2023-06-10 03:59:25 -04:00

80 lines
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package funkin.util;
import haxe.Json;
import thx.semver.Version;
typedef ScoreInput =
var d:Int; // Key pressed
var l:Int; // Duration
var t:Int; // Start timestamp
class SerializerUtil
static final INDENT_CHAR = "\t";
* Convert a Haxe object to a JSON string.
public static function toJSON(input:Dynamic, ?pretty:Bool = true):String
return Json.stringify(input, replacer, pretty ? INDENT_CHAR : null);
* Convert a JSON string to a Haxe object of the chosen type.
public static function fromJSONTyped<T>(input:String, type:Class<T>):T
return cast Json.parse(input);
* Convert a JSON string to a Haxe object.
public static function fromJSON(input:String):Dynamic
return Json.parse(input);
* Convert a JSON byte array to a Haxe object.
public static function fromJSONBytes(input:Bytes):Dynamic
return Json.parse(input.toString());
catch (e:Dynamic)
trace('An error occurred while parsing JSON from byte data');
return null;
* Customize how certain types are serialized when converting to JSON.
static function replacer(key:String, value:Dynamic):Dynamic
// Hacky because you can't use `isOfType` on a struct.
if (key == "version")
if (Std.isOfType(value, String)) return value;
// Stringify Version objects.
var valueVersion:thx.semver.Version = cast value;
var result = '${valueVersion.major}.${valueVersion.minor}.${valueVersion.patch}';
if (valueVersion.hasPre) result += '-${valueVersion.pre}';
if (valueVersion.hasBuild) result += '+${}';
return result;
// Else, return the value as-is.
return value;