package; import flixel.FlxG; class Highscore { #if (haxe >= "4.0.0") public static var songScores:Map<String, Int> = new Map(); #else public static var songScores:Map<String, Int> = new Map<String, Int>(); #end public static function saveScore(song:String, score:Int = 0, ?diff:Int = 0):Void { var formattedSong:String = formatSong(song, diff); #if newgrounds NGio.postScore(score, song); #end if (songScores.exists(formattedSong)) { if (songScores.get(formattedSong) < score) setScore(formattedSong, score); } else setScore(formattedSong, score); } public static function saveWeekScore(week:Int = 1, score:Int = 0, ?diff:Int = 0):Void { #if newgrounds NGio.postScore(score, "Week " + week); #end var formattedSong:String = formatSong('week' + week, diff); if (songScores.exists(formattedSong)) { if (songScores.get(formattedSong) < score) setScore(formattedSong, score); } else setScore(formattedSong, score); } /** * YOU SHOULD FORMAT SONG WITH formatSong() BEFORE TOSSING IN SONG VARIABLE */ static function setScore(formattedSong:String, score:Int):Void { /** GeoKureli * References to Highscore were wrapped in `#if !switch` blocks. I wasn't sure if this * is because switch doesn't use NGio, or because switch has a different saving method. * I moved the compiler flag here, rather than using it everywhere else. */ #if !switch // Reminder that I don't need to format this song, it should come formatted! songScores.set(formattedSong, score); = songScores;; #end } public static function formatSong(song:String, diff:Int):String { var daSong:String = song; if (diff == 0) daSong += '-easy'; else if (diff == 2) daSong += '-hard'; return daSong; } public static function getScore(song:String, diff:Int):Int { if (!songScores.exists(formatSong(song, diff))) setScore(formatSong(song, diff), 0); return songScores.get(formatSong(song, diff)); } public static function getWeekScore(week:Int, diff:Int):Int { if (!songScores.exists(formatSong('week' + week, diff))) setScore(formatSong('week' + week, diff), 0); return songScores.get(formatSong('week' + week, diff)); } public static function load():Void { if ( != null) { songScores =; } } }