz", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.light_blue": "Lite Bloo Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.light_gray": "VERY LITE GREY SHEVRON", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.lime": "Liem Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.magenta": "Majentaa Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.orange": "Orung Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.pink": "PIINK SHEVRON", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.purple": "PRPLZ CHVRN", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.red": "Red Chevronz", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.white": "Wite Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.yellow": "Yelo Shevrun", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.black": "blakc upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.blue": "blew upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.brown": "broun upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.cyan": "bleuy upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.gray": "grey upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.green": "grn upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.light_blue": "lite blew upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.light_gray": "lite grey upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.lime": "liem upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.magenta": "puerple upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.orange": "orangue upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.pink": "pienk upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.purple": "purrple upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.red": "ryd upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.white": "whiet upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.yellow": "yelou upsied v", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.black": "bleck bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.blue": "bleu bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.brown": "broun bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.cyan": "cian bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.gray": "grey bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.green": "greun bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.light_blue": "lite bleu bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.light_gray": "lite grey bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.lime": "liem bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.magenta": "prple bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.orange": "oraynge bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.pink": "pienk bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.purple": "pyrple bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.red": "read bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.white": "whiet bottum indiented", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.yellow": "YELLOU BASS INDEZTED", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.black": "BLAWK CHEEF INDEZTED", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.blue": "Bwue Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.brown": "Bwown Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.cyan": "Cian Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.gray": "Gray Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.green": "Gween Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.light_blue": "Lite Blu Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.light_gray": "Lit gray Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.lime": "Laim Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.magenta": "Mahgehntah Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.orange": "Ohrang Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.pink": "Pnik Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.purple": "Purrrple Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.red": "Red Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.white": "Wuhite Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.yellow": "Yallo Cheef Indentd", - "block.minecraft.barrel": "Fish box", - "block.minecraft.barrier": "You shall not pass", - "block.minecraft.basalt": "Bawzult", - "block.minecraft.beacon": "Bacon", - "block.minecraft.beacon.primary": "Primari Pahwer", - "block.minecraft.beacon.secondary": "Secondari Pahwer", - "block.minecraft.bed.no_sleep": "U can shleep onwy at nite and duwin thundewstuwms", - "block.minecraft.bed.not_safe": "U do not haf tu rezt nao; der are monztahrs nirby", - "block.minecraft.bed.obstructed": "Dis bed iz obstructd", - "block.minecraft.bed.occupied": "Sumone stole ur bed!", - "block.minecraft.bed.too_far_away": "U do not haf tu rezt nao; da bed is TOO FAR awey", - "block.minecraft.bedrock": "TROL BLUKZ", - "block.minecraft.bee_nest": "B nest", - "block.minecraft.beehive": "Beez's place", - "block.minecraft.beetroots": "Red Juicy Undrgrawnd Plant", - "block.minecraft.bell": "Belly", - "block.minecraft.big_dripleaf": "Big fall thru plantt", - "block.minecraft.big_dripleaf_stem": "Big fall thru plantt stehm", - "block.minecraft.birch_button": "Burch Button", - "block.minecraft.birch_door": "Birtch Dor", - "block.minecraft.birch_fence": "BIRCH SCRATCHEZPOST", - "block.minecraft.birch_fence_gate": "BURCH GAIT", - "block.minecraft.birch_hanging_sign": "Burchs Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.birch_leaves": "birch salad", - "block.minecraft.birch_log": "lite woodezn lawg", - "block.minecraft.birch_planks": "lite woodezn blox", - "block.minecraft.birch_pressure_plate": "Burch Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.birch_sapling": "baby burch", - "block.minecraft.birch_sign": "Burchs Sign", - "block.minecraft.birch_slab": "Burch Sleb", - "block.minecraft.birch_stairs": "Burch Stairz", - "block.minecraft.birch_trapdoor": "Burch Trap", - "block.minecraft.birch_wall_hanging_sign": "Burchs Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.birch_wall_sign": "Burchs Sign on ur wall", - "block.minecraft.birch_wood": "Birtch Wuud", - "block.minecraft.black_banner": "blakc bahnor", - "block.minecraft.black_bed": "Blak Bed", - "block.minecraft.black_candle": "Blak land pikl", - "block.minecraft.black_candle_cake": "Caek wif Blak Candl", - "block.minecraft.black_carpet": "Black Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.black_concrete": "Blek tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.black_concrete_powder": "Blak tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.black_glazed_terracotta": "Blek mosaic", - "block.minecraft.black_shulker_box": "Black Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.black_stained_glass": "Blak Staind Glas", - "block.minecraft.black_stained_glass_pane": "blerk thin culurd thingy", - "block.minecraft.black_terracotta": "Blak Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.black_wool": "Black Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.blackstone": "Blecston", - "block.minecraft.blackstone_slab": "bleckston sleb", - "block.minecraft.blackstone_stairs": "bleck rock stairz", - "block.minecraft.blackstone_wall": "bleckston wal", - "block.minecraft.blast_furnace": "BlAsT FuRnAcE", - "block.minecraft.blue_banner": "bloo bahnor", - "block.minecraft.blue_bed": "Bloo Bed", - "block.minecraft.blue_candle": "Bloo hot stik", - "block.minecraft.blue_candle_cake": "Caek wif Bloo Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.blue_carpet": "Bloo Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.blue_concrete": "Bluu tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.blue_concrete_powder": "Bluu tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.blue_glazed_terracotta": "Bluu mosaic", - "block.minecraft.blue_ice": "Big blu", - "block.minecraft.blue_orchid": "pretteh bloo flowr", - "block.minecraft.blue_shulker_box": "Bloo Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.blue_stained_glass": "Waterly Stained Glazz", - "block.minecraft.blue_stained_glass_pane": "Bloo Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.blue_terracotta": "Bloo Terrakattah", - "block.minecraft.blue_wool": "Bloo Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.bone_block": "Compresd bone", - "block.minecraft.bookshelf": "bed 4 bookz", - "block.minecraft.brain_coral": "Brein koral", - "block.minecraft.brain_coral_block": "Brein koral cube", - "block.minecraft.brain_coral_fan": "Brein koral fen", - "block.minecraft.brain_coral_wall_fan": "Braen Corel Wahll Fan", - "block.minecraft.brewing_stand": "Bubbleh", - "block.minecraft.brick_slab": "Brik Sleb", - "block.minecraft.brick_stairs": "Brik stairez", - "block.minecraft.brick_wall": "Brik Wal", - "block.minecraft.bricks": "brickz", - "block.minecraft.brown_banner": "broun bahnor", - "block.minecraft.brown_bed": "Brownish Bed", - "block.minecraft.brown_candle": "Brwn land pikl", - "block.minecraft.brown_candle_cake": "Caek wif Brown Candl", - "block.minecraft.brown_carpet": "Brownish Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.brown_concrete": "Brownish tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.brown_concrete_powder": "Brownish tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.brown_glazed_terracotta": "Brownish mosaic", - "block.minecraft.brown_mushroom": "brwn Mushroom", - "block.minecraft.brown_mushroom_block": "brwn Mushroom Blok", - "block.minecraft.brown_shulker_box": "Brownish Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.brown_stained_glass": "Brownly Stainedly Glazz", - "block.minecraft.brown_stained_glass_pane": "Broun Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.brown_terracotta": "Brewn Terrakattah", - "block.minecraft.brown_wool": "Brownish Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.bubble_column": "babul kolum", - "block.minecraft.bubble_coral": "Bubol koral", - "block.minecraft.bubble_coral_block": "Bubol koral cube", - "block.minecraft.bubble_coral_fan": "Bubol koral fen", - "block.minecraft.bubble_coral_wall_fan": "Bable koral wull fan", - "block.minecraft.budding_amethyst": "Purpur shinee makr", - "block.minecraft.cactus": "Spiky Green Plant", - "block.minecraft.cake": "liez", - "block.minecraft.calcite": "Wite rok", - "block.minecraft.calibrated_sculk_sensor": "smart catz sculk detektor", - "block.minecraft.campfire": "Campfireh", - "block.minecraft.candle": "Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.candle_cake": "lie wif hot stix", - "block.minecraft.carrots": "Jumpin Foodz Foodz", - "block.minecraft.cartography_table": "Cartogrophy Table", - "block.minecraft.carved_pumpkin": "Karvd Pumpkin", - "block.minecraft.cauldron": "Rly big pot", - "block.minecraft.cave_air": "air of spOoOky cavess", - "block.minecraft.cave_vines": "Caev wiskrs", - "block.minecraft.cave_vines_plant": "Shinin' Viine Plantta o' Caevs", - "block.minecraft.chain": "Shain", - "block.minecraft.chain_command_block": "Alpha Block Dat Duz A Congo Line With Other Alpha Blocks", - "block.minecraft.cherry_button": "Sakura Buttun", - "block.minecraft.cherry_door": "Sakura dur", - "block.minecraft.cherry_fence": "Sakura fence", - "block.minecraft.cherry_fence_gate": "Sakura fenc gaet", - "block.minecraft.cherry_hanging_sign": "Sakura Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.cherry_leaves": "Sakura lef", - "block.minecraft.cherry_log": "Sakura lawg", - "block.minecraft.cherry_planks": "Sakura plankz", - "block.minecraft.cherry_pressure_plate": "Sakura Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.cherry_sapling": "baby sakura", - "block.minecraft.cherry_sign": "Sakura sign", - "block.minecraft.cherry_slab": "Sakura slav", - "block.minecraft.cherry_stairs": "Sakura stairz", - "block.minecraft.cherry_trapdoor": "Sakura trapdur", - "block.minecraft.cherry_wall_hanging_sign": "Sakura Wall Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.cherry_wall_sign": "Sakura Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.cherry_wood": "Sakura wuud", - "block.minecraft.chest": "Cat Box", - "block.minecraft.chipped_anvil": "Oh so much chipped anvehl", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_bookshelf": "Hollow Bed 4 Books", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_deepslate": "chizeled dark ston", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_nether_bricks": "Chizald nether brickz", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_polished_blackstone": "chizald shiny blak rok", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_quartz_block": "Chizald Kworts Blak", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_red_sandstone": "Chizald warmy sanstown", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_sandstone": "carved litter box rockz", - "block.minecraft.chiseled_stone_bricks": "Stacked Rockz en an Patternz", - "block.minecraft.chorus_flower": "Meow flawur", - "block.minecraft.chorus_plant": "Meow Plantz", - "block.minecraft.clay": "CLAE", - "block.minecraft.coal_block": "Koala", - "block.minecraft.coal_ore": "Rockz wif Coel", - "block.minecraft.coarse_dirt": "Ruff durt", - "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate": "coobled dark ston", - "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_slab": "coobled dark ston sleb", - "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_stairs": "coobled dark ston stairz", - "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_wall": "coobled dark ston wal", - "block.minecraft.cobblestone": "Cooblestoneh", - "block.minecraft.cobblestone_slab": "small pebble blok", - "block.minecraft.cobblestone_stairs": "rok stairz", - "block.minecraft.cobblestone_wall": "COBULSTOWN WALL", - "block.minecraft.cobweb": "icky spider webz", - "block.minecraft.cocoa": "dont feed dis to ur catz", - "block.minecraft.command_block": "Comnd Bluk", - "block.minecraft.comparator": "Redstone thingy", - "block.minecraft.composter": "Compostr", - "block.minecraft.conduit": "strange box", - "block.minecraft.copper_block": "Blok of copurr", - "block.minecraft.copper_ore": "Copurr rok", - "block.minecraft.cornflower": "Unicornflowerpower", - "block.minecraft.cracked_deepslate_bricks": "half brokn dark ston breekz", - "block.minecraft.cracked_deepslate_tiles": "half brokn dark ston tilz", - "block.minecraft.cracked_nether_bricks": "Craked nether brickz", - "block.minecraft.cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks": "craked polised bleck briks", - "block.minecraft.cracked_stone_bricks": "Stacked Pebblez", - "block.minecraft.crafting_table": "Krafting Tabal", - "block.minecraft.creeper_head": "Creeper Hed", - "block.minecraft.creeper_wall_head": "Creeper Wall Hed", - "block.minecraft.crimson_button": "Crimzn Bawttn", - "block.minecraft.crimson_door": "Krimzn Big Kat Door", - "block.minecraft.crimson_fence": "Crimzn Fanse", - "block.minecraft.crimson_fence_gate": "Crimzn Fenc Gaet", - "block.minecraft.crimson_fungus": "Crimzn Foongis", - "block.minecraft.crimson_hanging_sign": "Krimzn Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.crimson_hyphae": "Weerd red nethar plnat", - "block.minecraft.crimson_nylium": "Crimzun Nyanium", - "block.minecraft.crimson_planks": "Crimsun planmks", - "block.minecraft.crimson_pressure_plate": "Crimson prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.crimson_roots": "Crimsun roots", - "block.minecraft.crimson_sign": "Krimzn Syne", - "block.minecraft.crimson_slab": "Crimzn Sleb", - "block.minecraft.crimson_stairs": "Crimzn Staez", - "block.minecraft.crimson_stem": "Crimzn stim", - "block.minecraft.crimson_trapdoor": "Crimzn Kat Door", - "block.minecraft.crimson_wall_hanging_sign": "Krimzn Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.crimson_wall_sign": "Red walz sign", - "block.minecraft.crying_obsidian": "sad hardest thing evar", - "block.minecraft.cut_copper": "1000° kniv vs cuprr blok", - "block.minecraft.cut_copper_slab": "Slised copurr sleb", - "block.minecraft.cut_copper_stairs": "Slised copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.cut_red_sandstone": "Warmy red sanstown", - "block.minecraft.cut_red_sandstone_slab": "Cut warmy sansdstoen sleb", - "block.minecraft.cut_sandstone": "Warmy sanstown", - "block.minecraft.cut_sandstone_slab": "Cut sansdstoen sleb", - "block.minecraft.cyan_banner": "nyan bahnor", - "block.minecraft.cyan_bed": "Nyan Bed", - "block.minecraft.cyan_candle": "C-an land pikl", - "block.minecraft.cyan_candle_cake": "Caek wif Cyan Candle", - "block.minecraft.cyan_carpet": "Sighun Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.cyan_concrete": "Syan tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.cyan_concrete_powder": "Syan tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.cyan_glazed_terracotta": "Syan mosaic", - "block.minecraft.cyan_shulker_box": "Weird Blu Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.cyan_stained_glass": "Cyanled Stainely Glazz", - "block.minecraft.cyan_stained_glass_pane": "Sian Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.cyan_terracotta": "Nyan Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.cyan_wool": "Sighun Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.damaged_anvil": "Oh so much braken anvehl", - "block.minecraft.dandelion": "Yello Flowah", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_button": "Blak Oke Button", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_door": "Dark Oak Dor", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_fence": "Drk Oak Fence", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_fence_gate": "DARK GAIT", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_hanging_sign": "Dark Ook Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_leaves": "derk ok lefs", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_log": "Oranj lawg", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_planks": "Oranj Wud", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_pressure_plate": "Dark Oke Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_sapling": "baby blak oak", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_sign": "Dak Ook Sign", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_slab": "Blak Oke Sleb", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_stairs": "Dakwoak Stairz", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_trapdoor": "Blak Oke Trap", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_wall_hanging_sign": "Dark Ook Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_wall_sign": "Dak Ook Sign on ur wall", - "block.minecraft.dark_oak_wood": "Dark Oak Wuud", - "block.minecraft.dark_prismarine": "Dark Prizmarine", - "block.minecraft.dark_prismarine_slab": "Dark Prizmarine Sleb", - "block.minecraft.dark_prismarine_stairs": "Dark Prizmarine Stairz", - "block.minecraft.daylight_detector": "light eater", - "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral": "Ded brein koral", - "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_block": "Ded brain koral cube", - "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_fan": "Ded brein koral fen", - "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_wall_fan": "Ded brein koral wull fan", - "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral": "Ded bubol koral", - "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_block": "Ded bubol koral cube", - "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_fan": "Ded bubol koral fen", - "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan": "Ded bable korall wull fan", - "block.minecraft.dead_bush": "Died bushez", - "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral": "Ded HOT koral", - "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_block": "Ded HOT koral cube", - "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_fan": "Ded HOT koral fen", - "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_wall_fan": "Ded hot korall wull fan", - "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral": "Ded jorn koral", - "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_block": "Ded jorn koral cube", - "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_fan": "Ded jorn koral fen", - "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_wall_fan": "Ded hurn korall wull fan", - "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral": "Ded tuf koral", - "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_block": "Ded tuf koral cube", - "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_fan": "Ded tuf koral fen", - "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_wall_fan": "Ded tub koral wull fan", - "block.minecraft.decorated_pot": "Ancient containr", - "block.minecraft.deepslate": "dark ston", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_brick_slab": "dark ston brik sleb", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_brick_stairs": "dark ston brik stairz", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_brick_wall": "dark ston brik wal", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_bricks": "dark ston brikz", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_coal_ore": "dark ston koal or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_copper_ore": "dark ston coppur or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_diamond_ore": "dark ston deemond or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_emerald_ore": "dark ston green shiny or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_gold_ore": "dark ston gold or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_iron_ore": "dark ston irony or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_lapis_ore": "dark ston bloo or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_redstone_ore": "dark ston Redstone or", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_slab": "dark ston til sleb", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_stairs": "dark ston til stairz", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_wall": "dark ston til wal", - "block.minecraft.deepslate_tiles": "dark ston tilez", - "block.minecraft.detector_rail": "Ditektar Ral", - "block.minecraft.diamond_block": "MUCH MUNY $$$", - "block.minecraft.diamond_ore": "Rockz wif Deemond", - "block.minecraft.diorite": "kitteh litter rockz", - "block.minecraft.diorite_slab": "Diorito Sleb", - "block.minecraft.diorite_stairs": "Diorito Stairz", - "block.minecraft.diorite_wall": "Diorito Wal", - "block.minecraft.dirt": "Durt", - "block.minecraft.dirt_path": "Durt roud", - "block.minecraft.dispenser": "Dizpnzur", - "block.minecraft.dragon_egg": "Dwagon Eg", - "block.minecraft.dragon_head": "Dragun Hed", - "block.minecraft.dragon_wall_head": "Dragon Wall Hed", - "block.minecraft.dried_kelp_block": "Smoky lettuce cube", - "block.minecraft.dripstone_block": "bootleg netherite", - "block.minecraft.dropper": "DRUPPER", - "block.minecraft.emerald_block": "Shineh bloock of Green stuff", - "block.minecraft.emerald_ore": "Rockz wif Emmiez", - "block.minecraft.enchanting_table": "Kewl Tabel", - "block.minecraft.end_gateway": "Megeek purrtul", - "block.minecraft.end_portal": "Magik yarn bawl howl", - "block.minecraft.end_portal_frame": "Magik portl fraem", - "block.minecraft.end_rod": "Unikorn Horn", - "block.minecraft.end_stone": "Weird white rock", - "block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_slab": "Ston Brik Sleb of za End", - "block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_stairs": "Ston Stairz of za End", - "block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_wall": "Ston Brik Wal of za End", - "block.minecraft.end_stone_bricks": "Kat Litter Briks", - "block.minecraft.ender_chest": "Endur Chest", - "block.minecraft.exposed_copper": "EXPOSED copurr", - "block.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper": "EXPOSED cut coppurr", - "block.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper_slab": "Seen Sliced Copurr Half Block", - "block.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper_stairs": "Seen Sliced Copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.farmland": "fudholz", - "block.minecraft.fern": "furn", - "block.minecraft.fire": "fireh", - "block.minecraft.fire_coral": "HOT koral", - "block.minecraft.fire_coral_block": "HOT coral cube", - "block.minecraft.fire_coral_fan": "HOT koral fen", - "block.minecraft.fire_coral_wall_fan": "Hot koral wull fan", - "block.minecraft.fletching_table": "Fleching Tabel", - "block.minecraft.flower_pot": "container for all the pretty plantz", - "block.minecraft.flowering_azalea": "Tertl-shel-laik tree but in FLOWARZZ", - "block.minecraft.flowering_azalea_leaves": "Flowerin azalee leevez", - "block.minecraft.frogspawn": "toad ec", - "block.minecraft.frosted_ice": "Thatz kowld!", - "block.minecraft.furnace": "Hot Box", - "block.minecraft.gilded_blackstone": "Some goldid bleckston", - "block.minecraft.glass": "Glazz", - "block.minecraft.glass_pane": "Glazz Payn", - "block.minecraft.glow_lichen": "shiny moss", + "attribute.name.generic.armor": "Armor", + "attribute.name.generic.armor_toughness": "Armor Toughness", + "attribute.name.generic.attack_damage": "Attack Damage", + "attribute.name.generic.attack_knockback": "Attack Knockback", + "attribute.name.generic.attack_speed": "Attack Speed", + "attribute.name.generic.flying_speed": "Flying Speed", + "attribute.name.generic.follow_range": "Mob Follow Range", + "attribute.name.generic.knockback_resistance": "Knockback Resistance", + "attribute.name.generic.luck": "Luck", + "attribute.name.generic.max_health": "Max Health", + "attribute.name.generic.movement_speed": "Speed", + "attribute.name.horse.jump_strength": "Horse Jump Strength", + "attribute.name.zombie.spawn_reinforcements": "Zombie Reinforcements", + "biome.minecraft.badlands": "Badlands", + "biome.minecraft.bamboo_jungle": "Bamboo Jungle", + "biome.minecraft.basalt_deltas": "Basalt Deltas", + "biome.minecraft.beach": "Beach", + "biome.minecraft.birch_forest": "Birch Forest", + "biome.minecraft.cherry_grove": "Cherry Grove", + "biome.minecraft.cold_ocean": "Cold Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.crimson_forest": "Crimson Forest", + "biome.minecraft.dark_forest": "Dark Forest", + "biome.minecraft.deep_cold_ocean": "Deep Cold Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.deep_dark": "Deep Dark", + "biome.minecraft.deep_frozen_ocean": "Deep Frozen Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.deep_lukewarm_ocean": "Deep Lukewarm Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.deep_ocean": "Deep Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.desert": "Desert", + "biome.minecraft.dripstone_caves": "Dripstone Caves", + "biome.minecraft.end_barrens": "End Barrens", + "biome.minecraft.end_highlands": "End Highlands", + "biome.minecraft.end_midlands": "End Midlands", + "biome.minecraft.eroded_badlands": "Eroded Badlands", + "biome.minecraft.flower_forest": "Flower Forest", + "biome.minecraft.forest": "Forest", + "biome.minecraft.frozen_ocean": "Frozen Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.frozen_peaks": "Frozen Peaks", + "biome.minecraft.frozen_river": "Frozen River", + "biome.minecraft.grove": "Grove", + "biome.minecraft.ice_spikes": "Ice Spikes", + "biome.minecraft.jagged_peaks": "Jagged Peaks", + "biome.minecraft.jungle": "Jungle", + "biome.minecraft.lukewarm_ocean": "Lukewarm Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.lush_caves": "Lush Caves", + "biome.minecraft.mangrove_swamp": "Mangrove Swamp", + "biome.minecraft.meadow": "Meadow", + "biome.minecraft.mushroom_fields": "Mushroom Fields", + "biome.minecraft.nether_wastes": "Nether Wastes", + "biome.minecraft.ocean": "Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.old_growth_birch_forest": "Old Growth Birch Forest", + "biome.minecraft.old_growth_pine_taiga": "Old Growth Pine Taiga", + "biome.minecraft.old_growth_spruce_taiga": "Old Growth Spruce Taiga", + "biome.minecraft.plains": "Plains", + "biome.minecraft.river": "River", + "biome.minecraft.savanna": "Savanna", + "biome.minecraft.savanna_plateau": "Savanna Plateau", + "biome.minecraft.small_end_islands": "Small End Islands", + "biome.minecraft.snowy_beach": "Snowy Beach", + "biome.minecraft.snowy_plains": "Snowy Plains", + "biome.minecraft.snowy_slopes": "Snowy Slopes", + "biome.minecraft.snowy_taiga": "Snowy Taiga", + "biome.minecraft.soul_sand_valley": "Soul Sand Valley", + "biome.minecraft.sparse_jungle": "Sparse Jungle", + "biome.minecraft.stony_peaks": "Stony Peaks", + "biome.minecraft.stony_shore": "Stony Shore", + "biome.minecraft.sunflower_plains": "Sunflower Plains", + "biome.minecraft.swamp": "Swamp", + "biome.minecraft.taiga": "Taiga", + "biome.minecraft.the_end": "The End", + "biome.minecraft.the_void": "The Void", + "biome.minecraft.warm_ocean": "Warm Ocean", + "biome.minecraft.warped_forest": "Warped Forest", + "biome.minecraft.windswept_forest": "Windswept Forest", + "biome.minecraft.windswept_gravelly_hills": "Windswept Gravelly Hills", + "biome.minecraft.windswept_hills": "Windswept Hills", + "biome.minecraft.windswept_savanna": "Windswept Savanna", + "biome.minecraft.wooded_badlands": "Wooded Badlands", + "block.minecraft.acacia_button": "Acacia Button", + "block.minecraft.acacia_door": "Acacia Door", + "block.minecraft.acacia_fence": "Acacia Fence", + "block.minecraft.acacia_fence_gate": "Acacia Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.acacia_hanging_sign": "Acacia Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.acacia_leaves": "Acacia Leaves", + "block.minecraft.acacia_log": "Acacia Log", + "block.minecraft.acacia_planks": "Acacia Planks", + "block.minecraft.acacia_pressure_plate": "Acacia Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.acacia_sapling": "Acacia Sapling", + "block.minecraft.acacia_sign": "Acacia Sign", + "block.minecraft.acacia_slab": "Acacia Slab", + "block.minecraft.acacia_stairs": "Acacia Stairs", + "block.minecraft.acacia_trapdoor": "Acacia Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.acacia_wall_hanging_sign": "Acacia Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.acacia_wall_sign": "Acacia Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.acacia_wood": "Acacia Wood", + "block.minecraft.activator_rail": "Activator Rail", + "block.minecraft.air": "Air", + "block.minecraft.allium": "Allium", + "block.minecraft.amethyst_block": "Block of Amethyst", + "block.minecraft.amethyst_cluster": "Amethyst Cluster", + "block.minecraft.ancient_debris": "Ancient Debris", + "block.minecraft.andesite": "Andesite", + "block.minecraft.andesite_slab": "Andesite Slab", + "block.minecraft.andesite_stairs": "Andesite Stairs", + "block.minecraft.andesite_wall": "Andesite Wall", + "block.minecraft.anvil": "Anvil", + "block.minecraft.attached_melon_stem": "Attached Melon Stem", + "block.minecraft.attached_pumpkin_stem": "Attached Pumpkin Stem", + "block.minecraft.azalea": "Azalea", + "block.minecraft.azalea_leaves": "Azalea Leaves", + "block.minecraft.azure_bluet": "Azure Bluet", + "block.minecraft.bamboo": "Bamboo", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_block": "Block of Bamboo", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_button": "Bamboo Button", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_door": "Bamboo Door", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_fence": "Bamboo Fence", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_fence_gate": "Bamboo Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_hanging_sign": "Bamboo Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_mosaic": "Bamboo Mosaic", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_mosaic_slab": "Bamboo Mosaic Slab", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_mosaic_stairs": "Bamboo Mosaic Stairs", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_planks": "Bamboo Planks", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_pressure_plate": "Bamboo Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_sapling": "Bamboo Shoot", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_sign": "Bamboo Sign", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_slab": "Bamboo Slab", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_stairs": "Bamboo Stairs", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_trapdoor": "Bamboo Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_wall_hanging_sign": "Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.bamboo_wall_sign": "Bamboo Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.black": "Fully Black Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.blue": "Fully Blue Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.brown": "Fully Brown Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.cyan": "Fully Cyan Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.gray": "Fully Gray Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.green": "Fully Green Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.light_blue": "Fully Light Blue Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.light_gray": "Fully Light Gray Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.lime": "Fully Lime Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.magenta": "Fully Magenta Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.orange": "Fully Orange Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.pink": "Fully Pink Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.purple": "Fully Purple Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.red": "Fully Red Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.white": "Fully White Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.base.yellow": "Fully Yellow Field", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.black": "Black Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.blue": "Blue Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.brown": "Brown Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.cyan": "Cyan Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.gray": "Gray Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.green": "Green Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.light_blue": "Light Blue Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.light_gray": "Light Gray Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.lime": "Lime Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.magenta": "Magenta Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.orange": "Orange Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.pink": "Pink Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.purple": "Purple Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.red": "Red Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.white": "White Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.border.yellow": "Yellow Bordure", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.black": "Black Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.blue": "Blue Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.brown": "Brown Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.cyan": "Cyan Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.gray": "Gray Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.green": "Green Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.light_blue": "Light Blue Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.light_gray": "Light Gray Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.lime": "Lime Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.magenta": "Magenta Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.orange": "Orange Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.pink": "Pink Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.purple": "Purple Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.red": "Red Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.white": "White Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.bricks.yellow": "Yellow Field Masoned", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.black": "Black Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.blue": "Blue Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.brown": "Brown Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.cyan": "Cyan Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.gray": "Gray Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.green": "Green Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.light_blue": "Light Blue Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.light_gray": "Light Gray Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.lime": "Lime Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.magenta": "Magenta Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.orange": "Orange Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.pink": "Pink Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.purple": "Purple Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.red": "Red Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.white": "White Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.circle.yellow": "Yellow Roundel", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.black": "Black Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.blue": "Blue Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.brown": "Brown Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.cyan": "Cyan Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.gray": "Gray Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.green": "Green Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.light_blue": "Light Blue Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.light_gray": "Light Gray Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.lime": "Lime Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.magenta": "Magenta Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.orange": "Orange Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.pink": "Pink Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.purple": "Purple Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.red": "Red Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.white": "White Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.creeper.yellow": "Yellow Creeper Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.black": "Black Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.blue": "Blue Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.brown": "Brown Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.cyan": "Cyan Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.gray": "Gray Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.green": "Green Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.light_blue": "Light Blue Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.light_gray": "Light Gray Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.lime": "Lime Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.magenta": "Magenta Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.orange": "Orange Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.pink": "Pink Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.purple": "Purple Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.red": "Red Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.white": "White Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.cross.yellow": "Yellow Saltire", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.black": "Black Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.blue": "Blue Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.brown": "Brown Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.cyan": "Cyan Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.gray": "Gray Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.green": "Green Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.light_blue": "Light Blue Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.light_gray": "Light Gray Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.lime": "Lime Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.magenta": "Magenta Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.orange": "Orange Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.pink": "Pink Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.purple": "Purple Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.red": "Red Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.white": "White Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.curly_border.yellow": "Yellow Bordure Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.black": "Black Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.blue": "Blue Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.brown": "Brown Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.cyan": "Cyan Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.gray": "Gray Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.green": "Green Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.light_blue": "Light Blue Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.light_gray": "Light Gray Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.lime": "Lime Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.magenta": "Magenta Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.orange": "Orange Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.pink": "Pink Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.purple": "Purple Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.red": "Red Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.white": "White Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_left.yellow": "Yellow Per Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.black": "Black Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.blue": "Blue Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.brown": "Brown Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.cyan": "Cyan Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.gray": "Gray Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.green": "Green Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.light_blue": "Light Blue Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.light_gray": "Light Gray Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.lime": "Lime Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.magenta": "Magenta Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.orange": "Orange Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.pink": "Pink Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.purple": "Purple Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.red": "Red Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.white": "White Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_right.yellow": "Yellow Per Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.black": "Black Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.blue": "Blue Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.brown": "Brown Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.cyan": "Cyan Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.gray": "Gray Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.green": "Green Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.light_blue": "Light Blue Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.light_gray": "Light Gray Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.lime": "Lime Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.magenta": "Magenta Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.orange": "Orange Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.pink": "Pink Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.purple": "Purple Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.red": "Red Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.white": "White Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_left.yellow": "Yellow Per Bend Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.black": "Black Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.blue": "Blue Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.brown": "Brown Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.cyan": "Cyan Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.gray": "Gray Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.green": "Green Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.light_blue": "Light Blue Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.light_gray": "Light Gray Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.lime": "Lime Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.magenta": "Magenta Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.orange": "Orange Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.pink": "Pink Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.purple": "Purple Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.red": "Red Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.white": "White Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.diagonal_up_right.yellow": "Yellow Per Bend Sinister Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.black": "Black Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.blue": "Blue Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.brown": "Brown Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.cyan": "Cyan Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.gray": "Gray Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.green": "Green Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.light_blue": "Light Blue Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.light_gray": "Light Gray Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.lime": "Lime Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.magenta": "Magenta Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.orange": "Orange Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.pink": "Pink Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.purple": "Purple Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.red": "Red Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.white": "White Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.flower.yellow": "Yellow Flower Charge", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.black": "Black Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.blue": "Blue Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.brown": "Brown Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.cyan": "Cyan Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.gray": "Gray Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.green": "Green Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.light_blue": "Light Blue Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.light_gray": "Light Gray Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.lime": "Lime Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.magenta": "Magenta Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.orange": "Orange Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.pink": "Pink Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.purple": "Purple Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.red": "Red Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.white": "White Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.globe.yellow": "Yellow Globe", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.black": "Black Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.blue": "Blue Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.brown": "Brown Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.cyan": "Cyan Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.gray": "Gray Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.green": "Green Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.light_blue": "Light Blue Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.light_gray": "Light Gray Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.lime": "Lime Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.magenta": "Magenta Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.orange": "Orange Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.pink": "Pink Base Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient_up.purple": "Purple Base Gradient", + 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"Purple Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.red": "Red Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.white": "White Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.gradient.yellow": "Yellow Gradient", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.black": "Black Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.blue": "Blue Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.brown": "Brown Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.cyan": "Cyan Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.gray": "Gray Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.green": "Green Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.light_blue": "Light Blue Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.light_gray": "Light Gray Per Fess Inverted", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_horizontal_bottom.lime": "Lime Per Fess Inverted", + 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"White Per Pale", + "block.minecraft.banner.half_vertical.yellow": "Yellow Per Pale", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.black": "Black Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.blue": "Blue Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.brown": "Brown Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.cyan": "Cyan Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.gray": "Gray Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.green": "Green Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.light_blue": "Light Blue Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.light_gray": "Light Gray Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.lime": "Lime Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.magenta": "Magenta Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.orange": "Orange Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.pink": "Pink Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.purple": "Purple Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.red": "Red Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.white": "White Thing", + "block.minecraft.banner.mojang.yellow": "Yellow Thing", + 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"Lime Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.magenta": "Magenta Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.orange": "Orange Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.pink": "Pink Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.purple": "Purple Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.red": "Red Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.white": "White Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_bottom_right.yellow": "Yellow Base Sinister Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.black": "Black Chief Dexter Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.blue": "Blue Chief Dexter Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.brown": "Brown Chief Dexter Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.cyan": "Cyan Chief Dexter Canton", + "block.minecraft.banner.square_top_left.gray": "Gray Chief Dexter 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"block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.lime": "Lime Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.magenta": "Magenta Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.orange": "Orange Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.pink": "Pink Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.purple": "Purple Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.red": "Red Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.white": "White Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downleft.yellow": "Yellow Bend Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.black": "Black Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.blue": "Blue Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.brown": "Brown Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.cyan": "Cyan Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.gray": "Gray Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.green": "Green Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.light_blue": "Light Blue Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.light_gray": "Light Gray Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.lime": "Lime Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.magenta": "Magenta Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.orange": "Orange Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.pink": "Pink Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.purple": "Purple Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.red": "Red Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.white": "White Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_downright.yellow": "Yellow Bend", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.black": "Black Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.blue": "Blue Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.brown": "Brown Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.cyan": "Cyan Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.gray": "Gray Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.green": "Green Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.light_blue": "Light Blue Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.light_gray": "Light Gray Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.lime": "Lime Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.magenta": "Magenta Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.orange": "Orange Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.pink": "Pink Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.purple": "Purple Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.red": "Red Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.white": "White Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_left.yellow": "Yellow Pale Dexter", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.black": "Black Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.blue": "Blue Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.brown": "Brown Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.cyan": "Cyan Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.gray": "Gray Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.green": "Green Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.light_blue": "Light Blue Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.light_gray": "Light Gray Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.lime": "Lime Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.magenta": "Magenta Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.orange": "Orange Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.pink": "Pink Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.purple": "Purple Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.red": "Red Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.white": "White Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_middle.yellow": "Yellow Fess", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.black": "Black Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.blue": "Blue Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.brown": "Brown Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.cyan": "Cyan Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.gray": "Gray Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.green": "Green Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.light_blue": "Light Blue Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.light_gray": "Light Gray Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.lime": "Lime Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.magenta": "Magenta Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.orange": "Orange Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.pink": "Pink Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.purple": "Purple Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.red": "Red Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.white": "White Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_right.yellow": "Yellow Pale Sinister", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.black": "Black Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.blue": "Blue Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.brown": "Brown Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.cyan": "Cyan Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.gray": "Gray Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.green": "Green Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.light_blue": "Light Blue Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.light_gray": "Light Gray Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.lime": "Lime Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.magenta": "Magenta Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.orange": "Orange Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.pink": "Pink Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.purple": "Purple Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.red": "Red Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.white": "White Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.stripe_top.yellow": "Yellow Chief", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.black": "Black Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.blue": "Blue Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.brown": "Brown Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.cyan": "Cyan Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.gray": "Gray Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.green": "Green Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.light_blue": "Light Blue Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.light_gray": "Light Gray Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.lime": "Lime Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.magenta": "Magenta Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.orange": "Orange Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.pink": "Pink Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.purple": "Purple Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.red": "Red Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.white": "White Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_bottom.yellow": "Yellow Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.black": "Black Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.blue": "Blue Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.brown": "Brown Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.cyan": "Cyan Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.gray": "Gray Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.green": "Green Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.light_blue": "Light Blue Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.light_gray": "Light Gray Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.lime": "Lime Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.magenta": "Magenta Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.orange": "Orange Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.pink": "Pink Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.purple": "Purple Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.red": "Red Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.white": "White Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangle_top.yellow": "Yellow Inverted Chevron", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.black": "Black Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.blue": "Blue Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.brown": "Brown Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.cyan": "Cyan Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.gray": "Gray Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.green": "Green Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.light_blue": "Light Blue Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.light_gray": "Light Gray Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.lime": "Lime Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.magenta": "Magenta Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.orange": "Orange Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.pink": "Pink Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.purple": "Purple Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.red": "Red Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.white": "White Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_bottom.yellow": "Yellow Base Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.black": "Black Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.blue": "Blue Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.brown": "Brown Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.cyan": "Cyan Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.gray": "Gray Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.green": "Green Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.light_blue": "Light Blue Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.light_gray": "Light Gray Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.lime": "Lime Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.magenta": "Magenta Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.orange": "Orange Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.pink": "Pink Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.purple": "Purple Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.red": "Red Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.white": "White Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.banner.triangles_top.yellow": "Yellow Chief Indented", + "block.minecraft.barrel": "Barrel", + "block.minecraft.barrier": "Barrier", + "block.minecraft.basalt": "Basalt", + "block.minecraft.beacon": "Beacon", + "block.minecraft.beacon.primary": "Primary Power", + "block.minecraft.beacon.secondary": "Secondary Power", + "block.minecraft.bed.no_sleep": "You can sleep only at night or during thunderstorms", + "block.minecraft.bed.not_safe": "You may not rest now; there are monsters nearby", + "block.minecraft.bed.obstructed": "This bed is obstructed", + "block.minecraft.bed.occupied": "This bed is occupied", + "block.minecraft.bed.too_far_away": "You may not rest now; the bed is too far away", + "block.minecraft.bedrock": "Bedrock", + "block.minecraft.bee_nest": "Bee Nest", + "block.minecraft.beehive": "Beehive", + "block.minecraft.beetroots": "Beetroots", + "block.minecraft.bell": "Bell", + "block.minecraft.big_dripleaf": "Big Dripleaf", + "block.minecraft.big_dripleaf_stem": "Big Dripleaf Stem", + "block.minecraft.birch_button": "Birch Button", + "block.minecraft.birch_door": "Birch Door", + "block.minecraft.birch_fence": "Birch Fence", + "block.minecraft.birch_fence_gate": "Birch Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.birch_hanging_sign": "Birch Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.birch_leaves": "Birch Leaves", + "block.minecraft.birch_log": "Birch Log", + "block.minecraft.birch_planks": "Birch Planks", + "block.minecraft.birch_pressure_plate": "Birch Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.birch_sapling": "Birch Sapling", + "block.minecraft.birch_sign": "Birch Sign", + "block.minecraft.birch_slab": "Birch Slab", + "block.minecraft.birch_stairs": "Birch Stairs", + "block.minecraft.birch_trapdoor": "Birch Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.birch_wall_hanging_sign": "Birch Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.birch_wall_sign": "Birch Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.birch_wood": "Birch Wood", + "block.minecraft.black_banner": "Black Banner", + "block.minecraft.black_bed": "Black Bed", + "block.minecraft.black_candle": "Black Candle", + "block.minecraft.black_candle_cake": "Cake with Black Candle", + "block.minecraft.black_carpet": "Black Carpet", + "block.minecraft.black_concrete": "Black Concrete", + "block.minecraft.black_concrete_powder": "Black Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.black_glazed_terracotta": "Black Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.black_shulker_box": "Black Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.black_stained_glass": "Black Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.black_stained_glass_pane": "Black Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.black_terracotta": "Black Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.black_wool": "Black Wool", + "block.minecraft.blackstone": "Blackstone", + "block.minecraft.blackstone_slab": "Blackstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.blackstone_stairs": "Blackstone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.blackstone_wall": "Blackstone Wall", + "block.minecraft.blast_furnace": "Blast Furnace", + "block.minecraft.blue_banner": "Blue Banner", + "block.minecraft.blue_bed": "Blue Bed", + "block.minecraft.blue_candle": "Blue Candle", + "block.minecraft.blue_candle_cake": "Cake with Blue Candle", + "block.minecraft.blue_carpet": "Blue Carpet", + "block.minecraft.blue_concrete": "Blue Concrete", + "block.minecraft.blue_concrete_powder": "Blue Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.blue_glazed_terracotta": "Blue Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.blue_ice": "Blue Ice", + "block.minecraft.blue_orchid": "Blue Orchid", + "block.minecraft.blue_shulker_box": "Blue Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.blue_stained_glass": "Blue Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.blue_stained_glass_pane": "Blue Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.blue_terracotta": "Blue Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.blue_wool": "Blue Wool", + "block.minecraft.bone_block": "Bone Block", + "block.minecraft.bookshelf": "Bookshelf", + "block.minecraft.brain_coral": "Brain Coral", + "block.minecraft.brain_coral_block": "Brain Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.brain_coral_fan": "Brain Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.brain_coral_wall_fan": "Brain Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.brewing_stand": "Brewing Stand", + "block.minecraft.brick_slab": "Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.brick_stairs": "Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.brick_wall": "Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.bricks": "Bricks", + "block.minecraft.brown_banner": "Brown Banner", + "block.minecraft.brown_bed": "Brown Bed", + "block.minecraft.brown_candle": "Brown Candle", + "block.minecraft.brown_candle_cake": "Cake with Brown Candle", + "block.minecraft.brown_carpet": "Brown Carpet", + "block.minecraft.brown_concrete": "Brown Concrete", + "block.minecraft.brown_concrete_powder": "Brown Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.brown_glazed_terracotta": "Brown Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.brown_mushroom": "Brown Mushroom", + "block.minecraft.brown_mushroom_block": "Brown Mushroom Block", + "block.minecraft.brown_shulker_box": "Brown Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.brown_stained_glass": "Brown Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.brown_stained_glass_pane": "Brown Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.brown_terracotta": "Brown Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.brown_wool": "Brown Wool", + "block.minecraft.bubble_column": "Bubble Column", + "block.minecraft.bubble_coral": "Bubble Coral", + "block.minecraft.bubble_coral_block": "Bubble Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.bubble_coral_fan": "Bubble Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.bubble_coral_wall_fan": "Bubble Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.budding_amethyst": "Budding Amethyst", + "block.minecraft.cactus": "Cactus", + "block.minecraft.cake": "Cake", + "block.minecraft.calcite": "Calcite", + "block.minecraft.calibrated_sculk_sensor": "Calibrated Sculk Sensor", + "block.minecraft.campfire": "Campfire", + "block.minecraft.candle": "Candle", + "block.minecraft.candle_cake": "Cake with Candle", + "block.minecraft.carrots": "Carrots", + "block.minecraft.cartography_table": "Cartography Table", + "block.minecraft.carved_pumpkin": "Carved Pumpkin", + "block.minecraft.cauldron": "Cauldron", + "block.minecraft.cave_air": "Cave Air", + "block.minecraft.cave_vines": "Cave Vines", + "block.minecraft.cave_vines_plant": "Cave Vines Plant", + "block.minecraft.chain": "Chain", + "block.minecraft.chain_command_block": "Chain Command Block", + "block.minecraft.cherry_button": "Cherry Button", + "block.minecraft.cherry_door": "Cherry Door", + "block.minecraft.cherry_fence": "Cherry Fence", + "block.minecraft.cherry_fence_gate": "Cherry Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.cherry_hanging_sign": "Cherry Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.cherry_leaves": "Cherry Leaves", + "block.minecraft.cherry_log": "Cherry Log", + "block.minecraft.cherry_planks": "Cherry Planks", + "block.minecraft.cherry_pressure_plate": "Cherry Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.cherry_sapling": "Cherry Sapling", + "block.minecraft.cherry_sign": "Cherry Sign", + "block.minecraft.cherry_slab": "Cherry Slab", + "block.minecraft.cherry_stairs": "Cherry Stairs", + "block.minecraft.cherry_trapdoor": "Cherry Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.cherry_wall_hanging_sign": "Cherry Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.cherry_wall_sign": "Cherry Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.cherry_wood": "Cherry Wood", + "block.minecraft.chest": "Chest", + "block.minecraft.chipped_anvil": "Chipped Anvil", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_bookshelf": "Chiseled Bookshelf", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_deepslate": "Chiseled Deepslate", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_nether_bricks": "Chiseled Nether Bricks", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_polished_blackstone": "Chiseled Polished Blackstone", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_quartz_block": "Chiseled Quartz Block", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_red_sandstone": "Chiseled Red Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_sandstone": "Chiseled Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.chiseled_stone_bricks": "Chiseled Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.chorus_flower": "Chorus Flower", + "block.minecraft.chorus_plant": "Chorus Plant", + "block.minecraft.clay": "Clay", + "block.minecraft.coal_block": "Block of Coal", + "block.minecraft.coal_ore": "Coal Ore", + "block.minecraft.coarse_dirt": "Coarse Dirt", + "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate": "Cobbled Deepslate", + "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_slab": "Cobbled Deepslate Slab", + "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_stairs": "Cobbled Deepslate Stairs", + "block.minecraft.cobbled_deepslate_wall": "Cobbled Deepslate Wall", + "block.minecraft.cobblestone": "Cobblestone", + "block.minecraft.cobblestone_slab": "Cobblestone Slab", + "block.minecraft.cobblestone_stairs": "Cobblestone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.cobblestone_wall": "Cobblestone Wall", + "block.minecraft.cobweb": "Cobweb", + "block.minecraft.cocoa": "Cocoa", + "block.minecraft.command_block": "Command Block", + "block.minecraft.comparator": "Redstone Comparator", + "block.minecraft.composter": "Composter", + "block.minecraft.conduit": "Conduit", + "block.minecraft.copper_block": "Block of Copper", + "block.minecraft.copper_ore": "Copper Ore", + "block.minecraft.cornflower": "Cornflower", + "block.minecraft.cracked_deepslate_bricks": "Cracked Deepslate Bricks", + "block.minecraft.cracked_deepslate_tiles": "Cracked Deepslate Tiles", + "block.minecraft.cracked_nether_bricks": "Cracked Nether Bricks", + "block.minecraft.cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks": "Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.cracked_stone_bricks": "Cracked Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.crafting_table": "Crafting Table", + "block.minecraft.creeper_head": "Creeper Head", + "block.minecraft.creeper_wall_head": "Creeper Wall Head", + "block.minecraft.crimson_button": "Crimson Button", + "block.minecraft.crimson_door": "Crimson Door", + "block.minecraft.crimson_fence": "Crimson Fence", + "block.minecraft.crimson_fence_gate": "Crimson Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.crimson_fungus": "Crimson Fungus", + "block.minecraft.crimson_hanging_sign": "Crimson Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.crimson_hyphae": "Crimson Hyphae", + "block.minecraft.crimson_nylium": "Crimson Nylium", + "block.minecraft.crimson_planks": "Crimson Planks", + "block.minecraft.crimson_pressure_plate": "Crimson Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.crimson_roots": "Crimson Roots", + "block.minecraft.crimson_sign": "Crimson Sign", + "block.minecraft.crimson_slab": "Crimson Slab", + "block.minecraft.crimson_stairs": "Crimson Stairs", + "block.minecraft.crimson_stem": "Crimson Stem", + "block.minecraft.crimson_trapdoor": "Crimson Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.crimson_wall_hanging_sign": "Crimson Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.crimson_wall_sign": "Crimson Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.crying_obsidian": "Crying Obsidian", + "block.minecraft.cut_copper": "Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.cut_copper_slab": "Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.cut_copper_stairs": "Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.cut_red_sandstone": "Cut Red Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.cut_red_sandstone_slab": "Cut Red Sandstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.cut_sandstone": "Cut Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.cut_sandstone_slab": "Cut Sandstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.cyan_banner": "Cyan Banner", + "block.minecraft.cyan_bed": "Cyan Bed", + "block.minecraft.cyan_candle": "Cyan Candle", + "block.minecraft.cyan_candle_cake": "Cake with Cyan Candle", + "block.minecraft.cyan_carpet": "Cyan Carpet", + "block.minecraft.cyan_concrete": "Cyan Concrete", + "block.minecraft.cyan_concrete_powder": "Cyan Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.cyan_glazed_terracotta": "Cyan Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.cyan_shulker_box": "Cyan Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.cyan_stained_glass": "Cyan Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.cyan_stained_glass_pane": "Cyan Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.cyan_terracotta": "Cyan Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.cyan_wool": "Cyan Wool", + "block.minecraft.damaged_anvil": "Damaged Anvil", + "block.minecraft.dandelion": "Dandelion", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_button": "Dark Oak Button", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_door": "Dark Oak Door", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_fence": "Dark Oak Fence", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_fence_gate": "Dark Oak Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_hanging_sign": "Dark Oak Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_leaves": "Dark Oak Leaves", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_log": "Dark Oak Log", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_planks": "Dark Oak Planks", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_pressure_plate": "Dark Oak Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_sapling": "Dark Oak Sapling", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_sign": "Dark Oak Sign", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_slab": "Dark Oak Slab", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_stairs": "Dark Oak Stairs", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_trapdoor": "Dark Oak Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_wall_hanging_sign": "Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_wall_sign": "Dark Oak Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.dark_oak_wood": "Dark Oak Wood", + "block.minecraft.dark_prismarine": "Dark Prismarine", + "block.minecraft.dark_prismarine_slab": "Dark Prismarine Slab", + "block.minecraft.dark_prismarine_stairs": "Dark Prismarine Stairs", + "block.minecraft.daylight_detector": "Daylight Detector", + "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral": "Dead Brain Coral", + "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_block": "Dead Brain Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_fan": "Dead Brain Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_wall_fan": "Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral": "Dead Bubble Coral", + "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_block": "Dead Bubble Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_fan": "Dead Bubble Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan": "Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_bush": "Dead Bush", + "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral": "Dead Fire Coral", + "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_block": "Dead Fire Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_fan": "Dead Fire Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_wall_fan": "Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral": "Dead Horn Coral", + "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_block": "Dead Horn Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_fan": "Dead Horn Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_wall_fan": "Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral": "Dead Tube Coral", + "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_block": "Dead Tube Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_fan": "Dead Tube Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_wall_fan": "Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.decorated_pot": "Decorated Pot", + "block.minecraft.deepslate": "Deepslate", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_brick_slab": "Deepslate Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_brick_stairs": "Deepslate Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_brick_wall": "Deepslate Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_bricks": "Deepslate Bricks", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_coal_ore": "Deepslate Coal Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_copper_ore": "Deepslate Copper Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_diamond_ore": "Deepslate Diamond Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_emerald_ore": "Deepslate Emerald Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_gold_ore": "Deepslate Gold Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_iron_ore": "Deepslate Iron Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_lapis_ore": "Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_redstone_ore": "Deepslate Redstone Ore", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_slab": "Deepslate Tile Slab", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_stairs": "Deepslate Tile Stairs", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_tile_wall": "Deepslate Tile Wall", + "block.minecraft.deepslate_tiles": "Deepslate Tiles", + "block.minecraft.detector_rail": "Detector Rail", + "block.minecraft.diamond_block": "Block of Diamond", + "block.minecraft.diamond_ore": "Diamond Ore", + "block.minecraft.diorite": "Diorite", + "block.minecraft.diorite_slab": "Diorite Slab", + "block.minecraft.diorite_stairs": "Diorite Stairs", + "block.minecraft.diorite_wall": "Diorite Wall", + "block.minecraft.dirt": "Dirt", + "block.minecraft.dirt_path": "Dirt Path", + "block.minecraft.dispenser": "Dispenser", + "block.minecraft.dragon_egg": "Dragon Egg", + "block.minecraft.dragon_head": "Dragon Head", + "block.minecraft.dragon_wall_head": "Dragon Wall Head", + "block.minecraft.dried_kelp_block": "Dried Kelp Block", + "block.minecraft.dripstone_block": "Dripstone Block", + "block.minecraft.dropper": "Dropper", + "block.minecraft.emerald_block": "Block of Emerald", + "block.minecraft.emerald_ore": "Emerald Ore", + "block.minecraft.enchanting_table": "Enchanting Table", + "block.minecraft.end_gateway": "End Gateway", + "block.minecraft.end_portal": "End Portal", + "block.minecraft.end_portal_frame": "End Portal Frame", + "block.minecraft.end_rod": "End Rod", + "block.minecraft.end_stone": "End Stone", + "block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_slab": "End Stone Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_stairs": "End Stone Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.end_stone_brick_wall": "End Stone Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.end_stone_bricks": "End Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.ender_chest": "Ender Chest", + "block.minecraft.exposed_copper": "Exposed Copper", + "block.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper": "Exposed Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper_slab": "Exposed Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.exposed_cut_copper_stairs": "Exposed Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.farmland": "Farmland", + "block.minecraft.fern": "Fern", + "block.minecraft.fire": "Fire", + "block.minecraft.fire_coral": "Fire Coral", + "block.minecraft.fire_coral_block": "Fire Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.fire_coral_fan": "Fire Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.fire_coral_wall_fan": "Fire Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.fletching_table": "Fletching Table", + "block.minecraft.flower_pot": "Flower Pot", + "block.minecraft.flowering_azalea": "Flowering Azalea", + "block.minecraft.flowering_azalea_leaves": "Flowering Azalea Leaves", + "block.minecraft.frogspawn": "Frogspawn", + "block.minecraft.frosted_ice": "Frosted Ice", + "block.minecraft.furnace": "Furnace", + "block.minecraft.gilded_blackstone": "Gilded Blackstone", + "block.minecraft.glass": "Glass", + "block.minecraft.glass_pane": "Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.glow_lichen": "Glow Lichen", "block.minecraft.glowstone": "Glowstone", - "block.minecraft.gold_block": "Shiny blok", - "block.minecraft.gold_ore": "Rockz wif Guld", - "block.minecraft.granite": "Red Rock", - "block.minecraft.granite_slab": "Red Rock Sleb", - "block.minecraft.granite_stairs": "Red Rock Stairz", - "block.minecraft.granite_wall": "Red Rock Wal", - "block.minecraft.grass": "Grazz", - "block.minecraft.grass_block": "Gras blak", - "block.minecraft.gravel": "Graval", - "block.minecraft.gray_banner": "grai bahnor", - "block.minecraft.gray_bed": "Greyh Bed", - "block.minecraft.gray_candle": "Gra hot stik", - "block.minecraft.gray_candle_cake": "Caek wif Gra Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.gray_carpet": "Gray Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.gray_concrete": "Grey tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.gray_concrete_powder": "Grey tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.gray_glazed_terracotta": "Grey mosaic", - "block.minecraft.gray_shulker_box": "Grayish Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.gray_stained_glass": "Grayly Stainedly Glazz", - "block.minecraft.gray_stained_glass_pane": "Gray Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.gray_terracotta": "Greyh Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.gray_wool": "Gray Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.green_banner": "grene bahnor", - "block.minecraft.green_bed": "Gren Bed", - "block.minecraft.green_candle": "Gren hot stik", - "block.minecraft.green_candle_cake": "Caek wif Grin Candl", - "block.minecraft.green_carpet": "Greenish Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.green_concrete": "Gren tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.green_concrete_powder": "Gren tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.green_glazed_terracotta": "Gren mosaic", - "block.minecraft.green_shulker_box": "Greenish Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.green_stained_glass": "Grean Stainedly Glazz", - "block.minecraft.green_stained_glass_pane": "Green Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.green_terracotta": "Gren Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.green_wool": "Greenish Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.grindstone": "Removezstone", - "block.minecraft.hanging_roots": "hangin stickz", - "block.minecraft.hay_block": "Stwaw bael", - "block.minecraft.heavy_weighted_pressure_plate": "hvy weited presplat plet", - "block.minecraft.honey_block": "Huny Bloc", - "block.minecraft.honeycomb_block": "B thing bloc", - "block.minecraft.hopper": "Huperr", - "block.minecraft.horn_coral": "Jorn koral", - "block.minecraft.horn_coral_block": "Jorn koral cube", - "block.minecraft.horn_coral_fan": "Jorn koral fen", - "block.minecraft.horn_coral_wall_fan": "Hurn koral wull fan", - "block.minecraft.ice": "Frozen water", - "block.minecraft.infested_chiseled_stone_bricks": "Kewl Rockz Wit Monsters", - "block.minecraft.infested_cobblestone": "Invezzted Cooblestoon", - "block.minecraft.infested_cracked_stone_bricks": "Brokin Rockz Wit Monsters", - "block.minecraft.infested_deepslate": "dark ston wit weird thing inside idk", - "block.minecraft.infested_mossy_stone_bricks": "Rockz Wit Mozs And Monsters", - "block.minecraft.infested_stone": "Invezzted Stoon ", - "block.minecraft.infested_stone_bricks": "Rockz Wit Patternz And Monsters", - "block.minecraft.iron_bars": "Jeil Bahz", - "block.minecraft.iron_block": "Blok of Irony", - "block.minecraft.iron_door": "Iron Dor", - "block.minecraft.iron_ore": "Rockz wif Irun", - "block.minecraft.iron_trapdoor": "Trappy Irun Kitty Dore", - "block.minecraft.jack_o_lantern": "Big glowy squash", - "block.minecraft.jigsaw": "Jig saw Blok", - "block.minecraft.jukebox": "Catbox", - "block.minecraft.jungle_button": "Jongle Button", - "block.minecraft.jungle_door": "Jungl Dor", - "block.minecraft.jungle_fence": "Janggal Fence", - "block.minecraft.jungle_fence_gate": "Janggal Fence Gate", - "block.minecraft.jungle_hanging_sign": "Junglz Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.jungle_leaves": "jungel salad", - "block.minecraft.jungle_log": "Junglz wodden lawg", - "block.minecraft.jungle_planks": "Junglz wodden bloc", - "block.minecraft.jungle_pressure_plate": "Jongle Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.jungle_sapling": "baby jungel", - "block.minecraft.jungle_sign": "Junglz Sign", - "block.minecraft.jungle_slab": "Jungo Sleb", - "block.minecraft.jungle_stairs": "Junggel Stairz", - "block.minecraft.jungle_trapdoor": "Jongle Trap", - "block.minecraft.jungle_wall_hanging_sign": "Junglz Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.jungle_wall_sign": "Junglz Sign on ur wall", - "block.minecraft.jungle_wood": "Jungl Wuud", - "block.minecraft.kelp": "Yucky lettuce", - "block.minecraft.kelp_plant": "Yucky lettuce plant", - "block.minecraft.ladder": "Ladr", - "block.minecraft.lantern": "Lanturn", - "block.minecraft.lapis_block": "Glosy Blu Bluk", - "block.minecraft.lapis_ore": "Rockz wif Blu Stuf", - "block.minecraft.large_amethyst_bud": "Big purpur shinee", - "block.minecraft.large_fern": "Larg furn", - "block.minecraft.lava": "hot sauce", - "block.minecraft.lava_cauldron": "big bukkit wif hot sauec", - "block.minecraft.lectern": "Book readin ting", - "block.minecraft.lever": "Flipurr", - "block.minecraft.light": "Shin'", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_banner": "ligt bloo bahnor", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_bed": "Lite Blu Bed", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_candle": "Lite blu land pikl", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_candle_cake": "Caek wif Lite blu Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_carpet": "Lite Bloo Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_concrete": "Layte Bluu tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_concrete_powder": "Layte Bluu tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_glazed_terracotta": "Layte Bluu mosaic", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_shulker_box": "Lite Blue Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_stained_glass": "Lit Bloo Staned Glas", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_stained_glass_pane": "Lit Bloo Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_terracotta": "Lite Blu Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.light_blue_wool": "Lite Bloo Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_banner": "ligt grai bahnor", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_bed": "Lite Grehy Bed", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_candle": "Lite gra hot stik", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_candle_cake": "Caek wif Lite Grai Candl", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_carpet": "Lite Gray Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_concrete": "Layte Grey tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_concrete_powder": "Layte grey tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_glazed_terracotta": "Layte Grey mosaic", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_shulker_box": "Lite Gray Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_stained_glass": "Lightly Grayen Stainedly Grazz", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_stained_glass_pane": "Lit Gray Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_terracotta": "Lite Greyh Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.light_gray_wool": "Lite Gray Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.light_weighted_pressure_plate": "liht weightefd prueusure platt", - "block.minecraft.lightning_rod": "Litnin rot", - "block.minecraft.lilac": "tall purpl flowr", - "block.minecraft.lily_of_the_valley": "Lily of da Vallyz", - "block.minecraft.lily_pad": "big watr leef", - "block.minecraft.lime_banner": "liem bahnor", - "block.minecraft.lime_bed": "Limeh Bed", - "block.minecraft.lime_candle": "Liem hot stik", - "block.minecraft.lime_candle_cake": "Caek wif Liem Land pickl", - "block.minecraft.lime_carpet": "Limd Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.lime_concrete": "Layme tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.lime_concrete_powder": "Layme tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.lime_glazed_terracotta": "Layme mosaic", - "block.minecraft.lime_shulker_box": "Limd Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.lime_stained_glass": "Lim Staned Glas", - "block.minecraft.lime_stained_glass_pane": "Lim Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.lime_terracotta": "Laym Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.lime_wool": "Limd Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.lodestone": "Loserstone", - "block.minecraft.loom": "Lööm", - "block.minecraft.magenta_banner": "megentre bahnor", - "block.minecraft.magenta_bed": "Majenta Bed", - "block.minecraft.magenta_candle": "Majentra land pikl", - "block.minecraft.magenta_candle_cake": "Caek wif Majentra Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.magenta_carpet": "Majenta Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.magenta_concrete": "Majenta tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.magenta_concrete_powder": "Majentah tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.magenta_glazed_terracotta": "Majentah mosaic", - "block.minecraft.magenta_shulker_box": "Majenta Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.magenta_stained_glass": "Magentar Stainedlyd Glazz", - "block.minecraft.magenta_stained_glass_pane": "Majenta Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.magenta_terracotta": "Majenta Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.magenta_wool": "Majenta Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.magma_block": "Hot Bluk", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_button": "mengruv buton", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_door": "Mangroff door", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_fence": "mengruv fens", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_fence_gate": "mengruv fens dor", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_hanging_sign": "Mengroff Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_leaves": "Mengroff salud", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_log": "Mangroff lawg", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_planks": "Mangroff PlAnKz", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_pressure_plate": "Mengruv pwesuwe pleite", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_propagule": "baby mangroff", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_roots": "Mangroff roots", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_sign": "Mengroff sihg", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_slab": "Mengroff Half Block", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_stairs": "Mangroff steppie", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_trapdoor": "Mangroff Trap", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_wall_hanging_sign": "Mengroff Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_wall_sign": "Mangrof wal sin", - "block.minecraft.mangrove_wood": "Mangroff wood", - "block.minecraft.medium_amethyst_bud": "Midl purpur shinee", - "block.minecraft.melon": "mlon", - "block.minecraft.melon_stem": "melon stik", - "block.minecraft.moss_block": "squishy gras blok", - "block.minecraft.moss_carpet": "squeeshd grazz", - "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone": "DURTY COBULSTOWN", - "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_slab": "Mossy Cobulston Sleb", - "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_stairs": "Mossy Cobulston Stairz", - "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_wall": "DURTY COBULSTOWN WALL", - "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_slab": "Mossy Ston Brick Sleb", - "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_stairs": "Mossy Ston Brik Stairz", - "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_wall": "Mossy Ston Brik Wal", - "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_bricks": "Stacked Greenish Rockz", - "block.minecraft.moving_piston": "dis piston is movin", - "block.minecraft.mud": "dirty water", - "block.minecraft.mud_brick_slab": "dirty water brik sleb", - "block.minecraft.mud_brick_stairs": "dirty water steppie", - "block.minecraft.mud_brick_wall": "dirty water brik wal", - "block.minecraft.mud_bricks": "dirty water briks", - "block.minecraft.muddy_mangrove_roots": "Mengroff dirt roots", + "block.minecraft.gold_block": "Block of Gold", + "block.minecraft.gold_ore": "Gold Ore", + "block.minecraft.granite": "Granite", + "block.minecraft.granite_slab": "Granite Slab", + "block.minecraft.granite_stairs": "Granite Stairs", + "block.minecraft.granite_wall": "Granite Wall", + "block.minecraft.grass": "Grass", + "block.minecraft.grass_block": "Grass Block", + "block.minecraft.gravel": "Gravel", + "block.minecraft.gray_banner": "Gray Banner", + "block.minecraft.gray_bed": "Gray Bed", + "block.minecraft.gray_candle": "Gray Candle", + "block.minecraft.gray_candle_cake": "Cake with Gray Candle", + "block.minecraft.gray_carpet": "Gray Carpet", + "block.minecraft.gray_concrete": "Gray Concrete", + "block.minecraft.gray_concrete_powder": "Gray Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.gray_glazed_terracotta": "Gray Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.gray_shulker_box": "Gray Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.gray_stained_glass": "Gray Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.gray_stained_glass_pane": "Gray Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.gray_terracotta": "Gray Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.gray_wool": "Gray Wool", + "block.minecraft.green_banner": "Green Banner", + "block.minecraft.green_bed": "Green Bed", + "block.minecraft.green_candle": "Green Candle", + "block.minecraft.green_candle_cake": "Cake with Green Candle", + "block.minecraft.green_carpet": "Green Carpet", + "block.minecraft.green_concrete": "Green Concrete", + "block.minecraft.green_concrete_powder": "Green Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.green_glazed_terracotta": "Green Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.green_shulker_box": "Green Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.green_stained_glass": "Green Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.green_stained_glass_pane": "Green Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.green_terracotta": "Green Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.green_wool": "Green Wool", + "block.minecraft.grindstone": "Grindstone", + "block.minecraft.hanging_roots": "Hanging Roots", + "block.minecraft.hay_block": "Hay Bale", + "block.minecraft.heavy_weighted_pressure_plate": "Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.honey_block": "Honey Block", + "block.minecraft.honeycomb_block": "Honeycomb Block", + "block.minecraft.hopper": "Hopper", + "block.minecraft.horn_coral": "Horn Coral", + "block.minecraft.horn_coral_block": "Horn Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.horn_coral_fan": "Horn Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.horn_coral_wall_fan": "Horn Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.ice": "Ice", + "block.minecraft.infested_chiseled_stone_bricks": "Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.infested_cobblestone": "Infested Cobblestone", + "block.minecraft.infested_cracked_stone_bricks": "Infested Cracked Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.infested_deepslate": "Infested Deepslate", + "block.minecraft.infested_mossy_stone_bricks": "Infested Mossy Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.infested_stone": "Infested Stone", + "block.minecraft.infested_stone_bricks": "Infested Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.iron_bars": "Iron Bars", + "block.minecraft.iron_block": "Block of Iron", + "block.minecraft.iron_door": "Iron Door", + "block.minecraft.iron_ore": "Iron Ore", + "block.minecraft.iron_trapdoor": "Iron Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.jack_o_lantern": "Jack o'Lantern", + "block.minecraft.jigsaw": "Jigsaw Block", + "block.minecraft.jukebox": "Jukebox", + "block.minecraft.jungle_button": "Jungle Button", + "block.minecraft.jungle_door": "Jungle Door", + "block.minecraft.jungle_fence": "Jungle Fence", + "block.minecraft.jungle_fence_gate": "Jungle Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.jungle_hanging_sign": "Jungle Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.jungle_leaves": "Jungle Leaves", + "block.minecraft.jungle_log": "Jungle Log", + "block.minecraft.jungle_planks": "Jungle Planks", + "block.minecraft.jungle_pressure_plate": "Jungle Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.jungle_sapling": "Jungle Sapling", + "block.minecraft.jungle_sign": "Jungle Sign", + "block.minecraft.jungle_slab": "Jungle Slab", + "block.minecraft.jungle_stairs": "Jungle Stairs", + "block.minecraft.jungle_trapdoor": "Jungle Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.jungle_wall_hanging_sign": "Jungle Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.jungle_wall_sign": "Jungle Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.jungle_wood": "Jungle Wood", + "block.minecraft.kelp": "Kelp", + "block.minecraft.kelp_plant": "Kelp Plant", + "block.minecraft.ladder": "Ladder", + "block.minecraft.lantern": "Lantern", + "block.minecraft.lapis_block": "Block of Lapis Lazuli", + "block.minecraft.lapis_ore": "Lapis Lazuli Ore", + "block.minecraft.large_amethyst_bud": "Large Amethyst Bud", + "block.minecraft.large_fern": "Large Fern", + "block.minecraft.lava": "Lava", + "block.minecraft.lava_cauldron": "Lava Cauldron", + "block.minecraft.lectern": "Lectern", + "block.minecraft.lever": "Lever", + "block.minecraft.light": "Light", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_banner": "Light Blue Banner", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_bed": "Light Blue Bed", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_candle": "Light Blue Candle", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_candle_cake": "Cake with Light Blue Candle", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_carpet": "Light Blue Carpet", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_concrete": "Light Blue Concrete", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_concrete_powder": "Light Blue Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_glazed_terracotta": "Light Blue Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_shulker_box": "Light Blue Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_stained_glass": "Light Blue Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_stained_glass_pane": "Light Blue Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_terracotta": "Light Blue Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.light_blue_wool": "Light Blue Wool", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_banner": "Light Gray Banner", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_bed": "Light Gray Bed", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_candle": "Light Gray Candle", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_candle_cake": "Cake with Light Gray Candle", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_carpet": "Light Gray Carpet", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_concrete": "Light Gray Concrete", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_concrete_powder": "Light Gray Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_glazed_terracotta": "Light Gray Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_shulker_box": "Light Gray Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_stained_glass": "Light Gray Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_stained_glass_pane": "Light Gray Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_terracotta": "Light Gray Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.light_gray_wool": "Light Gray Wool", + "block.minecraft.light_weighted_pressure_plate": "Light Weighted Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.lightning_rod": "Lightning Rod", + "block.minecraft.lilac": "Lilac", + "block.minecraft.lily_of_the_valley": "Lily of the Valley", + "block.minecraft.lily_pad": "Lily Pad", + "block.minecraft.lime_banner": "Lime Banner", + "block.minecraft.lime_bed": "Lime Bed", + "block.minecraft.lime_candle": "Lime Candle", + "block.minecraft.lime_candle_cake": "Cake with Lime Candle", + "block.minecraft.lime_carpet": "Lime Carpet", + "block.minecraft.lime_concrete": "Lime Concrete", + "block.minecraft.lime_concrete_powder": "Lime Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.lime_glazed_terracotta": "Lime Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.lime_shulker_box": "Lime Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.lime_stained_glass": "Lime Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.lime_stained_glass_pane": "Lime Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.lime_terracotta": "Lime Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.lime_wool": "Lime Wool", + "block.minecraft.lodestone": "Lodestone", + "block.minecraft.loom": "Loom", + "block.minecraft.magenta_banner": "Magenta Banner", + "block.minecraft.magenta_bed": "Magenta Bed", + "block.minecraft.magenta_candle": "Magenta Candle", + "block.minecraft.magenta_candle_cake": "Cake with Magenta Candle", + "block.minecraft.magenta_carpet": "Magenta Carpet", + "block.minecraft.magenta_concrete": "Magenta Concrete", + "block.minecraft.magenta_concrete_powder": "Magenta Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.magenta_glazed_terracotta": "Magenta Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.magenta_shulker_box": "Magenta Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.magenta_stained_glass": "Magenta Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.magenta_stained_glass_pane": "Magenta Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.magenta_terracotta": "Magenta Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.magenta_wool": "Magenta Wool", + "block.minecraft.magma_block": "Magma Block", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_button": "Mangrove Button", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_door": "Mangrove Door", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_fence": "Mangrove Fence", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_fence_gate": "Mangrove Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_hanging_sign": "Mangrove Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_leaves": "Mangrove Leaves", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_log": "Mangrove Log", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_planks": "Mangrove Planks", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_pressure_plate": "Mangrove Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_propagule": "Mangrove Propagule", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_roots": "Mangrove Roots", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_sign": "Mangrove Sign", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_slab": "Mangrove Slab", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_stairs": "Mangrove Stairs", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_trapdoor": "Mangrove Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_wall_hanging_sign": "Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_wall_sign": "Mangrove Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.mangrove_wood": "Mangrove Wood", + "block.minecraft.medium_amethyst_bud": "Medium Amethyst Bud", + "block.minecraft.melon": "Melon", + "block.minecraft.melon_stem": "Melon Stem", + "block.minecraft.moss_block": "Moss Block", + "block.minecraft.moss_carpet": "Moss Carpet", + "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone": "Mossy Cobblestone", + "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_slab": "Mossy Cobblestone Slab", + "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_stairs": "Mossy Cobblestone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.mossy_cobblestone_wall": "Mossy Cobblestone Wall", + "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_slab": "Mossy Stone Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_stairs": "Mossy Stone Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_brick_wall": "Mossy Stone Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.mossy_stone_bricks": "Mossy Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.moving_piston": "Moving Piston", + "block.minecraft.mud": "Mud", + "block.minecraft.mud_brick_slab": "Mud Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.mud_brick_stairs": "Mud Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.mud_brick_wall": "Mud Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.mud_bricks": "Mud Bricks", + "block.minecraft.muddy_mangrove_roots": "Muddy Mangrove Roots", "block.minecraft.mushroom_stem": "Mushroom Stem", - "block.minecraft.mycelium": "miceliwm", - "block.minecraft.nether_brick_fence": "Nether brik fens", - "block.minecraft.nether_brick_slab": "Nether brik slav", - "block.minecraft.nether_brick_stairs": "Nether Brik Sters", - "block.minecraft.nether_brick_wall": "Nether brik Wal", - "block.minecraft.nether_bricks": "Brik from Nether", - "block.minecraft.nether_gold_ore": "Netherockz wif Guld", - "block.minecraft.nether_portal": "Nether purtal", - "block.minecraft.nether_quartz_ore": "Nether Kworts Ore", - "block.minecraft.nether_sprouts": "Nether Sprowts", - "block.minecraft.nether_wart": "Icky Nether plant", - "block.minecraft.nether_wart_block": "Nether warz bluk", + "block.minecraft.mycelium": "Mycelium", + "block.minecraft.nether_brick_fence": "Nether Brick Fence", + "block.minecraft.nether_brick_slab": "Nether Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.nether_brick_stairs": "Nether Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.nether_brick_wall": "Nether Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.nether_bricks": "Nether Bricks", + "block.minecraft.nether_gold_ore": "Nether Gold Ore", + "block.minecraft.nether_portal": "Nether Portal", + "block.minecraft.nether_quartz_ore": "Nether Quartz Ore", + "block.minecraft.nether_sprouts": "Nether Sprouts", + "block.minecraft.nether_wart": "Nether Wart", + "block.minecraft.nether_wart_block": "Nether Wart Block", "block.minecraft.netherite_block": "Block of Netherite", "block.minecraft.netherrack": "Netherrack", - "block.minecraft.note_block": "nowht blohk", + "block.minecraft.note_block": "Note Block", "block.minecraft.oak_button": "Oak Button", - "block.minecraft.oak_door": "Oak Dor", - "block.minecraft.oak_fence": "oke fenz", - "block.minecraft.oak_fence_gate": "Oke Wod fence Gate", - "block.minecraft.oak_hanging_sign": "Ook Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.oak_leaves": "oak salad", - "block.minecraft.oak_log": "Oak lawg", - "block.minecraft.oak_planks": "oak bloc", - "block.minecraft.oak_pressure_plate": "Oak Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.oak_sapling": "baby oak", - "block.minecraft.oak_sign": "Ook Sign", - "block.minecraft.oak_slab": "Oak Sleb", - "block.minecraft.oak_stairs": "WOAKOAK Stairz", - "block.minecraft.oak_trapdoor": "Oak Trap", - "block.minecraft.oak_wall_hanging_sign": "Ook Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.oak_wall_sign": "Ook Sign on ur wall", - "block.minecraft.oak_wood": "Oak Wuud", - "block.minecraft.observer": "CREEPY StaLKeR DuDE", - "block.minecraft.obsidian": "hardest thing evar", - "block.minecraft.ochre_froglight": "Yelo toedshin", - "block.minecraft.ominous_banner": "skeri bahnor", - "block.minecraft.orange_banner": "oreng bahnor", - "block.minecraft.orange_bed": "Orang Bed", - "block.minecraft.orange_candle": "Ornge land pikl", - "block.minecraft.orange_candle_cake": "Caek wif Ornge Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.orange_carpet": "Ornge Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.orange_concrete": "Orang tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.orange_concrete_powder": "Orang tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.orange_glazed_terracotta": "Orang mosaic", - "block.minecraft.orange_shulker_box": "Ornge Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.orange_stained_glass": "Oranz Staned Glas", - "block.minecraft.orange_stained_glass_pane": "Oranz Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.orange_terracotta": "Orang Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.orange_tulip": "Ornge tulehp", - "block.minecraft.orange_wool": "Ornge Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.oxeye_daisy": "big wite flowr", - "block.minecraft.oxidized_copper": "Very-old copurr", - "block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper": "Very-old sliced copurr", - "block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper_slab": "Very-old Copurr sleb", - "block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper_stairs": "Very-old Copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.packed_ice": "Pack'd Frozen Water", - "block.minecraft.packed_mud": "dirty water compact", - "block.minecraft.pearlescent_froglight": "Perlecsetn Toadshine", - "block.minecraft.peony": "pony plant", - "block.minecraft.petrified_oak_slab": "Petrifid Oak Sleb", - "block.minecraft.piglin_head": "Piglin Hed", - "block.minecraft.piglin_wall_head": "Piglin Wall Hed", - "block.minecraft.pink_banner": "pinek bahnor", - "block.minecraft.pink_bed": "Pinky Bed", - "block.minecraft.pink_candle": "Pinc land pikl", - "block.minecraft.pink_candle_cake": "Caek wif Pinc Land pikl", - "block.minecraft.pink_carpet": "Pinky Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.pink_concrete": "Pinkyyy tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.pink_concrete_powder": "Pinkyyy tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.pink_glazed_terracotta": "Pinkyyy mosaic", - "block.minecraft.pink_petals": "Pinky Pretty Thingz", - "block.minecraft.pink_shulker_box": "Pinky Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.pink_stained_glass": "Pingk Staned Glas", - "block.minecraft.pink_stained_glass_pane": "Pingk Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.pink_terracotta": "Pinky Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.pink_tulip": "Pink tulehp", - "block.minecraft.pink_wool": "Pinky Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.piston": "Pushur", - "block.minecraft.piston_head": "pushy-uppy face", - "block.minecraft.pitcher_crop": "Bottl Krop", - "block.minecraft.pitcher_plant": "Bottl Plant", - "block.minecraft.player_head": "Kat Hed", - "block.minecraft.player_head.named": "%s's Hed", - "block.minecraft.player_wall_head": "Cat Wall Hed", - "block.minecraft.podzol": "Durtee durt", - "block.minecraft.pointed_dripstone": "Sharp cave rok", - "block.minecraft.polished_andesite": "pretteh grey rock", - "block.minecraft.polished_andesite_slab": "Pretteh Grey Rock Sleb", - "block.minecraft.polished_andesite_stairs": "Pretteh Grey Rock Stairz", - "block.minecraft.polished_basalt": "cleened baisolt", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone": "polised bleckston", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_slab": "shiny blak rok brik slab", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_stairs": "shiny blak rok brik sters", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_wall": "polised bleck brik wal", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_bricks": "Preteh bleck rockz stackd", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_button": "shiny blak rok buton", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_pressure_plate": "shiny blak rok step button", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_slab": "shiny blak rok sleb", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_stairs": "shiny blak rok sters", - "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_wall": "shiny blak rok wal", - "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate": "shiny dark ston", - "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_slab": "shiny dark ston sleb", - "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_stairs": "shiny dark ston stairz", - "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_wall": "shiny dark ston wal", - "block.minecraft.polished_diorite": "pretteh kitteh litter rockz", - "block.minecraft.polished_diorite_slab": "Pretteh Diorito Sleb", - "block.minecraft.polished_diorite_stairs": "Pretteh Diorito Stairz", - "block.minecraft.polished_granite": "pretteh red rock", - "block.minecraft.polished_granite_slab": "Pretteh Red Rock Sleb", - "block.minecraft.polished_granite_stairs": "Pretteh Red Rock Stairz", - "block.minecraft.poppy": "poopy", - "block.minecraft.potatoes": "Taturs", - "block.minecraft.potted_acacia_sapling": "Pottd acazia saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_allium": "Pottd alium", - "block.minecraft.potted_azalea_bush": "Pottd Alakazam", - "block.minecraft.potted_azure_bluet": "Pottd azur blut", - "block.minecraft.potted_bamboo": "Pottd green stick", - "block.minecraft.potted_birch_sapling": "Pottd birsh saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_blue_orchid": "Pottd bluu orkid", - "block.minecraft.potted_brown_mushroom": "Pottd bron shroom", - "block.minecraft.potted_cactus": "Pottd cacus", - "block.minecraft.potted_cherry_sapling": "Pottd sakura saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_cornflower": "Pottd Cornflowerpower", - "block.minecraft.potted_crimson_fungus": "Pottd Crimzin Foongiz", - "block.minecraft.potted_crimson_roots": "Pottd Crimzn Rutez", - "block.minecraft.potted_dandelion": "Pottd danksdelion", - "block.minecraft.potted_dark_oak_sapling": "Pottd darkok saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_dead_bush": "Pottd ded bujsh", - "block.minecraft.potted_fern": "Pottd ferrn", - "block.minecraft.potted_flowering_azalea_bush": "Pottd Flowerig Alakazam", - "block.minecraft.potted_jungle_sapling": "Pottd junle saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_lily_of_the_valley": "Pottd Lily of za Valley", - "block.minecraft.potted_mangrove_propagule": "Mangroff baby inpot", - "block.minecraft.potted_oak_sapling": "Pottd ok saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_orange_tulip": "Pottd orang tlip", - "block.minecraft.potted_oxeye_daisy": "Pottd oxyey daisye", - "block.minecraft.potted_pink_tulip": "Pottd pikk tlip", - "block.minecraft.potted_poppy": "Pottd popi", - "block.minecraft.potted_red_mushroom": "Pottd red shroom", - "block.minecraft.potted_red_tulip": "Pottd red tlip", - "block.minecraft.potted_spruce_sapling": "Pottd sprus saplin", - "block.minecraft.potted_torchflower": "Pottd burny flowr", - "block.minecraft.potted_warped_fungus": "Pottd Warpt Foongis", - "block.minecraft.potted_warped_roots": "Pottd Warpd Rootz", - "block.minecraft.potted_white_tulip": "Pottd wit tlip", - "block.minecraft.potted_wither_rose": "Pottd Wither Roos", - "block.minecraft.powder_snow": "Powdr Sno", - "block.minecraft.powder_snow_cauldron": "Big bukkit wit Powdr Sno", - "block.minecraft.powered_rail": "PUWERD RAIL", - "block.minecraft.prismarine": "Prizmarine", - "block.minecraft.prismarine_brick_slab": "blue sleb thing", - "block.minecraft.prismarine_brick_stairs": "prizrin strs", - "block.minecraft.prismarine_bricks": "Prizmarine Briks", - "block.minecraft.prismarine_slab": "Prizmarine Sleb", - "block.minecraft.prismarine_stairs": "Prizmarine thingy", - "block.minecraft.prismarine_wall": "Prizmarine Wal", - "block.minecraft.pumpkin": "Pangkan", - "block.minecraft.pumpkin_stem": "Dat thing teh orange scary thing grows on", - "block.minecraft.purple_banner": "purrrpel bahnor", - "block.minecraft.purple_bed": "Parpal Bed", - "block.minecraft.purple_candle": "Parpal hot stik", - "block.minecraft.purple_candle_cake": "Caek wif Purpl Candl", - "block.minecraft.purple_carpet": "Parpal Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.purple_concrete": "Perpl tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.purple_concrete_powder": "Perpl tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.purple_glazed_terracotta": "Perpl mosaic", - "block.minecraft.purple_shulker_box": "Parpal Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.purple_stained_glass": "Purply Stainedly Glazz", - "block.minecraft.purple_stained_glass_pane": "Parpal Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.purple_terracotta": "Parpal Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.purple_wool": "Parpal Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.purpur_block": "OOO PURPUR Bluk", - "block.minecraft.purpur_pillar": "OOO PURPUR Bluk w/ Stripez", - "block.minecraft.purpur_slab": "OOO PURPUR Bluk Cut In Half", - "block.minecraft.purpur_stairs": "OOO PURPUR Bluk U Can Climb", - "block.minecraft.quartz_block": "Blak Av Kworts", - "block.minecraft.quartz_bricks": "Kwartz brickz", - "block.minecraft.quartz_pillar": "Kwartz piler", - "block.minecraft.quartz_slab": "White half blok", - "block.minecraft.quartz_stairs": "Kworts Sters", - "block.minecraft.rail": "Trakz", - "block.minecraft.raw_copper_block": "Bluk ov moldy wurst", - "block.minecraft.raw_gold_block": "Bluk ov shiny coal", - "block.minecraft.raw_iron_block": "Bluk ov RAWWWW irun", - "block.minecraft.red_banner": "Red bahnor", - "block.minecraft.red_bed": "Reddish Bed", - "block.minecraft.red_candle": "Red land pikl", - "block.minecraft.red_candle_cake": "Caek wif Rd Candl", - "block.minecraft.red_carpet": "Redish Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.red_concrete": "Redish tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.red_concrete_powder": "Redish tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.red_glazed_terracotta": "Redish mosaic", - "block.minecraft.red_mushroom": "blood Mooshroom", - "block.minecraft.red_mushroom_block": "blood Mushroom blok", - "block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_slab": "Red Sleb that Nether bricks", - "block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_stairs": "Red Nether Brik Sters", - "block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_wall": "Red Nether brik Wal", - "block.minecraft.red_nether_bricks": "Blud Nether brik", - "block.minecraft.red_sand": "Red sand", - "block.minecraft.red_sandstone": "Warmy sanstown", - "block.minecraft.red_sandstone_slab": "Rds litterbox slab", - "block.minecraft.red_sandstone_stairs": "Rds litterbox sters", - "block.minecraft.red_sandstone_wall": "Redy Sandston Wal", - "block.minecraft.red_shulker_box": "Redish Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.red_stained_glass": "Read Stainedly Glazz", - "block.minecraft.red_stained_glass_pane": "rud thin culurd thingy", - "block.minecraft.red_terracotta": "Reddish Teracottah", - "block.minecraft.red_tulip": "Red tulehp", - "block.minecraft.red_wool": "Redish Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.redstone_block": "Redstone Bluk", - "block.minecraft.redstone_lamp": "Redstone lapm", - "block.minecraft.redstone_ore": "Rockz wif Redstone", - "block.minecraft.redstone_torch": "Glowy Redstone Stik", - "block.minecraft.redstone_wall_torch": "Glowy Redstone Wall Stik", - "block.minecraft.redstone_wire": "Redstone Whyr", - "block.minecraft.reinforced_deepslate": "dark ston wit weird thing outside idk", - "block.minecraft.repeater": "Redstone Repeetah", - "block.minecraft.repeating_command_block": "Again Doing Block", - "block.minecraft.respawn_anchor": "Reezpon mawgic blok", - "block.minecraft.rooted_dirt": "durt wit stickz", - "block.minecraft.rose_bush": "Rose brah", - "block.minecraft.sand": "litter box stuffs", - "block.minecraft.sandstone": "litter box rockz", - "block.minecraft.sandstone_slab": "sansdstoen sleb", - "block.minecraft.sandstone_stairs": "Sanston Sters", - "block.minecraft.sandstone_wall": "Sandston Wal", - "block.minecraft.scaffolding": "Sceffolding", + "block.minecraft.oak_door": "Oak Door", + "block.minecraft.oak_fence": "Oak Fence", + "block.minecraft.oak_fence_gate": "Oak Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.oak_hanging_sign": "Oak Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.oak_leaves": "Oak Leaves", + "block.minecraft.oak_log": "Oak Log", + "block.minecraft.oak_planks": "Oak Planks", + "block.minecraft.oak_pressure_plate": "Oak Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.oak_sapling": "Oak Sapling", + "block.minecraft.oak_sign": "Oak Sign", + "block.minecraft.oak_slab": "Oak Slab", + "block.minecraft.oak_stairs": "Oak Stairs", + "block.minecraft.oak_trapdoor": "Oak Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.oak_wall_hanging_sign": "Oak Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.oak_wall_sign": "Oak Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.oak_wood": "Oak Wood", + "block.minecraft.observer": "Observer", + "block.minecraft.obsidian": "Obsidian", + "block.minecraft.ochre_froglight": "Ochre Froglight", + "block.minecraft.ominous_banner": "Ominous Banner", + "block.minecraft.orange_banner": "Orange Banner", + "block.minecraft.orange_bed": "Orange Bed", + "block.minecraft.orange_candle": "Orange Candle", + "block.minecraft.orange_candle_cake": "Cake with Orange Candle", + "block.minecraft.orange_carpet": "Orange Carpet", + "block.minecraft.orange_concrete": "Orange Concrete", + "block.minecraft.orange_concrete_powder": "Orange Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.orange_glazed_terracotta": "Orange Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.orange_shulker_box": "Orange Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.orange_stained_glass": "Orange Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.orange_stained_glass_pane": "Orange Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.orange_terracotta": "Orange Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.orange_tulip": "Orange Tulip", + "block.minecraft.orange_wool": "Orange Wool", + "block.minecraft.oxeye_daisy": "Oxeye Daisy", + "block.minecraft.oxidized_copper": "Oxidized Copper", + "block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper": "Oxidized Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper_slab": "Oxidized Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.oxidized_cut_copper_stairs": "Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.packed_ice": "Packed Ice", + "block.minecraft.packed_mud": "Packed Mud", + "block.minecraft.pearlescent_froglight": "Pearlescent Froglight", + "block.minecraft.peony": "Peony", + "block.minecraft.petrified_oak_slab": "Petrified Oak Slab", + "block.minecraft.piglin_head": "Piglin Head", + "block.minecraft.piglin_wall_head": "Piglin Wall Head", + "block.minecraft.pink_banner": "Pink Banner", + "block.minecraft.pink_bed": "Pink Bed", + "block.minecraft.pink_candle": "Pink Candle", + "block.minecraft.pink_candle_cake": "Cake with Pink Candle", + "block.minecraft.pink_carpet": "Pink Carpet", + "block.minecraft.pink_concrete": "Pink Concrete", + "block.minecraft.pink_concrete_powder": "Pink Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.pink_glazed_terracotta": "Pink Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.pink_petals": "Pink Petals", + "block.minecraft.pink_shulker_box": "Pink Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.pink_stained_glass": "Pink Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.pink_stained_glass_pane": "Pink Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.pink_terracotta": "Pink Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.pink_tulip": "Pink Tulip", + "block.minecraft.pink_wool": "Pink Wool", + "block.minecraft.piston": "Piston", + "block.minecraft.piston_head": "Piston Head", + "block.minecraft.pitcher_crop": "Pitcher Crop", + "block.minecraft.pitcher_plant": "Pitcher Plant", + "block.minecraft.player_head": "Player Head", + "block.minecraft.player_head.named": "%s's Head", + "block.minecraft.player_wall_head": "Player Wall Head", + "block.minecraft.podzol": "Podzol", + "block.minecraft.pointed_dripstone": "Pointed Dripstone", + "block.minecraft.polished_andesite": "Polished Andesite", + "block.minecraft.polished_andesite_slab": "Polished Andesite Slab", + "block.minecraft.polished_andesite_stairs": "Polished Andesite Stairs", + "block.minecraft.polished_basalt": "Polished Basalt", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone": "Polished Blackstone", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_slab": "Polished Blackstone Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_stairs": "Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_brick_wall": "Polished Blackstone Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_bricks": "Polished Blackstone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_button": "Polished Blackstone Button", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_pressure_plate": "Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_slab": "Polished Blackstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_stairs": "Polished Blackstone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.polished_blackstone_wall": "Polished Blackstone Wall", + "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate": "Polished Deepslate", + "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_slab": "Polished Deepslate Slab", + "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_stairs": "Polished Deepslate Stairs", + "block.minecraft.polished_deepslate_wall": "Polished Deepslate Wall", + "block.minecraft.polished_diorite": "Polished Diorite", + "block.minecraft.polished_diorite_slab": "Polished Diorite Slab", + "block.minecraft.polished_diorite_stairs": "Polished Diorite Stairs", + "block.minecraft.polished_granite": "Polished Granite", + "block.minecraft.polished_granite_slab": "Polished Granite Slab", + "block.minecraft.polished_granite_stairs": "Polished Granite Stairs", + "block.minecraft.poppy": "Poppy", + "block.minecraft.potatoes": "Potatoes", + "block.minecraft.potted_acacia_sapling": "Potted Acacia Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_allium": "Potted Allium", + "block.minecraft.potted_azalea_bush": "Potted Azalea", + "block.minecraft.potted_azure_bluet": "Potted Azure Bluet", + "block.minecraft.potted_bamboo": "Potted Bamboo", + "block.minecraft.potted_birch_sapling": "Potted Birch Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_blue_orchid": "Potted Blue Orchid", + "block.minecraft.potted_brown_mushroom": "Potted Brown Mushroom", + "block.minecraft.potted_cactus": "Potted Cactus", + "block.minecraft.potted_cherry_sapling": "Potted Cherry Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_cornflower": "Potted Cornflower", + "block.minecraft.potted_crimson_fungus": "Potted Crimson Fungus", + "block.minecraft.potted_crimson_roots": "Potted Crimson Roots", + "block.minecraft.potted_dandelion": "Potted Dandelion", + "block.minecraft.potted_dark_oak_sapling": "Potted Dark Oak Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_dead_bush": "Potted Dead Bush", + "block.minecraft.potted_fern": "Potted Fern", + "block.minecraft.potted_flowering_azalea_bush": "Potted Flowering Azalea", + "block.minecraft.potted_jungle_sapling": "Potted Jungle Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_lily_of_the_valley": "Potted Lily of the Valley", + "block.minecraft.potted_mangrove_propagule": "Potted Mangrove Propagule", + "block.minecraft.potted_oak_sapling": "Potted Oak Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_orange_tulip": "Potted Orange Tulip", + "block.minecraft.potted_oxeye_daisy": "Potted Oxeye Daisy", + "block.minecraft.potted_pink_tulip": "Potted Pink Tulip", + "block.minecraft.potted_poppy": "Potted Poppy", + "block.minecraft.potted_red_mushroom": "Potted Red Mushroom", + "block.minecraft.potted_red_tulip": "Potted Red Tulip", + "block.minecraft.potted_spruce_sapling": "Potted Spruce Sapling", + "block.minecraft.potted_torchflower": "Potted Torchflower", + "block.minecraft.potted_warped_fungus": "Potted Warped Fungus", + "block.minecraft.potted_warped_roots": "Potted Warped Roots", + "block.minecraft.potted_white_tulip": "Potted White Tulip", + "block.minecraft.potted_wither_rose": "Potted Wither Rose", + "block.minecraft.powder_snow": "Powder Snow", + "block.minecraft.powder_snow_cauldron": "Powder Snow Cauldron", + "block.minecraft.powered_rail": "Powered Rail", + "block.minecraft.prismarine": "Prismarine", + "block.minecraft.prismarine_brick_slab": "Prismarine Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.prismarine_brick_stairs": "Prismarine Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.prismarine_bricks": "Prismarine Bricks", + "block.minecraft.prismarine_slab": "Prismarine Slab", + "block.minecraft.prismarine_stairs": "Prismarine Stairs", + "block.minecraft.prismarine_wall": "Prismarine Wall", + "block.minecraft.pumpkin": "Pumpkin", + "block.minecraft.pumpkin_stem": "Pumpkin Stem", + "block.minecraft.purple_banner": "Purple Banner", + "block.minecraft.purple_bed": "Purple Bed", + "block.minecraft.purple_candle": "Purple Candle", + "block.minecraft.purple_candle_cake": "Cake with Purple Candle", + "block.minecraft.purple_carpet": "Purple Carpet", + "block.minecraft.purple_concrete": "Purple Concrete", + "block.minecraft.purple_concrete_powder": "Purple Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.purple_glazed_terracotta": "Purple Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.purple_shulker_box": "Purple Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.purple_stained_glass": "Purple Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.purple_stained_glass_pane": "Purple Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.purple_terracotta": "Purple Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.purple_wool": "Purple Wool", + "block.minecraft.purpur_block": "Purpur Block", + "block.minecraft.purpur_pillar": "Purpur Pillar", + "block.minecraft.purpur_slab": "Purpur Slab", + "block.minecraft.purpur_stairs": "Purpur Stairs", + "block.minecraft.quartz_block": "Block of Quartz", + "block.minecraft.quartz_bricks": "Quartz Bricks", + "block.minecraft.quartz_pillar": "Quartz Pillar", + "block.minecraft.quartz_slab": "Quartz Slab", + "block.minecraft.quartz_stairs": "Quartz Stairs", + "block.minecraft.rail": "Rail", + "block.minecraft.raw_copper_block": "Block of Raw Copper", + "block.minecraft.raw_gold_block": "Block of Raw Gold", + "block.minecraft.raw_iron_block": "Block of Raw Iron", + "block.minecraft.red_banner": "Red Banner", + "block.minecraft.red_bed": "Red Bed", + "block.minecraft.red_candle": "Red Candle", + "block.minecraft.red_candle_cake": "Cake with Red Candle", + "block.minecraft.red_carpet": "Red Carpet", + "block.minecraft.red_concrete": "Red Concrete", + "block.minecraft.red_concrete_powder": "Red Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.red_glazed_terracotta": "Red Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.red_mushroom": "Red Mushroom", + "block.minecraft.red_mushroom_block": "Red Mushroom Block", + "block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_slab": "Red Nether Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_stairs": "Red Nether Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.red_nether_brick_wall": "Red Nether Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.red_nether_bricks": "Red Nether Bricks", + "block.minecraft.red_sand": "Red Sand", + "block.minecraft.red_sandstone": "Red Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.red_sandstone_slab": "Red Sandstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.red_sandstone_stairs": "Red Sandstone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.red_sandstone_wall": "Red Sandstone Wall", + "block.minecraft.red_shulker_box": "Red Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.red_stained_glass": "Red Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.red_stained_glass_pane": "Red Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.red_terracotta": "Red Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.red_tulip": "Red Tulip", + "block.minecraft.red_wool": "Red Wool", + "block.minecraft.redstone_block": "Block of Redstone", + "block.minecraft.redstone_lamp": "Redstone Lamp", + "block.minecraft.redstone_ore": "Redstone Ore", + "block.minecraft.redstone_torch": "Redstone Torch", + "block.minecraft.redstone_wall_torch": "Redstone Wall Torch", + "block.minecraft.redstone_wire": "Redstone Wire", + "block.minecraft.reinforced_deepslate": "Reinforced Deepslate", + "block.minecraft.repeater": "Redstone Repeater", + "block.minecraft.repeating_command_block": "Repeating Command Block", + "block.minecraft.respawn_anchor": "Respawn Anchor", + "block.minecraft.rooted_dirt": "Rooted Dirt", + "block.minecraft.rose_bush": "Rose Bush", + "block.minecraft.sand": "Sand", + "block.minecraft.sandstone": "Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.sandstone_slab": "Sandstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.sandstone_stairs": "Sandstone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.sandstone_wall": "Sandstone Wall", + "block.minecraft.scaffolding": "Scaffolding", "block.minecraft.sculk": "Sculk", - "block.minecraft.sculk_catalyst": "Sculk Cat-alist", - "block.minecraft.sculk_sensor": "Sculk detektor", - "block.minecraft.sculk_shrieker": "Sculk yeller", - "block.minecraft.sculk_vein": "Smol sculk", - "block.minecraft.sea_lantern": "See lanturn", - "block.minecraft.sea_pickle": "See pikol", - "block.minecraft.seagrass": "MARIN GRAZZ", - "block.minecraft.set_spawn": "hear is new kat home!!", - "block.minecraft.shroomlight": "Shroomy Lite", - "block.minecraft.shulker_box": "Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.skeleton_skull": "Spooke scury Skeletun Faze", - "block.minecraft.skeleton_wall_skull": "Spooke Scury Skeletun Wall Hed", - "block.minecraft.slime_block": "bouncy green stuff", - "block.minecraft.small_amethyst_bud": "Smol purpur shinee", - "block.minecraft.small_dripleaf": "Smol fall thru plantt", - "block.minecraft.smithing_table": "Smissing Table", - "block.minecraft.smoker": "Za Smoker", - "block.minecraft.smooth_basalt": "smoos bazalt", - "block.minecraft.smooth_quartz": "Smooth Wite Kat Blawk", - "block.minecraft.smooth_quartz_slab": "Smooth Qwartz Sleb", - "block.minecraft.smooth_quartz_stairs": "Smooth Qwartz Stairz", - "block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone": "Smud warmy sanstown", - "block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone_slab": "Smooth Redy Sandston Sleb", - "block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone_stairs": "Smooth Redy Sandston Stairz", - "block.minecraft.smooth_sandstone": "smooth litter box rockz", - "block.minecraft.smooth_sandstone_slab": "Smooth Sandston Sleb", - "block.minecraft.smooth_sandstone_stairs": "Smooth Sandston Stairz", - "block.minecraft.smooth_stone": "Smooth Rockz", - "block.minecraft.smooth_stone_slab": "Smooth Ston Sleb", - "block.minecraft.sniffer_egg": "Sniffr ball", - "block.minecraft.snow": "Cold white stuff", - "block.minecraft.snow_block": "Snowi bloc", - "block.minecraft.soul_campfire": "sul camfiri", - "block.minecraft.soul_fire": "bloo hot stuff", - "block.minecraft.soul_lantern": "Sol Lanturn", - "block.minecraft.soul_sand": "sole snd", - "block.minecraft.soul_soil": "ded peeple dirt", - "block.minecraft.soul_torch": "Creepy torch thingy", - "block.minecraft.soul_wall_torch": "Creepy torch thingy on de wal", - "block.minecraft.spawn.not_valid": "U iz homelezz nao cuz ur hoem bed or charjd respwn anchr, or wuz obstructd", - "block.minecraft.spawner": "bad kitteh maekr", - "block.minecraft.spawner.desc1": "Pulay wiv spon ec:", - "block.minecraft.spawner.desc2": "setz mahbstrr tyep", - "block.minecraft.sponge": "Spangblob", - "block.minecraft.spore_blossom": "snees flowar", - "block.minecraft.spruce_button": "Sproos Button", - "block.minecraft.spruce_door": "Spruz Dor", - "block.minecraft.spruce_fence": "Sprce Fenc", - "block.minecraft.spruce_fence_gate": "Sprce Fenc Gaet", - "block.minecraft.spruce_hanging_sign": "Sproos Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.spruce_leaves": "spruce salad", - "block.minecraft.spruce_log": "Spruce lawg", - "block.minecraft.spruce_planks": "dark wooden bloc", - "block.minecraft.spruce_pressure_plate": "Sproos Prseure Pleitz", - "block.minecraft.spruce_sapling": "baby spurce", - "block.minecraft.spruce_sign": "Sproos Sign", - "block.minecraft.spruce_slab": "Sproos Sleb", - "block.minecraft.spruce_stairs": "Sproos Stairz", - "block.minecraft.spruce_trapdoor": "Sproos Trap", - "block.minecraft.spruce_wall_hanging_sign": "Sproos Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.spruce_wall_sign": "Sproos Sign on ur wall", - "block.minecraft.spruce_wood": "Spruz Wuud", - "block.minecraft.sticky_piston": "Stickeh Pushurr", - "block.minecraft.stone": "Rock", - "block.minecraft.stone_brick_slab": "Ston Brick Sleb", - "block.minecraft.stone_brick_stairs": "Stone Brik Sters", - "block.minecraft.stone_brick_wall": "Ston Brik Wal", - "block.minecraft.stone_bricks": "Stackd Rockz", - "block.minecraft.stone_button": "Stoon Button", - "block.minecraft.stone_pressure_plate": "Stone Presar Plat", - "block.minecraft.stone_slab": "stne slab", - "block.minecraft.stone_stairs": "Ston Stairz", - "block.minecraft.stonecutter": "Shrpy movin thingy", - "block.minecraft.stripped_acacia_log": "Naked Acashuh lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_acacia_wood": "Naked Acashuh Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_bamboo_block": "bluk ov naked bamboo", - "block.minecraft.stripped_birch_log": "Naked berch lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_birch_wood": "Naked Berch Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_cherry_log": "Naked Sakura lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_cherry_wood": "Naked Sakura Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_crimson_hyphae": "Da werd red nehtr plnta but neked", - "block.minecraft.stripped_crimson_stem": "Nakd crimzon stem", - "block.minecraft.stripped_dark_oak_log": "Naked shaded-O lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_dark_oak_wood": "Naked Blak Oac Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_jungle_log": "Naked juncle lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_jungle_wood": "Naked Juggle Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_mangrove_log": "naked mangroff lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_mangrove_wood": "naked mangroff wuud", - "block.minecraft.stripped_oak_log": "Naked Oac lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_oak_wood": "Naked Oac Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_spruce_log": "Naked spruice lawg", - "block.minecraft.stripped_spruce_wood": "Naked Sproos Bawk", - "block.minecraft.stripped_warped_hyphae": "Da werd nethr plnt butt nakie", - "block.minecraft.stripped_warped_stem": "Naekt Warpt Stem", - "block.minecraft.structure_block": "Strcter blek", - "block.minecraft.structure_void": "Blank space", - "block.minecraft.sugar_cane": "BAMBOOO", - "block.minecraft.sunflower": "Rly tall flowr", - "block.minecraft.suspicious_gravel": "Sussy grey thing", - "block.minecraft.suspicious_sand": "Sussy litter box", - "block.minecraft.sweet_berry_bush": "Sweet Bery Bush", - "block.minecraft.tall_grass": "Tall Gras", - "block.minecraft.tall_seagrass": "TOLL MARIN GRAZZ", - "block.minecraft.target": "Tawget", - "block.minecraft.terracotta": "Terrakattah", - "block.minecraft.tinted_glass": "Skary glazz", - "block.minecraft.tnt": "BOOM", - "block.minecraft.torch": "burny stick", - "block.minecraft.torchflower": "burny flowr", - "block.minecraft.torchflower_crop": "burny flowr crop", - "block.minecraft.trapped_chest": "Rigged Cat Box", - "block.minecraft.tripwire": "String", - "block.minecraft.tripwire_hook": "String huk", - "block.minecraft.tube_coral": "Tuf koral", - "block.minecraft.tube_coral_block": "Tuf koral cube", - "block.minecraft.tube_coral_fan": "Tuf koral fen", - "block.minecraft.tube_coral_wall_fan": "Tueb Corahl Wahll Fahn", - "block.minecraft.tuff": "Tfff", - "block.minecraft.turtle_egg": "Tertl ball", - "block.minecraft.twisting_vines": "Spyrale noodel", - "block.minecraft.twisting_vines_plant": "Spyrale noodel plont", - "block.minecraft.verdant_froglight": "Grin Toadshine", - "block.minecraft.vine": "Climbin plantz", - "block.minecraft.void_air": "vOoId", - "block.minecraft.wall_torch": "burny stick on de wall", - "block.minecraft.warped_button": "Warpt Thingy", - "block.minecraft.warped_door": "Warpt Big Kat Door", - "block.minecraft.warped_fence": "Warpt Fenc", - "block.minecraft.warped_fence_gate": "Warpt Fenc Gaet", - "block.minecraft.warped_fungus": "Warpt Foongis", - "block.minecraft.warped_hanging_sign": "Warpt Danglin' Sign", - "block.minecraft.warped_hyphae": "Wierd nethr plant", - "block.minecraft.warped_nylium": "wrped nyanium", - "block.minecraft.warped_planks": "Warpt Plaenkz", - "block.minecraft.warped_pressure_plate": "Wapt Weight Plaet", - "block.minecraft.warped_roots": "Warpt Roods", - "block.minecraft.warped_sign": "Warpt Texxt Bawrd", - "block.minecraft.warped_slab": "Warpt Slaep", - "block.minecraft.warped_stairs": "Worp Katstairs", - "block.minecraft.warped_stem": "Warpt trunkk", - "block.minecraft.warped_trapdoor": "Warpt Kat Door", - "block.minecraft.warped_wall_hanging_sign": "Warpt Danglin' Sign On Da Wall", - "block.minecraft.warped_wall_sign": "Warpt wol book", - "block.minecraft.warped_wart_block": "Warpt Pimpl Blawk", - "block.minecraft.water": "Watr", - "block.minecraft.water_cauldron": "big bukkit wit watr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_copper_block": "Shiny Blok of copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper": "Waxd an sliecd copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper_slab": "Yucky slised copurr sleb", - "block.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper_stairs": "Yucky slised copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_copper": "Shiny Seen Copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper": "Shiny Seen Sliced Copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab": "Shineh Seen Sliced Steal Half Block", - "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs": "Shiny Seen Sliced Steal sters", - "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_copper": "Shiny very-old copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper": "Shiny very-old sliced copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab": "Shiny very-old copurr sleb", - "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs": "Shiny cery-old copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_copper": "Yucky old copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper": "Shiny Yucky old sliced copurr", - "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab": "Shiny rained sliced steal half block", - "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs": "Shiny rained sliced copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.weathered_copper": "Rainy copurr", - "block.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper": "Old slised copurr", - "block.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper_slab": "Kinda-old slised copurr bluk haf", - "block.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper_stairs": "Old yucky slised copurr sters", - "block.minecraft.weeping_vines": "oh no y u cry roof noddle", - "block.minecraft.weeping_vines_plant": "sad noodle plant", - "block.minecraft.wet_sponge": "wet Spangblob", + "block.minecraft.sculk_catalyst": "Sculk Catalyst", + "block.minecraft.sculk_sensor": "Sculk Sensor", + "block.minecraft.sculk_shrieker": "Sculk Shrieker", + "block.minecraft.sculk_vein": "Sculk Vein", + "block.minecraft.sea_lantern": "Sea Lantern", + "block.minecraft.sea_pickle": "Sea Pickle", + "block.minecraft.seagrass": "Seagrass", + "block.minecraft.set_spawn": "Respawn point set", + "block.minecraft.shroomlight": "Shroomlight", + "block.minecraft.shulker_box": "Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.skeleton_skull": "Skeleton Skull", + "block.minecraft.skeleton_wall_skull": "Skeleton Wall Skull", + "block.minecraft.slime_block": "Slime Block", + "block.minecraft.small_amethyst_bud": "Small Amethyst Bud", + "block.minecraft.small_dripleaf": "Small Dripleaf", + "block.minecraft.smithing_table": "Smithing Table", + "block.minecraft.smoker": "Smoker", + "block.minecraft.smooth_basalt": "Smooth Basalt", + "block.minecraft.smooth_quartz": "Smooth Quartz Block", + "block.minecraft.smooth_quartz_slab": "Smooth Quartz Slab", + "block.minecraft.smooth_quartz_stairs": "Smooth Quartz Stairs", + "block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone": "Smooth Red Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone_slab": "Smooth Red Sandstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.smooth_red_sandstone_stairs": "Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.smooth_sandstone": "Smooth Sandstone", + "block.minecraft.smooth_sandstone_slab": "Smooth Sandstone Slab", + "block.minecraft.smooth_sandstone_stairs": "Smooth Sandstone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.smooth_stone": "Smooth Stone", + "block.minecraft.smooth_stone_slab": "Smooth Stone Slab", + "block.minecraft.sniffer_egg": "Sniffer Egg", + "block.minecraft.snow": "Snow", + "block.minecraft.snow_block": "Snow Block", + "block.minecraft.soul_campfire": "Soul Campfire", + "block.minecraft.soul_fire": "Soul Fire", + "block.minecraft.soul_lantern": "Soul Lantern", + "block.minecraft.soul_sand": "Soul Sand", + "block.minecraft.soul_soil": "Soul Soil", + "block.minecraft.soul_torch": "Soul Torch", + "block.minecraft.soul_wall_torch": "Soul Wall Torch", + "block.minecraft.spawn.not_valid": "You have no home bed or charged respawn anchor, or it was obstructed", + "block.minecraft.spawner": "Monster Spawner", + "block.minecraft.spawner.desc1": "Interact with Spawn Egg:", + "block.minecraft.spawner.desc2": "Sets Mob Type", + "block.minecraft.sponge": "Sponge", + "block.minecraft.spore_blossom": "Spore Blossom", + "block.minecraft.spruce_button": "Spruce Button", + "block.minecraft.spruce_door": "Spruce Door", + "block.minecraft.spruce_fence": "Spruce Fence", + "block.minecraft.spruce_fence_gate": "Spruce Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.spruce_hanging_sign": "Spruce Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.spruce_leaves": "Spruce Leaves", + "block.minecraft.spruce_log": "Spruce Log", + "block.minecraft.spruce_planks": "Spruce Planks", + "block.minecraft.spruce_pressure_plate": "Spruce Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.spruce_sapling": "Spruce Sapling", + "block.minecraft.spruce_sign": "Spruce Sign", + "block.minecraft.spruce_slab": "Spruce Slab", + "block.minecraft.spruce_stairs": "Spruce Stairs", + "block.minecraft.spruce_trapdoor": "Spruce Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.spruce_wall_hanging_sign": "Spruce Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.spruce_wall_sign": "Spruce Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.spruce_wood": "Spruce Wood", + "block.minecraft.sticky_piston": "Sticky Piston", + "block.minecraft.stone": "Stone", + "block.minecraft.stone_brick_slab": "Stone Brick Slab", + "block.minecraft.stone_brick_stairs": "Stone Brick Stairs", + "block.minecraft.stone_brick_wall": "Stone Brick Wall", + "block.minecraft.stone_bricks": "Stone Bricks", + "block.minecraft.stone_button": "Stone Button", + "block.minecraft.stone_pressure_plate": "Stone Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.stone_slab": "Stone Slab", + "block.minecraft.stone_stairs": "Stone Stairs", + "block.minecraft.stonecutter": "Stonecutter", + "block.minecraft.stripped_acacia_log": "Stripped Acacia Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_acacia_wood": "Stripped Acacia Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_bamboo_block": "Block of Stripped Bamboo", + "block.minecraft.stripped_birch_log": "Stripped Birch Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_birch_wood": "Stripped Birch Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_cherry_log": "Stripped Cherry Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_cherry_wood": "Stripped Cherry Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_crimson_hyphae": "Stripped Crimson Hyphae", + "block.minecraft.stripped_crimson_stem": "Stripped Crimson Stem", + "block.minecraft.stripped_dark_oak_log": "Stripped Dark Oak Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_dark_oak_wood": "Stripped Dark Oak Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_jungle_log": "Stripped Jungle Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_jungle_wood": "Stripped Jungle Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_mangrove_log": "Stripped Mangrove Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_mangrove_wood": "Stripped Mangrove Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_oak_log": "Stripped Oak Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_oak_wood": "Stripped Oak Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_spruce_log": "Stripped Spruce Log", + "block.minecraft.stripped_spruce_wood": "Stripped Spruce Wood", + "block.minecraft.stripped_warped_hyphae": "Stripped Warped Hyphae", + "block.minecraft.stripped_warped_stem": "Stripped Warped Stem", + "block.minecraft.structure_block": "Structure Block", + "block.minecraft.structure_void": "Structure Void", + "block.minecraft.sugar_cane": "Sugar Cane", + "block.minecraft.sunflower": "Sunflower", + "block.minecraft.suspicious_gravel": "Suspicious Gravel", + "block.minecraft.suspicious_sand": "Suspicious Sand", + "block.minecraft.sweet_berry_bush": "Sweet Berry Bush", + "block.minecraft.tall_grass": "Tall Grass", + "block.minecraft.tall_seagrass": "Tall Seagrass", + "block.minecraft.target": "Target", + "block.minecraft.terracotta": "Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.tinted_glass": "Tinted Glass", + "block.minecraft.tnt": "TNT", + "block.minecraft.torch": "Torch", + "block.minecraft.torchflower": "Torchflower", + "block.minecraft.torchflower_crop": "Torchflower Crop", + "block.minecraft.trapped_chest": "Trapped Chest", + "block.minecraft.tripwire": "Tripwire", + "block.minecraft.tripwire_hook": "Tripwire Hook", + "block.minecraft.tube_coral": "Tube Coral", + "block.minecraft.tube_coral_block": "Tube Coral Block", + "block.minecraft.tube_coral_fan": "Tube Coral Fan", + "block.minecraft.tube_coral_wall_fan": "Tube Coral Wall Fan", + "block.minecraft.tuff": "Tuff", + "block.minecraft.turtle_egg": "Turtle Egg", + "block.minecraft.twisting_vines": "Twisting Vines", + "block.minecraft.twisting_vines_plant": "Twisting Vines Plant", + "block.minecraft.verdant_froglight": "Verdant Froglight", + "block.minecraft.vine": "Vines", + "block.minecraft.void_air": "Void Air", + "block.minecraft.wall_torch": "Wall Torch", + "block.minecraft.warped_button": "Warped Button", + "block.minecraft.warped_door": "Warped Door", + "block.minecraft.warped_fence": "Warped Fence", + "block.minecraft.warped_fence_gate": "Warped Fence Gate", + "block.minecraft.warped_fungus": "Warped Fungus", + "block.minecraft.warped_hanging_sign": "Warped Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.warped_hyphae": "Warped Hyphae", + "block.minecraft.warped_nylium": "Warped Nylium", + "block.minecraft.warped_planks": "Warped Planks", + "block.minecraft.warped_pressure_plate": "Warped Pressure Plate", + "block.minecraft.warped_roots": "Warped Roots", + "block.minecraft.warped_sign": "Warped Sign", + "block.minecraft.warped_slab": "Warped Slab", + "block.minecraft.warped_stairs": "Warped Stairs", + "block.minecraft.warped_stem": "Warped Stem", + "block.minecraft.warped_trapdoor": "Warped Trapdoor", + "block.minecraft.warped_wall_hanging_sign": "Warped Wall Hanging Sign", + "block.minecraft.warped_wall_sign": "Warped Wall Sign", + "block.minecraft.warped_wart_block": "Warped Wart Block", + "block.minecraft.water": "Water", + "block.minecraft.water_cauldron": "Water Cauldron", + "block.minecraft.waxed_copper_block": "Waxed Block of Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper": "Waxed Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper_slab": "Waxed Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.waxed_cut_copper_stairs": "Waxed Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_copper": "Waxed Exposed Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper": "Waxed Exposed Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab": "Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs": "Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_copper": "Waxed Oxidized Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper": "Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab": "Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs": "Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_copper": "Waxed Weathered Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper": "Waxed Weathered Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab": "Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs": "Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.weathered_copper": "Weathered Copper", + "block.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper": "Weathered Cut Copper", + "block.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper_slab": "Weathered Cut Copper Slab", + "block.minecraft.weathered_cut_copper_stairs": "Weathered Cut Copper Stairs", + "block.minecraft.weeping_vines": "Weeping Vines", + "block.minecraft.weeping_vines_plant": "Weeping Vines Plant", + "block.minecraft.wet_sponge": "Wet Sponge", "block.minecraft.wheat": "Wheat Crops", - "block.minecraft.white_banner": "blenk bahnor", - "block.minecraft.white_bed": "Waite Bed", - "block.minecraft.white_candle": "Wite land pikl", - "block.minecraft.white_candle_cake": "Caek wif Wite Land pickl", - "block.minecraft.white_carpet": "White scratchy stuff", - "block.minecraft.white_concrete": "Wyte tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.white_concrete_powder": "Wayte tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.white_glazed_terracotta": "Wayte mosaic", - "block.minecraft.white_shulker_box": "Waite Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.white_stained_glass": "Wite Staind Glas", - "block.minecraft.white_stained_glass_pane": "Whitty Glazz Payn", - "block.minecraft.white_terracotta": "Waite Terrakattah", - "block.minecraft.white_tulip": "Wite tulehp", - "block.minecraft.white_wool": "Waite Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.wither_rose": "Wither Roos", - "block.minecraft.wither_skeleton_skull": "Wither Skellyton Skul", - "block.minecraft.wither_skeleton_wall_skull": "Wither Skellyton Wall", - "block.minecraft.yellow_banner": "yelloh bahnor", - "block.minecraft.yellow_bed": "Banana Bed", - "block.minecraft.yellow_candle": "Yello land pikl", - "block.minecraft.yellow_candle_cake": "Caek Wif Yelow Candle", - "block.minecraft.yellow_carpet": "Yello Cat Rug", - "block.minecraft.yellow_concrete": "Yello tough bluk", - "block.minecraft.yellow_concrete_powder": "Yellow tough bluk powdr", - "block.minecraft.yellow_glazed_terracotta": "Yellow mosaic", - "block.minecraft.yellow_shulker_box": "Yello Shulker Bux", - "block.minecraft.yellow_stained_glass": "Yelo Staned Glas", - "block.minecraft.yellow_stained_glass_pane": "Yelo Staned Glas Pan", - "block.minecraft.yellow_terracotta": "Yollo Terrakattah", - "block.minecraft.yellow_wool": "Yello Fur Bluk", - "block.minecraft.zombie_head": "Zombee Hed", - "block.minecraft.zombie_wall_head": "Ded Person Wall Hed", + "block.minecraft.white_banner": "White Banner", + "block.minecraft.white_bed": "White Bed", + "block.minecraft.white_candle": "White Candle", + "block.minecraft.white_candle_cake": "Cake with White Candle", + "block.minecraft.white_carpet": "White Carpet", + "block.minecraft.white_concrete": "White Concrete", + "block.minecraft.white_concrete_powder": "White Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.white_glazed_terracotta": "White Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.white_shulker_box": "White Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.white_stained_glass": "White Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.white_stained_glass_pane": "White Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.white_terracotta": "White Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.white_tulip": "White Tulip", + "block.minecraft.white_wool": "White Wool", + "block.minecraft.wither_rose": "Wither Rose", + "block.minecraft.wither_skeleton_skull": "Wither Skeleton Skull", + "block.minecraft.wither_skeleton_wall_skull": "Wither Skeleton Wall Skull", + "block.minecraft.yellow_banner": "Yellow Banner", + "block.minecraft.yellow_bed": "Yellow Bed", + "block.minecraft.yellow_candle": "Yellow Candle", + "block.minecraft.yellow_candle_cake": "Cake with Yellow Candle", + "block.minecraft.yellow_carpet": "Yellow Carpet", + "block.minecraft.yellow_concrete": "Yellow Concrete", + "block.minecraft.yellow_concrete_powder": "Yellow Concrete Powder", + "block.minecraft.yellow_glazed_terracotta": "Yellow Glazed Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.yellow_shulker_box": "Yellow Shulker Box", + "block.minecraft.yellow_stained_glass": "Yellow Stained Glass", + "block.minecraft.yellow_stained_glass_pane": "Yellow Stained Glass Pane", + "block.minecraft.yellow_terracotta": "Yellow Terracotta", + "block.minecraft.yellow_wool": "Yellow Wool", + "block.minecraft.zombie_head": "Zombie Head", + "block.minecraft.zombie_wall_head": "Zombie Wall Head", "book.byAuthor": "by %1$s", - "book.editTitle": "Titl 4 ur book:", - "book.finalizeButton": "sighn an uplode", - "book.finalizeWarning": "Warnin!!1! whenz you sign teh bok it cantz be changedz!!1", - "book.generation.0": "FIRST!", - "book.generation.1": "copee of first", - "book.generation.2": "copee off copee", - "book.generation.3": "scratched up (i didnt do dat)", - "book.invalid.tag": "* Invalud buk tag *", - "book.pageIndicator": "page %1$s of a bunch (%2$s)", - "book.signButton": "Put najm", - "build.tooHigh": "tallnes limet for bilding iz %s", - "chat.cannotSend": "sry m8 cants send chatz msg", + "book.editTitle": "Enter Book Title:", + "book.finalizeButton": "Sign and Close", + "book.finalizeWarning": "Note! When you sign the book, it will no longer be editable.", + "book.generation.0": "Original", + "book.generation.1": "Copy of original", + "book.generation.2": "Copy of a copy", + "book.generation.3": "Tattered", + "book.invalid.tag": "* Invalid book tag *", + "book.pageIndicator": "Page %1$s of %2$s", + "book.signButton": "Sign", + "build.tooHigh": "Height limit for building is %s", + "chat_screen.message": "Message to send: %s", + "chat_screen.title": "Chat screen", + "chat_screen.usage": "Input message and press Enter to send", + "chat.cannotSend": "Cannot send chat message", "chat.coordinates": "%s, %s, %s", - "chat.coordinates.tooltip": "Click 2 teleportz", - "chat.copy": "SAEV 4 L8R", - "chat.copy.click": "klix tu cop 2 catbord", - "chat.deleted_marker": "Dis meow is DENIED!!! by teh servr.", - "chat.disabled.chain_broken": "Chats disabld cuz bruken cain. Try reconectin plss.", - "chat.disabled.expiredProfileKey": "Chats disabld cuz publik kee expaired. Try reconectin plss", - "chat.disabled.launcher": "Chat disabld by launchr opshun. Cannot sen mesage", - "chat.disabled.missingProfileKey": "Chats disabld cuz publik kee dosnt exists!!! Try reconectin plss", - "chat.disabled.options": "Chat turnd off in cleint opshinz", - "chat.disabled.profile": "chatz is not allowed becuz of akownt setingz. prez '%s' again for more informashions", - "chat.disabled.profile.moreInfo": "chatz is not allowed becuz of akownt settingz. cat can't send or see chat-wurds!", - "chat.editBox": "chatz", - "chat.filtered": "Fliterd frum King cat.", - "chat.filtered_full": "Teh servr hazs hided ur meow 4 sum catz.", - "chat.link.confirm": "R u sur u wants 2 open teh followin websiet?", - "chat.link.confirmTrusted": "Wants 2 opn or u wants 2 saev it 4 l8r?", - "chat.link.open": "Opin in browzr", - "chat.link.warning": "Nevr open linkz frum kittehs u doan't trust!", - "chat.queue": "[+%s pandig limes]", + "chat.coordinates.tooltip": "Click to teleport", + "chat.copy": "Copy to Clipboard", + "chat.copy.click": "Click to Copy to Clipboard", + "chat.deleted_marker": "This chat message has been deleted by the server.", + "chat.disabled.chain_broken": "Chat disabled due to broken chain. Please try reconnecting.", + "chat.disabled.expiredProfileKey": "Chat disabled due to expired profile public key. Please try reconnecting.", + "chat.disabled.launcher": "Chat disabled by launcher option. Cannot send message.", + "chat.disabled.missingProfileKey": "Chat disabled due to missing profile public key. Please try reconnecting.", + "chat.disabled.options": "Chat disabled in client options.", + "chat.disabled.profile": "Chat not allowed by account settings. Press '%s' again for more information.", + "chat.disabled.profile.moreInfo": "Chat not allowed by account settings. Cannot send or view messages.", + "chat.editBox": "chat", + "chat.filtered": "Filtered by the server.", + "chat.filtered_full": "The server has hidden your message for some players.", + "chat.link.confirm": "Are you sure you want to open the following website?", + "chat.link.confirmTrusted": "Do you want to open this link or copy it to your clipboard?", + "chat.link.open": "Open in Browser", + "chat.link.warning": "Never open links from people that you don't trust!", + "chat.queue": "[+%s pending lines]", "chat.square_brackets": "[%s]", - "chat.tag.modified": "Dis mesage haz been modified by teh servr. Orginl:", - "chat.tag.not_secure": "NuN trusted meow. Cant bi repoted.", - "chat.tag.system": "Caffe meow can't be repoted.", - "chat.tag.system_single_player": "Servr mesaeg.", + "chat.tag.modified": "Message modified by the server. Original:", + "chat.tag.not_secure": "Unverified message. Cannot be reported.", + "chat.tag.system": "Server message. Cannot be reported.", + "chat.tag.system_single_player": "Server message.", "chat.type.admin": "[%s: %s]", - "chat.type.advancement.challenge": "%s didz %s clap clap meeee", - "chat.type.advancement.goal": "%s dids %s omg gg bro", - "chat.type.advancement.task": "%s haz maed da atfancemend %s", + "chat.type.advancement.challenge": "%s has completed the challenge %s", + "chat.type.advancement.goal": "%s has reached the goal %s", + "chat.type.advancement.task": "%s has made the advancement %s", "chat.type.announcement": "[%s] %s", "chat.type.emote": "* %s %s", - "chat.type.team.hover": "Mesedg Tem", + "chat.type.team.hover": "Message Team", "chat.type.team.sent": "-> %s <%s> %s", "chat.type.team.text": "%s <%s> %s", "chat.type.text": "<%s> %s", - "chat.type.text.narrate": "%s sayz %s", - "chat_screen.message": "Mesage to sen: %s", - "chat_screen.title": "Chad screeen", - "chat_screen.usage": "Inputed mesage an prez Intr 2 sen", - "clear.failed.multiple": "No items wuz findz on %s players", - "clear.failed.single": "Nu itemz fund on pleyer %s", - "color.minecraft.black": "dark", - "color.minecraft.blue": "blu", - "color.minecraft.brown": "wuudy colur", - "color.minecraft.cyan": "nyan", - "color.minecraft.gray": "graey", - "color.minecraft.green": "greeeeeeeen", - "color.minecraft.light_blue": "wet powdr", - "color.minecraft.light_gray": "dull colah", - "color.minecraft.lime": "green copicat", - "color.minecraft.magenta": "too shinee pink colah", - "color.minecraft.orange": "stampy colur", - "color.minecraft.pink": "pincc", - "color.minecraft.purple": "OURPLE", - "color.minecraft.red": "redd", - "color.minecraft.white": "wite", - "color.minecraft.yellow": "yelow", - "command.context.here": "<--[LOK HER!11]", - "command.context.parse_error": "%s at pozishun %s: %s", - "command.exception": "cud not parse command: %s", - "command.expected.separator": "Expectd whitespace 2 end wan argument, but findz trailin data", - "command.failed": "An unexpectd errur occurd tryin 2 do dis cmd", - "command.unknown.argument": "Incorrect argument 4 command", - "command.unknown.command": "cant find teh commnd :( luk under 2 c y", - "commands.advancement.advancementNotFound": "No atfancemend wuz found bai de naem '%s'", - "commands.advancement.criterionNotFound": "De atfancemend '%1$s' dooz not contain de criterion '%2$s'", - "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.many.failure": "Coeldn't grand da kriterion '%s' uv atfancemend %s 2 %s playrs cuz they already have it", - "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.many.success": "Granted da criterion '%s' of atfancemend %s 2 %s kities", - "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.one.failure": "Coeldn't grand da kriterion '%s' uv atfancemend %s 2 %s cuz they already have it", - "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.one.success": "Granted da criterion '%s' of atfancemend %s 2 %s", - "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.many.failure": "Coeldn't grand %s atfancemends 2 %s pleytrs cuz they already hav em", - "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.many.success": "Granted %s atfancemends 2 %s kities", - "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.one.failure": "Coeldn't grand %s atfancemends 2 %s cuz they already hav em", - "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.one.success": "Granted %s atfancemends 2 %s", - "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.many.failure": "Coeldn't grand da atfancemend %s 2 %s playrs cuz they already have it", - "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.many.success": "Granted da atfancemend '%s' 2 %s kities", - "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.one.failure": "Coeldn't grand da atfancemend '%s' 2 %s cuz they already hav it", - "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.one.success": "Granted da atfancemend '%s' 2 %s", - "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.many.failure": "Coeldn't tak da kriterion '%s' uv atfancemend %s frum %s katz cuz they no have it", - "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.many.success": "Skracht standurdz '%s' of advansment squarz %s from %s katz", - "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.one.failure": "Coeldn't tak da kriterion '%s' uv atfancemend %s frum %s cuz they no have it", - "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.one.success": "Skracht standurdz '%s' of advansment squarz %s from %s", - "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.many.failure": "Coodint Skrach %s advansment squarz from %s katz bcuz thay dont hav squarz", - "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.many.success": "Skracht %s advansment squarz from %s katz", - "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.one.failure": "Coodint Skrach %s advansment squarz from %s bcuz thay dont hav squarez", - "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.one.success": "Skracht %s advansment squarz from %s", - "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.many.failure": "Coeldn't tak da adfancemend %s frum %s playrs cuz they no have it", - "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.many.success": "Tuk atvunzment %s frum %s kities", - "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.one.failure": "Coeldn't tek atvunzment %s frum %s cuz dey no hav it", - "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.one.success": "Tuk atvunzment %s frum %s", - "commands.attribute.base_value.get.success": "Base valooe of attribute %s 4 cat %s iz %s", - "commands.attribute.base_value.set.success": "Base valooe 4 attribute %s 4 cat %s iz nao %s", - "commands.attribute.failed.entity": "%s iz not valid entity 4 dis command", - "commands.attribute.failed.modifier_already_present": "Modifier %s alredy preznt on attribute %s 4 cat %s", - "commands.attribute.failed.no_attribute": "Cat %s haz no attribute %s", - "commands.attribute.failed.no_modifier": "Atributz %s for katz haz %s no modifer %s", - "commands.attribute.modifier.add.success": "Addz modifier %s 2 attribute %s 4 cat %s", - "commands.attribute.modifier.remove.success": "Remoovd modifier %s from attribute %s 4 cat %s", - "commands.attribute.modifier.value.get.success": "Valooe of modifier %s on attribute %s 4 cat %s iz %s", - "commands.attribute.value.get.success": "Valooe of attribute %s 4 cat %s iz %s", - "commands.ban.failed": "Nothin changd, da kat is already banned", - "commands.ban.success": "Beaned %s: %s", - "commands.banip.failed": "Nothin changd, dat IP is banned", - "commands.banip.info": "Dis ban affectz %s player(s): %s", - "commands.banip.invalid": "Bad IP or unknown kitteh", - "commands.banip.success": "IP Beaned %s: %s", - "commands.banlist.entry": "%s was beaned by %s: %s", - "commands.banlist.list": "Ther iz/r %s ba(ne)d kat(z):", - "commands.banlist.none": "There r no beans", - "commands.bossbar.create.failed": "a Boshbar alweady exists with da id '%s'", - "commands.bossbar.create.success": "Kreatd cuztum bossthing %s", - "commands.bossbar.get.max": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new big numburz: %s", - "commands.bossbar.get.players.none": "cuztum bossthing %s haz no katz on teh linez", - "commands.bossbar.get.players.some": "cuztum bossthing %s haz %s katz on teh linez: %s", - "commands.bossbar.get.value": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new numberz: %s", - "commands.bossbar.get.visible.hidden": "cuztum bossthing %s iz hiddind", - "commands.bossbar.get.visible.visible": "cuztum bossthing %s iz shownin'", - "commands.bossbar.list.bars.none": "Der ar no cuztum bossthing aktiv", - "commands.bossbar.list.bars.some": "Der ar %s cuztum bossthing aktiv: %s", - "commands.bossbar.remove.success": "Remuvd cuztum bossthing %s", - "commands.bossbar.set.color.success": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new culurz", - "commands.bossbar.set.color.unchanged": "nothin changd, thaz already teh color ov dis bosbar", - "commands.bossbar.set.max.success": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new big numburz: %s", - "commands.bossbar.set.max.unchanged": "nothin changd, thaz already teh max ov dis bosbar", - "commands.bossbar.set.name.success": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new namez", - "commands.bossbar.set.name.unchanged": "nothin changd, thaz already teh naym ov dis bosbar", - "commands.bossbar.set.players.success.none": "cuztum bossthing %s haz no mor katz", - "commands.bossbar.set.players.success.some": "cuztum bossthing %s haz %s katz %s", - "commands.bossbar.set.players.unchanged": "Nothin changd, dose players r already on teh bosbar wif nobody 2 add or remoov", - "commands.bossbar.set.style.success": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new stylinz", - "commands.bossbar.set.style.unchanged": "nothin changd, thaz already teh style ov dis bosbar", - "commands.bossbar.set.value.success": "cuztum bossthing %s haz new numberz: %s", - "commands.bossbar.set.value.unchanged": "nothin changd, thaz already teh value ov dis bosbar", - "commands.bossbar.set.visibility.unchanged.hidden": "nothin changd, teh bosbar iz already hidden", - "commands.bossbar.set.visibility.unchanged.visible": "nothin changd, teh bosbar iz already visible", - "commands.bossbar.set.visible.success.hidden": "I cant see cuztum bossthing %s", - "commands.bossbar.set.visible.success.visible": "I can see cuztum bossthing %s", - "commands.bossbar.unknown": "No bosbar exists wif teh id %s", - "commands.clear.success.multiple": "%s item(z) frum %s players said gudbye :(", - "commands.clear.success.single": "%s item(z) frum player %s said gudbye :(", - "commands.clear.test.multiple": "We seez %s lookeelikee stuff(z) on %s katz", - "commands.clear.test.single": "We seez %s lookeelikee stuff(z) on kat %s", - "commands.clone.failed": "no blockz wuz clond", - "commands.clone.overlap": "teh source an destinashun areas cant overlap", - "commands.clone.success": "Copy musheend %s blokz right", - "commands.clone.toobig": "2 maini blukz in teh spesified aria (macksimum %s, spesified %s)", - "commands.damage.invulnerable": "Targt cant get any damag dat u give >:)))", - "commands.damage.success": "Kitteh did %s scratchz 2 %s", - "commands.data.block.get": "%s on blok %s, %s, %s aftur skalez numbur of %s iz %s", - "commands.data.block.invalid": "teh target block iz not block entity", - "commands.data.block.modified": "Changeded blok infoz of %s, %s, %s", - "commands.data.block.query": "%s, %s, %s haz dis blok infoz: %s", - "commands.data.entity.get": "%s on %s after skalez numbur of %s iz %s", - "commands.data.entity.invalid": "unabl 2 modifi cat dataz", - "commands.data.entity.modified": "Modifid entitey deeta off %s", - "commands.data.entity.query": "%s haz teh followin entitey deeta: %s", - "commands.data.get.invalid": "No can doo with %s; can ownly bee number tag", - "commands.data.get.multiple": "Dis argument accepts a singl NBT value", - "commands.data.get.unknown": "Cant git %s: tag dosnt exist", - "commands.data.merge.failed": "nauthing chanched, da specifd propaties alweady hav dis values", - "commands.data.modify.expected_list": "Cat wonts many not %s", + "chat.type.text.narrate": "%s says %s", + "clear.failed.multiple": "No items were found on %s players", + "clear.failed.single": "No items were found on player %s", + "color.minecraft.black": "Black", + "color.minecraft.blue": "Blue", + "color.minecraft.brown": "Brown", + "color.minecraft.cyan": "Cyan", + "color.minecraft.gray": "Gray", + "color.minecraft.green": "Green", + "color.minecraft.light_blue": "Light Blue", + "color.minecraft.light_gray": "Light Gray", + "color.minecraft.lime": "Lime", + "color.minecraft.magenta": "Magenta", + "color.minecraft.orange": "Orange", + "color.minecraft.pink": "Pink", + "color.minecraft.purple": "Purple", + "color.minecraft.red": "Red", + "color.minecraft.white": "White", + "color.minecraft.yellow": "Yellow", + "command.context.here": "<--[HERE]", + "command.context.parse_error": "%s at position %s: %s", + "command.exception": "Could not parse command: %s", + "command.expected.separator": "Expected whitespace to end one argument, but found trailing data", + "command.failed": "An unexpected error occurred trying to execute that command", + "command.unknown.argument": "Incorrect argument for command", + "command.unknown.command": "Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error", + "commands.advancement.advancementNotFound": "No advancement was found by the name '%1$s'", + "commands.advancement.criterionNotFound": "The advancement %1$s does not contain the criterion '%2$s'", + "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.many.failure": "Couldn't grant criterion '%s' of advancement %s to %s players as they already have it", + "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.many.success": "Granted criterion '%s' of advancement %s to %s players", + "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.one.failure": "Couldn't grant criterion '%s' of advancement %s to %s as they already have it", + "commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.one.success": "Granted criterion '%s' of advancement %s to %s", + "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.many.failure": "Couldn't grant %s advancements to %s players as they already have them", + "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.many.success": "Granted %s advancements to %s players", + "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.one.failure": "Couldn't grant %s advancements to %s as they already have them", + "commands.advancement.grant.many.to.one.success": "Granted %s advancements to %s", + "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.many.failure": "Couldn't grant advancement %s to %s players as they already have it", + "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.many.success": "Granted the advancement %s to %s players", + "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.one.failure": "Couldn't grant advancement %s to %s as they already have it", + "commands.advancement.grant.one.to.one.success": "Granted the advancement %s to %s", + "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.many.failure": "Couldn't revoke criterion '%s' of advancement %s from %s players as they don't have it", + "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.many.success": "Revoked criterion '%s' of advancement %s from %s players", + "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.one.failure": "Couldn't revoke criterion '%s' of advancement %s from %s as they don't have it", + "commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.one.success": "Revoked criterion '%s' of advancement %s from %s", + "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.many.failure": "Couldn't revoke %s advancements from %s players as they don't have them", + "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.many.success": "Revoked %s advancements from %s players", + "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.one.failure": "Couldn't revoke %s advancements from %s as they don't have them", + "commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.one.success": "Revoked %s advancements from %s", + "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.many.failure": "Couldn't revoke advancement %s from %s players as they don't have it", + "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.many.success": "Revoked the advancement %s from %s players", + "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.one.failure": "Couldn't revoke advancement %s from %s as they don't have it", + "commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.one.success": "Revoked the advancement %s from %s", + "commands.attribute.base_value.get.success": "Base value of attribute %s for entity %s is %s", + "commands.attribute.base_value.set.success": "Base value for attribute %s for entity %s set to %s", + "commands.attribute.failed.entity": "%s is not a valid entity for this command", + "commands.attribute.failed.modifier_already_present": "Modifier %s is already present on attribute %s for entity %s", + "commands.attribute.failed.no_attribute": "Entity %s has no attribute %s", + "commands.attribute.failed.no_modifier": "Attribute %s for entity %s has no modifier %s", + "commands.attribute.modifier.add.success": "Added modifier %s to attribute %s for entity %s", + "commands.attribute.modifier.remove.success": "Removed modifier %s from attribute %s for entity %s", + "commands.attribute.modifier.value.get.success": "Value of modifier %s on attribute %s for entity %s is %s", + "commands.attribute.value.get.success": "Value of attribute %s for entity %s is %s", + "commands.ban.failed": "Nothing changed. The player is already banned", + "commands.ban.success": "Banned %s: %s", + "commands.banip.failed": "Nothing changed. That IP is already banned", + "commands.banip.info": "This ban affects %s player(s): %s", + "commands.banip.invalid": "Invalid IP address or unknown player", + "commands.banip.success": "Banned IP %s: %s", + "commands.banlist.entry": "%s was banned by %s: %s", + "commands.banlist.list": "There are %s ban(s):", + "commands.banlist.none": "There are no bans", + "commands.bossbar.create.failed": "A bossbar already exists with the ID '%s'", + "commands.bossbar.create.success": "Created custom bossbar %s", + "commands.bossbar.get.max": "Custom bossbar %s has a maximum of %s", + "commands.bossbar.get.players.none": "Custom bossbar %s has no players currently online", + "commands.bossbar.get.players.some": "Custom bossbar %s has %s player(s) currently online: %s", + "commands.bossbar.get.value": "Custom bossbar %s has a value of %s", + "commands.bossbar.get.visible.hidden": "Custom bossbar %s is currently hidden", + "commands.bossbar.get.visible.visible": "Custom bossbar %s is currently shown", + "commands.bossbar.list.bars.none": "There are no custom bossbars active", + "commands.bossbar.list.bars.some": "There are %s custom bossbar(s) active: %s", + "commands.bossbar.remove.success": "Removed custom bossbar %s", + "commands.bossbar.set.color.success": "Custom bossbar %s has changed color", + "commands.bossbar.set.color.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That's already the color of this bossbar", + "commands.bossbar.set.max.success": "Custom bossbar %s has changed maximum to %s", + "commands.bossbar.set.max.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That's already the max of this bossbar", + "commands.bossbar.set.name.success": "Custom bossbar %s has been renamed", + "commands.bossbar.set.name.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That's already the name of this bossbar", + "commands.bossbar.set.players.success.none": "Custom bossbar %s no longer has any players", + "commands.bossbar.set.players.success.some": "Custom bossbar %s now has %s player(s): %s", + "commands.bossbar.set.players.unchanged": "Nothing changed. Those players are already on the bossbar with nobody to add or remove", + "commands.bossbar.set.style.success": "Custom bossbar %s has changed style", + "commands.bossbar.set.style.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That's already the style of this bossbar", + "commands.bossbar.set.value.success": "Custom bossbar %s has changed value to %s", + "commands.bossbar.set.value.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That's already the value of this bossbar", + "commands.bossbar.set.visibility.unchanged.hidden": "Nothing changed. The bossbar is already hidden", + "commands.bossbar.set.visibility.unchanged.visible": "Nothing changed. The bossbar is already visible", + "commands.bossbar.set.visible.success.hidden": "Custom bossbar %s is now hidden", + "commands.bossbar.set.visible.success.visible": "Custom bossbar %s is now visible", + "commands.bossbar.unknown": "No bossbar exists with the ID '%s'", + "commands.clear.success.multiple": "Removed %s item(s) from %s players", + "commands.clear.success.single": "Removed %s item(s) from player %s", + "commands.clear.test.multiple": "Found %s matching item(s) on %s players", + "commands.clear.test.single": "Found %s matching item(s) on player %s", + "commands.clone.failed": "No blocks were cloned", + "commands.clone.overlap": "The source and destination areas cannot overlap", + "commands.clone.success": "Successfully cloned %s block(s)", + "commands.clone.toobig": "Too many blocks in the specified area (maximum %s, specified %s)", + "commands.damage.invulnerable": "Target is invulnerable to the given damage type", + "commands.damage.success": "Applied %s damage to %s", + "commands.data.block.get": "%s on block %s, %s, %s after scale factor of %s is %s", + "commands.data.block.invalid": "The target block is not a block entity", + "commands.data.block.modified": "Modified block data of %s, %s, %s", + "commands.data.block.query": "%s, %s, %s has the following block data: %s", + "commands.data.entity.get": "%s on %s after scale factor of %s is %s", + "commands.data.entity.invalid": "Unable to modify player data", + "commands.data.entity.modified": "Modified entity data of %s", + "commands.data.entity.query": "%s has the following entity data: %s", + "commands.data.get.invalid": "Can't get %s; only numeric tags are allowed", + "commands.data.get.multiple": "This argument accepts a single NBT value", + "commands.data.get.unknown": "Can't get %s; tag doesn't exist", + "commands.data.merge.failed": "Nothing changed. The specified properties already have these values", + "commands.data.modify.expected_list": "Expected list, got: %s", "commands.data.modify.expected_object": "Expected object, got: %s", - "commands.data.modify.expected_value": "no valooe 4 mi, u gabe %s", - "commands.data.modify.invalid_index": "Invlid lst indez: %s", - "commands.data.storage.get": "%s n sturage %s aftur skalez numbur o %s iz %s", - "commands.data.storage.modified": "Modifid reservoir %s", - "commands.data.storage.query": "Storge %s has followin subject-matter: %s", - "commands.datapack.disable.failed": "Pack %s iz not enabld!", - "commands.datapack.enable.failed": "Pack %s iz already enabld!", - "commands.datapack.enable.failed.no_flags": "nerdz pacc '%s' camt b ussed, sinc needd flagz rnt enabld in dis wurld: %s!!!!!!!", - "commands.datapack.list.available.none": "Ther R no infoz packz that can be yes-yes", - "commands.datapack.list.available.success": "Ther R %s infoz packz that can be yes-yes: %s", - "commands.datapack.list.enabled.none": "Ther R no infoz packz that are yes-yes", - "commands.datapack.list.enabled.success": "Ther R %s infoz packz that are yes-yes: %s", - "commands.datapack.modify.disable": "deactivatin nerdz stwuff: %s", - "commands.datapack.modify.enable": "activatin nerdz dawta stuffz: %s", - "commands.datapack.unknown": "Cat doezn't know diz data pak %s", - "commands.debug.alreadyRunning": "Teh tik profilr r alreedy startd", - "commands.debug.function.noRecursion": "kat cant traec frawm insid ov fnctoin", - "commands.debug.function.success.multiple": "Traicd %s komand(z) frum %s funkshinz t0 output file %s", - "commands.debug.function.success.single": "Traicd %s komand(z) frum funkshinz '%s' too output file %s", - "commands.debug.function.traceFailed": "coodnt trace teh functshun!", - "commands.debug.notRunning": "Teh tik profilr hasnt startd", - "commands.debug.started": "Startd tik profilin'", - "commands.debug.stopped": "Stoppd tik profilin aftr %s secondz an %s tikz (%s tikz pr secund)", - "commands.defaultgamemode.success": "%s iz naow da normul playin' for teh kittez", - "commands.deop.failed": "nothin changd, teh playr iz not an operator", - "commands.deop.success": "%s is not alfa enymor", - "commands.difficulty.failure": "Teh difficulty did not change; it already set 2 %s", - "commands.difficulty.query": "Teh diffikuty es %s", - "commands.difficulty.success": "Da ameownt of creeperz iz gunnu bee %s", - "commands.drop.no_held_items": "Entity can not hold any items... AND NEVAH WILL", + "commands.data.modify.expected_value": "Expected value, got: %s", + "commands.data.modify.invalid_index": "Invalid list index: %s", + "commands.data.modify.invalid_substring": "Invalid substring indices: %s to %s", + "commands.data.storage.get": "%s in storage %s after scale factor of %s is %s", + "commands.data.storage.modified": "Modified storage %s", + "commands.data.storage.query": "Storage %s has the following contents: %s", + "commands.datapack.disable.failed": "Pack '%s' is not enabled!", + "commands.datapack.enable.failed": "Pack '%s' is already enabled!", + "commands.datapack.enable.failed.no_flags": "Pack '%s' cannot be enabled, since required flags are not enabled in this world: %s!", + "commands.datapack.list.available.none": "There are no more data packs available", + "commands.datapack.list.available.success": "There are %s data pack(s) available: %s", + "commands.datapack.list.enabled.none": "There are no data packs enabled", + "commands.datapack.list.enabled.success": "There are %s data pack(s) enabled: %s", + "commands.datapack.modify.disable": "Disabling data pack %s", + "commands.datapack.modify.enable": "Enabling data pack %s", + "commands.datapack.unknown": "Unknown data pack '%s'", + "commands.debug.alreadyRunning": "The tick profiler is already started", + "commands.debug.function.noRecursion": "Can't trace from inside of function", + "commands.debug.function.success.multiple": "Traced %s command(s) from %s functions to output file %s", + "commands.debug.function.success.single": "Traced %s command(s) from function '%s' to output file %s", + "commands.debug.function.traceFailed": "Failed to trace function", + "commands.debug.notRunning": "The tick profiler hasn't started", + "commands.debug.started": "Started tick profiling", + "commands.debug.stopped": "Stopped tick profiling after %s seconds and %s ticks (%s ticks per second)", + "commands.defaultgamemode.success": "The default game mode is now %s", + "commands.deop.failed": "Nothing changed. The player is not an operator", + "commands.deop.success": "Made %s no longer a server operator", + "commands.difficulty.failure": "The difficulty did not change; it is already set to %s", + "commands.difficulty.query": "The difficulty is %s", + "commands.difficulty.success": "The difficulty has been set to %s", + "commands.drop.no_held_items": "Entity can't hold any items", "commands.drop.no_loot_table": "Entity %s has no loot table", - "commands.drop.success.multiple": "Droppd %s itemz", - "commands.drop.success.multiple_with_table": "Droppd %s items frum za table %s", - "commands.drop.success.single": "Droppd %s %s", - "commands.drop.success.single_with_table": "Droppd %s %s stuffz frum za table %s", - "commands.effect.clear.everything.failed": "target has no effects 2 remoov", - "commands.effect.clear.everything.success.multiple": "Tuk all efekt frum %s targits", - "commands.effect.clear.everything.success.single": "Rmved all efekt fram %s", - "commands.effect.clear.specific.failed": "target doesnt has teh requestd effect", - "commands.effect.clear.specific.success.multiple": "Tuk efukt %s frum %s targits", - "commands.effect.clear.specific.success.single": "Tuk efukt %s frum %s", - "commands.effect.give.failed": "unable 2 apply dis effect (target iz eithr immune 2 effects, or has somethin strongr)", - "commands.effect.give.success.multiple": "%s targitz ar gunnu have %s", - "commands.effect.give.success.single": "Appoled efekt %s tO %s", - "commands.enchant.failed": "nothin changd, targets eithr has no item in their hanz or teh enchantment cud not be applid", - "commands.enchant.failed.entity": "%s is nawt a valid entiti for that cemmand", - "commands.enchant.failed.incompatible": "%s cennot seppurt thet megic", - "commands.enchant.failed.itemless": "%s s nut hulding item", - "commands.enchant.failed.level": "%s iz highr than teh maximum level ov %s supportd by dat enchantment", - "commands.enchant.success.multiple": "Applid inchantmnt %s to %s intitiez", - "commands.enchant.success.single": "Applid inchantmnt %s to %s item", - "commands.execute.blocks.toobig": "2 maini blukz in teh spesified aria (macksimum %s, spesified %s)", - "commands.execute.conditional.fail": "Tiist failured", - "commands.execute.conditional.fail_count": "Tiist failured, count: %s", - "commands.execute.conditional.pass": "Testz Pazzed uwu", - "commands.execute.conditional.pass_count": "Test pasd, count: %s", - "commands.experience.add.levels.success.multiple": "Gev %s uxpeerinz luvlz two %s katz", - "commands.experience.add.levels.success.single": "Gev %s uxpeerinz luvlz two %s", - "commands.experience.add.points.success.multiple": "Gev %s uxpeerinz puhnts two %s katz", - "commands.experience.add.points.success.single": "Gev %s uxpeerinz puhnts two %s", - "commands.experience.query.levels": "%s haz %s uxpeerinz luvlz", - "commands.experience.query.points": "%s haz %s uxpeerinz puhnts", - "commands.experience.set.levels.success.multiple": "Sat %s uxpeerinz luvlz on %s playurz", - "commands.experience.set.levels.success.single": "Sat %s uxpeerinz luvlz on %s", - "commands.experience.set.points.invalid": "cant set experience points aboov teh maximum points 4 da kitteh current level", - "commands.experience.set.points.success.multiple": "Sat %s uxpeerinz puhnts on %s katz", - "commands.experience.set.points.success.single": "Sat %s uxpeerinz puhnts on %s", - "commands.fill.failed": "no blockz wuz filld", - "commands.fill.success": "Suxexfuly fild %s blox", - "commands.fill.toobig": "2 maini blukz in teh spesified aria (macksimum %s, spesified %s)", - "commands.fillbiome.success": "baium(s) r maded betwin %s, %s, %s AND %s, %s, %s !", - "commands.fillbiome.success.count": "%s biom(z) entriiz maded betwin %s, %s, %s, an %s, %s, %s", - "commands.fillbiome.toobig": "2 maini blukz in teh spesified voluum (macksimum %s, spesified %s)", - "commands.forceload.added.failure": "No pieces wre markd for furce looding", - "commands.forceload.added.multiple": "Merked %s pieces in %s frum %s 2 %s 2 to be furce loded", - "commands.forceload.added.none": "A furce loded piece ws fund in et: %s", - "commands.forceload.added.single": "Merked pieces %s in %s 2 be furce looded", - "commands.forceload.list.multiple": "%s furce looded pieces wer fund in %s at: %s", - "commands.forceload.list.single": "A furce loded piece ws fund in %s et: %s", - "commands.forceload.query.failure": "Piece et %s in %s is nut merked fur furce loding", - "commands.forceload.query.success": "Piece et %s in %s is merked fur furce loding", - "commands.forceload.removed.all": "Unmerked al furce looded pieces in %s", - "commands.forceload.removed.failure": "Nu pieces wer removd frum furce looding", - "commands.forceload.removed.multiple": "Unmerked %s pieces inn %s frm %s 2 %s fr furce looding", - "commands.forceload.removed.single": "Unmerked piece %s in %s for furce lodig", - "commands.forceload.toobig": "2 maini blukz in teh spesified aria (macksimum %s, spesified %s)", - "commands.function.success.multiple": "Dun %s komand(z) frum %s funkshunz", - "commands.function.success.single": "Dun %s comand(z) frum funkshun %s", - "commands.gamemode.success.other": "Set %s's gaem moed 2 %s", - "commands.gamemode.success.self": "Set awn gaem moed 2 %s", - "commands.gamerule.query": "Gemrul %s iz set to: %s", - "commands.gamerule.set": "Gemrul %s iz now set to: %s", - "commands.give.failed.toomanyitems": "Cant givez moar dan %s off %s", - "commands.give.success.multiple": "Gev %s %s to %s kities", - "commands.give.success.single": "Givn %s %s 2 %s", - "commands.help.failed": "unknown command or insufficient permishuns", - "commands.item.block.set.success": "Replased a slot att %s, %s, %s wit %s", - "commands.item.entity.set.success.multiple": "Replacd slot on %s intitiez wif %s", - "commands.item.entity.set.success.single": "Replaedz a sluut on %s wif %s", - "commands.item.source.no_such_slot": "Teh target doez not has slot %s", - "commands.item.source.not_a_container": "Sors bluk at %s, %s, %s iz nawt a containr", - "commands.item.target.no_changed.known_item": "Naw tawgetz welcmd itemz %s intu slot %s", - "commands.item.target.no_changes": "Neh targeets hassnt aceptd item in toslot %s", - "commands.item.target.no_such_slot": "Da targit duzent has slot %s", - "commands.item.target.not_a_container": "Bluk at %s, %s, %s iz nawt a containr", - "commands.jfr.dump.failed": "JFR profawlllin faild to trash recawrd: %s", - "commands.jfr.start.failed": "JFR profawlllin reawly messd up cos fo CATZ", - "commands.jfr.started": "JFR profawlllin startd wiht CATZ", - "commands.jfr.stopped": "JFR profawlllin stopd and thrown by kittn to %s", - "commands.kick.success": "Shun %s out of da houz: %s", - "commands.kill.success.multiple": "%s tings put to slep foreva", - "commands.kill.success.single": "Killd %s", + "commands.drop.success.multiple": "Dropped %s items", + "commands.drop.success.multiple_with_table": "Dropped %s items from loot table %s", + "commands.drop.success.single": "Dropped %s %s", + "commands.drop.success.single_with_table": "Dropped %s %s from loot table %s", + "commands.effect.clear.everything.failed": "Target has no effects to remove", + "commands.effect.clear.everything.success.multiple": "Removed every effect from %s targets", + "commands.effect.clear.everything.success.single": "Removed every effect from %s", + "commands.effect.clear.specific.failed": "Target doesn't have the requested effect", + "commands.effect.clear.specific.success.multiple": "Removed effect %s from %s targets", + "commands.effect.clear.specific.success.single": "Removed effect %s from %s", + "commands.effect.give.failed": "Unable to apply this effect (target is either immune to effects, or has something stronger)", + "commands.effect.give.success.multiple": "Applied effect %s to %s targets", + "commands.effect.give.success.single": "Applied effect %s to %s", + "commands.enchant.failed": "Nothing changed. Targets either have no item in their hands or the enchantment could not be applied", + "commands.enchant.failed.entity": "%s is not a valid entity for this command", + "commands.enchant.failed.incompatible": "%s cannot support that enchantment", + "commands.enchant.failed.itemless": "%s is not holding any item", + "commands.enchant.failed.level": "%s is higher than the maximum level of %s supported by that enchantment", + "commands.enchant.success.multiple": "Applied enchantment %s to %s entities", + "commands.enchant.success.single": "Applied enchantment %s to %s's item", + "commands.execute.blocks.toobig": "Too many blocks in the specified area (maximum %s, specified %s)", + "commands.execute.conditional.fail": "Test failed", + "commands.execute.conditional.fail_count": "Test failed, count: %s", + "commands.execute.conditional.pass": "Test passed", + "commands.execute.conditional.pass_count": "Test passed, count: %s", + "commands.experience.add.levels.success.multiple": "Gave %s experience levels to %s players", + "commands.experience.add.levels.success.single": "Gave %s experience levels to %s", + "commands.experience.add.points.success.multiple": "Gave %s experience points to %s players", + "commands.experience.add.points.success.single": "Gave %s experience points to %s", + "commands.experience.query.levels": "%s has %s experience levels", + "commands.experience.query.points": "%s has %s experience points", + "commands.experience.set.levels.success.multiple": "Set %s experience levels on %s players", + "commands.experience.set.levels.success.single": "Set %s experience levels on %s", + "commands.experience.set.points.invalid": "Cannot set experience points above the maximum points for the player's current level", + "commands.experience.set.points.success.multiple": "Set %s experience points on %s players", + "commands.experience.set.points.success.single": "Set %s experience points on %s", + "commands.fill.failed": "No blocks were filled", + "commands.fill.success": "Successfully filled %s block(s)", + "commands.fill.toobig": "Too many blocks in the specified area (maximum %s, specified %s)", + "commands.fillbiome.success": "Biomes set between %s, %s, %s and %s, %s, %s", + "commands.fillbiome.success.count": "%s biome entry/entries set between %s, %s, %s and %s, %s, %s", + "commands.fillbiome.toobig": "Too many blocks in the specified volume (maximum %s, specified %s)", + "commands.forceload.added.failure": "No chunks were marked for force loading", + "commands.forceload.added.multiple": "Marked %s chunks in %s from %s to %s to be force loaded", + "commands.forceload.added.none": "No force loaded chunks were found in %s", + "commands.forceload.added.single": "Marked chunk %s in %s to be force loaded", + "commands.forceload.list.multiple": "%s force loaded chunks were found in %s at: %s", + "commands.forceload.list.single": "A force loaded chunk was found in %s at: %s", + "commands.forceload.query.failure": "Chunk at %s in %s is not marked for force loading", + "commands.forceload.query.success": "Chunk at %s in %s is marked for force loading", + "commands.forceload.removed.all": "Unmarked all force loaded chunks in %s", + "commands.forceload.removed.failure": "No chunks were removed from force loading", + "commands.forceload.removed.multiple": "Unmarked %s chunks in %s from %s to %s for force loading", + "commands.forceload.removed.single": "Unmarked chunk %s in %s for force loading", + "commands.forceload.toobig": "Too many chunks in the specified area (maximum %s, specified %s)", + "commands.function.success.multiple": "Executed %s command(s) from %s functions", + "commands.function.success.multiple.result": "Executed %s functions", + "commands.function.success.single": "Executed %s command(s) from function '%s'", + "commands.function.success.single.result": "Function '%2$s' returned %1$s", + "commands.gamemode.success.other": "Set %s's game mode to %s", + "commands.gamemode.success.self": "Set own game mode to %s", + "commands.gamerule.query": "Gamerule %s is currently set to: %s", + "commands.gamerule.set": "Gamerule %s is now set to: %s", + "commands.give.failed.toomanyitems": "Can't give more than %s of %s", + "commands.give.success.multiple": "Gave %s %s to %s players", + "commands.give.success.single": "Gave %s %s to %s", + "commands.help.failed": "Unknown command or insufficient permissions", + "commands.item.block.set.success": "Replaced a slot at %s, %s, %s with %s", + "commands.item.entity.set.success.multiple": "Replaced a slot on %s entities with %s", + "commands.item.entity.set.success.single": "Replaced a slot on %s with %s", + "commands.item.source.no_such_slot": "The source does not have slot %s", + "commands.item.source.not_a_container": "Source position %s, %s, %s is not a container", + "commands.item.target.no_changed.known_item": "No targets accepted item %s into slot %s", + "commands.item.target.no_changes": "No targets accepted item into slot %s", + "commands.item.target.no_such_slot": "The target does not have slot %s", + "commands.item.target.not_a_container": "Target position %s, %s, %s is not a container", + "commands.jfr.dump.failed": "Failed to dump JFR recording: %s", + "commands.jfr.start.failed": "Failed to start JFR profiling", + "commands.jfr.started": "JFR profiling started", + "commands.jfr.stopped": "JFR profiling stopped and dumped to %s", + "commands.kick.success": "Kicked %s: %s", + "commands.kill.success.multiple": "Killed %s entities", + "commands.kill.success.single": "Killed %s", "commands.list.nameAndId": "%s (%s)", - "commands.list.players": "Der r %s of a max of %s kities in da houz: %s", - "commands.locate.biome.not_found": "No kan findz bioem liek \"%s\" in resunabl ranj", - "commands.locate.biome.success": "Da nerest %s iz at %s (%s stepz fur)", - "commands.locate.poi.not_found": "no kan findz intewest wit da typ \"%s\" near kitteh", - "commands.locate.poi.success": "Da nerest %s iz at %s (%s stepz fur)", - "commands.locate.structure.invalid": "Kitteh cant find da strooktur wif taip \"%s\"", - "commands.locate.structure.not_found": "Kitteh culdnt find strooktur of taip \"%s\" neerby", - "commands.locate.structure.success": "Da nerest %s iz at %s (%s stepz fur)", - "commands.message.display.incoming": "%s meowz at u: %s", - "commands.message.display.outgoing": "You meow to %s: %s", - "commands.op.failed": "nothin changd, teh kitteh iz already an operator", - "commands.op.success": "Med %s a alfa kiten", - "commands.pardon.failed": "nothin changd, teh kitteh isnt bannd", - "commands.pardon.success": "Unbeaned %s", - "commands.pardonip.failed": "nothin changd, dat ip isnt bannd", - "commands.pardonip.invalid": "invalid ip addres", - "commands.pardonip.success": "Unbeaned IP %s", - "commands.particle.failed": "teh particle wuz not visible 4 anybody", - "commands.particle.success": "Showin purrtikle %s", - "commands.perf.alreadyRunning": "Teh performens profilr r alreedy startd", - "commands.perf.notRunning": "Teh performens profilr hasnt startd", - "commands.perf.reportFailed": "Faild 2 maek Bug reprort", - "commands.perf.reportSaved": "Bugs re nau in %s", - "commands.perf.started": "Startd 10 secon performens profilin runed (us '/perf stop' 2 stop eerly)", - "commands.perf.stopped": "Stoppd performens profilin aftr %s second(z) & %s tik(z) (%s tik(z) pr secund)", - "commands.place.feature.failed": "Kitteh tryd so hard but culdnt place fetur", - "commands.place.feature.invalid": "Dere iz nah featur wit taip \"%s\"", - "commands.place.feature.success": "Plaised da \"%s\" at %s, %s, %s", - "commands.place.jigsaw.failed": "Spon jigsou reawly messd up cos fo CATZ", - "commands.place.jigsaw.invalid": "Dere iz nah templete pul wit taip \"%s\"", - "commands.place.jigsaw.success": "Spond jigsou @ %s, %s, %s", - "commands.place.structure.failed": "Kitteh tryd so hard but culdnt place structur", - "commands.place.structure.invalid": "Kitteh cant find da strooktur wif taip \"%s\"", - "commands.place.structure.success": "Spond structur \"%s\" @ %s, %s, %s", - "commands.place.template.failed": "Kitteh tryd so hard but culdnt place teemplet", - "commands.place.template.invalid": "Dere iz nah teemplete wit typ \"%s", - "commands.place.template.success": "Kitteh made da teemplete \"%s\" at %s, %s, %s", - "commands.playsound.failed": "teh sound iz 2 far away 2 be herd", - "commands.playsound.success.multiple": "Playd sund %s to %s kitiez", - "commands.playsound.success.single": "Makd noize %s 2 %s", - "commands.publish.alreadyPublished": "Kittenzgame is elreadi hsted 0n prt %s", - "commands.publish.failed": "Unabl 2 hust locul gaem", - "commands.publish.started": "Lucl gaem hustd on port %s", - "commands.publish.success": "Yurw wurld is naw hawsted on powrt %s", - "commands.recipe.give.failed": "no new recipez wuz lernd", - "commands.recipe.give.success.multiple": "Gott %s resapeez 4 %s peepz", - "commands.recipe.give.success.single": "Gott %s resapeez 4 %s", - "commands.recipe.take.failed": "no recipez cud be forgotten", - "commands.recipe.take.success.multiple": "Took %s resapeez from %s katz", - "commands.recipe.take.success.single": "Took %s resapeez from %s", - "commands.reload.failure": "Relod iz fail! Keepin old stuffz", - "commands.reload.success": "Reloadin!", - "commands.ride.already_riding": "%s is alwedii ridin %s", - "commands.ride.dismount.success": "%s stoppd ridin %s", - "commands.ride.mount.failure.cant_ride_players": "CAnt ride other kats!!", - "commands.ride.mount.failure.generic": "%s 2 chomky 2 ried %s", - "commands.ride.mount.failure.loop": "Thingz no can ried temselvs n passengrs", - "commands.ride.mount.failure.wrong_dimension": "Cant ried the thing in diffrent dimenshun :(", - "commands.ride.mount.success": "%s stoppd ridin %s", - "commands.ride.not_riding": "%s is not ridin ani vee cool.", - "commands.save.alreadyOff": "Savin iz already turnd off", - "commands.save.alreadyOn": "Savin iz already turnd on", - "commands.save.disabled": "Robot savingz iz no-no", - "commands.save.enabled": "Robot savingz iz yes-yes", - "commands.save.failed": "unable 2 save teh game (iz thar enough disk space?)", - "commands.save.saving": "Savingz teh gamez (U hav 2 wate)", - "commands.save.success": "Saved da gamez", - "commands.schedule.cleared.failure": "Nu enrollments called id %s", - "commands.schedule.cleared.success": "%s schejul(z) wit id %s said gudbye :(", - "commands.schedule.created.function": "Sceduled funcshun '%s' in %s tik(s) at gemtime %s", - "commands.schedule.created.tag": "Sceduled teg '%s' in %s tiks at gemtime %s", - "commands.schedule.same_tick": "Dats 2 sun i cant maek it", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.duplicate": "an objectiv already exists by dat naym", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.success": "Made new goalz %s", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.alreadyEmpty": "nothin changd, dat display slot iz already empty", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.alreadySet": "nothin changd, dat display slot iz already showin dat objectiv", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.cleared": "No moar goalzez in shownin' spot %s", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.set": "Made shownin' spot %s shownin' goalz %s", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.empty": "Ther R no objectivez", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.success": "Ther R %s goalzez: %s", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.modify.displayname": "%s now reeds liek %s", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.modify.rendertype": "Chengd how objectiv %s is drawd", - "commands.scoreboard.objectives.remove.success": "Tuk away goalz %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.add.success.multiple": "Added %s 2 %s 4 %s thingyz", - "commands.scoreboard.players.add.success.single": "Added %s 2 %s 4 %s (naow %s)", - "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.failed": "nothin changd, dat triggr iz already enabld", - "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.invalid": "Enable only werkz on triggr-objectivez", - "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success.multiple": "Tigger %s 4 %s thingyz is yes-yes", - "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success.single": "Enabuled trigur %s 4 %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.get.null": "Cantt gt valu of %s fur %s; nun is set", - "commands.scoreboard.players.get.success": "%s haz %s %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.list.empty": "Ther R stalkd entitiz", - "commands.scoreboard.players.list.entity.empty": "%s haz no pointz 4 shownin'", + "commands.list.players": "There are %s of a max of %s players online: %s", + "commands.locate.biome.not_found": "Could not find a biome of type \"%s\" within reasonable distance", + "commands.locate.biome.success": "The nearest %s is at %s (%s blocks away)", + "commands.locate.poi.not_found": "Could not find a point of interest of type \"%s\" within reasonable distance", + "commands.locate.poi.success": "The nearest %s is at %s (%s blocks away)", + "commands.locate.structure.invalid": "There is no structure with type \"%s\"", + "commands.locate.structure.not_found": "Could not find a structure of type \"%s\" nearby", + "commands.locate.structure.success": "The nearest %s is at %s (%s blocks away)", + "commands.message.display.incoming": "%s whispers to you: %s", + "commands.message.display.outgoing": "You whisper to %s: %s", + "commands.op.failed": "Nothing changed. The player already is an operator", + "commands.op.success": "Made %s a server operator", + "commands.pardon.failed": "Nothing changed. The player isn't banned", + "commands.pardon.success": "Unbanned %s", + "commands.pardonip.failed": "Nothing changed. That IP isn't banned", + "commands.pardonip.invalid": "Invalid IP address", + "commands.pardonip.success": "Unbanned IP %s", + "commands.particle.failed": "The particle was not visible for anybody", + "commands.particle.success": "Displaying particle %s", + "commands.perf.alreadyRunning": "The performance profiler is already started", + "commands.perf.notRunning": "The performance profiler hasn't started", + "commands.perf.reportFailed": "Failed to create debug report", + "commands.perf.reportSaved": "Created debug report in %s", + "commands.perf.started": "Started 10 second performance profiling run (use '/perf stop' to stop early)", + "commands.perf.stopped": "Stopped performance profiling after %s second(s) and %s tick(s) (%s tick(s) per second)", + "commands.place.feature.failed": "Failed to place feature", + "commands.place.feature.invalid": "There is no feature with type \"%s\"", + "commands.place.feature.success": "Placed \"%s\" at %s, %s, %s", + "commands.place.jigsaw.failed": "Failed to generate jigsaw", + "commands.place.jigsaw.invalid": "There is no template pool with type \"%s\"", + "commands.place.jigsaw.success": "Generated jigsaw at %s, %s, %s", + "commands.place.structure.failed": "Failed to place structure", + "commands.place.structure.invalid": "There is no structure with type \"%s\"", + "commands.place.structure.success": "Generated structure \"%s\" at %s, %s, %s", + "commands.place.template.failed": "Failed to place template", + "commands.place.template.invalid": "There is no template with id \"%s\"", + "commands.place.template.success": "Loaded template \"%s\" at %s, %s, %s", + "commands.playsound.failed": "The sound is too far away to be heard", + "commands.playsound.success.multiple": "Played sound %s to %s players", + "commands.playsound.success.single": "Played sound %s to %s", + "commands.publish.alreadyPublished": "Multiplayer game is already hosted on port %s", + "commands.publish.failed": "Unable to host local game", + "commands.publish.started": "Local game hosted on port %s", + "commands.publish.success": "Multiplayer game is now hosted on port %s", + "commands.recipe.give.failed": "No new recipes were learned", + "commands.recipe.give.success.multiple": "Unlocked %s recipes for %s players", + "commands.recipe.give.success.single": "Unlocked %s recipes for %s", + "commands.recipe.take.failed": "No recipes could be forgotten", + "commands.recipe.take.success.multiple": "Took %s recipes from %s players", + "commands.recipe.take.success.single": "Took %s recipes from %s", + "commands.reload.failure": "Reload failed; keeping old data", + "commands.reload.success": "Reloading!", + "commands.ride.already_riding": "%s is already riding %s", + "commands.ride.dismount.success": "%s stopped riding %s", + "commands.ride.mount.failure.cant_ride_players": "Players can't be ridden", + "commands.ride.mount.failure.generic": "%s couldn't start riding %s", + "commands.ride.mount.failure.loop": "Can't mount entity on itself or any of its passengers", + "commands.ride.mount.failure.wrong_dimension": "Can't mount entity in different dimension", + "commands.ride.mount.success": "%s started riding %s", + "commands.ride.not_riding": "%s is not riding any vehicle", + "commands.save.alreadyOff": "Saving is already turned off", + "commands.save.alreadyOn": "Saving is already turned on", + "commands.save.disabled": "Automatic saving is now disabled", + "commands.save.enabled": "Automatic saving is now enabled", + "commands.save.failed": "Unable to save the game (is there enough disk space?)", + "commands.save.saving": "Saving the game (this may take a moment!)", + "commands.save.success": "Saved the game", + "commands.schedule.cleared.failure": "No schedules with id %s", + "commands.schedule.cleared.success": "Removed %s schedule(s) with id %s", + "commands.schedule.created.function": "Scheduled function '%s' in %s tick(s) at gametime %s", + "commands.schedule.created.tag": "Scheduled tag '%s' in %s ticks at gametime %s", + "commands.schedule.same_tick": "Can't schedule for current tick", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.duplicate": "An objective already exists by that name", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.success": "Created new objective %s", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.alreadyEmpty": "Nothing changed. That display slot is already empty", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.alreadySet": "Nothing changed. That display slot is already showing that objective", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.cleared": "Cleared any objectives in display slot %s", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.display.set": "Set display slot %s to show objective %s", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.empty": "There are no objectives", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.success": "There are %s objective(s): %s", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.modify.displayname": "Changed the display name of %s to %s", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.modify.rendertype": "Changed the render type of objective %s", + "commands.scoreboard.objectives.remove.success": "Removed objective %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.add.success.multiple": "Added %s to %s for %s entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.add.success.single": "Added %s to %s for %s (now %s)", + "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.failed": "Nothing changed. That trigger is already enabled", + "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.invalid": "Enable only works on trigger-objectives", + "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success.multiple": "Enabled trigger %s for %s entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success.single": "Enabled trigger %s for %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.get.null": "Can't get value of %s for %s; none is set", + "commands.scoreboard.players.get.success": "%s has %s %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.list.empty": "There are no tracked entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.list.entity.empty": "%s has no scores to show", "commands.scoreboard.players.list.entity.entry": "%s: %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.list.entity.success": "%s haz %s scores:", - "commands.scoreboard.players.list.success": "Ther R %s stalkd entitiez: %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.operation.success.multiple": "Updatd %s 4 %s entitiez", - "commands.scoreboard.players.operation.success.single": "sett %s 4 %s 2 %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.remove.success.multiple": "Tuk %s frum %s 4 %s thingyz", - "commands.scoreboard.players.remove.success.single": "Tuk %s frum %s 4 %s (naow %s)", - "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.all.multiple": "Start pointzez over 4 %s thingyz", - "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.all.single": "Start pointzez over 4 %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.specific.multiple": "Start %s over 4 %s thingyz", - "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.specific.single": "Start %s over 4 %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.set.success.multiple": "Set %s 4 %s thingyz 2 %s", - "commands.scoreboard.players.set.success.single": "Set %s 4 %s 2 %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.list.entity.success": "%s has %s score(s):", + "commands.scoreboard.players.list.success": "There are %s tracked entity/entities: %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.operation.success.multiple": "Updated %s for %s entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.operation.success.single": "Set %s for %s to %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.remove.success.multiple": "Removed %s from %s for %s entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.remove.success.single": "Removed %s from %s for %s (now %s)", + "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.all.multiple": "Reset all scores for %s entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.all.single": "Reset all scores for %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.specific.multiple": "Reset %s for %s entities", + "commands.scoreboard.players.reset.specific.single": "Reset %s for %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.set.success.multiple": "Set %s for %s entities to %s", + "commands.scoreboard.players.set.success.single": "Set %s for %s to %s", "commands.seed.success": "Seed: %s", - "commands.setblock.failed": "Cud not set teh block", - "commands.setblock.success": "Changd teh blok at %s, %s, %s", - "commands.setidletimeout.success": "Teh playr idle timeout iz now %s minute(z)", - "commands.setworldspawn.success": "I has movd big bed tu %s, %s, %s [%s]", - "commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple": "Set kat home 2 %s, %s, %s [%s] in %s 4 %s playrz", - "commands.spawnpoint.success.single": "Set kat home 2 %s, %s, %s [%s] in %s 4 %s", - "commands.spectate.not_spectator": "%s is not lurkin arund", - "commands.spectate.self": "Cant wach urself", - "commands.spectate.success.started": "Now lukin at %s", - "commands.spectate.success.stopped": "Not lookin at anythign anymoar", - "commands.spreadplayers.failed.entities": "Culd not spread %s entity/entitiez around %s, %s (2 much da entitiez 4 space - try usin spread ov at most %s)", - "commands.spreadplayers.failed.invalid.height": "Dat maxHeight %s doeznt wurk; ekzpekted highar dan wurld mimimum %s", - "commands.spreadplayers.failed.teams": "Cud not spread %s team(z) around %s, %s (2 lotz da entitiez 4 space - try usin spread ov at most %s)", - "commands.spreadplayers.success.entities": "Spread %s playr(z) around %s, %s wif an average distance ov %s blockz apart", - "commands.spreadplayers.success.teams": "Spread %s team(z) around %s, %s wif an average distens ov %s blockz apart", - "commands.stop.stopping": "Stoppin teh servr", - "commands.stopsound.success.source.any": "Stopd all teh sundz %s", - "commands.stopsound.success.source.sound": "Stopt soundz '%s\" on sourzz '%s'", - "commands.stopsound.success.sourceless.any": "Stopd all teh sundz", - "commands.stopsound.success.sourceless.sound": "Stupped sound %s", - "commands.summon.failed": "Unable 2 summon enkitty", - "commands.summon.failed.uuid": "Unebel 2 sunon dis entity cuz sam cat id", - "commands.summon.invalidPosition": "Kitteh canot pops into existnz ther", - "commands.summon.success": "Summzund new %s", - "commands.tag.add.failed": "target eithr already has teh tag or has 2 lotz da tags", - "commands.tag.add.success.multiple": "Addd tag '%s' to %s intitiez", - "commands.tag.add.success.single": "Addd tag '%s' to %s", - "commands.tag.list.multiple.empty": "Ther r no tahz on da %s entitiz", - "commands.tag.list.multiple.success": "Teh %s intitiez haz %s totel tags: %s", - "commands.tag.list.single.empty": "%s haz no tagzz", - "commands.tag.list.single.success": "%s haz %s tagz: %s", - "commands.tag.remove.failed": "Target doez not has dis tag", - "commands.tag.remove.success.multiple": "Tuk tag '%s' frum %s intitiez", - "commands.tag.remove.success.single": "Removd tag '%s' frum %s", - "commands.team.add.duplicate": "a team already exists by dat naym", - "commands.team.add.success": "Created Kitteh Team %s", - "commands.team.empty.success": "Removd %s kats frum teem %s", - "commands.team.empty.unchanged": "nothin changd, dat team iz already empty", - "commands.team.join.success.multiple": "Added %s kats to teemz %s", - "commands.team.join.success.single": "Added %s 2 teemz %s", - "commands.team.leave.success.multiple": "Kickd out %s kats frum any teamz", - "commands.team.leave.success.single": "Kickd out %s frum any teemz", - "commands.team.list.members.empty": "Ther iz no kats on teem %s", - "commands.team.list.members.success": "Teem %s haz %s katz: %s", - "commands.team.list.teams.empty": "There r no beanz", - "commands.team.list.teams.success": "Ther iz %s teems: %s", - "commands.team.option.collisionRule.success": "Bumpy rulez 4 teem %s iz naow \"%s\"", - "commands.team.option.collisionRule.unchanged": "Nothin changd, collishun rule iz already dat value", - "commands.team.option.color.success": "Updatd teh colr fr teem %s to %s", - "commands.team.option.color.unchanged": "Nothin changd, dat team already has dat color", - "commands.team.option.deathMessageVisibility.success": "Dying memoz shownin' 4 teem %s iz naow \"%s\"", - "commands.team.option.deathMessageVisibility.unchanged": "Nothin changd, death mesage visibility iz already dat value", - "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.alreadyDisabled": "nothin changd, friendly fire iz already disabld 4 dat team", - "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.alreadyEnabled": "Nothin changd, friendly fire iz already enabld 4 dat team", - "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.disabled": "Disabld frendli fire fr teem %s", - "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.enabled": "Inabld frendli fire fr teem %s", - "commands.team.option.name.success": "%s haz got new naem", - "commands.team.option.name.unchanged": "Nothin changd. Dat team already has dat naym", - "commands.team.option.nametagVisibility.success": "Nemetag visibiliti fr teem %s r now \"%s\"", - "commands.team.option.nametagVisibility.unchanged": "nothin changd, nametag visibility iz already dat value", - "commands.team.option.prefix.success": "tem prfix set 2 %s", - "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.alreadyDisabled": "nothin changd, dat team already cant c invisable teammatez", - "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.alreadyEnabled": "Nothin changd, dat team can already c invisable teammatez", - "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.disabled": "Teem %s can no longr se envisibl teemmatez", - "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.enabled": "Teem %s can now se envisibl teemmatez", - "commands.team.option.suffix.success": "tem sufx sot 2 %s", - "commands.team.remove.success": "Remoovd teem %s", - "commands.teammsg.failed.noteam": "Ur muzt be on a teem 2 mesage ur teem", - "commands.teleport.invalidPosition": "Kitteh canot zaps tu ther", - "commands.teleport.success.entity.multiple": "Teleportd %s entitez two %s", - "commands.teleport.success.entity.single": "Teleportd %s 2 %s", - "commands.teleport.success.location.multiple": "Teleportd %s intitiez to %s, %s, %s", - "commands.teleport.success.location.single": "Teleportd %s tu %s, %s, %s", - "commands.time.query": "The tiem is %s", - "commands.time.set": "Taim travld 2 %s", - "commands.title.cleared.multiple": "Cleerd titlez fr %s kittiez", - "commands.title.cleared.single": "Deleetd Nams for %s", - "commands.title.reset.multiple": "Reset titl optionz fr %s kittiez", - "commands.title.reset.single": "Reset titl optionz fr %s", - "commands.title.show.actionbar.multiple": "Showin new actionbar titl fr %s kittiez", - "commands.title.show.actionbar.single": "Showin new actionbar titl fr %s", - "commands.title.show.subtitle.multiple": "Showin new subtitl fr %s kittiez", - "commands.title.show.subtitle.single": "Showin new subtitl fr %s", - "commands.title.show.title.multiple": "Showin new titl fr %s kittiez", - "commands.title.show.title.single": "Showin new titl fr %s", - "commands.title.times.multiple": "Changd titl displai timez fr %s kittiez", - "commands.title.times.single": "Changd titl displai timez fr %s", - "commands.trigger.add.success": "Tiggerd %s (added %s 2 numburz)", - "commands.trigger.failed.invalid": "u can only triggr objectivez dat r triggr type", - "commands.trigger.failed.unprimed": "u cant triggr dis objectiv yet", - "commands.trigger.set.success": "Tiggerd %s (made numburz %s)", - "commands.trigger.simple.success": "Tiggerd %s", - "commands.weather.set.clear": "Rainz R off", - "commands.weather.set.rain": "Quiet rainz R on", - "commands.weather.set.thunder": "Laoud rainz R on", - "commands.whitelist.add.failed": "cat iz already whitelistd", - "commands.whitelist.add.success": "Whitlist now haz %s", - "commands.whitelist.alreadyOff": "whitelist iz already turnd off", - "commands.whitelist.alreadyOn": "whitelist iz already turnd on", - "commands.whitelist.disabled": "Witlist off :(!!!", - "commands.whitelist.enabled": "Witlist now on boi", - "commands.whitelist.list": "Thar iz/r %s whitelistd playr(z): %s", - "commands.whitelist.none": "Ther R no kats in teh exklusiv clubz", - "commands.whitelist.reloaded": "Reloadd teh whitelist", - "commands.whitelist.remove.failed": "cat iz not whitelistd", - "commands.whitelist.remove.success": "Removd %s frum teh whitelist", - "commands.worldborder.center.failed": "nothin changd, teh wurld bordr iz already senterd thar", - "commands.worldborder.center.success": "Set teh centr for teh world bordr to %s, %s", - "commands.worldborder.damage.amount.failed": "nothin changd, teh wurld bordr damage iz already dat amount", - "commands.worldborder.damage.amount.success": "Set teh wurld bordr damage tiem 2 %s purr blok evry second", - "commands.worldborder.damage.buffer.failed": "Nothin changd, teh wurld bordr damage buffr iz already dat distance", - "commands.worldborder.damage.buffer.success": "Set teh wurld bordr damage buffr 2 %s block(z)", - "commands.worldborder.get": "Teh world bordr currentle r %s blok(z) wide", - "commands.worldborder.set.failed.big": "Wurld bordr cant b biggr den %s blokz wide", - "commands.worldborder.set.failed.far": "Wurld bordr cant b moar away den %s blokz", - "commands.worldborder.set.failed.nochange": "nothin changd, teh wurld bordr iz already dat size", - "commands.worldborder.set.failed.small": "Da wrold border canot bee smaler thn 1 block wide", - "commands.worldborder.set.grow": "Growin teh world bordr to %s blokz wide ovr %s secondz", - "commands.worldborder.set.immediate": "Set teh wurld bordr 2 %s block(z) wide", - "commands.worldborder.set.shrink": "Shrinkin teh wurld bordr 2 %s block(z) wide ovar %s second(z)", - "commands.worldborder.warning.distance.failed": "nothin changd, teh wurld bordr warnin iz already dat distance", - "commands.worldborder.warning.distance.success": "Set teh wurld bordr warnin distance 2 %s block(z)", - "commands.worldborder.warning.time.failed": "nothin changd, teh wurld bordr warnin iz already dat amount ov tiem", - "commands.worldborder.warning.time.success": "Set teh wurld bordr warnin tiem 2 %s second(z)", - "compliance.playtime.greaterThan24Hours": "U was playin for moar dan 24 hourz", - "compliance.playtime.hours": "Yu haz bin pleyin fur %s aur(s)", - "compliance.playtime.message": "GO OUTSIED N HAV A LIF", - "connect.aborted": "Abort!!", - "connect.authorizing": "Makin sure it's safe...", - "connect.connecting": "Buildin catwalk 2 teh servr...", - "connect.encrypting": "Encriipthing...", - "connect.failed": "Not today... :(", - "connect.joining": "Cat iz comming tu wourld...", - "connect.negotiating": "NiGuZiatInj...", - "container.barrel": "Fish box", - "container.beacon": "Bacon", - "container.blast_furnace": "BlAsT Hot Box", - "container.brewing": "Bubbleh", - "container.cartography_table": "Katografy Table", - "container.chest": "Kat Box", - "container.chestDouble": "Exttra Bigg Cat Box", - "container.crafting": "Makezing", - "container.creative": "Grabbeh Stuff", - "container.dispenser": "Dizpnzur", - "container.dropper": "DRUPPER", - "container.enchant": "Makeh shineh", - "container.enchant.clue": "%s wat?", - "container.enchant.lapis.many": "%s blu stuffz", - "container.enchant.lapis.one": "1 blu stuffz", - "container.enchant.level.many": "%s shineh levls", - "container.enchant.level.one": "1 shineh stick", - "container.enchant.level.requirement": "Lvl neded: %s", - "container.enderchest": "sp00ky litturbox", - "container.furnace": "warm box", - "container.grindstone_title": "Fix it & Remove za shine", - "container.hopper": "RUN VACUUM!", - "container.inventory": "ME STUFFZ HEER", - "container.isLocked": "Oh noes! %s woent open!", - "container.lectern": "Lectrn", - "container.loom": "Looooooooom", - "container.repair": "Fixeh & Nameh", - "container.repair.cost": "Shineh Levl Cost: %1$s", - "container.repair.expensive": "2 Expenciv!", - "container.shulkerBox": "porttabul cat bux!!!", - "container.shulkerBox.more": "& %s moar...", - "container.smoker": "Za Smoker", - "container.spectatorCantOpen": "kant opn cuz thr aint no cheezburgers yet", - "container.stonecutter": "Shrpy movin thingy", - "container.upgrade": "Upgraed Geer", - "container.upgrade.error_tooltip": "Kitteh kant appgraed dis liek dis D=", - "container.upgrade.missing_template_tooltip": "Putt Smissinng thingy", - "controls.keybinds": "Kee Blinds...", - "controls.keybinds.duplicateKeybinds": "Dis key iz also usd 4:\n%s", - "controls.keybinds.title": "Key Bindz", - "controls.reset": "Rezet", - "controls.resetAll": "Rezet Keyz", - "controls.title": "Controlz", - "createWorld.customize.buffet.biome": "Pwease pik baium", - "createWorld.customize.buffet.title": "Bufet Wurld Kustemizaeshun", - "createWorld.customize.custom.baseSize": "deep beas siez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeDepthOffset": "baium deep ofset", - "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeDepthWeight": "lolztype depth weight", - "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeScaleOffset": "baium scael ofset", - "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeScaleWeight": "baium scael weigt", - "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeSize": "baium siez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.center": "centr tallnes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.confirm1": "Dis shal owerwite ur curent", - "createWorld.customize.custom.confirm2": "setinz and u cant undo.", - "createWorld.customize.custom.confirmTitle": "Uh oh!", - "createWorld.customize.custom.coordinateScale": "moar numbrz thingy", - "createWorld.customize.custom.count": "spahn triez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.defaults": "da basikz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.depthNoiseScaleExponent": "deep noisy thingy", - "createWorld.customize.custom.depthNoiseScaleX": "deep soundy thing x", - "createWorld.customize.custom.depthNoiseScaleZ": "deep soundy thing z", - "createWorld.customize.custom.dungeonChance": "numbrz of scaries", - "createWorld.customize.custom.fixedBiome": "baium", - "createWorld.customize.custom.heightScale": "tallnes thingy", - "createWorld.customize.custom.lavaLakeChance": "numbrz of spicie nopes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.lowerLimitScale": "basement max scael", - "createWorld.customize.custom.mainNoiseScaleX": "soundy thing x", - "createWorld.customize.custom.mainNoiseScaleY": "soundy thing y", - "createWorld.customize.custom.mainNoiseScaleZ": "soundy thing z", - "createWorld.customize.custom.maxHeight": "Max. tallnes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.minHeight": "Min. tallnes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.next": "go ferward plz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.page0": "eazy customizashuns", - "createWorld.customize.custom.page1": "Setinz 4 Oer", - "createWorld.customize.custom.page2": "Advanses Customizashuns (SMART KITTEHS ONLEE!)", - "createWorld.customize.custom.page3": "REELY ADVANSES CUSTOMIZASHUNS (SMART KITTEHS ONLEE!)", - "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.caveChaos": "Caevz ov Kaeyos", - "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.caveDelight": "Cavurz Dilite", - "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.drought": "No watr :(", - "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.goodLuck": "Meow", + "commands.setblock.failed": "Could not set the block", + "commands.setblock.success": "Changed the block at %s, %s, %s", + "commands.setidletimeout.success": "The player idle timeout is now %s minute(s)", + "commands.setworldspawn.success": "Set the world spawn point to %s, %s, %s [%s]", + "commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple": "Set spawn point to %s, %s, %s [%s] in %s for %s players", + "commands.spawnpoint.success.single": "Set spawn point to %s, %s, %s [%s] in %s for %s", + "commands.spectate.not_spectator": "%s is not in spectator mode", + "commands.spectate.self": "Cannot spectate yourself", + "commands.spectate.success.started": "Now spectating %s", + "commands.spectate.success.stopped": "No longer spectating an entity", + "commands.spreadplayers.failed.entities": "Could not spread %s entity/entities around %s, %s (too many entities for space - try using spread of at most %s)", + "commands.spreadplayers.failed.invalid.height": "Invalid maxHeight %s; expected higher than world minimum %s", + "commands.spreadplayers.failed.teams": "Could not spread %s team(s) around %s, %s (too many entities for space - try using spread of at most %s)", + "commands.spreadplayers.success.entities": "Spread %s player(s) around %s, %s with an average distance of %s blocks apart", + "commands.spreadplayers.success.teams": "Spread %s team(s) around %s, %s with an average distance of %s blocks apart", + "commands.stop.stopping": "Stopping the server", + "commands.stopsound.success.source.any": "Stopped all '%s' sounds", + "commands.stopsound.success.source.sound": "Stopped sound '%s' on source '%s'", + "commands.stopsound.success.sourceless.any": "Stopped all sounds", + "commands.stopsound.success.sourceless.sound": "Stopped sound '%s'", + "commands.summon.failed": "Unable to summon entity", + "commands.summon.failed.uuid": "Unable to summon entity due to duplicate UUIDs", + "commands.summon.invalidPosition": "Invalid position for summon", + "commands.summon.success": "Summoned new %s", + "commands.tag.add.failed": "Target either already has the tag or has too many tags", + "commands.tag.add.success.multiple": "Added tag '%s' to %s entities", + "commands.tag.add.success.single": "Added tag '%s' to %s", + "commands.tag.list.multiple.empty": "There are no tags on the %s entities", + "commands.tag.list.multiple.success": "The %s entities have %s total tags: %s", + "commands.tag.list.single.empty": "%s has no tags", + "commands.tag.list.single.success": "%s has %s tags: %s", + "commands.tag.remove.failed": "Target does not have this tag", + "commands.tag.remove.success.multiple": "Removed tag '%s' from %s entities", + "commands.tag.remove.success.single": "Removed tag '%s' from %s", + "commands.team.add.duplicate": "A team already exists by that name", + "commands.team.add.success": "Created team %s", + "commands.team.empty.success": "Removed %s member(s) from team %s", + "commands.team.empty.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That team is already empty", + "commands.team.join.success.multiple": "Added %s members to team %s", + "commands.team.join.success.single": "Added %s to team %s", + "commands.team.leave.success.multiple": "Removed %s members from any team", + "commands.team.leave.success.single": "Removed %s from any team", + "commands.team.list.members.empty": "There are no members on team %s", + "commands.team.list.members.success": "Team %s has %s member(s): %s", + "commands.team.list.teams.empty": "There are no teams", + "commands.team.list.teams.success": "There are %s team(s): %s", + "commands.team.option.collisionRule.success": "Collision rule for team %s is now \"%s\"", + "commands.team.option.collisionRule.unchanged": "Nothing changed. Collision rule is already that value", + "commands.team.option.color.success": "Updated the color for team %s to %s", + "commands.team.option.color.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That team already has that color", + "commands.team.option.deathMessageVisibility.success": "Death message visibility for team %s is now \"%s\"", + "commands.team.option.deathMessageVisibility.unchanged": "Nothing changed. Death message visibility is already that value", + "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.alreadyDisabled": "Nothing changed. Friendly fire is already disabled for that team", + "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.alreadyEnabled": "Nothing changed. Friendly fire is already enabled for that team", + "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.disabled": "Disabled friendly fire for team %s", + "commands.team.option.friendlyfire.enabled": "Enabled friendly fire for team %s", + "commands.team.option.name.success": "Updated the name of team %s", + "commands.team.option.name.unchanged": "Nothing changed. That team already has that name", + "commands.team.option.nametagVisibility.success": "Nametag visibility for team %s is now \"%s\"", + "commands.team.option.nametagVisibility.unchanged": "Nothing changed. Nametag visibility is already that value", + "commands.team.option.prefix.success": "Team prefix set to %s", + "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.alreadyDisabled": "Nothing changed. That team already can't see invisible teammates", + "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.alreadyEnabled": "Nothing changed. That team can already see invisible teammates", + "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.disabled": "Team %s can no longer see invisible teammates", + "commands.team.option.seeFriendlyInvisibles.enabled": "Team %s can now see invisible teammates", + "commands.team.option.suffix.success": "Team suffix set to %s", + "commands.team.remove.success": "Removed team %s", + "commands.teammsg.failed.noteam": "You must be on a team to message your team", + "commands.teleport.invalidPosition": "Invalid position for teleport", + "commands.teleport.success.entity.multiple": "Teleported %s entities to %s", + "commands.teleport.success.entity.single": "Teleported %s to %s", + "commands.teleport.success.location.multiple": "Teleported %s entities to %s, %s, %s", + "commands.teleport.success.location.single": "Teleported %s to %s, %s, %s", + "commands.time.query": "The time is %s", + "commands.time.set": "Set the time to %s", + "commands.title.cleared.multiple": "Cleared titles for %s players", + "commands.title.cleared.single": "Cleared titles for %s", + "commands.title.reset.multiple": "Reset title options for %s players", + "commands.title.reset.single": "Reset title options for %s", + "commands.title.show.actionbar.multiple": "Showing new actionbar title for %s players", + "commands.title.show.actionbar.single": "Showing new actionbar title for %s", + "commands.title.show.subtitle.multiple": "Showing new subtitle for %s players", + "commands.title.show.subtitle.single": "Showing new subtitle for %s", + "commands.title.show.title.multiple": "Showing new title for %s players", + "commands.title.show.title.single": "Showing new title for %s", + "commands.title.times.multiple": "Changed title display times for %s players", + "commands.title.times.single": "Changed title display times for %s", + "commands.trigger.add.success": "Triggered %s (added %s to value)", + "commands.trigger.failed.invalid": "You can only trigger objectives that are 'trigger' type", + "commands.trigger.failed.unprimed": "You cannot trigger this objective yet", + "commands.trigger.set.success": "Triggered %s (set value to %s)", + "commands.trigger.simple.success": "Triggered %s", + "commands.weather.set.clear": "Set the weather to clear", + "commands.weather.set.rain": "Set the weather to rain", + "commands.weather.set.thunder": "Set the weather to rain & thunder", + "commands.whitelist.add.failed": "Player is already whitelisted", + "commands.whitelist.add.success": "Added %s to the whitelist", + "commands.whitelist.alreadyOff": "Whitelist is already turned off", + "commands.whitelist.alreadyOn": "Whitelist is already turned on", + "commands.whitelist.disabled": "Whitelist is now turned off", + "commands.whitelist.enabled": "Whitelist is now turned on", + "commands.whitelist.list": "There are %s whitelisted player(s): %s", + "commands.whitelist.none": "There are no whitelisted players", + "commands.whitelist.reloaded": "Reloaded the whitelist", + "commands.whitelist.remove.failed": "Player is not whitelisted", + "commands.whitelist.remove.success": "Removed %s from the whitelist", + "commands.worldborder.center.failed": "Nothing changed. The world border is already centered there", + "commands.worldborder.center.success": "Set the center of the world border to %s, %s", + "commands.worldborder.damage.amount.failed": "Nothing changed. The world border damage is already that amount", + "commands.worldborder.damage.amount.success": "Set the world border damage to %s per block each second", + "commands.worldborder.damage.buffer.failed": "Nothing changed. The world border damage buffer is already that distance", + "commands.worldborder.damage.buffer.success": "Set the world border damage buffer to %s block(s)", + "commands.worldborder.get": "The world border is currently %s block(s) wide", + "commands.worldborder.set.failed.big": "World border cannot be bigger than %s blocks wide", + "commands.worldborder.set.failed.far": "World border cannot be further out than %s blocks", + "commands.worldborder.set.failed.nochange": "Nothing changed. The world border is already that size", + "commands.worldborder.set.failed.small": "World border cannot be smaller than 1 block wide", + "commands.worldborder.set.grow": "Growing the world border to %s blocks wide over %s seconds", + "commands.worldborder.set.immediate": "Set the world border to %s block(s) wide", + "commands.worldborder.set.shrink": "Shrinking the world border to %s block(s) wide over %s second(s)", + "commands.worldborder.warning.distance.failed": "Nothing changed. The world border warning is already that distance", + "commands.worldborder.warning.distance.success": "Set the world border warning distance to %s block(s)", + "commands.worldborder.warning.time.failed": "Nothing changed. The world border warning is already that amount of time", + "commands.worldborder.warning.time.success": "Set the world border warning time to %s second(s)", + "compliance.playtime.greaterThan24Hours": "You've been playing for greater than 24 hours", + "compliance.playtime.hours": "You've been playing for %s hour(s)", + "compliance.playtime.message": "Excessive gaming may interfere with normal daily life", + "connect.aborted": "Aborted", + "connect.authorizing": "Logging in...", + "connect.connecting": "Connecting to the server...", + "connect.encrypting": "Encrypting...", + "connect.failed": "Failed to connect to the server", + "connect.joining": "Joining world...", + "connect.negotiating": "Negotiating...", + "container.barrel": "Barrel", + "container.beacon": "Beacon", + "container.blast_furnace": "Blast Furnace", + "container.brewing": "Brewing Stand", + "container.cartography_table": "Cartography Table", + "container.chest": "Chest", + "container.chestDouble": "Large Chest", + "container.crafting": "Crafting", + "container.creative": "Item Selection", + "container.dispenser": "Dispenser", + "container.dropper": "Dropper", + "container.enchant": "Enchant", + "container.enchant.clue": "%s . . . ?", + "container.enchant.lapis.many": "%s Lapis Lazuli", + "container.enchant.lapis.one": "1 Lapis Lazuli", + "container.enchant.level.many": "%s Enchantment Levels", + "container.enchant.level.one": "1 Enchantment Level", + "container.enchant.level.requirement": "Level Requirement: %s", + "container.enderchest": "Ender Chest", + "container.furnace": "Furnace", + "container.grindstone_title": "Repair & Disenchant", + "container.hopper": "Item Hopper", + "container.inventory": "Inventory", + "container.isLocked": "%s is locked!", + "container.lectern": "Lectern", + "container.loom": "Loom", + "container.repair": "Repair & Name", + "container.repair.cost": "Enchantment Cost: %1$s", + "container.repair.expensive": "Too Expensive!", + "container.shulkerBox": "Shulker Box", + "container.shulkerBox.more": "and %s more...", + "container.smoker": "Smoker", + "container.spectatorCantOpen": "Unable to open. Loot not generated yet.", + "container.stonecutter": "Stonecutter", + "container.upgrade": "Upgrade Gear", + "container.upgrade.error_tooltip": "Item can't be upgraded this way", + "container.upgrade.missing_template_tooltip": "Add Smithing Template", + "controls.keybinds": "Key Binds...", + "controls.keybinds.duplicateKeybinds": "This key is also used for:\n%s", + "controls.keybinds.title": "Key Binds", + "controls.reset": "Reset", + "controls.resetAll": "Reset Keys", + "controls.title": "Controls", + "createWorld.customize.buffet.biome": "Please select a biome", + "createWorld.customize.buffet.title": "Buffet world customization", + "createWorld.customize.custom.baseSize": "Depth Base Size", + "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeDepthOffset": "Biome Depth Offset", + "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeDepthWeight": "Biome Depth Weight", + "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeScaleOffset": "Biome Scale Offset", + "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeScaleWeight": "Biome Scale Weight", + "createWorld.customize.custom.biomeSize": "Biome Size", + "createWorld.customize.custom.center": "Center Height", + "createWorld.customize.custom.confirm1": "This will overwrite your current", + "createWorld.customize.custom.confirm2": "settings and cannot be undone.", + "createWorld.customize.custom.confirmTitle": "Warning!", + "createWorld.customize.custom.coordinateScale": "Coordinate Scale", + "createWorld.customize.custom.count": "Spawn Tries", + "createWorld.customize.custom.defaults": "Defaults", + "createWorld.customize.custom.depthNoiseScaleExponent": "Depth Noise Exponent", + "createWorld.customize.custom.depthNoiseScaleX": "Depth Noise Scale X", + "createWorld.customize.custom.depthNoiseScaleZ": "Depth Noise Scale Z", + "createWorld.customize.custom.dungeonChance": "Dungeon Count", + "createWorld.customize.custom.fixedBiome": "Biome", + "createWorld.customize.custom.heightScale": "Height Scale", + "createWorld.customize.custom.lavaLakeChance": "Lava Lake Rarity", + "createWorld.customize.custom.lowerLimitScale": "Lower Limit Scale", + "createWorld.customize.custom.mainNoiseScaleX": "Main Noise Scale X", + "createWorld.customize.custom.mainNoiseScaleY": "Main Noise Scale Y", + "createWorld.customize.custom.mainNoiseScaleZ": "Main Noise Scale Z", + "createWorld.customize.custom.maxHeight": "Max. Height", + "createWorld.customize.custom.minHeight": "Min. Height", + "createWorld.customize.custom.next": "Next Page", + "createWorld.customize.custom.page0": "Basic Settings", + "createWorld.customize.custom.page1": "Ore Settings", + "createWorld.customize.custom.page2": "Advanced Settings (Expert Users Only!)", + "createWorld.customize.custom.page3": "Extra Advanced Settings (Expert Users Only!)", + "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.caveChaos": "Caves of Chaos", + "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.caveDelight": "Caver's Delight", + "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.drought": "Drought", + "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.goodLuck": "Good Luck", "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.isleLand": "Isle Land", - "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.mountains": "Mauntin Craezines", - "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.waterWorld": "Moist Wurld", - "createWorld.customize.custom.presets": "presunts", - "createWorld.customize.custom.presets.title": "Custmiz Wurld Presuts", - "createWorld.customize.custom.prev": "go back plz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.randomize": "RANDUMIZE", - "createWorld.customize.custom.riverSize": "rivr siez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.seaLevel": "Watr lvl", - "createWorld.customize.custom.size": "spahn siez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.spread": "spred tallnes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.stretchY": "squeeze teh tallnes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.upperLimitScale": "ceiling max scael", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useCaves": "Caevz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useDungeons": "scaries", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useLavaLakes": "spiecie nopes", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useLavaOceans": "big spicy nope", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useMansions": "Land of Wood Manshuns", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useMineShafts": "mein zhaftsd", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useMonuments": "fisheh houzez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useOceanRuins": "Oo wator ruine!!!!??!", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useRavines": "spooky holez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useStrongholds": "kitteh towurz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useTemples": "hooman shrinez", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useVillages": "hooman townz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.useWaterLakes": "watr laekz", - "createWorld.customize.custom.waterLakeChance": "numbrz of watr laekz", - "createWorld.customize.flat.height": "tallnes", + "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.mountains": "Mountain Madness", + "createWorld.customize.custom.preset.waterWorld": "Water World", + "createWorld.customize.custom.presets": "Presets", + "createWorld.customize.custom.presets.title": "Customize World Presets", + "createWorld.customize.custom.prev": "Previous Page", + "createWorld.customize.custom.randomize": "Randomize", + "createWorld.customize.custom.riverSize": "River Size", + "createWorld.customize.custom.seaLevel": "Sea Level", + "createWorld.customize.custom.size": "Spawn Size", + "createWorld.customize.custom.spread": "Spread Height", + "createWorld.customize.custom.stretchY": "Height Stretch", + "createWorld.customize.custom.upperLimitScale": "Upper Limit Scale", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useCaves": "Caves", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useDungeons": "Dungeons", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useLavaLakes": "Lava Lakes", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useLavaOceans": "Lava Oceans", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useMansions": "Woodland Mansions", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useMineShafts": "Mineshafts", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useMonuments": "Ocean Monuments", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useOceanRuins": "Ocean Ruins", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useRavines": "Ravines", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useStrongholds": "Strongholds", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useTemples": "Temples", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useVillages": "Villages", + "createWorld.customize.custom.useWaterLakes": "Water Lakes", + "createWorld.customize.custom.waterLakeChance": "Water Lake Rarity", + "createWorld.customize.flat.height": "Height", "createWorld.customize.flat.layer": "%s", - "createWorld.customize.flat.layer.bottom": "Battom - %s", - "createWorld.customize.flat.layer.top": "High thingy - %s", - "createWorld.customize.flat.removeLayer": "Deleet Layr", - "createWorld.customize.flat.tile": "Layr materialz", - "createWorld.customize.flat.title": "SUPER FLAT CUSTOMIZ", - "createWorld.customize.presets": "Presuts", - "createWorld.customize.presets.list": "Human's presuts lolz!", - "createWorld.customize.presets.select": "Use presut", - "createWorld.customize.presets.share": "SHAR UR STOOF!?1? JUST PUNCH BOX!!!!1111!\n", - "createWorld.customize.presets.title": "Select a presut", - "createWorld.preparing": "Cat god iz preparin ur wurld...", - "createWorld.tab.game.title": "videogam", - "createWorld.tab.more.title": "Moar", - "createWorld.tab.world.title": "Wurld", - "credits_and_attribution.button.attribution": "Attribushun", - "credits_and_attribution.button.credits": "Thx to", - "credits_and_attribution.button.licenses": "Licensez", - "credits_and_attribution.screen.title": "Thx'ed katz 'nd their wurks", - "dataPack.bundle.description": "Enebal EXPREMINTL Boxies thingz", - "dataPack.bundle.name": "Cat powchz", - "dataPack.title": "Selecc data packz", - "dataPack.update_1_20.description": "neu feturrs wif epik stuffz 4 KaTKrAFt 1 . two-ty!!!", - "dataPack.update_1_20.name": "NEW UPDAET 1.20!1!!!1!!", - "dataPack.validation.back": "Go Bacc", - "dataPack.validation.failed": "Data pacc validashun fayld!", - "dataPack.validation.reset": "Rezet 2 defawlt", - "dataPack.validation.working": "Validatin selectd data packz...", - "dataPack.vanilla.description": "Teh uzual infoz", - "dataPack.vanilla.name": "Nermal", - "datapackFailure.safeMode": "Safty moed", - "datapackFailure.safeMode.failed.description": "Dis wurld containz inwalid or curruptd saev stuffz.", - "datapackFailure.safeMode.failed.title": "Faild 2 lod wurld in da safe mode", - "datapackFailure.title": "Errurs in nau chusen datapak maek wurld no loed. U can loed vanila datapak (\"Safty moed\") or go bak tu titol screhn and fix manuelly.", - "death.attack.anvil": "%1$s was squazhd by a falln anvehl", - "death.attack.anvil.player": "%1$s was kille by anvul from sky whil protec from %2$s", + "createWorld.customize.flat.layer.bottom": "Bottom - %s", + "createWorld.customize.flat.layer.top": "Top - %s", + "createWorld.customize.flat.removeLayer": "Remove Layer", + "createWorld.customize.flat.tile": "Layer Material", + "createWorld.customize.flat.title": "Superflat Customization", + "createWorld.customize.presets": "Presets", + "createWorld.customize.presets.list": "Alternatively, here's some we made earlier!", + "createWorld.customize.presets.select": "Use Preset", + "createWorld.customize.presets.share": "Want to share your preset with someone? Use the box below!", + "createWorld.customize.presets.title": "Select a Preset", + "createWorld.preparing": "Preparing for world creation...", + "createWorld.tab.game.title": "Game", + "createWorld.tab.more.title": "More", + "createWorld.tab.world.title": "World", + "credits_and_attribution.button.attribution": "Attribution", + "credits_and_attribution.button.credits": "Credits", + "credits_and_attribution.button.licenses": "Licenses", + "credits_and_attribution.screen.title": "Credits and Attribution", + "dataPack.bundle.description": "Enables experimental Bundle item", + "dataPack.bundle.name": "Bundles", + "dataPack.title": "Select Data Packs", + "dataPack.update_1_20.description": "New features and content for Minecraft 1.20", + "dataPack.update_1_20.name": "Update 1.20", + "dataPack.validation.back": "Go Back", + "dataPack.validation.failed": "Data pack validation failed!", + "dataPack.validation.reset": "Reset to Default", + "dataPack.validation.working": "Validating selected data packs...", + "dataPack.vanilla.description": "The default data for Minecraft", + "dataPack.vanilla.name": "Default", + "datapackFailure.safeMode": "Safe Mode", + "datapackFailure.safeMode.failed.description": "This world contains invalid or corrupted save data.", + "datapackFailure.safeMode.failed.title": "Failed to load world in Safe Mode.", + "datapackFailure.title": "Errors in currently selected data packs prevented the world from loading.\nYou can either try to load it with only the vanilla data pack (\"safe mode\"), or go back to the title screen and fix it manually.", + "death.attack.anvil": "%1$s was squashed by a falling anvil", + "death.attack.anvil.player": "%1$s was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting %2$s", "death.attack.arrow": "%1$s was shot by %2$s", - "death.attack.arrow.item": "%1$s was shot by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.badRespawnPoint.link": "Intnesional game desin", - "death.attack.badRespawnPoint.message": "%1$s was kill by %2$s", - "death.attack.cactus": "%1$s wuz prickd 2 death", - "death.attack.cactus.player": "%1$s walkd intu a spiky green plant whilst tryin 2 escaep %2$s", - "death.attack.cramming": "%1$s gut turnd intu mashd potato", - "death.attack.cramming.player": "%1$s wus skwash by %2$s", - "death.attack.dragonBreath": "%1$s wuz roastd in dragonz breath", - "death.attack.dragonBreath.player": "%1$s wuz roastd in dragonz breath by %2$s", - "death.attack.drown": "%1$s drownd when dey took a bath", - "death.attack.drown.player": "%1$s drownd whilst tryin 2 escape %2$s", - "death.attack.dryout": "%1$s ded from dehideration", - "death.attack.dryout.player": "%1$s ded from dehideration whils tryin 2 escape %2$s", - "death.attack.even_more_magic": "%1$s iz ded by lotz of magikz", - "death.attack.explosion": "%1$s xploded", - "death.attack.explosion.player": "%1$s waz xploded by %2$s", - "death.attack.explosion.player.item": "%1$s was boom by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.fall": "%1$s hit teh ground 2 hard", - "death.attack.fall.player": "%1$s fell cuz %2$s", - "death.attack.fallingBlock": "%1$s was squazhd by fallin bluk", - "death.attack.fallingBlock.player": "%1$s was kille by bloc from sky whil protec from %2$s", - "death.attack.fallingStalactite": "%1$s waz kut in half by foling sharp cave rok", - "death.attack.fallingStalactite.player": "%1$s waz kut in half by foling sharp cave rok whil scratchin at %2$s", - "death.attack.fireball": "%1$s was fierballd by %2$s", - "death.attack.fireball.item": "%1$s was fierballd %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.fireworks": "%1$s iz ded cuz BOOM", - "death.attack.fireworks.item": "%1$s exploded cuz a firwork ran awy frum %3$s bie %2$s", - "death.attack.fireworks.player": "%1$s got kill wif firwork whil protecting us frum %2$s", - "death.attack.flyIntoWall": "%1$s flu in2 a wal", - "death.attack.flyIntoWall.player": "%1$s flew 2 wall cuz of %2$s", - "death.attack.freeze": "%1$s waz 2 kold and died", - "death.attack.freeze.player": "%1$s waz 2 kold and died bcuz of %2$s", - "death.attack.generic": "R.I.P %1$s", - "death.attack.genericKill": "%s wuz dieded :(((", - "death.attack.generic.player": "%1$s dieded cuz %2$s", - "death.attack.hotFloor": "%1$s fund ut flor was laav", - "death.attack.hotFloor.player": "%1$s walkd into teh dangr zone due 2 %2$s", - "death.attack.inFire": "%1$s walkd in2 fier n dieded", - "death.attack.inFire.player": "%1$s walkd 2 fier wile fiting wif %2$s", - "death.attack.inWall": "%1$s dieded in teh wahls", - "death.attack.inWall.player": "%1$s die in wall whil fite %2$s", - "death.attack.indirectMagic": "%1$s was killd by %2$s usin magikz", - "death.attack.indirectMagic.item": "%1$s was killd by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.lava": "%1$s thawt thay cud swim in nope", - "death.attack.lava.player": "%1$s treid 2 swim in nope to git away frum %2$s", - "death.attack.lightningBolt": "%1$s waz struck by lightnin", - "death.attack.lightningBolt.player": "%1$s ded by ligtning wen figting %2$s", - "death.attack.magic": "%1$s was killd by magikz", - "death.attack.magic.player": "%1$s wahs skidaddle skadoodled whilst tryin 2 escaep %2$s", - "death.attack.message_too_long": "Akshully, teh mesage wuz 2 long 2 delivr fully. Sry! Heers strippd vershun %s", + "death.attack.arrow.item": "%1$s was shot by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.badRespawnPoint.link": "Intentional Game Design", + "death.attack.badRespawnPoint.message": "%1$s was killed by %2$s", + "death.attack.cactus": "%1$s was pricked to death", + "death.attack.cactus.player": "%1$s walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.cramming": "%1$s was squished too much", + "death.attack.cramming.player": "%1$s was squashed by %2$s", + "death.attack.dragonBreath": "%1$s was roasted in dragon's breath", + "death.attack.dragonBreath.player": "%1$s was roasted in dragon's breath by %2$s", + "death.attack.drown": "%1$s drowned", + "death.attack.drown.player": "%1$s drowned whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.dryout": "%1$s died from dehydration", + "death.attack.dryout.player": "%1$s died from dehydration whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.even_more_magic": "%1$s was killed by even more magic", + "death.attack.explosion": "%1$s blew up", + "death.attack.explosion.player": "%1$s was blown up by %2$s", + "death.attack.explosion.player.item": "%1$s was blown up by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.fall": "%1$s hit the ground too hard", + "death.attack.fall.player": "%1$s hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.fallingBlock": "%1$s was squashed by a falling block", + "death.attack.fallingBlock.player": "%1$s was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.fallingStalactite": "%1$s was skewered by a falling stalactite", + "death.attack.fallingStalactite.player": "%1$s was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.fireball": "%1$s was fireballed by %2$s", + "death.attack.fireball.item": "%1$s was fireballed by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.fireworks": "%1$s went off with a bang", + "death.attack.fireworks.item": "%1$s went off with a bang due to a firework fired from %3$s by %2$s", + "death.attack.fireworks.player": "%1$s went off with a bang whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.flyIntoWall": "%1$s experienced kinetic energy", + "death.attack.flyIntoWall.player": "%1$s experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.freeze": "%1$s froze to death", + "death.attack.freeze.player": "%1$s was frozen to death by %2$s", + "death.attack.generic": "%1$s died", + "death.attack.genericKill": "%1$s was killed", + "death.attack.genericKill.player": "%1$s was killed whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.generic.player": "%1$s died because of %2$s", + "death.attack.hotFloor": "%1$s discovered the floor was lava", + "death.attack.hotFloor.player": "%1$s walked into the danger zone due to %2$s", + "death.attack.indirectMagic": "%1$s was killed by %2$s using magic", + "death.attack.indirectMagic.item": "%1$s was killed by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.inFire": "%1$s went up in flames", + "death.attack.inFire.player": "%1$s walked into fire whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.inWall": "%1$s suffocated in a wall", + "death.attack.inWall.player": "%1$s suffocated in a wall whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.lava": "%1$s tried to swim in lava", + "death.attack.lava.player": "%1$s tried to swim in lava to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.lightningBolt": "%1$s was struck by lightning", + "death.attack.lightningBolt.player": "%1$s was struck by lightning whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.magic": "%1$s was killed by magic", + "death.attack.magic.player": "%1$s was killed by magic whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.message_too_long": "Actually, the message was too long to deliver fully. Sorry! Here's stripped version: %s", "death.attack.mob": "%1$s was slain by %2$s", - "death.attack.mob.item": "%1$s was slain by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.onFire": "%1$s died in a fier", - "death.attack.onFire.item": "%1$s was fiting %2$s wen thay BURND ALIEV wildin %3$s!!!", - "death.attack.onFire.player": "%1$s was fiting %2$s wen thay BURND ALIEV!!!", - "death.attack.outOfWorld": "%1$s fell out ov teh wurld", - "death.attack.outOfWorld.player": "%1$s not want to liv in sam world as %2$s", - "death.attack.player": "%1$s was scretchd bai %2$s", - "death.attack.player.item": "%1$s was scratchd to ded by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.sonic_boom": "%1$s was booomed bai a sunically-charged EPIG ANIME ATTEK!!!!!!!~~", - "death.attack.sonic_boom.item": "%1$s was booooomed by a sunically-charged ANIME ATTECK while tring 2 hid from %2$s wildin %3$s", - "death.attack.sonic_boom.player": "%1$s was booooomed by a sunically-charged ANIME ATTECK while trin 2 hid from %2$s", - "death.attack.stalagmite": "%1$s waz hurt bi sharp cave rokk", - "death.attack.stalagmite.player": "%1$s waz hurt bi sharp cave rokk whil scratchin at %2$s", - "death.attack.starve": "%1$s starvd 2 death", - "death.attack.starve.player": "%1$s starvd whil fitghting %2$s", - "death.attack.sting": "%1$s was piereced to DETH", - "death.attack.sting.item": "%1$s wuz poked 2 deth by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.sting.player": " %2$s piereced %1$s to DETH", - "death.attack.sweetBerryBush": "%1$s was poked to deth by a sweet bery bush", - "death.attack.sweetBerryBush.player": "%1$s was poked to deth by a sweet bery bush whilst trying to escepe %2$s", - "death.attack.thorns": "%1$s was killd tryin 2 hurt %2$s", - "death.attack.thorns.item": "%1$s was killd tryin by %3$s 2 hurt %2$s", - "death.attack.thrown": "%1$s was pumeld by %2$s", - "death.attack.thrown.item": "%1$s was pumeld by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.attack.trident": "%1$s was vigorously poked by %2$s", - "death.attack.trident.item": "%1$s was imPAled cos of %2$s and iz %3$s", - "death.attack.wither": "%1$s withrd away lol", - "death.attack.wither.player": "%1$s withrd away while protecting us against %2$s", - "death.attack.witherSkull": "%1$s vus shhoott bai 1 skall frem %2$s", - "death.attack.witherSkull.item": "%1$s wus shhoott bai 1 skall frem %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.fell.accident.generic": "%1$s fell frum high place", - "death.fell.accident.ladder": "%1$s fell off laddr an doan landd on fed", - "death.fell.accident.other_climbable": "%1$s fell whil clymbin", - "death.fell.accident.scaffolding": "%1$s dropd frm a climby thing", - "death.fell.accident.twisting_vines": "%1$s kuldnt huld da spyral noodel", - "death.fell.accident.vines": "%1$s fell off sum vinez", - "death.fell.accident.weeping_vines": "%1$s kuldnt huld da sad noodel", - "death.fell.assist": "%1$s wuz doomd 2 fall by %2$s", - "death.fell.assist.item": "%1$s wuz doomd 2 fall by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.fell.finish": "%1$s fell 2 far an wuz finishd by %2$s", - "death.fell.finish.item": "%1$s fell 2 far an wuz finishd by %2$s usin %3$s", - "death.fell.killer": "%1$s waz doomd 2 fall", - "deathScreen.quit.confirm": "R u sure u wants 2 quit?", - "deathScreen.respawn": "Remeow", - "deathScreen.score": "ur pointz", - "deathScreen.spectate": "Spec wurld lol", - "deathScreen.title": "U dies, sad kitteh :c", - "deathScreen.title.hardcore": "Gaem ova, lol", - "deathScreen.titleScreen": "Da Big Menu", - "debug.advanced_tooltips.help": "F3 + H = Advancd tooltipz", - "debug.advanced_tooltips.off": "Advancd tooltipz: nah", - "debug.advanced_tooltips.on": "Advancd tooltipz: yea", - "debug.chunk_boundaries.help": "F3 + G = maek linez 'round pieczs", - "debug.chunk_boundaries.off": "Chunk line thingys: Nah", - "debug.chunk_boundaries.on": "Chunk line thingys: Yea", - "debug.clear_chat.help": "F3 + D = forget wat every1 is sayin", - "debug.copy_location.help": "f3 + 3 = copi locatoin as /tp command, hold f3 + c to mak gam go pasta!!", - "debug.copy_location.message": "Coopieed luucation tO clappbirb", - "debug.crash.message": "f3 + c i prssed. dis wil mak gam go pasta unles rilizd", - "debug.crash.warning": "Stup guorkin in %s...", - "debug.creative_spectator.error": "U shall nawt chaeng ur gaemmode!", - "debug.creative_spectator.help": "F3 + N = Chaenge gaemmode <-> spetaror", - "debug.dump_dynamic_textures": "Savd dinamix textuurz 2 %s", - "debug.dump_dynamic_textures.help": "f3 + s = dump dinamix textuurz", - "debug.gamemodes.error": "Uh oh, no swichin permishunz", - "debug.gamemodes.help": "f3 and f4 = open cat mood changer", + "death.attack.mob.item": "%1$s was slain by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.onFire": "%1$s burned to death", + "death.attack.onFire.item": "%1$s was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting %2$s wielding %3$s", + "death.attack.onFire.player": "%1$s was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.outsideBorder": "%1$s left the confines of this world", + "death.attack.outsideBorder.player": "%1$s left the confines of this world whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.outOfWorld": "%1$s fell out of the world", + "death.attack.outOfWorld.player": "%1$s didn't want to live in the same world as %2$s", + "death.attack.player": "%1$s was slain by %2$s", + "death.attack.player.item": "%1$s was slain by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.sonic_boom": "%1$s was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek", + "death.attack.sonic_boom.item": "%1$s was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape %2$s wielding %3$s", + "death.attack.sonic_boom.player": "%1$s was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.stalagmite": "%1$s was impaled on a stalagmite", + "death.attack.stalagmite.player": "%1$s was impaled on a stalagmite whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.starve": "%1$s starved to death", + "death.attack.starve.player": "%1$s starved to death whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.sting": "%1$s was stung to death", + "death.attack.sting.item": "%1$s was stung to death by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.sting.player": "%1$s was stung to death by %2$s", + "death.attack.sweetBerryBush": "%1$s was poked to death by a sweet berry bush", + "death.attack.sweetBerryBush.player": "%1$s was poked to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape %2$s", + "death.attack.thorns": "%1$s was killed trying to hurt %2$s", + "death.attack.thorns.item": "%1$s was killed by %3$s trying to hurt %2$s", + "death.attack.thrown": "%1$s was pummeled by %2$s", + "death.attack.thrown.item": "%1$s was pummeled by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.attack.trident": "%1$s was impaled by %2$s", + "death.attack.trident.item": "%1$s was impaled by %2$s with %3$s", + "death.attack.wither": "%1$s withered away", + "death.attack.wither.player": "%1$s withered away whilst fighting %2$s", + "death.attack.witherSkull": "%1$s was shot by a skull from %2$s", + "death.attack.witherSkull.item": "%1$s was shot by a skull from %2$s using %3$s", + "death.fell.accident.generic": "%1$s fell from a high place", + "death.fell.accident.ladder": "%1$s fell off a ladder", + "death.fell.accident.other_climbable": "%1$s fell while climbing", + "death.fell.accident.scaffolding": "%1$s fell off scaffolding", + "death.fell.accident.twisting_vines": "%1$s fell off some twisting vines", + "death.fell.accident.vines": "%1$s fell off some vines", + "death.fell.accident.weeping_vines": "%1$s fell off some weeping vines", + "death.fell.assist": "%1$s was doomed to fall by %2$s", + "death.fell.assist.item": "%1$s was doomed to fall by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.fell.finish": "%1$s fell too far and was finished by %2$s", + "death.fell.finish.item": "%1$s fell too far and was finished by %2$s using %3$s", + "death.fell.killer": "%1$s was doomed to fall", + "deathScreen.quit.confirm": "Are you sure you want to quit?", + "deathScreen.respawn": "Respawn", + "deathScreen.score": "Score", + "deathScreen.spectate": "Spectate World", + "deathScreen.title": "You Died!", + "deathScreen.title.hardcore": "Game Over!", + "deathScreen.titleScreen": "Title Screen", + "debug.advanced_tooltips.help": "F3 + H = Advanced tooltips", + "debug.advanced_tooltips.off": "Advanced tooltips: hidden", + "debug.advanced_tooltips.on": "Advanced tooltips: shown", + "debug.chunk_boundaries.help": "F3 + G = Show chunk boundaries", + "debug.chunk_boundaries.off": "Chunk borders: hidden", + "debug.chunk_boundaries.on": "Chunk borders: shown", + "debug.clear_chat.help": "F3 + D = Clear chat", + "debug.copy_location.help": "F3 + C = Copy location as /tp command, hold F3 + C to crash the game", + "debug.copy_location.message": "Copied location to clipboard", + "debug.crash.message": "F3 + C is held down. This will crash the game unless released.", + "debug.crash.warning": "Crashing in %s...", + "debug.creative_spectator.error": "Unable to switch game mode; no permission", + "debug.creative_spectator.help": "F3 + N = Cycle previous game mode <-> spectator", + "debug.dump_dynamic_textures": "Saved dynamic textures to %s", + "debug.dump_dynamic_textures.help": "F3 + S = Dump dynamic textures", + "debug.gamemodes.error": "Unable to open game mode switcher; no permission", + "debug.gamemodes.help": "F3 + F4 = Open game mode switcher", "debug.gamemodes.press_f4": "[ F4 ]", - "debug.gamemodes.select_next": "%s Nekzt", - "debug.help.help": "F3 + Q = Wat ur lookin at rite nao", - "debug.help.message": "Kei bindunz:", - "debug.inspect.client.block": "Copid client-side block data 2 clipbord", - "debug.inspect.client.entity": "Copid client-side entity data 2 clipbord", - "debug.inspect.help": "F3 + I = Copy entity or blukz data 2 clipboard", - "debug.inspect.server.block": "Copid servr-side block data 2 clipbord", - "debug.inspect.server.entity": "Copid servr-side entity data 2 clipbord", - "debug.pause.help": "F3 + Esc = Paws wifut da menu (cant if cant paws)", - "debug.pause_focus.help": "F3 + P = Paws wen no focusss", - "debug.pause_focus.off": "Paws wen no focus: nah", - "debug.pause_focus.on": "Paws wen no focus: yea", - "debug.prefix": "[Dedog]:", - "debug.profiling.help": "F3 + L = Statr/stup your catt saving", - "debug.profiling.start": "Profilin startd fr %s secundz. Us F3 + L to stop eerle", - "debug.profiling.stop": "The Grand Finaly of Profilin'. saivd rezults too %s", - "debug.reload_chunks.help": "F3 + A = mak all piecz reloed", - "debug.reload_chunks.message": "Reloedin all pieczs", - "debug.reload_resourcepacks.help": "F3 + T = Reloed visualz", - "debug.reload_resourcepacks.message": "Reloeded visualz", - "debug.show_hitboxes.help": "F3 + B = put all stuffz in glas box", - "debug.show_hitboxes.off": "Stuff is in glass boxs: nah", - "debug.show_hitboxes.on": "Stuff is in glass boxs: yea", - "demo.day.1": "Dis cat demo wil lust 5 gaem daez, so do ur best!", - "demo.day.2": "DAI 2", - "demo.day.3": "DAI 3", - "demo.day.4": "DAI 4", - "demo.day.5": "DIS UR LAST DAI!!!!!", - "demo.day.6": "U have pasd ur 5th dae. Uz %s 2 saev a screenshawt of ur kreashun.", - "demo.day.warning": "UR TIEM IZ ALMOST UP!", - "demo.demoExpired": "Ur dmo haz run out of kittehs!", - "demo.help.buy": "Buy nao!", - "demo.help.fullWrapped": "Dis demo's gunna last 5 in-gaem-daez (bout 1 oure nd 40 minits of kitteh tiem). Chevk le advaensmens 4 hintz! Haev fun!", - "demo.help.inventory": "PRES %1$s 2 LUK AT UR STUFF", - "demo.help.jump": "JUMP BI PRESING %1$s-key", - "demo.help.later": "Go on playin!", - "demo.help.movement": "UZ %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s N TASTI MOUZEZ 2 MOVE ARUND", - "demo.help.movementMouse": "LUK ARUND USIN TEH MOUZ", - "demo.help.movementShort": "MOV BI PRESING %1$s, %2$s, %3$s N %4$s", - "demo.help.title": "DMO MOED LOL", - "demo.remainingTime": "REMENING TIEM: %s", - "demo.reminder": "Za demo tiem haz ekspird. Buy da gaem 2 kontinu or start 1 new wurld!", - "difficulty.lock.question": "R u sure u wants 2 lock teh difficulty ov dis wurld ? Dis will set dis wurld 2 always be %1$s,na u will nevr be able 2 change dat again!", - "difficulty.lock.title": "Lock Wurld Difficulty", - "disconnect.closed": "Cat clozed konecticon", - "disconnect.disconnected": "U left teh catwalk", - "disconnect.endOfStream": "Ent ov striam", - "disconnect.exceeded_packet_rate": "Kick'd 4 eksidin paket ratd limet", + "debug.gamemodes.select_next": "%s Next", + "debug.help.help": "F3 + Q = Show this list", + "debug.help.message": "Key bindings:", + "debug.inspect.client.block": "Copied client-side block data to clipboard", + "debug.inspect.client.entity": "Copied client-side entity data to clipboard", + "debug.inspect.help": "F3 + I = Copy entity or block data to clipboard", + "debug.inspect.server.block": "Copied server-side block data to clipboard", + "debug.inspect.server.entity": "Copied server-side entity data to clipboard", + "debug.pause_focus.help": "F3 + P = Pause on lost focus", + "debug.pause_focus.off": "Pause on lost focus: disabled", + "debug.pause_focus.on": "Pause on lost focus: enabled", + "debug.pause.help": "F3 + Esc = Pause without pause menu (if pausing is possible)", + "debug.prefix": "[Debug]:", + "debug.profiling.help": "F3 + L = Start/stop profiling", + "debug.profiling.start": "Profiling started for %s seconds. Use F3 + L to stop early", + "debug.profiling.stop": "Profiling ended. Saved results to %s", + "debug.reload_chunks.help": "F3 + A = Reload chunks", + "debug.reload_chunks.message": "Reloading all chunks", + "debug.reload_resourcepacks.help": "F3 + T = Reload resource packs", + "debug.reload_resourcepacks.message": "Reloaded resource packs", + "debug.show_hitboxes.help": "F3 + B = Show hitboxes", + "debug.show_hitboxes.off": "Hitboxes: hidden", + "debug.show_hitboxes.on": "Hitboxes: shown", + "demo.day.1": "This demo will last five game days. Do your best!", + "demo.day.2": "Day Two", + "demo.day.3": "Day Three", + "demo.day.4": "Day Four", + "demo.day.5": "This is your last day!", + "demo.day.6": "You have passed your fifth day. Use %s to save a screenshot of your creation.", + "demo.day.warning": "Your time is almost up!", + "demo.demoExpired": "Demo time's up!", + "demo.help.buy": "Purchase Now!", + "demo.help.fullWrapped": "This demo will last 5 in-game days (about 1 hour and 40 minutes of real time). Check the advancements for hints! Have fun!", + "demo.help.inventory": "Use the %1$s key to open your inventory", + "demo.help.jump": "Jump by pressing the %1$s key", + "demo.help.later": "Continue Playing!", + "demo.help.movement": "Use the %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s keys and the mouse to move around", + "demo.help.movementMouse": "Look around using the mouse", + "demo.help.movementShort": "Move by pressing the %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s keys", + "demo.help.title": "Minecraft Demo Mode", + "demo.remainingTime": "Remaining time: %s", + "demo.reminder": "The demo time has expired. Buy the game to continue or start a new world!", + "difficulty.lock.question": "Are you sure you want to lock the difficulty of this world? This will set this world to always be %1$s, and you will never be able to change that again.", + "difficulty.lock.title": "Lock World Difficulty", + "disconnect.closed": "Connection closed", + "disconnect.disconnected": "Disconnected by Server", + "disconnect.endOfStream": "End of stream", + "disconnect.exceeded_packet_rate": "Kicked for exceeding packet rate limit", "disconnect.genericReason": "%s", - "disconnect.kicked": "Ran awy frm ownrz", - "disconnect.loginFailed": "u faild log1n", - "disconnect.loginFailedInfo": "Fled to lug in: %s", - "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.insufficientPrivileges": "Utur kittehz is dizabl, pwease chek ur Mekrosoft akowant setinz.", - "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.invalidSession": "sezzion nawt workz (restart ur gaem & lawnchr)", - "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.serversUnavailable": "coodnt reach authentikashn servers! plz try again.", - "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.userBanned": "U r beaned frum playin wif oddr kats!!!", - "disconnect.lost": "U fell of teh catwalk", - "disconnect.overflow": "butter oveflou", - "disconnect.quitting": "KTHXBYE", - "disconnect.spam": "Meow, sthap spammin'", - "disconnect.timeout": "took 2 long", - "disconnect.unknownHost": "Kitteh doezn't know da hozt", - "editGamerule.default": "Da basikz: %s", - "editGamerule.title": "EDET gaem Rulez", - "effect.duration.infinite": "forevah", - "effect.minecraft.absorption": "absurbshun", - "effect.minecraft.bad_omen": "Bad kitteh", - "effect.minecraft.blindness": "I cant see anything", - "effect.minecraft.conduit_power": "Kitty powah", - "effect.minecraft.darkness": "kripi fog", - "effect.minecraft.dolphins_grace": "Greis of a Dolphin", - "effect.minecraft.fire_resistance": "Fire Rezistance", - "effect.minecraft.glowing": "Makes U Shiny", - "effect.minecraft.haste": "IM MININ FAST", - "effect.minecraft.health_boost": "10th Life", - "effect.minecraft.hero_of_the_village": "Da Hero ov teh Village", - "effect.minecraft.hunger": "Need nomz", - "effect.minecraft.instant_damage": "Instant Ouch", - "effect.minecraft.instant_health": "insta sheezburgerz", - "effect.minecraft.invisibility": "U cant see meh", - "effect.minecraft.jump_boost": "Bunny cat", - "effect.minecraft.levitation": "Hoverz", - "effect.minecraft.luck": "LOL", - "effect.minecraft.mining_fatigue": "fu wana stehp minin", - "effect.minecraft.nausea": "Sik cat", - "effect.minecraft.night_vision": "Cat Vishun", - "effect.minecraft.poison": "Puizn", - "effect.minecraft.regeneration": "Time Lordz Buffeh", - "effect.minecraft.resistance": "Rezistance", - "effect.minecraft.saturation": "Satshurashun", - "effect.minecraft.slow_falling": "Slowmo fall", - "effect.minecraft.slowness": "fatnes", - "effect.minecraft.speed": "spede", - "effect.minecraft.strength": "Powah", - "effect.minecraft.unluck": "NOT LOL", - "effect.minecraft.water_breathing": "Watr Breathin", - "effect.minecraft.weakness": "Fat cat", - "effect.minecraft.wither": "wiithurr", - "effect.none": "No Effects to dis cat", + "disconnect.ignoring_status_request": "Ignoring status request", + "disconnect.kicked": "Was kicked from the game", + "disconnect.loginFailed": "Failed to log in", + "disconnect.loginFailedInfo": "Failed to log in: %s", + "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.insufficientPrivileges": "Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft account settings.", + "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.invalidSession": "Invalid session (Try restarting your game and the launcher)", + "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.serversUnavailable": "The authentication servers are currently not reachable. Please try again.", + "disconnect.loginFailedInfo.userBanned": "You are banned from playing online", + "disconnect.lost": "Connection Lost", + "disconnect.overflow": "Buffer overflow", + "disconnect.quitting": "Quitting", + "disconnect.spam": "Kicked for spamming", + "disconnect.timeout": "Timed out", + "disconnect.unknownHost": "Unknown host", + "editGamerule.default": "Default: %s", + "editGamerule.title": "Edit Game Rules", + "effect.duration.infinite": "∞", + "effect.minecraft.absorption": "Absorption", + "effect.minecraft.bad_omen": "Bad Omen", + "effect.minecraft.blindness": "Blindness", + "effect.minecraft.conduit_power": "Conduit Power", + "effect.minecraft.darkness": "Darkness", + "effect.minecraft.dolphins_grace": "Dolphin's Grace", + "effect.minecraft.fire_resistance": "Fire Resistance", + "effect.minecraft.glowing": "Glowing", + "effect.minecraft.haste": "Haste", + "effect.minecraft.health_boost": "Health Boost", + "effect.minecraft.hero_of_the_village": "Hero of the Village", + "effect.minecraft.hunger": "Hunger", + "effect.minecraft.instant_damage": "Instant Damage", + "effect.minecraft.instant_health": "Instant Health", + "effect.minecraft.invisibility": "Invisibility", + "effect.minecraft.jump_boost": "Jump Boost", + "effect.minecraft.levitation": "Levitation", + "effect.minecraft.luck": "Luck", + "effect.minecraft.mining_fatigue": "Mining Fatigue", + "effect.minecraft.nausea": "Nausea", + "effect.minecraft.night_vision": "Night Vision", + "effect.minecraft.poison": "Poison", + "effect.minecraft.regeneration": "Regeneration", + "effect.minecraft.resistance": "Resistance", + "effect.minecraft.saturation": "Saturation", + "effect.minecraft.slow_falling": "Slow Falling", + "effect.minecraft.slowness": "Slowness", + "effect.minecraft.speed": "Speed", + "effect.minecraft.strength": "Strength", + "effect.minecraft.unluck": "Bad Luck", + "effect.minecraft.water_breathing": "Water Breathing", + "effect.minecraft.weakness": "Weakness", + "effect.minecraft.wither": "Wither", + "effect.none": "No Effects", "enchantment.level.1": "I", - "enchantment.level.10": "X", - "enchantment.level.2": "2", - "enchantment.level.3": "THRE", - "enchantment.level.4": "4our", - "enchantment.level.5": "5ve", - "enchantment.level.6": "6", + "enchantment.level.2": "II", + "enchantment.level.3": "III", + "enchantment.level.4": "IV", + "enchantment.level.5": "V", + "enchantment.level.6": "VI", "enchantment.level.7": "VII", "enchantment.level.8": "VIII", "enchantment.level.9": "IX", - "enchantment.minecraft.aqua_affinity": "Kitteh no like water", - "enchantment.minecraft.bane_of_arthropods": "KILL ALL DIS SPIDRZ", - "enchantment.minecraft.binding_curse": "cant taek dis off", - "enchantment.minecraft.blast_protection": "Blast Protecshun", - "enchantment.minecraft.channeling": "Being thor", - "enchantment.minecraft.depth_strider": "Fuzt Watur Wullken", - "enchantment.minecraft.efficiency": "Fuzt Diggin'", - "enchantment.minecraft.feather_falling": "Fall on ur feetz", - "enchantment.minecraft.fire_aspect": "Burn dis thing", - "enchantment.minecraft.fire_protection": "Fier Protecshun", - "enchantment.minecraft.flame": "Flaem", - "enchantment.minecraft.fortune": "Forshun", - "enchantment.minecraft.frost_walker": "cat no liek water hax", - "enchantment.minecraft.impaling": "Idk lmao", - "enchantment.minecraft.infinity": "FOREVERS", - "enchantment.minecraft.knockback": "Nockback", - "enchantment.minecraft.looting": "Steal all dis thingz", - "enchantment.minecraft.loyalty": "BFF", - "enchantment.minecraft.luck_of_the_sea": "Luk ov se zee", - "enchantment.minecraft.lure": "Luer", - "enchantment.minecraft.mending": "Mendin", - "enchantment.minecraft.multishot": "Manysot", - "enchantment.minecraft.piercing": "Errow gous thru", - "enchantment.minecraft.power": "Powir", - "enchantment.minecraft.projectile_protection": "Projektile Protecshun", - "enchantment.minecraft.protection": "Protecshun", - "enchantment.minecraft.punch": "Punsh", - "enchantment.minecraft.quick_charge": "Qwick Charge", - "enchantment.minecraft.respiration": "fish moed", - "enchantment.minecraft.riptide": "COME BACK", - "enchantment.minecraft.sharpness": "Much sharp", - "enchantment.minecraft.silk_touch": "Smooth Diggin'", - "enchantment.minecraft.smite": "Smiet", - "enchantment.minecraft.soul_speed": "rannin on ded peepl", - "enchantment.minecraft.sweeping": "Sweeper Deeper", - "enchantment.minecraft.swift_sneak": "SNEK SPEEDRUN!!", - "enchantment.minecraft.thorns": "Spiky", - "enchantment.minecraft.unbreaking": "Nevr break", - "enchantment.minecraft.vanishing_curse": "wen u getrekt its gon", - "entity.minecraft.allay": "flyin blu mob", - "entity.minecraft.area_effect_cloud": "Area Effect Cloud\n", - "entity.minecraft.armor_stand": "Stick hooman", - "entity.minecraft.arrow": "ERROW", - "entity.minecraft.axolotl": "KUTE PINK FISHH", - "entity.minecraft.bat": "Batman", - "entity.minecraft.bee": "B", - "entity.minecraft.blaze": "OMG it's made of fier", - "entity.minecraft.block_display": "Blok Dizplae", - "entity.minecraft.boat": "Watr car", - "entity.minecraft.camel": "Bumpy Banana Hors", - "entity.minecraft.cat": "Kitteh", - "entity.minecraft.cave_spider": "Tine paneful spidur", - "entity.minecraft.chest_boat": "Watr Car wif Cat box", - "entity.minecraft.chest_minecart": "Minecat wif Cat Box", - "entity.minecraft.chicken": "Bawk Bawk!", - "entity.minecraft.cod": "Cot", - "entity.minecraft.command_block_minecart": "Minecat wif Comnd Bluk", - "entity.minecraft.cow": "Milk-Maeker", + "enchantment.level.10": "X", + "enchantment.minecraft.aqua_affinity": "Aqua Affinity", + "enchantment.minecraft.bane_of_arthropods": "Bane of Arthropods", + "enchantment.minecraft.binding_curse": "Curse of Binding", + "enchantment.minecraft.blast_protection": "Blast Protection", + "enchantment.minecraft.channeling": "Channeling", + "enchantment.minecraft.depth_strider": "Depth Strider", + "enchantment.minecraft.efficiency": "Efficiency", + "enchantment.minecraft.feather_falling": "Feather Falling", + "enchantment.minecraft.fire_aspect": "Fire Aspect", + "enchantment.minecraft.fire_protection": "Fire Protection", + "enchantment.minecraft.flame": "Flame", + "enchantment.minecraft.fortune": "Fortune", + "enchantment.minecraft.frost_walker": "Frost Walker", + "enchantment.minecraft.impaling": "Impaling", + "enchantment.minecraft.infinity": "Infinity", + "enchantment.minecraft.knockback": "Knockback", + "enchantment.minecraft.looting": "Looting", + "enchantment.minecraft.loyalty": "Loyalty", + "enchantment.minecraft.luck_of_the_sea": "Luck of the Sea", + "enchantment.minecraft.lure": "Lure", + "enchantment.minecraft.mending": "Mending", + "enchantment.minecraft.multishot": "Multishot", + "enchantment.minecraft.piercing": "Piercing", + "enchantment.minecraft.power": "Power", + "enchantment.minecraft.projectile_protection": "Projectile Protection", + "enchantment.minecraft.protection": "Protection", + "enchantment.minecraft.punch": "Punch", + "enchantment.minecraft.quick_charge": "Quick Charge", + "enchantment.minecraft.respiration": "Respiration", + "enchantment.minecraft.riptide": "Riptide", + "enchantment.minecraft.sharpness": "Sharpness", + "enchantment.minecraft.silk_touch": "Silk Touch", + "enchantment.minecraft.smite": "Smite", + "enchantment.minecraft.soul_speed": "Soul Speed", + "enchantment.minecraft.sweeping": "Sweeping Edge", + "enchantment.minecraft.swift_sneak": "Swift Sneak", + "enchantment.minecraft.thorns": "Thorns", + "enchantment.minecraft.unbreaking": "Unbreaking", + "enchantment.minecraft.vanishing_curse": "Curse of Vanishing", + "entity.minecraft.allay": "Allay", + "entity.minecraft.area_effect_cloud": "Area Effect Cloud", + "entity.minecraft.armor_stand": "Armor Stand", + "entity.minecraft.arrow": "Arrow", + "entity.minecraft.axolotl": "Axolotl", + "entity.minecraft.bat": "Bat", + "entity.minecraft.bee": "Bee", + "entity.minecraft.blaze": "Blaze", + "entity.minecraft.block_display": "Block Display", + "entity.minecraft.boat": "Boat", + "entity.minecraft.camel": "Camel", + "entity.minecraft.cat": "Cat", + "entity.minecraft.cave_spider": "Cave Spider", + "entity.minecraft.chest_boat": "Boat with Chest", + "entity.minecraft.chest_minecart": "Minecart with Chest", + "entity.minecraft.chicken": "Chicken", + "entity.minecraft.cod": "Cod", + "entity.minecraft.command_block_minecart": "Minecart with Command Block", + "entity.minecraft.cow": "Cow", "entity.minecraft.creeper": "Creeper", - "entity.minecraft.dolphin": "doolfin", - "entity.minecraft.donkey": "Donkeh", - "entity.minecraft.dragon_fireball": "Dragunish burp", - "entity.minecraft.drowned": "watuur thing", - "entity.minecraft.egg": "Fhrown Egg", - "entity.minecraft.elder_guardian": "BIG LAZUR SHARK", - "entity.minecraft.end_crystal": "no touchy cryystal", - "entity.minecraft.ender_dragon": "Dwagon Bos", - "entity.minecraft.ender_pearl": "Frown Ender Perl", + "entity.minecraft.dolphin": "Dolphin", + "entity.minecraft.donkey": "Donkey", + "entity.minecraft.dragon_fireball": "Dragon Fireball", + "entity.minecraft.drowned": "Drowned", + "entity.minecraft.egg": "Thrown Egg", + "entity.minecraft.elder_guardian": "Elder Guardian", + "entity.minecraft.end_crystal": "End Crystal", + "entity.minecraft.ender_dragon": "Ender Dragon", + "entity.minecraft.ender_pearl": "Thrown Ender Pearl", "entity.minecraft.enderman": "Enderman", "entity.minecraft.endermite": "Endermite", - "entity.minecraft.evoker": "Wizrd", - "entity.minecraft.evoker_fangs": "Evokr fanjz", - "entity.minecraft.experience_bottle": "Thraun potion wif ur levlz", - "entity.minecraft.experience_orb": "Experience Ballz", - "entity.minecraft.eye_of_ender": "Teh evil eye", - "entity.minecraft.falling_block": "bb bluk lol", - "entity.minecraft.falling_block_type": "Fallin %s", - "entity.minecraft.fireball": "Nope", - "entity.minecraft.firework_rocket": "shiny 'splody thing", - "entity.minecraft.fishing_bobber": "watuur toy", - "entity.minecraft.fox": "Fuxe", - "entity.minecraft.frog": "Toad", - "entity.minecraft.furnace_minecart": "Minecat wif Hot Box", + "entity.minecraft.evoker": "Evoker", + "entity.minecraft.evoker_fangs": "Evoker Fangs", + "entity.minecraft.experience_bottle": "Thrown Bottle o' Enchanting", + "entity.minecraft.experience_orb": "Experience Orb", + "entity.minecraft.eye_of_ender": "Eye of Ender", + "entity.minecraft.falling_block": "Falling Block", + "entity.minecraft.falling_block_type": "Falling %s", + "entity.minecraft.fireball": "Fireball", + "entity.minecraft.firework_rocket": "Firework Rocket", + "entity.minecraft.fishing_bobber": "Fishing Bobber", + "entity.minecraft.fox": "Fox", + "entity.minecraft.frog": "Frog", + "entity.minecraft.furnace_minecart": "Minecart with Furnace", "entity.minecraft.ghast": "Ghast", - "entity.minecraft.giant": "OMG ZOMBIE 4 DAYZ", - "entity.minecraft.glow_item_frame": "kitteh fraem but SHINY", - "entity.minecraft.glow_squid": "Shiny skwid", - "entity.minecraft.goat": "monten shep", - "entity.minecraft.guardian": "SHARKS WITH LAZERS", + "entity.minecraft.giant": "Giant", + "entity.minecraft.glow_item_frame": "Glow Item Frame", + "entity.minecraft.glow_squid": "Glow Squid", + "entity.minecraft.goat": "Goat", + "entity.minecraft.guardian": "Guardian", "entity.minecraft.hoglin": "Hoglin", - "entity.minecraft.hopper_minecart": "minecat wif HUPPEH", - "entity.minecraft.horse": "PONY", - "entity.minecraft.husk": "Warm hooman", - "entity.minecraft.illusioner": "Wiizardur", - "entity.minecraft.interaction": "interacshun", - "entity.minecraft.iron_golem": "Strange Irun Hooman", - "entity.minecraft.item": "Itum", - "entity.minecraft.item_display": "Thingz diszplae", - "entity.minecraft.item_frame": "kitteh fraem", - "entity.minecraft.killer_bunny": "Scari jumpin foodz", - "entity.minecraft.leash_knot": "Leesh knot", - "entity.minecraft.lightning_bolt": "litnin bot", - "entity.minecraft.llama": "camel sheep", - "entity.minecraft.llama_spit": "tal goat spit", - "entity.minecraft.magma_cube": "Fier sliem", - "entity.minecraft.marker": "Meowrker", - "entity.minecraft.minecart": "Minecat", + "entity.minecraft.hopper_minecart": "Minecart with Hopper", + "entity.minecraft.horse": "Horse", + "entity.minecraft.husk": "Husk", + "entity.minecraft.illusioner": "Illusioner", + "entity.minecraft.interaction": "Interaction", + "entity.minecraft.iron_golem": "Iron Golem", + "entity.minecraft.item": "Item", + "entity.minecraft.item_display": "Item Display", + "entity.minecraft.item_frame": "Item Frame", + "entity.minecraft.killer_bunny": "The Killer Bunny", + "entity.minecraft.leash_knot": "Leash Knot", + "entity.minecraft.lightning_bolt": "Lightning Bolt", + "entity.minecraft.llama": "Llama", + "entity.minecraft.llama_spit": "Llama Spit", + "entity.minecraft.magma_cube": "Magma Cube", + "entity.minecraft.marker": "Marker", + "entity.minecraft.minecart": "Minecart", "entity.minecraft.mooshroom": "Mooshroom", - "entity.minecraft.mule": "Donkehpony", - "entity.minecraft.ocelot": "Wild kitteh", - "entity.minecraft.painting": "hangabl arting", - "entity.minecraft.panda": "Green Stick Eatar", - "entity.minecraft.parrot": "Rainbow Bird", - "entity.minecraft.phantom": "Creepy flyin ting", - "entity.minecraft.pig": "Oinkey", + "entity.minecraft.mule": "Mule", + "entity.minecraft.ocelot": "Ocelot", + "entity.minecraft.painting": "Painting", + "entity.minecraft.panda": "Panda", + "entity.minecraft.parrot": "Parrot", + "entity.minecraft.phantom": "Phantom", + "entity.minecraft.pig": "Pig", "entity.minecraft.piglin": "Piglin", - "entity.minecraft.piglin_brute": "Piglin Brut", - "entity.minecraft.pillager": "Pilagur", - "entity.minecraft.player": "Cat", - "entity.minecraft.polar_bear": "Wite beer", - "entity.minecraft.potion": "Poshun", - "entity.minecraft.pufferfish": "Pufahfis", - "entity.minecraft.rabbit": "Jumpin Foodz", - "entity.minecraft.ravager": "Rivagur", + "entity.minecraft.piglin_brute": "Piglin Brute", + "entity.minecraft.pillager": "Pillager", + "entity.minecraft.player": "Player", + "entity.minecraft.polar_bear": "Polar Bear", + "entity.minecraft.potion": "Potion", + "entity.minecraft.pufferfish": "Pufferfish", + "entity.minecraft.rabbit": "Rabbit", + "entity.minecraft.ravager": "Ravager", "entity.minecraft.salmon": "Salmon", - "entity.minecraft.sheep": "Baa Baa!", + "entity.minecraft.sheep": "Sheep", "entity.minecraft.shulker": "Shulker", - "entity.minecraft.shulker_bullet": "Shulker bullit", - "entity.minecraft.silverfish": "Grae fish", - "entity.minecraft.skeleton": "Spooke scury Skeletun", - "entity.minecraft.skeleton_horse": "Spooke scury Skeletun Hoers", - "entity.minecraft.slime": "Sliem", - "entity.minecraft.small_fireball": "Tiny nope", - "entity.minecraft.sniffer": "Sniffr", - "entity.minecraft.snow_golem": "Cold Watr Hooman", - "entity.minecraft.snowball": "Cold wet", - "entity.minecraft.spawner_minecart": "Minecat wit spawnr", - "entity.minecraft.spectral_arrow": "Shini Errow", - "entity.minecraft.spider": "Spidur", - "entity.minecraft.squid": "Sqyd", - "entity.minecraft.stray": "Frozen Skeletun", - "entity.minecraft.strider": "mr hoo walx on laava", - "entity.minecraft.tadpole": "Frogfish", - "entity.minecraft.text_display": "Wordz Showin", - "entity.minecraft.tnt": "Primeld TNT", - "entity.minecraft.tnt_minecart": "Boomy Minecat", - "entity.minecraft.trader_llama": "Givr Camel", - "entity.minecraft.trident": "Dinglehopper", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish": "Topicel fis", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.0": "Anemoen", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.1": "Blak Tin", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.10": "Mooriz Idowl", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.11": "Ornat Buterflyphysh", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.12": "Perrtfis", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.13": "Quen Angl", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.14": "Red Sickled", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.15": "Rd Lippd Bleny", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.16": "Red Snapur", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.17": "Thrudfin", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.18": "Red Funny Fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.19": "Triggerd Fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.2": "Blew Tin", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.20": "Yello bird fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.21": "Yello Tin", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.3": "Buttrfli Fsh", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.4": "Sicklid", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.5": "funny fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.6": "Cotun candeh fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.7": "Dotts in the back", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.8": "Rich Red Snipper", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.9": "Gowt fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.betty": "Betteh", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.blockfish": "Blouckfish", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.brinely": "Brnly", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.clayfish": "Cley fishy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.dasher": "Runnr", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.flopper": "Floppy", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.glitter": "Glitur", + "entity.minecraft.shulker_bullet": "Shulker Bullet", + "entity.minecraft.silverfish": "Silverfish", + "entity.minecraft.skeleton": "Skeleton", + "entity.minecraft.skeleton_horse": "Skeleton Horse", + "entity.minecraft.slime": "Slime", + "entity.minecraft.small_fireball": "Small Fireball", + "entity.minecraft.sniffer": "Sniffer", + "entity.minecraft.snow_golem": "Snow Golem", + "entity.minecraft.snowball": "Snowball", + "entity.minecraft.spawner_minecart": "Minecart with Monster Spawner", + "entity.minecraft.spectral_arrow": "Spectral Arrow", + "entity.minecraft.spider": "Spider", + "entity.minecraft.squid": "Squid", + "entity.minecraft.stray": "Stray", + "entity.minecraft.strider": "Strider", + "entity.minecraft.tadpole": "Tadpole", + "entity.minecraft.text_display": "Text Display", + "entity.minecraft.tnt": "Primed TNT", + "entity.minecraft.tnt_minecart": "Minecart with TNT", + "entity.minecraft.trader_llama": "Trader Llama", + "entity.minecraft.trident": "Trident", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish": "Tropical Fish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.0": "Anemone", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.1": "Black Tang", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.2": "Blue Tang", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.3": "Butterflyfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.4": "Cichlid", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.5": "Clownfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.6": "Cotton Candy Betta", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.7": "Dottyback", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.8": "Emperor Red Snapper", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.9": "Goatfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.10": "Moorish Idol", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.11": "Ornate Butterflyfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.12": "Parrotfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.13": "Queen Angelfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.14": "Red Cichlid", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.15": "Red Lipped Blenny", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.16": "Red Snapper", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.17": "Threadfin", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.18": "Tomato Clownfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.19": "Triggerfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.20": "Yellowtail Parrotfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.predefined.21": "Yellow Tang", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.betty": "Betty", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.blockfish": "Blockfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.brinely": "Brinely", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.clayfish": "Clayfish", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.dasher": "Dasher", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.flopper": "Flopper", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.glitter": "Glitter", "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.kob": "Kob", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.snooper": "Snopr", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.spotty": "Spotz", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.stripey": "stipor", - "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.sunstreak": "Sunzxcnjsa", - "entity.minecraft.turtle": "TortL", - "entity.minecraft.vex": "ghosty thingy", - "entity.minecraft.villager": "Vilaagur", - "entity.minecraft.villager.armorer": "Armurur", - "entity.minecraft.villager.butcher": "Butchur", - "entity.minecraft.villager.cartographer": "Mapmakr", - "entity.minecraft.villager.cleric": "Cleyric", - "entity.minecraft.villager.farmer": "Farmr", - "entity.minecraft.villager.fisherman": "Fishr", - "entity.minecraft.villager.fletcher": "Fletchur", - "entity.minecraft.villager.leatherworker": "Lethurwurkur", - "entity.minecraft.villager.librarian": "Nerdz", - "entity.minecraft.villager.mason": "Masun", - "entity.minecraft.villager.nitwit": "shtOOpid man", - "entity.minecraft.villager.none": "Vilaagur", - "entity.minecraft.villager.shepherd": "Shehprd", - "entity.minecraft.villager.toolsmith": "Toolsmif", - "entity.minecraft.villager.weaponsmith": "Weponsmif", - "entity.minecraft.vindicator": "Bad Guy", - "entity.minecraft.wandering_trader": "Wubterng Truder", - "entity.minecraft.warden": "Blu shrek", - "entity.minecraft.witch": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.snooper": "Snooper", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.spotty": "Spotty", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.stripey": "Stripey", + "entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.sunstreak": "Sunstreak", + "entity.minecraft.turtle": "Turtle", + "entity.minecraft.vex": "Vex", + "entity.minecraft.villager": "Villager", + "entity.minecraft.villager.armorer": "Armorer", + "entity.minecraft.villager.butcher": "Butcher", + "entity.minecraft.villager.cartographer": "Cartographer", + "entity.minecraft.villager.cleric": "Cleric", + "entity.minecraft.villager.farmer": "Farmer", + "entity.minecraft.villager.fisherman": "Fisherman", + "entity.minecraft.villager.fletcher": "Fletcher", + "entity.minecraft.villager.leatherworker": "Leatherworker", + "entity.minecraft.villager.librarian": "Librarian", + "entity.minecraft.villager.mason": "Mason", + "entity.minecraft.villager.nitwit": "Nitwit", + "entity.minecraft.villager.none": "Villager", + "entity.minecraft.villager.shepherd": "Shepherd", + "entity.minecraft.villager.toolsmith": "Toolsmith", + "entity.minecraft.villager.weaponsmith": "Weaponsmith", + "entity.minecraft.vindicator": "Vindicator", + "entity.minecraft.wandering_trader": "Wandering Trader", + "entity.minecraft.warden": "Warden", + "entity.minecraft.witch": "Witch", "entity.minecraft.wither": "Wither", - "entity.minecraft.wither_skeleton": "Spooke Wither Skeletun", - "entity.minecraft.wither_skull": "Wither Hed", - "entity.minecraft.wolf": "Woof Woof!", + "entity.minecraft.wither_skeleton": "Wither Skeleton", + "entity.minecraft.wither_skull": "Wither Skull", + "entity.minecraft.wolf": "Wolf", "entity.minecraft.zoglin": "Zoglin", - "entity.minecraft.zombie": "Bad Hooman", - "entity.minecraft.zombie_horse": "Zombee hoers", - "entity.minecraft.zombie_villager": "Unded Villaguur", - "entity.minecraft.zombified_piglin": "Zombiefid Piglin", - "entity.not_summonable": "cant spon entiti of tipe %s", - "event.minecraft.raid": "Rade", - "event.minecraft.raid.defeat": "Defeet", - "event.minecraft.raid.raiders_remaining": "Raiderz stieel alaiv: %s", - "event.minecraft.raid.victory": "ezpz", - "filled_map.buried_treasure": "Buredd Treet Findehr", + "entity.minecraft.zombie": "Zombie", + "entity.minecraft.zombie_horse": "Zombie Horse", + "entity.minecraft.zombie_villager": "Zombie Villager", + "entity.minecraft.zombified_piglin": "Zombified Piglin", + "entity.not_summonable": "Can't summon entity of type %s", + "event.minecraft.raid": "Raid", + "event.minecraft.raid.defeat": "Defeat", + "event.minecraft.raid.raiders_remaining": "Raiders Remaining: %s", + "event.minecraft.raid.victory": "Victory", + "filled_map.buried_treasure": "Buried Treasure Map", "filled_map.id": "Id #%s", - "filled_map.level": "(lvl %s/%s)", - "filled_map.locked": "LOCCD", - "filled_map.mansion": "WOOdland explurer map", - "filled_map.monument": "Oshun explurer map", - "filled_map.scale": "Scalin @ 1:%s", - "filled_map.unknown": "Idk dis map", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.bottomless_pit": "Da PIT Of FALLiNG DOWN", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.classic_flat": "DA OG Flat", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.desert": "Sandy Place", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.overworld": "ON TOp WUrlD", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.redstone_ready": "Reddy fer dat Redstone", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.snowy_kingdom": "Kingdom ef Snows", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.the_void": "Noutheyng", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.tunnelers_dream": "Tunnel Manz Dream", - "flat_world_preset.minecraft.water_world": "Watr Wurld", + "filled_map.level": "(Level %s/%s)", + "filled_map.locked": "Locked", + "filled_map.mansion": "Woodland Explorer Map", + "filled_map.monument": "Ocean Explorer Map", + "filled_map.scale": "Scaling at 1:%s", + "filled_map.unknown": "Unknown Map", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.bottomless_pit": "Bottomless Pit", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.classic_flat": "Classic Flat", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.desert": "Desert", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.overworld": "Overworld", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.redstone_ready": "Redstone Ready", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.snowy_kingdom": "Snowy Kingdom", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.the_void": "The Void", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.tunnelers_dream": "Tunnelers' Dream", + "flat_world_preset.minecraft.water_world": "Water World", "flat_world_preset.unknown": "???", - "gameMode.adventure": "Catventure moed", - "gameMode.changed": "Ur gaem mowd has bin apdated tu %s", - "gameMode.creative": "HAX MOD", - "gameMode.hardcore": "Catcore Moed!", - "gameMode.spectator": "Spector moed", - "gameMode.survival": "Sirvivl Moed", - "gamerule.announceAdvancements": "Annunc advencement", - "gamerule.blockExplosionDropDecay": "Ien Blok kaboms slom cubs u ll naw dlup thil loties", - "gamerule.blockExplosionDropDecay.description": "sum blukz drups arr hafe gon buai xplodez frum bluk interakshunz.", - "gamerule.category.chat": "chatties", - "gamerule.category.drops": "dops", - "gamerule.category.misc": "ooneek tings", - "gamerule.category.mobs": "Skawy cweeters", - "gamerule.category.player": "Cat", - "gamerule.category.spawning": "Zponing", - "gamerule.category.updates": "Wurld updatz", - "gamerule.commandBlockOutput": "Broadcatz command blocky bois output thingy", - "gamerule.commandModificationBlockLimit": "talest kat liter chenge", - "gamerule.commandModificationBlockLimit.description": "huw mani bloccs yuo can chenge wit wun paw", - "gamerule.disableElytraMovementCheck": "Nou moar FLYYY", - "gamerule.disableRaids": "no raidz", - "gamerule.doDaylightCycle": "advanc tiem ov dai", - "gamerule.doEntityDrops": "Dop nenity kuitmenp", - "gamerule.doEntityDrops.description": "Kontrol dropz from mincartz (inclooding invantoriez), item framz, boat stuffs, etc.", - "gamerule.doFireTick": "Updat burny stuff", - "gamerule.doImmediateRespawn": "Reezpon fazt", - "gamerule.doInsomnia": "Spahn creepy flyin ting", - "gamerule.doLimitedCrafting": "Requaire recipee 4 kraftingz", - "gamerule.doLimitedCrafting.description": "If enabaled, cats will bee able 2 kraft onlee unlokd recipiez", - "gamerule.doMobLoot": "Drop cat goodies", - "gamerule.doMobLoot.description": "Twakes wower fnacy pants lwoot froms mwobs, invclubing eXeXpEeeE oorbz", - "gamerule.doMobSpawning": "Zpon tings", - "gamerule.doMobSpawning.description": "Som enteetees mait hav haz seprate rulz", - "gamerule.doPatrolSpawning": "Zpon ugly men wit krosbou", - "gamerule.doTileDrops": "Drop blockz", - "gamerule.doTileDrops.description": "Twakes wower fnacy pants lwoot froms blobs, invclubing eXeXpEeeE oorbz", - "gamerule.doTraderSpawning": "Spon Walkin Traderz", - "gamerule.doVinesSpread": "climbin plantz RUN TO EVRYWERE D:", - "gamerule.doVinesSpread.description": "Kontrlz whenevr or not the Climbin Plantz runz away to EVRYWERE randumly 2 the any blocz suhc as cryin roof nooodlez :( , spyrale noodlez , more n more", - "gamerule.doWardenSpawning": "Spon Blu Shrek", - "gamerule.doWeatherCycle": "Updat wetder", - "gamerule.drowningDamage": "Deel 2 long in watr damaj", - "gamerule.fallDamage": "Deel fall damaj", - "gamerule.fireDamage": "Deel hot stuff damage", - "gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers": "Forgiev ded kittehz", - "gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers.description": "Angerd neutrl mobz stop goin angery moed wehn teh targetd playr oofz nearbai.", - "gamerule.freezeDamage": "do kold pain", - "gamerule.globalSoundEvents": "Veri loooud noizes", - "gamerule.globalSoundEvents.description": "Wen da event, liek da bauz spawnin, maek veri BiiiG saund evriwher.", - "gamerule.keepInventory": "Keepz invantorie aftur no livez", - "gamerule.lavaSourceConversion": "hot sauce konvert 2 MOAR hot sauce", - "gamerule.lavaSourceConversion.description": "Win floing hot stuffz iz surrounded on 2 side by hot stuffz sourcez change in 2 source.", - "gamerule.logAdminCommands": "Broadcatz Admin orderz", - "gamerule.maxCommandChainLength": "Comnd chainz size limtz", - "gamerule.maxCommandChainLength.description": "Applizes to comand blockz tingy chainz and functionz", - "gamerule.maxEntityCramming": "Entiti cramin trushhold", - "gamerule.mobExplosionDropDecay": "In da mob kaboomz sum blukz ull naw dwap their loties", - "gamerule.mobExplosionDropDecay.description": "Sum ov teh dropz frum blockz destroyd by explosions caused by mobs r lost in teh explosion.", - "gamerule.mobGriefing": "Alow anmgry mob actionz", - "gamerule.naturalRegeneration": "Regenrat kat loivs", - "gamerule.playersSleepingPercentage": "Sleepy katz percentg", - "gamerule.playersSleepingPercentage.description": "Kat percentge that must sleep 2 nite go byeeeeeeeee", - "gamerule.randomTickSpeed": "Random tickz speed rat", - "gamerule.reducedDebugInfo": "reduc debugz infos", - "gamerule.reducedDebugInfo.description": "Limitz contentz ov deeBUG screen", - "gamerule.sendCommandFeedback": "Sendz comand responz", - "gamerule.showDeathMessages": "show ded katz", - "gamerule.snowAccumulationHeight": "Sno pauer levelz", - "gamerule.snowAccumulationHeight.description": "wen its tiem 2 snowy, snowynez ov snowy padz wil b abel 2 exist om da grnd up 2 dis numbr ov padz at mozt!!!", - "gamerule.spawnRadius": "Reezpon pleac raduz", - "gamerule.spectatorsGenerateChunks": "Alow spectatwor kittehs to generat terainz", - "gamerule.tntExplosionDropDecay": "Ien Boom kaboms som cubs u ll naw dlup thil loties", - "gamerule.tntExplosionDropDecay.description": "Sum of teh dropz from blockz destroyed by kaboomz caused by boom r lost in teh BOOM.", - "gamerule.universalAnger": "Big Angery!", - "gamerule.universalAnger.description": "Angerd neutrl mobz attacc ani neerbai playr, nut juzt teh playr dat angrd dem. Workz bezt if forgievDedKittehz iz dizabld.", - "gamerule.waterSourceConversion": "watr konvert 2 surz", - "gamerule.waterSourceConversion.description": "Win floing watr iz surrounded on 2 side by watrr sourcez it changez in2 source.", - "generator.custom": "Kustom", - "generator.customized": "Cuztom frum da past", - "generator.minecraft.amplified": "BIGGUR", - "generator.minecraft.amplified.info": "Notis: Just 4 fun! Rekwirz a muscular compootr.", - "generator.minecraft.debug_all_block_states": "DBUG MOD", - "generator.minecraft.flat": "2 flatz 4 u", - "generator.minecraft.large_biomes": "bigur baiums", - "generator.minecraft.normal": "Nermal", - "generator.minecraft.single_biome_surface": "Onli 1 biomz", - "generator.single_biome_caves": "Caevz", - "generator.single_biome_floating_islands": "Flyin stoenlandz", + "gameMode.adventure": "Adventure Mode", + "gameMode.changed": "Your game mode has been updated to %s", + "gameMode.creative": "Creative Mode", + "gameMode.hardcore": "Hardcore Mode!", + "gameMode.spectator": "Spectator Mode", + "gameMode.survival": "Survival Mode", + "gamerule.announceAdvancements": "Announce advancements", + "gamerule.blockExplosionDropDecay": "In block interaction explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", + "gamerule.blockExplosionDropDecay.description": "Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by block interactions are lost in the explosion.", + "gamerule.category.chat": "Chat", + "gamerule.category.drops": "Drops", + "gamerule.category.misc": "Miscellaneous", + "gamerule.category.mobs": "Mobs", + "gamerule.category.player": "Player", + "gamerule.category.spawning": "Spawning", + "gamerule.category.updates": "World Updates", + "gamerule.commandBlockOutput": "Broadcast command block output", + "gamerule.commandModificationBlockLimit": "Command Modification Block Limit", + "gamerule.commandModificationBlockLimit.description": "Number of blocks that can be changed at once by one command, such as fill or clone.", + "gamerule.disableElytraMovementCheck": "Disable elytra movement check", + "gamerule.disableRaids": "Disable raids", + "gamerule.doDaylightCycle": "Advance time of day", + "gamerule.doEntityDrops": "Drop entity equipment", + "gamerule.doEntityDrops.description": "Controls drops from minecarts (including inventories), item frames, boats, etc.", + "gamerule.doFireTick": "Update fire", + "gamerule.doImmediateRespawn": "Respawn immediately", + "gamerule.doInsomnia": "Spawn phantoms", + "gamerule.doLimitedCrafting": "Require recipe for crafting", + "gamerule.doLimitedCrafting.description": "If enabled, players will be able to craft only unlocked recipes.", + "gamerule.doMobLoot": "Drop mob loot", + "gamerule.doMobLoot.description": "Controls resource drops from mobs, including experience orbs.", + "gamerule.doMobSpawning": "Spawn mobs", + "gamerule.doMobSpawning.description": "Some entities might have separate rules.", + "gamerule.doPatrolSpawning": "Spawn pillager patrols", + "gamerule.doTileDrops": "Drop blocks", + "gamerule.doTileDrops.description": "Controls resource drops from blocks, including experience orbs.", + "gamerule.doTraderSpawning": "Spawn Wandering Traders", + "gamerule.doVinesSpread": "Vines spread", + "gamerule.doVinesSpread.description": "Controls whether or not the Vines block spreads randomly to adjacent blocks. Does not affect other type of vine blocks such as Weeping Vines, Twisting Vines, etc.", + "gamerule.doWardenSpawning": "Spawn Wardens", + "gamerule.doWeatherCycle": "Update weather", + "gamerule.drowningDamage": "Deal drowning damage", + "gamerule.fallDamage": "Deal fall damage", + "gamerule.fireDamage": "Deal fire damage", + "gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers": "Forgive dead players", + "gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers.description": "Angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby.", + "gamerule.freezeDamage": "Deal freeze damage", + "gamerule.globalSoundEvents": "Global sound events", + "gamerule.globalSoundEvents.description": "When certain game events happen, like a boss spawning, the sound is heard everywhere.", + "gamerule.keepInventory": "Keep inventory after death", + "gamerule.lavaSourceConversion": "Lava converts to source", + "gamerule.lavaSourceConversion.description": "When flowing lava is surrounded on two sides by lava sources it converts into a source.", + "gamerule.logAdminCommands": "Broadcast admin commands", + "gamerule.maxCommandChainLength": "Command chain size limit", + "gamerule.maxCommandChainLength.description": "Applies to command block chains and functions.", + "gamerule.maxEntityCramming": "Entity cramming threshold", + "gamerule.mobExplosionDropDecay": "In mob explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", + "gamerule.mobExplosionDropDecay.description": "Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by mobs are lost in the explosion.", + "gamerule.mobGriefing": "Allow destructive mob actions", + "gamerule.naturalRegeneration": "Regenerate health", + "gamerule.playersSleepingPercentage": "Sleep percentage", + "gamerule.playersSleepingPercentage.description": "The percentage of players who must be sleeping to skip the night.", + "gamerule.randomTickSpeed": "Random tick speed rate", + "gamerule.reducedDebugInfo": "Reduce debug info", + "gamerule.reducedDebugInfo.description": "Limits contents of debug screen.", + "gamerule.sendCommandFeedback": "Send command feedback", + "gamerule.showDeathMessages": "Show death messages", + "gamerule.snowAccumulationHeight": "Snow accumulation height", + "gamerule.snowAccumulationHeight.description": "When it snows, layers of snow form on the ground up to at most this number of layers.", + "gamerule.spawnRadius": "Respawn location radius", + "gamerule.spectatorsGenerateChunks": "Allow spectators to generate terrain", + "gamerule.tntExplosionDropDecay": "In TNT explosions, some blocks won't drop their loot", + "gamerule.tntExplosionDropDecay.description": "Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by TNT are lost in the explosion.", + "gamerule.universalAnger": "Universal anger", + "gamerule.universalAnger.description": "Angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player, not just the player that angered them. Works best if forgiveDeadPlayers is disabled.", + "gamerule.waterSourceConversion": "Water converts to source", + "gamerule.waterSourceConversion.description": "When flowing water is surrounded on two sides by water sources it converts into a source.", + "generator.custom": "Custom", + "generator.customized": "Old Customized", + "generator.minecraft.amplified": "AMPLIFIED", + "generator.minecraft.amplified.info": "Notice: Just for fun! Requires a beefy computer.", + "generator.minecraft.debug_all_block_states": "Debug Mode", + "generator.minecraft.flat": "Superflat", + "generator.minecraft.large_biomes": "Large Biomes", + "generator.minecraft.normal": "Default", + "generator.minecraft.single_biome_surface": "Single Biome", + "generator.single_biome_caves": "Caves", + "generator.single_biome_floating_islands": "Floating Islands", "gui.abuseReport.error.title": "Problem sending your report", "gui.abuseReport.reason.alcohol_tobacco_drugs": "Drugs or alcohol", "gui.abuseReport.reason.alcohol_tobacco_drugs.description": "Someone is encouraging others to partake in illegal drug related activities or encouraging underage drinking.", @@ -3356,19 +3379,20 @@ "gui.abuseReport.send.json_error": "Encountered malformed payload while sending your report.", "gui.abuseReport.send.service_unavailable": "Unable to reach the Abuse Reporting service. Please make sure you are connected to the internet and try again.", "gui.abuseReport.sending.title": "Sending your report...", - "gui.abuseReport.sent.title": "Report Sent", - "gui.acknowledge": "i understnad.", - "gui.advancements": "Advnzmnts", - "gui.all": "Gimme evrythin", - "gui.back": "Bak", - "gui.banned.description": "%s\n\n%s\n\nLern moar at dis link: %s", - "gui.banned.description.permanent": "UR KITTYCAT ACCONT IS BANNED 4 INFINIT KAT LIVES!!! dat meens u camt plae wif odrr kittycats orr do relms :(", - "gui.banned.description.reason": "We resently receivd report 4 bad behavior by ur akownt. R moderators has nao reviewd ur case an identifid it as %s, which goez against da minecraft community standardz. >:(", - "gui.banned.description.reason_id": "da code: %s", - "gui.banned.description.reason_id_message": "da code: %s - %s", - "gui.banned.description.temporary": "%s Til den, u cant pulay on da internetz or join Realmz.", - "gui.banned.description.temporary.duration": "Ur akownt iz tempory sus-pended an will B re-cat-ivatd in %s.", - "gui.banned.description.unknownreason": "ourr epik mod teem haves founded a down bad momento by ur accont frm a repot! aftrr review, we hafe seened that ur unepik gamer moov broke da mincraf comuniti stndardz!!!", + "gui.abuseReport.sent.title": "Report sent", + "gui.acknowledge": "Acknowledge", + "gui.advancements": "Advancements", + "gui.all": "All", + "gui.back": "Back", + "gui.copy_link_to_clipboard": "Copy Link to Clipboard", + "gui.banned.description": "%s\n\n%s\n\nLearn more at the following link: %s", + "gui.banned.description.permanent": "Your account is permanently banned, which means you can’t play online or join Realms.", + "gui.banned.description.reason": "We recently received a report for bad behavior by your account. Our moderators have now reviewed your case and identified it as %s, which goes against the Minecraft Community Standards.", + "gui.banned.description.reason_id": "Code: %s", + "gui.banned.description.reason_id_message": "Code: %s - %s", + "gui.banned.description.temporary": "%s Until then, you can’t play online or join Realms.", + "gui.banned.description.temporary.duration": "Your account is temporarily suspended and will be reactivated in %s.", + "gui.banned.description.unknownreason": "We recently received a report for bad behavior by your account. Our moderators have now reviewed your case and identified that it goes against the Minecraft Community Standards.", "gui.banned.reason.defamation_impersonation_false_information": "Impersonation or sharing information to exploit or mislead others", "gui.banned.reason.drugs": "References to illegal drugs", "gui.banned.reason.extreme_violence_or_gore": "Depictions of real-life excessive violence or gore", @@ -3382,9 +3406,9 @@ "gui.banned.reason.nudity_or_pornography": "Displaying lewd or pornographic material", "gui.banned.reason.sexually_inappropriate": "Topics or content of a sexual nature", "gui.banned.reason.spam_or_advertising": "Spam or advertising", - "gui.banned.title.permanent": "u cwant play froeve bc u did wreely bwad things!", - "gui.banned.title.temporary": "u cwant play fro a bwit bc u did bwad things!", - "gui.cancel": "Nu", + "gui.banned.title.permanent": "Account permanently banned", + "gui.banned.title.temporary": "Account temporarily suspended", + "gui.cancel": "Cancel", "gui.chatReport.comments": "Comments", "gui.chatReport.describe": "Sharing details will help us make a well-informed decision.", "gui.chatReport.discard.content": "If you leave, you'll lose this report and your comments.\nAre you sure you want to leave?", @@ -3398,10 +3422,10 @@ "gui.chatReport.draft.quittotitle.content": "Would you like to continue editing it or discard it?", "gui.chatReport.draft.quittotitle.title": "You have a draft chat report that will be lost if you quit", "gui.chatReport.draft.title": "Edit draft chat report?", - "gui.chatReport.more_comments": "Plz tell me, wut hapend:", + "gui.chatReport.more_comments": "Please describe what happened:", "gui.chatReport.observed_what": "Why are you reporting this?", "gui.chatReport.read_info": "Learn About Reporting", - "gui.chatReport.report_sent_msg": "We got ur repawrt now!\n\nWe'll lok at it-aftr our milk break.", + "gui.chatReport.report_sent_msg": "We’ve successfully received your report. Thank you!\n\nOur team will review it as soon as possible.", "gui.chatReport.select_chat": "Select Chat Messages to Report", "gui.chatReport.select_reason": "Select Report Category", "gui.chatReport.selected_chat": "%s Chat Message(s) Selected to Report", @@ -3411,721 +3435,757 @@ "gui.chatReport.send.no_reported_messages": "Please select at least one chat message to report", "gui.chatReport.send.too_many_messages": "Trying to include too many messages in the report", "gui.chatReport.title": "Report Player", - "gui.chatSelection.context": "msgs n chitchats n funy mincraf montagez in dis selektun wil b incld 2 provied moar contexto!", + "gui.chatSelection.context": "Messages surrounding this selection will be included to provide additional context", "gui.chatSelection.fold": "%s message(s) hidden", "gui.chatSelection.heading": "%s %s", "gui.chatSelection.join": "%s joined the chat", "gui.chatSelection.message.narrate": "%s said: %s at %s", "gui.chatSelection.selected": "%s/%s message(s) selected", "gui.chatSelection.title": "Select Chat Messages to Report", - "gui.continue": "Go on", - "gui.days": "%s dae(z)", - "gui.done": "Dun", - "gui.down": "Dawn", - "gui.entity_tooltip.type": "Toipe: %s", - "gui.hours": "%s long time(z)", - "gui.minutes": "%s minute(z)", + "gui.continue": "Continue", + "gui.days": "%s day(s)", + "gui.done": "Done", + "gui.down": "Down", + "gui.entity_tooltip.type": "Type: %s", + "gui.hours": "%s hour(s)", + "gui.minutes": "%s minute(s)", "gui.multiLineEditBox.character_limit": "%s/%s", - "gui.narrate.button": "%s butonn", - "gui.narrate.editBox": "%s chaenj box: %s", - "gui.narrate.slider": "%s slydurr", - "gui.narrate.tab": "%s tub", - "gui.no": "Nah", - "gui.none": "Nan", - "gui.ok": "K", - "gui.proceed": "pruseed", - "gui.recipebook.moreRecipes": "Right PAW 4 moar", - "gui.recipebook.search_hint": "Surch...", - "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.all": "Showin' all", - "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.blastable": "Showin' blstble recips", - "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.craftable": "Showin' craftble recips", - "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.smeltable": "Showin' smeltble recips", - "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.smokable": "Showin' smokble recips", - "gui.socialInteractions.blocking_hint": "Manag wiv Mekrosoft akowant", - "gui.socialInteractions.empty_blocked": "No blukd katz in litter box", - "gui.socialInteractions.empty_hidden": "No katz hiddin in litter box", - "gui.socialInteractions.hidden_in_chat": "Lowd meow frem %s wil bee hiden", - "gui.socialInteractions.hide": "Hide in litter box", - "gui.socialInteractions.narration.hide": "Blawk the meows frum %s", - "gui.socialInteractions.narration.report": "Repowrt %s", - "gui.socialInteractions.narration.show": "No hid murr meows from da cat %s", - "gui.socialInteractions.report": "Oh no! Report da bad!", - "gui.socialInteractions.search_empty": "No katz wis dis naem", - "gui.socialInteractions.search_hint": "Surch...", - "gui.socialInteractions.server_label.multiple": "%s - %s katz", - "gui.socialInteractions.server_label.single": "%s - %s kat", - "gui.socialInteractions.show": "Shaw in litter box", - "gui.socialInteractions.shown_in_chat": "Lowd meow frem %s wil bee not hide", - "gui.socialInteractions.status_blocked": "Bloked", - "gui.socialInteractions.status_blocked_offline": "Blukd - Uvlyne", - "gui.socialInteractions.status_hidden": "no no zone!!", - "gui.socialInteractions.status_hidden_offline": "Hiddeh - Uvlyne", - "gui.socialInteractions.status_offline": "Uvlyne", - "gui.socialInteractions.tab_all": "EvriTHiNg", - "gui.socialInteractions.tab_blocked": "Blokd", - "gui.socialInteractions.tab_hidden": "Hiddn", - "gui.socialInteractions.title": "Soshul interacshuns", - "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.hide": "Pulay hide an seek wif da mesage", - "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report": "Sum1 did bad thingz >:(", - "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report.disabled": "No report fo u", - "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report.no_messages": "Thers no msgs for riport from cat %s", - "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report.not_reportable": "Yo catnt rewportw thif cat, cus thirf cat msgs catnt verifid un survur", - "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.show": "Wach msg", - "gui.stats": "Catistics", - "gui.toMenu": "Bacc to teh playing with othr kittehs", - "gui.toTitle": "Bacc to titl scrin", - "gui.up": "Ahp", - "gui.yes": "Yez", - "hanging_sign.edit": "Chaenj danglin' sein mesag", - "instrument.minecraft.admire_goat_horn": "Admir", - "instrument.minecraft.call_goat_horn": "*AAAAhhhhhh*", - "instrument.minecraft.dream_goat_horn": "Mind filmz", - "instrument.minecraft.feel_goat_horn": "Ged somthen", - "instrument.minecraft.ponder_goat_horn": "Pondr", - "instrument.minecraft.seek_goat_horn": "Findin", - "instrument.minecraft.sing_goat_horn": "Noize", - "instrument.minecraft.yearn_goat_horn": "Wantd U_U", - "inventory.binSlot": "Destroe itum", - "inventory.hotbarInfo": "Sev T00lbar w/ %1$s+%2$s", - "inventory.hotbarSaved": "Item t00lbar sevd (rEEstor w/ %1$s+%2$s)", - "item.canBreak": "CAN DESTROI:", - "item.canPlace": "Can b put awn:", - "item.color": "Colur: %s", - "item.disabled": "Dizabld item", - "item.durability": "brokn lvl: %s/%s", - "item.dyed": "Culurd", - "item.minecraft.acacia_boat": "Akacia Watr Car", - "item.minecraft.acacia_chest_boat": "Acashuh Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.allay_spawn_egg": "flyin blu mob spon ec", - "item.minecraft.amethyst_shard": "Purpur shinee pice", - "item.minecraft.angler_pottery_shard": "Cat fud ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.apple": "Mapple", - "item.minecraft.archer_pottery_shard": "Bowman ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.armor_stand": "Stick hooman", - "item.minecraft.arms_up_pottery_shard": "Human Bing ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.arrow": "ERROW", - "item.minecraft.axolotl_bucket": "Bukkit wit KUTE PINK FISHH", - "item.minecraft.axolotl_spawn_egg": "KUTE PINK FISH spon ec", - "item.minecraft.baked_potato": "Bak'd Pootato", - "item.minecraft.bamboo_chest_raft": "stick boat wit da cat box", - "item.minecraft.bamboo_raft": "stick boat", - "item.minecraft.bat_spawn_egg": "Bad spon ec", - "item.minecraft.bee_spawn_egg": "B spon ec", - "item.minecraft.beef": "Spotty meet", - "item.minecraft.beetroot": "Betrut", - "item.minecraft.beetroot_seeds": "Betrut seds", - "item.minecraft.beetroot_soup": "Betrut supe", - "item.minecraft.birch_boat": "Burch Watr Car", - "item.minecraft.birch_chest_boat": "Birtch Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.black_dye": "Ender powder", - "item.minecraft.blade_pottery_shard": "Surwd ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.blaze_powder": "Blayz powder", - "item.minecraft.blaze_rod": "Blayz Rawd", - "item.minecraft.blaze_spawn_egg": "Bleze spon ec", - "item.minecraft.blue_dye": "Water powder", - "item.minecraft.bone": "Doggy treetz", - "item.minecraft.bone_meal": "Smashed Skeletun", + "gui.narrate.button": "%s button", + "gui.narrate.editBox": "%s edit box: %s", + "gui.narrate.slider": "%s slider", + "gui.narrate.tab": "%s tab", + "gui.no": "No", + "gui.none": "None", + "gui.ok": "Ok", + "gui.proceed": "Proceed", + "gui.recipebook.moreRecipes": "Right Click for More", + "gui.recipebook.search_hint": "Search...", + "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.all": "Showing All", + "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.blastable": "Showing Blastable", + "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.craftable": "Showing Craftable", + "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.smeltable": "Showing Smeltable", + "gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.smokable": "Showing Smokable", + "gui.socialInteractions.blocking_hint": "Manage with Microsoft account", + "gui.socialInteractions.empty_blocked": "No blocked players in chat", + "gui.socialInteractions.empty_hidden": "No players hidden in chat", + "gui.socialInteractions.hidden_in_chat": "Chat messages from %s will be hidden", + "gui.socialInteractions.hide": "Hide in Chat", + "gui.socialInteractions.narration.hide": "Hide messages from %s", + "gui.socialInteractions.narration.report": "Report player %s", + "gui.socialInteractions.narration.show": "Show messages from %s", + "gui.socialInteractions.report": "Report", + "gui.socialInteractions.search_empty": "Couldn't find any players with that name", + "gui.socialInteractions.search_hint": "Search...", + "gui.socialInteractions.server_label.multiple": "%s - %s players", + "gui.socialInteractions.server_label.single": "%s - %s player", + "gui.socialInteractions.show": "Show in Chat", + "gui.socialInteractions.shown_in_chat": "Chat messages from %s will be shown", + "gui.socialInteractions.status_blocked": "Blocked", + "gui.socialInteractions.status_blocked_offline": "Blocked - Offline", + "gui.socialInteractions.status_hidden": "Hidden", + "gui.socialInteractions.status_hidden_offline": "Hidden - Offline", + "gui.socialInteractions.status_offline": "Offline", + "gui.socialInteractions.tab_all": "All", + "gui.socialInteractions.tab_blocked": "Blocked", + "gui.socialInteractions.tab_hidden": "Hidden", + "gui.socialInteractions.title": "Social Interactions", + "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.hide": "Hide messages", + "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report": "Report player", + "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report.disabled": "The reporting service is unavailable", + "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report.no_messages": "No reportable messages from player %s", + "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.report.not_reportable": "This player can't be reported, because their chat messages can't be verified on this server", + "gui.socialInteractions.tooltip.show": "Show messages", + "gui.stats": "Statistics", + "gui.toMenu": "Back to Server List", + "gui.toRealms": "Back to Realms List", + "gui.toTitle": "Back to Title Screen", + "gui.toWorld": "Back to World List", + "gui.up": "Up", + "gui.yes": "Yes", + "hanging_sign.edit": "Edit Hanging Sign Message", + "instrument.minecraft.admire_goat_horn": "Admire", + "instrument.minecraft.call_goat_horn": "Call", + "instrument.minecraft.dream_goat_horn": "Dream", + "instrument.minecraft.feel_goat_horn": "Feel", + "instrument.minecraft.ponder_goat_horn": "Ponder", + "instrument.minecraft.seek_goat_horn": "Seek", + "instrument.minecraft.sing_goat_horn": "Sing", + "instrument.minecraft.yearn_goat_horn": "Yearn", + "inventory.binSlot": "Destroy Item", + "inventory.hotbarInfo": "Save hotbar with %1$s+%2$s", + "inventory.hotbarSaved": "Item hotbar saved (restore with %1$s+%2$s)", + "item_modifier.unknown": "Unknown item modifier: %s", + "item.canBreak": "Can break:", + "item.canPlace": "Can be placed on:", + "item.color": "Color: %s", + "item.disabled": "Disabled item", + "item.durability": "Durability: %s / %s", + "item.dyed": "Dyed", + "item.minecraft.acacia_boat": "Acacia Boat", + "item.minecraft.acacia_chest_boat": "Acacia Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.allay_spawn_egg": "Allay Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.amethyst_shard": "Amethyst Shard", + "item.minecraft.angler_pottery_shard": "Angler Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.angler_pottery_sherd": "Angler Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.apple": "Apple", + "item.minecraft.archer_pottery_shard": "Archer Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.archer_pottery_sherd": "Archer Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.armor_stand": "Armor Stand", + "item.minecraft.arms_up_pottery_shard": "Arms Up Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.arms_up_pottery_sherd": "Arms Up Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.arrow": "Arrow", + "item.minecraft.axolotl_bucket": "Bucket of Axolotl", + "item.minecraft.axolotl_spawn_egg": "Axolotl Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.baked_potato": "Baked Potato", + "item.minecraft.bamboo_chest_raft": "Bamboo Raft with Chest", + "item.minecraft.bamboo_raft": "Bamboo Raft", + "item.minecraft.bat_spawn_egg": "Bat Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.bee_spawn_egg": "Bee Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.beef": "Raw Beef", + "item.minecraft.beetroot": "Beetroot", + "item.minecraft.beetroot_seeds": "Beetroot Seeds", + "item.minecraft.beetroot_soup": "Beetroot Soup", + "item.minecraft.birch_boat": "Birch Boat", + "item.minecraft.birch_chest_boat": "Birch Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.black_dye": "Black Dye", + "item.minecraft.blade_pottery_shard": "Blade Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.blade_pottery_sherd": "Blade Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.blaze_powder": "Blaze Powder", + "item.minecraft.blaze_rod": "Blaze Rod", + "item.minecraft.blaze_spawn_egg": "Blaze Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.blue_dye": "Blue Dye", + "item.minecraft.bone": "Bone", + "item.minecraft.bone_meal": "Bone Meal", "item.minecraft.book": "Book", - "item.minecraft.bow": "Bowz", - "item.minecraft.bowl": "boul", - "item.minecraft.bread": "bred", - "item.minecraft.brewer_pottery_shard": "Bottl ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.brewing_stand": "Bubbleh", - "item.minecraft.brick": "Burned Clay", - "item.minecraft.brown_dye": "Chocolate powder", - "item.minecraft.brush": "mini broom", - "item.minecraft.bucket": "Shiny sit-in cold thing", - "item.minecraft.bundle": "Cat powch", - "item.minecraft.bundle.fullness": "%s OUt OV %s", - "item.minecraft.burn_pottery_shard": "FIER ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.camel_spawn_egg": "Bumpy Banana Hors spon ec", - "item.minecraft.carrot": "rebbit treetz", - "item.minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick": "YUMMY FOOD ON STIK", - "item.minecraft.cat_spawn_egg": "Kitty Cat spon ec", - "item.minecraft.cauldron": "contain liqwide", - "item.minecraft.cave_spider_spawn_egg": "Cavspaydur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.chainmail_boots": "cliky fast bootz1!", - "item.minecraft.chainmail_chestplate": "BLINNG CHEHST", - "item.minecraft.chainmail_helmet": "blinghat", - "item.minecraft.chainmail_leggings": "Bling pantz", - "item.minecraft.charcoal": "burned w00d", - "item.minecraft.cherry_boat": "Sakura watr car", - "item.minecraft.cherry_chest_boat": "Sakura Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.chest_minecart": "Minecat wif Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.chicken": "raw cluck", - "item.minecraft.chicken_spawn_egg": "Nugget spon ec", - "item.minecraft.chorus_fruit": "Frute dat Duznt Sing", - "item.minecraft.clay_ball": "cley prom", - "item.minecraft.clock": "Tiem tellur", - "item.minecraft.coal": "ur present", - "item.minecraft.cocoa_beans": "itz poop", - "item.minecraft.cod": "Roh Cod", - "item.minecraft.cod_bucket": "Cot buket", - "item.minecraft.cod_spawn_egg": "Cot spon ec", - "item.minecraft.command_block_minecart": "Minecat wif Comnd Bluk", - "item.minecraft.compass": "Spinny thing", - "item.minecraft.cooked_beef": "Bad spotty meet", - "item.minecraft.cooked_chicken": "cooked cluck", - "item.minecraft.cooked_cod": "Cookd Cod", - "item.minecraft.cooked_mutton": "Warm Mutn", - "item.minecraft.cooked_porkchop": "Toasted Piggeh", - "item.minecraft.cooked_rabbit": "Warm Jumpin Foodz", - "item.minecraft.cooked_salmon": "Crisp Pink Nomz", - "item.minecraft.cookie": "aCookeh", - "item.minecraft.copper_ingot": "Copurr ingut", - "item.minecraft.cow_spawn_egg": "Milk-Maeker spon ec", - "item.minecraft.creeper_banner_pattern": "bannr paturn", - "item.minecraft.creeper_banner_pattern.desc": "Creeper churge", - "item.minecraft.creeper_spawn_egg": "Cwepuh spon ec", - "item.minecraft.crossbow": "Crosbowz", - "item.minecraft.crossbow.projectile": "Projektile:", - "item.minecraft.cyan_dye": "Sky powder", - "item.minecraft.danger_pottery_shard": "creepr aw man ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.dark_oak_boat": "Blak Oke Watr Car", - "item.minecraft.dark_oak_chest_boat": "Blak Oak Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.debug_stick": "Magik stik", - "item.minecraft.debug_stick.empty": "%s hash nu pwopewties", - "item.minecraft.debug_stick.select": "shelekted \"%s\" (%s)", - "item.minecraft.debug_stick.update": "\"%s\" tu %s", - "item.minecraft.diamond": "Ooooh shineee!", - "item.minecraft.diamond_axe": "Dimand Aks", - "item.minecraft.diamond_boots": "awesome shoes", - "item.minecraft.diamond_chestplate": "super cool shirt", - "item.minecraft.diamond_helmet": "very shiny hat", - "item.minecraft.diamond_hoe": "Deemond Hoe", - "item.minecraft.diamond_horse_armor": "SUPAH shiny hoofy fur", - "item.minecraft.diamond_leggings": "amazing pants", - "item.minecraft.diamond_pickaxe": "Dimand Pikakse", - "item.minecraft.diamond_shovel": "Dimand Spoon", - "item.minecraft.diamond_sword": "shiny sord", - "item.minecraft.disc_fragment_5": "loud thimg piec", - "item.minecraft.disc_fragment_5.desc": "Round loud thing - 5", - "item.minecraft.dolphin_spawn_egg": "doolfin spon ec", - "item.minecraft.donkey_spawn_egg": "Danky spon ec", - "item.minecraft.dragon_breath": "Dragunish puff", - "item.minecraft.dried_kelp": "crunchy sea leaves", - "item.minecraft.drowned_spawn_egg": "Drawn spon ec", - "item.minecraft.echo_shard": "boomerang sund pice", - "item.minecraft.egg": "Eg", - "item.minecraft.elder_guardian_spawn_egg": "Ehldur Gardien spon ec", - "item.minecraft.elytra": "FLYYYYYYYY", - "item.minecraft.emerald": "shineh green stuff", - "item.minecraft.enchanted_book": "Shineh Magic Book", - "item.minecraft.enchanted_golden_apple": "Glowy power apl", - "item.minecraft.end_crystal": "Endur Cristal", - "item.minecraft.ender_dragon_spawn_egg": "dwagon boos spon ec", - "item.minecraft.ender_eye": "teh evil eye", - "item.minecraft.ender_pearl": "magic ball", - "item.minecraft.enderman_spawn_egg": "Enderman spon ec", - "item.minecraft.endermite_spawn_egg": "Endermite spon ec", - "item.minecraft.evoker_spawn_egg": "Evokr spon ec", - "item.minecraft.experience_bottle": "Potion wif ur levlz", - "item.minecraft.explorer_pottery_shard": "i have no idea haw kan we go ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.feather": "Dether", - "item.minecraft.fermented_spider_eye": "Bad spider bal", - "item.minecraft.filled_map": "Direction papeh", - "item.minecraft.fire_charge": "Fire Punch!", - "item.minecraft.firework_rocket": "shiny 'splody thing", - "item.minecraft.firework_rocket.flight": "TIEM OF FLY:", - "item.minecraft.firework_star": "dis makes da rocket go BOOM BOOM", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.black": "Blak", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.blue": "Blew", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.brown": "Broun", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.custom_color": "cuztum", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.cyan": "Nyan", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.fade_to": "vanish to", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.flicker": "Sparklies!", + "item.minecraft.bow": "Bow", + "item.minecraft.bowl": "Bowl", + "item.minecraft.bread": "Bread", + "item.minecraft.brewer_pottery_shard": "Brewer Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.brewer_pottery_sherd": "Brewer Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.brewing_stand": "Brewing Stand", + "item.minecraft.brick": "Brick", + "item.minecraft.brown_dye": "Brown Dye", + "item.minecraft.brush": "Brush", + "item.minecraft.bucket": "Bucket", + "item.minecraft.bundle": "Bundle", + "item.minecraft.bundle.fullness": "%s/%s", + "item.minecraft.burn_pottery_shard": "Burn Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.burn_pottery_sherd": "Burn Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.camel_spawn_egg": "Camel Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.carrot": "Carrot", + "item.minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick": "Carrot on a Stick", + "item.minecraft.cat_spawn_egg": "Cat Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.cauldron": "Cauldron", + "item.minecraft.cave_spider_spawn_egg": "Cave Spider Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.chainmail_boots": "Chainmail Boots", + "item.minecraft.chainmail_chestplate": "Chainmail Chestplate", + "item.minecraft.chainmail_helmet": "Chainmail Helmet", + "item.minecraft.chainmail_leggings": "Chainmail Leggings", + "item.minecraft.charcoal": "Charcoal", + "item.minecraft.cherry_boat": "Cherry Boat", + "item.minecraft.cherry_chest_boat": "Cherry Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.chest_minecart": "Minecart with Chest", + "item.minecraft.chicken": "Raw Chicken", + "item.minecraft.chicken_spawn_egg": "Chicken Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.chorus_fruit": "Chorus Fruit", + "item.minecraft.clay_ball": "Clay Ball", + "item.minecraft.clock": "Clock", + "item.minecraft.coal": "Coal", + "item.minecraft.cocoa_beans": "Cocoa Beans", + "item.minecraft.cod": "Raw Cod", + "item.minecraft.cod_bucket": "Bucket of Cod", + "item.minecraft.cod_spawn_egg": "Cod Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.command_block_minecart": "Minecart with Command Block", + "item.minecraft.compass": "Compass", + "item.minecraft.cooked_beef": "Steak", + "item.minecraft.cooked_chicken": "Cooked Chicken", + "item.minecraft.cooked_cod": "Cooked Cod", + "item.minecraft.cooked_mutton": "Cooked Mutton", + "item.minecraft.cooked_porkchop": "Cooked Porkchop", + "item.minecraft.cooked_rabbit": "Cooked Rabbit", + "item.minecraft.cooked_salmon": "Cooked Salmon", + "item.minecraft.cookie": "Cookie", + "item.minecraft.copper_ingot": "Copper Ingot", + "item.minecraft.cow_spawn_egg": "Cow Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.creeper_banner_pattern": "Banner Pattern", + "item.minecraft.creeper_banner_pattern.desc": "Creeper Charge", + "item.minecraft.creeper_spawn_egg": "Creeper Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.crossbow": "Crossbow", + "item.minecraft.crossbow.projectile": "Projectile:", + "item.minecraft.cyan_dye": "Cyan Dye", + "item.minecraft.danger_pottery_shard": "Danger Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.danger_pottery_sherd": "Danger Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.dark_oak_boat": "Dark Oak Boat", + "item.minecraft.dark_oak_chest_boat": "Dark Oak Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.debug_stick": "Debug Stick", + "item.minecraft.debug_stick.empty": "%s has no properties", + "item.minecraft.debug_stick.select": "selected \"%s\" (%s)", + "item.minecraft.debug_stick.update": "\"%s\" to %s", + "item.minecraft.diamond": "Diamond", + "item.minecraft.diamond_axe": "Diamond Axe", + "item.minecraft.diamond_boots": "Diamond Boots", + "item.minecraft.diamond_chestplate": "Diamond Chestplate", + "item.minecraft.diamond_helmet": "Diamond Helmet", + "item.minecraft.diamond_hoe": "Diamond Hoe", + "item.minecraft.diamond_horse_armor": "Diamond Horse Armor", + "item.minecraft.diamond_leggings": "Diamond Leggings", + "item.minecraft.diamond_pickaxe": "Diamond Pickaxe", + "item.minecraft.diamond_shovel": "Diamond Shovel", + "item.minecraft.diamond_sword": "Diamond Sword", + "item.minecraft.disc_fragment_5": "Disc Fragment", + "item.minecraft.disc_fragment_5.desc": "Music Disc - 5", + "item.minecraft.dolphin_spawn_egg": "Dolphin Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.donkey_spawn_egg": "Donkey Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.dragon_breath": "Dragon's Breath", + "item.minecraft.dried_kelp": "Dried Kelp", + "item.minecraft.drowned_spawn_egg": "Drowned Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.echo_shard": "Echo Shard", + "item.minecraft.egg": "Egg", + "item.minecraft.elder_guardian_spawn_egg": "Elder Guardian Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.elytra": "Elytra", + "item.minecraft.emerald": "Emerald", + "item.minecraft.enchanted_book": "Enchanted Book", + "item.minecraft.enchanted_golden_apple": "Enchanted Golden Apple", + "item.minecraft.end_crystal": "End Crystal", + "item.minecraft.ender_dragon_spawn_egg": "Ender Dragon Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.ender_eye": "Eye of Ender", + "item.minecraft.ender_pearl": "Ender Pearl", + "item.minecraft.enderman_spawn_egg": "Enderman Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.endermite_spawn_egg": "Endermite Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.evoker_spawn_egg": "Evoker Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.experience_bottle": "Bottle o' Enchanting", + "item.minecraft.explorer_pottery_shard": "Explorer Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.explorer_pottery_sherd": "Explorer Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.feather": "Feather", + "item.minecraft.fermented_spider_eye": "Fermented Spider Eye", + "item.minecraft.filled_map": "Map", + "item.minecraft.fire_charge": "Fire Charge", + "item.minecraft.firework_rocket": "Firework Rocket", + "item.minecraft.firework_rocket.flight": "Flight Duration:", + "item.minecraft.firework_star": "Firework Star", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.black": "Black", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.blue": "Blue", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.brown": "Brown", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.custom_color": "Custom", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.cyan": "Cyan", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.fade_to": "Fade to", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.flicker": "Twinkle", "item.minecraft.firework_star.gray": "Gray", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.green": "Grean", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.light_blue": "Lite Blew", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.light_gray": "Lite Gray", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.lime": "Lyem", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.magenta": "Majenta", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.orange": "Stampy Colour", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.pink": "Pynk", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.purple": "Purpel", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.green": "Green", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.light_blue": "Light Blue", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.light_gray": "Light Gray", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.lime": "Lime", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.magenta": "Magenta", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.orange": "Orange", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.pink": "Pink", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.purple": "Purple", "item.minecraft.firework_star.red": "Red", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape": "Squiggy shape", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.burst": "Boom", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.creeper": "Creepery", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.large_ball": "BIG ball", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.small_ball": "Tine", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.star": "pointi shaep", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.trail": "Liens", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.white": "Wite", - "item.minecraft.firework_star.yellow": "Yello", - "item.minecraft.fishing_rod": "kitteh feedin' device", - "item.minecraft.flint": "sharpy rock", - "item.minecraft.flint_and_steel": "frint und steal", - "item.minecraft.flower_banner_pattern": "bahnor patturnn", - "item.minecraft.flower_banner_pattern.desc": "Flowerpower in Charge", - "item.minecraft.flower_pot": "container for all the pretty plantz", - "item.minecraft.fox_spawn_egg": "Fuxe spon ec", - "item.minecraft.friend_pottery_shard": "Gud kat ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.frog_spawn_egg": "toad spon ec", - "item.minecraft.furnace_minecart": "Minecat wif Hot Box", - "item.minecraft.ghast_spawn_egg": "Ghast spon ec", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape": "Unknown Shape", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.burst": "Burst", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.creeper": "Creeper-shaped", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.large_ball": "Large Ball", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.small_ball": "Small Ball", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.shape.star": "Star-shaped", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.trail": "Trail", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.white": "White", + "item.minecraft.firework_star.yellow": "Yellow", + "item.minecraft.fishing_rod": "Fishing Rod", + "item.minecraft.flint": "Flint", + "item.minecraft.flint_and_steel": "Flint and Steel", + "item.minecraft.flower_banner_pattern": "Banner Pattern", + "item.minecraft.flower_banner_pattern.desc": "Flower Charge", + "item.minecraft.flower_pot": "Flower Pot", + "item.minecraft.fox_spawn_egg": "Fox Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.friend_pottery_shard": "Friend Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.friend_pottery_sherd": "Friend Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.frog_spawn_egg": "Frog Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.furnace_minecart": "Minecart with Furnace", + "item.minecraft.ghast_spawn_egg": "Ghast Spawn Egg", "item.minecraft.ghast_tear": "Ghast Tear", - "item.minecraft.glass_bottle": "GLAS BOTUL", - "item.minecraft.glistering_melon_slice": "glistrin melooon sliz", - "item.minecraft.globe_banner_pattern": "bahnor patturnn", - "item.minecraft.globe_banner_pattern.desc": "Glolbe", - "item.minecraft.glow_berries": "shiny berriz", - "item.minecraft.glow_ink_sac": "Shiny ink sac", - "item.minecraft.glow_item_frame": "Brite item holdr", - "item.minecraft.glow_squid_spawn_egg": "Shiny skwid spon ec", - "item.minecraft.glowstone_dust": "Glowstone duzt", - "item.minecraft.goat_horn": "monten shep's sharp thingy", - "item.minecraft.goat_spawn_egg": "monten shep spon ec", - "item.minecraft.gold_ingot": "GULDEN INGUT", - "item.minecraft.gold_nugget": "Shineh bawl", - "item.minecraft.golden_apple": "GULD APEL", - "item.minecraft.golden_axe": "Goldan Aks", - "item.minecraft.golden_boots": "GULD BOOTZ", - "item.minecraft.golden_carrot": "GULDEN CARRUT", - "item.minecraft.golden_chestplate": "GOLDEN CHESPLAET", - "item.minecraft.golden_helmet": "GULDEN HAT", - "item.minecraft.golden_hoe": "Goldn Hoe", - "item.minecraft.golden_horse_armor": "Goden Horz Armar", - "item.minecraft.golden_leggings": "GOLD PATNZ", - "item.minecraft.golden_pickaxe": "Goldan Pikakse", - "item.minecraft.golden_shovel": "Goldan Shaval", - "item.minecraft.golden_sword": "Goldan Sord", - "item.minecraft.gray_dye": "Moar dull powder", - "item.minecraft.green_dye": "Grass powder", - "item.minecraft.guardian_spawn_egg": "Gardien spon ec", - "item.minecraft.gunpowder": "Ganpowder", - "item.minecraft.heart_of_the_sea": "Hart of da see", - "item.minecraft.heart_pottery_shard": "<3 ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.heartbreak_pottery_shard": "Hartbrek ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.hoglin_spawn_egg": "Hoglin spon ec", - "item.minecraft.honey_bottle": "huny buttle", - "item.minecraft.honeycomb": "honyconb", - "item.minecraft.hopper_minecart": "Minecat wif hoppez", - "item.minecraft.horse_spawn_egg": "Hors spon ec", - "item.minecraft.howl_pottery_shard": "*AWWWWWWWWWW* ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.husk_spawn_egg": "Hask spon ec", - "item.minecraft.ink_sac": "Squirty nasty stuff", - "item.minecraft.iron_axe": "Iron Aks", - "item.minecraft.iron_boots": "Irun Shoes", - "item.minecraft.iron_chestplate": "Irun Vesst", - "item.minecraft.iron_golem_spawn_egg": "IRON MAN spon ec", - "item.minecraft.iron_helmet": "IRUNHAT", - "item.minecraft.iron_hoe": "Irun Hoe", - "item.minecraft.iron_horse_armor": "Shiny hoofy fur", - "item.minecraft.iron_ingot": "Irun Ingot", - "item.minecraft.iron_leggings": "Irun Pantz", - "item.minecraft.iron_nugget": "Steely thingy", - "item.minecraft.iron_pickaxe": "Iron Pikakse", - "item.minecraft.iron_shovel": "Iron Shaval", - "item.minecraft.iron_sword": "Irun Sowrd", - "item.minecraft.item_frame": "Kitteh Fraem", - "item.minecraft.jungle_boat": "Jungo Watr Car", - "item.minecraft.jungle_chest_boat": "Junglz Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.knowledge_book": "Buk of Knawledg", - "item.minecraft.lapis_lazuli": "blu stuffz", - "item.minecraft.lava_bucket": "bukkit full of HOT SAUCE", - "item.minecraft.lead": "Leesh", - "item.minecraft.leather": "Lethur", - "item.minecraft.leather_boots": "Lethur Butz", - "item.minecraft.leather_chestplate": "Lethur Jackett", - "item.minecraft.leather_helmet": "Lethur Kap", - "item.minecraft.leather_horse_armor": "Leathr Horse Armor", - "item.minecraft.leather_leggings": "Lethur Pantz", - "item.minecraft.light_blue_dye": "Wet powder", - "item.minecraft.light_gray_dye": "Dull powder", - "item.minecraft.lime_dye": "Nasty powder", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion": "Lingerin Poshun", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.awkward": "Linnerin Poshun of weird", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.empty": "Linnerin Poshun u Cann Onli Gat in HAX MODE", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.fire_resistance": "Linnerin Poshun ov Fire Rezistance", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.harming": "Linnerin Poshun ov Ouch", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.healing": "Linnerin Poshun ov Healin", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.invisibility": "Linnerin Poshun ov Hiding", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.leaping": "Linnerin Poshun ov Leapin", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.levitation": "Linnerin Poshun ov Levitashun", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.luck": "Linnerin Poshun ov LOL", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.mundane": "Linnerin Poshun ov Boringnes", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.night_vision": "Linnerin Poshun ov Cat Vishun", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.poison": "Linnerin Poshun ov Poizzon", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.regeneration": "Linnerin Poshun ov Regenerashun", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.slow_falling": "linnerin poshun uf slowmo fall", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.slowness": "Linnerin Poshun ov Slownez", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.strength": "Linnerin Poshun ov Strength", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.swiftness": "Linnerin Poshun ov Spedz", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.thick": "Linnerin Thig Poshun", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.turtle_master": "Linnerin Poshun of TurTl Boss", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.water": "Linnerin Watr Buttl", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.water_breathing": "Linnerin Poshun ov Watr Breathin", - "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.weakness": "Linnerin Poshun ov Weaknes", - "item.minecraft.llama_spawn_egg": "Lahmuh spon ec", - "item.minecraft.lodestone_compass": "loserstone compas", - "item.minecraft.magenta_dye": "Warmish powder", - "item.minecraft.magma_cream": "Flamin creem", - "item.minecraft.magma_cube_spawn_egg": "Magmuh cewb spon ec", - "item.minecraft.mangrove_boat": "Mangroff watr car", - "item.minecraft.mangrove_chest_boat": "Mangroff Watr Car wif Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.map": "cleen map", - "item.minecraft.melon_seeds": "Melan Seds", - "item.minecraft.melon_slice": "melon sliz", - "item.minecraft.milk_bucket": "mikk buket!!!", - "item.minecraft.minecart": "Minecat", - "item.minecraft.miner_pottery_shard": "Picky ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.mojang_banner_pattern": "bahnor patturnn", - "item.minecraft.mojang_banner_pattern.desc": "Ting", - "item.minecraft.mooshroom_spawn_egg": "Mooshroom spon ec", - "item.minecraft.mourner_pottery_shard": ":( ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.mule_spawn_egg": "Mewl spon ec", - "item.minecraft.mushroom_stew": "A supe of funges", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_11": "Round loud thing", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_11.desc": "C418 - 11", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_13": "Round loud thing", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_13.desc": "C418 - 13", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_5": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.glass_bottle": "Glass Bottle", + "item.minecraft.glistering_melon_slice": "Glistering Melon Slice", + "item.minecraft.globe_banner_pattern": "Banner Pattern", + "item.minecraft.globe_banner_pattern.desc": "Globe", + "item.minecraft.glow_berries": "Glow Berries", + "item.minecraft.glow_ink_sac": "Glow Ink Sac", + "item.minecraft.glow_item_frame": "Glow Item Frame", + "item.minecraft.glow_squid_spawn_egg": "Glow Squid Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.glowstone_dust": "Glowstone Dust", + "item.minecraft.goat_horn": "Goat Horn", + "item.minecraft.goat_spawn_egg": "Goat Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.gold_ingot": "Gold Ingot", + "item.minecraft.gold_nugget": "Gold Nugget", + "item.minecraft.golden_apple": "Golden Apple", + "item.minecraft.golden_axe": "Golden Axe", + "item.minecraft.golden_boots": "Golden Boots", + "item.minecraft.golden_carrot": "Golden Carrot", + "item.minecraft.golden_chestplate": "Golden Chestplate", + "item.minecraft.golden_helmet": "Golden Helmet", + "item.minecraft.golden_hoe": "Golden Hoe", + "item.minecraft.golden_horse_armor": "Golden Horse Armor", + "item.minecraft.golden_leggings": "Golden Leggings", + "item.minecraft.golden_pickaxe": "Golden Pickaxe", + "item.minecraft.golden_shovel": "Golden Shovel", + "item.minecraft.golden_sword": "Golden Sword", + "item.minecraft.gray_dye": "Gray Dye", + "item.minecraft.green_dye": "Green Dye", + "item.minecraft.guardian_spawn_egg": "Guardian Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.gunpowder": "Gunpowder", + "item.minecraft.heart_of_the_sea": "Heart of the Sea", + "item.minecraft.heart_pottery_shard": "Heart Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.heart_pottery_sherd": "Heart Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.heartbreak_pottery_shard": "Heartbreak Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.heartbreak_pottery_sherd": "Heartbreak Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.hoglin_spawn_egg": "Hoglin Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.honey_bottle": "Honey Bottle", + "item.minecraft.honeycomb": "Honeycomb", + "item.minecraft.hopper_minecart": "Minecart with Hopper", + "item.minecraft.horse_spawn_egg": "Horse Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.howl_pottery_shard": "Howl Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.howl_pottery_sherd": "Howl Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.husk_spawn_egg": "Husk Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.ink_sac": "Ink Sac", + "item.minecraft.iron_axe": "Iron Axe", + "item.minecraft.iron_boots": "Iron Boots", + "item.minecraft.iron_chestplate": "Iron Chestplate", + "item.minecraft.iron_golem_spawn_egg": "Iron Golem Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.iron_helmet": "Iron Helmet", + "item.minecraft.iron_hoe": "Iron Hoe", + "item.minecraft.iron_horse_armor": "Iron Horse Armor", + "item.minecraft.iron_ingot": "Iron Ingot", + "item.minecraft.iron_leggings": "Iron Leggings", + "item.minecraft.iron_nugget": "Iron Nugget", + "item.minecraft.iron_pickaxe": "Iron Pickaxe", + "item.minecraft.iron_shovel": "Iron Shovel", + "item.minecraft.iron_sword": "Iron Sword", + "item.minecraft.item_frame": "Item Frame", + "item.minecraft.jungle_boat": "Jungle Boat", + "item.minecraft.jungle_chest_boat": "Jungle Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.knowledge_book": "Knowledge Book", + "item.minecraft.lapis_lazuli": "Lapis Lazuli", + "item.minecraft.lava_bucket": "Lava Bucket", + "item.minecraft.lead": "Lead", + "item.minecraft.leather": "Leather", + "item.minecraft.leather_boots": "Leather Boots", + "item.minecraft.leather_chestplate": "Leather Tunic", + "item.minecraft.leather_helmet": "Leather Cap", + "item.minecraft.leather_horse_armor": "Leather Horse Armor", + "item.minecraft.leather_leggings": "Leather Pants", + "item.minecraft.light_blue_dye": "Light Blue Dye", + "item.minecraft.light_gray_dye": "Light Gray Dye", + "item.minecraft.lime_dye": "Lime Dye", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion": "Lingering Potion", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.awkward": "Awkward Lingering Potion", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.empty": "Lingering Uncraftable Potion", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.fire_resistance": "Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.harming": "Lingering Potion of Harming", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.healing": "Lingering Potion of Healing", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.invisibility": "Lingering Potion of Invisibility", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.leaping": "Lingering Potion of Leaping", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.levitation": "Lingering Potion of Levitation", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.luck": "Lingering Potion of Luck", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.mundane": "Mundane Lingering Potion", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.night_vision": "Lingering Potion of Night Vision", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.poison": "Lingering Potion of Poison", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.regeneration": "Lingering Potion of Regeneration", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.slow_falling": "Lingering Potion of Slow Falling", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.slowness": "Lingering Potion of Slowness", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.strength": "Lingering Potion of Strength", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.swiftness": "Lingering Potion of Swiftness", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.thick": "Thick Lingering Potion", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.turtle_master": "Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.water": "Lingering Water Bottle", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.water_breathing": "Lingering Potion of Water Breathing", + "item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.weakness": "Lingering Potion of Weakness", + "item.minecraft.llama_spawn_egg": "Llama Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.lodestone_compass": "Lodestone Compass", + "item.minecraft.magenta_dye": "Magenta Dye", + "item.minecraft.magma_cream": "Magma Cream", + "item.minecraft.magma_cube_spawn_egg": "Magma Cube Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.mangrove_boat": "Mangrove Boat", + "item.minecraft.mangrove_chest_boat": "Mangrove Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.map": "Empty Map", + "item.minecraft.melon_seeds": "Melon Seeds", + "item.minecraft.melon_slice": "Melon Slice", + "item.minecraft.milk_bucket": "Milk Bucket", + "item.minecraft.minecart": "Minecart", + "item.minecraft.miner_pottery_shard": "Miner Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.miner_pottery_sherd": "Miner Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.mojang_banner_pattern": "Banner Pattern", + "item.minecraft.mojang_banner_pattern.desc": "Thing", + "item.minecraft.mooshroom_spawn_egg": "Mooshroom Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.mourner_pottery_shard": "Mourner Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.mourner_pottery_sherd": "Mourner Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.mule_spawn_egg": "Mule Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.mushroom_stew": "Mushroom Stew", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_5": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_5.desc": "Samuel Åberg - 5", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_blocks": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_11": "Music Disc", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_11.desc": "C418 - 11", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_13": "Music Disc", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_13.desc": "C418 - 13", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_blocks": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_blocks.desc": "C418 - blocks", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_cat": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_cat": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_cat.desc": "C418 - cat", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_chirp": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_chirp": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_chirp.desc": "C418 - chirp", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_far": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_far": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_far.desc": "C418 - far", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_mall": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_mall": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_mall.desc": "C418 - mall", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_mellohi": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_mellohi": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_mellohi.desc": "C418 - mellohi", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_otherside": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_otherside": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_otherside.desc": "Lena Raine - otherside", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_pigstep": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_pigstep": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_pigstep.desc": "Lena Raine - Pigstep", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_stal": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_relic": "Music Disc", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_relic.desc": "Aaron Cherof - Relic", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_stal": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_stal.desc": "C418 - stal", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_strad": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_strad": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_strad.desc": "C418 - strad", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_wait": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_wait": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_wait.desc": "C418 - wait", - "item.minecraft.music_disc_ward": "Round loud thing", + "item.minecraft.music_disc_ward": "Music Disc", "item.minecraft.music_disc_ward.desc": "C418 - ward", - "item.minecraft.mutton": "Bloody Mutn", - "item.minecraft.name_tag": "Renaemer", - "item.minecraft.nautilus_shell": "Naughty shell", - "item.minecraft.nether_brick": "Nether brik", - "item.minecraft.nether_star": "Nether Asterisk", - "item.minecraft.nether_wart": "icky nether bumbz", - "item.minecraft.netherite_axe": "Netherite ax", - "item.minecraft.netherite_boots": "Netherite shoez", - "item.minecraft.netherite_chestplate": "Netherite sweatur", - "item.minecraft.netherite_helmet": "Netherite hat", + "item.minecraft.mutton": "Raw Mutton", + "item.minecraft.name_tag": "Name Tag", + "item.minecraft.nautilus_shell": "Nautilus Shell", + "item.minecraft.nether_brick": "Nether Brick", + "item.minecraft.nether_star": "Nether Star", + "item.minecraft.nether_wart": "Nether Wart", + "item.minecraft.netherite_axe": "Netherite Axe", + "item.minecraft.netherite_boots": "Netherite Boots", + "item.minecraft.netherite_chestplate": "Netherite Chestplate", + "item.minecraft.netherite_helmet": "Netherite Helmet", "item.minecraft.netherite_hoe": "Netherite Hoe", - "item.minecraft.netherite_ingot": "Netherite ingut", - "item.minecraft.netherite_leggings": "Netherite pantz", - "item.minecraft.netherite_pickaxe": "Netherite Pikax", - "item.minecraft.netherite_scrap": "Netherit skrapz", - "item.minecraft.netherite_shovel": "Netherite shuvl", - "item.minecraft.netherite_sword": "Netherite swurd", - "item.minecraft.oak_boat": "Ouk Watr Car", - "item.minecraft.oak_chest_boat": "Oak Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.ocelot_spawn_egg": "Oslot spon ec", - "item.minecraft.orange_dye": "Bright powder", - "item.minecraft.painting": "Art on a paper", - "item.minecraft.panda_spawn_egg": "Green Stick Eatar spon ec", - "item.minecraft.paper": "Papyrus", - "item.minecraft.parrot_spawn_egg": "Pawet spon ec", - "item.minecraft.phantom_membrane": "creepy flyin ting mimbrain", - "item.minecraft.phantom_spawn_egg": "Fantum spon ec", - "item.minecraft.pig_spawn_egg": "Pic spon ec", - "item.minecraft.piglin_banner_pattern": "bahnor patturnn", - "item.minecraft.piglin_banner_pattern.desc": "Nouze", - "item.minecraft.piglin_brute_spawn_egg": "Piglin Brut spon ec", - "item.minecraft.piglin_spawn_egg": "Piglin spon ec", - "item.minecraft.pillager_spawn_egg": "Pilagur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.pink_dye": "Less warmy powder", - "item.minecraft.pitcher_plant": "Bottl plantz", - "item.minecraft.pitcher_pod": "Bottl seed ball", - "item.minecraft.plenty_pottery_shard": "I HAV MANI ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.poisonous_potato": "no eat iz yukky", - "item.minecraft.polar_bear_spawn_egg": "Polah bar spon ec", - "item.minecraft.popped_chorus_fruit": "Popped Frut dat Duznt Sing", - "item.minecraft.porkchop": "rawr pig", - "item.minecraft.potato": "Pootato", - "item.minecraft.potion": "Poshun", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.awkward": "Poshun of weird", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.empty": "Poshun u Cann Onli Gat in HAX MODE", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.fire_resistance": "Poshun ov Fire Rezistance", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.harming": "Poshun ov Ouch", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.healing": "Poshun ov Healin", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.invisibility": "Poshun ov Hiding", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.leaping": "Poshun ov Leapin", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.levitation": "bad flyn", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.luck": "Poshun ov LOL", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.mundane": "Poshun ov Boringnes", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.night_vision": "Poshun ov Cat Vishun", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.poison": "Poshun ov Poizzon", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.regeneration": "Poshun ov Regenerashun", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.slow_falling": "Poshun of slowmo fall", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.slowness": "Poshun ov Slownez", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.strength": "chuckz noris pushun", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.swiftness": "Poshun ov Spedz", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.thick": "Fat Poshun", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.turtle_master": "Potiun of TurTl Boss", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.water": "Not for katz", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.water_breathing": "Poshun ov Watr Breathing", - "item.minecraft.potion.effect.weakness": "Poshun ov Weaknes", - "item.minecraft.powder_snow_bucket": "Bukkit wit Powdr Sno", - "item.minecraft.prismarine_crystals": "Prizmarine pebblez", - "item.minecraft.prismarine_shard": "Prizmarine thingy", - "item.minecraft.prize_pottery_shard": "Shineee ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.pufferfish": "very yukky fishy", - "item.minecraft.pufferfish_bucket": "Pafforfosh buket!!!", - "item.minecraft.pufferfish_spawn_egg": "Pufahfis spon ec", - "item.minecraft.pumpkin_pie": "pie with squash in it", - "item.minecraft.pumpkin_seeds": "Pumpkez Sedz", - "item.minecraft.purple_dye": "Sorta-in-between powder", - "item.minecraft.quartz": "Nether cloudz", - "item.minecraft.rabbit": "Bloody Jumpin Foodz", - "item.minecraft.rabbit_foot": "Jumpin Foodz Fut", - "item.minecraft.rabbit_hide": "Jumpin Foodz Rag", - "item.minecraft.rabbit_spawn_egg": "Wabit spon ec", - "item.minecraft.rabbit_stew": "Warm Jumpin Foodz in Bawl", - "item.minecraft.ravager_spawn_egg": "Rivagur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.raw_copper": "moldy wurst", - "item.minecraft.raw_gold": "shiny coal", - "item.minecraft.raw_iron": "RAWWWW irun", - "item.minecraft.recovery_compass": "Deth findr v1.0", - "item.minecraft.red_dye": "Mojang powder", + "item.minecraft.netherite_ingot": "Netherite Ingot", + "item.minecraft.netherite_leggings": "Netherite Leggings", + "item.minecraft.netherite_pickaxe": "Netherite Pickaxe", + "item.minecraft.netherite_scrap": "Netherite Scrap", + "item.minecraft.netherite_shovel": "Netherite Shovel", + "item.minecraft.netherite_sword": "Netherite Sword", + "item.minecraft.oak_boat": "Oak Boat", + "item.minecraft.oak_chest_boat": "Oak Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.ocelot_spawn_egg": "Ocelot Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.orange_dye": "Orange Dye", + "item.minecraft.painting": "Painting", + "item.minecraft.panda_spawn_egg": "Panda Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.paper": "Paper", + "item.minecraft.parrot_spawn_egg": "Parrot Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.phantom_membrane": "Phantom Membrane", + "item.minecraft.phantom_spawn_egg": "Phantom Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.pig_spawn_egg": "Pig Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.piglin_banner_pattern": "Banner Pattern", + "item.minecraft.piglin_banner_pattern.desc": "Snout", + "item.minecraft.piglin_brute_spawn_egg": "Piglin Brute Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.piglin_spawn_egg": "Piglin Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.pillager_spawn_egg": "Pillager Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.pink_dye": "Pink Dye", + "item.minecraft.pitcher_plant": "Pitcher Plant", + "item.minecraft.pitcher_pod": "Pitcher Pod", + "item.minecraft.plenty_pottery_shard": "Plenty Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.plenty_pottery_sherd": "Plenty Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.poisonous_potato": "Poisonous Potato", + "item.minecraft.polar_bear_spawn_egg": "Polar Bear Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.popped_chorus_fruit": "Popped Chorus Fruit", + "item.minecraft.porkchop": "Raw Porkchop", + "item.minecraft.potato": "Potato", + "item.minecraft.potion": "Potion", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.awkward": "Awkward Potion", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.empty": "Uncraftable Potion", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.fire_resistance": "Potion of Fire Resistance", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.harming": "Potion of Harming", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.healing": "Potion of Healing", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.invisibility": "Potion of Invisibility", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.leaping": "Potion of Leaping", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.levitation": "Potion of Levitation", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.luck": "Potion of Luck", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.mundane": "Mundane Potion", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.night_vision": "Potion of Night Vision", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.poison": "Potion of Poison", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.regeneration": "Potion of Regeneration", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.slow_falling": "Potion of Slow Falling", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.slowness": "Potion of Slowness", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.strength": "Potion of Strength", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.swiftness": "Potion of Swiftness", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.thick": "Thick Potion", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.turtle_master": "Potion of the Turtle Master", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.water": "Water Bottle", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.water_breathing": "Potion of Water Breathing", + "item.minecraft.potion.effect.weakness": "Potion of Weakness", + "item.minecraft.pottery_shard_archer": "Archer Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.pottery_shard_arms_up": "Arms Up Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.pottery_shard_prize": "Prize Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.pottery_shard_skull": "Skull Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.powder_snow_bucket": "Powder Snow Bucket", + "item.minecraft.prismarine_crystals": "Prismarine Crystals", + "item.minecraft.prismarine_shard": "Prismarine Shard", + "item.minecraft.prize_pottery_shard": "Prize Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.prize_pottery_sherd": "Prize Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.pufferfish": "Pufferfish", + "item.minecraft.pufferfish_bucket": "Bucket of Pufferfish", + "item.minecraft.pufferfish_spawn_egg": "Pufferfish Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.pumpkin_pie": "Pumpkin Pie", + "item.minecraft.pumpkin_seeds": "Pumpkin Seeds", + "item.minecraft.purple_dye": "Purple Dye", + "item.minecraft.quartz": "Nether Quartz", + "item.minecraft.rabbit": "Raw Rabbit", + "item.minecraft.rabbit_foot": "Rabbit's Foot", + "item.minecraft.rabbit_hide": "Rabbit Hide", + "item.minecraft.rabbit_spawn_egg": "Rabbit Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.rabbit_stew": "Rabbit Stew", + "item.minecraft.ravager_spawn_egg": "Ravager Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.raw_copper": "Raw Copper", + "item.minecraft.raw_gold": "Raw Gold", + "item.minecraft.raw_iron": "Raw Iron", + "item.minecraft.recovery_compass": "Recovery Compass", + "item.minecraft.red_dye": "Red Dye", "item.minecraft.redstone": "Redstone Dust", - "item.minecraft.rotten_flesh": "Taestz Laik Brokali", - "item.minecraft.saddle": "Sad-le :c", - "item.minecraft.salmon": "Rawr Pink Nomz", - "item.minecraft.salmon_bucket": "Salmon buket!!!", - "item.minecraft.salmon_spawn_egg": "Samin spon ec", - "item.minecraft.scute": "pice ov tutrl shell", - "item.minecraft.sheaf_pottery_shard": "Cowfud ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.shears": "Skizzors", - "item.minecraft.sheep_spawn_egg": "Shep spon ec", - "item.minecraft.shelter_pottery_shard": "Cat hous ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.shield": "Cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.black": "Blak cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.blue": "Bloo cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.brown": "Broun cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.cyan": "Sighun cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.gray": "Moar dull cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.green": "Greenish cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.light_blue": "Lite bloo cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.light_gray": "Dull cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.lime": "Limd cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.magenta": "Majenta cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.orange": "Ornge cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.pink": "Pinky cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.purple": "Parpal cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.red": "Redish cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.white": "Wite cat protecshun", - "item.minecraft.shield.yellow": "Yello cat protecshun", + "item.minecraft.rotten_flesh": "Rotten Flesh", + "item.minecraft.saddle": "Saddle", + "item.minecraft.salmon": "Raw Salmon", + "item.minecraft.salmon_bucket": "Bucket of Salmon", + "item.minecraft.salmon_spawn_egg": "Salmon Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.scute": "Scute", + "item.minecraft.sheaf_pottery_shard": "Sheaf Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.sheaf_pottery_sherd": "Sheaf Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.shears": "Shears", + "item.minecraft.sheep_spawn_egg": "Sheep Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.shelter_pottery_shard": "Shelter Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.shelter_pottery_sherd": "Shelter Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.shield": "Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.black": "Black Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.blue": "Blue Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.brown": "Brown Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.cyan": "Cyan Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.gray": "Gray Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.green": "Green Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.light_blue": "Light Blue Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.light_gray": "Light Gray Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.lime": "Lime Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.magenta": "Magenta Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.orange": "Orange Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.pink": "Pink Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.purple": "Purple Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.red": "Red Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.white": "White Shield", + "item.minecraft.shield.yellow": "Yellow Shield", "item.minecraft.shulker_shell": "Shulker Shell", - "item.minecraft.shulker_spawn_egg": "Shuker spon ec", - "item.minecraft.sign": "wite a mesige", - "item.minecraft.silverfish_spawn_egg": "Grae fish spon ec", - "item.minecraft.skeleton_horse_spawn_egg": "Skehlehten hors span ec", - "item.minecraft.skeleton_spawn_egg": "Skelehten spon ec", - "item.minecraft.skull_banner_pattern": "bahnor patturnn", - "item.minecraft.skull_banner_pattern.desc": "Skullz churge", - "item.minecraft.skull_pottery_shard": "Head ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.slime_ball": "boogerz", - "item.minecraft.slime_spawn_egg": "Sliem spon ec", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template": "Smissinng thingy", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.applies_to": "appliz to:", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.additions_slot_description": "Putt ingut or shinee", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.applies_to": "Armur", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.base_slot_description": "Putt a piec ov armur", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.ingredients": "butters and sharp shiniez", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.ingredients": "da stuff u need:", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.additions_slot_description": "putt ur netherite barr heer", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.applies_to": "blue shiny thingz", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.base_slot_description": "putt ur shiny clothin orr toolz heer", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.ingredients": "Netherite ingut", - "item.minecraft.smithing_template.upgrade": "IMPROVE!! ", - "item.minecraft.sniffer_spawn_egg": "Sniffr spon ec", - "item.minecraft.snort_pottery_shard": "*snfff* ancient containr thingy", - "item.minecraft.snow_golem_spawn_egg": "Cold watr hooman spon ec", - "item.minecraft.snowball": "Cold wet", - "item.minecraft.spectral_arrow": "Shini Errow", - "item.minecraft.spider_eye": "Spider bal", - "item.minecraft.spider_spawn_egg": "Spaydur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion": "Throw Poshun", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.awkward": "Spleshy Poshun of weird", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.empty": "Spleshy Poshun u Cann Onli Gat in HAX MODE", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.fire_resistance": "Spleshy Poshun ov Fire Rezistance", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.harming": "Spleshy Poshun ov Ouch", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.healing": "Spleshy Poshun ov Healin", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.invisibility": "Spleshy Poshun ov Hiding", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.leaping": "Spleshy Poshun ov Leapin", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.levitation": "Spleshy Poshun ov Levitashun", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.luck": "Spleshy Poshun ov LOL", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.mundane": "Spleshy Poshun ov Boringnes", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.night_vision": "Spleshy Poshun ov Cat Vishun", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.poison": "Spleshy Poshun ov Poizzon", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.regeneration": "Spleshy Poshun ov Regenerashun", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.slow_falling": "Splashie poshun uf slowmo fall", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.slowness": "Spleshy Poshun ov Slownez", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.strength": "Spleshy Poshun ov Strength", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.swiftness": "Spleshy Poshun ov Spedz", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.thick": "Spleshy Thig Poshun", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.turtle_master": "Splashie poshun uf TurTl Boss", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.water": "Spleshy Watr Buttl", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.water_breathing": "Spleshy Poshun ov Watr Breathin", - "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.weakness": "Spleshy Poshun ov Weaknes", - "item.minecraft.spruce_boat": "Sproos Watr Car", - "item.minecraft.spruce_chest_boat": "Sprce Watr Car wit Cat Box", - "item.minecraft.spyglass": "I C U", - "item.minecraft.squid_spawn_egg": "Sqwid spon ec", - "item.minecraft.stick": "stik", - "item.minecraft.stone_axe": "Ston Akx", - "item.minecraft.stone_hoe": "Ston Hoe", - "item.minecraft.stone_pickaxe": "Ston Pikkatt", - "item.minecraft.stone_shovel": "stone spoon", - "item.minecraft.stone_sword": "Pointy rock", - "item.minecraft.stray_spawn_egg": "Strey spon ec", - "item.minecraft.strider_spawn_egg": "Straydur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.string": "CAN I HAZ TEH TAIL THING", - "item.minecraft.sugar": "Switz", - "item.minecraft.suspicious_stew": "IDK dont eat dat", - "item.minecraft.sweet_berries": "Sweet Beries", - "item.minecraft.tadpole_bucket": "buket wit toadpol", - "item.minecraft.tadpole_spawn_egg": "mini frog spon ec", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow": "Shooty Tihng", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.awkward": "Shooty Tihng Wit Liqwide Magik", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.empty": "Shooty Tihng u Cann Onli Gat in HAX MODE", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.fire_resistance": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Fire Rezistant", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.harming": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Ouch", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.healing": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Heal", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.invisibility": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Invizibul", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.leaping": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Bunny Cat", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.levitation": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Flai", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.luck": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u LOL", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.mundane": "Shooty Tihng Wit Liqwide Magik", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.night_vision": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Cat Vishun", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.poison": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Puiznd", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.regeneration": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Reg", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.slow_falling": "Arruz uf slowmo fall", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.slowness": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Slo", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.strength": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Powahful", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.swiftness": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Fazt", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.thick": "Shooty Tihng wit poshun", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.turtle_master": "Arruwz of TurTl Boss", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.water": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Splashes", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.water_breathing": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Breathin undr Watr", - "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.weakness": "Speshul Shooty Tignh Dat Makez u Week", - "item.minecraft.tnt_minecart": "Boomy Minecat", - "item.minecraft.torchflower_seeds": "burny flowr seeedz", - "item.minecraft.totem_of_undying": "Anti-dyin' Totum ", - "item.minecraft.trader_llama_spawn_egg": "Givr Camel spon ec", - "item.minecraft.trident": "Dinglehopper", - "item.minecraft.tropical_fish": "Weird water thing", - "item.minecraft.tropical_fish_bucket": "Weird water thing buket!!!", - "item.minecraft.tropical_fish_spawn_egg": "Trahpicul fish spon ec", - "item.minecraft.turtle_helmet": "TortL head", - "item.minecraft.turtle_spawn_egg": "TortL spon ec", - "item.minecraft.vex_spawn_egg": "Vax spon ec", - "item.minecraft.villager_spawn_egg": "Vilagur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.vindicator_spawn_egg": "Vindahcaytur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.wandering_trader_spawn_egg": "Wubterng Truder spon ec", - "item.minecraft.warden_spawn_egg": "Blu shrek spon ec", - "item.minecraft.warped_fungus_on_a_stick": "Warpt Foongis on a stick", - "item.minecraft.water_bucket": "WatR Buket", - "item.minecraft.wheat": "Weet", - "item.minecraft.wheat_seeds": "wit seeds", - "item.minecraft.white_dye": "Blank powder", - "item.minecraft.witch_spawn_egg": "Wetch spon ec", - "item.minecraft.wither_skeleton_spawn_egg": "Wither skelehten spon ec", - "item.minecraft.wither_spawn_egg": "Wither spon ec", - "item.minecraft.wolf_spawn_egg": "Wuf spon ec", - "item.minecraft.wooden_axe": "teh furst chopper", - "item.minecraft.wooden_hoe": "Wuddn Hoe", - "item.minecraft.wooden_pickaxe": "Wuddn Pikkatt", - "item.minecraft.wooden_shovel": "Wuddn Shuvl", - "item.minecraft.wooden_sword": "Wuddn Sord", - "item.minecraft.writable_book": "NeRd!", - "item.minecraft.written_book": "Book 4 Reeding", - "item.minecraft.yellow_dye": "Banana powder", - "item.minecraft.zoglin_spawn_egg": "Zoglin spwn ec", - "item.minecraft.zombie_horse_spawn_egg": "Zobi horz spon ec", - "item.minecraft.zombie_spawn_egg": "Zobi spon ec", - "item.minecraft.zombie_villager_spawn_egg": "Unded villaguur spon ec", - "item.minecraft.zombified_piglin_spawn_egg": "Zobifyed Piglin spon ec", - "item.modifiers.chest": "Wen un kit-cat bodi:", - "item.modifiers.feet": "Wehn un bak pawz:", - "item.modifiers.head": "Wen unn kit-cat hed:", - "item.modifiers.legs": "Wen un paws:", - "item.modifiers.mainhand": "Wehn in Maen Paw:", - "item.modifiers.offhand": "Wehn in Bad Paw:", - "item.nbt_tags": "NbT: %s stuf(z)", - "item.unbreakable": "no breakz", - "itemGroup.buildingBlocks": "Build Blukz", - "itemGroup.coloredBlocks": "KOLORFUL BLUKZ", - "itemGroup.combat": "Combawt", - "itemGroup.consumables": "Kat foodz", - "itemGroup.crafting": "Makezing", - "itemGroup.foodAndDrink": "Kat Foodz", - "itemGroup.functional": "Funcshunal Blockz", - "itemGroup.hotbar": "Savd warmbras", - "itemGroup.ingredients": "Kat Itumz", - "itemGroup.inventory": "Sirvivl Stuff", - "itemGroup.natural": "catland bluks", - "itemGroup.op": "Hax 4 Me", - "itemGroup.redstone": "Redstone bluccz", - "itemGroup.search": "Saerhc Itmz", - "itemGroup.spawnEggs": "spon ecs", - "itemGroup.tools": "toolz & ulitelites", - "item_modifier.unknown": "know'nt item mudifyer: %s", - "jigsaw_block.final_state": "Transforms to:", - "jigsaw_block.generate": "Crete!!", - "jigsaw_block.joint.aligned": "alyned", - "jigsaw_block.joint.rollable": "Hairballable", - "jigsaw_block.joint_label": "joynt typ:", - "jigsaw_block.keep_jigsaws": "Keep Jig saw", - "jigsaw_block.levels": "lvlz: %s", - "jigsaw_block.name": "Naem:", - "jigsaw_block.pool": "Taaget Pul:", - "jigsaw_block.target": "Walmart naem:", - "key.advancements": "Atfancemends", - "key.attack": "HYAHHH", - "key.back": "Roll Bakwordz", - "key.categories.creative": "HAX MOD", - "key.categories.gameplay": "Gaemply", - "key.categories.inventory": "Mah stuff", - "key.categories.misc": "Miscelanus", - "key.categories.movement": "hopz and bouncez", - "key.categories.multiplayer": "I can haz friendz", - "key.categories.ui": "Teh buttonz", - "key.chat": "Opn Chatz", - "key.command": "Opn Cmds", - "key.drop": "Throw teh yarn away", - "key.forward": "Roll Forwardz", - "key.fullscreen": "turn on nd off teh fullzcrin", - "key.hotbar.1": "Front Pocket 1", - "key.hotbar.2": "Front Pocket 2", - "key.hotbar.3": "Front Pocket 3", - "key.hotbar.4": "Front Pocket 4", - "key.hotbar.5": "Front Pocket 5", - "key.hotbar.6": "Front Pocket 6", - "key.hotbar.7": "Front Pocket 7", - "key.hotbar.8": "Front Pocket 8", - "key.hotbar.9": "Front Pocket 9", - "key.inventory": "Opun/Cloze Secret fur pouch", - "key.jump": "Jumpy jumpy jumpy", + "item.minecraft.shulker_spawn_egg": "Shulker Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.sign": "Sign", + "item.minecraft.silverfish_spawn_egg": "Silverfish Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.skeleton_horse_spawn_egg": "Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.skeleton_spawn_egg": "Skeleton Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.skull_banner_pattern": "Banner Pattern", + "item.minecraft.skull_banner_pattern.desc": "Skull Charge", + "item.minecraft.skull_pottery_shard": "Skull Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.skull_pottery_sherd": "Skull Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.slime_ball": "Slimeball", + "item.minecraft.slime_spawn_egg": "Slime Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template": "Smithing Template", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.applies_to": "Applies to:", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.additions_slot_description": "Add ingot or crystal", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.applies_to": "Armor", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.base_slot_description": "Add a piece of armor", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.ingredients": "Ingots & Crystals", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.ingredients": "Ingredients:", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.additions_slot_description": "Add Netherite Ingot", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.applies_to": "Diamond Equipment", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.base_slot_description": "Add diamond armor, weapon, or tool", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.ingredients": "Netherite Ingot", + "item.minecraft.smithing_template.upgrade": "Upgrade: ", + "item.minecraft.sniffer_spawn_egg": "Sniffer Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.snort_pottery_shard": "Snort Pottery Shard", + "item.minecraft.snort_pottery_sherd": "Snort Pottery Sherd", + "item.minecraft.snow_golem_spawn_egg": "Snow Golem Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.snowball": "Snowball", + "item.minecraft.spectral_arrow": "Spectral Arrow", + "item.minecraft.spider_eye": "Spider Eye", + "item.minecraft.spider_spawn_egg": "Spider Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion": "Splash Potion", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.awkward": "Awkward Splash Potion", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.empty": "Splash Uncraftable Potion", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.fire_resistance": "Splash Potion of Fire Resistance", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.harming": "Splash Potion of Harming", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.healing": "Splash Potion of Healing", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.invisibility": "Splash Potion of Invisibility", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.leaping": "Splash Potion of Leaping", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.levitation": "Splash Potion of Levitation", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.luck": "Splash Potion of Luck", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.mundane": "Mundane Splash Potion", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.night_vision": "Splash Potion of Night Vision", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.poison": "Splash Potion of Poison", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.regeneration": "Splash Potion of Regeneration", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.slow_falling": "Splash Potion of Slow Falling", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.slowness": "Splash Potion of Slowness", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.strength": "Splash Potion of Strength", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.swiftness": "Splash Potion of Swiftness", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.thick": "Thick Splash Potion", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.turtle_master": "Splash Potion of the Turtle Master", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.water": "Splash Water Bottle", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.water_breathing": "Splash Potion of Water Breathing", + "item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.weakness": "Splash Potion of Weakness", + "item.minecraft.spruce_boat": "Spruce Boat", + "item.minecraft.spruce_chest_boat": "Spruce Boat with Chest", + "item.minecraft.spyglass": "Spyglass", + "item.minecraft.squid_spawn_egg": "Squid Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.stick": "Stick", + "item.minecraft.stone_axe": "Stone Axe", + "item.minecraft.stone_hoe": "Stone Hoe", + "item.minecraft.stone_pickaxe": "Stone Pickaxe", + "item.minecraft.stone_shovel": "Stone Shovel", + "item.minecraft.stone_sword": "Stone Sword", + "item.minecraft.stray_spawn_egg": "Stray Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.strider_spawn_egg": "Strider Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.string": "String", + "item.minecraft.sugar": "Sugar", + "item.minecraft.suspicious_stew": "Suspicious Stew", + "item.minecraft.sweet_berries": "Sweet Berries", + "item.minecraft.tadpole_bucket": "Bucket of Tadpole", + "item.minecraft.tadpole_spawn_egg": "Tadpole Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow": "Tipped Arrow", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.awkward": "Tipped Arrow", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.empty": "Uncraftable Tipped Arrow", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.fire_resistance": "Arrow of Fire Resistance", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.harming": "Arrow of Harming", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.healing": "Arrow of Healing", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.invisibility": "Arrow of Invisibility", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.leaping": "Arrow of Leaping", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.levitation": "Arrow of Levitation", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.luck": "Arrow of Luck", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.mundane": "Tipped Arrow", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.night_vision": "Arrow of Night Vision", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.poison": "Arrow of Poison", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.regeneration": "Arrow of Regeneration", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.slow_falling": "Arrow of Slow Falling", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.slowness": "Arrow of Slowness", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.strength": "Arrow of Strength", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.swiftness": "Arrow of Swiftness", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.thick": "Tipped Arrow", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.turtle_master": "Arrow of the Turtle Master", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.water": "Arrow of Splashing", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.water_breathing": "Arrow of Water Breathing", + "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.weakness": "Arrow of Weakness", + "item.minecraft.tnt_minecart": "Minecart with TNT", + "item.minecraft.torchflower_seeds": "Torchflower Seeds", + "item.minecraft.totem_of_undying": "Totem of Undying", + "item.minecraft.trader_llama_spawn_egg": "Trader Llama Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.trident": "Trident", + "item.minecraft.tropical_fish": "Tropical Fish", + "item.minecraft.tropical_fish_bucket": "Bucket of Tropical Fish", + "item.minecraft.tropical_fish_spawn_egg": "Tropical Fish Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.turtle_helmet": "Turtle Shell", + "item.minecraft.turtle_spawn_egg": "Turtle Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.vex_spawn_egg": "Vex Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.villager_spawn_egg": "Villager Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.vindicator_spawn_egg": "Vindicator Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.wandering_trader_spawn_egg": "Wandering Trader Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.warden_spawn_egg": "Warden Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.warped_fungus_on_a_stick": "Warped Fungus on a Stick", + "item.minecraft.water_bucket": "Water Bucket", + "item.minecraft.wheat": "Wheat", + "item.minecraft.wheat_seeds": "Wheat Seeds", + "item.minecraft.white_dye": "White Dye", + "item.minecraft.witch_spawn_egg": "Witch Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.wither_skeleton_spawn_egg": "Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.wither_spawn_egg": "Wither Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.wolf_spawn_egg": "Wolf Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.wooden_axe": "Wooden Axe", + "item.minecraft.wooden_hoe": "Wooden Hoe", + "item.minecraft.wooden_pickaxe": "Wooden Pickaxe", + "item.minecraft.wooden_shovel": "Wooden Shovel", + "item.minecraft.wooden_sword": "Wooden Sword", + "item.minecraft.writable_book": "Book and Quill", + "item.minecraft.written_book": "Written Book", + "item.minecraft.yellow_dye": "Yellow Dye", + "item.minecraft.zoglin_spawn_egg": "Zoglin Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.zombie_horse_spawn_egg": "Zombie Horse Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.zombie_spawn_egg": "Zombie Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.zombie_villager_spawn_egg": "Zombie Villager Spawn Egg", + "item.minecraft.zombified_piglin_spawn_egg": "Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg", + "item.modifiers.chest": "When on Body:", + "item.modifiers.feet": "When on Feet:", + "item.modifiers.head": "When on Head:", + "item.modifiers.legs": "When on Legs:", + "item.modifiers.mainhand": "When in Main Hand:", + "item.modifiers.offhand": "When in Off Hand:", + "item.nbt_tags": "NBT: %s tag(s)", + "item.unbreakable": "Unbreakable", + "itemGroup.buildingBlocks": "Building Blocks", + "itemGroup.coloredBlocks": "Colored Blocks", + "itemGroup.combat": "Combat", + "itemGroup.consumables": "Consumables", + "itemGroup.crafting": "Crafting", + "itemGroup.foodAndDrink": "Food & Drinks", + "itemGroup.functional": "Functional Blocks", + "itemGroup.hotbar": "Saved Hotbars", + "itemGroup.ingredients": "Ingredients", + "itemGroup.inventory": "Survival Inventory", + "itemGroup.natural": "Natural Blocks", + "itemGroup.op": "Operator Utilities", + "itemGroup.redstone": "Redstone Blocks", + "itemGroup.search": "Search Items", + "itemGroup.spawnEggs": "Spawn Eggs", + "itemGroup.tools": "Tools & Utilities", + "jigsaw_block.final_state": "Turns into:", + "jigsaw_block.generate": "Generate", + "jigsaw_block.joint_label": "Joint Type:", + "jigsaw_block.joint.aligned": "Aligned", + "jigsaw_block.joint.rollable": "Rollable", + "jigsaw_block.keep_jigsaws": "Keep Jigsaws", + "jigsaw_block.levels": "Levels: %s", + "jigsaw_block.name": "Name:", + "jigsaw_block.pool": "Target Pool:", + "jigsaw_block.target": "Target Name:", + "key.advancements": "Advancements", + "key.attack": "Attack/Destroy", + "key.back": "Walk Backwards", + "key.categories.creative": "Creative Mode", + "key.categories.gameplay": "Gameplay", + "key.categories.inventory": "Inventory", + "key.categories.misc": "Miscellaneous", + "key.categories.movement": "Movement", + "key.categories.multiplayer": "Multiplayer", + "key.categories.ui": "Game Interface", + "key.chat": "Open Chat", + "key.command": "Open Command", + "key.drop": "Drop Selected Item", + "key.forward": "Walk Forwards", + "key.fullscreen": "Toggle Fullscreen", + "key.hotbar.1": "Hotbar Slot 1", + "key.hotbar.2": "Hotbar Slot 2", + "key.hotbar.3": "Hotbar Slot 3", + "key.hotbar.4": "Hotbar Slot 4", + "key.hotbar.5": "Hotbar Slot 5", + "key.hotbar.6": "Hotbar Slot 6", + "key.hotbar.7": "Hotbar Slot 7", + "key.hotbar.8": "Hotbar Slot 8", + "key.hotbar.9": "Hotbar Slot 9", + "key.inventory": "Open/Close Inventory", + "key.jump": "Jump", "key.keyboard.apostrophe": "'", "key.keyboard.backslash": "\\", - "key.keyboard.backspace": "oops no", - "key.keyboard.caps.lock": "CAPZ", + "key.keyboard.backspace": "Backspace", + "key.keyboard.caps.lock": "Caps Lock", "key.keyboard.comma": ",", - "key.keyboard.delete": "DELET DIS", - "key.keyboard.down": "Deown Arrowz", + "key.keyboard.delete": "Delete", + "key.keyboard.down": "Down Arrow", "key.keyboard.end": "End", - "key.keyboard.enter": "Entr", + "key.keyboard.enter": "Enter", "key.keyboard.equal": "=", - "key.keyboard.escape": "escap", + "key.keyboard.escape": "Escape", "key.keyboard.f1": "F1", + "key.keyboard.f2": "F2", + "key.keyboard.f3": "F3", + "key.keyboard.f4": "F4", + "key.keyboard.f5": "F5", + "key.keyboard.f6": "F6", + "key.keyboard.f7": "F7", + "key.keyboard.f8": "F8", + "key.keyboard.f9": "F9", "key.keyboard.f10": "F10", "key.keyboard.f11": "F11", "key.keyboard.f12": "F12", @@ -4136,734 +4196,771 @@ "key.keyboard.f17": "F17", "key.keyboard.f18": "F18", "key.keyboard.f19": "F19", - "key.keyboard.f2": "F2", "key.keyboard.f20": "F20", "key.keyboard.f21": "F21", "key.keyboard.f22": "F22", "key.keyboard.f23": "F23", "key.keyboard.f24": "F24", "key.keyboard.f25": "F25", - "key.keyboard.f3": "F3", - "key.keyboard.f4": "F4", - "key.keyboard.f5": "F5", - "key.keyboard.f6": "F6", - "key.keyboard.f7": "F7", - "key.keyboard.f8": "F8", - "key.keyboard.f9": "F9", "key.keyboard.grave.accent": "`", - "key.keyboard.home": "Kittybox", - "key.keyboard.insert": "Insurrt", - "key.keyboard.keypad.0": "Numbur 0", - "key.keyboard.keypad.1": "Numbur 1", - "key.keyboard.keypad.2": "Numbur 2", - "key.keyboard.keypad.3": "Numbur 3", - "key.keyboard.keypad.4": "Numbur 4", - "key.keyboard.keypad.5": "Numbur 5", - "key.keyboard.keypad.6": "Numbur 6", - "key.keyboard.keypad.7": "Numbur 7", - "key.keyboard.keypad.8": "Numbur 8", - "key.keyboard.keypad.9": "Numbur 9", - "key.keyboard.keypad.add": "Numbur +", - "key.keyboard.keypad.decimal": "Numbur '.'", + "key.keyboard.home": "Home", + "key.keyboard.insert": "Insert", + "key.keyboard.keypad.0": "Keypad 0", + "key.keyboard.keypad.1": "Keypad 1", + "key.keyboard.keypad.2": "Keypad 2", + "key.keyboard.keypad.3": "Keypad 3", + "key.keyboard.keypad.4": "Keypad 4", + "key.keyboard.keypad.5": "Keypad 5", + "key.keyboard.keypad.6": "Keypad 6", + "key.keyboard.keypad.7": "Keypad 7", + "key.keyboard.keypad.8": "Keypad 8", + "key.keyboard.keypad.9": "Keypad 9", + "key.keyboard.keypad.add": "Keypad +", + "key.keyboard.keypad.decimal": "Keypad Decimal", "key.keyboard.keypad.divide": "Keypad /", - "key.keyboard.keypad.enter": "Keypad Dun", + "key.keyboard.keypad.enter": "Keypad Enter", "key.keyboard.keypad.equal": "Keypad =", "key.keyboard.keypad.multiply": "Keypad *", "key.keyboard.keypad.subtract": "Keypad -", - "key.keyboard.left": "Lefty Arrowz", - "key.keyboard.left.alt": "Lefty Alt", + "key.keyboard.left": "Left Arrow", + "key.keyboard.left.alt": "Left Alt", "key.keyboard.left.bracket": "[", - "key.keyboard.left.control": "Lefty Control", - "key.keyboard.left.shift": "Lefty Shiftz", - "key.keyboard.left.win": "Lefty Win", - "key.keyboard.menu": "Meneow", + "key.keyboard.left.control": "Left Control", + "key.keyboard.left.shift": "Left Shift", + "key.keyboard.left.win": "Left Win", + "key.keyboard.menu": "Menu", "key.keyboard.minus": "-", - "key.keyboard.num.lock": "Numbz Lockz", - "key.keyboard.page.down": "Pagez Deown", - "key.keyboard.page.up": "Pagez Up", - "key.keyboard.pause": "Pawz", + "key.keyboard.num.lock": "Num Lock", + "key.keyboard.page.down": "Page Down", + "key.keyboard.page.up": "Page Up", + "key.keyboard.pause": "Pause", "key.keyboard.period": ".", - "key.keyboard.print.screen": "Prnt Screenz", - "key.keyboard.right": "Righty Arrowz", - "key.keyboard.right.alt": "Righty Alt", + "key.keyboard.print.screen": "Print Screen", + "key.keyboard.right": "Right Arrow", + "key.keyboard.right.alt": "Right Alt", "key.keyboard.right.bracket": "]", - "key.keyboard.right.control": "Righty Control", - "key.keyboard.right.shift": "Righty Shiftz", - "key.keyboard.right.win": "Righty Win", - "key.keyboard.scroll.lock": "Scrolls Lockz", + "key.keyboard.right.control": "Right Control", + "key.keyboard.right.shift": "Right Shift", + "key.keyboard.right.win": "Right Win", + "key.keyboard.scroll.lock": "Scroll Lock", "key.keyboard.semicolon": ";", "key.keyboard.slash": "/", - "key.keyboard.space": "Spacez", - "key.keyboard.tab": "Tabz", - "key.keyboard.unknown": "nO key hEre", - "key.keyboard.up": "Up Arrowz", - "key.keyboard.world.1": "Wurld 1", - "key.keyboard.world.2": "Wurld 2", - "key.left": "Roll Left", - "key.loadToolbarActivator": "Lowd Hawtbar Ektivator", + "key.keyboard.space": "Space", + "key.keyboard.tab": "Tab", + "key.keyboard.unknown": "Not Bound", + "key.keyboard.up": "Up Arrow", + "key.keyboard.world.1": "World 1", + "key.keyboard.world.2": "World 2", + "key.left": "Strafe Left", + "key.loadToolbarActivator": "Load Hotbar Activator", "key.mouse": "Button %1$s", - "key.mouse.left": "Left Paw", - "key.mouse.middle": "Middl Paw", - "key.mouse.right": "Right Paw", - "key.pickItem": "Pick blukz", - "key.playerlist": "Show utur Kittehz", - "key.right": "Roll Right", - "key.saveToolbarActivator": "Sarv Hawtbar Ektivetor", - "key.screenshot": "makin funny picz fer interwebz", - "key.smoothCamera": "switch teh fanceh (feast) camera on nd off", - "key.sneak": "Tiptoe", - "key.socialInteractions": "Soshul interacshuns screen", - "key.spectatorOutlines": "Mak teh catz shinies (Spectorz)", + "key.mouse.left": "Left Button", + "key.mouse.middle": "Middle Button", + "key.mouse.right": "Right Button", + "key.pickItem": "Pick Block", + "key.playerlist": "List Players", + "key.right": "Strafe Right", + "key.saveToolbarActivator": "Save Hotbar Activator", + "key.screenshot": "Take Screenshot", + "key.smoothCamera": "Toggle Cinematic Camera", + "key.sneak": "Sneak", + "key.socialInteractions": "Social Interactions Screen", + "key.spectatorOutlines": "Highlight Players (Spectators)", "key.sprint": "Sprint", - "key.swapOffhand": "Swap itemz in pawz", - "key.togglePerspective": "chang teh way kitteh lookzez", - "key.use": "Uze Item/Plac blukz", - "lanServer.otherPlayers": "Setinz 4 ohtr kittenz", - "lanServer.port": "Port numbr", - "lanServer.port.invalid": "Not valid port. Srsly leef teh edit box empty or entr numbr tween 1024 an 65535.", - "lanServer.port.invalid.new": "Not valed powt :(\nLeef teh edit box empteh or entr difewant numbr betwiin %s an %s.", - "lanServer.port.unavailable": "Powt not available :(\nLeef teh edit box empteh or entr difewant numbr tween 1k24 an 6 5 5 3 5.", - "lanServer.port.unavailable.new": "Powt not available :(\nLeef teh edit box empteh or entr difewant numbr betwiin %s an %s.", - "lanServer.scanning": "Scannin for nearby kittenz", - "lanServer.start": "Start LAN Wurld", - "lanServer.title": "LAN Wurld", - "language.code": "qll", - "language.name": "LOLCAT", - "language.region": "Kingdom of Cats", - "lectern.take_book": "Taek Book", - "mco.account.privacy.info": "Read moar aboth Mojang and teh privacy laws", - "mco.account.privacyinfo": "Mojang implements certain procedurez 2 halp protect children an their privacy includin complyin wif teh Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) an General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).\n\nU cud ned 2 obtain parental consent before accesin ur Realms accunt.\n\nIf u has an oldr Minecraft account (u log in wif ur username), u ned 2 migrate teh accunt 2 Mojang accunt in ordr 2 acces Realms.", - "mco.account.update": "Updet ur akkunt", - "mco.activity.noactivity": "No activity 4 teh past %s dai(s)", - "mco.activity.title": "Katz actibity", + "key.swapOffhand": "Swap Item With Offhand", + "key.togglePerspective": "Toggle Perspective", + "key.use": "Use Item/Place Block", + "language.code": "en_us", + "language.name": "English", + "language.region": "United States", + "lanServer.otherPlayers": "Settings for Other Players", + "lanServer.port": "Port Number", + "lanServer.port.invalid": "Not a valid port.\nLeave the edit box empty or enter a number between 1024 and 65535.", + "lanServer.port.invalid.new": "Not a valid port.\nLeave the edit box empty or enter a number between %s and %s.", + "lanServer.port.unavailable": "Port not available.\nLeave the edit box empty or enter a different number between 1024 and 65535.", + "lanServer.port.unavailable.new": "Port not available.\nLeave the edit box empty or enter a different number between %s and %s.", + "lanServer.scanning": "Scanning for games on your local network", + "lanServer.start": "Start LAN World", + "lanServer.title": "LAN World", + "lectern.take_book": "Take Book", + "mco.account.privacy.info": "Read more about Mojang and privacy laws", + "mco.account.privacyinfo": "Mojang implements certain procedures to help protect children and their privacy including complying with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).\n\nYou may need to obtain parental consent before accessing your Realms account.\n\nIf you have an older Minecraft account (you log in with your username), you need to migrate the account to a Mojang account in order to access Realms.", + "mco.account.update": "Update account", + "mco.activity.noactivity": "No activity for the past %s day(s)", + "mco.activity.title": "Player activity", "mco.backup.button.download": "Download latest", - "mco.backup.button.reset": "teim travl bac to 0:00", - "mco.backup.button.restore": "Brings bak teh old wan", - "mco.backup.button.upload": "uplode wurld", - "mco.backup.changes.tooltip": "Changez", - "mco.backup.generate.world": "Generate wurld", - "mco.backup.nobackups": "Dis realm doesnt haz any bakups currntly.", - "mco.backup.restoring": "Restorin ur realm", - "mco.brokenworld.download": "Downlud", + "mco.backup.button.reset": "Reset world", + "mco.backup.button.restore": "Restore", + "mco.backup.button.upload": "Upload world", + "mco.backup.changes.tooltip": "Changes", + "mco.backup.entry": "Backup (%s)", + "mco.backup.entry.description": "Description", + "mco.backup.entry.enabledPack": "Enabled Pack", + "mco.backup.entry.gameDifficulty": "Game Difficulty", + "mco.backup.entry.gameMode": "Game Mode", + "mco.backup.entry.gameServerVersion": "Game Server Version", + "mco.backup.entry.name": "Name", + "mco.backup.entry.seed": "Seed", + "mco.backup.entry.templateName": "Template Name", + "mco.backup.entry.undefined": "Undefined Change", + "mco.backup.entry.uploaded": "Uploaded", + "mco.backup.entry.worldType": "World Type", + "mco.backup.generate.world": "Generate world", + "mco.backup.info.title": "Changes from last backup", + "mco.backup.nobackups": "This realm doesn't have any backups currently.", + "mco.backup.restoring": "Restoring your realm", + "mco.backup.unknown": "UNKNOWN", + "mco.brokenworld.download": "Download", "mco.brokenworld.downloaded": "Downloaded", - "mco.brokenworld.message.line1": "Plz rezet r zelect nathr wurld.", - "mco.brokenworld.message.line2": "U can also chooz 2 download teh wurld 2 singlplayur.", - "mco.brokenworld.minigame.title": "Diz mini-gaem iznt suportd anymoar", - "mco.brokenworld.nonowner.error": "plz wait 4 the realm master 2 reset the wurld", - "mco.brokenworld.nonowner.title": "Wurld iz 2 old", - "mco.brokenworld.play": "GO", - "mco.brokenworld.reset": "rezet", - "mco.brokenworld.title": "Ur currnt wurld is nawt suportd anymoar", - "mco.client.incompatible.msg.line1": "Ur kat iz nawt kompatibl wif Realms.", - "mco.client.incompatible.msg.line2": "Plz us teh most recent vershun ov Minecraft.", - "mco.client.incompatible.msg.line3": "Realms iz nawht kompatibl wif snepshut vershunz.", - "mco.client.incompatible.title": "Kat inkompatibl!", - "mco.configure.current.minigame": "NOW", - "mco.configure.world.activityfeed.disabled": "catz f33d temporali off", - "mco.configure.world.backup": "Wurld bakupz", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.activity": "Cat Activity", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.close": "clawz reelm", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.delete": "DELET DIS", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.done": "Dun", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.edit": "setingz", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.invite": "Inviet Cat", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.moreoptions": "Moar opshuns", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.open": "opn reelm", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.options": "Wurld opshunz", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.players": "Cats", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.resetworld": "Reset Wurld", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.settings": "setingz", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.subscription": "Subscripshuns", - "mco.configure.world.buttons.switchminigame": "Sandwich minigaem", - "mco.configure.world.close.question.line1": "Ur realm will b ded.", - "mco.configure.world.close.question.line2": "arr joo surr joo wan 2 do diz????", - "mco.configure.world.closing": "Closin teh realm...", - "mco.configure.world.commandBlocks": "Comnd Blox", - "mco.configure.world.delete.button": "Kil realm", - "mco.configure.world.delete.question.line1": "Ur realm will b gon 4 evr", - "mco.configure.world.delete.question.line2": "arr joo surr joo wan 2 do diz????", - "mco.configure.world.description": "Realm deskripshun", - "mco.configure.world.edit.slot.name": "Wurld naem", - "mco.configure.world.edit.subscreen.adventuremap": "Sum setinz r disabld since ur currnt wurld iz an advenchur", - "mco.configure.world.edit.subscreen.experience": "Sum settinz r disabld since ur current wurld iz an experience", - "mco.configure.world.edit.subscreen.inspiration": "Sum settinz r disabld since ur current wurld iz an inspirayshun", - "mco.configure.world.forceGameMode": "Force Gaem Mod", - "mco.configure.world.invite.narration": "u has %s new invite(z)", - "mco.configure.world.invite.profile.name": "Naem", - "mco.configure.world.invited": "Invitd", - "mco.configure.world.invites.normal.tooltip": "Normal Kitteh", - "mco.configure.world.invites.ops.tooltip": "Adminkitteh", - "mco.configure.world.invites.remove.tooltip": "Remuv", - "mco.configure.world.leave.question.line1": "If u leef dis realm u wont c it unles invitd agen", - "mco.configure.world.leave.question.line2": "arr joo surr joo wan 2 do diz????", - "mco.configure.world.location": "Locashun", - "mco.configure.world.name": "Realm naem", - "mco.configure.world.opening": "Opnin teh realm...", - "mco.configure.world.players.error": "A kat with da provided naem does nawt exist", - "mco.configure.world.players.title": "Other cats", - "mco.configure.world.pvp": "CVC", - "mco.configure.world.reset.question.line1": "Ur wurld will b regeneratd an ur currnt wurld will b lost", - "mco.configure.world.reset.question.line2": "arr joo surr joo wan 2 do diz????", - "mco.configure.world.resourcepack.question.line1": "U need a custm resource pack 2 play on dis realm", - "mco.configure.world.resourcepack.question.line2": "Do u wan 2 automaticly dwonlod & instll it 2 pley?", - "mco.configure.world.restore.download.question.line1": "Teh wurld will b downloadd an addd to your single playr wurldz.", - "mco.configure.world.restore.download.question.line2": "Do u wants 2 continue?", - "mco.configure.world.restore.question.line1": "Ur wurld will b restord 2 date '%s' (%s)", - "mco.configure.world.restore.question.line2": "arr joo surr joo wan 2 do diz????", - "mco.configure.world.settings.title": "Settinz", - "mco.configure.world.slot": "Wurld %s", - "mco.configure.world.slot.empty": "emptie", - "mco.configure.world.slot.switch.question.line1": "Ur realm will b sandwitched 2 another wurld", - "mco.configure.world.slot.switch.question.line2": "arr joo surr joo wan 2 do diz????", - "mco.configure.world.slot.tooltip": "Sandwitch 2 wurld", + "mco.brokenworld.message.line1": "Please reset or select another world.", + "mco.brokenworld.message.line2": "You can also choose to download the world to singleplayer.", + "mco.brokenworld.minigame.title": "This minigame is no longer supported", + "mco.brokenworld.nonowner.error": "Please wait for the realm owner to reset the world", + "mco.brokenworld.nonowner.title": "World is out of date", + "mco.brokenworld.play": "Play", + "mco.brokenworld.reset": "Reset", + "mco.brokenworld.title": "Your current world is no longer supported", + "mco.client.incompatible.msg.line1": "Your client is not compatible with Realms.", + "mco.client.incompatible.msg.line2": "Please use the most recent version of Minecraft.", + "mco.client.incompatible.msg.line3": "Realms is not compatible with snapshot versions.", + "mco.client.incompatible.title": "Client incompatible!", + "mco.configure.current.minigame": "Current", + "mco.configure.world.activityfeed.disabled": "Player feed temporarily disabled", + "mco.configure.world.backup": "World backups", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.activity": "Player activity", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.close": "Close realm", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.delete": "Delete", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.done": "Done", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.edit": "Settings", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.invite": "Invite player", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.moreoptions": "More options", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.open": "Open realm", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.options": "World options", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.players": "Players", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.resetworld": "Reset world", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.settings": "Settings", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.subscription": "Subscription", + "mco.configure.world.buttons.switchminigame": "Switch minigame", + "mco.configure.world.close.question.line1": "Your realm will become unavailable.", + "mco.configure.world.close.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.closing": "Closing the realm...", + "mco.configure.world.commandBlocks": "Command blocks", + "mco.configure.world.delete.button": "Delete realm", + "mco.configure.world.delete.question.line1": "Your realm will be permanently deleted", + "mco.configure.world.delete.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.description": "Realm description", + "mco.configure.world.edit.slot.name": "World name", + "mco.configure.world.edit.subscreen.adventuremap": "Some settings are disabled since your current world is an adventure", + "mco.configure.world.edit.subscreen.experience": "Some settings are disabled since your current world is an experience", + "mco.configure.world.edit.subscreen.inspiration": "Some settings are disabled since your current world is an inspiration", + "mco.configure.world.forceGameMode": "Force game mode", + "mco.configure.world.invite.narration": "You have %s new invite(s)", + "mco.configure.world.invite.profile.name": "Name", + "mco.configure.world.invited": "Invited", + "mco.configure.world.invited.number": "Invited (%s)", + "mco.configure.world.invites.normal.tooltip": "Normal user", + "mco.configure.world.invites.ops.tooltip": "Operator", + "mco.configure.world.invites.remove.tooltip": "Remove", + "mco.configure.world.leave.question.line1": "If you leave this realm you won't see it unless you are invited again", + "mco.configure.world.leave.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.location": "Location", + "mco.configure.world.minigame": "Current: %s", + "mco.configure.world.name": "Realm name", + "mco.configure.world.opening": "Opening the realm...", + "mco.configure.world.players.error": "A player with the provided name does not exist", + "mco.configure.world.players.inviting": "Inviting player...", + "mco.configure.world.players.title": "Players", + "mco.configure.world.pvp": "PVP", + "mco.configure.world.reset.question.line1": "Your world will be regenerated and your current world will be lost", + "mco.configure.world.reset.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.resourcepack.question.line1": "You need a custom resource pack to play on this realm", + "mco.configure.world.resourcepack.question.line2": "Do you want to download it and play?", + "mco.configure.world.restore.download.question.line1": "The world will be downloaded and added to your single player worlds.", + "mco.configure.world.restore.download.question.line2": "Do you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.restore.question.line1": "Your world will be restored to date '%s' (%s)", + "mco.configure.world.restore.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.settings.title": "Settings", + "mco.configure.world.slot": "World %s", + "mco.configure.world.slot.empty": "Empty", + "mco.configure.world.slot.switch.question.line1": "Your realm will be switched to another world", + "mco.configure.world.slot.switch.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.configure.world.slot.tooltip": "Switch to world", "mco.configure.world.slot.tooltip.active": "Join", - "mco.configure.world.slot.tooltip.minigame": "Sandwich 2 minigaem", - "mco.configure.world.spawnAnimals": "Zpawn Animalz", - "mco.configure.world.spawnMonsters": "Spahn Bad Kittehz", - "mco.configure.world.spawnNPCs": "Spahn NPCz", - "mco.configure.world.spawnProtection": "Spun protecshun", - "mco.configure.world.spawn_toggle.message": "iv u torn of dis it wil delet ol thingy ov it type.", - "mco.configure.world.spawn_toggle.message.npc": "iv u torn of dis it wil delet ol thingy ov it type, liek skwidword", - "mco.configure.world.spawn_toggle.title": "Uh oh!", - "mco.configure.world.status": "Miauwtus", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.day": "dai", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.days": "dais", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.expired": "Ded", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.extend": "Extend Subscripshun", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.less_than_a_day": "Les tehn dai", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.month": "motnh", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.months": "motnhs", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.recurring.daysleft": "Renewd automagically in", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.recurring.info": "Changez made 2 ur Realmz subscripshun such as stackin tiem or turnin off recurrin billin wil not be reflectd til ur next bill date.", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.start": "Srt daet", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.timeleft": "Tiem levd", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.title": "Zubzcripshion infu", - "mco.configure.world.subscription.unknown": "IDK", - "mco.configure.world.switch.slot": "Creat wurld", - "mco.configure.world.switch.slot.subtitle": "Diz wurld is empti, plz chooz what 2 do", - "mco.configure.world.title": "Convigr realm:", - "mco.configure.world.uninvite.question": "R u sure dat u wants 2 uninviet", - "mco.configure.worlds.title": "Wurlds", - "mco.connect.authorizing": "Lowoging in...", - "mco.connect.connecting": "Konnectin 2 teh realm...", - "mco.connect.failed": "Faild 2 konnect 2 teh realm", - "mco.connect.success": "Dun", - "mco.create.world": "Creat", - "mco.create.world.error": "U mast entr a naem!", - "mco.create.world.reset.title": "Creatin wurld...", - "mco.create.world.skip": "Sqip", - "mco.create.world.subtitle": "Opshunali, selact wut wurld 2 put on ur new realm", - "mco.create.world.wait": "Creatin teh realm...", - "mco.download.cancelled": "Download cancelld", - "mco.download.confirmation.line1": "Teh wurld u r goin 2 download iz largr than %s", - "mco.download.confirmation.line2": "U wont be able 2 upload dis wurld 2 ur realm again", - "mco.download.done": "Download dun", - "mco.download.downloading": "Downloadin'", - "mco.download.extracting": "Extrakting", - "mco.download.failed": "Download faild", - "mco.download.preparing": "Preparin download", - "mco.download.title": "Downloadin Latest Wurld", - "mco.error.invalid.session.message": "restart ur gaem", - "mco.error.invalid.session.title": "Invalud sezzion", - "mco.errorMessage.6001": "Kat outdatd", - "mco.errorMessage.6002": "ToS nawt acceptd", - "mco.errorMessage.6003": "Download limit reachd", - "mco.errorMessage.6004": "Upload limit reachd", - "mco.errorMessage.connectionFailure": "An error, lol. Plz try again latr.", - "mco.errorMessage.serviceBusy": "Relmz buzi rn.\npls connect realm later idk", - "mco.gui.button": "Butonn", - "mco.gui.ok": "gud", + "mco.configure.world.slot.tooltip.minigame": "Switch to minigame", + "mco.configure.world.spawn_toggle.message": "Turning this option off will REMOVE ALL existing entities of that type", + "mco.configure.world.spawn_toggle.message.npc": "Turning this option off will REMOVE ALL existing entities of that type, like Villagers", + "mco.configure.world.spawn_toggle.title": "Warning!", + "mco.configure.world.spawnAnimals": "Spawn animals", + "mco.configure.world.spawnMonsters": "Spawn monsters", + "mco.configure.world.spawnNPCs": "Spawn NPCs", + "mco.configure.world.spawnProtection": "Spawn protection", + "mco.configure.world.status": "Status", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.remaining.months.days": "%1$s month(s), %2$s day(s)", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.remaining.months": "%1$s month(s)", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.remaining.days": "%1$s day(s)", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.day": "day", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.days": "days", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.expired": "Expired", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.extend": "Extend subscription", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.less_than_a_day": "Less than a day", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.month": "month", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.months": "months", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.recurring.daysleft": "Renewed automatically in", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.recurring.info": "Changes made to your Realms subscription such as stacking time or turning off recurring billing will not be reflected until your next bill date.", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.start": "Start date", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.timeleft": "Time left", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.title": "Your subscription", + "mco.configure.world.subscription.unknown": "Unknown", + "mco.configure.world.switch.slot": "Create world", + "mco.configure.world.switch.slot.subtitle": "This world is empty, choose how to create your world", + "mco.configure.world.title": "Configure realm:", + "mco.configure.world.uninvite.question": "Are you sure that you want to uninvite", + "mco.configure.world.uninvite.player": "Are you sure that you want to uninvite '%s'?", + "mco.configure.worlds.title": "Worlds", + "mco.connect.authorizing": "Logging in...", + "mco.connect.connecting": "Connecting to the realm...", + "mco.connect.failed": "Failed to connect to the realm", + "mco.connect.success": "Done", + "mco.create.world": "Create", + "mco.create.world.error": "You must enter a name!", + "mco.create.world.reset.title": "Creating world...", + "mco.create.world.skip": "Skip", + "mco.create.world.subtitle": "Optionally, select what world to put on your new realm", + "mco.create.world.wait": "Creating the realm...", + "mco.download.cancelled": "Download cancelled", + "mco.download.confirmation.line1": "The world you are going to download is larger than %s", + "mco.download.confirmation.line2": "You won't be able to upload this world to your realm again", + "mco.download.done": "Download done", + "mco.download.downloading": "Downloading", + "mco.download.extracting": "Extracting", + "mco.download.failed": "Download failed", + "mco.download.percent": "%s %%", + "mco.download.preparing": "Preparing download", + "mco.download.resourcePack.fail": "Failed to download resource pack!", + "mco.download.speed": "(%s/s)", + "mco.download.title": "Downloading latest world", + "mco.error.invalid.session.message": "Please try restarting Minecraft", + "mco.error.invalid.session.title": "Invalid session", + "mco.errorMessage.6001": "Client outdated", + "mco.errorMessage.6002": "Terms of service not accepted", + "mco.errorMessage.6003": "Download limit reached", + "mco.errorMessage.6004": "Upload limit reached", + "mco.errorMessage.6005": "World locked", + "mco.errorMessage.6006": "World is out of date", + "mco.errorMessage.6007": "User in too many Realms", + "mco.errorMessage.6008": "Invalid Realm name", + "mco.errorMessage.6009": "Invalid Realm description", + "mco.errorMessage.connectionFailure": "An error occurred, please try again later.", + "mco.errorMessage.generic": "An error occurred: ", + "mco.errorMessage.realmsService": "An error occurred (%s):", + "mco.errorMessage.realmsService.realmsError": "Realms (%s):", + "mco.errorMessage.serviceBusy": "Realms is busy at the moment.\nPlease try connecting to your Realm again in a couple of minutes.", + "mco.gui.button": "Button", + "mco.gui.ok": "Ok", + "mco.info": "Info!", "mco.invites.button.accept": "Accept", "mco.invites.button.reject": "Reject", - "mco.invites.nopending": "No pandin invitez!", - "mco.invites.pending": "New invite(z)!!", - "mco.invites.title": "Pandin invitez", - "mco.minigame.world.changeButton": "Select Another Kitty Gaem", - "mco.minigame.world.info.line1": "Diz will tamporarly replace ur wurld wif a mini gaem!", - "mco.minigame.world.info.line2": "U can latr return 2 ur original wurld wifut lozin anythin.", - "mco.minigame.world.noSelection": "Plz mak selecshun", - "mco.minigame.world.restore": "Ending Kitty Game...", - "mco.minigame.world.restore.question.line1": "Teh kittygame will end an ur Realm will be restord.", - "mco.minigame.world.restore.question.line2": "R u sure u wants 2 do dis?", - "mco.minigame.world.selected": "Selectd mini game:", - "mco.minigame.world.slot.screen.title": "Sandwitchin wurld...", - "mco.minigame.world.startButton": "Sandwich", - "mco.minigame.world.starting.screen.title": "Startin Kitty Gaem...", - "mco.minigame.world.stopButton": "End Kitty Gaem", - "mco.minigame.world.switch.new": "Select another mini gaem?", - "mco.minigame.world.switch.title": "switcc minigams", - "mco.minigame.world.title": "Switch realm 2 kittygaem", - "mco.news": "Realms newz", - "mco.notification.dismiss": "Dizmiz", - "mco.notification.visitUrl.buttonText.default": "Open teh link", - "mco.notification.visitUrl.message.default": "Pwease visit da link below", - "mco.reset.world.adventure": "Catventures", + "mco.invites.nopending": "No pending invites!", + "mco.invites.pending": "New invite(s)!", + "mco.invites.title": "Pending Invites", + "mco.minigame.world.changeButton": "Select another minigame", + "mco.minigame.world.info.line1": "This will temporarily replace your world with a minigame!", + "mco.minigame.world.info.line2": "You can later return to your original world without losing anything.", + "mco.minigame.world.noSelection": "Please make a selection", + "mco.minigame.world.restore": "Ending minigame...", + "mco.minigame.world.restore.question.line1": "The minigame will end and your realm will be restored.", + "mco.minigame.world.restore.question.line2": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "mco.minigame.world.selected": "Selected minigame:", + "mco.minigame.world.slot.screen.title": "Switching world...", + "mco.minigame.world.startButton": "Switch", + "mco.minigame.world.starting.screen.title": "Starting minigame...", + "mco.minigame.world.stopButton": "End minigame", + "mco.minigame.world.switch.new": "Select another minigame?", + "mco.minigame.world.switch.title": "Switch minigame", + "mco.minigame.world.title": "Switch realm to minigame", + "mco.news": "Realms news", + "mco.notification.dismiss": "Dismiss", + "mco.notification.visitUrl.buttonText.default": "Open link", + "mco.notification.visitUrl.message.default": "Please visit the link below", + "mco.question": "Question", + "mco.reset.world.adventure": "Adventures", "mco.reset.world.experience": "Experiences", - "mco.reset.world.generate": "New wurld", - "mco.reset.world.inspiration": "Inpirayshun", - "mco.reset.world.resetting.screen.title": "Resettin wurld...", - "mco.reset.world.seed": "Zeed (Opshional)", - "mco.reset.world.template": "Wurld templatez", - "mco.reset.world.title": "teim travl bac to 0:00", - "mco.reset.world.upload": "Uplod Wurld", - "mco.reset.world.warning": "Dis will replaze teh current wurld of ur realm", + "mco.reset.world.generate": "New world", + "mco.reset.world.inspiration": "Inspiration", + "mco.reset.world.resetting.screen.title": "Resetting world...", + "mco.reset.world.seed": "Seed (Optional)", + "mco.reset.world.template": "World templates", + "mco.reset.world.title": "Reset world", + "mco.reset.world.upload": "Upload world", + "mco.reset.world.warning": "This will replace the current world of your realm", "mco.selectServer.buy": "Buy a realm!", - "mco.selectServer.close": "Kloez", - "mco.selectServer.closed": "Closd realm", - "mco.selectServer.closeserver": "Clos realm", - "mco.selectServer.configure": "confugre realm", - "mco.selectServer.configureRealm": "Convigr reelm", - "mco.selectServer.create": "Creat realm", - "mco.selectServer.expired": "Ded realm", - "mco.selectServer.expiredList": "Ur realm is ded", - "mco.selectServer.expiredRenew": "Mak it life agehn", - "mco.selectServer.expiredSubscribe": "SUBSKWIBE", - "mco.selectServer.expiredTrial": "Ur triel is ded", - "mco.selectServer.expires.day": "Expirez in a dai", - "mco.selectServer.expires.days": "Expirez in %s dais", - "mco.selectServer.expires.soon": "Expirez soon", - "mco.selectServer.leave": "lev realm", - "mco.selectServer.mapOnlySupportedForVersion": "Diz map iz no suportd in %s", - "mco.selectServer.minigame": "Kittygame:", - "mco.selectServer.minigameNotSupportedInVersion": "Cent pley diz mini-gaem in %s", - "mco.selectServer.note": "Noet:", - "mco.selectServer.open": "Opn realm", - "mco.selectServer.openserver": "opn da reelm", - "mco.selectServer.play": "GO", - "mco.selectServer.popup": "Realms iz a seif & simpl wey 2 enjoi n onlin Miceraft wurld wif ap 2 10 friendz @ a tiem. It suprtz many mini-gaemz & plany ov cuztm wurldz! Onli teh ohnor ov teh Realm nedz 2 pey.", - "mco.selectServer.purchase": "ad reelm", - "mco.selectServer.trial": "Tri it!", - "mco.selectServer.uninitialized": "Paw 2 Creat ur new realm!", - "mco.template.button.publisher": "Publishr", - "mco.template.button.select": "Zelect", - "mco.template.button.trailer": "Trailur", - "mco.template.default.name": "Wurld template", - "mco.template.info.tooltip": "Publishr websiet", + "mco.selectServer.close": "Close", + "mco.selectServer.closed": "Closed realm", + "mco.selectServer.closeserver": "Close realm", + "mco.selectServer.configure": "Configure", + "mco.selectServer.configureRealm": "Configure realm", + "mco.selectServer.create": "Create realm", + "mco.selectServer.expired": "Expired realm", + "mco.selectServer.expiredList": "Your subscription has expired", + "mco.selectServer.expiredRenew": "Renew", + "mco.selectServer.expiredSubscribe": "Subscribe", + "mco.selectServer.expiredTrial": "Your trial has ended", + "mco.selectServer.expires.day": "Expires in a day", + "mco.selectServer.expires.days": "Expires in %s days", + "mco.selectServer.expires.soon": "Expires soon", + "mco.selectServer.leave": "Leave realm", + "mco.selectServer.mapOnlySupportedForVersion": "This map is unsupported in %s", + "mco.selectServer.minigame": "Minigame:", + "mco.selectServer.minigameNotSupportedInVersion": "Can't play this minigame in %s", + "mco.selectServer.note": "Note:", + "mco.selectServer.open": "Open realm", + "mco.selectServer.openserver": "Open realm", + "mco.selectServer.play": "Play", + "mco.selectServer.popup": "Realms is a safe, simple way to enjoy an online Minecraft world with up to ten friends at a time. It supports loads of minigames and plenty of custom worlds! Only the owner of the realm needs to pay.", + "mco.selectServer.purchase": "Add Realm", + "mco.selectServer.trial": "Get a trial!", + "mco.selectServer.uninitialized": "Click to start your new realm!", + "mco.template.button.publisher": "Publisher", + "mco.template.button.select": "Select", + "mco.template.button.trailer": "Trailer", + "mco.template.default.name": "World template", + "mco.template.info.tooltip": "Publisher website", "mco.template.name": "Template", - "mco.template.select.failure": "we cannot see what it's in the box!!\nplez chek if wi-fi is correcc or try later!!1!", - "mco.template.select.narrate.authors": "Autrs: %s", - "mco.template.select.narrate.version": "model %s", - "mco.template.select.none": "WOOOPS!!! lok liek dis content catgory iz empty... plz chek bak l8ter for niew content!! or if you create, %s.", - "mco.template.select.none.linkTitle": "conzider submiting someting yurself", - "mco.template.title": "Wurld templetz", - "mco.template.title.minigame": "Kittygames", - "mco.template.trailer.tooltip": "Map trailur", - "mco.terms.buttons.agree": "Mkay", - "mco.terms.buttons.disagree": "Lul nope", - "mco.terms.sentence.1": "I agree 2 Minecraft Realms", - "mco.terms.sentence.2": "Turms ov Servise", - "mco.terms.title": "Realms Terms ov Service", - "mco.trial.message.line1": "Wan 2 gat ur own realm?", - "mco.trial.message.line2": "Clic here 4 moar info!", + "mco.template.select.failure": "We couldn't retrieve the list of content for this category.\nPlease check your internet connection, or try again later.", + "mco.template.select.narrate.authors": "Authors: %s", + "mco.template.select.narrate.version": "version %s", + "mco.template.select.none": "Oops, it looks like this content category is currently empty.\nPlease check back later for new content, or if you're a creator,\n%s.", + "mco.template.select.none.linkTitle": "consider submitting something yourself", + "mco.template.title": "World templates", + "mco.template.title.minigame": "Minigames", + "mco.template.trailer.tooltip": "Map trailer", + "mco.terms.buttons.agree": "Agree", + "mco.terms.buttons.disagree": "Don't agree", + "mco.terms.sentence.1": "I agree to the Minecraft Realms", + "mco.terms.sentence.2": "Terms of Service", + "mco.terms.title": "Realms Terms of Service", + "mco.trial.message.line1": "Want to get your own realm?", + "mco.trial.message.line2": "Click here for more info!", "mco.upload.button.name": "Upload", - "mco.upload.cancelled": "Upload cancelld", - "mco.upload.close.failure": "Cud nawt close ur realm, plz try again latr", - "mco.upload.done": "Upload dun", - "mco.upload.failed": "Upload faild! (%s)", - "mco.upload.hardcore": "Pawtastic wurlds cant be uploadd!", - "mco.upload.preparing": "Preparin ur wurld data", - "mco.upload.select.world.none": "No singlplayur wurldz found!", - "mco.upload.select.world.subtitle": "Plz selakt a singlplayur wurld 2 upload", - "mco.upload.select.world.title": "uplode wurld", - "mco.upload.size.failure.line1": "'%s' iz 2 bihg!", - "mco.upload.size.failure.line2": "It iz %s. Teh max alowd size iz %s.", - "mco.upload.uploading": "Kat iz uploadin '%s'", - "mco.upload.verifying": "Verifyn ur wurld", - "menu.convertingLevel": "Konverting wurld", - "menu.disconnect": "imma go now", - "menu.game": "Gameh menyu", - "menu.generatingLevel": "Generating Lols", - "menu.generatingTerrain": "initiatin cheezburgerz", - "menu.loadingForcedChunks": "Lowdin forcd chunkz fur dimenshun %s", - "menu.loadingLevel": "Lodin wurld", - "menu.modded": " (Moaddded!)", - "menu.multiplayer": "I can haz friendz", + "mco.upload.cancelled": "Upload cancelled", + "mco.upload.close.failure": "Could not close your realm, please try again later", + "mco.upload.done": "Upload done", + "mco.upload.entry.id": "%1$s (%2$s)", + "mco.upload.entry.cheats": "%1$s, %2$s", + "mco.upload.failed": "Upload failed! (%s)", + "mco.upload.hardcore": "Hardcore worlds can't be uploaded!", + "mco.upload.preparing": "Preparing your world", + "mco.upload.select.world.none": "No singleplayer worlds found!", + "mco.upload.select.world.subtitle": "Please select a singleplayer world to upload", + "mco.upload.select.world.title": "Upload world", + "mco.upload.size.failure.line1": "'%s' is too big!", + "mco.upload.size.failure.line2": "It is %s. The maximum allowed size is %s.", + "mco.upload.uploading": "Uploading '%s'", + "mco.upload.verifying": "Verifying your world", + "mco.time.now": "right now", + "mco.time.secondsAgo": "%1$s second(s) ago", + "mco.time.minutesAgo": "%1$s minute(s) ago", + "mco.time.hoursAgo": "%1$s hour(s) ago", + "mco.time.daysAgo": "%1$s day(s) ago", + "mco.warning": "Warning!", + "mco.worldSlot.minigame": "Minigame", + "menu.convertingLevel": "Converting world", + "menu.disconnect": "Disconnect", + "menu.game": "Game Menu", + "menu.generatingLevel": "Generating world", + "menu.generatingTerrain": "Building terrain", + "menu.loadingForcedChunks": "Loading forced chunks for dimension %s", + "menu.loadingLevel": "Loading world", + "menu.modded": " (Modded)", + "menu.multiplayer": "Multiplayer", "menu.online": "Minecraft Realms", - "menu.options": "Opshuns...", - "menu.paused": "gaem stopd", - "menu.playdemo": "Pluay Demo Wurld", - "menu.playerReporting": "Kat Repworting", - "menu.preparingSpawn": "Preepayrin spawn ayyrea: %s%%", - "menu.quit": "kthxbai", - "menu.reportBugs": "Catch Bugz", - "menu.resetdemo": "Rezet Demo Wurld", - "menu.respawning": "RE-PAW-NING", - "menu.returnToGame": "kk im back", - "menu.returnToMenu": "Sayv and cwit tu titel", - "menu.savingChunks": "Scratching the disk", - "menu.savingLevel": "Savin wurld", - "menu.sendFeedback": "Feed Us", - "menu.shareToLan": "Opn teh netwurks", - "menu.singleplayer": "Loneleh kitteh", - "menu.working": "Cat too lazy to work...", - "merchant.current_level": "Gift Kitteh curent levl", - "merchant.deprecated": "Vilaagurz restoc ahp two to tiemz purrr dai.", - "merchant.level.1": "Noviec", - "merchant.level.2": "Aprentis", - "merchant.level.3": "Jurneyman", - "merchant.level.4": "Ekspurt", - "merchant.level.5": "MasTr", - "merchant.next_level": "Gift Kitteh next levl", - "merchant.trades": "Tradez", + "menu.options": "Options...", + "menu.paused": "Game Paused", + "menu.playdemo": "Play Demo World", + "menu.playerReporting": "Player Reporting", + "menu.preparingSpawn": "Preparing spawn area: %s%%", + "menu.quit": "Quit Game", + "menu.reportBugs": "Report Bugs", + "menu.resetdemo": "Reset Demo World", + "menu.respawning": "Respawning", + "menu.returnToGame": "Back to Game", + "menu.returnToMenu": "Save and Quit to Title", + "menu.savingChunks": "Saving chunks", + "menu.savingLevel": "Saving world", + "menu.sendFeedback": "Give Feedback", + "menu.shareToLan": "Open to LAN", + "menu.singleplayer": "Singleplayer", + "menu.working": "Working...", + "merchant.current_level": "Trader's current level", + "merchant.deprecated": "Villagers restock up to two times per day.", + "merchant.level.1": "Novice", + "merchant.level.2": "Apprentice", + "merchant.level.3": "Journeyman", + "merchant.level.4": "Expert", + "merchant.level.5": "Master", + "merchant.next_level": "Trader's next level", + "merchant.trades": "Trades", "mirror.front_back": "↑ ↓", "mirror.left_right": "← →", "mirror.none": "|", - "mount.onboard": "Prezz %1$s tu Dizmount", - "multiplayer.applyingPack": "Apllyinn resorce pak", - "multiplayer.disconnect.authservers_down": "Authenticashun srvrs r down. Pls com bak latr, sry!1", - "multiplayer.disconnect.banned": "ur bannd from dis sever", - "multiplayer.disconnect.banned.expiration": "ur ban wil be rmvd on %s", - "multiplayer.disconnect.banned.reason": "Supreem cat bannd u from dis srvr. Resun: %s", - "multiplayer.disconnect.banned_ip.expiration": "yoyr bean wil be endd on %s", - "multiplayer.disconnect.banned_ip.reason": "Supreem cat bannd u from dis srvr. Resun: %s", - "multiplayer.disconnect.chat_validation_failed": "chatty meow verifiurr epik fail!!!", - "multiplayer.disconnect.duplicate_login": "U logd in frum another locashun", - "multiplayer.disconnect.expired_public_key": "Expierd plofill pabllick kee. chek dat uar sistemm tim iz sinklonyzd, end try restating ur gaem ", - "multiplayer.disconnect.flying": "Flyin iz nawt enabld on dis srvr", - "multiplayer.disconnect.generic": "CYA", - "multiplayer.disconnect.idling": "U hav ben idle 4 2 long!", - "multiplayer.disconnect.illegal_characters": "Not OK characterz in c(h)at", - "multiplayer.disconnect.incompatible": "Incmpatibl clynt! Plz uze %s", - "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_entity_attacked": "Attemptin 2 attack an not valid entity", - "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_packet": "Servr sent ey weird paket", - "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_data": "Weird cat dataz", - "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_movement": "Weird move player paket receivd", - "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_public_key_signature": "diz signatur isnt usbl sowwy\ntry restart ur gam maybe dis will help (i hope)", - "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_vehicle_movement": "Weird moov vehicl paket receivd", - "multiplayer.disconnect.ip_banned": "Cat iz banned from ip from dis server", - "multiplayer.disconnect.kicked": "kikk ez by oprt9r", - "multiplayer.disconnect.missing_tags": "Incomplat sec of tehs recived fom servah.\nPlez contac servah oporota.", - "multiplayer.disconnect.name_taken": "dat nam is taken, try cat100 or catcat", - "multiplayer.disconnect.not_whitelisted": "ur not part of th trulolcatclub100!d!&1", - "multiplayer.disconnect.out_of_order_chat": "Rong chatpacket gotten. much sistm timechange?", - "multiplayer.disconnect.outdated_client": "ur gaem iz 2 uld 4 dis!!! plss uss %s insted wololo", - "multiplayer.disconnect.outdated_server": "ur gaem iz 2 uld 4 dis!!! plss uss %s insted wololo", - "multiplayer.disconnect.server_full": "Dat servR is compleet!!!!!", - "multiplayer.disconnect.server_shutdown": "Servur iz ded", - "multiplayer.disconnect.slow_login": "Took 2 long 2 login", - "multiplayer.disconnect.too_many_pending_chats": "2 mane un-undrrstnaded chatty msgz", - "multiplayer.disconnect.unexpected_query_response": "UniCZpektet cuztum deeta frum CLAINT!!!", - "multiplayer.disconnect.unsigned_chat": "Cat god receivd chat packet wif misin or invalid signachur.", - "multiplayer.disconnect.unverified_username": "Fail'd 2 verifi uszrnaem!", - "multiplayer.downloadingStats": "getting catistics...", - "multiplayer.downloadingTerrain": "Lodin cheezburgerz...", - "multiplayer.lan.server_found": "nuu seUWUver fauwnd: %s", - "multiplayer.message_not_delivered": "Can nawt dilivr meow mesadg, check srvr lugs: %s", - "multiplayer.player.joined": "%s joind teh gaem", - "multiplayer.player.joined.renamed": "%s (used 2 b %s) joind teh gaem", - "multiplayer.player.left": "%s leeft teh gaem", - "multiplayer.player.list.narration": "Kats playign: %s", - "multiplayer.requiredTexturePrompt.disconnect": "Survur nedz a vizyual", - "multiplayer.requiredTexturePrompt.line1": "Dis survur nedz u 2 use a cuztm vishul.", - "multiplayer.requiredTexturePrompt.line2": "Sayin no 2 thiz vizyual wil nope u from dis survur.", - "multiplayer.socialInteractions.not_available": "Soshul interacshuns r ownly avalible in utur kittehz werlds", - "multiplayer.status.and_more": "... & %s moar ...", - "multiplayer.status.cancelled": "Staphd", - "multiplayer.status.cannot_connect": "Cant conect 2 servr", - "multiplayer.status.cannot_resolve": "Cant reshulf hoznaym", - "multiplayer.status.finished": "Dun", - "multiplayer.status.incompatible": "Incompatible vershun!", - "multiplayer.status.motd.narration": "Da kitteh's wisdom: %s", - "multiplayer.status.no_connection": "(naw konecticon)", + "mount.onboard": "Press %1$s to Dismount", + "multiplayer.applyingPack": "Applying resource pack", + "multiplayer.disconnect.authservers_down": "Authentication servers are down. Please try again later, sorry!", + "multiplayer.disconnect.banned": "You are banned from this server", + "multiplayer.disconnect.banned_ip.expiration": "\nYour ban will be removed on %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.banned_ip.reason": "Your IP address is banned from this server.\nReason: %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.banned.expiration": "\nYour ban will be removed on %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.banned.reason": "You are banned from this server.\nReason: %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.chat_validation_failed": "Chat message validation failure", + "multiplayer.disconnect.duplicate_login": "You logged in from another location", + "multiplayer.disconnect.expired_public_key": "Expired profile public key. Check that your system time is synchronized, and try restarting your game.", + "multiplayer.disconnect.flying": "Flying is not enabled on this server", + "multiplayer.disconnect.generic": "Disconnected", + "multiplayer.disconnect.idling": "You have been idle for too long!", + "multiplayer.disconnect.illegal_characters": "Illegal characters in chat", + "multiplayer.disconnect.incompatible": "Incompatible client! Please use %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_entity_attacked": "Attempting to attack an invalid entity", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_packet": "Server sent an invalid packet", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_data": "Invalid player data", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_movement": "Invalid move player packet received", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_public_key_signature": "Invalid signature for profile public key.\nTry restarting your game.", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_public_key_signature.new": "Invalid signature for profile public key.\nTry restarting your game.", + "multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_vehicle_movement": "Invalid move vehicle packet received", + "multiplayer.disconnect.ip_banned": "You have been IP banned from this server", + "multiplayer.disconnect.kicked": "Kicked by an operator", + "multiplayer.disconnect.missing_tags": "Incomplete set of tags received from server.\nPlease contact server operator.", + "multiplayer.disconnect.name_taken": "That name is already taken", + "multiplayer.disconnect.not_whitelisted": "You are not white-listed on this server!", + "multiplayer.disconnect.out_of_order_chat": "Out-of-order chat packet received. Did your system time change?", + "multiplayer.disconnect.outdated_client": "Incompatible client! Please use %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.outdated_server": "Incompatible client! Please use %s", + "multiplayer.disconnect.server_full": "The server is full!", + "multiplayer.disconnect.server_shutdown": "Server closed", + "multiplayer.disconnect.slow_login": "Took too long to log in", + "multiplayer.disconnect.too_many_pending_chats": "Too many unacknowledged chat messages", + "multiplayer.disconnect.unexpected_query_response": "Unexpected custom data from client", + "multiplayer.disconnect.unsigned_chat": "Received chat packet with missing or invalid signature.", + "multiplayer.disconnect.unverified_username": "Failed to verify username!", + "multiplayer.downloadingStats": "Retrieving statistics...", + "multiplayer.downloadingTerrain": "Loading terrain...", + "multiplayer.lan.server_found": "New server found: %s", + "multiplayer.message_not_delivered": "Can't deliver chat message, check server logs: %s", + "multiplayer.player.joined": "%s joined the game", + "multiplayer.player.joined.renamed": "%s (formerly known as %s) joined the game", + "multiplayer.player.left": "%s left the game", + "multiplayer.player.list.narration": "Online players: %s", + "multiplayer.requiredTexturePrompt.disconnect": "Server requires a custom resource pack", + "multiplayer.requiredTexturePrompt.line1": "This server requires the use of a custom resource pack.", + "multiplayer.requiredTexturePrompt.line2": "Rejecting this custom resource pack will disconnect you from this server.", + "multiplayer.socialInteractions.not_available": "Social Interactions are only available in Multiplayer worlds", + "multiplayer.status.and_more": "... and %s more ...", + "multiplayer.status.cancelled": "Cancelled", + "multiplayer.status.cannot_connect": "Can't connect to server", + "multiplayer.status.cannot_resolve": "Can't resolve hostname", + "multiplayer.status.finished": "Finished", + "multiplayer.status.incompatible": "Incompatible version!", + "multiplayer.status.motd.narration": "Message of the day: %s", + "multiplayer.status.no_connection": "(no connection)", "multiplayer.status.old": "Old", - "multiplayer.status.online": "Onlain", - "multiplayer.status.ping": "%s millisecndz", - "multiplayer.status.ping.narration": "ping is %s million sekandz", - "multiplayer.status.pinging": "Scratchin...", - "multiplayer.status.player_count.narration": "%s outa %s katz playinn", - "multiplayer.status.quitting": "KTHXBYE", - "multiplayer.status.request_handled": "Staeduz rekwesst haz bin haendlt", - "multiplayer.status.unknown": "???????????????", - "multiplayer.status.unrequested": "Receivd unreqstd statuz", - "multiplayer.status.version.narration": "Srevrs versin: %s", - "multiplayer.stopSleeping": "geuts upsi", - "multiplayer.texturePrompt.failure.line1": "Survur vizyual cotton't b applid", - "multiplayer.texturePrompt.failure.line2": "Eni functshunliy dis requiz vizyua mait no werk cuz ekspectd", - "multiplayer.texturePrompt.line1": "Dis servr recommendz teh use ov custom resource pack.", - "multiplayer.texturePrompt.line2": "You wantz DL and installz 'em magic?", - "multiplayer.texturePrompt.serverPrompt": "%s\n\nDa servr kitteh sayz:\n%s", - "multiplayer.title": "Pley with utur kittehz", - "multiplayer.unsecureserver.toast": "hol on a minut ur msgs mite b not liek u r seein rite nao bc dis kitteh survur hasz moded yroue meows 2 do waccky thimabobz!!! or tey jus wan2 add fxs to ur msgs idk", - "multiplayer.unsecureserver.toast.title": "chat msg(s) cant b verifi'd!!!", - "multiplayerWarning.check": "Do not shw dis scren agin >:(", - "multiplayerWarning.header": "Caushun: Thurd-Parteh Onlien Plae", - "multiplayerWarning.message": "Coushn: Onlain pley is offerd bah therd-porty servrs that not be ownd, oprtd, or suprvisd by M0jang\nStuds or micrsft. durin' onlain pley, yu mey be expsed to unmdrated chat messges or othr typs\nof usr-generatd content tht may not be suitable for othr kitty-cats.", - "narration.button": "Buhton: %s", - "narration.button.usage.focused": "Prez Enter two aktiwait", - "narration.button.usage.hovered": "Lefft clck to aktivate", - "narration.checkbox": "Box: %s", - "narration.checkbox.usage.focused": "Prez Intr 2 toggl", - "narration.checkbox.usage.hovered": "Leaf clik 2 toggl", - "narration.component_list.usage": "Prez tab 2 nevigmicate 2 next elemnt plz", - "narration.cycle_button.usage.focused": "Press Entr to svitch to %s", - "narration.cycle_button.usage.hovered": "Leaf clik 2 swich 2 %s", - "narration.edit_box": "Edti boks: %s", - "narration.recipe": "how 2 meak %s", - "narration.recipe.usage": "Levvt clck to selekt", - "narration.recipe.usage.more": "Rite clik 2 show moar recipez", - "narration.selection.usage": "Prez up an down buttonz to muv 2 anothr intry", - "narration.slider.usage.focused": "Prez leaf or rite keyboord buttonz 2 change value", - "narration.slider.usage.hovered": "Draaaaag slidahr two chang value", - "narration.suggestion": "Chozun sugesston %s ut uf %s: %s", - "narration.suggestion.tooltip": "Chozun sugesston %s ut uf %s: %s (%s)", - "narration.tab_navigation.usage": "Pres Ctrl & Tab to switch betweeen tabz", - "narrator.button.accessibility": "Aczessbilty", - "narrator.button.difficulty_lock": "Hardnez lock", - "narrator.button.difficulty_lock.locked": "Lockd", - "narrator.button.difficulty_lock.unlocked": "Unloked", - "narrator.button.language": "Wat u re speek", - "narrator.controls.bound": "%s iz bound 2 %s", - "narrator.controls.reset": "Rezet %s butonn", - "narrator.controls.unbound": "%s iz no bound", - "narrator.joining": "Joinin", - "narrator.loading": "Lodin: %s", - "narrator.loading.done": "Dun", - "narrator.position.list": "Selectd list rwo %s otu of %s", - "narrator.position.object_list": "Selectd row elemnt %s owt of %s", - "narrator.position.screen": "Scrin elemnt %s owt of %s", - "narrator.position.tab": "Selectd tab %s otu of %s", - "narrator.ready_to_play": "ME IZ REDY 2 PLAE!", - "narrator.screen.title": "Teh Big Menu", - "narrator.screen.usage": "Uze Mickey mouse cursr or tab bttn 2 slct kitteh", - "narrator.select": "Selectd: %s", - "narrator.select.world": "Selectd %s, last playd: %s, %s, %s, vershun: %s", - "narrator.toast.disabled": "Sp00knator ded", - "narrator.toast.enabled": "Sp00knator ded", - "optimizeWorld.confirm.description": "Do u want to upgrade ur world? Cat dont love to do this. If u upgrade ur world, the world may play faster! But cat says u cant do that, because will no longer be compatible with older versions of the game. THAT IS NOT FUN BUT TERRIBLE!! R u sure you wish to proceed?", - "optimizeWorld.confirm.title": "Optimaiz kitteh land", - "optimizeWorld.info.converted": "Upgraeded pieces: %s", - "optimizeWorld.info.skipped": "Skipped pieces: %s", - "optimizeWorld.info.total": "Total pieces: %s", - "optimizeWorld.stage.counting": "Cowntin pieces...", - "optimizeWorld.stage.failed": "Oopsie doopsie! :(", - "optimizeWorld.stage.finished": "Finishin up...", - "optimizeWorld.stage.upgrading": "Upgraedin evry piece...", - "optimizeWorld.title": "Optimaiziin kitteh land '%s'", - "options.accessibility.high_contrast": "High Contwazt", - "options.accessibility.high_contrast.error.tooltip": "High Contwazt resource pak is nawt avialable", - "options.accessibility.high_contrast.tooltip": "LEVEL UP the contwazt of UI elementz", - "options.accessibility.link": "Aksesibilty Gaid", - "options.accessibility.panorama_speed": "movingness ov cuul bakgrund", - "options.accessibility.text_background": "Tekst Bakround", - "options.accessibility.text_background.chat": "Chatz", - "options.accessibility.text_background.everywhere": "Evvywere", - "options.accessibility.text_background_opacity": "Tekt Bakrund 'pacty", - "options.accessibility.title": "Aksessibiwity Settinz...", - "options.allowServerListing": "Alluw Zerverz Listins", - "options.allowServerListing.tooltip": "Plz Dunt Shuw Myz Multiplar Namez Plz Minraft! Plzzzz.", - "options.ao": "Nize Shadoes", - "options.ao.max": "BIGGERER!!!!!!!", - "options.ao.min": "ittiest bittiest", - "options.ao.off": "naw", - "options.attack.crosshair": "LAZR POINTR!", - "options.attack.hotbar": "HAWTBAR!", - "options.attackIndicator": "Scratch helpr", - "options.audioDevice": "Technowogy", - "options.audioDevice.default": "Sisten defolt", - "options.autoJump": "Cat-o-Jumpah", - "options.autoSuggestCommands": "Magic Stuff Suggestions", - "options.autosaveIndicator": "autosaev indiCATor", - "options.biomeBlendRadius": "mix baium", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.1": "NOT (best for potato)", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.11": "11x11 (not kul for pc)", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.13": "13x13 (fur shaww)", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.15": "15x15 (hypermegasupah hi')", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.3": "3x3 (fazt)", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.5": "fivx5 (normie)", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.7": "7w7 (hi')", - "options.biomeBlendRadius.9": "9x9 (supah hi')", - "options.chat.color": "Colurz", - "options.chat.delay": "Delayyyyy: %s sec;)", - "options.chat.delay_none": "Delayyyyy: no:(", - "options.chat.height.focused": "Focushened Tallnes", - "options.chat.height.unfocused": "Unfocushened Tallnes", - "options.chat.line_spacing": "Lime spasin", + "multiplayer.status.online": "Online", + "multiplayer.status.ping": "%s ms", + "multiplayer.status.ping.narration": "Ping %s milliseconds", + "multiplayer.status.pinging": "Pinging...", + "multiplayer.status.player_count.narration": "%s out of %s players online", + "multiplayer.status.quitting": "Quitting", + "multiplayer.status.request_handled": "Status request has been handled", + "multiplayer.status.unknown": "???", + "multiplayer.status.unrequested": "Received unrequested status", + "multiplayer.status.version.narration": "Server version: %s", + "multiplayer.stopSleeping": "Leave Bed", + "multiplayer.texturePrompt.failure.line1": "Server resource pack couldn't be applied", + "multiplayer.texturePrompt.failure.line2": "Any functionality that requires custom resources might not work as expected", + "multiplayer.texturePrompt.line1": "This server recommends the use of a custom resource pack.", + "multiplayer.texturePrompt.line2": "Would you like to download and install it automagically?", + "multiplayer.texturePrompt.serverPrompt": "%s\n\nMessage from server:\n%s", + "multiplayer.title": "Play Multiplayer", + "multiplayer.unsecureserver.toast": "Messages sent on this server may be modified and might not reflect the original message", + "multiplayer.unsecureserver.toast.title": "Chat messages can't be verified", + "multiplayerWarning.check": "Do not show this screen again", + "multiplayerWarning.header": "Caution: Third-Party Online Play", + "multiplayerWarning.message": "Caution: Online play is offered by third-party servers that are not owned, operated, or supervised by Mojang Studios or Microsoft. During online play, you may be exposed to unmoderated chat messages or other types of user-generated content that may not be suitable for everyone.", + "narration.button": "Button: %s", + "narration.button.usage.focused": "Press Enter to activate", + "narration.button.usage.hovered": "Left click to activate", + "narration.checkbox": "Checkbox: %s", + "narration.checkbox.usage.focused": "Press Enter to toggle", + "narration.checkbox.usage.hovered": "Left click to toggle", + "narration.component_list.usage": "Press Tab to navigate to next element", + "narration.cycle_button.usage.focused": "Press Enter to switch to %s", + "narration.cycle_button.usage.hovered": "Left click to switch to %s", + "narration.edit_box": "Edit box: %s", + "narration.recipe": "Recipe for %s", + "narration.recipe.usage": "Left click to select", + "narration.recipe.usage.more": "Right click to show more recipes", + "narration.selection.usage": "Press up and down buttons to move to another entry", + "narration.slider.usage.focused": "Press left or right keyboard buttons to change value", + "narration.slider.usage.hovered": "Drag slider to change value", + "narration.suggestion": "Selected suggestion %d out of %d: %s", + "narration.suggestion.tooltip": "Selected suggestion %d out of %d: %s (%s)", + "narration.tab_navigation.usage": "Press Ctrl and Tab to switch between tabs", + "narrator.button.accessibility": "Accessibility", + "narrator.button.difficulty_lock": "Difficulty lock", + "narrator.button.difficulty_lock.locked": "Locked", + "narrator.button.difficulty_lock.unlocked": "Unlocked", + "narrator.button.language": "Language", + "narrator.controls.bound": "%s is bound to %s", + "narrator.controls.reset": "Reset %s button", + "narrator.controls.unbound": "%s is not bound", + "narrator.joining": "Joining", + "narrator.loading": "Loading: %s", + "narrator.loading.done": "Done", + "narrator.position.list": "Selected list row %s out of %s", + "narrator.position.object_list": "Selected row element %s out of %s", + "narrator.position.screen": "Screen element %s out of %s", + "narrator.position.tab": "Selected tab %s out of %s", + "narrator.ready_to_play": "Ready to play", + "narrator.screen.title": "Title Screen", + "narrator.screen.usage": "Use mouse cursor or Tab button to select element", + "narrator.select": "Selected: %s", + "narrator.select.world": "Selected %s, last played: %s, %s, %s, version: %s", + "narrator.select.world_info": "Selected %s, last played: %s, %s", + "narrator.toast.disabled": "Narrator Disabled", + "narrator.toast.enabled": "Narrator Enabled", + "optimizeWorld.confirm.description": "This will attempt to optimize your world by making sure all data is stored in the most recent game format. This can take a very long time, depending on your world. Once done, your world may play faster but will no longer be compatible with older versions of the game. Are you sure you wish to proceed?", + "optimizeWorld.confirm.title": "Optimize World", + "optimizeWorld.info.converted": "Upgraded chunks: %s", + "optimizeWorld.info.skipped": "Skipped chunks: %s", + "optimizeWorld.info.total": "Total chunks: %s", + "optimizeWorld.stage.counting": "Counting chunks...", + "optimizeWorld.stage.failed": "Failed! :(", + "optimizeWorld.stage.finished": "Finishing up...", + "optimizeWorld.stage.upgrading": "Upgrading all chunks...", + "optimizeWorld.title": "Optimizing World '%s'", + "options.accessibility.high_contrast": "High Contrast", + "options.accessibility.high_contrast.error.tooltip": "High Contrast resource pack is not available", + "options.accessibility.high_contrast.tooltip": "Enhances the contrast of UI elements", + "options.accessibility.link": "Accessibility Guide", + "options.accessibility.panorama_speed": "Panorama Scroll Speed", + "options.accessibility.text_background": "Text Background", + "options.accessibility.text_background_opacity": "Text Background Opacity", + "options.accessibility.text_background.chat": "Chat", + "options.accessibility.text_background.everywhere": "Everywhere", + "options.accessibility.title": "Accessibility Settings...", + "options.allowServerListing": "Allow Server Listings", + "options.allowServerListing.tooltip": "Servers may list online players as part of their public status.\nWith this option off your name will not show up in such lists.", + "options.ao": "Smooth Lighting", + "options.ao.max": "Maximum", + "options.ao.min": "Minimum", + "options.ao.off": "OFF", + "options.attack.crosshair": "Crosshair", + "options.attack.hotbar": "Hotbar", + "options.attackIndicator": "Attack Indicator", + "options.audioDevice": "Device", + "options.audioDevice.default": "System Default", + "options.autoJump": "Auto-Jump", + "options.autosaveIndicator": "Autosave Indicator", + "options.autoSuggestCommands": "Command Suggestions", + "options.biomeBlendRadius": "Biome Blend", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.1": "OFF (Fastest)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.3": "3x3 (Fast)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.5": "5x5 (Normal)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.7": "7x7 (High)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.9": "9x9 (Very High)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.11": "11x11 (Extreme)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.13": "13x13 (Showoff)", + "options.biomeBlendRadius.15": "15x15 (Maximum)", + "options.chat.color": "Colors", + "options.chat.delay": "Chat Delay: %s seconds", + "options.chat.delay_none": "Chat Delay: None", + "options.chat.height.focused": "Focused Height", + "options.chat.height.unfocused": "Unfocused Height", + "options.chat.line_spacing": "Line Spacing", "options.chat.links": "Web Links", - "options.chat.links.prompt": "Prompt on Linkz", - "options.chat.opacity": "Persuntage Of Ninja text", - "options.chat.scale": "Chata saiz", - "options.chat.title": "Chatz Opshuns...", - "options.chat.visibility": "Chatz", - "options.chat.visibility.full": "Showed", - "options.chat.visibility.hidden": "Hided", - "options.chat.visibility.system": "Cmds only", - "options.chat.width": "Waidnez", - "options.chunks": "%s pieces", - "options.clouds.fancy": "Fanceh", - "options.clouds.fast": "WEEEE!!!!", - "options.controls": "Controlz...", - "options.credits_and_attribution": "Creditz & Attribushun...", - "options.customizeTitle": "Custumiez Wurld Setinz", - "options.damageTiltStrength": "pain shaek :c", - "options.damageTiltStrength.tooltip": "da amont o kamera sHaKe cuzd by bein ouchd!", - "options.darkMojangStudiosBackgroundColor": "oone culur lugo", - "options.darkMojangStudiosBackgroundColor.tooltip": "Dis wil change da Mojang Studios loding skreen baccground kolor two blakk.", - "options.darknessEffectScale": "Sussy fog", - "options.darknessEffectScale.tooltip": "Cultrul hao much da Black Efek pulses wen a Blu shrek or Sculk Yeller giv it 2 u.", - "options.difficulty": "hardnez", - "options.difficulty.easy": "Meh", - "options.difficulty.easy.info": "evry mahbs cna zpon, butt them arr wimpy!!! u wil fele hungy n draggz ur hp dwon to at leat 5 wen u r starving!!!", - "options.difficulty.hard": "Double Cheezburger", - "options.difficulty.hard.info": "evry mahbs cna zpon, n them arr STRONK!!! u wil fele hungy n u mite gu to slep foreva if u r starving 2 mucc!!!", - "options.difficulty.hardcore": "YOLO", - "options.difficulty.normal": "Regulr", - "options.difficulty.normal.info": "evry mahbs cna zpon, n deel norman dmgege. u wil fele hungy n draggz ur hp dwon to at leat 0,5 wen u r starving!!!", - "options.difficulty.online": "Kittenz Zerverz Difcult", - "options.difficulty.peaceful": "Cake", - "options.difficulty.peaceful.info": "00 bad mahbs, onwy bery frienli mahbs spahn in dis hardnesz. u wil aslo nevar fele hungy n ur helth regens wifout eetin!!!", - "options.directionalAudio": "where daz sound com frum", - "options.directionalAudio.off.tooltip": "Ztereo madness do be vibin", - "options.directionalAudio.on.tooltip": "Usez HRTF-based direcshunal audio 2 improve teh simulashuj ov 3D sound. Requires HRRR compatible audio hardware, and iz best experienced wif headphones.", - "options.discrete_mouse_scroll": "Dicrete Scrolin'", - "options.entityDistanceScaling": "Nenity distance", - "options.entityShadows": "Nenity Shddows", - "options.forceUnicodeFont": "FORS UNICAT FONT", + "options.chat.links.prompt": "Prompt on Links", + "options.chat.opacity": "Chat Text Opacity", + "options.chat.scale": "Chat Text Size", + "options.chat.title": "Chat Settings...", + "options.chat.visibility": "Chat", + "options.chat.visibility.full": "Shown", + "options.chat.visibility.hidden": "Hidden", + "options.chat.visibility.system": "Commands Only", + "options.chat.width": "Width", + "options.chunks": "%s chunks", + "options.clouds.fancy": "Fancy", + "options.clouds.fast": "Fast", + "options.controls": "Controls...", + "options.credits_and_attribution": "Credits & Attribution...", + "options.customizeTitle": "Customize World Settings", + "options.damageTiltStrength": "Damage Tilt", + "options.damageTiltStrength.tooltip": "The amount of camera shake caused by being hurt.", + "options.darkMojangStudiosBackgroundColor": "Monochrome Logo", + "options.darkMojangStudiosBackgroundColor.tooltip": "Changes the Mojang Studios loading screen background color to black.", + "options.darknessEffectScale": "Darkness Pulsing", + "options.darknessEffectScale.tooltip": "Controls how much the Darkness effect pulses when a Warden or Sculk Shrieker gives it to you.", + "options.difficulty": "Difficulty", + "options.difficulty.easy": "Easy", + "options.difficulty.easy.info": "Hostile mobs spawn but deal less damage. Hunger bar depletes and drains health down to 5 hearts.", + "options.difficulty.hard": "Hard", + "options.difficulty.hard.info": "Hostile mobs spawn and deal more damage. Hunger bar depletes and drains all health.", + "options.difficulty.hardcore": "Hardcore", + "options.difficulty.normal": "Normal", + "options.difficulty.normal.info": "Hostile mobs spawn and deal standard damage. Hunger bar depletes and drains health down to half a heart.", + "options.difficulty.online": "Server Difficulty", + "options.difficulty.peaceful": "Peaceful", + "options.difficulty.peaceful.info": "No hostile mobs and only some neutral mobs spawn. Hunger bar doesn't deplete and health replenishes over time.", + "options.directionalAudio": "Directional Audio", + "options.directionalAudio.off.tooltip": "Classic Stereo sound", + "options.directionalAudio.on.tooltip": "Uses HRTF-based directional audio to improve the simulation of 3D sound. Requires HRTF compatible audio hardware, and is best experienced with headphones.", + "options.discrete_mouse_scroll": "Discrete Scrolling", + "options.entityDistanceScaling": "Entity Distance", + "options.entityShadows": "Entity Shadows", + "options.forceUnicodeFont": "Force Unicode Font", "options.fov": "FOV", - "options.fov.max": "CATNIP", - "options.fov.min": "Regulr", - "options.fovEffectScale": "No kitty-cat eye effect", - "options.fovEffectScale.tooltip": "See les or moar wihth teh SPEEDEH ZOOM ZOOM", - "options.framerate": "%s mps (meows/s)", - "options.framerateLimit": "max mps", - "options.framerateLimit.max": "Omglimited", - "options.fullscreen": "Whole screne", - "options.fullscreen.current": "Currnt", - "options.fullscreen.resolution": "Fullscreen resolushun", - "options.fullscreen.unavailable": "Missin Ferradas", - "options.gamma": "shinies settin", - "options.gamma.default": "Nermal", - "options.gamma.max": "2 brite 4 me", - "options.gamma.min": "y so mudy", + "options.fov.max": "Quake Pro", + "options.fov.min": "Normal", + "options.fovEffectScale": "FOV Effects", + "options.fovEffectScale.tooltip": "Controls how much the field of view can change with gameplay effects.", + "options.framerate": "%s fps", + "options.framerateLimit": "Max Framerate", + "options.framerateLimit.max": "Unlimited", + "options.fullscreen": "Fullscreen", + "options.fullscreen.current": "Current", + "options.fullscreen.resolution": "Fullscreen Resolution", + "options.fullscreen.unavailable": "Setting unavailable", + "options.gamma": "Brightness", + "options.gamma.default": "Default", + "options.gamma.max": "Bright", + "options.gamma.min": "Moody", "options.generic_value": "%s: %s", - "options.glintSpeed": "shien sped", - "options.glintSpeed.tooltip": "Controls how quikc shien is on da magic itamz.", - "options.glintStrength": "shien powah", - "options.glintStrength.tooltip": "cultruls hao stronk da glowynesz is on encated itumz!", - "options.graphics": "Grafikz", - "options.graphics.fabulous": "Fabuliss!", - "options.graphics.fabulous.tooltip": "%s gwaphis usez zadars far doodling wethar, cottun candie and paticlez behind da fuzzy blobs aund slush-slush!\nPorthabal thewices aund 4Kat diwplayz may bee sevely imawted inm perwomans.", - "options.graphics.fancy": "Fanceh", - "options.graphics.fancy.tooltip": "Fansee grafiks baylanses performans aand qwlity four majoiti oof taxis.\nWeawher, cotton candi, aund bobs may nout apeeaar when hiding behwind thransluwant bwacks aund slosh-slosh.", - "options.graphics.fast": "WEEEE!!!!", - "options.graphics.fast.tooltip": "Spweed gwafics weduces da amoount oof seeable chum-chum and bum-bum.\nTwanspawancy ewfacts aren stanky forw loth of bwokz lwike lllleeeeaavveesssss.", - "options.graphics.warning.accept": "Hoopitie wiwout pillarz", - "options.graphics.warning.cancel": "Pwease letz me returnn", - "options.graphics.warning.message": "Graphikz thingy no supurt fer dis %s gwaphics popshon\n\nkat can igner dis but supurt no happen fer ur thingy if kat choze %s graphikz wowption.", - "options.graphics.warning.renderer": "Doodler thetecthed: [%s]", - "options.graphics.warning.title": "Graphikz thingy go bboom", - "options.graphics.warning.vendor": "Tha goodz stuf detec: [%s]", - "options.graphics.warning.version": "u haz oopneGL", - "options.guiScale": "gooey scalez", - "options.guiScale.auto": "liek magicz", - "options.hidden": "Hiddn", - "options.hideLightningFlashes": "Hied litening flashz (too scary)", - "options.hideLightningFlashes.tooltip": "Stopz laightnang flasherr from hurting ya eyez. Da bolts will still be vizible.", - "options.hideMatchedNames": "Hide macht naems", - "options.hideMatchedNames.tooltip": "udur katz can givez u presunts in werd wrappur.\nWif dis enabl: hidun katz vil be faund wif presunt sendur naems.", - "options.invertMouse": "esuoM trevnI", - "options.key.hold": "Prezz", - "options.key.toggle": "Togel", - "options.language": "Wat u re speek...", - "options.languageWarning": "Tranzlashuns cud not be 100%% akkurit", - "options.mainHand": "Maen hand", - "options.mainHand.left": "Left Paw", - "options.mainHand.right": "Rite Paw", - "options.mipmapLevels": "Mepmop lvls", - "options.modelPart.cape": "Flappy-thing", - "options.modelPart.hat": "Thing-On-Head", - "options.modelPart.jacket": "Jackett", - "options.modelPart.left_pants_leg": "Let Pantz Leg", - "options.modelPart.left_sleeve": "Left Slev", - "options.modelPart.right_pants_leg": "Right Pantz Leg", - "options.modelPart.right_sleeve": "Right Slev", - "options.mouseWheelSensitivity": "Scrawl Senzitivity", - "options.mouse_settings": "Mouz Settinz...", - "options.mouse_settings.title": "Mouz Settinz", - "options.multiplayer.title": "Utur kittehz setinz...", - "options.multiplier": "%s X", - "options.narrator": "Sp00knator", - "options.narrator.all": "Meowz Evrythin", - "options.narrator.chat": "Meowz Le Chat", - "options.narrator.notavailable": "Kitteh cant has", - "options.narrator.off": "naw", - "options.narrator.system": "Meowz sistem", - "options.notifications.display_time": "How Lomg Do Msg Shwoe", - "options.notifications.display_time.tooltip": "huw long u can c de beep.", - "options.off": "naw", - "options.off.composed": "%s: NAW", - "options.on": "yiss", - "options.on.composed": "%s: YISS", - "options.online": "Onlain kittnz...", - "options.online.title": "Onlin Optinz", - "options.onlyShowSecureChat": "Protektd chats only", - "options.onlyShowSecureChat.tooltip": "dis opshun wil onwy showe chitcats frum odrr kats dat cna bb berifyed dat dis chittycat hafe been sended frum dat exacct kat n frum dis kat only, n is nawt bean modded buai any meemz!!!", - "options.operatorItemsTab": "Hax Stuffz Tabb", - "options.particles": "LITUL BITS", - "options.particles.all": "Oll", - "options.particles.decreased": "Smallerz", - "options.particles.minimal": "Smallersist", + "options.glintSpeed": "Glint Speed", + "options.glintSpeed.tooltip": "Controls how fast the visual glint shimmers across enchanted items.", + "options.glintStrength": "Glint Strength", + "options.glintStrength.tooltip": "Controls how transparent the visual glint is on enchanted items.", + "options.graphics": "Graphics", + "options.graphics.fabulous": "Fabulous!", + "options.graphics.fabulous.tooltip": "%s graphics uses screen shaders for drawing weather, clouds, and particles behind translucent blocks and water.\nThis may severely impact performance for portable devices and 4K displays.", + "options.graphics.fancy": "Fancy", + "options.graphics.fancy.tooltip": "Fancy graphics balances performance and quality for the majority of machines.\nWeather, clouds, and particles may not appear behind translucent blocks or water.", + "options.graphics.fast": "Fast", + "options.graphics.fast.tooltip": "Fast graphics reduces the amount of visible rain and snow.\nTransparency effects are disabled for various blocks such as leaves.", + "options.graphics.warning.accept": "Continue Without Support", + "options.graphics.warning.cancel": "Take Me Back", + "options.graphics.warning.message": "Your graphics device is detected as unsupported for the %s graphics option.\n\nYou may ignore this and continue, however support will not be provided for your device if you choose to use %s graphics.", + "options.graphics.warning.renderer": "Renderer detected: [%s]", + "options.graphics.warning.title": "Graphics Device Unsupported", + "options.graphics.warning.vendor": "Vendor detected: [%s]", + "options.graphics.warning.version": "OpenGL Version detected: [%s]", + "options.guiScale": "GUI Scale", + "options.guiScale.auto": "Auto", + "options.hidden": "Hidden", + "options.hideLightningFlashes": "Hide Lightning Flashes", + "options.hideLightningFlashes.tooltip": "Prevents Lightning Bolts from making the sky flash. The bolts themselves will still be visible.", + "options.hideMatchedNames": "Hide Matched Names", + "options.hideMatchedNames.tooltip": "3rd-party Servers may send chat messages in non-standard formats.\nWith this option on, hidden players will be matched based on chat sender names.", + "options.invertMouse": "Invert Mouse", + "options.key.hold": "Hold", + "options.key.toggle": "Toggle", + "options.language": "Language...", + "options.languageWarning": "Language translations may not be 100%% accurate", + "options.mainHand": "Main Hand", + "options.mainHand.left": "Left", + "options.mainHand.right": "Right", + "options.mipmapLevels": "Mipmap Levels", + "options.modelPart.cape": "Cape", + "options.modelPart.hat": "Hat", + "options.modelPart.jacket": "Jacket", + "options.modelPart.left_pants_leg": "Left Pants Leg", + "options.modelPart.left_sleeve": "Left Sleeve", + "options.modelPart.right_pants_leg": "Right Pants Leg", + "options.modelPart.right_sleeve": "Right Sleeve", + "options.mouse_settings": "Mouse Settings...", + "options.mouse_settings.title": "Mouse Settings", + "options.mouseWheelSensitivity": "Scroll Sensitivity", + "options.multiplayer.title": "Multiplayer Settings...", + "options.multiplier": "%sx", + "options.narrator": "Narrator", + "options.narrator.all": "Narrates All", + "options.narrator.chat": "Narrates Chat", + "options.narrator.notavailable": "Not Available", + "options.narrator.off": "OFF", + "options.narrator.system": "Narrates System", + "options.notifications.display_time": "Notification Time", + "options.notifications.display_time.tooltip": "Affects the length of time that all notifications stay visible on the screen.", + "options.off": "OFF", + "options.off.composed": "%s: OFF", + "options.on": "ON", + "options.on.composed": "%s: ON", + "options.online": "Online...", + "options.online.title": "Online Options", + "options.onlyShowSecureChat": "Only Show Secure Chat", + "options.onlyShowSecureChat.tooltip": "Only display messages from other players that can be verified to have been sent by that player, and have not been modified.", + "options.operatorItemsTab": "Operator Items Tab", + "options.particles": "Particles", + "options.particles.all": "All", + "options.particles.decreased": "Decreased", + "options.particles.minimal": "Minimal", "options.percent_add_value": "%s: +%s%%", "options.percent_value": "%s: %s%%", "options.pixel_value": "%s: %spx", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates": "Chukn buildr", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.byPlayer": "blocking but not like completely", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.byPlayer.tooltip": "Sum actionz inzid a chunk wiwl remakd da chunk imediatly!! Dis incwudz blok placin & destwoyin.", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.nearby": "One hundrd parcent bloccing", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.nearby.tooltip": "Chuckns near bye is always compild IMEDIATLYy!!! Dis may mess wit gaem performace when blocks broken, destroyed, etc etc etc", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.none": "threddit", - "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.none.tooltip": "Neawby chunkz awre maekd in matchn thredz. Dis mai wesolt in bref cheezey vizion wen u brek blocz.", - "options.rawMouseInput": "Uncooked input", - "options.realmsNotifications": "Realms Nwz & Invitez", - "options.reducedDebugInfo": "Less debugz infoz", - "options.renderClouds": "Cottn Candi", - "options.renderDistance": "rendur far away thingy", - "options.resourcepack": "Resource Packz...", - "options.screenEffectScale": "Cat-mint effcts", - "options.screenEffectScale.tooltip": "Da strengt of nousea and Nether portal scrin cat mint effects.\nAt da lowr values, the nousea effct is replaced wit a grin ovrlay.", - "options.sensitivity": "Senzitivity", - "options.sensitivity.max": "WEEEEEEEE!!!", - "options.sensitivity.min": "*zzz*", - "options.showSubtitles": "Shew saund textz", - "options.simulationDistance": "Seamulation Distanz", - "options.skinCustomisation": "How ur skin look liek...", - "options.skinCustomisation.title": "How ur skin look liek", - "options.sounds": "Musik & Soundz...", - "options.sounds.title": "Musik & Sund Opshuns", - "options.telemetry": "telekenesis deetahz...", - "options.telemetry.button": "daytah collektings", - "options.telemetry.button.tooltip": "\"%s\" incl.s onwy da needed deetah.\n\"%s\" incl.s opshunul stufz AND da needed daytah.", - "options.telemetry.state.all": "EVERYTHIN", - "options.telemetry.state.minimal": "itty bitty plis", - "options.telemetry.state.none": "No", - "options.title": "Opshuns", - "options.touchscreen": "Paw Pressing Power", - "options.video": "Grefix Setinz...", - "options.videoTitle": "Grefix setinz", - "options.viewBobbing": "Bouncey Hed", - "options.visible": "Shawn", - "options.vsync": "VSink", - "outOfMemory.message": "WAЯNING WAЯNING ALⱯЯM Minecraft hase ate oll da fudz.\n\ndis prolly hafe occurd bcz ov a bug in a gaem orr da jawa vm (aka ur gaem) thimg ate evrithimg but stel hungery n is sad :(\n\n2 stahp ur wurld frum beeing sick, we hafe saev&qwit ur wurld! rite nao we hafe tried gibbing da gaem sum moar kat fudz, but we dk if itll wok (prolly no de gaem is still meowing way 2 lowd)\n\niff u stel see dis scween 1nce orr a LOTS ov tiemz, jus restaht da gaem!!! mayb put it in rice- oh wait", - "outOfMemory.title": "Memary noo ehough!", - "pack.available.title": "Avaylabl", - "pack.copyFailure": "Faild 2 copeh packz", - "pack.dropConfirm": "U wantz 2 add followin packz 2 Minceraft?", - "pack.dropInfo": "Dragz an dropz fylez in2 dis windw 2 add packz", - "pack.folderInfo": "(plaec visualz heer)", - "pack.incompatible": "LOLcatz cant uze dis to mak memes!", - "pack.incompatible.confirm.new": "Diz eyz wur maded 4 a new generashun ov kittehz an ur literbox mae lookz wierd.", - "pack.incompatible.confirm.old": "Diz eyes wur maded 4 eld r vershuns ov Minceraft an mae nut maek epik meemz.", - "pack.incompatible.confirm.title": "R u sur u wantz to lud dis new pair uf eyes?", - "pack.incompatible.new": "(Myade for a newerborn verzhun of Minceraftr)", - "pack.incompatible.old": "(Myade fur an elder verzhun of Minceraftr)", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates": "Chunk Builder", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.byPlayer": "Semi Blocking", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.byPlayer.tooltip": "Some actions within a chunk will recompile the chunk immediately. This includes block placing & destroying.", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.nearby": "Fully Blocking", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.nearby.tooltip": "Nearby chunks are always compiled immediately. This may impact game performance when blocks are placed or destroyed.", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.none": "Threaded", + "options.prioritizeChunkUpdates.none.tooltip": "Nearby chunks are compiled in parallel threads. This may result in brief visual holes when blocks are destroyed.", + "options.rawMouseInput": "Raw Input", + "options.realmsNotifications": "Realms News & Invites", + "options.reducedDebugInfo": "Reduced Debug Info", + "options.renderClouds": "Clouds", + "options.renderDistance": "Render Distance", + "options.resourcepack": "Resource Packs...", + "options.screenEffectScale": "Distortion Effects", + "options.screenEffectScale.tooltip": "Strength of nausea and Nether portal screen distortion effects.\nAt lower values, the nausea effect is replaced with a green overlay.", + "options.sensitivity": "Sensitivity", + "options.sensitivity.max": "HYPERSPEED!!!", + "options.sensitivity.min": "*yawn*", + "options.showSubtitles": "Show Subtitles", + "options.simulationDistance": "Simulation Distance", + "options.skinCustomisation": "Skin Customization...", + "options.skinCustomisation.title": "Skin Customization", + "options.sounds": "Music & Sounds...", + "options.sounds.title": "Music & Sound Options", + "options.telemetry": "Telemetry Data...", + "options.telemetry.button": "Data Collection", + "options.telemetry.button.tooltip": "\"%s\" includes only the required data.\n\"%s\" includes optional, as well as the required data.", + "options.telemetry.state.all": "All", + "options.telemetry.state.minimal": "Minimal", + "options.telemetry.state.none": "None", + "options.title": "Options", + "options.touchscreen": "Touchscreen Mode", + "options.video": "Video Settings...", + "options.videoTitle": "Video Settings", + "options.viewBobbing": "View Bobbing", + "options.visible": "Shown", + "options.vsync": "VSync", + "outOfMemory.message": "Minecraft has run out of memory.\n\nThis could be caused by a bug in the game or by the Java Virtual Machine not being allocated enough memory.\n\nTo prevent level corruption, the current game has quit. We've tried to free up enough memory to let you go back to the main menu and back to playing, but this may not have worked.\n\nPlease restart the game if you see this message again.", + "outOfMemory.title": "Out of memory!", + "pack.available.title": "Available", + "pack.copyFailure": "Failed to copy packs", + "pack.dropConfirm": "Do you want to add the following packs to Minecraft?", + "pack.dropInfo": "Drag and drop files into this window to add packs", + "pack.folderInfo": "(Place pack files here)", + "pack.incompatible": "Incompatible", + "pack.incompatible.confirm.new": "This pack was made for a newer version of Minecraft and may not work correctly.", + "pack.incompatible.confirm.old": "This pack was made for an older version of Minecraft and may no longer work correctly.", + "pack.incompatible.confirm.title": "Are you sure you want to load this pack?", + "pack.incompatible.new": "(Made for a newer version of Minecraft)", + "pack.incompatible.old": "(Made for an older version of Minecraft)", "pack.nameAndSource": "%s (%s)", - "pack.openFolder": "Opn pac foldr", - "pack.selected.title": "Dis 1", - "pack.source.builtin": "bulded-in", - "pack.source.feature": "feture", - "pack.source.local": "lolcal", - "pack.source.server": "survr", - "pack.source.world": "wurld", - "painting.dimensions": "%sbai%s", + "pack.openFolder": "Open Pack Folder", + "pack.selected.title": "Selected", + "pack.source.builtin": "built-in", + "pack.source.feature": "feature", + "pack.source.local": "local", + "pack.source.server": "server", + "pack.source.world": "world", + "painting.dimensions": "%sx%s", "painting.minecraft.alban.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", "painting.minecraft.alban.title": "Albanian", "painting.minecraft.aztec.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", @@ -4873,7 +4970,7 @@ "painting.minecraft.bomb.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", "painting.minecraft.bomb.title": "Target Successfully Bombed", "painting.minecraft.burning_skull.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", - "painting.minecraft.burning_skull.title": "Fireh Skul", + "painting.minecraft.burning_skull.title": "Skull On Fire", "painting.minecraft.bust.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", "painting.minecraft.bust.title": "Bust", "painting.minecraft.courbet.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", @@ -4913,7 +5010,7 @@ "painting.minecraft.sunset.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", "painting.minecraft.sunset.title": "sunset_dense", "painting.minecraft.void.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", - "painting.minecraft.void.title": "The Void", + "painting.minecraft.void.title": "The void", "painting.minecraft.wanderer.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", "painting.minecraft.wanderer.title": "Wanderer", "painting.minecraft.wasteland.author": "Kristoffer Zetterstrand", @@ -4924,1175 +5021,1199 @@ "painting.minecraft.wind.title": "Wind", "painting.minecraft.wither.author": "Mojang", "painting.minecraft.wither.title": "Wither", - "painting.random": "rng", - "parsing.bool.expected": "Expectd boolean", - "parsing.bool.invalid": "Invalid boolean, expectd true or false but findz %s", - "parsing.double.expected": "expectd double", - "parsing.double.invalid": "Invalid double %s", - "parsing.expected": "Expectd %s", - "parsing.float.expected": "Expectd float", - "parsing.float.invalid": "Invalid float %s", - "parsing.int.expected": "Expectd integr", - "parsing.int.invalid": "Invalid integr %s", - "parsing.long.expected": "Eggspected lounge", - "parsing.long.invalid": "Invalid lounge '%s'", - "parsing.quote.escape": "Invalid escape sequence \\%s in quotd strin", - "parsing.quote.expected.end": "Unclosd quotd strin", - "parsing.quote.expected.start": "Expectd quote 2 start strin", - "particle.notFound": "Unknewwn particle: %s", - "permissions.requires.entity": "An entwity is reqwayured tew run dis cumand heyre", - "permissions.requires.player": "A playur iz reqwiyured tew run dis cumand heyer", + "painting.random": "Random variant", + "parsing.bool.expected": "Expected boolean", + "parsing.bool.invalid": "Invalid boolean, expected 'true' or 'false' but found '%s'", + "parsing.double.expected": "Expected double", + "parsing.double.invalid": "Invalid double '%s'", + "parsing.expected": "Expected '%s'", + "parsing.float.expected": "Expected float", + "parsing.float.invalid": "Invalid float '%s'", + "parsing.int.expected": "Expected integer", + "parsing.int.invalid": "Invalid integer '%s'", + "parsing.long.expected": "Expected long", + "parsing.long.invalid": "Invalid long '%s'", + "parsing.quote.escape": "Invalid escape sequence '\\%s' in quoted string", + "parsing.quote.expected.end": "Unclosed quoted string", + "parsing.quote.expected.start": "Expected quote to start a string", + "particle.notFound": "Unknown particle: %s", + "permissions.requires.entity": "An entity is required to run this command here", + "permissions.requires.player": "A player is required to run this command here", + "potion.potency.0": "", "potion.potency.1": "II", "potion.potency.2": "III", "potion.potency.3": "IV", "potion.potency.4": "V", "potion.potency.5": "VI", - "potion.whenDrank": "When Applid:", + "potion.whenDrank": "When Applied:", "potion.withAmplifier": "%s %s", "potion.withDuration": "%s (%s)", - "predicate.unknown": "Idk whet predikate is dat: %s", - "realms.missing.module.error.text": "Realm culd no be opend rigt noew, plz try agin leter", - "realms.missing.snapshot.error.text": "realms is cuwantly not supprotd in snapshots", - "recipe.notFound": "Unknew recipi: %s", - "recipe.toast.description": "Chek ur resip beek", - "recipe.toast.title": "Nu Resipees Unlokt!", - "record.nowPlaying": "Naw plaing: %s", - "resourcePack.broken_assets": "BROKD ASSETZ DETECTED", - "resourcePack.high_contrast.name": "High Contwazt", - "resourcePack.load_fail": "Resourecpac failz @ relod", - "resourcePack.programmer_art.name": "Dev Kitteh Art", - "resourcePack.server.name": "Kitteh Specefik Resourcez", - "resourcePack.title": "Chooz Vizyualz", - "resourcePack.vanilla.description": "The originl see and toch of CatCraft", - "resourcePack.vanilla.name": "Nermal", - "resourcepack.downloading": "Duwnluzinz vizualz", - "resourcepack.progress": "Downloadin filez (%s MB)...", - "resourcepack.requesting": "Makin' requestz...", - "screenshot.failure": "coodent sayv scrienshot: %s", - "screenshot.success": "savd skreehnshot az %s", - "selectServer.add": "Ad Servr", - "selectServer.defaultName": "Minecraft Servr", - "selectServer.delete": "DELET DIS", - "selectServer.deleteButton": "DELET DIS", - "selectServer.deleteQuestion": "R u sur 2 remuv dis servr??", - "selectServer.deleteWarning": "'%s' wil b lozt for lotz of eternityz! (longir den kitteh napz)", - "selectServer.direct": "GOIN TO SERVER......", - "selectServer.edit": "modifi", - "selectServer.hiddenAddress": "(NO LOOKY)", - "selectServer.refresh": "Refursh", - "selectServer.select": "Plaey wif othr catz", - "selectServer.title": "Chooz Servr", - "selectWorld.access_failure": "Nu kan acsez levl", - "selectWorld.allowCommands": "K DO HAKS", - "selectWorld.allowCommands.info": "Cmds liek /geimoud or /ex pi", - "selectWorld.backupEraseCache": "Erais cachd deta", - "selectWorld.backupJoinConfirmButton": "saev stuffz n' lode", - "selectWorld.backupJoinSkipButton": "Cat go.", - "selectWorld.backupQuestion.customized": "Weird woldz are no lonjer suported", - "selectWorld.backupQuestion.downgrade": "Wurld downgradin iz not suported!", - "selectWorld.backupQuestion.experimental": "Wurld usin Experimental setinz is nu acceptablz", - "selectWorld.backupQuestion.snapshot": "Are u comweetly sure u want to lud dis litterbox? Are u 100%sure? Hwow cwondident r u dat dis is a gud iwea? R u hwappy wth ur life dissitions 2 lud dis litterbox?", - "selectWorld.backupWarning.customized": "Sowy, i dont doo custumizd world In dis tiep of minecraf. I can play world and everyting will be ok but new land will not be fancy and cusstumb no more. Plz forgive!", - "selectWorld.backupWarning.downgrade": "Dis wurld waz last playd in like version %s idk an ur usig %s, downgradin wurldz may corrupt or somethin and we cant guarantea if it will load n' work so maek backup plz if you still want two continue!", - "selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental": "Dis wurld uziz da expurrimentul settinz dat mabeh stahp workin sumtiem. It mite no wurk! Da spooky lizord liv here!", - "selectWorld.backupWarning.snapshot": "Dis wurld wuz last playd in vershun %s; u r on vershun %s. Srsly plz mak bakup in caes u experienec wurld curuptshuns!", - "selectWorld.bonusItems": "Bonuz Kat Box", - "selectWorld.cheats": "HAX", - "selectWorld.conversion": "IS OUTDATTED!", - "selectWorld.conversion.tooltip": "Dis wrld must open first in da super ultra old version (lyke 1.6.4) to be converted safe", - "selectWorld.create": "Maek new Wurld", - "selectWorld.createDemo": "Play new demu wurld", - "selectWorld.customizeType": "UR OWN WURLD SETNGS", - "selectWorld.dataPacks": "Nerdz stwuff", - "selectWorld.data_read": "Reeding wurld stuffz...", - "selectWorld.delete": "Deleet", - "selectWorld.deleteButton": "DELET FOREVER", - "selectWorld.deleteQuestion": "U SHUR U WANT TO DELET?!", - "selectWorld.deleteWarning": "'%s' wial beh lozt forevr (longir than kittehz napz)", - "selectWorld.delete_failure": "Nu can removz levl", - "selectWorld.edit": "Chaenj", - "selectWorld.edit.backup": "Meow a bakup", - "selectWorld.edit.backupCreated": "Baekt'up: %s", - "selectWorld.edit.backupFailed": "Bakupz faild", - "selectWorld.edit.backupFolder": "Owpen bakup foldr", - "selectWorld.edit.backupSize": "SizE: %s MB", - "selectWorld.edit.export_worldgen_settings": "Eckspurt wurld genaraishun settinz", - "selectWorld.edit.export_worldgen_settings.failure": "Expurrt iz no", - "selectWorld.edit.export_worldgen_settings.success": "Expurrted", - "selectWorld.edit.openFolder": "Open ze litter foldah", - "selectWorld.edit.optimize": "Optimaiz kitteh land", - "selectWorld.edit.resetIcon": "Reset ur iconz", - "selectWorld.edit.save": "Saev", - "selectWorld.edit.title": "Edidet Litterbox", - "selectWorld.enterName": "Wurld naem", - "selectWorld.enterSeed": "RANDOM NUMBER 4 WURLD GENRASUR", - "selectWorld.experimental": "EKZPIREMENTALZ", - "selectWorld.experimental.details": "Deetailz", - "selectWorld.experimental.details.entry": "REQQWIRED EXPREMINTL Thingz: %s", - "selectWorld.experimental.details.title": "Ekzpirementalz Thing Reqqwirementz", - "selectWorld.experimental.message": "Be Careful!\nDis configurashun requirez featurez dat r still undr development. Ur wurld mite crash, break, or not werk wif fuchur updatez.", - "selectWorld.experimental.title": "EKZPIREMENTALZ Thingz WARNIN", - "selectWorld.experiments": "TeStY ThINgY", - "selectWorld.experiments.info": "Testy thingz r potenshul NEW thingz. B carful as thingz might BREK. Exprimentz cant be turnd off aftr wurld makin.", - "selectWorld.futureworld.error.text": "A kat died wile tryng 2 load 1 wurld fromm 1 footshure vershn. Dis waz 1 riskee operashn 2 begn wiz; srry your kat iz ded.", - "selectWorld.futureworld.error.title": "Tingz no workz!", - "selectWorld.gameMode": "Gaem moed", - "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure": "Catventure", - "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure.info": "Same as Survival Mode, but blockz cant be addd or removd.", - "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure.line1": "Saem az Survivl Moed, but bloxx caen't", - "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure.line2": "b addd r remvd", - "selectWorld.gameMode.creative": "HAX", - "selectWorld.gameMode.creative.info": "OP kitteh moed activaetd. Maek nd eksplore. NO LIMITS. NONE. Kat can fly, kat can hav IFNITITE blockz, kat no hurt.", - "selectWorld.gameMode.creative.line1": "Unlimitd resourcez, free flyin an", - "selectWorld.gameMode.creative.line2": "make da blukz go bye quick", - "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore": "YOLO", - "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.info": "Survival Mode lockd 2 hard difficulty. U cant respawn if u dye.", - "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.line1": "Saem az Srvival Moed, lokkt at hardzt", - "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.line2": "difficulty, and u haz ony one lives (u ded 8 times alredu)", - "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator": "Spector", - "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator.info": "U can look but doan touch.", - "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator.line1": "U can looks but u cant touch lol", - "selectWorld.gameMode.survival": "SIRVIVL", - "selectWorld.gameMode.survival.info": "Ekspllor da KITTEH KINGDUM where u can biuld, colect, maekz, and scratch bad kitens.", - "selectWorld.gameMode.survival.line1": "Luk 4 resoorcz, kraeft, gaen", - "selectWorld.gameMode.survival.line2": "lvls, helth an hungrr", - "selectWorld.gameRules": "Lvl roolz", - "selectWorld.import_worldgen_settings": "Impurrt settinz", - "selectWorld.import_worldgen_settings.failure": "Ehror impurrtin settinz", - "selectWorld.import_worldgen_settings.select_file": "Chooz opshun filez (.jason)", - "selectWorld.incompatible_series": "Maed in bad vershun", - "selectWorld.load_folder_access": "Oh noes! Da folder where da game worldz r savd can't b read or accessed!", - "selectWorld.loading_list": "Loadin world list", - "selectWorld.locked": "Lokd by anothr runnin instanz ov Minekraft", - "selectWorld.mapFeatures": "Maek structrs", - "selectWorld.mapFeatures.info": "stranjj peepl houses , brokn shipz n stuff", - "selectWorld.mapType": "Wurld Typ", - "selectWorld.mapType.normal": "Meh", - "selectWorld.moreWorldOptions": "Moar Opshuns...", - "selectWorld.newWorld": "New Wurld", - "selectWorld.recreate": "Copy-paste", - "selectWorld.recreate.customized.text": "Customized wurlds r no longr supportd in dis vershun ov Minecraft. We can twee 2 recreaet it wif teh saem seed an propertiez, but any terraen kustemizaeshuns will b lost. wuz swee 4 teh inconvenienec!", - "selectWorld.recreate.customized.title": "You catn cuztomez worldz naw >:c , pls go bak", - "selectWorld.recreate.error.text": "Uh oh!!! Someting went rong when remakin world. Not my fallt tho.", - "selectWorld.recreate.error.title": "O NO SUMTING WENT WONG!!!", - "selectWorld.resultFolder": "Wil b saevd in:", - "selectWorld.search": "surtch 4 werlds", - "selectWorld.seedInfo": "DUNNO ENTER 4 100%% RANDUM", - "selectWorld.select": "Pley slectd wurld", - "selectWorld.targetFolder": "Saev foldr: %s", - "selectWorld.title": "Select wurld", - "selectWorld.tooltip.fromNewerVersion1": "Litterbox wuz svaed in eh nwer verzhun,", - "selectWorld.tooltip.fromNewerVersion2": "entreing dis litterbox culd caz prebblls!", - "selectWorld.tooltip.snapshot1": "Renimdr 2 not frget 2 bkuop da wordl", - "selectWorld.tooltip.snapshot2": "bifor u lowd it in dis snapshat.", - "selectWorld.unable_to_load": "Oh NOeS! Worldz DiD NOt LOaD!", - "selectWorld.version": "Vershun:", - "selectWorld.versionJoinButton": "lod aniwi", - "selectWorld.versionQuestion": "Rlly want to lud dis litterbox?", - "selectWorld.versionUnknown": "kat dosnt knoe", - "selectWorld.versionWarning": "Dis litterbox wuz last pleyed in verzhun '%s' and ludding it in dis verzhun culd make ur litterbox smell funny!", - "selectWorld.warning.deprecated.question": "Sum tingz are nu longr wurk in da fushur, u surr u wana do dis?", - "selectWorld.warning.deprecated.title": "WARNIN! Dis settinz iz usin veri anshien tingz", - "selectWorld.warning.experimental.question": "Dis settinz iz expurrimentul, mabeh no wurk! U sur u wana do dis?", - "selectWorld.warning.experimental.title": "WARNIN! Dis settinz iz usin expurrimentul tingz", - "selectWorld.world": "Wurld", - "sign.edit": "Chaenj sein mesag", - "sleep.not_possible": "Neh sleeps can makez dark go away", - "sleep.players_sleeping": "%s/%s kats sleepin", - "sleep.skipping_night": "Sleepink thru dis nite", - "slot.unknown": "Cat doezn't know da eslot '%s'", - "soundCategory.ambient": "Saundz 4 nawt-haus kittehz", - "soundCategory.block": "Blukz", - "soundCategory.hostile": "bad thingz", - "soundCategory.master": "MOAR SOUND", - "soundCategory.music": "Musik", - "soundCategory.neutral": "nise thingz", - "soundCategory.player": "Catz", - "soundCategory.record": "Music Stashun/Beetbox", - "soundCategory.voice": "Voize/Spech", - "soundCategory.weather": "Wedar", - "spectatorMenu.close": "Cloze der menu", - "spectatorMenu.next_page": "De Page After Dis One", - "spectatorMenu.previous_page": "De OThER WAy", - "spectatorMenu.root.prompt": "Push any key 2 chooze a command and do it agen 2 use it.", - "spectatorMenu.team_teleport": "Movz fast 2 guy on ya teem", - "spectatorMenu.team_teleport.prompt": "Team 2 fast move 2", - "spectatorMenu.teleport": "Move to da player", - "spectatorMenu.teleport.prompt": "Choose da player yew want 2 move 2", - "stat.generalButton": "Generul", - "stat.itemsButton": "Itemz", - "stat.minecraft.animals_bred": "Animuulz made bbyz", - "stat.minecraft.aviate_one_cm": "Haw mach u fly", - "stat.minecraft.bell_ring": "belly wrung", - "stat.minecraft.boat_one_cm": "Linkth by water car", - "stat.minecraft.clean_armor": "Armur washd", - "stat.minecraft.clean_banner": "Bahnorz made kleen", - "stat.minecraft.clean_shulker_box": "Shulker Boxez Cleand", - "stat.minecraft.climb_one_cm": "Distince Climed", - "stat.minecraft.crouch_one_cm": "Distince Crouchd", - "stat.minecraft.damage_absorbed": "Dmg Sponged", - "stat.minecraft.damage_blocked_by_shield": "wat de shild sav u 4 pain", - "stat.minecraft.damage_dealt": "Fists Punched", - "stat.minecraft.damage_dealt_absorbed": "Dmg Delt (Sponged)", - "stat.minecraft.damage_dealt_resisted": "Dmg Delt (Shielded)", - "stat.minecraft.damage_resisted": "Dmg Shielded", - "stat.minecraft.damage_taken": "Damige Takin", - "stat.minecraft.deaths": "Numbr ov deaths", - "stat.minecraft.drop": "stuffs dropped", - "stat.minecraft.eat_cake_slice": "Piezes ov lie eatn", - "stat.minecraft.enchant_item": "Stuff madeh shineh", - "stat.minecraft.fall_one_cm": "Distince Fallun", - "stat.minecraft.fill_cauldron": "Rly big pots filld", - "stat.minecraft.fish_caught": "Cat fud caught", - "stat.minecraft.fly_one_cm": "Distince birdid\n", - "stat.minecraft.horse_one_cm": "Distance by Horseh", - "stat.minecraft.inspect_dispenser": "Dizpnzur intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.inspect_dropper": "Drupper intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.inspect_hopper": "Huperr intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_anvil": "Intacshunz wif Anvehl", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_beacon": "Bacon intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_blast_furnace": "Interacshuns wif BlAsT FuRnAcE", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_brewingstand": "Bubbleh intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_campfire": "Interacshuns wif Campfireh", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_cartography_table": "Interacshuns wif cartogrophy table", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_crafting_table": "Krafting Tabal intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_furnace": "Hot Stone Blok intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_grindstone": "Intacshunz wif Removezstone", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_lectern": "Interacshuns wif Lectrn", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_loom": "Interacshuns wif Lööm", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_smithing_table": "interwachszions wif smif tabel", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_smoker": "Interacshuns wif Za Smoker", - "stat.minecraft.interact_with_stonecutter": "Interacshuns wif shrpy movin thingy", - "stat.minecraft.jump": "Jumpz", - "stat.minecraft.junk_fished": "Junk Fyshd", - "stat.minecraft.leave_game": "RAGE quitted", - "stat.minecraft.minecart_one_cm": "Distince bi Minecat", - "stat.minecraft.mob_kills": "mowz killz", - "stat.minecraft.open_barrel": "Fish box opnd", - "stat.minecraft.open_chest": "Cat Boxez opnd", - "stat.minecraft.open_enderchest": "Endur Chestz opnd", - "stat.minecraft.open_shulker_box": "SHuLKeR BOxz opnd", - "stat.minecraft.pig_one_cm": "Distance by Piggeh", - "stat.minecraft.play_noteblock": "Nowht blohkz plaid", - "stat.minecraft.play_record": "zic dissc playd!!", - "stat.minecraft.play_time": "Tiem playd", - "stat.minecraft.player_kills": "Playr Kills", - "stat.minecraft.pot_flower": "Plantz potd", - "stat.minecraft.raid_trigger": "Raidz Tiggerd", - "stat.minecraft.raid_win": "Raidz Won", - "stat.minecraft.ring_bell": "belly wrung", - "stat.minecraft.sleep_in_bed": "Sleeper intacshunz", - "stat.minecraft.sneak_time": "snek tiem", - "stat.minecraft.sprint_one_cm": "Distince Sprintid", - "stat.minecraft.strider_one_cm": "Distance by laava walkr", - "stat.minecraft.swim_one_cm": "Diztanze in anty-kitteh lickwid", - "stat.minecraft.talked_to_villager": "Talkd tu Hoomanz", - "stat.minecraft.target_hit": "Tawgets Hitt", - "stat.minecraft.time_since_death": "time sins last rip", - "stat.minecraft.time_since_rest": "Sinz last time kitteh slep", - "stat.minecraft.total_world_time": "Tiem wif Wurld Opan", - "stat.minecraft.traded_with_villager": "Tradid wif hoomuns", - "stat.minecraft.treasure_fished": "Treasure Fishd", - "stat.minecraft.trigger_trapped_chest": "Rigged Cat Boxez triggrd", - "stat.minecraft.tune_noteblock": "Nowht blohkz made sund niz", - "stat.minecraft.use_cauldron": "Watr takn vrum rly big pots", - "stat.minecraft.walk_on_water_one_cm": "Distanse Welked on Wter", - "stat.minecraft.walk_one_cm": "Distince Walkd", - "stat.minecraft.walk_under_water_one_cm": "Distanse Welked uder Wter", - "stat.mobsButton": "Mahbs", - "stat_type.minecraft.broken": "Tims brokn", - "stat_type.minecraft.crafted": "Tiems Craftd", - "stat_type.minecraft.dropped": "Droppd", - "stat_type.minecraft.killed": "U KILLD %s %s", - "stat_type.minecraft.killed.none": "U HAS NEVR KILLD %s", - "stat_type.minecraft.killed_by": "%s killd u %s tiem(s)", - "stat_type.minecraft.killed_by.none": "U has never been killd by %s", - "stat_type.minecraft.mined": "Tiems Mind", - "stat_type.minecraft.picked_up": "Pikd up", - "stat_type.minecraft.used": "Tiems usd", - "stats.tooltip.type.statistic": "Catistic", - "structure_block.button.detect_size": "FINED", - "structure_block.button.load": "LOED", - "structure_block.button.save": "SAYV", - "structure_block.custom_data": "Castum Deta Teg Neim", - "structure_block.detect_size": "Detekt da siez and pozition:", - "structure_block.hover.corner": "Croner: %s", - "structure_block.hover.data": "Deta: %s", - "structure_block.hover.load": "Lood: %s", - "structure_block.hover.save": "Seiv: %s", - "structure_block.include_entities": "Inklud entitiz:", - "structure_block.integrity": "Stractur brokenes and random nambur", - "structure_block.integrity.integrity": "stractur brokenes", - "structure_block.integrity.seed": "stractur random nambur", - "structure_block.invalid_structure_name": "invlid scturur nam '%s'", - "structure_block.load_not_found": "Sretcur %s nott xist ", - "structure_block.load_prepare": "Structure %s posishun redi", - "structure_block.load_success": "Loudded stercur frum %s", - "structure_block.mode.corner": "Cornr", - "structure_block.mode.data": "Deta", - "structure_block.mode.load": "Lood", - "structure_block.mode.save": "SAEV", - "structure_block.mode_info.corner": "Cernur Modz - Markz Lokatiun and Bignes", - "structure_block.mode_info.data": "Data moed - gaem logik markr", - "structure_block.mode_info.load": "Leud modz - Laod frum Feil", - "structure_block.mode_info.save": "Saiv mod - wrait to file", - "structure_block.position": "Wot pozishun tu put?", - "structure_block.position.x": "relativ pozishun x", - "structure_block.position.y": "relativ pozishun y", - "structure_block.position.z": "relativ pozishun z", - "structure_block.save_failure": "Cudnt saiv strecur %s", - "structure_block.save_success": "Strectyr saivd as %s", - "structure_block.show_air": "Shuw bleks w/ invis:", - "structure_block.show_boundingbox": "Shaw Cat Box:", - "structure_block.size": "Strecur Seiz", - "structure_block.size.x": "strecur seiz x", - "structure_block.size.y": "strecur seiz y", - "structure_block.size.z": "strecur seiz z", - "structure_block.size_failure": "Cudnt fined seiz, meik cernurs dat kan meow 2 eichotha", - "structure_block.size_success": "Seiz finded 4 %s", - "structure_block.structure_name": "Strecur Neym", - "subtitles.ambient.cave": "Spooky sound", - "subtitles.block.amethyst_block.chime": "Shiny purpel blok makez sound", - "subtitles.block.amethyst_block.resonate": "Purpl shinee *wengweng*", - "subtitles.block.anvil.destroy": "Anvehl go bye", - "subtitles.block.anvil.land": "Anvehl landed", - "subtitles.block.anvil.use": "Anvehl usd", - "subtitles.block.barrel.close": "Fish box closez", - "subtitles.block.barrel.open": "Fish box opnz", - "subtitles.block.beacon.activate": "Bacon startz purrrng", - "subtitles.block.beacon.ambient": "Bacon purrzzz", - "subtitles.block.beacon.deactivate": "Bacon purzzzz no more", - "subtitles.block.beacon.power_select": "Bacon soopa powurzzz", - "subtitles.block.beehive.drip": "hony plops from bloc", - "subtitles.block.beehive.enter": "B aboard hive", - "subtitles.block.beehive.exit": "BEEZ GONE", - "subtitles.block.beehive.shear": "sherz crunch surfase", - "subtitles.block.beehive.work": "B mop yer deck", - "subtitles.block.bell.resonate": "Belly resonates", - "subtitles.block.bell.use": "Belly rings", - "subtitles.block.big_dripleaf.tilt_down": "fall thru plantt tildz doun", - "subtitles.block.big_dripleaf.tilt_up": "fall thru plantt tildz up", - "subtitles.block.blastfurnace.fire_crackle": "Veri hot box cracklz", - "subtitles.block.brewing_stand.brew": "Bubbleh bubblehz", - "subtitles.block.bubble_column.bubble_pop": "Bublz pop", - "subtitles.block.bubble_column.upwards_ambient": "Bublz flw", - "subtitles.block.bubble_column.upwards_inside": "POP POP Shwizoom", - "subtitles.block.bubble_column.whirlpool_ambient": "Bublz wirly", - "subtitles.block.bubble_column.whirlpool_inside": "Bublz ZOom", - "subtitles.block.button.click": "Bttn clicz", - "subtitles.block.cake.add_candle": "SqUiSh", - "subtitles.block.campfire.crackle": "Campfireh cracklez", - "subtitles.block.candle.crackle": "Land pikl cracklez", - "subtitles.block.chest.close": "Cat Box closez", - "subtitles.block.chest.locked": "no acces noob", - "subtitles.block.chest.open": "Cat Box opnz", - "subtitles.block.chorus_flower.death": "Purply-Whity Thing withrz", - "subtitles.block.chorus_flower.grow": "Purply-Whity Thing growz", - "subtitles.block.comparator.click": "Redstuff thingy clicz", - "subtitles.block.composter.empty": "taekd out compostr stuffs", - "subtitles.block.composter.fill": "stuffd compostr", - "subtitles.block.composter.ready": "compostr maeking new stuffs", - "subtitles.block.conduit.activate": "Strange box startz purrrrring", - "subtitles.block.conduit.ambient": "Strange box ba-boomzzz", - "subtitles.block.conduit.attack.target": "Strange box scratchs", - "subtitles.block.conduit.deactivate": "Strange box stopz purrng", - "subtitles.block.decorated_pot.shatter": "Containr destroyd :(", - "subtitles.block.dispenser.dispense": "Dizpnzd itum", - "subtitles.block.dispenser.fail": "Dizpnzur faild", - "subtitles.block.door.toggle": "Dor creegz", - "subtitles.block.enchantment_table.use": "Kwel Tabel usd", - "subtitles.block.end_portal.spawn": "Finish portel opnz", - "subtitles.block.end_portal_frame.fill": "Teh evil eye klingz", - "subtitles.block.fence_gate.toggle": "Fenc Gaet creegz", - "subtitles.block.fire.ambient": "Fier cracklz", - "subtitles.block.fire.extinguish": "Fier ekztinquishd", - "subtitles.block.frogspawn.hatch": "kute smol toad apears", - "subtitles.block.furnace.fire_crackle": "Hot box cracklz", - "subtitles.block.generic.break": "Blok brokn", - "subtitles.block.generic.footsteps": "Futstapz", - "subtitles.block.generic.hit": "Blok brkin", - "subtitles.block.generic.place": "Blok plazd", - "subtitles.block.grindstone.use": "Removezstone usd", - "subtitles.block.growing_plant.crop": "Plahnt cropp'd", - "subtitles.block.honey_block.slide": "Slidin in da honi", - "subtitles.block.iron_trapdoor.close": "Trappy Irun Kitty Dor closez", - "subtitles.block.iron_trapdoor.open": "Trappy Irun Kitty Dor opnz", - "subtitles.block.lava.ambient": "hot sauce pubz", - "subtitles.block.lava.extinguish": "Hot sauce makes snaek sound", - "subtitles.block.lever.click": "Flipurr clicz", - "subtitles.block.note_block.note": "Nowht blohk plaiz", - "subtitles.block.piston.move": "Pushur muvez", - "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava": "hot sauce fallz", - "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava_into_cauldron": "hot sause fals intwo huge iron pot", - "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water": "Watr fols", - "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water_into_cauldron": "Woter dreepz int irony pot", - "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.land": "inverted sharp cave rok brakez", - "subtitles.block.portal.ambient": "Portl annoyz", - "subtitles.block.portal.travel": "Purrtl noiz iz smol", - "subtitles.block.portal.trigger": "[portl noiz intensifiez]", - "subtitles.block.pressure_plate.click": "Prseure Pleitz clicz", - "subtitles.block.pumpkin.carve": "Skizzors grave", - "subtitles.block.redstone_torch.burnout": "Burny stick fizzs", - "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.ambient": "Portl whoooshhh", - "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.charge": "respoon stuffzz lodded", - "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.deplete": "rezpaw ankoor out o juicz", - "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.set_spawn": "reezpaw fing set spown", - "subtitles.block.sculk.charge": "Kat thin bublz", - "subtitles.block.sculk.spread": "Sculk spredz", - "subtitles.block.sculk_catalyst.bloom": "Sculk Cat-alist spredz", - "subtitles.block.sculk_sensor.clicking": "Sculk detektor sart clikning", - "subtitles.block.sculk_sensor.clicking_stop": "Sculk detektor stop clikning", - "subtitles.block.sculk_shrieker.shriek": "Sculk yeller *AHHH*", - "subtitles.block.shulker_box.close": "Shulker closez", - "subtitles.block.shulker_box.open": "Shulker opnz", - "subtitles.block.smithing_table.use": "Smissing Table usd", - "subtitles.block.smoker.smoke": "Za Smoker smoks", - "subtitles.block.sweet_berry_bush.pick_berries": "Beriez pop", - "subtitles.block.trapdoor.toggle": "Secret wuud dor creegz", - "subtitles.block.tripwire.attach": "trap criatud", - "subtitles.block.tripwire.click": "String clicz", - "subtitles.block.tripwire.detach": "trap destroid", - "subtitles.block.water.ambient": "Watr flohz", - "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.insert": "book ting plazd", - "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.insert_enchanted": "Shineh book ting plazd", - "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.take": "Book ting taekd awae", - "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.take_enchanted": "shineh dodji nerdi ting taekd awae", - "subtitles.enchant.thorns.hit": "Spikz spike", - "subtitles.entity.allay.ambient_with_item": "blu boi with wingz faindz", - "subtitles.entity.allay.ambient_without_item": "blu boi with wingz yearnz", - "subtitles.entity.allay.death": "Flying blue mob dead :(", - "subtitles.entity.allay.hurt": "blu boi with wingz owwy", - "subtitles.entity.allay.item_given": "blu boi with wingz's \"AHHAHAHAHAHHAH\"", - "subtitles.entity.allay.item_taken": "blu boi goes brr......", - "subtitles.entity.allay.item_thrown": "blu boi with wingz thonkz u ar a bin", - "subtitles.entity.armor_stand.fall": "Sumthign fell", - "subtitles.entity.arrow.hit": "Errow hits", - "subtitles.entity.arrow.hit_player": "Kat hit", - "subtitles.entity.arrow.shoot": "Shutz feird", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.attack": "KUTE PINK FISHH atakz", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.death": "KUTE PINK FISHH ded :(", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.hurt": "KUTE PINK FISHH hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.idle_air": "KUTE PINK FISH cheerpz", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.idle_water": "KUTE PINK FISH cheerpz", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.splash": "KUTE PINK FISHH splashz", - "subtitles.entity.axolotl.swim": "KUTE PINK FISHH sweemz", - "subtitles.entity.bat.ambient": "Flyig rat criez", - "subtitles.entity.bat.death": "Batman ded", - "subtitles.entity.bat.hurt": "Batman hurz", - "subtitles.entity.bat.takeoff": "Batman flize awey", - "subtitles.entity.bee.ambient": "BEEZ MEIKS NOIZ!!", - "subtitles.entity.bee.death": "B ded", - "subtitles.entity.bee.hurt": "BEEZ OUCH", - "subtitles.entity.bee.loop": "BEEZ BUSSIN", - "subtitles.entity.bee.loop_aggressive": "BEEZ MAD!!", - "subtitles.entity.bee.pollinate": "BEEZ HAPPYY!!!!", - "subtitles.entity.bee.sting": "B attac", - "subtitles.entity.blaze.ambient": "Blayz breehtz", - "subtitles.entity.blaze.burn": "Fierman craklez", - "subtitles.entity.blaze.death": "Blayz ded", - "subtitles.entity.blaze.hurt": "Blayz hurz", - "subtitles.entity.blaze.shoot": "Blayz shooz", - "subtitles.entity.boat.paddle_land": "Watr car usd in land", - "subtitles.entity.boat.paddle_water": "Watr car splashez", - "subtitles.entity.camel.ambient": "Banana Hors graaa", - "subtitles.entity.camel.dash": "Banana Hors YEETs", - "subtitles.entity.camel.dash_ready": "Banana Hors Heelz", - "subtitles.entity.camel.death": "Banana Hors ded :(", - "subtitles.entity.camel.eat": "Banana Hors noms", - "subtitles.entity.camel.hurt": "Banana Hors Ouch", - "subtitles.entity.camel.saddle": "Sad-le eqeeps", - "subtitles.entity.camel.sit": "Banana hors sitz down", - "subtitles.entity.camel.stand": "Banana standz up", - "subtitles.entity.camel.step": "Banana Hors Futstapz", - "subtitles.entity.camel.step_sand": "Banana Hors litters", - "subtitles.entity.cat.ambient": "Kitteh speekz", - "subtitles.entity.cat.beg_for_food": "KAT WANTZ", - "subtitles.entity.cat.death": "Kitteh ded", - "subtitles.entity.cat.eat": "Kitty cat noms", - "subtitles.entity.cat.hiss": "Kitty cat hizzs", - "subtitles.entity.cat.hurt": "Kitteh hurz", - "subtitles.entity.cat.purr": "Gime morrrrr", - "subtitles.entity.chicken.ambient": "Bawk Bawk!", - "subtitles.entity.chicken.death": "Bawk Bawk ded", - "subtitles.entity.chicken.egg": "Bawk Bawk plubz", - "subtitles.entity.chicken.hurt": "Bawk Bawk hurz", - "subtitles.entity.cod.death": "Cot ded", - "subtitles.entity.cod.flop": "Cot flopz", - "subtitles.entity.cod.hurt": "Cot hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.cow.ambient": "Milk-Maeker mooz", - "subtitles.entity.cow.death": "Milk-Maeker ded", - "subtitles.entity.cow.hurt": "Milk-Maeker hurz", - "subtitles.entity.cow.milk": "Milk-Maeker makez milk", - "subtitles.entity.creeper.death": "Creeper ded", - "subtitles.entity.creeper.hurt": "Creeper hurz", - "subtitles.entity.creeper.primed": "Creeper hizzs", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.ambient": "doolfin cherpz", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.ambient_water": "doolfin wislz", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.attack": "doolfin attaks", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.death": "doolfin ded", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.eat": "doolfin eatz", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.hurt": "doolfin hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.jump": "doolfin jumpz", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.play": "doolfin plaez", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.splash": "doolfin splashz", - "subtitles.entity.dolphin.swim": "doolfin swimz", - "subtitles.entity.donkey.ambient": "Dunky he-hawz", - "subtitles.entity.donkey.angry": "Dunky neiz", - "subtitles.entity.donkey.chest": "Dunky box soundz", - "subtitles.entity.donkey.death": "Dunky ded", - "subtitles.entity.donkey.eat": "Donkey goes nom nom", - "subtitles.entity.donkey.hurt": "Dunky hurz", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.ambient": "watuur thing groans underwater", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.ambient_water": "watuur thing groans underwater", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.death": "watuur thing ded", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.hurt": "watuur thing huurtz", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.shoot": "watuur thing launches fork", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.step": "watuur thing walk", - "subtitles.entity.drowned.swim": "watuur thing bobs up and down", - "subtitles.entity.egg.throw": "Eg fliez", - "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.ambient": "big lazur shark monz", - "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.ambient_land": "big lazur shark flapz", - "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.curse": "big lazur shark cursz", - "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.death": "big lazur shark gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.flop": "big lazur shark flopz", - "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.hurt": "big lazur shark hurz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.ambient": "Dwagon roarz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.death": "Dwagon ded", - "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.flap": "Dwagon flapz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.growl": "Dwagon gwaulz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.hurt": "Dwagon hurz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.shoot": "Dwagon shooz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_eye.death": "teh evil eye fallz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_eye.launch": "Teh evil eye shooz", - "subtitles.entity.ender_pearl.throw": "Magic ball fliez", - "subtitles.entity.enderman.ambient": "Enderman scarz", - "subtitles.entity.enderman.death": "Enderman ded", - "subtitles.entity.enderman.hurt": "Enderman hurz", - "subtitles.entity.enderman.scream": "endi boi angy", - "subtitles.entity.enderman.stare": "Enderman makez sum skary noisez", - "subtitles.entity.enderman.teleport": "Enderman warpz", - "subtitles.entity.endermite.ambient": "Endermite skutlz", - "subtitles.entity.endermite.death": "Endermite ded", - "subtitles.entity.endermite.hurt": "Endermite hurz", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.ambient": "ghust makr guy speeks", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.cast_spell": "ghust makr guy duz magic", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.celebrate": "Wizrd cheerz", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.death": "ghust makr guy gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.hurt": "ghust makr guy hurz", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.prepare_attack": "Ghost makr guy preparz atak", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.prepare_summon": "Ghust makr guy preparez makin ghosts", - "subtitles.entity.evoker.prepare_wololo": "Ghust makr guy getz da magic redy", - "subtitles.entity.evoker_fangs.attack": "Bear trapz bite", - "subtitles.entity.experience_orb.pickup": "Experienz geind", - "subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.blast": "Fierwurk blastz", - "subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.launch": "Fierwurk launshz", - "subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.twinkle": "Fierwurk twinklz", - "subtitles.entity.fishing_bobber.retrieve": "Watuur toy cam bacc", - "subtitles.entity.fishing_bobber.splash": "Fishin boober splashez", - "subtitles.entity.fishing_bobber.throw": "flye fliez", - "subtitles.entity.fox.aggro": "Fuxe veri angri", - "subtitles.entity.fox.ambient": "Fuxe skveks", - "subtitles.entity.fox.bite": "Fuxe bites!", - "subtitles.entity.fox.death": "Fuxe ded", - "subtitles.entity.fox.eat": "Fuxe omnomnom's", - "subtitles.entity.fox.hurt": "Fuxe hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.fox.screech": "Fuxe criez LOUD", - "subtitles.entity.fox.sleep": "Fuxe zzz", - "subtitles.entity.fox.sniff": "Fuxe smel", - "subtitles.entity.fox.spit": "Fuxe spits", - "subtitles.entity.fox.teleport": "Fox becomz endrman", - "subtitles.entity.frog.ambient": "Frocc singin", - "subtitles.entity.frog.death": "toad ded", - "subtitles.entity.frog.eat": "toad uze its tengue 2 eet", - "subtitles.entity.frog.hurt": "toad hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.frog.lay_spawn": "toad maeks ec", - "subtitles.entity.frog.long_jump": "toad jumpin", - "subtitles.entity.generic.big_fall": "sumthign fell off", - "subtitles.entity.generic.burn": "fier!", - "subtitles.entity.generic.death": "RIP KAT", - "subtitles.entity.generic.drink": "Sippin", - "subtitles.entity.generic.eat": "NOM NOM NOM", - "subtitles.entity.generic.explode": "BOOM", - "subtitles.entity.generic.extinguish_fire": "u r no longer hot", - "subtitles.entity.generic.hurt": "Sumthign hurz", - "subtitles.entity.generic.small_fall": "smthinn tripz!!", - "subtitles.entity.generic.splash": "Spleshin", - "subtitles.entity.generic.swim": "Swimmin", - "subtitles.entity.ghast.ambient": "Ghast criez", - "subtitles.entity.ghast.death": "Ghast ded", - "subtitles.entity.ghast.hurt": "Ghast hurz", - "subtitles.entity.ghast.shoot": "Ghast shooz", - "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.add_item": "Brite item holdr filz", - "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.break": "Brite item holdr breakz", - "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.place": "Brite item holdr plazd", - "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.remove_item": "Brite item holdr getz empteed", - "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.rotate_item": "Brite item holdr clikz", - "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.ambient": "Shiny skwid sweemz", - "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.death": "F fur GLO skwid", - "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.hurt": "Shiny skwid iz in pain", - "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.squirt": "Glo skwid shootz writy liquid", - "subtitles.entity.goat.ambient": "monten shep bleetz", - "subtitles.entity.goat.death": "monten shep ded", - "subtitles.entity.goat.eat": "monten shep eetz", - "subtitles.entity.goat.horn_break": "monten shep's shap thing becom thingy", - "subtitles.entity.goat.hurt": "monten shep hurz", - "subtitles.entity.goat.long_jump": "monten shep jumpz", - "subtitles.entity.goat.milk": "monten shep gotz milkd", - "subtitles.entity.goat.prepare_ram": "monten shep STOMP", - "subtitles.entity.goat.ram_impact": "monten shep RAMZ", - "subtitles.entity.goat.screaming.ambient": "monten shep SCREM", - "subtitles.entity.goat.step": "monten shep stepz", - "subtitles.entity.guardian.ambient": "Shark-thingy monz", - "subtitles.entity.guardian.ambient_land": "Shark-thingy flapz", - "subtitles.entity.guardian.attack": "Shark-thingy shooz", - "subtitles.entity.guardian.death": "Shark-thingy ded", - "subtitles.entity.guardian.flop": "Shark-thingy flopz", - "subtitles.entity.guardian.hurt": "Shark-thingy hurz", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.ambient": "Hoglin grwls", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.angry": "Hoglin grwlz wit disapprevel", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.attack": "Hoglin attaks", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.converted_to_zombified": "Hoglin evolves to Zoglin", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.death": "F fur Hoglin", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.hurt": "Hoglin waz hurt", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.retreat": "Hoglin dosnt want figt", - "subtitles.entity.hoglin.step": "Hoglin WALKZ", - "subtitles.entity.horse.ambient": "Hoers naiz", - "subtitles.entity.horse.angry": "PONY neighs", - "subtitles.entity.horse.armor": "Hors gets protecshuun", - "subtitles.entity.horse.breathe": "Hors breathz", - "subtitles.entity.horse.death": "Hoers ded", - "subtitles.entity.horse.eat": "Hoers eetz", - "subtitles.entity.horse.gallop": "Hoers galopz", - "subtitles.entity.horse.hurt": "Hoers hurz", - "subtitles.entity.horse.jump": "Hoers jumpz", - "subtitles.entity.horse.saddle": "saddel eqeeps", - "subtitles.entity.husk.ambient": "Warm hooman groonz", - "subtitles.entity.husk.converted_to_zombie": "Mummy ting turns into zombze", - "subtitles.entity.husk.death": "Warm hooman ded", - "subtitles.entity.husk.hurt": "Warm hooman hurz", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.ambient": "Wiizardur moomoorz", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.cast_spell": "Wiizardur duz magic", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.death": "Wiizardur becomes dieded", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.hurt": "Wiizardur ouches", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.mirror_move": "Wiizardur maeks clonz", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.prepare_blindness": "Wiizardur will make u no see", - "subtitles.entity.illusioner.prepare_mirror": "Illuzionr preparez miror imaig", - "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.attack": "Big irun guy attakz", - "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.damage": "Stel Guy brek", - "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.death": "Strange Irun Hooman ded", - "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.hurt": "Big irun guy hurz", - "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.repair": "Stel Guy fixd", - "subtitles.entity.item.break": "Itum breakz", - "subtitles.entity.item.pickup": "Itum plubz", - "subtitles.entity.item_frame.add_item": "Fraem filz", - "subtitles.entity.item_frame.break": "Fraem breakz", - "subtitles.entity.item_frame.place": "Fraem plazd", - "subtitles.entity.item_frame.remove_item": "Fraem emtyz", - "subtitles.entity.item_frame.rotate_item": "Fraem clicz", - "subtitles.entity.leash_knot.break": "Leesh not breakz", - "subtitles.entity.leash_knot.place": "Leesh not teid", - "subtitles.entity.lightning_bolt.impact": "Litin strikz", - "subtitles.entity.lightning_bolt.thunder": "O noez thundr", - "subtitles.entity.llama.ambient": "Camel sheep bleetz", - "subtitles.entity.llama.angry": "spitty boi blitz rajmod!!!", - "subtitles.entity.llama.chest": "Camel sheep box soundz", - "subtitles.entity.llama.death": "Camel sheep gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.llama.eat": "Camel sheep eetz", - "subtitles.entity.llama.hurt": "Camel sheep hurz", - "subtitles.entity.llama.spit": "Camel sheep spitz", - "subtitles.entity.llama.step": "Camel sheep walkze", - "subtitles.entity.llama.swag": "Camel sheep getz embellishd", - "subtitles.entity.magma_cube.death": "Fier sliem ded", - "subtitles.entity.magma_cube.hurt": "Fier sliem hurz", - "subtitles.entity.magma_cube.squish": "eww magmy squishy", - "subtitles.entity.minecart.riding": "Minecat ROFLz", - "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.convert": "Mooshroom transfomz", - "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.eat": "Mooshroom eatz", - "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.milk": "Mooshroom makez milk", - "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.suspicious_milk": "Mooshroom makez milk werdly", - "subtitles.entity.mule.ambient": "Mual he-hawz", - "subtitles.entity.mule.angry": "Mewl maek mewl soundz", - "subtitles.entity.mule.chest": "Mual box soundz", - "subtitles.entity.mule.death": "Mual ded", - "subtitles.entity.mule.eat": "Mewl go nom nom", - "subtitles.entity.mule.hurt": "Mual hurz", - "subtitles.entity.painting.break": "Art on a paper breakz", - "subtitles.entity.painting.place": "Art on a paper plazd", - "subtitles.entity.panda.aggressive_ambient": "Green Stick Eatar huffs", - "subtitles.entity.panda.ambient": "Green Stick Eatar panz", - "subtitles.entity.panda.bite": "Green Stick Eatar bitez", - "subtitles.entity.panda.cant_breed": "Green Stick Eatar bleatz", - "subtitles.entity.panda.death": "Green Stick Eatar ded", - "subtitles.entity.panda.eat": "Green Stick Eatar eatin", - "subtitles.entity.panda.hurt": "Green Stick Eatar hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.panda.pre_sneeze": "Green Stick Eatars nose is ticklin'", - "subtitles.entity.panda.sneeze": "Green Stick Eatar goes ''ACHOO!''", - "subtitles.entity.panda.step": "Green Stick Eatar stepz", - "subtitles.entity.panda.worried_ambient": "Green Stick Eatar whimpars", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.ambient": "Rainbow Bird speeks", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.death": "Rainbow Bird ded", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.eats": "Rainbow Bird eeting", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.fly": "renbo berd flapz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.hurts": "Rainbow Bird hurz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.blaze": "Purrot breethz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.creeper": "Rainbow Bird hiss", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.drowned": "purot gurglze", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.elder_guardian": "Patriot moans", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.ender_dragon": "Rainbow Bird roooring", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.endermite": "Purrot skutlz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.evoker": "Purrot moomoorz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.ghast": "Rainbow Bird kraing", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.guardian": "Rainbow Bird groonz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.hoglin": "Parrot anmgry soundz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.husk": "Rainbow Bird groonz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.illusioner": "Rainbow Bird moomoorz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.magma_cube": "Purrot squishy", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.phantom": "Rainbow Bird Screechz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.piglin": "Parrot noze", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.piglin_brute": "Rainbow Bird hurz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.pillager": "Rainbow Bird moomoorz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.ravager": "purot doin' nut nut loudly", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.shulker": "Rainbow Bird lurkz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.silverfish": "Rainbow Bird hiss", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.skeleton": "Rainbow Bird b spo0ky", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.slime": "Rainbow Bird squishehs", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.spider": "Rainbow Bird hiss", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.stray": "Rainbow Bird b spo0ky", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.vex": "purrot nut hapy", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.vindicator": "purot is charging atackzz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.warden": "Pwrrwt whwnws", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.witch": "purot iz laufing", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.wither": "Purrot b angreh", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.wither_skeleton": "Rainbow Bird b spo0ky", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.zoglin": "Rainbow Bird groonz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.zombie": "Rainbow Bird groonz", - "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.zombie_villager": "Rainbow Bird groonz", - "subtitles.entity.phantom.ambient": "creepy flyin ting screechz", - "subtitles.entity.phantom.bite": "creepy flyin ting bitez", - "subtitles.entity.phantom.death": "creepy flyin ting ded", - "subtitles.entity.phantom.flap": "creepy flyin ting flapz", - "subtitles.entity.phantom.hurt": "creepy flyin ting hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.phantom.swoop": "Fart0m swoops", - "subtitles.entity.pig.ambient": "Oinkey oinkz", - "subtitles.entity.pig.death": "Oinkey ded", - "subtitles.entity.pig.hurt": "Oinkey hurz", - "subtitles.entity.pig.saddle": "saddel eqeeps", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.admiring_item": "Piglin likz da STUFF", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.ambient": "Piglin doez da werd pig thing", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.angry": "Piglin doez da wird pig noiz wit passion", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.celebrate": "Piglin is happeh", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.converted_to_zombified": "Piglin is gren", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.death": "Piglin is ded f in chat", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.hurt": "Piglin waz hurt", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.jealous": "Piglin snoirz wit passion", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.retreat": "Piglin dosnt want figt", - "subtitles.entity.piglin.step": "Piglin WALKZ", - "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.ambient": "Piglin Brut snorts", - "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.angry": "Piglin Brut doez da wild pig noiz wit passion", - "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.converted_to_zombified": "Piglin Brut is convarted to gren", - "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.death": "Piglin Brut daiz", - "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.hurt": "Piglin Brut hurets", - "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.step": "Piglin Brut stepz", - "subtitles.entity.pillager.ambient": "Pilagur mumblz", - "subtitles.entity.pillager.celebrate": "Pilagur cheerz", - "subtitles.entity.pillager.death": "Pilagur gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.pillager.hurt": "Pilagur hurz", - "subtitles.entity.player.attack.crit": "A critical scratch!", - "subtitles.entity.player.attack.knockback": "Nockback scratch", - "subtitles.entity.player.attack.strong": "Powah scratch", - "subtitles.entity.player.attack.sweep": "Sweepeh scratch", - "subtitles.entity.player.attack.weak": "week scratch", - "subtitles.entity.player.burp": "Boorp", - "subtitles.entity.player.death": "Kat ded", - "subtitles.entity.player.freeze_hurt": "Kat iz veri kold now", - "subtitles.entity.player.hurt": "Kat hurz", - "subtitles.entity.player.hurt_drown": "kitteh cant swim!", - "subtitles.entity.player.hurt_on_fire": "Yoo fierz", - "subtitles.entity.player.levelup": "Kat dingz", - "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.ambient": "Wite beer groons", - "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.ambient_baby": "Wite Beer humz", - "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.death": "Wite Beer ded", - "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.hurt": "Wite beer hurz", - "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.warning": "Wite beer roarz", - "subtitles.entity.potion.splash": "Buttl smeshs", - "subtitles.entity.potion.throw": "Buttl thraun", - "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.blow_out": "pufferfish deflatez", - "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.blow_up": "pufferfish inflatez", - "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.death": "pufferfish diez", + "predicate.unknown": "Unknown predicate: %s", + "quickplay.error.invalid_identifier": "Could not find world with the provided identifier", + "quickplay.error.realm_connect": "Could not connect to Realm", + "quickplay.error.realm_permission": "Lacking permission to connect to this Realm", + "quickplay.error.title": "Failed to Quick Play", + "realms.missing.module.error.text": "Realms could not be opened right now, please try again later", + "realms.missing.snapshot.error.text": "Realms is currently not supported in snapshots", + "recipe.notFound": "Unknown recipe: %s", + "recipe.toast.description": "Check your recipe book", + "recipe.toast.title": "New Recipes Unlocked!", + "record.nowPlaying": "Now Playing: %s", + "resourcePack.broken_assets": "BROKEN ASSETS DETECTED", + "resourcepack.downloading": "Downloading Resource Pack", + "resourcePack.high_contrast.name": "High Contrast", + "resourcePack.load_fail": "Resource reload failed", + "resourcePack.programmer_art.name": "Programmer Art", + "resourcepack.progress": "Downloading file (%s MB)...", + "resourcepack.requesting": "Making Request...", + "resourcePack.server.name": "World Specific Resources", + "resourcePack.title": "Select Resource Packs", + "resourcePack.vanilla.description": "The default look and feel of Minecraft", + "resourcePack.vanilla.name": "Default", + "screenshot.failure": "Couldn't save screenshot: %s", + "screenshot.success": "Saved screenshot as %s", + "selectServer.add": "Add Server", + "selectServer.defaultName": "Minecraft Server", + "selectServer.delete": "Delete", + "selectServer.deleteButton": "Delete", + "selectServer.deleteQuestion": "Are you sure you want to remove this server?", + "selectServer.deleteWarning": "'%s' will be lost forever! (A long time!)", + "selectServer.direct": "Direct Connection", + "selectServer.edit": "Edit", + "selectServer.hiddenAddress": "(Hidden)", + "selectServer.refresh": "Refresh", + "selectServer.select": "Join Server", + "selectServer.title": "Select Server", + "selectWorld.access_failure": "Failed to access world", + "selectWorld.allowCommands": "Allow Cheats", + "selectWorld.allowCommands.info": "Commands like /gamemode, /experience", + "selectWorld.backupEraseCache": "Erase Cached Data", + "selectWorld.backupJoinConfirmButton": "Create Backup and Load", + "selectWorld.backupJoinSkipButton": "I know what I'm doing!", + "selectWorld.backupQuestion.customized": "Customized worlds are no longer supported", + "selectWorld.backupQuestion.downgrade": "Downgrading a world is not supported", + "selectWorld.backupQuestion.experimental": "Worlds using Experimental Settings are not supported", + "selectWorld.backupQuestion.snapshot": "Do you really want to load this world?", + "selectWorld.backupWarning.customized": "Unfortunately, we do not support customized worlds in this version of Minecraft. We can still load this world and keep everything the way it was, but any newly generated terrain will no longer be customized. We're sorry for the inconvenience!", + "selectWorld.backupWarning.downgrade": "This world was last played in version %s; you are on version %s. Downgrading a world could cause corruption - we cannot guarantee that it will load or work. If you still want to continue, please make a backup!", + "selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental": "This world uses experimental settings that could stop working at any time. We cannot guarantee it will load or work. Here be dragons!", + "selectWorld.backupWarning.snapshot": "This world was last played in version %s; you are on version %s. Please make a backup in case you experience world corruptions!", + "selectWorld.bonusItems": "Bonus Chest", + "selectWorld.cheats": "Cheats", + "selectWorld.conversion": "Must be converted!", + "selectWorld.conversion.tooltip": "This world must be opened in an older version (like 1.6.4) to be safely converted", + "selectWorld.create": "Create New World", + "selectWorld.createDemo": "Play New Demo World", + "selectWorld.customizeType": "Customize", + "selectWorld.data_read": "Reading world data...", + "selectWorld.dataPacks": "Data Packs", + "selectWorld.delete": "Delete", + "selectWorld.delete_failure": "Failed to delete world", + "selectWorld.deleteButton": "Delete", + "selectWorld.deleteQuestion": "Are you sure you want to delete this world?", + "selectWorld.deleteWarning": "'%s' will be lost forever! (A long time!)", + "selectWorld.edit": "Edit", + "selectWorld.edit.backup": "Make Backup", + "selectWorld.edit.backupCreated": "Backed up: %s", + "selectWorld.edit.backupFailed": "Backup failed", + "selectWorld.edit.backupFolder": "Open Backups Folder", + "selectWorld.edit.backupSize": "size: %s MB", + "selectWorld.edit.export_worldgen_settings": "Export World Generation Settings", + "selectWorld.edit.export_worldgen_settings.failure": "Export failed", + "selectWorld.edit.export_worldgen_settings.success": "Exported", + "selectWorld.edit.openFolder": "Open World Folder", + "selectWorld.edit.optimize": "Optimize World", + "selectWorld.edit.resetIcon": "Reset Icon", + "selectWorld.edit.save": "Save", + "selectWorld.edit.title": "Edit World", + "selectWorld.enterName": "World Name", + "selectWorld.enterSeed": "Seed for the world generator", + "selectWorld.experimental": "Experimental", + "selectWorld.experimental.details": "Details", + "selectWorld.experimental.details.entry": "Required experimental features: %s", + "selectWorld.experimental.details.title": "Experimental feature requirements", + "selectWorld.experimental.message": "Be careful!\nThis configuration requires features that are still under development. Your world might crash, break, or not work with future updates.", + "selectWorld.experimental.title": "Experimental Features Warning", + "selectWorld.experiments": "Experiments", + "selectWorld.experiments.info": "Experiments are potential new features. Be careful as things might break. Experiments can't be turned off after world creation.", + "selectWorld.futureworld.error.text": "Something went wrong while trying to load a world from a future version. This was a risky operation to begin with; sorry it didn't work.", + "selectWorld.futureworld.error.title": "An error occurred!", + "selectWorld.gameMode": "Game Mode", + "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure": "Adventure", + "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure.info": "Same as Survival Mode, but blocks can't be added or removed.", + "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure.line1": "Same as Survival Mode, but blocks can't", + "selectWorld.gameMode.adventure.line2": "be added or removed", + "selectWorld.gameMode.creative": "Creative", + "selectWorld.gameMode.creative.info": "Create, build, and explore without limits. You can fly, have endless materials, and can't be hurt by monsters.", + "selectWorld.gameMode.creative.line1": "Unlimited resources, free flying and", + "selectWorld.gameMode.creative.line2": "destroy blocks instantly", + "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore": "Hardcore", + "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.info": "Survival Mode locked to 'Hard' difficulty. You can't respawn if you die.", + "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.line1": "Same as Survival Mode, locked at hardest", + "selectWorld.gameMode.hardcore.line2": "difficulty, and one life only", + "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator": "Spectator", + "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator.info": "You can look but don't touch.", + "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator.line1": "You can look but don't touch", + "selectWorld.gameMode.spectator.line2": "", + "selectWorld.gameMode.survival": "Survival", + "selectWorld.gameMode.survival.info": "Explore a mysterious world where you build, collect, craft, and fight monsters.", + "selectWorld.gameMode.survival.line1": "Search for resources, craft, gain", + "selectWorld.gameMode.survival.line2": "levels, health and hunger", + "selectWorld.gameRules": "Game Rules", + "selectWorld.import_worldgen_settings": "Import Settings", + "selectWorld.import_worldgen_settings.failure": "Error importing settings", + "selectWorld.import_worldgen_settings.select_file": "Select settings file (.json)", + "selectWorld.incompatible_series": "Created by an incompatible version", + "selectWorld.load_folder_access": "Unable to read or access folder where game worlds are saved!", + "selectWorld.loading_list": "Loading world list", + "selectWorld.locked": "Locked by another running instance of Minecraft", + "selectWorld.mapFeatures": "Generate Structures", + "selectWorld.mapFeatures.info": "Villages, Shipwrecks, etc.", + "selectWorld.mapType": "World Type", + "selectWorld.mapType.normal": "Normal", + "selectWorld.moreWorldOptions": "More World Options...", + "selectWorld.newWorld": "New World", + "selectWorld.recreate": "Re-Create", + "selectWorld.recreate.customized.text": "Customized worlds are no longer supported in this version of Minecraft. We can try to recreate it with the same seed and properties, but any terrain customizations will be lost. We're sorry for the inconvenience!", + "selectWorld.recreate.customized.title": "Customized worlds are no longer supported", + "selectWorld.recreate.error.text": "Something went wrong while trying to recreate a world.", + "selectWorld.recreate.error.title": "An error occurred!", + "selectWorld.resultFolder": "Will be saved in:", + "selectWorld.search": "search for worlds", + "selectWorld.seedInfo": "Leave blank for a random seed", + "selectWorld.select": "Play Selected World", + "selectWorld.targetFolder": "Save folder: %s", + "selectWorld.title": "Select World", + "selectWorld.tooltip.fromNewerVersion1": "World was saved in a newer version,", + "selectWorld.tooltip.fromNewerVersion2": "loading this world could cause problems!", + "selectWorld.tooltip.snapshot1": "Don't forget to back up this world", + "selectWorld.tooltip.snapshot2": "before you load it in this snapshot.", + "selectWorld.unable_to_load": "Unable to load worlds", + "selectWorld.version": "Version:", + "selectWorld.versionJoinButton": "Load Anyway", + "selectWorld.versionQuestion": "Do you really want to load this world?", + "selectWorld.versionUnknown": "unknown", + "selectWorld.versionWarning": "This world was last played in version %s and loading it in this version could cause corruption!", + "selectWorld.warning.deprecated.question": "Some features used are deprecated and will stop working in the future. Do you wish to proceed?", + "selectWorld.warning.deprecated.title": "Warning! These settings are using deprecated features", + "selectWorld.warning.experimental.question": "These settings are experimental and could one day stop working. Do you wish to proceed?", + "selectWorld.warning.experimental.title": "Warning! These settings are using experimental features", + "selectWorld.world": "World", + "sign.edit": "Edit Sign Message", + "sleep.not_possible": "No amount of rest can pass this night", + "sleep.players_sleeping": "%s/%s players sleeping", + "sleep.skipping_night": "Sleeping through this night", + "slot.unknown": "Unknown slot '%s'", + "soundCategory.ambient": "Ambient/Environment", + "soundCategory.block": "Blocks", + "soundCategory.hostile": "Hostile Creatures", + "soundCategory.master": "Master Volume", + "soundCategory.music": "Music", + "soundCategory.neutral": "Friendly Creatures", + "soundCategory.player": "Players", + "soundCategory.record": "Jukebox/Note Blocks", + "soundCategory.voice": "Voice/Speech", + "soundCategory.weather": "Weather", + "spectatorMenu.close": "Close Menu", + "spectatorMenu.next_page": "Next Page", + "spectatorMenu.previous_page": "Previous Page", + "spectatorMenu.root.prompt": "Press a key to select a command, and again to use it.", + "spectatorMenu.team_teleport": "Teleport to Team Member", + "spectatorMenu.team_teleport.prompt": "Select a team to teleport to", + "spectatorMenu.teleport": "Teleport to Player", + "spectatorMenu.teleport.prompt": "Select a player to teleport to", + "stat_type.minecraft.broken": "Times Broken", + "stat_type.minecraft.crafted": "Times Crafted", + "stat_type.minecraft.dropped": "Dropped", + "stat_type.minecraft.killed": "You killed %s %s", + "stat_type.minecraft.killed_by": "%s killed you %s time(s)", + "stat_type.minecraft.killed_by.none": "You have never been killed by %s", + "stat_type.minecraft.killed.none": "You have never killed %s", + "stat_type.minecraft.mined": "Times Mined", + "stat_type.minecraft.picked_up": "Picked Up", + "stat_type.minecraft.used": "Times Used", + "stat.generalButton": "General", + "stat.itemsButton": "Items", + "stat.minecraft.animals_bred": "Animals Bred", + "stat.minecraft.aviate_one_cm": "Distance by Elytra", + "stat.minecraft.bell_ring": "Bells Rung", + "stat.minecraft.boat_one_cm": "Distance by Boat", + "stat.minecraft.clean_armor": "Armor Pieces Cleaned", + "stat.minecraft.clean_banner": "Banners Cleaned", + "stat.minecraft.clean_shulker_box": "Shulker Boxes Cleaned", + "stat.minecraft.climb_one_cm": "Distance Climbed", + "stat.minecraft.crouch_one_cm": "Distance Crouched", + "stat.minecraft.damage_absorbed": "Damage Absorbed", + "stat.minecraft.damage_blocked_by_shield": "Damage Blocked by Shield", + "stat.minecraft.damage_dealt": "Damage Dealt", + "stat.minecraft.damage_dealt_absorbed": "Damage Dealt (Absorbed)", + "stat.minecraft.damage_dealt_resisted": "Damage Dealt (Resisted)", + "stat.minecraft.damage_resisted": "Damage Resisted", + "stat.minecraft.damage_taken": "Damage Taken", + "stat.minecraft.deaths": "Number of Deaths", + "stat.minecraft.drop": "Items Dropped", + "stat.minecraft.eat_cake_slice": "Cake Slices Eaten", + "stat.minecraft.enchant_item": "Items Enchanted", + "stat.minecraft.fall_one_cm": "Distance Fallen", + "stat.minecraft.fill_cauldron": "Cauldrons Filled", + "stat.minecraft.fish_caught": "Fish Caught", + "stat.minecraft.fly_one_cm": "Distance Flown", + "stat.minecraft.horse_one_cm": "Distance by Horse", + "stat.minecraft.inspect_dispenser": "Dispensers Searched", + "stat.minecraft.inspect_dropper": "Droppers Searched", + "stat.minecraft.inspect_hopper": "Hoppers Searched", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_anvil": "Interactions with Anvil", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_beacon": "Interactions with Beacon", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_blast_furnace": "Interactions with Blast Furnace", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_brewingstand": "Interactions with Brewing Stand", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_campfire": "Interactions with Campfire", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_cartography_table": "Interactions with Cartography Table", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_crafting_table": "Interactions with Crafting Table", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_furnace": "Interactions with Furnace", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_grindstone": "Interactions with Grindstone", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_lectern": "Interactions with Lectern", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_loom": "Interactions with Loom", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_smithing_table": "Interactions with Smithing Table", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_smoker": "Interactions with Smoker", + "stat.minecraft.interact_with_stonecutter": "Interactions with Stonecutter", + "stat.minecraft.jump": "Jumps", + "stat.minecraft.junk_fished": "Junk Fished", + "stat.minecraft.leave_game": "Games Quit", + "stat.minecraft.minecart_one_cm": "Distance by Minecart", + "stat.minecraft.mob_kills": "Mob Kills", + "stat.minecraft.open_barrel": "Barrels Opened", + "stat.minecraft.open_chest": "Chests Opened", + "stat.minecraft.open_enderchest": "Ender Chests Opened", + "stat.minecraft.open_shulker_box": "Shulker Boxes Opened", + "stat.minecraft.pig_one_cm": "Distance by Pig", + "stat.minecraft.play_noteblock": "Note Blocks Played", + "stat.minecraft.play_record": "Music Discs Played", + "stat.minecraft.play_time": "Time Played", + "stat.minecraft.player_kills": "Player Kills", + "stat.minecraft.pot_flower": "Plants Potted", + "stat.minecraft.raid_trigger": "Raids Triggered", + "stat.minecraft.raid_win": "Raids Won", + "stat.minecraft.ring_bell": "Bells Rung", + "stat.minecraft.sleep_in_bed": "Times Slept in a Bed", + "stat.minecraft.sneak_time": "Sneak Time", + "stat.minecraft.sprint_one_cm": "Distance Sprinted", + "stat.minecraft.strider_one_cm": "Distance by Strider", + "stat.minecraft.swim_one_cm": "Distance Swum", + "stat.minecraft.talked_to_villager": "Talked to Villagers", + "stat.minecraft.target_hit": "Targets Hit", + "stat.minecraft.time_since_death": "Time Since Last Death", + "stat.minecraft.time_since_rest": "Time Since Last Rest", + "stat.minecraft.total_world_time": "Time with World Open", + "stat.minecraft.traded_with_villager": "Traded with Villagers", + "stat.minecraft.treasure_fished": "Treasure Fished", + "stat.minecraft.trigger_trapped_chest": "Trapped Chests Triggered", + "stat.minecraft.tune_noteblock": "Note Blocks Tuned", + "stat.minecraft.use_cauldron": "Water Taken from Cauldron", + "stat.minecraft.walk_on_water_one_cm": "Distance Walked on Water", + "stat.minecraft.walk_one_cm": "Distance Walked", + "stat.minecraft.walk_under_water_one_cm": "Distance Walked under Water", + "stat.mobsButton": "Mobs", + "stats.tooltip.type.statistic": "Statistic", + "structure_block.button.detect_size": "DETECT", + "structure_block.button.load": "LOAD", + "structure_block.button.save": "SAVE", + "structure_block.custom_data": "Custom Data Tag Name", + "structure_block.detect_size": "Detect Structure Size and Position:", + "structure_block.hover.corner": "Corner: %s", + "structure_block.hover.data": "Data: %s", + "structure_block.hover.load": "Load: %s", + "structure_block.hover.save": "Save: %s", + "structure_block.include_entities": "Include Entities:", + "structure_block.integrity": "Structure Integrity and Seed", + "structure_block.integrity.integrity": "Structure Integrity", + "structure_block.integrity.seed": "Structure Seed", + "structure_block.invalid_structure_name": "Invalid structure name '%s'", + "structure_block.load_not_found": "Structure '%s' is not available", + "structure_block.load_prepare": "Structure '%s' position prepared", + "structure_block.load_success": "Structure loaded from '%s'", + "structure_block.mode_info.corner": "Corner Mode - Placement and Size Marker", + "structure_block.mode_info.data": "Data Mode - Game Logic Marker", + "structure_block.mode_info.load": "Load Mode - Load from File", + "structure_block.mode_info.save": "Save Mode - Write to File", + "structure_block.mode.corner": "Corner", + "structure_block.mode.data": "Data", + "structure_block.mode.load": "Load", + "structure_block.mode.save": "Save", + "structure_block.position": "Relative Position", + "structure_block.position.x": "relative Position x", + "structure_block.position.y": "relative position y", + "structure_block.position.z": "relative position z", + "structure_block.save_failure": "Unable to save structure '%s'", + "structure_block.save_success": "Structure saved as '%s'", + "structure_block.show_air": "Show Invisible Blocks:", + "structure_block.show_boundingbox": "Show Bounding Box:", + "structure_block.size": "Structure Size", + "structure_block.size_failure": "Unable to detect structure size. Add corners with matching structure names", + "structure_block.size_success": "Size successfully detected for '%s'", + "structure_block.size.x": "structure size x", + "structure_block.size.y": "structure size y", + "structure_block.size.z": "structure size z", + "structure_block.structure_name": "Structure Name", + "subtitles.ambient.cave": "Eerie noise", + "subtitles.block.amethyst_block.chime": "Amethyst chimes", + "subtitles.block.amethyst_block.resonate": "Amethyst resonates", + "subtitles.block.anvil.destroy": "Anvil destroyed", + "subtitles.block.anvil.land": "Anvil landed", + "subtitles.block.anvil.use": "Anvil used", + "subtitles.block.barrel.close": "Barrel closes", + "subtitles.block.barrel.open": "Barrel opens", + "subtitles.block.beacon.activate": "Beacon activates", + "subtitles.block.beacon.ambient": "Beacon hums", + "subtitles.block.beacon.deactivate": "Beacon deactivates", + "subtitles.block.beacon.power_select": "Beacon power selected", + "subtitles.block.beehive.drip": "Honey drips", + "subtitles.block.beehive.enter": "Bee enters hive", + "subtitles.block.beehive.exit": "Bee leaves hive", + "subtitles.block.beehive.shear": "Shears scrape", + "subtitles.block.beehive.work": "Bees work", + "subtitles.block.bell.resonate": "Bell resonates", + "subtitles.block.bell.use": "Bell rings", + "subtitles.block.big_dripleaf.tilt_down": "Dripleaf tilts down", + "subtitles.block.big_dripleaf.tilt_up": "Dripleaf tilts up", + "subtitles.block.blastfurnace.fire_crackle": "Blast Furnace crackles", + "subtitles.block.brewing_stand.brew": "Brewing Stand bubbles", + "subtitles.block.bubble_column.bubble_pop": "Bubbles pop", + "subtitles.block.bubble_column.upwards_ambient": "Bubbles flow", + "subtitles.block.bubble_column.upwards_inside": "Bubbles woosh", + "subtitles.block.bubble_column.whirlpool_ambient": "Bubbles whirl", + "subtitles.block.bubble_column.whirlpool_inside": "Bubbles zoom", + "subtitles.block.button.click": "Button clicks", + "subtitles.block.cake.add_candle": "Cake squishes", + "subtitles.block.campfire.crackle": "Campfire crackles", + "subtitles.block.candle.crackle": "Candle crackles", + "subtitles.block.chest.close": "Chest closes", + "subtitles.block.chest.locked": "Chest locked", + "subtitles.block.chest.open": "Chest opens", + "subtitles.block.chorus_flower.death": "Chorus Flower withers", + "subtitles.block.chorus_flower.grow": "Chorus Flower grows", + "subtitles.block.comparator.click": "Comparator clicks", + "subtitles.block.composter.empty": "Composter emptied", + "subtitles.block.composter.fill": "Composter filled", + "subtitles.block.composter.ready": "Composter composts", + "subtitles.block.conduit.activate": "Conduit activates", + "subtitles.block.conduit.ambient": "Conduit pulses", + "subtitles.block.conduit.attack.target": "Conduit attacks", + "subtitles.block.conduit.deactivate": "Conduit deactivates", + "subtitles.block.decorated_pot.shatter": "Pot shatters", + "subtitles.block.dispenser.dispense": "Dispensed item", + "subtitles.block.dispenser.fail": "Dispenser failed", + "subtitles.block.door.toggle": "Door creaks", + "subtitles.block.enchantment_table.use": "Enchanting Table used", + "subtitles.block.end_portal_frame.fill": "Eye of Ender attaches", + "subtitles.block.end_portal.spawn": "End Portal opens", + "subtitles.block.fence_gate.toggle": "Fence Gate creaks", + "subtitles.block.fire.ambient": "Fire crackles", + "subtitles.block.fire.extinguish": "Fire extinguished", + "subtitles.block.frogspawn.hatch": "Tadpole hatches", + "subtitles.block.furnace.fire_crackle": "Furnace crackles", + "subtitles.block.generic.break": "Block broken", + "subtitles.block.generic.footsteps": "Footsteps", + "subtitles.block.generic.hit": "Block breaking", + "subtitles.block.generic.place": "Block placed", + "subtitles.block.grindstone.use": "Grindstone used", + "subtitles.block.growing_plant.crop": "Plant cropped", + "subtitles.block.honey_block.slide": "Sliding down a honey block", + "subtitles.block.iron_trapdoor.close": "Trapdoor closes", + "subtitles.block.iron_trapdoor.open": "Trapdoor opens", + "subtitles.block.lava.ambient": "Lava pops", + "subtitles.block.lava.extinguish": "Lava hisses", + "subtitles.block.lever.click": "Lever clicks", + "subtitles.block.note_block.note": "Note Block plays", + "subtitles.block.piston.move": "Piston moves", + "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava": "Lava drips", + "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava_into_cauldron": "Lava drips into Cauldron", + "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water": "Water drips", + "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water_into_cauldron": "Water drips into Cauldron", + "subtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.land": "Stalactite crashes down", + "subtitles.block.portal.ambient": "Portal whooshes", + "subtitles.block.portal.travel": "Portal noise fades", + "subtitles.block.portal.trigger": "Portal noise intensifies", + "subtitles.block.pressure_plate.click": "Pressure Plate clicks", + "subtitles.block.pumpkin.carve": "Shears carve", + "subtitles.block.redstone_torch.burnout": "Torch fizzes", + "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.ambient": "Portal whooshes", + "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.charge": "Respawn Anchor is charged", + "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.deplete": "Respawn Anchor depletes", + "subtitles.block.respawn_anchor.set_spawn": "Respawn Anchor sets spawn", + "subtitles.block.sculk_catalyst.bloom": "Sculk Catalyst blooms", + "subtitles.block.sculk_sensor.clicking": "Sculk Sensor starts clicking", + "subtitles.block.sculk_sensor.clicking_stop": "Sculk Sensor stops clicking", + "subtitles.block.sculk_shrieker.shriek": "Sculk Shrieker shrieks", + "subtitles.block.sculk.charge": "Sculk bubbles", + "subtitles.block.sculk.spread": "Sculk spreads", + "subtitles.block.shulker_box.close": "Shulker closes", + "subtitles.block.shulker_box.open": "Shulker opens", + "subtitles.block.sign.waxed_interact_fail": "Sign wobbles", + "subtitles.block.smithing_table.use": "Smithing Table used", + "subtitles.block.smoker.smoke": "Smoker smokes", + "subtitles.block.sniffer_egg.crack": "Sniffer Egg cracks", + "subtitles.block.sniffer_egg.hatch": "Sniffer Egg hatches", + "subtitles.block.sniffer_egg.plop": "Sniffer plops", + "subtitles.block.sweet_berry_bush.pick_berries": "Berries pop", + "subtitles.block.trapdoor.toggle": "Trapdoor creaks", + "subtitles.block.tripwire.attach": "Tripwire attaches", + "subtitles.block.tripwire.click": "Tripwire clicks", + "subtitles.block.tripwire.detach": "Tripwire detaches", + "subtitles.block.water.ambient": "Water flows", + "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.insert": "Book placed", + "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.insert_enchanted": "Enchanted Book placed", + "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.take": "Book taken", + "subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.take_enchanted": "Enchanted Book taken", + "subtitles.enchant.thorns.hit": "Thorns prick", + "subtitles.entity.allay.ambient_with_item": "Allay seeks", + "subtitles.entity.allay.ambient_without_item": "Allay yearns", + "subtitles.entity.allay.death": "Allay dies", + "subtitles.entity.allay.hurt": "Allay hurts", + "subtitles.entity.allay.item_given": "Allay chortles", + "subtitles.entity.allay.item_taken": "Allay allays", + "subtitles.entity.allay.item_thrown": "Allay tosses", + "subtitles.entity.armor_stand.fall": "Something fell", + "subtitles.entity.arrow.hit": "Arrow hits", + "subtitles.entity.arrow.hit_player": "Player hit", + "subtitles.entity.arrow.shoot": "Arrow fired", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.attack": "Axolotl attacks", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.death": "Axolotl dies", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.hurt": "Axolotl hurts", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.idle_air": "Axolotl chirps", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.idle_water": "Axolotl chirps", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.splash": "Axolotl splashes", + "subtitles.entity.axolotl.swim": "Axolotl swims", + "subtitles.entity.bat.ambient": "Bat screeches", + "subtitles.entity.bat.death": "Bat dies", + "subtitles.entity.bat.hurt": "Bat hurts", + "subtitles.entity.bat.takeoff": "Bat takes off", + "subtitles.entity.bee.ambient": "Bee buzzes", + "subtitles.entity.bee.death": "Bee dies", + "subtitles.entity.bee.hurt": "Bee hurts", + "subtitles.entity.bee.loop": "Bee buzzes", + "subtitles.entity.bee.loop_aggressive": "Bee buzzes angrily", + "subtitles.entity.bee.pollinate": "Bee buzzes happily", + "subtitles.entity.bee.sting": "Bee stings", + "subtitles.entity.blaze.ambient": "Blaze breathes", + "subtitles.entity.blaze.burn": "Blaze crackles", + "subtitles.entity.blaze.death": "Blaze dies", + "subtitles.entity.blaze.hurt": "Blaze hurts", + "subtitles.entity.blaze.shoot": "Blaze shoots", + "subtitles.entity.boat.paddle_land": "Rowing", + "subtitles.entity.boat.paddle_water": "Rowing", + "subtitles.entity.camel.ambient": "Camel grunts", + "subtitles.entity.camel.dash": "Camel yeets", + "subtitles.entity.camel.dash_ready": "Camel recovers", + "subtitles.entity.camel.death": "Camel dies", + "subtitles.entity.camel.eat": "Camel eats", + "subtitles.entity.camel.hurt": "Camel hurts", + "subtitles.entity.camel.saddle": "Saddle equips", + "subtitles.entity.camel.sit": "Camel sits down", + "subtitles.entity.camel.stand": "Camel stands up", + "subtitles.entity.camel.step": "Camel steps", + "subtitles.entity.camel.step_sand": "Camel sands", + "subtitles.entity.cat.ambient": "Cat meows", + "subtitles.entity.cat.beg_for_food": "Cat begs", + "subtitles.entity.cat.death": "Cat dies", + "subtitles.entity.cat.eat": "Cat eats", + "subtitles.entity.cat.hiss": "Cat hisses", + "subtitles.entity.cat.hurt": "Cat hurts", + "subtitles.entity.cat.purr": "Cat purrs", + "subtitles.entity.chicken.ambient": "Chicken clucks", + "subtitles.entity.chicken.death": "Chicken dies", + "subtitles.entity.chicken.egg": "Chicken plops", + "subtitles.entity.chicken.hurt": "Chicken hurts", + "subtitles.entity.cod.death": "Cod dies", + "subtitles.entity.cod.flop": "Cod flops", + "subtitles.entity.cod.hurt": "Cod hurts", + "subtitles.entity.cow.ambient": "Cow moos", + "subtitles.entity.cow.death": "Cow dies", + "subtitles.entity.cow.hurt": "Cow hurts", + "subtitles.entity.cow.milk": "Cow gets milked", + "subtitles.entity.creeper.death": "Creeper dies", + "subtitles.entity.creeper.hurt": "Creeper hurts", + "subtitles.entity.creeper.primed": "Creeper hisses", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.ambient": "Dolphin chirps", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.ambient_water": "Dolphin whistles", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.attack": "Dolphin attacks", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.death": "Dolphin dies", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.eat": "Dolphin eats", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.hurt": "Dolphin hurts", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.jump": "Dolphin jumps", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.play": "Dolphin plays", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.splash": "Dolphin splashes", + "subtitles.entity.dolphin.swim": "Dolphin swims", + "subtitles.entity.donkey.ambient": "Donkey hee-haws", + "subtitles.entity.donkey.angry": "Donkey neighs", + "subtitles.entity.donkey.chest": "Donkey Chest equips", + "subtitles.entity.donkey.death": "Donkey dies", + "subtitles.entity.donkey.eat": "Donkey eats", + "subtitles.entity.donkey.hurt": "Donkey hurts", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.ambient": "Drowned gurgles", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.ambient_water": "Drowned gurgles", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.death": "Drowned dies", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.hurt": "Drowned hurts", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.shoot": "Drowned throws Trident", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.step": "Drowned steps", + "subtitles.entity.drowned.swim": "Drowned swims", + "subtitles.entity.egg.throw": "Egg flies", + "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.ambient": "Elder Guardian moans", + "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.ambient_land": "Elder Guardian flaps", + "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.curse": "Elder Guardian curses", + "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.death": "Elder Guardian dies", + "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.flop": "Elder Guardian flops", + "subtitles.entity.elder_guardian.hurt": "Elder Guardian hurts", + "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.ambient": "Dragon roars", + "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.death": "Dragon dies", + "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.flap": "Dragon flaps", + "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.growl": "Dragon growls", + "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.hurt": "Dragon hurts", + "subtitles.entity.ender_dragon.shoot": "Dragon shoots", + "subtitles.entity.ender_eye.death": "Eye of Ender falls", + "subtitles.entity.ender_eye.launch": "Eye of Ender shoots", + "subtitles.entity.ender_pearl.throw": "Ender Pearl flies", + "subtitles.entity.enderman.ambient": "Enderman vwoops", + "subtitles.entity.enderman.death": "Enderman dies", + "subtitles.entity.enderman.hurt": "Enderman hurts", + "subtitles.entity.enderman.scream": "Enderman screams", + "subtitles.entity.enderman.stare": "Enderman cries out", + "subtitles.entity.enderman.teleport": "Enderman teleports", + "subtitles.entity.endermite.ambient": "Endermite scuttles", + "subtitles.entity.endermite.death": "Endermite dies", + "subtitles.entity.endermite.hurt": "Endermite hurts", + "subtitles.entity.evoker_fangs.attack": "Fangs snap", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.ambient": "Evoker murmurs", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.cast_spell": "Evoker casts spell", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.celebrate": "Evoker cheers", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.death": "Evoker dies", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.hurt": "Evoker hurts", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.prepare_attack": "Evoker prepares attack", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.prepare_summon": "Evoker prepares summoning", + "subtitles.entity.evoker.prepare_wololo": "Evoker prepares charming", + "subtitles.entity.experience_orb.pickup": "Experience gained", + "subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.blast": "Firework blasts", + "subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.launch": "Firework launches", + "subtitles.entity.firework_rocket.twinkle": "Firework twinkles", + "subtitles.entity.fishing_bobber.retrieve": "Bobber retrieved", + "subtitles.entity.fishing_bobber.splash": "Fishing Bobber splashes", + "subtitles.entity.fishing_bobber.throw": "Bobber thrown", + "subtitles.entity.fox.aggro": "Fox angers", + "subtitles.entity.fox.ambient": "Fox squeaks", + "subtitles.entity.fox.bite": "Fox bites", + "subtitles.entity.fox.death": "Fox dies", + "subtitles.entity.fox.eat": "Fox eats", + "subtitles.entity.fox.hurt": "Fox hurts", + "subtitles.entity.fox.screech": "Fox screeches", + "subtitles.entity.fox.sleep": "Fox snores", + "subtitles.entity.fox.sniff": "Fox sniffs", + "subtitles.entity.fox.spit": "Fox spits", + "subtitles.entity.fox.teleport": "Fox teleports", + "subtitles.entity.frog.ambient": "Frog croaks", + "subtitles.entity.frog.death": "Frog dies", + "subtitles.entity.frog.eat": "Frog eats", + "subtitles.entity.frog.hurt": "Frog hurts", + "subtitles.entity.frog.lay_spawn": "Frog lays spawn", + "subtitles.entity.frog.long_jump": "Frog jumps", + "subtitles.entity.generic.big_fall": "Something fell", + "subtitles.entity.generic.burn": "Burning", + "subtitles.entity.generic.death": "Dying", + "subtitles.entity.generic.drink": "Sipping", + "subtitles.entity.generic.eat": "Eating", + "subtitles.entity.generic.explode": "Explosion", + "subtitles.entity.generic.extinguish_fire": "Fire extinguishes", + "subtitles.entity.generic.hurt": "Something hurts", + "subtitles.entity.generic.small_fall": "Something trips", + "subtitles.entity.generic.splash": "Splashing", + "subtitles.entity.generic.swim": "Swimming", + "subtitles.entity.ghast.ambient": "Ghast cries", + "subtitles.entity.ghast.death": "Ghast dies", + "subtitles.entity.ghast.hurt": "Ghast hurts", + "subtitles.entity.ghast.shoot": "Ghast shoots", + "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.add_item": "Glow Item Frame fills", + "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.break": "Glow Item Frame breaks", + "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.place": "Glow Item Frame placed", + "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.remove_item": "Glow Item Frame empties", + "subtitles.entity.glow_item_frame.rotate_item": "Glow Item Frame clicks", + "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.ambient": "Glow Squid swims", + "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.death": "Glow Squid dies", + "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.hurt": "Glow Squid hurts", + "subtitles.entity.glow_squid.squirt": "Glow Squid shoots ink", + "subtitles.entity.goat.ambient": "Goat bleats", + "subtitles.entity.goat.death": "Goat dies", + "subtitles.entity.goat.eat": "Goat eats", + "subtitles.entity.goat.horn_break": "Goat Horn breaks off", + "subtitles.entity.goat.hurt": "Goat hurts", + "subtitles.entity.goat.long_jump": "Goat leaps", + "subtitles.entity.goat.milk": "Goat gets milked", + "subtitles.entity.goat.prepare_ram": "Goat stomps", + "subtitles.entity.goat.ram_impact": "Goat rams", + "subtitles.entity.goat.screaming.ambient": "Goat bellows", + "subtitles.entity.goat.step": "Goat steps", + "subtitles.entity.guardian.ambient": "Guardian moans", + "subtitles.entity.guardian.ambient_land": "Guardian flaps", + "subtitles.entity.guardian.attack": "Guardian shoots", + "subtitles.entity.guardian.death": "Guardian dies", + "subtitles.entity.guardian.flop": "Guardian flops", + "subtitles.entity.guardian.hurt": "Guardian hurts", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.ambient": "Hoglin growls", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.angry": "Hoglin growls angrily", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.attack": "Hoglin attacks", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.converted_to_zombified": "Hoglin converts to Zoglin", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.death": "Hoglin dies", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.hurt": "Hoglin hurts", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.retreat": "Hoglin retreats", + "subtitles.entity.hoglin.step": "Hoglin steps", + "subtitles.entity.horse.ambient": "Horse neighs", + "subtitles.entity.horse.angry": "Horse neighs", + "subtitles.entity.horse.armor": "Horse armor equips", + "subtitles.entity.horse.breathe": "Horse breathes", + "subtitles.entity.horse.death": "Horse dies", + "subtitles.entity.horse.eat": "Horse eats", + "subtitles.entity.horse.gallop": "Horse gallops", + "subtitles.entity.horse.hurt": "Horse hurts", + "subtitles.entity.horse.jump": "Horse jumps", + "subtitles.entity.horse.saddle": "Saddle equips", + "subtitles.entity.husk.ambient": "Husk groans", + "subtitles.entity.husk.converted_to_zombie": "Husk converts to Zombie", + "subtitles.entity.husk.death": "Husk dies", + "subtitles.entity.husk.hurt": "Husk hurts", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.ambient": "Illusioner murmurs", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.cast_spell": "Illusioner casts spell", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.death": "Illusioner dies", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.hurt": "Illusioner hurts", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.mirror_move": "Illusioner displaces", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.prepare_blindness": "Illusioner prepares blindness", + "subtitles.entity.illusioner.prepare_mirror": "Illusioner prepares mirror image", + "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.attack": "Iron Golem attacks", + "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.damage": "Iron Golem breaks", + "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.death": "Iron Golem dies", + "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.hurt": "Iron Golem hurts", + "subtitles.entity.iron_golem.repair": "Iron Golem repaired", + "subtitles.entity.item_frame.add_item": "Item Frame fills", + "subtitles.entity.item_frame.break": "Item Frame breaks", + "subtitles.entity.item_frame.place": "Item Frame placed", + "subtitles.entity.item_frame.remove_item": "Item Frame empties", + "subtitles.entity.item_frame.rotate_item": "Item Frame clicks", + "subtitles.entity.item.break": "Item breaks", + "subtitles.entity.item.pickup": "Item plops", + "subtitles.entity.leash_knot.break": "Leash Knot breaks", + "subtitles.entity.leash_knot.place": "Leash Knot tied", + "subtitles.entity.lightning_bolt.impact": "Lightning strikes", + "subtitles.entity.lightning_bolt.thunder": "Thunder roars", + "subtitles.entity.llama.ambient": "Llama bleats", + "subtitles.entity.llama.angry": "Llama bleats angrily", + "subtitles.entity.llama.chest": "Llama Chest equips", + "subtitles.entity.llama.death": "Llama dies", + "subtitles.entity.llama.eat": "Llama eats", + "subtitles.entity.llama.hurt": "Llama hurts", + "subtitles.entity.llama.spit": "Llama spits", + "subtitles.entity.llama.step": "Llama steps", + "subtitles.entity.llama.swag": "Llama is decorated", + "subtitles.entity.magma_cube.death": "Magma Cube dies", + "subtitles.entity.magma_cube.hurt": "Magma Cube hurts", + "subtitles.entity.magma_cube.squish": "Magma Cube squishes", + "subtitles.entity.minecart.riding": "Minecart rolls", + "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.convert": "Mooshroom transforms", + "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.eat": "Mooshroom eats", + "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.milk": "Mooshroom gets milked", + "subtitles.entity.mooshroom.suspicious_milk": "Mooshroom gets milked suspiciously", + "subtitles.entity.mule.ambient": "Mule hee-haws", + "subtitles.entity.mule.angry": "Mule neighs", + "subtitles.entity.mule.chest": "Mule Chest equips", + "subtitles.entity.mule.death": "Mule dies", + "subtitles.entity.mule.eat": "Mule eats", + "subtitles.entity.mule.hurt": "Mule hurts", + "subtitles.entity.painting.break": "Painting breaks", + "subtitles.entity.painting.place": "Painting placed", + "subtitles.entity.panda.aggressive_ambient": "Panda huffs", + "subtitles.entity.panda.ambient": "Panda pants", + "subtitles.entity.panda.bite": "Panda bites", + "subtitles.entity.panda.cant_breed": "Panda bleats", + "subtitles.entity.panda.death": "Panda dies", + "subtitles.entity.panda.eat": "Panda eats", + "subtitles.entity.panda.hurt": "Panda hurts", + "subtitles.entity.panda.pre_sneeze": "Panda's nose tickles", + "subtitles.entity.panda.sneeze": "Panda sneezes", + "subtitles.entity.panda.step": "Panda steps", + "subtitles.entity.panda.worried_ambient": "Panda whimpers", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.ambient": "Parrot talks", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.death": "Parrot dies", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.eats": "Parrot eats", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.fly": "Parrot flutters", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.hurts": "Parrot hurts", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.blaze": "Parrot breathes", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.creeper": "Parrot hisses", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.drowned": "Parrot gurgles", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.elder_guardian": "Parrot moans", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.ender_dragon": "Parrot roars", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.endermite": "Parrot scuttles", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.evoker": "Parrot murmurs", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.ghast": "Parrot cries", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.guardian": "Parrot moans", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.hoglin": "Parrot growls", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.husk": "Parrot groans", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.illusioner": "Parrot murmurs", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.magma_cube": "Parrot squishes", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.phantom": "Parrot screeches", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.piglin": "Parrot snorts", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.piglin_brute": "Parrot snorts", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.pillager": "Parrot murmurs", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.ravager": "Parrot grunts", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.shulker": "Parrot lurks", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.silverfish": "Parrot hisses", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.skeleton": "Parrot rattles", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.slime": "Parrot squishes", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.spider": "Parrot hisses", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.stray": "Parrot rattles", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.vex": "Parrot vexes", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.vindicator": "Parrot mutters", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.warden": "Parrot whines", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.witch": "Parrot giggles", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.wither": "Parrot angers", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.wither_skeleton": "Parrot rattles", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.zoglin": "Parrot growls", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.zombie": "Parrot groans", + "subtitles.entity.parrot.imitate.zombie_villager": "Parrot groans", + "subtitles.entity.phantom.ambient": "Phantom screeches", + "subtitles.entity.phantom.bite": "Phantom bites", + "subtitles.entity.phantom.death": "Phantom dies", + "subtitles.entity.phantom.flap": "Phantom flaps", + "subtitles.entity.phantom.hurt": "Phantom hurts", + "subtitles.entity.phantom.swoop": "Phantom swoops", + "subtitles.entity.pig.ambient": "Pig oinks", + "subtitles.entity.pig.death": "Pig dies", + "subtitles.entity.pig.hurt": "Pig hurts", + "subtitles.entity.pig.saddle": "Saddle equips", + "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.ambient": "Piglin Brute snorts", + "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.angry": "Piglin Brute snorts angrily", + "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.converted_to_zombified": "Piglin Brute converts to Zombified Piglin", + "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.death": "Piglin Brute dies", + "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.hurt": "Piglin Brute hurts", + "subtitles.entity.piglin_brute.step": "Piglin Brute steps", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.admiring_item": "Piglin admires item", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.ambient": "Piglin snorts", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.angry": "Piglin snorts angrily", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.celebrate": "Piglin celebrates", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.converted_to_zombified": "Piglin converts to Zombified Piglin", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.death": "Piglin dies", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.hurt": "Piglin hurts", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.jealous": "Piglin snorts enviously", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.retreat": "Piglin retreats", + "subtitles.entity.piglin.step": "Piglin steps", + "subtitles.entity.pillager.ambient": "Pillager murmurs", + "subtitles.entity.pillager.celebrate": "Pillager cheers", + "subtitles.entity.pillager.death": "Pillager dies", + "subtitles.entity.pillager.hurt": "Pillager hurts", + "subtitles.entity.player.attack.crit": "Critical attack", + "subtitles.entity.player.attack.knockback": "Knockback attack", + "subtitles.entity.player.attack.strong": "Strong attack", + "subtitles.entity.player.attack.sweep": "Sweeping attack", + "subtitles.entity.player.attack.weak": "Weak attack", + "subtitles.entity.player.burp": "Burp", + "subtitles.entity.player.death": "Player dies", + "subtitles.entity.player.freeze_hurt": "Player freezes", + "subtitles.entity.player.hurt": "Player hurts", + "subtitles.entity.player.hurt_drown": "Player drowning", + "subtitles.entity.player.hurt_on_fire": "Player burns", + "subtitles.entity.player.levelup": "Player dings", + "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.ambient": "Polar Bear groans", + "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.ambient_baby": "Polar Bear hums", + "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.death": "Polar Bear dies", + "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.hurt": "Polar Bear hurts", + "subtitles.entity.polar_bear.warning": "Polar Bear roars", + "subtitles.entity.potion.splash": "Bottle smashes", + "subtitles.entity.potion.throw": "Bottle thrown", + "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.blow_out": "Pufferfish deflates", + "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.blow_up": "Pufferfish inflates", + "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.death": "Pufferfish dies", "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.flop": "Pufferfish flops", - "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.hurt": "pufferfish hurts", - "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.sting": "pufferfish stings", - "subtitles.entity.rabbit.ambient": "Jumpin Foodz skweekz", - "subtitles.entity.rabbit.attack": "Jumpin Foodz atakz", - "subtitles.entity.rabbit.death": "Jumpin Foodz ded", - "subtitles.entity.rabbit.hurt": "Jumpin Foodz hurz", - "subtitles.entity.rabbit.jump": "Jumpin Foodz jumpz", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.ambient": "Rivagur sayz grrrr", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.attack": "Rivagur noms", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.celebrate": "Rivagur cheerz", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.death": "Rivagur be ded", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.hurt": "Rivagur owwie", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.roar": "Rivagur iz LOUD", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.step": "Rivagur hooves", - "subtitles.entity.ravager.stunned": "Rivagur slep", - "subtitles.entity.salmon.death": "salmon diez", - "subtitles.entity.salmon.flop": "salmon flops", - "subtitles.entity.salmon.hurt": "salmon hurts", - "subtitles.entity.sheep.ambient": "Baa Baa baahz", - "subtitles.entity.sheep.death": "Baa Baa ded", - "subtitles.entity.sheep.hurt": "Baa Baa hurz", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.ambient": "Shulker lurkz", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.close": "Shulker clusez", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.death": "Shulker diez", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.hurt": "Shulker hurz", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.open": "Shulker opans", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.shoot": "Shulker shooz", - "subtitles.entity.shulker.teleport": "Shulker wrapz", - "subtitles.entity.shulker_bullet.hit": "Shulker ball makez boom", - "subtitles.entity.shulker_bullet.hurt": "Shulker shooty thingy brekz", - "subtitles.entity.silverfish.ambient": "Grae fish hizzs", - "subtitles.entity.silverfish.death": "Grae fish ded", - "subtitles.entity.silverfish.hurt": "Grae fish hurz", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton.ambient": "ooooo im spoooooooky", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton.converted_to_stray": "Spooke scury Skeletun getz cold n' frozn", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton.death": "Spooke scury Skeletun ded", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton.hurt": "Spooke scury Skeletun hurz", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton.shoot": "Spooke scury Skeletun shooz", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.ambient": "Skeletun hoers criez", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.death": "Skeletun hoers ded", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.hurt": "Skeletun hoers hurz", - "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.swim": "boni boi horz swizm in h0t sauc!", - "subtitles.entity.slime.attack": "Sliem atakz", - "subtitles.entity.slime.death": "Sliem ded", - "subtitles.entity.slime.hurt": "Sliem hurz", - "subtitles.entity.slime.squish": "ew slimy squishy", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.death": "Sniffr ded :(", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.digging": "Sniffr digz 4 sumthin", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.digging_stop": "Sniffr standz up", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.drop_seed": "Sniffr drops sed", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.eat": "Sniffr noms", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.egg_crack": "Baby Sniffr get KILLED D:", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.egg_hatch": "Sniffr apearz yay", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.happy": "Sniffr izz happi :D", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.hurt": "Sniffr *ouch*", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.idle": "Sniffr sayz grrrr", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.scenting": "Sniffr *snff*", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.searching": "Sniffr Searchez", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.sniffing": "Sniffr sniffs", - "subtitles.entity.sniffer.step": "Sniffr stepz", - "subtitles.entity.snow_golem.death": "Cold Watr Hooman diez", - "subtitles.entity.snow_golem.hurt": "Snowy Man hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.snowball.throw": "Cold wet fliez", - "subtitles.entity.spider.ambient": "Spidur hizzs", - "subtitles.entity.spider.death": "Spidur ded", - "subtitles.entity.spider.hurt": "Spidur hurz", - "subtitles.entity.squid.ambient": "Sqyd swimz", - "subtitles.entity.squid.death": "Sqyd ded", - "subtitles.entity.squid.hurt": "Sqyd hurz", - "subtitles.entity.squid.squirt": "Sqyd shooz inc", - "subtitles.entity.stray.ambient": "Frozen Skeletun spoooooooky", - "subtitles.entity.stray.death": "Frozen Skeletun ded", - "subtitles.entity.stray.hurt": "Frozen Skeletun hurz", - "subtitles.entity.strider.death": "laava walkr ded", - "subtitles.entity.strider.eat": "lava walkr nomz", - "subtitles.entity.strider.happy": "laava walkr hapi", - "subtitles.entity.strider.hurt": "laava walkr ouchi", - "subtitles.entity.strider.idle": "lava walkr chrpz", - "subtitles.entity.strider.retreat": "lava walkr fleez", - "subtitles.entity.tadpole.death": "kute smol toad ded :(", - "subtitles.entity.tadpole.flop": "kute smol toad jumpes", - "subtitles.entity.tadpole.grow_up": "kute smol toad growz up?!?!", - "subtitles.entity.tadpole.hurt": "kute smol toad hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.tnt.primed": "Thatll maek BOOM", - "subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.death": "Trpicl fysh ded", - "subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.flop": "Trpicl fysh flopz", - "subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.hurt": "Trpicl fysh hrtz", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.ambient_land": "TortL chirpz", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.death": "TortL ded", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.death_baby": "Smol tortL ded", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_break": "TortL sphere BREAK :(", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_crack": "TortL ball crakz", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_hatch": "TortL sphere openz", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.hurt": "TortL hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.hurt_baby": "Smol tortL hurtz", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.lay_egg": "TortL lies egg", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.shamble": "TortL do a litter", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.shamble_baby": "Smol tortL do a litter", - "subtitles.entity.turtle.swim": "TortL does yoohoo in watR", - "subtitles.entity.vex.ambient": "Ghosty thingy iz ghostin", - "subtitles.entity.vex.charge": "Ghosty thingy iz mad at u", - "subtitles.entity.vex.death": "ghosty thingy gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.vex.hurt": "ghosty thingy hurz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.ambient": "Vilaagur mumblz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.celebrate": "Vilaagur cheerz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.death": "Vilaagur ded", - "subtitles.entity.villager.hurt": "Vilaagur hurz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.no": "Vilaagur nays", - "subtitles.entity.villager.trade": "Vilaagur tradez", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_armorer": "Armorer workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_butcher": "Butcher workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_cartographer": "Cartographer workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_cleric": "Cleric workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_farmer": "Farmer workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_fisherman": "Fisherman workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_fletcher": "Fletcher workz", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_leatherworker": "Leatherworker workss", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_librarian": "Librarian workss", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_mason": "Masun workss", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_shepherd": "Sheephird workss", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_toolsmith": "Toolsmif workss", - "subtitles.entity.villager.work_weaponsmith": "Weeponsmith workss", - "subtitles.entity.villager.yes": "Vilaagur nods", - "subtitles.entity.vindicator.ambient": "Bad Guy mumblz", - "subtitles.entity.vindicator.celebrate": "Bad Guy cheerz", - "subtitles.entity.vindicator.death": "Bad Guy gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.vindicator.hurt": "Bad Guy hurz", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.ambient": "Wubterng Truder mumblz", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.death": "Wubterng Truder ded", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.disappeared": "wubterng truder disapers", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_milk": "Wander tredr drinkin mylk", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_potion": "wubterng troder sip magik", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.hurt": "Wubterng Truder hurz", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.no": "Wubterng Truder nays", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.reappeared": "Strnga troder apers", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.trade": "Wubterng Truder tradez", - "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.yes": "Wubterng Truder nods", - "subtitles.entity.warden.agitated": "Blu shrek 'roooor'", - "subtitles.entity.warden.ambient": "Blu shrek iz sad :(", - "subtitles.entity.warden.angry": "Blu shrek whant too kilz u", - "subtitles.entity.warden.attack_impact": "Blu shrek wont sumfin ded ;(", - "subtitles.entity.warden.death": "Blu shrek iz ded dw :)", - "subtitles.entity.warden.dig": "Blu shrek meakz a hol", - "subtitles.entity.warden.emerge": "Blu shrek tryngz 2 be a tree", - "subtitles.entity.warden.heartbeat": "Blu shrek demon-strat it iz alive", - "subtitles.entity.warden.hurt": "Blu shrek hurz", - "subtitles.entity.warden.listening": "Blu shrek filz sumtin", - "subtitles.entity.warden.listening_angry": "Blu shrek filz sumtin (and gos MAD!!!!!!111)", - "subtitles.entity.warden.nearby_close": "Blu shrek iz near u <:(", - "subtitles.entity.warden.nearby_closer": "Blu shrek coms klosur", - "subtitles.entity.warden.nearby_closest": "Blu shrek iz mooving-", - "subtitles.entity.warden.roar": "Blu shrek fink iz big lowd fur kat", - "subtitles.entity.warden.sniff": "Blu shrek sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffz", - "subtitles.entity.warden.sonic_boom": "Blu shrek meakz his ANIME ATTECK", - "subtitles.entity.warden.sonic_charge": "Blu shrek iz keepin energy", - "subtitles.entity.warden.step": "Blu shrek tryngz 2 be Slender", - "subtitles.entity.warden.tendril_clicks": "Blu shrek kat whiskurz clikkes", - "subtitles.entity.witch.ambient": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr giglz", - "subtitles.entity.witch.celebrate": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr cheerz", - "subtitles.entity.witch.death": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr ded", - "subtitles.entity.witch.drink": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr drinkz", - "subtitles.entity.witch.hurt": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr hurz", - "subtitles.entity.witch.throw": "Crazy Kitteh Ownr drowz", - "subtitles.entity.wither.ambient": "Wither angrz", - "subtitles.entity.wither.death": "Wither ded", - "subtitles.entity.wither.hurt": "Wither hurz", - "subtitles.entity.wither.shoot": "Wither atakz", - "subtitles.entity.wither.spawn": "Wither relizd", - "subtitles.entity.wither_skeleton.ambient": "Spooke Wither Skeletun is spooooooky", - "subtitles.entity.wither_skeleton.death": "Spooke Wither Skeletun ded", - "subtitles.entity.wither_skeleton.hurt": "Spooke Wither Skeletun hurz", - "subtitles.entity.wolf.ambient": "Woof Woof panz", - "subtitles.entity.wolf.death": "Woof Woof ded", - "subtitles.entity.wolf.growl": "Woof Woof gwaulz", - "subtitles.entity.wolf.hurt": "Woof Woof hurz", - "subtitles.entity.wolf.shake": "Woof Woof shakez", - "subtitles.entity.zoglin.ambient": "Zoglin grrr", - "subtitles.entity.zoglin.angry": "Zoglin grrrrrr", - "subtitles.entity.zoglin.attack": "Zoglin scartchs", - "subtitles.entity.zoglin.death": "Zoglin nov ded", - "subtitles.entity.zoglin.hurt": "Zoglin ouchs", - "subtitles.entity.zoglin.step": "Zoglin wlkz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.ambient": "Bad Hooman groonz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door": "Kitteh dor iz attac!", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.break_wooden_door": "Kitteh dor iz breks!", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned": "Ded guy evolvez into de watuur tingy", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.death": "Bad Hooman ded", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.destroy_egg": "Tortl ec stumpt", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.hurt": "Bad Hooman hurz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie.infect": "Slow baddie infectz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_horse.ambient": "Zombee hoers criez", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_horse.death": "Zombee hoers ded", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_horse.hurt": "Zombee hoers hurz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.ambient": "Unded Villaguur groonz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.converted": "Unded Villager Cryz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.cure": "Undead villager Sniffz", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.death": "Unded Villaguur gets rekt", - "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.hurt": "Unded Villaguur hurz", - "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.ambient": "Zombefyed Piglin grontz", - "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.angry": "Zombefyed Piglin grontz grrrr", - "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.death": "Zonbifid Piglin dyez", - "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.hurt": "Zumbefid Piglin hrtz", + "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.hurt": "Pufferfish hurts", + "subtitles.entity.puffer_fish.sting": "Pufferfish stings", + "subtitles.entity.rabbit.ambient": "Rabbit squeaks", + "subtitles.entity.rabbit.attack": "Rabbit attacks", + "subtitles.entity.rabbit.death": "Rabbit dies", + "subtitles.entity.rabbit.hurt": "Rabbit hurts", + "subtitles.entity.rabbit.jump": "Rabbit hops", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.ambient": "Ravager grunts", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.attack": "Ravager bites", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.celebrate": "Ravager cheers", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.death": "Ravager dies", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.hurt": "Ravager hurts", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.roar": "Ravager roars", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.step": "Ravager steps", + "subtitles.entity.ravager.stunned": "Ravager stunned", + "subtitles.entity.salmon.death": "Salmon dies", + "subtitles.entity.salmon.flop": "Salmon flops", + "subtitles.entity.salmon.hurt": "Salmon hurts", + "subtitles.entity.sheep.ambient": "Sheep baahs", + "subtitles.entity.sheep.death": "Sheep dies", + "subtitles.entity.sheep.hurt": "Sheep hurts", + "subtitles.entity.shulker_bullet.hit": "Shulker Bullet explodes", + "subtitles.entity.shulker_bullet.hurt": "Shulker Bullet breaks", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.ambient": "Shulker lurks", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.close": "Shulker closes", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.death": "Shulker dies", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.hurt": "Shulker hurts", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.open": "Shulker opens", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.shoot": "Shulker shoots", + "subtitles.entity.shulker.teleport": "Shulker teleports", + "subtitles.entity.silverfish.ambient": "Silverfish hisses", + "subtitles.entity.silverfish.death": "Silverfish dies", + "subtitles.entity.silverfish.hurt": "Silverfish hurts", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.ambient": "Skeleton Horse cries", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.death": "Skeleton Horse dies", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.hurt": "Skeleton Horse hurts", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.swim": "Skeleton Horse swims", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton.ambient": "Skeleton rattles", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton.converted_to_stray": "Skeleton converts to Stray", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton.death": "Skeleton dies", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton.hurt": "Skeleton hurts", + "subtitles.entity.skeleton.shoot": "Skeleton shoots", + "subtitles.entity.slime.attack": "Slime attacks", + "subtitles.entity.slime.death": "Slime dies", + "subtitles.entity.slime.hurt": "Slime hurts", + "subtitles.entity.slime.squish": "Slime squishes", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.death": "Sniffer dies", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.digging": "Sniffer digs", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.digging_stop": "Sniffer stands up", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.drop_seed": "Sniffer drops seed", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.eat": "Sniffer eats", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.egg_crack": "Sniffer Egg cracks", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.egg_hatch": "Sniffer Egg hatches", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.happy": "Sniffer delights", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.hurt": "Sniffer hurts", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.idle": "Sniffer grunts", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.scenting": "Sniffer scents", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.searching": "Sniffer searches", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.sniffing": "Sniffer sniffs", + "subtitles.entity.sniffer.step": "Sniffer steps", + "subtitles.entity.snow_golem.death": "Snow Golem dies", + "subtitles.entity.snow_golem.hurt": "Snow Golem hurts", + "subtitles.entity.snowball.throw": "Snowball flies", + "subtitles.entity.spider.ambient": "Spider hisses", + "subtitles.entity.spider.death": "Spider dies", + "subtitles.entity.spider.hurt": "Spider hurts", + "subtitles.entity.squid.ambient": "Squid swims", + "subtitles.entity.squid.death": "Squid dies", + "subtitles.entity.squid.hurt": "Squid hurts", + "subtitles.entity.squid.squirt": "Squid shoots ink", + "subtitles.entity.stray.ambient": "Stray rattles", + "subtitles.entity.stray.death": "Stray dies", + "subtitles.entity.stray.hurt": "Stray hurts", + "subtitles.entity.strider.death": "Strider dies", + "subtitles.entity.strider.eat": "Strider eats", + "subtitles.entity.strider.happy": "Strider warbles", + "subtitles.entity.strider.hurt": "Strider hurts", + "subtitles.entity.strider.idle": "Strider chirps", + "subtitles.entity.strider.retreat": "Strider retreats", + "subtitles.entity.tadpole.death": "Tadpole dies", + "subtitles.entity.tadpole.flop": "Tadpole flops", + "subtitles.entity.tadpole.grow_up": "Tadpole grows up", + "subtitles.entity.tadpole.hurt": "Tadpole hurts", + "subtitles.entity.tnt.primed": "TNT fizzes", + "subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.death": "Tropical Fish dies", + "subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.flop": "Tropical Fish flops", + "subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.hurt": "Tropical Fish hurts", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.ambient_land": "Turtle chirps", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.death": "Turtle dies", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.death_baby": "Turtle baby dies", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_break": "Turtle Egg breaks", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_crack": "Turtle Egg cracks", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_hatch": "Turtle Egg hatches", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.hurt": "Turtle hurts", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.hurt_baby": "Turtle baby hurts", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.lay_egg": "Turtle lays egg", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.shamble": "Turtle shambles", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.shamble_baby": "Turtle baby shambles", + "subtitles.entity.turtle.swim": "Turtle swims", + "subtitles.entity.vex.ambient": "Vex vexes", + "subtitles.entity.vex.charge": "Vex shrieks", + "subtitles.entity.vex.death": "Vex dies", + "subtitles.entity.vex.hurt": "Vex hurts", + "subtitles.entity.villager.ambient": "Villager mumbles", + "subtitles.entity.villager.celebrate": "Villager cheers", + "subtitles.entity.villager.death": "Villager dies", + "subtitles.entity.villager.hurt": "Villager hurts", + "subtitles.entity.villager.no": "Villager disagrees", + "subtitles.entity.villager.trade": "Villager trades", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_armorer": "Armorer works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_butcher": "Butcher works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_cartographer": "Cartographer works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_cleric": "Cleric works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_farmer": "Farmer works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_fisherman": "Fisherman works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_fletcher": "Fletcher works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_leatherworker": "Leatherworker works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_librarian": "Librarian works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_mason": "Mason works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_shepherd": "Shepherd works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_toolsmith": "Toolsmith works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.work_weaponsmith": "Weaponsmith works", + "subtitles.entity.villager.yes": "Villager agrees", + "subtitles.entity.vindicator.ambient": "Vindicator mutters", + "subtitles.entity.vindicator.celebrate": "Vindicator cheers", + "subtitles.entity.vindicator.death": "Vindicator dies", + "subtitles.entity.vindicator.hurt": "Vindicator hurts", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.ambient": "Wandering Trader mumbles", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.death": "Wandering Trader dies", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.disappeared": "Wandering Trader disappears", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_milk": "Wandering Trader drinks milk", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_potion": "Wandering Trader drinks potion", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.hurt": "Wandering Trader hurts", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.no": "Wandering Trader disagrees", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.reappeared": "Wandering Trader appears", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.trade": "Wandering Trader trades", + "subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.yes": "Wandering Trader agrees", + "subtitles.entity.warden.agitated": "Warden groans angrily", + "subtitles.entity.warden.ambient": "Warden whines", + "subtitles.entity.warden.angry": "Warden rages", + "subtitles.entity.warden.attack_impact": "Warden lands hit", + "subtitles.entity.warden.death": "Warden dies", + "subtitles.entity.warden.dig": "Warden digs", + "subtitles.entity.warden.emerge": "Warden emerges", + "subtitles.entity.warden.heartbeat": "Warden's heart beats", + "subtitles.entity.warden.hurt": "Warden hurts", + "subtitles.entity.warden.listening": "Warden takes notice", + "subtitles.entity.warden.listening_angry": "Warden takes notice angrily", + "subtitles.entity.warden.nearby_close": "Warden approaches", + "subtitles.entity.warden.nearby_closer": "Warden advances", + "subtitles.entity.warden.nearby_closest": "Warden draws close", + "subtitles.entity.warden.roar": "Warden roars", + "subtitles.entity.warden.sniff": "Warden sniffs", + "subtitles.entity.warden.sonic_boom": "Warden booms", + "subtitles.entity.warden.sonic_charge": "Warden charges", + "subtitles.entity.warden.step": "Warden steps", + "subtitles.entity.warden.tendril_clicks": "Warden's tendrils click", + "subtitles.entity.witch.ambient": "Witch giggles", + "subtitles.entity.witch.celebrate": "Witch cheers", + "subtitles.entity.witch.death": "Witch dies", + "subtitles.entity.witch.drink": "Witch drinks", + "subtitles.entity.witch.hurt": "Witch hurts", + "subtitles.entity.witch.throw": "Witch throws", + "subtitles.entity.wither_skeleton.ambient": "Wither Skeleton rattles", + "subtitles.entity.wither_skeleton.death": "Wither Skeleton dies", + "subtitles.entity.wither_skeleton.hurt": "Wither Skeleton hurts", + "subtitles.entity.wither.ambient": "Wither angers", + "subtitles.entity.wither.death": "Wither dies", + "subtitles.entity.wither.hurt": "Wither hurts", + "subtitles.entity.wither.shoot": "Wither attacks", + "subtitles.entity.wither.spawn": "Wither released", + "subtitles.entity.wolf.ambient": "Wolf pants", + "subtitles.entity.wolf.death": "Wolf dies", + "subtitles.entity.wolf.growl": "Wolf growls", + "subtitles.entity.wolf.hurt": "Wolf hurts", + "subtitles.entity.wolf.shake": "Wolf shakes", + "subtitles.entity.zoglin.ambient": "Zoglin growls", + "subtitles.entity.zoglin.angry": "Zoglin growls angrily", + "subtitles.entity.zoglin.attack": "Zoglin attacks", + "subtitles.entity.zoglin.death": "Zoglin dies", + "subtitles.entity.zoglin.hurt": "Zoglin hurts", + "subtitles.entity.zoglin.step": "Zoglin steps", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_horse.ambient": "Zombie Horse cries", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_horse.death": "Zombie Horse dies", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_horse.hurt": "Zombie Horse hurts", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.ambient": "Zombie Villager groans", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.converted": "Zombie Villager vociferates", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.cure": "Zombie Villager snuffles", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.death": "Zombie Villager dies", + "subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.hurt": "Zombie Villager hurts", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.ambient": "Zombie groans", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door": "Door shakes", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.break_wooden_door": "Door breaks", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned": "Zombie converts to Drowned", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.death": "Zombie dies", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.destroy_egg": "Turtle Egg stomped", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.hurt": "Zombie hurts", + "subtitles.entity.zombie.infect": "Zombie infects", + "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.ambient": "Zombified Piglin grunts", + "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.angry": "Zombified Piglin grunts angrily", + "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.death": "Zombified Piglin dies", + "subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.hurt": "Zombified Piglin hurts", "subtitles.event.raid.horn": "Ominous horn blares", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip": "girrs eqip", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_chain": "jingly katsuit jinglez", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_diamond": "shiny katsuit pings", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_elytra": "FLYY tiny doin noiz", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_gold": "shiny katsuit chinks", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_iron": "cheap katsuit bangs", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_leather": "katsuit ruztlez", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_netherite": "Netherite armur meows", - "subtitles.item.armor.equip_turtle": "TortL Shell funks", - "subtitles.item.axe.scrape": "Akss scratchez", - "subtitles.item.axe.strip": "Akss streepz", - "subtitles.item.axe.wax_off": "Wakz off", - "subtitles.item.bone_meal.use": "Smashed Skeletun go prrrrr", - "subtitles.item.book.page_turn": "Paeg rustlez", - "subtitles.item.book.put": "Book thump", - "subtitles.item.bottle.empty": "no moar sippy", - "subtitles.item.bottle.fill": "Buttl filz", - "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.generic": "Broomin", - "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.gravel": "Broomin graval", - "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.gravel.complete": "Broomin graval COMPLETED!!!", - "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.sand": "Broomin litter box", - "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.sand.complete": "Broomin litter COMPLETED!!!", - "subtitles.item.bucket.empty": "Buket empteiz", - "subtitles.item.bucket.fill": "Buket filz", - "subtitles.item.bucket.fill_axolotl": "KUTE PINK FISHH pickd up", - "subtitles.item.bucket.fill_fish": "fishi got", - "subtitles.item.bucket.fill_tadpole": "Kut smol toad capturez", - "subtitles.item.bundle.drop_contents": "Budnl emptied naww catrzzz", - "subtitles.item.bundle.insert": "Itaem packd", - "subtitles.item.bundle.remove_one": "Itaem unpackd", - "subtitles.item.chorus_fruit.teleport": "Cat wrapz", - "subtitles.item.crop.plant": "Crop plantd", - "subtitles.item.crossbow.charge": "Crosbowz is getting redy", - "subtitles.item.crossbow.hit": "Errow hits", - "subtitles.item.crossbow.load": "Crosbowz be loadin'", - "subtitles.item.crossbow.shoot": "Crosbowz is firin'", - "subtitles.item.dye.use": "Colurer thing staanz", - "subtitles.item.firecharge.use": "Fierbal wushez", - "subtitles.item.flintandsteel.use": "Frint und steal clic", - "subtitles.item.glow_ink_sac.use": "Shiny ink sac does sploosh", - "subtitles.item.goat_horn.play": "monten shep's shap thingy becom catbox", - "subtitles.item.hoe.till": "Hoe tilz", - "subtitles.item.honey_bottle.drink": "kitteh stuffd", - "subtitles.item.honeycomb.wax_on": "Wakz on", - "subtitles.item.ink_sac.use": "Writy likwid does sploosh", - "subtitles.item.lodestone_compass.lock": "loserstone spinny thing lockd onto loserstone", - "subtitles.item.nether_wart.plant": "plantd plant", - "subtitles.item.shears.shear": "shers clic", - "subtitles.item.shield.block": "sheild blocz", - "subtitles.item.shovel.flatten": "Shuvl flatnz", - "subtitles.item.spyglass.stop_using": "i cnt c u anymoar", - "subtitles.item.spyglass.use": "Now i can c u", - "subtitles.item.totem.use": "Totuem iz revivin u", - "subtitles.item.trident.hit": "Dinglehopper zticks", - "subtitles.item.trident.hit_ground": "Dinglehopper goez brr brr", - "subtitles.item.trident.return": "Dinglehopper come back to kitteh", - "subtitles.item.trident.riptide": "Dinglehopper zmmz", - "subtitles.item.trident.throw": "Dinglehopper clengz", - "subtitles.item.trident.thunder": "Dinglehopper thundr crackz", - "subtitles.particle.soul_escape": "cya sol", - "subtitles.ui.cartography_table.take_result": "Direcshun papeh drohn", - "subtitles.ui.loom.take_result": "Looom iz looomin", - "subtitles.ui.stonecutter.take_result": "Stun chopprs uzed", - "subtitles.weather.rain": "Rein fallz", - "team.collision.always": "4evres", - "team.collision.never": "no way", - "team.collision.pushOtherTeams": "Push othr kities", - "team.collision.pushOwnTeam": "Push own kities", - "team.notFound": "Cat doezn't know da team '%s'", - "team.visibility.always": "4 evr", - "team.visibility.hideForOtherTeams": "Hid for othr kitty", - "team.visibility.hideForOwnTeam": "Hid for herd", - "team.visibility.never": "Nevr", - "telemetry.event.optional": "%s (opshunal)", - "telemetry.event.performance_metrics.description": "Knowing the overlol prformance pforile of Minceraft helpz us tune and optimizze the game for a widee range of machine specifications and meowperating sistemzz. Game version is included 2 help uz compare the performance profi le for new versionz of Minecraft", - "telemetry.event.performance_metrics.title": "Perforrmanz metrics", - "telemetry.event.required": "%s (we nede dis)", - "telemetry.event.world_load_times.description": "Us kittehz wants 2 now haw long it taek to get in da woerld, and haw it get fazter an sloewr. Wen da kitteh gang add new stuffz, we wants 2 now cuz us kittehs need 2 help wiv da gaem. Thx :)", - "telemetry.event.world_load_times.title": "wurld lolad timez", - "telemetry.event.world_loaded.description": "Knoweng how catz play Minceraft (such as gaem mode, cliient or servr moded, and gaem version) allows us to focus gaem apdates to emprove the areas that catz care about mozt.\nThe world loadded ivent is pair widda world unloadded event to calculate how logn the play sezzion haz lasted.", - "telemetry.event.world_loaded.title": "wurld loded", - "telemetry.event.world_unloaded.description": "dis event tis paried widda wurld loaded event 2 calculate how long the wurld sezzion has lasted. The duration (in secands and tickz) is meazured when a wurld session has endedd (quitting 2 da title, dizzconecting from a servr)", - "telemetry.event.world_unloaded.title": "world unloded", - "telemetry.property.client_id.title": "clyunt AI DEE", - "telemetry.property.client_modded.title": "moadded catcraft!!!", - "telemetry.property.dedicated_memory_kb.title": "memory given (kBitez)", - "telemetry.property.event_timestamp_utc.title": "evnt tiemstamp (universal kat tiem)", - "telemetry.property.frame_rate_samples.title": "meowrate samplz (or jus meows/s idk)", - "telemetry.property.game_mode.title": "Gaem moed", - "telemetry.property.game_version.title": "gameh vershun", - "telemetry.property.minecraft_session_id.title": "minceraft sesshun AIDEE", - "telemetry.property.new_world.title": "neu wurld", - "telemetry.property.number_of_samples.title": "sample texts", - "telemetry.property.operating_system.title": "os", - "telemetry.property.opt_in.title": "oppt-IN", - "telemetry.property.platform.title": "wherr yoy plae dis catcraft", - "telemetry.property.render_distance.title": "rendur far-ness", - "telemetry.property.render_time_samples.title": "rendurrin tiem sampl txts", - "telemetry.property.seconds_since_load.title": "taem since loda (sec)", - "telemetry.property.server_modded.title": "moadded survurr!!!", - "telemetry.property.server_type.title": "survurr tyep", - "telemetry.property.ticks_since_load.title": "taem since load (tiks)", - "telemetry.property.used_memory_samples.title": "used WAM", - "telemetry.property.user_id.title": "kat AI-DEE", - "telemetry.property.world_load_time_ms.title": "Worrld load taem (millisecats)", - "telemetry.property.world_session_id.title": "wurld sesshun AIDEE", - "telemetry_info.button.give_feedback": "gib uz feedbakz", - "telemetry_info.button.show_data": "show me ma STUFF", - "telemetry_info.property_title": "included info", - "telemetry_info.screen.description": "collectin dees deetah wil halp us 2 improov Minecraft buai leeding light us in waes dat r vrery luvd or liked 2 ourr kats.\nu cna also feed us moar feedbacs n fuds 2 halp us improoveing Minecraft!!!", - "telemetry_info.screen.title": "telekenesis deetah collektingz", - "title.32bit.deprecation": "BEEP BOOP 32-bit sistem detekted: dis mai prvent ya form playin in da future cuz 64-bit sistem will be REQUIRED!!", - "title.32bit.deprecation.realms": "Minecraft'll soon need da 64-bit sistem wich will prevnt ya from playin or usin Realms on dis devic. Yall need two manualy kancel any Realms subskripshin.", - "title.32bit.deprecation.realms.check": "Do nt shw ths scren agan >:(", - "title.32bit.deprecation.realms.header": "32-bit sistm detektd", - "title.multiplayer.disabled": "u cnt pley wif oter kits, pweas chek ur meikrosft accunt setinz", - "title.multiplayer.disabled.banned.permanent": "No online play?", - "title.multiplayer.disabled.banned.temporary": "I can haz friends no more 4 nao :/", - "title.multiplayer.lan": "Multiplayr (LAL)", - "title.multiplayer.other": "NAT LONELEY (3rd-kitteh servurr)", - "title.multiplayer.realms": "Multiplayr (Reelms) k?", - "title.singleplayer": "Loneleh kitteh", - "translation.test.args": "%s %s lol", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip": "Gear equips", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_chain": "Chain armor jingles", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_diamond": "Diamond armor clangs", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_elytra": "Elytra rustle", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_gold": "Gold armor clinks", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_iron": "Iron armor clanks", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_leather": "Leather armor rustles", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_netherite": "Netherite armor clanks", + "subtitles.item.armor.equip_turtle": "Turtle Shell thunks", + "subtitles.item.axe.scrape": "Axe scrapes", + "subtitles.item.axe.strip": "Axe strips", + "subtitles.item.axe.wax_off": "Wax off", + "subtitles.item.bone_meal.use": "Bone Meal crinkles", + "subtitles.item.book.page_turn": "Page rustles", + "subtitles.item.book.put": "Book thumps", + "subtitles.item.bottle.empty": "Bottle empties", + "subtitles.item.bottle.fill": "Bottle fills", + "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.generic": "Brushing", + "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.gravel": "Brushing Gravel", + "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.gravel.complete": "Brushing Gravel completed", + "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.sand": "Brushing Sand", + "subtitles.item.brush.brushing.sand.complete": "Brushing Sand completed", + "subtitles.item.bucket.empty": "Bucket empties", + "subtitles.item.bucket.fill": "Bucket fills", + "subtitles.item.bucket.fill_axolotl": "Axolotl scooped", + "subtitles.item.bucket.fill_fish": "Fish captured", + "subtitles.item.bucket.fill_tadpole": "Tadpole captured", + "subtitles.item.bundle.drop_contents": "Bundle empties", + "subtitles.item.bundle.insert": "Item packed", + "subtitles.item.bundle.remove_one": "Item unpacked", + "subtitles.item.chorus_fruit.teleport": "Player teleports", + "subtitles.item.crop.plant": "Crop planted", + "subtitles.item.crossbow.charge": "Crossbow charges up", + "subtitles.item.crossbow.hit": "Arrow hits", + "subtitles.item.crossbow.load": "Crossbow loads", + "subtitles.item.crossbow.shoot": "Crossbow fires", + "subtitles.item.dye.use": "Dye stains", + "subtitles.item.firecharge.use": "Fireball whooshes", + "subtitles.item.flintandsteel.use": "Flint and Steel click", + "subtitles.item.glow_ink_sac.use": "Glow Ink Sac splotches", + "subtitles.item.goat_horn.play": "Goat Horn plays", + "subtitles.item.hoe.till": "Hoe tills", + "subtitles.item.honey_bottle.drink": "Gulping", + "subtitles.item.honeycomb.wax_on": "Wax on", + "subtitles.item.ink_sac.use": "Ink Sac splotches", + "subtitles.item.lodestone_compass.lock": "Lodestone Compass locks onto Lodestone", + "subtitles.item.nether_wart.plant": "Crop planted", + "subtitles.item.shears.shear": "Shears click", + "subtitles.item.shield.block": "Shield blocks", + "subtitles.item.shovel.flatten": "Shovel flattens", + "subtitles.item.spyglass.stop_using": "Spyglass retracts", + "subtitles.item.spyglass.use": "Spyglass expands", + "subtitles.item.totem.use": "Totem activates", + "subtitles.item.trident.hit": "Trident stabs", + "subtitles.item.trident.hit_ground": "Trident vibrates", + "subtitles.item.trident.return": "Trident returns", + "subtitles.item.trident.riptide": "Trident zooms", + "subtitles.item.trident.throw": "Trident clangs", + "subtitles.item.trident.thunder": "Trident thunder cracks", + "subtitles.particle.soul_escape": "Soul escapes", + "subtitles.ui.cartography_table.take_result": "Map drawn", + "subtitles.ui.loom.take_result": "Loom used", + "subtitles.ui.stonecutter.take_result": "Stonecutter used", + "subtitles.weather.rain": "Rain falls", + "symlink_warning.title": "World folder contains symbolic links", + "symlink_warning.message": "Loading worlds from folders with symbolic links can be unsafe if you don't know exactly what you are doing. Please visit %s to learn more.", + "team.collision.always": "Always", + "team.collision.never": "Never", + "team.collision.pushOtherTeams": "Push other teams", + "team.collision.pushOwnTeam": "Push own team", + "team.notFound": "Unknown team '%s'", + "team.visibility.always": "Always", + "team.visibility.hideForOtherTeams": "Hide for other teams", + "team.visibility.hideForOwnTeam": "Hide for own team", + "team.visibility.never": "Never", + "telemetry_info.button.give_feedback": "Give Feedback", + "telemetry_info.button.show_data": "Open My Data", + "telemetry_info.property_title": "Included Data", + "telemetry_info.screen.description": "Collecting this data helps us improve Minecraft by guiding us in directions that are relevant to our players.\nYou can also send in additional feedback to help us keep improving Minecraft.", + "telemetry_info.screen.title": "Telemetry Data Collection", + "telemetry.event.advancement_made.description": "Understanding the context behind receiving an advancement can help us better understand and improve the progression of the game.", + "telemetry.event.advancement_made.title": "Advancement Made", + "telemetry.event.game_load_times.description": "This event can help us figure out where startup performance improvements are needed by measuring the execution times of the startup phases.", + "telemetry.event.game_load_times.title": "Game Load Times", + "telemetry.event.optional": "%s (Optional)", + "telemetry.event.performance_metrics.description": "Knowing the overall performance profile of Minecraft helps us tune and optimize the game for a wide range of machine specifications and operating systems. \nGame version is included to help us compare the performance profile for new versions of Minecraft.", + "telemetry.event.performance_metrics.title": "Performance Metrics", + "telemetry.event.required": "%s (Required)", + "telemetry.event.world_load_times.description": "It’s important for us to understand how long it takes to join a world, and how that changes over time. For example, when we add new features or do larger technical changes, we need to see what impact that had on load times.", + "telemetry.event.world_load_times.title": "World Load Times", + "telemetry.event.world_loaded.description": "Knowing how players play Minecraft (such as Game Mode, client or server modded, and game version) allows us to focus game updates to improve the areas that players care about most.\nThe World Loaded event is paired with the World Unloaded event to calculate how long the play session has lasted.", + "telemetry.event.world_loaded.title": "World Loaded", + "telemetry.event.world_unloaded.description": "This event is paired with the World Loaded event to calculate how long the world session has lasted.\nThe duration (in seconds and ticks) is measured when a world session has ended (quitting to title, disconnecting from a server).", + "telemetry.event.world_unloaded.title": "World Unloaded", + "telemetry.property.advancement_game_time.title": "Game Time (Ticks)", + "telemetry.property.advancement_id.title": "Advancement ID", + "telemetry.property.client_id.title": "Client ID", + "telemetry.property.client_modded.title": "Client Modded", + "telemetry.property.dedicated_memory_kb.title": "Dedicated Memory (kB)", + "telemetry.property.event_timestamp_utc.title": "Event Timestamp (UTC)", + "telemetry.property.frame_rate_samples.title": "Frame Rate Samples (FPS)", + "telemetry.property.game_mode.title": "Game Mode", + "telemetry.property.game_version.title": "Game Version", + "telemetry.property.launcher_name.title": "Launcher Name", + "telemetry.property.load_time_bootstrap_ms.title": "Bootstrap Time (Milliseconds)", + "telemetry.property.load_time_loading_overlay_ms.title": "Time in Loading Screen (Milliseconds)", + "telemetry.property.load_time_pre_window_ms.title": "Time Before Window Opens (Milliseconds)", + "telemetry.property.load_time_total_time_ms.title": "Total Load Time (Milliseconds)", + "telemetry.property.minecraft_session_id.title": "Minecraft Session ID", + "telemetry.property.new_world.title": "New World", + "telemetry.property.number_of_samples.title": "Sample Count", + "telemetry.property.operating_system.title": "Operating System", + "telemetry.property.opt_in.title": "Opt-In", + "telemetry.property.platform.title": "Platform", + "telemetry.property.realms_map_content.title": "Realms Map Content (Minigame Name)", + "telemetry.property.render_distance.title": "Render Distance", + "telemetry.property.render_time_samples.title": "Render Time Samples", + "telemetry.property.seconds_since_load.title": "Time Since Load (Seconds)", + "telemetry.property.server_modded.title": "Server Modded", + "telemetry.property.server_type.title": "Server Type", + "telemetry.property.ticks_since_load.title": "Time Since Load (Ticks)", + "telemetry.property.used_memory_samples.title": "Used Random Access Memory", + "telemetry.property.user_id.title": "User ID", + "telemetry.property.world_load_time_ms.title": "World Load Time (Milliseconds)", + "telemetry.property.world_session_id.title": "World Session ID", + "title.32bit.deprecation": "32-bit system detected: this may prevent you from playing in the future as a 64-bit system will be required!", + "title.32bit.deprecation.realms": "Minecraft will soon require a 64-bit system, which will prevent you from playing or using Realms on this device. You will need to manually cancel any Realms subscription.", + "title.32bit.deprecation.realms.check": "Do not show this screen again", + "title.32bit.deprecation.realms.header": "32-bit system detected", + "title.multiplayer.disabled": "Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft account settings.", + "title.multiplayer.disabled.banned.permanent": "Your account is permanently suspended from online play", + "title.multiplayer.disabled.banned.temporary": "Your account is temporarily suspended from online play", + "title.multiplayer.lan": "Multiplayer (LAN)", + "title.multiplayer.other": "Multiplayer (3rd-party Server)", + "title.multiplayer.realms": "Multiplayer (Realms)", + "title.singleplayer": "Singleplayer", + "translation.test.args": "%s %s", "translation.test.complex": "Prefix, %s%2$s again %s and %1$s lastly %s and also %1$s again!", "translation.test.escape": "%%s %%%s %%%%s %%%%%s", "translation.test.invalid": "hi %", - "translation.test.invalid2": "hi %s", - "translation.test.none": "Hi, wurld!", + "translation.test.invalid2": "hi % s", + "translation.test.none": "Hello, world!", "translation.test.world": "world", - "trim_material.minecraft.amethyst": "purpur shinee stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.copper": "copurr stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.diamond": "SHINEE DEEMOND stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.emerald": "green thingy stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.gold": "gulden stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.iron": "irun stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.lapis": "blu ston stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.netherite": "netherite stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.quartz": "kworts stuff", - "trim_material.minecraft.redstone": "Redstone stuff", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.coast": "Watery drip ", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.dune": "Litterbox drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.eye": "BLINK BLINK priti katsuit tenplait", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.host": "Fathr drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.raiser": "Farmr drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.rib": "skeletun priti katsuit tenplait", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.sentry": "chasin kittn priti katsuit tenplait", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.shaper": "Buildrman drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.silence": "*shhhhhh* drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.snout": "oink priti katsuit tenplait", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.spire": "Towr drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.tide": "waev priti katsuit tenplait", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.vex": "ghosty priti katsuit tenplait", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.ward": "Blue scary man drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.wayfinder": "find-da-wae drip", - "trim_pattern.minecraft.wild": "wildin drip", - "tutorial.bundleInsert.description": "Rite clck t0 add itamz", - "tutorial.bundleInsert.title": "Use cat powch", - "tutorial.craft_planks.description": "The recipe buk thingy can halp", - "tutorial.craft_planks.title": "Mak wuddn plankz", - "tutorial.find_tree.description": "Beet it up 2 collecz w00d", - "tutorial.find_tree.title": "Find 1 scratchr", - "tutorial.look.description": "Uss ur rat 2 see da w0rld", - "tutorial.look.title": "See da wor1d", - "tutorial.move.description": "Jump wit %s", - "tutorial.move.title": "Expl0r wid %s, %s, %s, & %s", - "tutorial.open_inventory.description": "Prez %s", - "tutorial.open_inventory.title": "Opn ur stuffz containr", - "tutorial.punch_tree.description": "Prez %s @ lengthz", - "tutorial.punch_tree.title": "Demolish ur scratcher lul", - "tutorial.socialInteractions.description": "Pres %s 2 opun", - "tutorial.socialInteractions.title": "sociul interacshuns", - "upgrade.minecraft.netherite_upgrade": "netherite lvl UP!" + "trim_material.minecraft.amethyst": "Amethyst Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.copper": "Copper Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.diamond": "Diamond Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.emerald": "Emerald Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.gold": "Gold Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.iron": "Iron Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.lapis": "Lapis Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.netherite": "Netherite Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.quartz": "Quartz Material", + "trim_material.minecraft.redstone": "Redstone Material", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.coast": "Coast Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.dune": "Dune Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.eye": "Eye Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.host": "Host Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.raiser": "Raiser Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.rib": "Rib Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.sentry": "Sentry Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.shaper": "Shaper Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.silence": "Silence Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.snout": "Snout Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.spire": "Spire Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.tide": "Tide Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.vex": "Vex Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.ward": "Ward Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.wayfinder": "Wayfinder Armor Trim", + "trim_pattern.minecraft.wild": "Wild Armor Trim", + "tutorial.bundleInsert.description": "Right Click to add items", + "tutorial.bundleInsert.title": "Use a Bundle", + "tutorial.craft_planks.description": "The recipe book can help", + "tutorial.craft_planks.title": "Craft wooden planks", + "tutorial.find_tree.description": "Punch it to collect wood", + "tutorial.find_tree.title": "Find a tree", + "tutorial.look.description": "Use your mouse to turn", + "tutorial.look.title": "Look around", + "tutorial.move.description": "Jump with %s", + "tutorial.move.title": "Move with %s, %s, %s and %s", + "tutorial.open_inventory.description": "Press %s", + "tutorial.open_inventory.title": "Open your inventory", + "tutorial.punch_tree.description": "Hold down %s", + "tutorial.punch_tree.title": "Destroy the tree", + "tutorial.socialInteractions.description": "Press %s to open", + "tutorial.socialInteractions.title": "Social Interactions", + "upgrade.minecraft.netherite_upgrade": "Netherite Upgrade" }