var assert = require('assert'); var util = require('util'); var STRING_MAX_LENGTH = 240; var SRV_STRING_MAX_LENGTH = 32767; // This is really just for the client. var states = { "HANDSHAKING": "handshaking", "STATUS": "status", "LOGIN": "login", "PLAY": "play" } var packets = { handshaking: { toClient: {}, toServer: { set_protocol: {id: 0x00, fields: [ { name: "protocolVersion", type: "varint" }, { name: "serverHost", type: "string" }, { name: "serverPort", type: "ushort" }, { name: "nextState", type: "varint" } ]} }, }, // TODO : protocollib names aren't the best around here status: { toClient: { server_info: {id: 0x00, fields: [ { name: "response", type: "ustring" } ]}, ping: {id: 0x01, fields: [ { name: "time", type: "long" } ]} }, toServer: { ping_start: {id: 0x00, fields: []}, ping: {id: 0x01, fields: [ { name: "time", type: "long" } ]} } }, login: { toClient: { disconnect: {id: 0x00, fields: [ { name: "reason", type: "string" } ]}, encryption_begin: {id: 0x01, fields: [ { name: "serverId", type: "string" }, { name: "publicKeyLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "publicKey" } }, { name: "publicKey", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "publicKeyLength" } }, { name: "verifyTokenLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "verifyToken" } }, { name: "verifyToken", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "verifyTokenLength" } }, ]}, success: {id: 0x02, fields: [ { name: "uuid", type: "string" }, { name: "username", type: "string" } ]}, compress: { id: 0x03, fields: [ { name: "threshold", type: "varint"} ]} }, toServer: { login_start: {id: 0x00, fields: [ { name: "username", type: "string" } ]}, encryption_begin: {id: 0x01, fields: [ { name: "sharedSecretLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "sharedSecret" } }, { name: "sharedSecret", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "sharedSecretLength" } }, { name: "verifyTokenLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "verifyToken" } }, { name: "verifyToken", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "verifyTokenLength" } }, ]} } }, play: { toClient: { keep_alive: {id: 0x00, fields: [ { name: "keepAliveId", type: "int" }, ]}, login: {id: 0x01, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "gameMode", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "dimension", type: "byte" }, { name: "difficulty", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "maxPlayers", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "levelType", type: "string" }, ]}, chat: {id: 0x02, fields: [ { name: "message", type: "ustring" }, ]}, update_time: {id: 0x03, fields: [ { name: "age", type: "long" }, { name: "time", type: "long" }, ]}, entity_equipment: {id: 0x04, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "slot", type: "short" }, { name: "item", type: "slot" } ]}, spawn_position: {id: 0x05, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" } ]}, update_health: {id: 0x06, fields: [ { name: "health", type: "float" }, { name: "food", type: "short" }, { name: "foodSaturation", type: "float" } ]}, respawn: {id: 0x07, fields: [ { name: "dimension", type: "int" }, { name: "difficulty", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "gamemode", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "levelType", type: "string" } ]}, position: {id: 0x08, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "double" }, { name: "y", type: "double" }, { name: "z", type: "double" }, { name: "yaw", type: "float" }, { name: "pitch", type: "float" }, { name: "onGround", type: "bool" } ]}, held_item_slot: {id: 0x09, fields: [ { name: "slot", type: "byte" } ]}, bed: {id: 0x0a, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "z", type: "int" } ]}, animation: {id: 0x0b, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "animation", type: "byte" } ]}, named_entity_spawn: {id: 0x0c, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "playerUUID", type: "string" }, { name: "playerName", type: "string" }, { name: "dataCount", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "varint", countFor: "data" }}, { name: "data", type: "array", typeArgs: { count: "dataCount", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "name", type: "string" }, { name: "value", type: "string" }, { name: "signature", type: "string" } ]}}}, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "yaw", type: "byte" }, { name: "pitch", type: "byte" }, { name: "currentItem", type: "short" }, { name: "metadata", type: "entityMetadata" } ]}, collect: {id: 0x0d, fields: [ { name: "collectedEntityId", type: "int" }, { name: "collectorEntityId", type: "int" } ]}, spawn_entity: {id: 0x0e, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "type", type: "byte" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "pitch", type: "byte" }, { name: "yaw", type: "byte" }, { name: "objectData", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "intField", type: "int" }, { name: "velocityX", type: "short", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['this']['intField'] != 0; }}, { name: "velocityY", type: "short", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['this']['intField'] != 0; }}, { name: "velocityZ", type: "short", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['this']['intField'] != 0; }} ]}} ]}, spawn_entity_living: {id: 0x0f, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "type", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "pitch", type: "byte" }, { name: "headPitch", type: "byte" }, { name: "yaw", type: "byte" }, { name: "velocityX", type: "short" }, { name: "velocityY", type: "short" }, { name: "velocityZ", type: "short" }, { name: "metadata", type: "entityMetadata" }, ]}, spawn_entity_painting: {id: 0x10, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "title", type: "string" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "direction", type: "int" } ]}, spawn_entity_experience_orb: {id: 0x11, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "count", type: "short" } ]}, entity_velocity: {id: 0x12, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "velocityX", type: "short" }, { name: "velocityY", type: "short" }, { name: "velocityZ", type: "short" } ]}, entity_destroy: {id: 0x13, fields: [ { name: "count", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "byte", countFor: "entityIds" } }, { name: "entityIds", type: "array", typeArgs: { type: "int", count: "count" } } ]}, entity: {id: 0x14, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" } ]}, rel_entity_move: {id: 0x15, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "dX", type: "byte" }, { name: "dY", type: "byte" }, { name: "dZ", type: "byte" } ]}, entity_look: {id: 0x16, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "yaw", type: "byte" }, { name: "pitch", type: "byte" } ]}, entity_move_look: {id: 0x17, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "dX", type: "byte" }, { name: "dY", type: "byte" }, { name: "dZ", type: "byte" }, { name: "yaw", type: "byte" }, { name: "pitch", type: "byte" } ]}, entity_teleport: {id: 0x18, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "yaw", type: "byte" }, { name: "pitch", type: "byte" } ]}, entity_head_rotation: {id: 0x19, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "headYaw", type: "byte" }, ]}, entity_status: {id: 0x1a, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "entityStatus", type: "byte" } ]}, attach_entity: {id: 0x1b, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "vehicleId", type: "int" }, { name: "leash", type: "bool" } ]}, entity_metadata: {id: 0x1c, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "metadata", type: "entityMetadata" } ]}, entity_effect: {id: 0x1d, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "effectId", type: "byte" }, { name: "amplifier", type: "byte" }, { name: "duration", type: "short" } ]}, remove_entity_effect: {id: 0x1e, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "effectId", type: "byte" } ]}, experience: {id: 0x1f, fields: [ { name: "experienceBar", type: "float" }, { name: "level", type: "short" }, { name: "totalExperience", type: "short" } ]}, update_attributes: {id: 0x20, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "count", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "int", countFor: "properties" } }, { name: "properties", type: "array", typeArgs: { count: "count", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "key", type: "string" }, { name: "value", type: "double" }, { name: "listLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "this.modifiers" } }, { name: "modifiers", type: "array", typeArgs: { count: "this.listLength", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "UUID", type: "UUID" }, { name: "amount", type: "double" }, { name: "operation", type: "byte" } ]}}} ]} }} ]}, map_chunk: {id: 0x21, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "groundUp", type: "bool" }, { name: "bitMap", type: "ushort" }, { name: "addBitMap", type: "ushort" }, { name: "compressedChunkDataLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "int", countFor: "compressedChunkData" } }, { name: "compressedChunkData", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "compressedChunkDataLength" } }, ]}, multi_block_change: {id: 0x22, fields: [ { name: "chunkX", type: "int" }, { name: "chunkZ", type: "int" }, { name: "recordCount", type: "short" }, { name: "dataLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "int", countFor: "data" } }, { name: "data", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "dataLength" } }, ]}, block_change: {id: 0x23, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "type", type: "varint" }, { name: "metadata", type: "ubyte" } ]}, block_action: {id: 0x24, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "short" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "byte1", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "byte2", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "blockId", type: "varint" } ]}, block_break_animation: {id: 0x25, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "destroyStage", type: "byte" } ]}, map_chunk_bulk: {id: 0x26, fields: [ { name: "chunkColumnCount", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "meta" } }, { name: "dataLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "int", countFor: "compressedChunkData" } }, { name: "skyLightSent", type: "bool" }, { name: "compressedChunkData", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "dataLength" } }, { name: "meta", type: "array", typeArgs: { count: "chunkColumnCount", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "bitMap", type: "ushort" }, { name: "addBitMap", type: "ushort" } ] } } } ]}, explosion: {id: 0x27, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "float" }, { name: "y", type: "float" }, { name: "z", type: "float" }, { name: "radius", type: "float" }, { name: "count", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "int", countFor: "affectedBlockOffsets" } }, { name: "affectedBlockOffsets", type: "array", typeArgs: { count: "count", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "x", type: "byte" }, { name: "y", type: "byte" }, { name: "z", type: "byte" } ] }}}, { name: "playerMotionX", type: "float" }, { name: "playerMotionY", type: "float" }, { name: "playerMotionZ", type: "float" } ]}, world_event: {id: 0x28, fields: [ // TODO : kinda wtf naming there { name: "effectId", type: "int" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "byte" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "data", type: "int" }, { name: "global", type: "bool" } ]}, named_sound_effect: {id: 0x29, fields: [ { name: "soundName", type: "string" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "volume", type: "float" }, { name: "pitch", type: "ubyte" } ]}, world_particles: {id: 0x2a, fields: [ { name: "particleName", type: "string" }, { name: "x", type: "float" }, { name: "y", type: "float" }, { name: "z", type: "float" }, { name: "offsetX", type: "float" }, { name: "offsetY", type: "float" }, { name: "offsetZ", type: "float" }, { name: "particleSpeed", type: "float" }, { name: "particles", type: "int" } ]}, game_state_change: {id: 0x2b, fields: [ { name: "reason", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "gameMode", type: "float" } ]}, spawn_entity_weather:{id: 0x2c, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "varint" }, { name: "type", type: "byte" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" } ]}, open_window: {id: 0x2d, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "inventoryType", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "windowTitle", type: "string" }, { name: "slotCount", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "useProvidedTitle", type: "bool" }, { name: "entityId", type: "int", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['inventoryType'] == 11; } } ]}, close_window: {id: 0x2e, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "ubyte" } ]}, set_slot: {id: 0x2f, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "slot", type: "short" }, { name: "item", type: "slot" } ]}, window_items: {id: 0x30, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "count", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "items" } }, { name: "items", type: "array", typeArgs: { type: "slot", count: "count" } } ]}, craft_progress_bar: {id: 0x31, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "property", type: "short" }, { name: "value", type: "short" } ]}, transaction:{id: 0x32, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "action", type: "short" }, { name: "accepted", type: "bool" } ]}, update_sign: {id: 0x33, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "short" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "text1", type: "string" }, { name: "text2", type: "string" }, { name: "text3", type: "string" }, { name: "text4", type: "string" } ]}, map: {id: 0x34, fields: [ { name: "itemDamage", type: "varint" }, { name: "dataLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "data" } }, { name: "data", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "dataLength" } }, ]}, tile_entity_data:{id: 0x35, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "short" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "action", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "nbtDataLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "nbtData" } }, { name: "nbtData", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "nbtDataLength" } }, ]}, open_sign_entity: {id: 0x36, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "int" }, { name: "z", type: "int" } ]}, statistics: {id: 0x37, fields: [ { name: "count", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "varint", countFor: "entries" } }, { name: "entries", type: "array", typeArgs: { count: "count", type: "container", typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: "name", type: "string" }, { name: "value", type: "varint" } ]} }} ]}, player_info: {id: 0x38, fields: [ { name: "playerName", type: "string" }, { name: "online", type: "bool" }, { name: "ping", type: "short" } ]}, abilities: {id: 0x39, fields: [ { name: "flags", type: "byte" }, { name: "flyingSpeed", type: "float" }, { name: "walkingSpeed", type: "float" } ]}, tab_complete: {id: 0x3a, fields: [ { name: "count", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "varint", countFor: "matches" } }, { name: "matches", type: "array", typeArgs: { type: "string", count: "count" } } ]}, scoreboard_objective: {id: 0x3b, fields: [ { name: "name", type: "string" }, { name: "displayText", type: "string" }, { name: "action", type: "byte" } ]}, scoreboard_score: {id: 0x3c, fields: [ { name: "itemName", type: "string" }, { name: "remove", type: "bool" }, { name: "scoreName", type: "string", condition: function(field_values) { return !field_values['remove'] } }, { name: "value", type: "int", condition: function(field_values) { return !field_values['remove'] } } ]}, scoreboard_display_objective: {id: 0x3d, fields: [ { name: "position", type: "byte" }, { name: "name", type: "string" } ]}, scoreboard_team: {id: 0x3e, fields: [ { name: "team", type: "string" }, { name: "mode", type: "byte" }, { name: "name", type: "string", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['mode'] == 0 || field_values['mode'] == 2; } }, { name: "prefix", type: "string", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['mode'] == 0 || field_values['mode'] == 2; } }, { name: "suffix", type: "string", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['mode'] == 0 || field_values['mode'] == 2; } }, { name: "friendlyFire", type: "byte", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['mode'] == 0 || field_values['mode'] == 2; } }, { name: "playerCount", type: "count", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['mode'] == 0 || field_values['mode'] == 3 || field_values['mode'] == 4; }, typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "players" } }, { name: "players", type: "array", condition: function(field_values) { return field_values['mode'] == 0 || field_values['mode'] == 3 || field_values['mode'] == 4; }, typeArgs: { type: "string", count: "playerCount" } } ]}, custom_payload: {id: 0x3f, fields: [ { name: "channel", type: "string" }, { name: "dataCount", type: 'count', typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "data" } }, { name: "data", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "dataCount" } } ]}, kick_disconnect: {id: 0x40, fields: [ { name: "reason", type: "string" } ]}, compress: { id: 0x46, fields: [ { name: "threshold", type: "varint"} ]} }, toServer: { keep_alive: {id: 0x00, fields: [ { name: "keepAliveId", type: "int" } ]}, chat: {id: 0x01, fields: [ { name: "message", type: "string" } ]}, use_entity: {id: 0x02, fields: [ { name: "target", type: "int" }, { name: "mouse", type: "byte" } ]}, flying: {id: 0x03, fields: [ { name: "onGround", type: "bool" } ]}, position: {id: 0x04, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "double" }, { name: "stance", type: "double" }, { name: "y", type: "double" }, { name: "z", type: "double" }, { name: "onGround", type: "bool" } ]}, look: {id: 0x05, fields: [ { name: "yaw", type: "float" }, { name: "pitch", type: "float" }, { name: "onGround", type: "bool" } ]}, position_look: {id: 0x06, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "double" }, { name: "stance", type: "double" }, { name: "y", type: "double" }, { name: "z", type: "double" }, { name: "yaw", type: "float" }, { name: "pitch", type: "float" }, { name: "onGround", type: "bool" } ]}, block_dig: {id: 0x07, fields: [ { name: "status", type: "byte" }, { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "face", type: "byte" } ]}, block_place: {id: 0x08, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "ubyte" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "direction", type: "byte" }, { name: "heldItem", type: "slot" }, { name: "cursorX", type: "byte" }, { name: "cursorY", type: "byte" }, { name: "cursorZ", type: "byte" } ]}, held_item_slot: {id: 0x09, fields: [ { name: "slotId", type: "short" } ]}, arm_animation: {id: 0x0a, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "animation", type: "byte" } ]}, entity_action: {id: 0x0b, fields: [ { name: "entityId", type: "int" }, { name: "actionId", type: "byte" }, { name: "jumpBoost", type: "int" } ]}, steer_vehicle: {id: 0x0c, fields: [ { name: "sideways", type: "float" }, { name: "forward", type: "float" }, { name: "jump", type: "bool" }, { name: "unmount", type: "bool" } ]}, close_window: {id: 0x0d, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "byte" } ]}, window_click: {id: 0x0e, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "byte" }, { name: "slot", type: "short" }, { name: "mouseButton", type: "byte" }, { name: "action", type: "short" }, { name: "mode", type: "byte" }, { name: "item", type: "slot" } ]}, transaction: {id: 0x0f, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "byte" }, { name: "action", type: "short" }, { name: "accepted", type: "bool" } ]}, set_creative_slot: {id: 0x10, fields: [ { name: "slot", type: "short" }, { name: "item", type: "slot" } ]}, enchant_item: {id: 0x11, fields: [ { name: "windowId", type: "byte" }, { name: "enchantment", type: "byte" } ]}, update_sign: {id: 0x12, fields: [ { name: "x", type: "int" }, { name: "y", type: "short" }, { name: "z", type: "int" }, { name: "text1", type: "string" }, { name: "text2", type: "string" }, { name: "text3", type: "string" }, { name: "text4", type: "string" } ]}, abilities: {id: 0x13, fields: [ { name: "flags", type: "byte" }, { name: "flyingSpeed", type: "float" }, { name: "walkingSpeed", type: "float" } ]}, tab_complete: {id: 0x14, fields: [ { name: "text", type: "string" } ]}, settings: {id: 0x15, fields: [ { name: "locale", type: "string" }, { name: "viewDistance", type: "byte" }, { name: "chatFlags", type: "byte" }, { name: "chatColors", type: "bool" }, { name: "difficulty", type: "byte" }, { name: "showCape", type: "bool" } ]}, client_command: {id: 0x16, fields: [ { name: "payload", type: "byte" } ]}, custom_payload: {id: 0x17, fields: [ { name: "channel", type: "string" }, { name: "dataLength", type: "count", typeArgs: { type: "short", countFor: "data" } }, { name: "data", type: "buffer", typeArgs: { count: "dataLength" } }, ]} } } }; var packetFields = {}; var packetNames = {}; var packetIds = {}; var packetStates = {toClient: {}, toServer: {}}; (function() { for (var stateName in states) { var state = states[stateName]; packetFields[state] = {toClient: [], toServer: []}; packetNames[state] = {toClient: [], toServer: []}; packetIds[state] = {toClient: [], toServer: []}; ['toClient', 'toServer'].forEach(function(direction) { for (var name in packets[state][direction]) { var info = packets[state][direction][name]; var id =; var fields = info.fields; assert(id !== undefined, 'missing id for packet '+name); assert(fields !== undefined, 'missing fields for packet '+name); assert(!packetNames[state][direction].hasOwnProperty(id), 'duplicate packet id '+id+' for '+name); assert(!packetIds[state][direction].hasOwnProperty(name), 'duplicate packet name '+name+' for '+id); assert(!packetFields[state][direction].hasOwnProperty(id), 'duplicate packet id '+id+' for '+name); assert(!packetStates[direction].hasOwnProperty(name), 'duplicate packet name '+name+' for '+id+', must be unique across all states'); packetNames[state][direction][id] = name; packetIds[state][direction][name] = id; packetFields[state][direction][id] = fields; packetStates[direction][name] = state; } }); } })(); var types = { 'byte': [readByte, writeByte, 1], 'ubyte': [readUByte, writeUByte, 1], 'short': [readShort, writeShort, 2], 'ushort': [readUShort, writeUShort, 2], 'int': [readInt, writeInt, 4], 'long': [readLong, writeLong, 8], 'varint': [readVarInt, writeVarInt, sizeOfVarInt], 'float': [readFloat, writeFloat, 4], 'double': [readDouble, writeDouble, 8], 'bool': [readBool, writeBool, 1], 'string': [readString, writeString, sizeOfString], 'ustring': [readString, writeString, sizeOfUString], // TODO : remove ustring 'UUID': [readUUID, writeUUID, 16], 'container': [readContainer, writeContainer, sizeOfContainer], 'array': [readArray, writeArray, sizeOfArray], 'buffer': [readBuffer, writeBuffer, sizeOfBuffer], 'count': [readCount, writeCount, sizeOfCount], // TODO : remove type-specific, replace with generic containers and arrays. 'slot': [readSlot, writeSlot, sizeOfSlot], 'entityMetadata': [readEntityMetadata, writeEntityMetadata, sizeOfEntityMetadata], }; var debug; if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /(minecraft-protocol|mc-proto)/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) { var pid =; debug = function(x) { // if console is not set up yet, then skip this. if (!console.error) return; console.error('MC-PROTO: %d', pid, util.format.apply(util, arguments).slice(0, 500)); }; } else { debug = function() { }; } var entityMetadataTypes = { 0: { type: 'byte' }, 1: { type: 'short' }, 2: { type: 'int' }, 3: { type: 'float' }, 4: { type: 'string' }, 5: { type: 'slot' }, 6: { type: 'container', typeArgs: { fields: [ { name: 'x', type: 'int' }, { name: 'y', type: 'int' }, { name: 'z', type: 'int' } ]}} }; // maps string type name to number var entityMetadataTypeBytes = {}; for (var n in entityMetadataTypes) { if (!entityMetadataTypes.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; entityMetadataTypeBytes[entityMetadataTypes[n].type] = n; } function sizeOfEntityMetadata(value) { var size = 1 + value.length; var item; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { item = value[i]; size += sizeOf(item.value, entityMetadataTypes[entityMetadataTypeBytes[item.type]], {}); } return size; } function writeEntityMetadata(value, buffer, offset) { value.forEach(function(item) { var type = entityMetadataTypeBytes[item.type]; var headerByte = (type << 5) | item.key; buffer.writeUInt8(headerByte, offset); offset += 1; offset = write(item.value, buffer, offset, entityMetadataTypes[type], {}); }); buffer.writeUInt8(0x7f, offset); return offset + 1; } function writeUUID(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt32BE(value[0], offset); buffer.writeInt32BE(value[1], offset + 4); buffer.writeInt32BE(value[2], offset + 8); buffer.writeInt32BE(value[3], offset + 12); return offset + 16; } function readEntityMetadata(buffer, offset) { var cursor = offset; var metadata = []; var item, key, type, results, reader, typeName, dataType; while (true) { if (cursor + 1 > buffer.length) return null; item = buffer.readUInt8(cursor); cursor += 1; if (item === 0x7f) { return { value: metadata, size: cursor - offset, }; } key = item & 0x1f; type = item >> 5; dataType = entityMetadataTypes[type]; typeName = dataType.type; debug("Reading entity metadata type " + dataType + " (" + ( typeName || "unknown" ) + ")"); if (!dataType) { return { error: new Error("unrecognized entity metadata type " + type) } } results = read(buffer, cursor, dataType, {}); if (! results) return null; metadata.push({ key: key, value: results.value, type: typeName, }); cursor += results.size; } } function readString (buffer, offset) { var length = readVarInt(buffer, offset); if (!!!length) return null; var cursor = offset + length.size; var stringLength = length.value; var strEnd = cursor + stringLength; if (strEnd > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.toString('utf8', cursor, strEnd); cursor = strEnd; return { value: value, size: cursor - offset, }; } function readUUID(buffer, offset) { return { value: [ buffer.readInt32BE(offset), buffer.readInt32BE(offset + 4), buffer.readInt32BE(offset + 8), buffer.readInt32BE(offset + 12), ], size: 16, }; } function readShort(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 2 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readInt16BE(offset); return { value: value, size: 2, }; } function readUShort(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 2 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset); return { value: value, size: 2, }; } function readInt(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 4 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readInt32BE(offset); return { value: value, size: 4, }; } function readFloat(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 4 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readFloatBE(offset); return { value: value, size: 4, }; } function readDouble(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 8 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readDoubleBE(offset); return { value: value, size: 8, }; } function readLong(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 8 > buffer.length) return null; return { value: [buffer.readInt32BE(offset), buffer.readInt32BE(offset + 4)], size: 8, }; } function readByte(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 1 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readInt8(offset); return { value: value, size: 1, }; } function readUByte(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 1 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readUInt8(offset); return { value: value, size: 1, }; } function readBool(buffer, offset) { if (offset + 1 > buffer.length) return null; var value = buffer.readInt8(offset); return { value: !!value, size: 1, }; } function readSlot(buffer, offset) { var results = readShort(buffer, offset); if (! results) return null; var blockId = results.value; var cursor = offset + results.size; if (blockId === -1) { return { value: { id: blockId }, size: cursor - offset, }; } var cursorEnd = cursor + 5; if (cursorEnd > buffer.length) return null; var itemCount = buffer.readInt8(cursor); var itemDamage = buffer.readInt16BE(cursor + 1); var nbtDataSize = buffer.readInt16BE(cursor + 3); if (nbtDataSize === -1) nbtDataSize = 0; var nbtDataEnd = cursorEnd + nbtDataSize; if (nbtDataEnd > buffer.length) return null; var nbtData = buffer.slice(cursorEnd, nbtDataEnd); return { value: { id: blockId, itemCount: itemCount, itemDamage: itemDamage, nbtData: nbtData, }, size: nbtDataEnd - offset, }; } function sizeOfSlot(value) { return === -1 ? 2 : 7 + value.nbtData.length; } function writeSlot(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt16BE(, offset); if ( === -1) return offset + 2; buffer.writeInt8(value.itemCount, offset + 2); buffer.writeInt16BE(value.itemDamage, offset + 3); var nbtDataSize = value.nbtData.length; if (nbtDataSize === 0) nbtDataSize = -1; // I don't know wtf mojang smokes buffer.writeInt16BE(nbtDataSize, offset + 5); value.nbtData.copy(buffer, offset + 7); return offset + 7 + value.nbtData.length; } function sizeOfString(value) { var length = Buffer.byteLength(value, 'utf8'); assert.ok(length < STRING_MAX_LENGTH, "string greater than max length"); return sizeOfVarInt(length) + length; } function sizeOfUString(value) { var length = Buffer.byteLength(value, 'utf8'); assert.ok(length < SRV_STRING_MAX_LENGTH, "string greater than max length"); return sizeOfVarInt(length) + length; } function writeString(value, buffer, offset) { var length = Buffer.byteLength(value, 'utf8'); offset = writeVarInt(length, buffer, offset); buffer.write(value, offset, length, 'utf8'); return offset + length; } function writeByte(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt8(value, offset); return offset + 1; } function writeBool(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt8(+value, offset); return offset + 1; } function writeUByte(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset); return offset + 1; } function writeFloat(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeFloatBE(value, offset); return offset + 4; } function writeDouble(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeDoubleBE(value, offset); return offset + 8; } function writeShort(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt16BE(value, offset); return offset + 2; } function writeUShort(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeUInt16BE(value, offset); return offset + 2; } function writeInt(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt32BE(value, offset); return offset + 4; } function writeLong(value, buffer, offset) { buffer.writeInt32BE(value[0], offset); buffer.writeInt32BE(value[1], offset + 4); return offset + 8; } function readVarInt(buffer, offset) { var result = 0; var shift = 0; var cursor = offset; while (true) { if (cursor + 1 > buffer.length) return null; var b = buffer.readUInt8(cursor); result |= ((b & 0x7f) << shift); // Add the bits to our number, except MSB cursor++; if (!(b & 0x80)) { // If the MSB is not set, we return the number return { value: result, size: cursor - offset }; } shift += 7; // we only have 7 bits, MSB being the return-trigger assert.ok(shift < 64, "varint is too big"); // Make sure our shift don't overflow. } } function sizeOfVarInt(value) { var cursor = 0; while (value & ~0x7F) { value >>>= 7; cursor++; } return cursor + 1; } function writeVarInt(value, buffer, offset) { var cursor = 0; while (value & ~0x7F) { buffer.writeUInt8((value & 0xFF) | 0x80, offset + cursor); cursor++; value >>>= 7; } buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset + cursor); return offset + cursor + 1; } function readContainer(buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { var results = { value: {}, size: 0 }; // BLEIGH. Huge hack because I have no way of knowing my current name. // TODO : either pass fieldInfo instead of typeArgs as argument (bleigh), or send name as argument (verybleigh). rootNode.this = results.value; for (var index in typeArgs.fields) { var readResults = read(buffer, offset, typeArgs.fields[index], rootNode); if (readResults == null) { continue; } results.size += readResults.size; offset += readResults.size; results.value[typeArgs.fields[index].name] = readResults.value; } delete rootNode.this; return results; } function writeContainer(value, buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { rootNode.this = value; for (var index in typeArgs.fields) { offset = write(value[typeArgs.fields[index].name], buffer, offset, typeArgs.fields[index], rootNode); } delete rootNode.this; return offset; } function sizeOfContainer(value, typeArgs, rootNode) { var size = 0; rootNode.this = value; for (var index in typeArgs.fields) { size += sizeOf(value[typeArgs.fields[index].name], typeArgs.fields[index], rootNode); } delete rootNode.this; return size; } function readBuffer(buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { var count = getField(typeArgs.count, rootNode); return { value: buffer.slice(offset, offset + count), size: count }; } function writeBuffer(value, buffer, offset) { value.copy(buffer, offset); return offset + value.length; } function sizeOfBuffer(value) { return value.length; } function readArray(buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { var results = { value: [], size: 0 } var count = getField(typeArgs.count, rootNode); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var readResults = read(buffer, offset, { type: typeArgs.type, typeArgs: typeArgs.typeArgs }, rootNode); results.size += readResults.size; offset += readResults.size; results.value.push(readResults.value); } return results; } function writeArray(value, buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { for (var index in value) { offset = write(value[index], buffer, offset, { type: typeArgs.type, typeArgs: typeArgs.typeArgs }, rootNode); } return offset; } function sizeOfArray(value, typeArgs, rootNode) { var size = 0; for (var index in value) { size += sizeOf(value[index], { type: typeArgs.type, typeArgs: typeArgs.typeArgs }, rootNode); } return size; } function getField(countField, rootNode) { var countFieldArr = countField.split("."); var count = rootNode; for (var index = 0; index < countFieldArr.length; index++) { count = count[countFieldArr[index]]; } return count; } function readCount(buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { return read(buffer, offset, { type: typeArgs.type }, rootNode); } function writeCount(value, buffer, offset, typeArgs, rootNode) { // Actually gets the required field, and writes its length. Value is unused. // TODO : a bit hackityhack. return write(getField(typeArgs.countFor, rootNode).length, buffer, offset, { type: typeArgs.type }, rootNode); } function sizeOfCount(value, typeArgs, rootNode) { // TODO : should I use value or getField().length ? /*console.log(rootNode); console.log(typeArgs);*/ return sizeOf(getField(typeArgs.countFor, rootNode).length, { type: typeArgs.type }, rootNode); } function read(buffer, cursor, fieldInfo, rootNodes) { if (fieldInfo.condition && !fieldInfo.condition(rootNodes)) { return null; } var type = types[fieldInfo.type]; if (!type) { return { error: new Error("missing data type: " + fieldInfo.type) }; } var readResults = type[0](buffer, cursor, fieldInfo.typeArgs, rootNodes); if (readResults.error) return { error: readResults.error }; return readResults; } function write(value, buffer, offset, fieldInfo, rootNode) { if (fieldInfo.condition && !fieldInfo.condition(rootNode)) { return offset; } var type = types[fieldInfo.type]; if (!type) { return { error: new Error("missing data type: " + fieldInfo.type) }; } return type[1](value, buffer, offset, fieldInfo.typeArgs, rootNode); } function sizeOf(value, fieldInfo, rootNode) { if (fieldInfo.condition && !fieldInfo.condition(rootNode)) { return 0; } var type = types[fieldInfo.type]; if (!type) { throw new Error("missing data type: " + fieldInfo.type); } if (typeof type[2] === 'function') { return type[2](value, fieldInfo.typeArgs, rootNode); } else { return type[2]; } } function get(packetId, state, toServer) { var direction = toServer ? "toServer" : "toClient"; var packetInfo = packetFields[state][direction][packetId]; if (!packetInfo) { return null; } return packetInfo; } function createPacketBuffer(packetId, state, params, isServer) { var length = 0; if (typeof packetId === 'string' && typeof state !== 'string' && !params) { // simplified two-argument usage, createPacketBuffer(name, params) params = state; state = packetStates[!isServer ? 'toServer' : 'toClient'][packetId]; } if (typeof packetId === 'string') packetId = packetIds[state][!isServer ? 'toServer' : 'toClient'][packetId]; assert.notEqual(packetId, undefined); var packet = get(packetId, state, !isServer); assert.notEqual(packet, null); packet.forEach(function(fieldInfo) { length += sizeOf(params[], fieldInfo, params); }); length += sizeOfVarInt(packetId); var size = length + sizeOfVarInt(length); var buffer = new Buffer(size); var offset = writeVarInt(length, buffer, 0); offset = writeVarInt(packetId, buffer, offset); packet.forEach(function(fieldInfo) { var value = params[]; if(typeof value === "undefined") value = 0; // TODO : Why ? offset = write(value, buffer, offset, fieldInfo, params); }); return buffer; } function parsePacket(buffer, state, isServer, packetsToParse) { if (state == null) state = states.PLAY; var cursor = 0; var lengthField = readVarInt(buffer, 0); if (!!!lengthField) return null; var length = lengthField.value; cursor += lengthField.size; if (length + lengthField.size > buffer.length) return null; var buffer = buffer.slice(0, length + cursor); // fail early if too much is read. var packetIdField = readVarInt(buffer, cursor); var packetId = packetIdField.value; cursor += packetIdField.size; var results = { id: packetId }; // Only parse the packet if there is a need for it, AKA if there is a listener attached to it var name = packetNames[state][isServer ? "toServer" : "toClient"][packetId]; var shouldParse = (!packetsToParse.hasOwnProperty(name) || packetsToParse[name] <= 0) && (!packetsToParse.hasOwnProperty("packet") || packetsToParse["packet"] <= 0); if (shouldParse) { return { size: length + lengthField.size, buffer: buffer, results: results }; } var packetInfo = get(packetId, state, isServer); if (packetInfo === null) { return { error: new Error("Unrecognized packetId: " + packetId + " (0x" + packetId.toString(16) + ")"), size: length + lengthField.size, buffer: buffer, results: results }; } else { debug("read packetId " + packetId + " (0x" + packetId.toString(16) + ")"); } var i, fieldInfo, readResults; for (i = 0; i < packetInfo.length; ++i) { fieldInfo = packetInfo[i]; readResults = read(buffer, cursor, fieldInfo, results); /* A deserializer cannot return null anymore. Besides, read() returns * null when the condition is not fulfilled. if (!!!readResults) { var error = new Error("A deserializer returned null"); error.packetId = packetId; error.fieldInfo =; return { size: length + lengthField.size, error: error, results: results }; }*/ if (readResults === null) continue; if (readResults.error) { return readResults; } results[] = readResults.value; cursor += readResults.size; } debug(results); return { size: length + lengthField.size, results: results, buffer: buffer }; } module.exports = { version: 5, minecraftVersion: '1.7.10', sessionVersion: 13, parsePacket: parsePacket, createPacketBuffer: createPacketBuffer, STRING_MAX_LENGTH: STRING_MAX_LENGTH, packetIds: packetIds, packetNames: packetNames, packetFields: packetFields, packetStates: packetStates, states: states, get: get, debug: debug, };