package funkin.ui.options.items; import funkin.ui.TextMenuList; import funkin.ui.AtlasText; import funkin.input.Controls; import funkin.ui.options.MenuItemEnums; import haxe.EnumTools; /** * Preference item that allows the player to pick a value from an enum (list of values) */ class EnumPreferenceItem extends TextMenuItem { function controls():Controls { return PlayerSettings.player1.controls; } public var lefthandText:AtlasText; public var currentValue:String; public var onChangeCallback:NullVoid>; public var map:Map; public var keys:Array = []; var index = 0; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, name:String, map:Map, defaultValue:String, ?callback:String->Void) { super(x, y, name, function() { callback(this.currentValue); }); updateHitbox(); = map; this.currentValue = defaultValue; this.onChangeCallback = callback; var i:Int = 0; for (key in map.keys()) { this.keys.push(key); if (this.currentValue == key) index = i; i += 1; } lefthandText = new AtlasText(15, y, formatted(defaultValue), AtlasFont.DEFAULT); } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); // var fancyTextFancyColor:Color; if (selected) { var shouldDecrease:Bool = controls().UI_LEFT_P; var shouldIncrease:Bool = controls().UI_RIGHT_P; if (shouldDecrease) index -= 1; if (shouldIncrease) index += 1; if (index > keys.length - 1) index = 0; if (index < 0) index = keys.length - 1; currentValue = keys[index]; if (onChangeCallback != null && (shouldIncrease || shouldDecrease)) { onChangeCallback(currentValue); } } lefthandText.text = formatted(currentValue); } function formatted(value:String):String { // FIXME: Can't add arrows around the text because the font doesn't support < > // var leftArrow:String = selected ? '<' : ''; // var rightArrow:String = selected ? '>' : ''; return '${map.get(value) ?? value}'; } }