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package funkin.util;
import funkin.input.Controls;
import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepad;
import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadInputID;
import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey;
using flixel.util.FlxStringUtil;
* Utilities for working with inputs.
class InputUtil
public static function format(id:Int, device:Device):String
return switch (device)
case Keys: getKeyName(id);
case Gamepad(gamepadID): getButtonName(id, FlxG.gamepads.getByID(gamepadID));
public static function getKeyName(id:Int):String
return switch (id)
case ZERO: "0";
case ONE: "1";
case TWO: "2";
case THREE: "3";
case FOUR: "4";
case FIVE: "5";
case SIX: "6";
case SEVEN: "7";
case EIGHT: "8";
case NINE: "9";
case PAGEUP: "PgUp";
case PAGEDOWN: "PgDown";
// case HOME : "Hm";
// case END : "End";
// case INSERT : "Ins";
// case ESCAPE : "Esc";
// case MINUS : "-";
// case PLUS : "+";
// case DELETE : "Del";
case BACKSPACE: "BckSpc";
case LBRACKET: "[";
case RBRACKET: "]";
case BACKSLASH: "\\";
case CAPSLOCK: "Caps";
case SEMICOLON: ";";
case QUOTE: "'";
// case ENTER : "Ent";
// case SHIFT : "Shf";
case COMMA: ",";
case PERIOD: ".";
case SLASH: "/";
case GRAVEACCENT: "`";
case CONTROL: "Ctrl";
case ALT: "Alt";
// case SPACE : "Spc";
// case UP : "Up";
// case DOWN : "Dn";
// case LEFT : "Lf";
// case RIGHT : "Rt";
// case TAB : "Tab";
case PRINTSCREEN: "PrtScrn";
case NUMPADZERO: "#0";
case NUMPADONE: "#1";
case NUMPADTWO: "#2";
case NUMPADTHREE: "#3";
case NUMPADFOUR: "#4";
case NUMPADFIVE: "#5";
case NUMPADSIX: "#6";
case NUMPADSEVEN: "#7";
case NUMPADEIGHT: "#8";
case NUMPADNINE: "#9";
case NUMPADMINUS: "#-";
case NUMPADPLUS: "#+";
case NUMPADPERIOD: "#.";
default: titleCase(FlxKey.toStringMap[id]);
static var dirReg = ~/^(l|r).?-(left|right|down|up)$/;
inline static public function getButtonName(id:Int, gamepad:FlxGamepad):String
return switch (gamepad.getInputLabel(id))
// case null | "": shortenButtonName(FlxGamepadInputID.toStringMap[id]);
case label: shortenButtonName(label);
static function shortenButtonName(name:String)
return switch (name == null ? "" : name.toLowerCase())
case "": "[?]";
// case "square" : "[]";
// case "circle" : "()";
// case "triangle": "/\\";
// case "plus" : "+";
// case "minus" : "-";
// case "home" : "Hm";
// case "guide" : "Gd";
// case "back" : "Bk";
// case "select" : "Bk";
// case "start" : "St";
// case "left" : "Lf";
// case "right" : "Rt";
// case "down" : "Dn";
// case "up" : "Up";
case dir if (dirReg.match(dir)):
dirReg.matched(1).toUpperCase() + " " + titleCase(dirReg.matched(2));
case label: titleCase(label);
inline static function titleCaseTrim(str:String, length = 8)
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1, length - 1).toLowerCase();
inline static function titleCase(str:String)
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1).toLowerCase();
inline static public function parsePadName(name:String):ControllerName
return ControllerName.parseName(name);
inline static public function getPadName(gamepad:FlxGamepad):ControllerName
return ControllerName.getName(gamepad);
inline static public function getPadNameById(id:Int):ControllerName
return ControllerName.getNameById(id);
enum abstract ControllerName(String) from String to String
var OUYA = "Ouya";
var PS4 = "PS4";
var LOGI = "Logi";
var XBOX = "XBox";
var XINPUT = "XInput";
var WII = "Wii";
var PRO_CON = "Pro_Con";
var JOYCONS = "Joycons";
var JOYCON_L = "Joycon_L";
var JOYCON_R = "Joycon_R";
var MFI = "MFI";
var PAD = "Pad";
static public function getAssetByDevice(device:Device):String
return switch (device)
case Keys: getAsset(null);
case Gamepad(id): getAsset(FlxG.gamepads.getByID(id));
static public function getAsset(gamepad:FlxGamepad):String
if (gamepad == null) return 'assets/images/ui/devices/Keys.png';
final name = parseName(gamepad.name);
var path = 'assets/images/ui/devices/$name.png';
if (openfl.utils.Assets.exists(path)) return path;
return 'assets/images/ui/devices/Pad.png';
inline static public function getNameById(id:Int):ControllerName
return getName(FlxG.gamepads.getByID(id));
inline static public function getName(gamepad:FlxGamepad):ControllerName
return parseName(gamepad.name);
static public function parseName(name:String):ControllerName
name = name.toLowerCase().remove("-").remove("_");
return if (name.contains("ouya")) OUYA; else if (name.contains("wireless controller")
|| name.contains("ps4")) PS4; else if (name.contains("logitech")) LOGI; else if (name.contains("xbox")) XBOX else if (name.contains("xinput"))
XINPUT; else if (name.contains("nintendo rvlcnt01tr")
|| name.contains("nintendo rvlcnt01")) WII; else if (name.contains("mayflash wiimote pc adapter")) WII; else if (name.contains("pro controller"))
PRO_CON; else if (name.contains("joycon l+r")) JOYCONS; else if (name.contains("joycon (l)")) JOYCON_L; else if (name.contains("joycon (r)"))
JOYCON_R; else if (name.contains("mfi")) MFI; else PAD;