/* eslint-env mocha */ const mc = require('../') const Client = mc.Client const Server = mc.Server const net = require('net') const assert = require('power-assert') const getFieldInfo = require('protodef').utils.getFieldInfo const getField = require('protodef').utils.getField function evalCount (count, fields) { if (fields[count.field] in count.map) { return count.map[fields[count.field]] } return count.default } const slotValue = { present: true, blockId: 5, itemCount: 56, itemDamage: 2, nbtData: { type: 'compound', name: 'test', value: { test1: { type: 'int', value: 4 }, test2: { type: 'long', value: [12, 42] }, test3: { type: 'byteArray', value: [32] }, test4: { type: 'string', value: 'ohi' }, test5: { type: 'list', value: { type: 'int', value: [4] } }, test6: { type: 'compound', value: { test: { type: 'int', value: 4 } } }, test7: { type: 'intArray', value: [12, 42] } } } } const values = { i32: 123456, i16: -123, u16: 123, varint: 1, i8: -10, u8: 8, string: 'hi hi this is my client string', buffer: Buffer.alloc(8), array: function (typeArgs, context) { let count if (typeof typeArgs.count === 'number') { count = typeArgs.count } else if (typeof typeArgs.count === 'object') { count = evalCount(typeArgs.count, context) } else if (typeArgs.count !== undefined) { count = getField(typeArgs.count, context) } else if (typeArgs.countType !== undefined) { count = 1 } const arr = [] while (count > 0) { arr.push(getValue(typeArgs.type, context)) count-- } return arr }, container: function (typeArgs, context) { const results = { '..': context } Object.keys(typeArgs).forEach(function (index) { const v = typeArgs[index].name === 'type' && typeArgs[index].type === 'string' && typeArgs[2] !== undefined && typeArgs[2].type !== undefined ? (typeArgs[2].type[1].fields['minecraft:crafting_shapeless'] === undefined ? 'crafting_shapeless' : 'minecraft:crafting_shapeless') : getValue(typeArgs[index].type, results) if (typeArgs[index].anon) { Object.keys(v).forEach(key => { results[key] = v[key] }) } else { results[typeArgs[index].name] = v } }) delete results['..'] return results }, count: 1, // TODO : might want to set this to a correct value bool: true, f64: 99999.2222, f32: -333.444, slot: slotValue, nbt: { type: 'compound', name: 'test', value: { test1: { type: 'int', value: 4 }, test2: { type: 'long', value: [12, 42] }, test3: { type: 'byteArray', value: [32] }, test4: { type: 'string', value: 'ohi' }, test5: { type: 'list', value: { type: 'int', value: [4] } }, test6: { type: 'compound', value: { test: { type: 'int', value: 4 } } }, test7: { type: 'intArray', value: [12, 42] } } }, optionalNbt: { type: 'compound', name: 'test', value: { test1: { type: 'int', value: 4 }, test2: { type: 'long', value: [12, 42] }, test3: { type: 'byteArray', value: [32] }, test4: { type: 'string', value: 'ohi' }, test5: { type: 'list', value: { type: 'int', value: [4] } }, test6: { type: 'compound', value: { test: { type: 'int', value: 4 } } }, test7: { type: 'intArray', value: [12, 42] } } }, compressedNbt: { type: 'compound', name: 'test', value: { test1: { type: 'int', value: 4 }, test2: { type: 'long', value: [12, 42] }, test3: { type: 'byteArray', value: [32] }, test4: { type: 'string', value: 'ohi' }, test5: { type: 'list', value: { type: 'int', value: [4] } }, test6: { type: 'compound', value: { test: { type: 'int', value: 4 } } }, test7: { type: 'intArray', value: [12, 42] } } }, i64: [0, 1], u64: [0, 1], entityMetadata: [ { key: 17, value: 0, type: 0 } ], topBitSetTerminatedArray: [ { slot: 0, item: slotValue }, { slot: 1, item: slotValue } ], objectData: { intField: 9, velocityX: 1, velocityY: 2, velocityZ: 3 }, UUID: '00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff', position: { x: 12, y: 100, z: 4382821 }, position_ibi: { x: 12, y: 100, z: 4382821 }, position_isi: { x: 12, y: 100, z: 4382821 }, position_iii: { x: 12, y: 100, z: 4382821 }, restBuffer: Buffer.alloc(0), switch: function (typeArgs, context) { const i = typeArgs.fields[getField(typeArgs.compareTo, context)] if (i === undefined) { if (typeArgs.default === undefined) { throw new Error("couldn't find the field " + typeArgs.compareTo + ' of the compareTo and the default is not defined') } return getValue(typeArgs.default, context) } else { return getValue(i, context) } }, option: function (typeArgs, context) { return getValue(typeArgs, context) }, bitfield: function (typeArgs, context) { const results = {} Object.keys(typeArgs).forEach(function (index) { results[typeArgs[index].name] = 1 }) return results }, tags: [{ tagName: 'hi', entries: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }], ingredient: [slotValue], particleData: null } function getValue (_type, packet) { const fieldInfo = getFieldInfo(_type) if (typeof values[fieldInfo.type] === 'function') { return values[fieldInfo.type](fieldInfo.typeArgs, packet) } else if (values[fieldInfo.type] !== undefined) { return values[fieldInfo.type] } else if (fieldInfo.type !== 'void') { throw new Error('No value for type ' + fieldInfo.type) } } for (const supportedVersion of mc.supportedVersions) { const PORT = Math.round(30000 + Math.random() * 20000) const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(supportedVersion) const version = mcData.version const packets = mcData.protocol describe('packets ' + version.minecraftVersion, function () { let client, server, serverClient before(function (done) { server = new Server(version.minecraftVersion) server.once('listening', function () { server.once('connection', function (c) { serverClient = c done() }) client = new Client(false, version.minecraftVersion) client.setSocket(net.connect(PORT, 'localhost')) }) server.listen(PORT, 'localhost') }) after(function (done) { client.on('end', function () { server.on('close', done) server.close() }) client.end() }) let packetInfo Object.keys(packets).filter(function (state) { return state !== 'types' }) .forEach(function (state) { Object.keys(packets[state]).forEach(function (direction) { Object.keys(packets[state][direction].types) .filter(function (packetName) { return packetName !== 'packet' && packetName.startsWith('packet_') }) .forEach(function (packetName) { packetInfo = packets[state][direction].types[packetName] packetInfo = packetInfo || null it(state + ',' + (direction === 'toServer' ? 'Server' : 'Client') + 'Bound,' + packetName, callTestPacket(packetName.substr(7), packetInfo, state, direction === 'toServer')) }) }) }) function callTestPacket (packetName, packetInfo, state, toServer) { return function (done) { client.state = state serverClient.state = state testPacket(packetName, packetInfo, state, toServer, done) } } function testPacket (packetName, packetInfo, state, toServer, done) { // empty object uses default values const packet = getValue(packetInfo, {}) if (toServer) { serverClient.once(packetName, function (receivedPacket) { try { assertPacketsMatch(packet, receivedPacket) } catch (e) { console.log(packet, receivedPacket) throw e } done() }) client.write(packetName, packet) } else { client.once(packetName, function (receivedPacket) { assertPacketsMatch(packet, receivedPacket) done() }) serverClient.write(packetName, packet) } } function assertPacketsMatch (p1, p2) { packetInfo.forEach(function (field) { assert.deepEqual(p1[field], p2[field]) }) Object.keys(p1).forEach(function (field) { if (p1[field] !== undefined) { assert.ok(field in p2, 'field ' + field + ' missing in p2, in p1 it has value ' + JSON.stringify(p1[field])) } }) Object.keys(p2).forEach(function (field) { if (p2[field] !== undefined) { assert.ok(field in p1, 'field ' + field + ' missing in p1, in p2 it has value ' + JSON.stringify(p2[field])) } }) } }) }