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synced 2025-03-25 22:09:40 -04:00
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No commits in common. "cf314b2308f26266de0ec092f90dd306ef4026b8" and "7bab6c1a0196bc90cd3c2133b12b73d18afe61c9" have entirely different histories.
16 changed files with 286 additions and 57 deletions
@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ Please make sure to keep your code style consistent with the rest of the project
If you plan to make a large scale changes, please open an issue first or join my discord to discuss it.
### Translations
If you want to help translating ViaProxy you can do so on [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/viaproxy).
If you want to help translating ViaProxy you can do so by creating a pull request with your language file.
The language files are located in the [language folder](/src/main/resources/assets/viaproxy/language).
You can find the guidelines for creating a language file in the [en_US](/src/main/resources/assets/viaproxy/language/en_US.properties) language file.
## Contact
If you encounter any issues, please report them on the
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of ViaProxy - https://github.com/RaphiMC/ViaProxy
* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 RK_01/RaphiMC and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.elements;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.ViaProxyWindow;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
public class LinkLabel extends JLabel {
public LinkLabel(final String text, final String url) {
super("<html><a href=\"\">" + text + "</a></html>");
this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import net.raphimc.viaproxy.saves.impl.accounts.ClassicAccount;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.I18n;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.UITab;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.ViaProxyWindow;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.elements.LinkLabel;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.events.UICloseEvent;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.util.AddressUtil;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.util.logging.Logger;
@ -39,6 +38,8 @@ import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
@ -76,7 +77,14 @@ public class GeneralTab extends UITab {
JPanel header = new JPanel();
header.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
LinkLabel discord = new LinkLabel("Discord", "https://discord.gg/viaversion");
JLabel discord = new JLabel("<html><a href=\"\">Discord</a></html>");
discord.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
GBC.create(header).grid(0, 0).width(0).insets(BORDER_PADDING, BORDER_PADDING, 0, 0).anchor(GBC.NORTHWEST).add(discord);
JLabel title = new JLabel("ViaProxy");
@ -21,14 +21,12 @@ import net.lenni0451.commons.swing.GBC;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.I18n;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.UITab;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.ViaProxyWindow;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.elements.LinkLabel;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.util.JarUtil;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import static net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.ViaProxyWindow.BODY_BLOCK_PADDING;
import static net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.ViaProxyWindow.BORDER_PADDING;
public class UISettingsTab extends UITab {
@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ public class UISettingsTab extends UITab {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?> list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
if (value instanceof String locale) {
value = "<html><b>" + I18n.getSpecific(locale, "language.name") + "</b> (" + I18n.get("tab.ui_settings.language.completion", I18n.getSpecific(locale, "language.completion")) + ")</html>";
value = "<html><b>" + I18n.getSpecific(locale, "language.name") + "</b> (" + I18n.get("tab.ui_settings.language.completion", I18n.getSpecific(locale, "language.completion")) + ") " + I18n.get("tab.ui_settings.language.author", I18n.getSpecific(locale, "language.author")) + "</html>";
return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
@ -74,8 +72,6 @@ public class UISettingsTab extends UITab {
GBC.create(body).grid(0, gridy++).weightx(1).insets(0, BORDER_PADDING, 0, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(language);
GBC.create(body).grid(0, gridy++).weightx(1).insets(BODY_BLOCK_PADDING, BORDER_PADDING, 0, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(new JLabel("<html>" + I18n.get("tab.ui_settings.crowdin.info") + "</html>"));
GBC.create(body).grid(0, gridy++).weightx(1).insets(0, BORDER_PADDING, 0, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(new LinkLabel(I18n.get("tab.ui_settings.crowdin.link"), "https://crowdin.com/project/viaproxy"));
contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
contentPane.add(body, BorderLayout.NORTH);
@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ import net.lenni0451.commons.swing.GBC;
import net.raphimc.minecraftauth.step.msa.StepMsaDeviceCode;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.I18n;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.ViaProxyWindow;
import net.raphimc.viaproxy.ui.elements.LinkLabel;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@ -71,7 +72,14 @@ public class AddAccountPopup extends JDialog {
JLabel browserLabel = new JLabel("<html><p>" + I18n.get("popup.login_account.instructions.browser") + "</p></html>");
GBC.create(contentPane).grid(0, 0).weightx(1).insets(BORDER_PADDING, BORDER_PADDING, 0, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(browserLabel);
GBC.create(contentPane).grid(0, 1).weightx(1).insets(0, BORDER_PADDING, 0, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(new LinkLabel(this.deviceCode.getDirectVerificationUri(), AddAccountPopup.this.deviceCode.getDirectVerificationUri()));
JLabel urlLabel = new JLabel("<html><a href=\"\">" + this.deviceCode.getDirectVerificationUri() + "</a></html>");
urlLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
GBC.create(contentPane).grid(0, 1).weightx(1).insets(0, BORDER_PADDING, 0, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(urlLabel);
JLabel closeInfo = new JLabel("<html><p>" + I18n.get("popup.login_account.instructions.close") + "</p></html>");
GBC.create(contentPane).grid(0, 2).weightx(1).insets(BODY_BLOCK_PADDING, BORDER_PADDING, BORDER_PADDING, BORDER_PADDING).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).add(closeInfo);
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Nelze otevřít odkaz: %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Adresa serveru:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Podporované formáty:\n- adresa\n- addresa:port\n- ClassiCube Přímá URL
@ -24,6 +39,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_classicube_url=Neplatná ClassiCube URL!
tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Neplatná server adresa!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Neplatná proxy URL!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=Nebylo možné spustit ViaProxy! Ujistěte se že vybraný port není používaný a zkuste to znovu.
tab.advanced.proxy_url.label=Proxy URL:
tab.advanced.proxy_url.tooltip=URL SOCKS(4/5)/HTTP(S) proxy, která bude používána pro TCP připojení.\nPodporované formáty:\n- typ://addresa:port\n- typ://uzivatelske_jmeno:heslo@addresa:port
@ -41,6 +57,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Nahrát nejnovější log
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Log byl nahrán na %s (zkopírované)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=Log nebylo možno nahrát: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=Log soubor nebyl nalezen.
tab.accounts.description.line1=Pro připojení na online servery musíte přidat Microsoft účet. Můžete vybrat účet tím že na něj kliknete pravým tlačítkem myši. Vy výchozím nastavení bude vybrán první účet.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Pokud často měníte účet, můžete na svůj klient nainstalovat OpenAuthMod. Toto umožní ViaProxy použít účet který je použit na klientu.
@ -55,6 +72,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoft Účet
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Bedrock Účet
tab.accounts.add.success=Přidán účet %s.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=Čas na pokus o přihlášení vypršel.\nProsím přihlašte se do %s sekund.
tab.realms.error_generic=Realms požadavek nebylo možné zpracovat: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Došlo k neznámé chybě
@ -75,14 +93,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Připojování...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Pro použití Minecraft Realms musíte souhlasit s Terms of Service: %s
tab.realms.expired=Tato Realm vyprchala
tab.realms.incompatible=Tato verze Realms Minecraft version je buď moc stará nebo moc nová
tab.ui_settings.name=UI Nastavení
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=%s přeloženo
tab.ui_settings.language.author=od %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Jazyk změněn na %s (%s). ViaProxy se nyní restartuje!
popup.login_account.title=Přidat Účet
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Prosím otevřete následujcí URL ve svém prohlížeči:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=Tato okno se automaticky zavře, potom co jste se přihlásili.
popup.update.info=Používáte zastaralou verzi ViaProxy!\nPoužitá version: %s\nNejnovější version: %s
popup.update.question=Chcete spustit update?
popup.update.success=Stažena nejnovější verze ViaProxy. ViaProxy se nyní restartuje!
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Der Link konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Server Adresse:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Unterstützte Formate:\n- Adresse\n- Adresse:Port\n- ClassiCube Direct URL
@ -25,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Ungültige Server Adresse!
tab.general.error.invalid_bind_address=Ungültige Lokale Adresse!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Ungültige proxy URL!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=ViaProxy konnte nicht starten! Sorge dafür, dass der lokale Port nicht bereits belegt ist und versuche es nochmal.
tab.advanced.bind_address.label=Lokale Adresse:
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=Die lokale Adresse, auf der ViaProxy Verbindungen entgegen nehmen soll.
@ -50,6 +66,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Neueste Log-Datei hochladen
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Log-Datei wurde hochgeladen: %s (In die Zwischenablage kopiert)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=Die Log-Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=Die Log-Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden.
tab.accounts.description.line1=Um auf Online Mode Server zu joinen musst du ein Minecraft Konto im ViaProxy hinzufügen. Du kannst ein Konto auswählen indem du es rechtsklickst. Standardmäßig wird das erste verwendet.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Wenn du dein Konto oft änderst, kannst du stattdessen OpenAuthMod auf deinem Client installieren. Das erlaubt ViaProxy das aktuell eingeloggte Konto von deinem Client zu verwenden.
@ -64,7 +81,8 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoft Konto
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Bedrock Konto
tab.accounts.add.success=Das Konto %s wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=Der Login Prozess ist abgelaufen.\nBitte logge dich innerhalb von %s Sekunden ein.
tab.realms.error_generic=Realms Anfrage konnte nicht verarbeitet werden: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten
tab.realms.error_account=Das Konto konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Das könnte durch alte Account-Tokens oder Rate-Limits verursacht sein. Warte ein paar Sekunden und probiere es dann erneut. Sollte das Problem nicht behoben sein, entferne das Konto und füge es neu hinzu.
@ -84,16 +102,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Trete bei...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Um Minecraft Realms zu verwenden musst du die Nutzungsbedingungen akzeptieren: %s
tab.realms.expired=Dieser Realm ist abgelaufen
tab.realms.incompatible=Die Minecraft Version dieses Realms ist zu alt oder zu neu
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=%s übersetzt
tab.ui_settings.language.author=von %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Die Sprache wurde zu %s (%s) geändert. ViaProxy startet jetzt neu!
popup.login_account.title=Konto hinzufügen
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Bitte öffne folgende URL in deinem Browser:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=Das Popup schließt sich automatisch, nachdem du angemeldet wurdest.
popup.download.title=Lade herunter...
popup.update.info=Du verwendest eine alte Version von ViaProxy!\nAktuelle Version: %s\nNeueste Version: %s
popup.update.question=Möchtest du aktualisieren?
popup.update.success=Die neueste Version wurde heruntergeladen. ViaProxy startet jetzt neu!
tab.ui_settings.crowdin.info=Fehlt deine Sprache oder ist sie unvollständig? Hilf uns ViaProxy auf Crowdin zu übersetzen!
tab.ui_settings.crowdin.link=Klick hier um Crowdin zu öffnen
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
language.name=English (US)
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Couldn't open the link: %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Server Address:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Supported formats:\n- address\n- address:port\n- ClassiCube Direct URL
@ -25,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Invalid server address!
tab.general.error.invalid_bind_address=Invalid bind address!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Invalid proxy URL!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=Failed to start ViaProxy! Ensure that the local port is not already in use and try again.
tab.advanced.bind_address.label=Bind Address:
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=The address ViaProxy should accept incoming connections on.
@ -50,6 +66,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Upload latest log file
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Uploaded log file to %s (copied to clipboard)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=The log file could not be uploaded: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=The log file could not be found.
tab.accounts.description.line1=To join online mode servers you have to add a minecraft account for ViaProxy to use. You can select an account by right clicking it. By default the first one will be used.
tab.accounts.description.line2=If you change your account frequently, you can install OpenAuthMod on your client. This allows ViaProxy to use the account you are logged in with on the client.
@ -64,6 +81,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoft Account
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Bedrock Account
tab.accounts.add.success=The account %s was added successfully.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=The login request timed out.\nPlease login within %s seconds.
tab.realms.error_generic=Realms request could not be handled: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=An unknown error occurred
@ -84,16 +102,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Joining...
tab.realms.accept_tos=To use Minecraft Realms you have to accept the Terms of Service: %s
tab.realms.expired=This Realm is expired
tab.realms.incompatible=This Realms Minecraft version is too old or too new
tab.ui_settings.name=UI Settings
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=%s translated
tab.ui_settings.language.author=by %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Language changed to %s (%s). ViaProxy will now restart!
popup.login_account.title=Add Account
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Please open the following URL in your browser:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=The popup will close automatically after you have been logged in.
popup.update.info=You are running an outdated version of ViaProxy!\nCurrent version: %s\nLatest version: %s
popup.update.question=Do you want to update?
popup.update.success=Downloaded the latest version of ViaProxy. ViaProxy will now restart!
tab.ui_settings.crowdin.info=Is your language missing or incomplete? Help us to translate ViaProxy on Crowdin!
tab.ui_settings.crowdin.link=Click here to go to Crowdin
@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
language.name=Francais (FR)
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Impossible d'ouvrir le lien: %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Adresse du serveur:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Formats supportés\n- adresse\n- adresse:port\n- Adresse direct ClassiCube
tab.general.server_version.label=Vertion du serveur:
@ -24,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Adresse du serveur invalide!
tab.general.error.invalid_bind_address=Adresse de liaison invalide!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Adresse du Proxy invalide!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=Impossible de lancer ViaProxy! Assurez-vous que le port n'est pas deja utilisé et reessayez
tab.advanced.bind_address.label=Adresse de liaison:
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=L'adresse sur laquelle ViaProxy accepte les connections entrantes.
@ -49,6 +66,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Charger le fichier latest.log
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Le fichier latest.log a bien été chargé a %s (copié dans le presse papier)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=Le fichier de log n'as pas pu etre chargé: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=Le fichier de log est introuvable.
tab.accounts.description.line1=Pour rejoindre un serveur en ligne, ViaProxy a besoin d'un compre microsoft. Vous pouver selectionner un compte en faisant un clique droit dessu. Par default, le premier est selectionné.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Si vous changez souvent de compte, vous pouver installer OpenAuthMod (client). Cela permet a ViaProxy d'utiliser le compte avec lequelle vous etes connecté dans le client.
@ -63,6 +81,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Compte Microsoft
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Compte Bedrock
tab.accounts.add.success=Le compte %s a été ajouté
tab.accounts.add.timeout=La requette de connexion est trop lente.\nMerci de se connecter dans les %s secondes.
tab.realms.error_generic=La requette du Realm n'as pas pu etre prise en charge: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Erreur inconnue
@ -83,13 +102,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Connection...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Pour utiliser Minecraft Realms vous devez accepter les Conditions d'Utilisations: %s
tab.realms.expired=Ce Realms a expiré
tab.realms.incompatible=Cette vertion du Realms Minecraft est trop ancienne ou trop récente
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=%s traduit
tab.ui_settings.language.author=par %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Langue changée a %s (%s). ViaProxy vas redémarer!
popup.login_account.title=Ajouter un compte
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Ouvrez ce lien dans votre navigateur:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=Cette fenetre se fermera automatiquement une fois connecté.
popup.update.info=Une nouvelle vertion est disponible!\nVertion actuelle: %s\nDerniere Vertion: %s
popup.update.question=Mettre a jour ?
popup.update.success=Derniere vertion de ViaProxy Telechargée. ViaProxy vas maintenant redemarer!
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Nem lehet meg nyitni a linket: %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Szerver IP Cím:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Támogatott Cím:\n- address\n- address:port\n- ClassiCube Direct URL cím
@ -25,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Hibás szerver íp!
tab.general.error.invalid_bind_address=Hibás bind cím!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Hibás Proxy URL cím!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=ViaProxy elinditása sikertelen! Bizonyulj meg arról hogy a locális port nem fut.
tab.advanced.bind_address.label=Bind Cím:
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=A cím, amelyen a ViaProxy fogadjon bejövő kapcsolatokat.
@ -46,6 +62,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Legújabb naplófájl feltöltése
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Naplófájl feltöltése a %s címre (a vágólapra másolva)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=A naplófájlt nem sikerült feltölteni: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=A naplófájl nem található.
tab.accounts.description.line1=Az online módú szerverekhez való csatlakozáshoz hozzá kell adnod egy minecraft fiókot, hogy a ViaProxy használhassa. A fiókot jobb egérgombbal kattintva választhatod ki. Alapértelmezés szerint az elsőt fogja használni.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Ha gyakran változtatja fiókját, telepítheti az OpenAuthMod-ot az ügyfélre. Ez lehetővé teszi a ViaProxy számára, hogy azt a fiókot használja, amellyel bejelentkezett az ügyfélnél.
@ -60,6 +77,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoft Fiók
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Bedrock Fiók
tab.accounts.add.success=A %s fiókot sikeresen hozzáadtuk.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=A bejelentkezési kérelem időzített.\nKérem, jelentkezzen be %s másodpercen belül.
tab.realms.error_generic=A birodalmak kérését nem lehetett kezelni: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Ismeretlen hiba történt
@ -80,14 +98,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Fellépés...
tab.realms.accept_tos=A Minecraft Realms használatához el kell fogadnia a Felhasználási feltételeket.: %s
tab.realms.expired=Ez a birodalom lejárt
tab.realms.incompatible=TEz a Realms Minecraft verzió túl régi vagy túl új
tab.ui_settings.name=UI beállítások
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=%s fordította le
tab.ui_settings.language.author=%s által
tab.ui_settings.language.success=A nyelv %s-re változott (%s). A ViaProxy most újraindul!
popup.login_account.title=Fiók hozzáadása
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Kérjük, nyissa meg az alábbi URL-t a böngészőjében:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=A felugró ablak automatikusan bezárul, miután bejelentkezett.
popup.update.info=Ön a ViaProxy egy elavult verzióját futtatja!\nA jelenlegi verzió: %s\nLegújabb verzió: %s
popup.update.question=Szeretné frissíteni?
popup.update.success=Letöltötte a ViaProxy legújabb verzióját. A ViaProxy most újraindul!
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
language.name=日本語 (日本)
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=次のリンクを開けませんでした: %s
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=サポートされている形式:\n- アドレス\n- アドレス:ポート番号\n- ClassiCube Direct URL
@ -25,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=サーバーアドレスが無効です
@ -46,6 +62,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=最新のログをアップロード
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=ログを %s にアップロードしました(クリップボードにコピーしました)。
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=ログをアップロードできませんでした: %s
@ -60,6 +77,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoftアカウント
tab.accounts.add.success=アカウント「 %s 」を正常に追加しました。
tab.realms.error_generic=Realmsリクエストを処理できませんでした: %s
@ -80,14 +98,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=参加中...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Minecraft Realmsを使用するには利用規約に同意してください: %s
tab.ui_settings.language.author=by %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=言語が %s (%s)に変更されました。ViaProxyを再起動します!
popup.update.info=あなたの使用しているViaProxyは古いバージョンです!\n使用しているバージョン: %s\n最新バージョン: %s
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Nie można otworzyć odnośnika %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Adres Serwera:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Format:\n- host\n- host:port\n- Odnośnik ClassiCube
@ -24,6 +39,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_classicube_url=Nieprawidłowy odnośnik ClassiCube!
tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Nieprawidłowy adres serwera.
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Nieprawidłowy adres serwera proxy.
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=Nie można uruchomić ViaProxy! Upewnij się że port nie jest już zajęty i spróbuj ponownie.
tab.advanced.proxy_url.label=Adres Proxy:
tab.advanced.proxy_url.tooltip=Adres SOCKS(4/5)/HTTP(S) proxy.\nFormat:\n- typ://adres:port\n- typ://użytkownik:hasło@adres:port
@ -41,6 +57,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Prześlij ostatni plik dziennika.
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Przesłano ostatni plik dziennika do %s (skopiowano do schowka)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=Plik dziennika nie może zostać przesłany: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=Plik dziennika nie został znaleziony.
tab.accounts.description.line1=Aby dołączyć do serwerów które mają tryb online, musisz dodać oryginalne konto Minecraft. Konto możesz wybrać klikając na nie prawym przyciskiem, domyślnie pierwsze konto jest używane.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Jeśli często zmieniasz konto możesz użyć modyfikacji OpenAuth która umożliwi ViaProxy używanie konta na którym jesteś aktualnie zalogowany.
@ -55,6 +72,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Konto Microsoft
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Konto Bedrock
tab.accounts.add.success=Konto %s zostało dodane.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=Zapytanie logowania się przedawniło.\nZaloguj się w ciągu %s sekund.
tab.realms.error_generic=Zapytanie nie może zostac obsłużone: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Wystąpił nieoczekiwany problem.
@ -75,14 +93,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Dołączanie...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Aby używać Minecraft Realms musisz zaakceptować warunki: %s
tab.realms.expired=Ten świat Realm wygasł.
tab.realms.incompatible=Ta wersja Mniecraft Realms jest zbyt nowa lub zbyt stara.
tab.ui_settings.name=Ustawienia Interfejsu
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=Przetłumaczone w %s
tab.ui_settings.language.author=przez %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Język został zmieniony na %s (%s), aplikacja zostanie uruchomiona ponownie.
popup.login_account.title=Dodaj Konto
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Otwórz odnośnik w swojej przeglądarce:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=Okienko zostanie zamknięte automatycznie po zalogowaniu.
popup.update.info=Twoja wersja ViaProxy jest nieaktualna.\nTwoja Wersja: %s\nNajnowsza Wersja: %s
popup.update.question=Czy chcesz zaktualizować ViaProxy do najnowszej wersji?
popup.update.success=Pobrano aktualizację ViaProxy, wymagane jest ponownie uruchomienie aplikacji.
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
language.name=Русский (Россия)
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
language.author=Felix14_v2 и Liticane (Weening)
generic.could_not_open_url=Не удалось открыть ссылку: %s
tab.general.server_address.label=Адрес сервера:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Поддерживаемые форматы:\n- адрес\n- адрес:порт\n- ClassiCube Direct URL
@ -25,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Неверный адрес серве
tab.general.error.invalid_bind_address=Неверный внутренний порт.
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Неверный адрес прокси-сервера.
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=Не удалось запустить ViaProxy. Убедитесь, что локальный порт не используется и попробуйте снова.
tab.advanced.bind_address.label=Внутренний порт:
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=Адрес для входящих подключений, принимаемых ViaProxy.
@ -48,6 +64,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Поделиться журналом
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Журнал загружен на %s (ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена).
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=Не удалось загрузить файл журнала: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=Не удалось найти файл журнала.
tab.accounts.name=Учётные записи
tab.accounts.description.line1=Добавьте в ViaProxy учётную запись Minecraft, чтобы присоединяться к серверам с проверкой лицензии. Учётную запись можно выбрать двойным щелчком или в контекстном меню. По умолчанию будет использоваться верхняя позиция.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Если вы часто меняете учётные записи, можно установить мод OpenAuthMod. Это позволит ViaProxy использовать учётную запись вашего клиента.
@ -62,6 +79,8 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoft
tab.accounts.add.success=Учётная запись %s успешно добавлена.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=Время ожидания входа истекло.\nНеобходимо авторизоваться в течение %s секунд.
tab.realms.error_generic=Не удалось обработать запрос Realms: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Произошла ошибка
tab.realms.error_account=Не удалось обновить учётную запись. Это может быть вызвано устаревшим токеном или слишком частыми запросами. Подождите несколько секунд и попробуйте снова. Если проблема сохраняется, удалите учётную запись и добавьте её снова.
@ -81,14 +100,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Подключение...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Примите пользовательское соглашение, чтобы использовать Minecraft Realms: %s
tab.realms.expired=Этот реалм просрочен
tab.realms.incompatible=Версия этого реалма слишком старая или слишком новая
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=переведено %s
tab.ui_settings.language.author=от %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Язык ViaProxy изменён на %s (%s). Требуется перезапуск.
popup.login_account.title=Добавление учётной записи
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Откройте этот адрес в браузере:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=После успешной авторизации окно закроется автоматически.
popup.update.info=Вы используете устаревшую версию ViaProxy.\nТекущая версия: %s\nНовейшая версия: %s
popup.update.question=Установить обновление?
popup.update.success=Последняя версия ViaProxy загружена. Требуется перезапуск.
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
language.name=Tiếng Việt (VI)
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
generic.could_not_open_url=Không thể mở link: %s
tab.general.name=Tổng quan
tab.general.server_address.label=Địa chỉ server:
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=Định dạng hỗ trợ:\n- ip\n- ip:port\n- Link ClassiCube
@ -20,16 +35,18 @@ tab.general.warning.ban_warning.line1=ViaProxy có thể làm anticheat flag b
tab.general.warning.bedrock_warning.line1=ViaBedrock hiện còn đang trong giai đoạn phát triển và chưa sẵn sàng để sử dụng rộng rãi.
tab.general.warning.risk=Người dùng tự chịu rủi ro!
tab.general.error.no_server_version_selected=Hãy chọn một phiên bản Minecraft!
tab.general.error.invalid_classicube_url=ClassiCube Direct URL không hợp lệ!
tab.general.error.invalid_classicube_url= ClassiCube Direct URL không hợp lệ!
tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=Địa chỉ server không hợp lệ!
tab.general.error.invalid_bind_address=Địa chỉ bind không hợp lệ!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=Địa chỉ proxy không hợp lệ!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=Không thể bắt đầu ViaProxy! Đảm bảo rằng port chưa bị chiếm và thử lại.
tab.advanced.name=Chi tiết
tab.advanced.bind_address.label=Địa chỉ Bind:
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=Địa chỉ để bạn vào ViaProxy.
tab.advanced.proxy_url.label=Địa chỉ Proxy:
tab.advanced.proxy_url.tooltip=URL của proxy SOCKS(4/5)/HTTP(S) sẽ được sử dụng cho kết nối TCP tới server.\nCác định dạng được hỗ trợ:\n- type://address:port\n- type://username:password@address:port
tab.advanced.proxy_online_mode.label=Proxy Online Mode
tab.advanced.proxy_online_mode.tooltip=Bật Proxy Online Mode bắt buộc bạn phải có một tài khoản Minecraft.\nProxy Online Mode cho phép bạn xem được skins trên server và sử dụng các tính năng chat đã được xác thực.
tab.advanced.legacy_skin_loading.label=Hỗ trợ Skin Legacy
tab.advanced.legacy_skin_loading.tooltip=Bật Hỗ trợ Skin Legacy cho phép bạn xem được skin trên server <= 1.6.4.
@ -46,9 +63,10 @@ tab.advanced.fake_accept_resource_packs.tooltip=Chấp nhận gói tài nguyên
tab.advanced.create_viaversion_dump.label=Tạo ViaVersion dump
tab.advanced.create_viaversion_dump.success=Đã sao chép Viaversion dump vào bộ nhớ tạm.
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=Tải lên tệp tin nhật kí
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=Đã tải lên tệp tin nhật kí %s (đã sao chép vào bộ nhớ tạm)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success= Đã tải lên tệp tin nhật kí %s (đã sao chép vào bộ nhớ tạm)
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_generic=Không thể tải lên tập tin nhật kí: %s
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.error_not_found=Không tìm được tập tin nhật kí.
tab.accounts.name=Tài khoản
tab.accounts.description.line1=Để tham gia server Minecraft chính chủ, bạn phải thêm tài khoản vào ViaProxy để chơi. Bạn có thể nhấn chuột phải vào tài khoản để chọn. Theo mặc định tài khoản đầu tiên sẽ được sử dụng.
tab.accounts.description.line2=Nếu bạn thường xuyên chuyển tài khoản, bạn có thể sử dụng mod OpenAuth. Điều này cho phép ViaProxy sử dụng tài khoản bạn đã đăng nhập trên máy.
@ -63,6 +81,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Tài khoản Microsoft
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Tài khoản Bedrock
tab.accounts.add.success=Thêm tài khoản %s thành công.
tab.accounts.add.timeout=Yêu cầu đăng nhập đã hết thời gian.\nVui lòng đăng nhập trong %s giây.
tab.realms.error_generic=Yêu cầu Realms không thể được xử lý: %s
tab.realms.error_generic_label=Lỗi không xác định
@ -83,13 +102,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=Đang vào...
tab.realms.accept_tos=Để sử dụng Minecraft Realms bạn phải chấp nhận Điều khoản dịch vụ: %s
tab.realms.expired=Realm hết hạn
tab.realms.incompatible=Phiên bản Realm này quá cũ hoặc quá mới
tab.ui_settings.name=Giao diện
tab.ui_settings.language.label=Ngôn ngữ:
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=%s translated
tab.ui_settings.language.author=Bởi %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=Đã đổi ngôn ngữ sang %s (%s). ViaProxy sẽ khởi động lại!
popup.login_account.title=Thêm tài khoản
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=Hãy mở URL này trong trình duyệt của bạn:
popup.login_account.instructions.close=Cửa sổ bật lên sẽ tự động đóng sau khi bạn đăng nhập.
popup.download.title=Đang tải...
popup.update.info=Phiên bản ViaProxy của bạn quá cũ!\nPhiên bản hiện tại: %s\nLatest version: %s
popup.update.question=Bạn có muốn cập nhật?
popup.update.success=Đã tải phiên bản ViaProxy mới nhất. ViaProxy sẽ khởi động lại!
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=支持的格式:\n- address\n- address:port\n- ClassiCube Direct URL
@ -25,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=无效的服务器地址!
@ -50,6 +66,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=上传最新日志文件
@ -64,6 +81,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=微软账户
@ -84,14 +102,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=加入中…
tab.realms.accept_tos=要使用Minecraft Realms,你必须接受服务条款:%s
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# ViaProxy language file
# Language contribution guidelines:
# - Please use the same file content structure as in the en_US language file.
# - Use the en_US language file as a reference/template for your language file.
# - Keep the translations understandable and precise.
# - Do not use or rely on machine translation (Google Translate, DeepL, etc.) exclusively.
# - Do not copy an english translation into your language file. The en_US translation will be used as a fallback automatically.
# - Include this header (untranslated) in your language file.
# The display name of the language
# The name of the author of the language file (Your name)
language.author=notlin4, MinecraftPEayer, Axolotl1000
tab.general.server_address.tooltip=支援的格式:\n- address\n- address:port\n- ClassiCube Direct URL
@ -9,6 +24,7 @@ tab.general.minecraft_account.label=Minecraft帳號:
tab.general.minecraft_account.option_openauthmod=使用 OpenAuthMod
tab.general.betacraft_auth.label=BetaCraft Auth (Classic)
tab.general.betacraft_auth.tooltip=啟用 BetaCraft Auth 可以讓你加入啟用線上模式的 Classic 伺服器。
tab.general.state.loading=正在載入 ViaProxy...
@ -24,6 +40,7 @@ tab.general.error.invalid_server_address=無效的伺服器位址!
tab.general.error.invalid_proxy_url=無效的 Proxy URL!
tab.general.error.failed_to_start=無法啟動 ViaProxy!請在確保本地埠未被使用後重試。
tab.advanced.bind_address.tooltip=ViaProxy 應接受傳入連線的位址。
@ -49,6 +66,7 @@ tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.label=上傳最新記錄檔
tab.advanced.upload_latest_log.success=已上傳記錄檔至 %s(已複製到剪貼簿)
tab.accounts.description.line1=要加入線上模式伺服器,你必須為 ViaProxy 新增一個 Minecraft 帳號。你可以對帳號按右鍵來選擇帳號。在預設情況下,會使用第一個帳號。
tab.accounts.description.line2=如果你經常更換帳號,可以在用戶端安裝 OpenAuthMod。這會讓 ViaProxy 可以使用你在用戶端登入的帳號。
@ -63,6 +81,7 @@ tab.accounts.add_microsoft.label=Microsoft 帳號
tab.accounts.add_bedrock.label=Bedrock 版帳號
tab.accounts.add.success=已成功新增帳號 %s。
tab.accounts.add.timeout=登入請求逾時。\n請在 %s 秒內登入。
tab.realms.error_generic=無法處理 Realms 請求:%s
@ -83,14 +102,19 @@ tab.realms.joining=正在加入...
tab.realms.accept_tos=要使用 Minecraft Realms,你必須接受《服務條款》:%s
tab.realms.expired=這個 Realm 已到期
tab.realms.incompatible=這個 Realm 的 Minecraft 版本太舊或太新
tab.ui_settings.language.completion=已翻譯 %s
tab.ui_settings.language.author=作者 %s
tab.ui_settings.language.success=語言已變更為%s(%s)。ViaProxy 即將重新啟動!
popup.login_account.instructions.browser=請在瀏覽器中開啟以下 URL:
popup.update.info=你正在使用的 ViaProxy 版本太舊!\n目前版本:%s\n最新版本:%s
popup.update.success=已下載 ViaProxy 的最新版本。ViaProxy 即將重新啟動!
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