const mc = require('minecraft-protocol') const nbt = require('prismarine-nbt') const options = { motd: 'Vox Industries', 'max-players': 127, port: 25565, 'online-mode': false } const server = mc.createServer(options) const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(server.version) const loginPacket = mcData.loginPacket function chatText (text) { return mcData.supportFeature('chatPacketsUseNbtComponents') ? nbt.comp({ text: nbt.string(text) }) : JSON.stringify({ text }) } server.on('playerJoin', function (client) { broadcast(client.username + ' joined the game.') const addr = client.socket.remoteAddress + ':' + client.socket.remotePort console.log(client.username + ' connected', '(' + addr + ')') client.on('end', function () { broadcast(client.username + ' left the game.', client) console.log(client.username + ' disconnected', '(' + addr + ')') }) // send init data so client will start rendering world client.write('login', { ...loginPacket, enforceSecureChat: false, entityId:, isHardcore: false, gameMode: 0, previousGameMode: 1, hashedSeed: [0, 0], maxPlayers: server.maxPlayers, viewDistance: 10, reducedDebugInfo: false, enableRespawnScreen: true, isDebug: false, isFlat: false }) client.write('position', { x: 0, y: 256, z: 0, yaw: 0, pitch: 0, flags: 0x00 }) function handleChat (data) { const message = '<' + client.username + '>' + ' ' + data.message broadcast(message, null, client.username) console.log(message) } client.on('chat', handleChat) // pre-1.19 client.on('chat_message', handleChat) // post 1.19 }) server.on('error', function (error) { console.log('Error:', error) }) server.on('listening', function () { console.log('Server listening on port', server.socketServer.address().port) }) function sendBroadcastMessage (server, clients, message, sender) { if (mcData.supportFeature('signedChat')) { server.writeToClients(clients, 'player_chat', { plainMessage: message, signedChatContent: '', unsignedChatContent: chatText(message), type: 0, senderUuid: 'd3527a0b-bc03-45d5-a878-2aafdd8c8a43', // random senderName: JSON.stringify({ text: sender }), senderTeam: undefined, timestamp:, salt: 0n, signature: mcData.supportFeature('useChatSessions') ? undefined : Buffer.alloc(0), previousMessages: [], filterType: 0, networkName: JSON.stringify({ text: sender }) }) } else { server.writeToClients(clients, 'chat', { message: JSON.stringify({ text: message }), position: 0, sender: sender || '0' }) } } function broadcast (message, exclude, username) { sendBroadcastMessage(server, Object.values(server.clients).filter(client => client !== exclude), message) }