package funkin.ui.story; import; import funkin.util.assets.FlxAnimationUtil; import; class LevelProp extends Bopper { public var propData(default, set):Null = null; function set_propData(value:LevelPropData):LevelPropData { // Only reset the prop if the asset path has changed. if (propData == null || !(thx.Dynamics.equals(value, propData))) { this.propData = value; this.visible = this.propData != null; danceEvery = this.propData?.danceEvery ?? 1.0; applyData(); } return this.propData; } public function new(propData:LevelPropData) { super(propData.danceEvery); this.propData = propData; } public function playConfirm():Void { if (hasAnimation('confirm')) playAnimation('confirm', true, true); } function applyData():Void { if (propData == null) { this.visible = false; return; } else { this.visible = true; } // Reset animation state. this.shouldAlternate = null; var isAnimated:Bool = propData.animations.length > 0; if (isAnimated) { // Initalize sprite frames. // Sparrow atlas only LEL. this.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(propData.assetPath); } else { // Initalize static sprite. this.loadGraphic(Paths.image(propData.assetPath)); // Disables calls to update() for a performance boost. = false; } if (this.frames == null || this.frames.numFrames == 0) { trace('ERROR: Could not build texture for level prop (${propData.assetPath}).'); return; } var scale:Float = propData.scale * (propData.isPixel ? 6 : 1); this.scale.set(scale, scale); this.antialiasing = !propData.isPixel; this.alpha = propData.alpha; this.x = propData.offsets[0]; this.y = propData.offsets[1]; FlxAnimationUtil.addAtlasAnimations(this, propData.animations); for (propAnim in propData.animations) { this.setAnimationOffsets(, propAnim.offsets[0], propAnim.offsets[1]); }; this.animation.paused = true; } public static function build(propData:Null):Null { if (propData == null) return null; return new LevelProp(propData); } }