
336 lines
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import funkin.util.assets.DataAssets;
import funkin.util.VersionUtil;
import haxe.Constraints.Constructible;
* The entry's constructor function must take a single argument, the entry's ID.
typedef EntryConstructorFunction = String->Void;
* A base type for a Registry, which is an object which handles loading scriptable objects.
* @param T The type to construct. Must implement `IRegistryEntry`.
* @param J The type of the JSON data used when constructing.
abstract class BaseRegistry<T:(IRegistryEntry<J> & Constructible<EntryConstructorFunction>), J>
* The ID of the registry. Used when logging.
public final registryId:String;
final dataFilePath:String;
* A map of entry IDs to entries.
final entries:Map<String, T>;
* A map of entry IDs to scripted class names.
final scriptedEntryIds:Map<String, String>;
* The version rule to use when loading entries.
* If the entry's version does not match this rule, migration is needed.
final versionRule:thx.semver.VersionRule;
// public abstract static final instance:BaseRegistry<T, J> = new BaseRegistry<>();
* @param registryId A readable ID for this registry, used when logging.
* @param dataFilePath The path (relative to `assets/data`) to search for JSON files.
public function new(registryId:String, dataFilePath:String, ?versionRule:thx.semver.VersionRule)
this.registryId = registryId;
this.dataFilePath = dataFilePath;
this.versionRule = versionRule == null ? '1.0.x' : versionRule;
this.entries = new Map<String, T>();
this.scriptedEntryIds = [];
// Lazy initialization of singletons should let this get called,
// but we have this check just in case.
if ( != null)
FlxG.console.registerObject('registry$registryId', this);
* TODO: Create a `loadEntriesAsync(onProgress, onComplete)` function.
public function loadEntries():Void
var scriptedEntryClassNames:Array<String> = getScriptedClassNames();
log('Parsing ${scriptedEntryClassNames.length} scripted entries...');
for (entryCls in scriptedEntryClassNames)
var entry:Null<T> = null;
entry = createScriptedEntry(entryCls);
catch (e)
log('Failed to create scripted entry (${entryCls})');
if (entry != null)
log('Successfully created scripted entry (${entryCls} = ${})');
entries.set(, entry);
scriptedEntryIds.set(, entryCls);
log('Failed to create scripted entry (${entryCls})');
var entryIdList:Array<String> = DataAssets.listDataFilesInPath('${dataFilePath}/');
var unscriptedEntryIds:Array<String> = entryIdList.filter(function(entryId:String):Bool {
return !entries.exists(entryId);
log('Parsing ${unscriptedEntryIds.length} unscripted entries...');
for (entryId in unscriptedEntryIds)
var entry:T = createEntry(entryId);
if (entry != null)
trace(' Loaded entry data: ${entry}');
entries.set(, entry);
catch (e)
// Print the error.
trace(' Failed to load entry data: ${entryId}');
* Retrieve a list of all entry IDs in this registry.
* @return The list of entry IDs.
public function listEntryIds():Array<String>
return entries.keys().array();
* Count the number of entries in this registry.
* @return The number of entries.
public function countEntries():Int
return entries.size();
* Return whether the entry ID is known to have an attached script.
* @param id The ID of the entry.
* @return `true` if the entry has an attached script, `false` otherwise.
public function isScriptedEntry(id:String):Bool
return scriptedEntryIds.exists(id);
* Return the class name of the scripted entry with the given ID, if it exists.
* @param id The ID of the entry.
* @return The class name, or `null` if it does not exist.
public function getScriptedEntryClassName(id:String):String
return scriptedEntryIds.get(id);
* Return whether the registry has successfully parsed an entry with the given ID.
* @param id The ID of the entry.
* @return `true` if the entry exists, `false` otherwise.
public function hasEntry(id:String):Bool
return entries.exists(id);
* Fetch an entry by its ID.
* @param id The ID of the entry to fetch.
* @return The entry, or `null` if it does not exist.
public function fetchEntry(id:String):Null<T>
return entries.get(id);
public function toString():String
return 'Registry(' + registryId + ', ${countEntries()} entries)';
* Retrieve the data for an entry and parse its Semantic Version.
* @param id The ID of the entry.
* @return The entry's version, or `null` if it does not exist or is invalid.
public function fetchEntryVersion(id:String):Null<thx.semver.Version>
var entryStr:String = loadEntryFile(id).contents;
var entryVersion:thx.semver.Version = VersionUtil.getVersionFromJSON(entryStr);
return entryVersion;
function log(message:String):Void
trace('[' + registryId + '] ' + message);
function loadEntryFile(id:String):JsonFile
var entryFilePath:String = Paths.json('${dataFilePath}/${id}');
var rawJson:String = openfl.Assets.getText(entryFilePath).trim();
return {
fileName: entryFilePath,
contents: rawJson
function clearEntries():Void
for (entry in entries)
* Read, parse, and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object.
* NOTE: Must be implemented on the implementation class.
* @param id The ID of the entry.
* @return The created entry.
public abstract function parseEntryData(id:String):Null<J>;
* Parse and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object.
* NOTE: Must be implemented on the implementation class.
* @param contents The JSON as a string.
* @param fileName An optional file name for error reporting.
* @return The created entry.
public abstract function parseEntryDataRaw(contents:String, ?fileName:String):Null<J>;
* Read, parse, and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object,
* accounting for old versions of the data.
* NOTE: Extend this function to handle migration.
* @param id The ID of the entry.
* @param version The entry's version (use `fetchEntryVersion(id)`).
* @return The created entry.
public function parseEntryDataWithMigration(id:String, version:thx.semver.Version):Null<J>
if (version == null)
throw '[${registryId}] Entry ${id} could not be JSON-parsed or does not have a parseable version.';
// If a version rule is not specified, do not check against it.
if (versionRule == null || VersionUtil.validateVersion(version, versionRule))
return parseEntryData(id);
throw '[${registryId}] Entry ${id} does not support migration to version ${versionRule}.';
* An example of what you should override this with:
* ```haxe
* if (VersionUtil.validateVersion(version, "0.1.x")) {
* return parseEntryData_v0_1_x(id);
* } else {
* super.parseEntryDataWithMigration(id, version);
* }
* ```
* Retrieve the list of scripted class names to load.
* @return An array of scripted class names.
abstract function getScriptedClassNames():Array<String>;
* Create an entry from the given ID.
* @param id
function createEntry(id:String):Null<T>
// We enforce that T is Constructible to ensure this is valid.
return new T(id);
* Create a entry, attached to a scripted class, from the given class name.
* @param clsName
abstract function createScriptedEntry(clsName:String):Null<T>;
function printErrors(errors:Array<json2object.Error>, id:String = ''):Void
trace('[${registryId}] Failed to parse entry data: ${id}');
for (error in errors)
* A pair of a file name and its contents.
typedef JsonFile =