2023-10-09 18:10:02 -04:00

229 lines
5.8 KiB

package funkin.freeplayStuff;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.text.FlxText;
import flixel.util.FlxTimer;
class SongMenuItem extends FlxSpriteGroup
var capsule:FlxSprite;
var pixelIcon:FlxSprite;
public var selected(default, set):Bool = false;
public var songTitle:String = "Test";
public var songText:FlxText;
public var favIcon:FlxSprite;
public var targetPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
public var doLerp:Bool = false;
public var doJumpIn:Bool = false;
public var doJumpOut:Bool = false;
public var onConfirm:Void->Void;
public function new(x:Float, y:Float, song:String, ?character:String)
super(x, y);
this.songTitle = song;
capsule = new FlxSprite();
capsule.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/freeplayCapsule');
capsule.animation.addByPrefix('selected', 'mp3 capsule w backing0', 24);
capsule.animation.addByPrefix('unselected', 'mp3 capsule w backing NOT SELECTED', 24);
// capsule.animation
songText = new FlxText(capsule.width * 0.23, 40, 0, songTitle, * realScaled));
songText.font = "5by7";
songText.color = 0xFF43C1EA;
pixelIcon = new FlxSprite(80, 35);
pixelIcon.makeGraphic(32, 32, 0x00000000);
pixelIcon.antialiasing = false; = false;
if (character != null) setCharacter(character);
favIcon = new FlxSprite(400, 40);
favIcon.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/favHeart');
favIcon.animation.addByPrefix('fav', "favorite heart", 24, false);'fav');
favIcon.setGraphicSize(60, 60);
selected = selected; // just to kickstart the set_selected
public function init(x:Float, y:Float, song:String, ?character:String)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.songTitle = song;
songText.text = this.songTitle;
if (character != null) setCharacter(character);
selected = selected;
* [Description]
* @param char Should be songCharacter, and will get translated to the correct path via switch
public function setCharacter(char:String)
var charPath:String = "freeplay/icons/";
switch (char)
case "monster-christmas":
charPath += "monsterpixel";
case "mom":
charPath += "mommypixel";
case "dad":
charPath += "daddypixel";
charPath += char + "pixel";
pixelIcon.setGraphicSize( * 2));
// pixelIcon.updateHitbox();
var frameInTicker:Float = 0;
var frameInTypeBeat:Int = 0;
var frameOutTicker:Float = 0;
var frameOutTypeBeat:Int = 0;
var xFrames:Array<Float> = [1.7, 1.8, 0.85, 0.85, 0.97, 0.97, 1];
var xPosLerpLol:Array<Float> = [0.9, 0.4, 0.16, 0.16, 0.22, 0.22, 0.245]; // NUMBERS ARE JANK CUZ THE SCALING OR WHATEVER
var xPosOutLerpLol:Array<Float> = [0.245, 0.75, 0.98, 0.98, 1.2]; // NUMBERS ARE JANK CUZ THE SCALING OR WHATEVER
public final realScaled:Float = 0.8;
public function initJumpIn(maxTimer:Float, ?force:Bool):Void
frameInTypeBeat = 0;
new FlxTimer().start((1 / 24) * maxTimer, function(doShit) {
doJumpIn = true;
new FlxTimer().start((0.09 * maxTimer) + 0.85, function(lerpTmr) {
doLerp = true;
if (force)
alpha = 1;
songText.visible = true;
new FlxTimer().start((xFrames.length / 24) * 2.5, function(_) {
songText.visible = true;
alpha = 1;
public function forcePosition()
alpha = 1;
doLerp = true;
doJumpIn = false;
doJumpOut = false;
frameInTypeBeat = xFrames.length;
frameOutTypeBeat = 0;
capsule.scale.x = xFrames[frameInTypeBeat - 1];
capsule.scale.y = 1 / xFrames[frameInTypeBeat - 1];
// x = FlxG.width * xPosLerpLol[ - 1, xPosLerpLol.length - 1))];
x = targetPos.x;
y = targetPos.y;
capsule.scale.x *= realScaled;
capsule.scale.y *= realScaled;
songText.visible = true;
override function update(elapsed:Float)
if (doJumpIn)
frameInTicker += elapsed;
if (frameInTicker >= 1 / 24 && frameInTypeBeat < xFrames.length)
frameInTicker = 0;
capsule.scale.x = xFrames[frameInTypeBeat];
capsule.scale.y = 1 / xFrames[frameInTypeBeat];
x = FlxG.width * xPosLerpLol[, xPosLerpLol.length - 1))];
capsule.scale.x *= realScaled;
capsule.scale.y *= realScaled;
frameInTypeBeat += 1;
if (doJumpOut)
frameOutTicker += elapsed;
if (frameOutTicker >= 1 / 24 && frameOutTypeBeat < xFrames.length)
frameOutTicker = 0;
capsule.scale.x = xFrames[frameOutTypeBeat];
capsule.scale.y = 1 / xFrames[frameOutTypeBeat];
x = FlxG.width * xPosOutLerpLol[, xPosOutLerpLol.length - 1))];
capsule.scale.x *= realScaled;
capsule.scale.y *= realScaled;
frameOutTypeBeat += 1;
if (doLerp)
x = CoolUtil.coolLerp(x, targetPos.x, 0.3);
y = CoolUtil.coolLerp(y, targetPos.y, 0.4);
public function intendedY(index:Int):Float
return (index * ((height * realScaled) + 10)) + 120;
function set_selected(value:Bool):Bool
// trace(value);
// cute one liners, lol!
songText.alpha = value ? 1 : 0.6;
capsule.offset.x = value ? 0 : -5; ? "selected" : "unselected");
return value;