const mc = require('minecraft-protocol'); const lang = require("./en_us.json"); // translate message const bot = mc.createClient({ //host: '', host: '', // port: 25565, username: 'sysparser', version: "1.20.4", }); bot.on('system_chat', (packet) => { console.log(parseMinecraftMessage(packet)); console.log(JSON.stringify(packet, null, 2)) }); const ansiCodes = { '§0': '\x1B[30m', // Black '§1': '\x1B[34m', // Dark Blue '§2': '\x1B[32m', // Dark Green '§3': '\x1B[36m', // Dark Aqua '§4': '\x1B[31m', // Dark Red '§5': '\x1B[35m', // Dark Purple '§6': '\x1B[33m', // Gold '§7': '\x1B[37m', // Gray '§8': '\x1B[90m', // Dark Gray '§9': '\x1B[94m', // Blue '§a': '\x1B[92m', // Green '§b': '\x1B[96m', // Aqua '§c': '\x1B[91m', // Red '§d': '\x1B[95m', // Light Purple '§e': '\x1B[93m', // Yellow '§f': '\x1B[97m', // White '§l': '\x1B[1m', // Bold '§o': '\x1B[3m', // Italic '§n': '\x1B[4m', // Underlined '§m': '\x1B[9m', // Strikethrough '§k': '\x1B[5m', // Obfuscated '§r': '\x1B[0m', // Reset 'black': '\x1B[30m', // Black 'dark_blue': '\x1B[34m', // Dark Blue 'dark_green': '\x1B[32m', // Dark Green 'dark_aqua': '\x1B[36m', // Dark Aqua 'dark_red': '\x1B[31m', // Dark Red 'dark_purple': '\x1B[35m', // Dark Purple 'gold': '\x1B[33m', // Gold 'gray': '\x1B[37m', // Gray 'dark_gray': '\x1B[90m', // Dark Gray 'blue': '\x1B[94m', // Blue 'green': '\x1B[92m', // Green 'aqua': '\x1B[96m', // Aqua 'red': '\x1B[91m', // Red 'light_purple': '\x1B[95m', // Light Purple 'yellow': '\x1B[93m', // Yellow 'white': '\x1B[97m', // White 'bold': '\x1B[1m', // Bold 'italic': '\x1B[3m', // Italic 'underlined': '\x1B[4m', // Underlined 'strikethrough': '\x1B[9m', // Strikethrough 'obfuscated': '\x1B[5m', // Obfuscated 'reset': '\x1B[0m' // Reset }; function parseMinecraftMessage(component) { function extractText(comp) { let text = ''; if (typeof comp === 'string') { return comp; } if (comp.text) { text += extractText(comp.text); } if (comp[""]) { text += extractText(comp[""]); } if (comp) { let Acomp = Array.isArray(comp) ? comp : [comp]; Acomp.forEach(item => { if (typeof item === 'string') { text += item; } }); } if (comp.extra) { let compextra = Array.isArray(comp.extra) ? comp.extra : [comp.extra]; compextra.forEach(extraComp => { text += extractText(extraComp); }); } if (comp.value) { let compvalue = Array.isArray(comp.value) ? comp.value : [comp.value]; compvalue.forEach(valueComp => { text += extractText(valueComp); }); } if (comp.translate) { // anyone can help me ? let translateString = lang[comp.translate.value] || comp.translate.value; if (typeof translateString === 'string') { if (comp.with) { const withArray = Array.isArray(comp.with.value) ? comp.with.value : [comp.with.value]; let formattedString = translateString; const replacements = []; withArray.forEach((replacementText) => { if (replacementText.value) { const items = Array.isArray(replacementText.value) ? replacementText.value : [replacementText.value]; items.forEach((item) => { //console.log(item); replacements.push(extractText(item)); }); } }); let replacementIndex = 0; formattedString = formattedString.replace(/%s/g, () => { return replacementIndex < replacements.length ? replacements[replacementIndex++] : '%s'; }); //console.log(formattedString) text += formattedString; } } else { console.warn(`Translation not found for: ${comp.translate.value}`); } } if (comp.color && ansiCodes[comp.color.value] && !comp.color.value.startsWith('#')) { text = ansiCodes[comp.color.value] + text; } else if (comp.color && comp.color.value.startsWith('#')) { const hexRegex = /#?([a-fA-F\d]{2})([a-fA-F\d]{2})([a-fA-F\d]{2})/; const hexCodes = hexRegex.exec(comp.color.value); if (hexCodes) { const red = parseInt(hexCodes[1], 16); const green = parseInt(hexCodes[2], 16); const blue = parseInt(hexCodes[3], 16); const ansiColor = `\u001b[38;2;${red};${green};${blue}m`; text = ansiColor + text + '\x1B[0m'; } } if (comp.bold && comp.bold.value === 1) { text = '\x1b[1m' + text; } if (comp.italic && comp.italic.value === 1) { text = '\x1b[3m' + text; } if (comp.underlined && comp.underlined.value === 1) { text = '\x1b[4m' + text; } if (comp.obfuscated && comp.obfuscated.value === 1) { text = '\x1b[5m' + text; } if (comp.strikethrough && comp.strikethrough.value === 1) { text = '\x1b[9m' + text; } return text; } let result = ''; if (component.content) { const mainComponents = Array.isArray(component.content) ? component.content : [component.content]; mainComponents.forEach(comp => { result += extractText(comp); }); } return `Result: ${result}\x1B[0m`; // Ensure to reset colors at the end }