var mc = require('../../'); var states = mc.states; function printHelpAndExit(exitCode) { console.log("usage: node proxy.js [...] []"); console.log("options:"); console.log(" --dump ID"); console.log(" print to stdout messages with the specified ID."); console.log(" --dump-all"); console.log(" print to stdout all messages, except those specified with -x."); console.log(" -x ID"); console.log(" do not print messages with this ID."); console.log(" ID"); console.log(" an integer in decimal or hex (given to JavaScript's parseInt())"); console.log(" optionally prefixed with o for client->server or i for client<-server."); console.log("examples:"); console.log(" node proxy.js --dump-all -x 0x0 -x 0x3 -x 0x12 -x 0x015 -x 0x16 -x 0x17 -x 0x18 -x 0x19 localhost Player"); console.log(" print all messages except for some of the most prolific."); console.log(" node examples/proxy.js --dump i0x2d --dump i0x2e --dump i0x2f dump i0x30 --dump i0x31 --dump i0x32 --dump o0x0d --dump o0x0e --dump o0x0f --dump o0x10 --dump o0x11 localhost Player"); console.log(" print messages relating to inventory management."); process.exit(exitCode); } if(process.argv.length < 4) { console.log("Too few arguments!"); printHelpAndExit(1); } process.argv.forEach(function(val, index, array) { if(val == "-h") { printHelpAndExit(0); } }); var args = process.argv.slice(2); var host; var port = 25565; var user; var passwd; var printAllIds = false; var printIdWhitelist = {}; var printIdBlacklist = {}; (function() { for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var option = args[i]; if(!/^-/.test(option)) break; if(option == "--dump-all") { printAllIds = true; continue; } i++; var match = /^([io]?)(.*)/.exec(args[i]); var prefix = match[1]; if(prefix === "") prefix = "io"; var number = parseInt(match[2]); if(isNaN(number)) printHelpAndExit(1); if(option == "--dump") { printIdWhitelist[number] = prefix; } else if(option == "-x") { printIdBlacklist[number] = prefix; } else { printHelpAndExit(1); } } if(!(i + 2 <= args.length && args.length <= i + 3)) printHelpAndExit(1); host = args[i++]; user = args[i++]; passwd = args[i++]; })(); if(host.indexOf(':') != -1) { port = host.substring(host.indexOf(':') + 1); host = host.substring(0, host.indexOf(':')); } var srv = mc.createServer({ 'online-mode': false, port: 25566, keepAlive: false }); srv.on('login', function(client) { var addr = client.socket.remoteAddress; console.log('Incoming connection', '(' + addr + ')'); var endedClient = false; var endedTargetClient = false; client.on('end', function() { endedClient = true; console.log('Connection closed by client', '(' + addr + ')'); if(!endedTargetClient) targetClient.end("End"); }); client.on('error', function() { endedClient = true; console.log('Connection error by client', '(' + addr + ')'); if(!endedTargetClient) targetClient.end("Error"); }); var targetClient = mc.createClient({ host: host, port: port, username: user, password: passwd, 'online-mode': passwd != null ? true : false, keepAlive:false }); var brokenPackets = [/*0x04, 0x2f, 0x30*/]; client.on('packet', function(packet) { if(targetClient.state == states.PLAY && packet.state == states.PLAY) { if(shouldDump(, "o")) { console.log("client->server:", client.state + ".0x" + + " :", JSON.stringify(packet)); } if(!endedTargetClient) targetClient.write(, packet); } }); targetClient.on('packet', function(packet) { if(packet.state == states.PLAY && client.state == states.PLAY && brokenPackets.indexOf( === -1) { if(shouldDump(, "i")) { console.log("client<-server:", targetClient.state + ".0x" + + " :", ( != 38 ? JSON.stringify(packet) : "Packet too big")); } if(!endedClient) client.write(, packet); if ( === 0x46) // Set compression client.compressionThreshold = packet.threshold; } }); var buffertools = require('buffertools'); targetClient.on('raw', function(buffer, state) { if(client.state != states.PLAY || state != states.PLAY) return; var packetId = mc.types.varint[0](buffer, 0); var packetData = mc.parsePacketData(buffer, state, false, {"packet": 1}).results; var packetBuff = mc.createPacketBuffer(, packetData.state, packetData, true); if(, packetBuff) != 0) { console.log("client<-server: Error in packetId " + state + ".0x" + packetId.value.toString(16)); console.log(buffer.toString('hex')); console.log(packetBuff.toString('hex')); console.log(buffer.length); console.log(packetBuff.length); } /*if (client.state == states.PLAY && brokenPackets.indexOf(packetId.value) !== -1) { console.log(`client<-server: raw packet); console.log(packetData); if (!endedClient) client.writeRaw(buffer); }*/ }); client.on('raw', function(buffer, state) { if(state != states.PLAY || targetClient.state != states.PLAY) return; var packetId = mc.types.varint[0](buffer, 0); var packetData = mc.parsePacketData(buffer, state, true, {"packet": 1}).results; var packetBuff = mc.createPacketBuffer(, packetData.state, packetData, false); if(, packetBuff) != 0) { console.log("client->server: Error in packetId " + state + ".0x" + packetId.value.toString(16)); console.log(buffer.toString('hex')); console.log(packetBuff.toString('hex')); console.log(buffer.length); console.log(packetBuff.length); } }); targetClient.on('end', function() { endedTargetClient = true; console.log('Connection closed by server', '(' + addr + ')'); if(!endedClient) client.end("End"); }); targetClient.on('error', function(err) { endedTargetClient = true; console.log('Connection error by server', '(' + addr + ') ',err); console.log(err.stack); if(!endedClient) client.end("Error"); }); }); function shouldDump(id, direction) { if(matches(printIdBlacklist[id])) return false; if(printAllIds) return true; if(matches(printIdWhitelist[id])) return true; return false; function matches(result) { return result != null && result.indexOf(direction) !== -1; } }