2023-06-08 17:07:35 -04:00

409 lines
12 KiB

import flixel.sound.FlxSound;
import openfl.utils.Assets;
import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass;
* This is a data structure managing information about the current song.
* This structure is created when the game starts, and includes all the data
* from the `metadata.json` file.
* It also includes the chart data, but only when this is the currently loaded song.
* It also receives script events; scripted classes which extend this class
* can be used to perform custom gameplay behaviors only on specific songs.
class Song implements IPlayStateScriptedClass
public final songId:String;
final _metadata:Array<SongMetadata>;
final variations:Array<String>;
final difficulties:Map<String, SongDifficulty>;
* Set to false if the song was edited in the charter and should not be saved as a high score.
public var validScore:Bool = true;
var difficultyIds:Array<String>;
public function new(id:String)
this.songId = id;
variations = [];
difficultyIds = [];
difficulties = new Map<String, SongDifficulty>();
_metadata = SongDataParser.parseSongMetadata(songId);
if (_metadata == null || _metadata.length == 0)
throw 'Could not find song data for songId: $songId';
public function getRawMetadata():Array<SongMetadata>
return _metadata;
* Populate the song data from the provided metadata,
* including data from individual difficulties. Does not load chart data.
function populateFromMetadata():Void
// Variations may have different artist, time format, generatedBy, etc.
for (metadata in _metadata)
// There may be more difficulties in the chart file than in the metadata,
// (i.e. non-playable charts like the one used for Pico on the speaker in Stress)
// but all the difficulties in the metadata must be in the chart file.
for (diffId in metadata.playData.difficulties)
var difficulty:SongDifficulty = new SongDifficulty(this, diffId, metadata.variation);
difficulty.songName = metadata.songName;
difficulty.songArtist = metadata.artist;
difficulty.timeFormat = metadata.timeFormat;
difficulty.divisions = metadata.divisions;
difficulty.timeChanges = metadata.timeChanges;
difficulty.looped = metadata.looped;
difficulty.generatedBy = metadata.generatedBy;
difficulty.stage = metadata.playData.stage;
// difficulty.noteSkin = metadata.playData.noteSkin;
difficulty.chars = new Map<String, SongPlayableChar>();
for (charId in metadata.playData.playableChars.keys())
var char = metadata.playData.playableChars.get(charId);
difficulty.chars.set(charId, char);
difficulties.set(diffId, difficulty);
* Parse and cache the chart for all difficulties of this song.
public function cacheCharts(?force:Bool = false):Void
if (force)
trace('Caching ${variations.length} chart files for song $songId');
for (variation in variations)
var chartData:SongChartData = SongDataParser.parseSongChartData(songId, variation);
var chartNotes = chartData.notes;
for (diffId in chartNotes.keys())
// Retrieve the cached difficulty data.
var difficulty:Null<SongDifficulty> = difficulties.get(diffId);
if (difficulty == null)
trace('Fabricated new difficulty for $diffId.');
difficulty = new SongDifficulty(this, diffId, variation);
difficulties.set(diffId, difficulty);
// Add the chart data to the difficulty.
difficulty.notes = chartData.notes.get(diffId);
difficulty.scrollSpeed = chartData.getScrollSpeed(diffId); =;
trace('Done caching charts.');
* Retrieve the metadata for a specific difficulty, including the chart if it is loaded.
* @param diffId The difficulty ID, such as `easy` or `hard`.
* @return The difficulty data.
public inline function getDifficulty(diffId:String = null):SongDifficulty
if (diffId == null) diffId = difficulties.keys().array()[0];
return difficulties.get(diffId);
public function listDifficulties():Array<String>
return difficultyIds;
public function hasDifficulty(diffId:String):Bool
return difficulties.exists(diffId);
* Purge the cached chart data for each difficulty of this song.
public function clearCharts():Void
for (diff in difficulties)
public function toString():String
return 'Song($songId)';
public function onPause(event:PauseScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onResume(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onSongLoaded(event:SongLoadScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onSongStart(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onSongEnd(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onGameOver(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onSongRetry(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onNoteHit(event:NoteScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onNoteMiss(event:NoteScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onNoteGhostMiss(event:GhostMissNoteScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onSongEvent(event:SongEventScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onStepHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onBeatHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onCountdownStart(event:CountdownScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onCountdownStep(event:CountdownScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onCountdownEnd(event:CountdownScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onScriptEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onDestroy(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onUpdate(event:UpdateScriptEvent):Void {};
class SongDifficulty
* The parent song for this difficulty.
public final song:Song;
* The difficulty ID, such as `easy` or `hard`.
public final difficulty:String;
* The metadata file that contains this difficulty.
public final variation:String;
* The note chart for this difficulty.
public var notes:Array<SongNoteData>;
* The event chart for this difficulty.
public var events:Array<SongEventData>;
public var songName:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_SONGNAME;
public var songArtist:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_ARTIST;
public var timeFormat:SongTimeFormat = SongValidator.DEFAULT_TIMEFORMAT;
public var divisions:Int = SongValidator.DEFAULT_DIVISIONS;
public var looped:Bool = SongValidator.DEFAULT_LOOPED;
public var generatedBy:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_GENERATEDBY;
public var timeChanges:Array<SongTimeChange> = [];
public var stage:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_STAGE;
public var chars:Map<String, SongPlayableChar> = null;
public var scrollSpeed:Float = SongValidator.DEFAULT_SCROLLSPEED;
public function new(song:Song, diffId:String, variation:String)
{ = song;
this.difficulty = diffId;
this.variation = variation;
public function clearChart():Void
notes = null;
public function getStartingBPM():Float
if (timeChanges.length == 0)
return 0;
return timeChanges[0].bpm;
public function getPlayableChar(id:String):SongPlayableChar
return chars.get(id);
public function getPlayableChars():Array<String>
return chars.keys().array();
public function getEvents():Array<SongEventData>
return cast events;
public inline function cacheInst():Void
public inline function playInst(volume:Float = 1.0, looped:Bool = false):Void
var suffix:String = (variation ?? '') != '' ? '-$variation' : '';
FlxG.sound.playMusic(Paths.inst(, suffix), volume, looped);
* Cache the vocals for a given character.
* @param id The character we are about to play.
public inline function cacheVocals(?id:String = 'bf'):Void
for (voice in buildVoiceList(id))
* Build a list of vocal files for the given character.
* Automatically resolves suffixed character IDs (so bf-car will resolve to bf if needed).
* @param id The character we are about to play.
public function buildVoiceList(?id:String = 'bf'):Array<String>
var playableCharData:SongPlayableChar = getPlayableChar(id);
if (playableCharData == null)
trace('Could not find playable char $id for song ${}');
return [];
var suffix:String = (variation ?? '') != '' ? '-$variation' : '';
// Automatically resolve voices by removing suffixes.
// For example, if `Voices-bf-car.ogg` does not exist, check for `Voices-bf.ogg`.
var playerId:String = id;
var voicePlayer:String = Paths.voices(, '-$id$suffix');
while (voicePlayer != null && !Assets.exists(voicePlayer))
// Remove the last suffix.
// For example, bf-car becomes bf.
playerId = playerId.split('-').slice(0, -1).join('-');
// Try again.
voicePlayer = playerId == '' ? null : Paths.voices(, '-${playerId}$suffix');
var opponentId:String = playableCharData.opponent;
var voiceOpponent:String = Paths.voices(, '-${opponentId}$suffix');
while (voiceOpponent != null && !Assets.exists(voiceOpponent))
// Remove the last suffix.
opponentId = opponentId.split('-').slice(0, -1).join('-');
// Try again.
voiceOpponent = opponentId == '' ? null : Paths.voices(, '-${opponentId}$suffix');
var result:Array<String> = [];
if (voicePlayer != null) result.push(voicePlayer);
if (voiceOpponent != null) result.push(voiceOpponent);
if (voicePlayer == null && voiceOpponent == null)
// Try to use `Voices.ogg` if no other voices are found.
if (Assets.exists(Paths.voices(, ''))) result.push(Paths.voices(, '$suffix'));
return result;
* Create a VoicesGroup, an audio object that can play the vocals for all characters.
* @param charId The player ID.
* @return The generated vocal group.
public function buildVocals(charId:String = 'bf'):VoicesGroup
var result:VoicesGroup = new VoicesGroup();
var voiceList:Array<String> = buildVoiceList(charId);
if (voiceList.length == 0)
trace('Could not find any voices for song ${}');
return result;
// Add player vocals.
if (voiceList[0] != null) result.addPlayerVoice(new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Assets.getSound(voiceList[0])));
// Add opponent vocals.
if (voiceList[1] != null) result.addOpponentVoice(new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Assets.getSound(voiceList[1])));
// Add additional vocals.
if (voiceList.length > 2)
for (i in 2...voiceList.length)
result.add(new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Assets.getSound(voiceList[i])));
return result;