package funkin.ui.freeplay; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.util.FlxSignal; import funkin.util.assets.FlxAnimationUtil; import; import; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; class FreeplayDJ extends FlxAtlasSprite { // Represents the sprite's current status. // Without state machines I would have driven myself crazy years ago. public var currentState:DJBoyfriendState = Intro; // A callback activated when the intro animation finishes. public var onIntroDone:FlxSignal = new FlxSignal(); // A callback activated when the idle easter egg plays. public var onIdleEasterEgg:FlxSignal = new FlxSignal(); var seenIdleEasterEgg:Bool = false; static final IDLE_EGG_PERIOD:Float = 60.0; static final IDLE_CARTOON_PERIOD:Float = 120.0; // Time since last special idle animation you. var timeIdling:Float = 0; final characterId:String = Constants.DEFAULT_CHARACTER; final playableCharData:PlayerFreeplayDJData; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, characterId:String) { this.characterId = characterId; var playableChar = PlayerRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(characterId); playableCharData = playableChar.getFreeplayDJData(); super(x, y, playableCharData.getAtlasPath()); onAnimationFrame.add(function(name, number) { if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('cartoon')) { if (number == playableCharData.getCartoonSoundClickFrame()) { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('remote_click')); } if (number == playableCharData.getCartoonSoundCartoonFrame()) { runTvLogic(); } } }); FlxG.debugger.track(this); FlxG.console.registerObject("dj", this); onAnimationComplete.add(onFinishAnim); FlxG.console.registerFunction("freeplayCartoon", function() { currentState = Cartoon; }); } override public function listAnimations():Array { var anims:Array = []; @:privateAccess for (animKey in anim.symbolDictionary) { anims.push(; } return anims; } var lowPumpLoopPoint:Int = 4; public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); switch (currentState) { case Intro: // Play the intro animation then leave this state immediately. var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('intro'); if (getCurrentAnimation() != animPrefix) playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true); timeIdling = 0; case Idle: // We are in this state the majority of the time. var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('idle'); if (getCurrentAnimation() != animPrefix) { playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, true); } if (getCurrentAnimation() == animPrefix && this.isLoopComplete()) { if (timeIdling >= IDLE_EGG_PERIOD && !seenIdleEasterEgg) { currentState = IdleEasterEgg; } else if (timeIdling >= IDLE_CARTOON_PERIOD) { currentState = Cartoon; } } timeIdling += elapsed; case NewUnlock: var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('newUnlock'); if (!hasAnimation(animPrefix)) { currentState = Idle; } if (getCurrentAnimation() != animPrefix) { playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, true); } case Confirm: var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('confirm'); if (getCurrentAnimation() != animPrefix) playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, false); timeIdling = 0; case FistPumpIntro: var animPrefixA = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('fistPump'); var animPrefixB = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('loss'); if (getCurrentAnimation() == animPrefixA) { var endFrame = playableCharData.getFistPumpIntroEndFrame(); if (endFrame > -1 && anim.curFrame >= endFrame) { playFlashAnimation(animPrefixA, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpIntroStartFrame()); } } else if (getCurrentAnimation() == animPrefixB) { var endFrame = playableCharData.getFistPumpIntroBadEndFrame(); if (endFrame > -1 && anim.curFrame >= endFrame) { playFlashAnimation(animPrefixB, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpIntroBadStartFrame()); } } else { FlxG.log.warn("Unrecognized animation in FistPumpIntro: " + getCurrentAnimation()); } case FistPump: var animPrefixA = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('fistPump'); var animPrefixB = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('loss'); if (getCurrentAnimation() == animPrefixA) { var endFrame = playableCharData.getFistPumpLoopEndFrame(); if (endFrame > -1 && anim.curFrame >= endFrame) { playFlashAnimation(animPrefixA, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpLoopStartFrame()); } } else if (getCurrentAnimation() == animPrefixB) { var endFrame = playableCharData.getFistPumpLoopBadEndFrame(); if (endFrame > -1 && anim.curFrame >= endFrame) { playFlashAnimation(animPrefixB, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpLoopBadStartFrame()); } } else { FlxG.log.warn("Unrecognized animation in FistPump: " + getCurrentAnimation()); } case IdleEasterEgg: var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('idleEasterEgg'); if (getCurrentAnimation() != animPrefix) { onIdleEasterEgg.dispatch(); playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, false); seenIdleEasterEgg = true; } timeIdling = 0; case Cartoon: var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('cartoon'); if (animPrefix == null) { currentState = IdleEasterEgg; } else { if (getCurrentAnimation() != animPrefix) playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true); timeIdling = 0; } default: // I shit myself. } #if FEATURE_DEBUG_FUNCTIONS if (FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL) { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT) { this.offsetX -= FlxG.keys.pressed.ALT ? 0.1 : (FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT ? 10.0 : 1.0); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT) { this.offsetX += FlxG.keys.pressed.ALT ? 0.1 : (FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT ? 10.0 : 1.0); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.UP) { this.offsetY -= FlxG.keys.pressed.ALT ? 0.1 : (FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT ? 10.0 : 1.0); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.DOWN) { this.offsetY += FlxG.keys.pressed.ALT ? 0.1 : (FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT ? 10.0 : 1.0); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.C) { currentState = (currentState == Idle ? Cartoon : Idle); } } #end } function onFinishAnim(name:String):Void { // var name =; if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('intro')) { if (PlayerRegistry.instance.hasNewCharacter()) { currentState = NewUnlock; } else { currentState = Idle; } onIntroDone.dispatch(); } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('idle')) { // trace('Finished idle'); } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('confirm')) { // trace('Finished confirm'); } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('fistPump')) { // trace('Finished fist pump'); currentState = Idle; } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('idleEasterEgg')) { // trace('Finished spook'); currentState = Idle; } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('loss')) { // trace('Finished loss reaction'); currentState = Idle; } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('cartoon')) { // trace('Finished cartoon'); var frame:Int = FlxG.random.bool(33) ? playableCharData.getCartoonLoopBlinkFrame() : playableCharData.getCartoonLoopFrame(); // Character switches channels when the video ends, or at a 10% chance each time his idle loops. if (FlxG.random.bool(5)) { frame = playableCharData.getCartoonChannelChangeFrame(); // boyfriend switches channel code? // runTvLogic(); } trace('Replay idle: ${frame}'); playFlashAnimation(playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('cartoon'), true, false, false, frame); // trace('Finished confirm'); } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('newUnlock')) { // Animation should loop. } else if (name == playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('charSelect')) { onCharSelectComplete(); } else { trace('Finished ${name}'); } } public function resetAFKTimer():Void { timeIdling = 0; seenIdleEasterEgg = false; } /** * Dynamic function, it's actually a variable you can reassign! * `dj.onCharSelectComplete = function() {};` */ public dynamic function onCharSelectComplete():Void { trace('onCharSelectComplete()'); } var offsetX:Float = 0.0; var offsetY:Float = 0.0; var cartoonSnd:Null = null; public var playingCartoon:Bool = false; public function runTvLogic() { if (cartoonSnd == null) { // tv is OFF, but getting turned on FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('tv_on'), 1.0, function() { loadCartoon(); }); } else { // plays it smidge after the click FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('channel_switch'), 1.0, function() { cartoonSnd.destroy(); loadCartoon(); }); } // loadCartoon(); } function loadCartoon() { cartoonSnd = FunkinSound.load(Paths.sound(getRandomFlashToon()), 1.0, false, true, true, function() { playFlashAnimation(playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('cartoon'), true, false, false, 60); }); // Fade out music to 40% volume over 1 second. // This helps make the TV a bit more audible., 0.1); // Play the cartoon at a random time between the start and 5 seconds from the end. cartoonSnd.time = FlxG.random.float(0, Math.max(cartoonSnd.length - (5 * Constants.MS_PER_SEC), 0.0)); } final cartoonList:Array = openfl.utils.Assets.list().filter(function(path) return path.startsWith("assets/sounds/cartoons/")); function getRandomFlashToon():String { var randomFile = FlxG.random.getObject(cartoonList); // Strip folder prefix randomFile = randomFile.replace("assets/sounds/", ""); // Strip file extension randomFile = randomFile.substring(0, randomFile.length - 4); return randomFile; } public function confirm():Void { currentState = Confirm; } public function toCharSelect():Void { if (hasAnimation('charSelect')) { currentState = CharSelect; var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('charSelect'); playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, false, 0); } else { currentState = Confirm; // Call this immediately; otherwise, we get locked out of Character Select. onCharSelectComplete(); } } public function fistPumpIntro():Void { currentState = FistPumpIntro; var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('fistPump'); playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpIntroStartFrame()); } public function fistPump():Void { currentState = FistPump; var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('fistPump'); playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpLoopStartFrame()); } public function fistPumpLossIntro():Void { currentState = FistPumpIntro; var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('loss'); playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpIntroBadStartFrame()); } public function fistPumpLoss():Void { currentState = FistPump; var animPrefix = playableCharData.getAnimationPrefix('loss'); playFlashAnimation(animPrefix, true, false, false, playableCharData.getFistPumpLoopBadStartFrame()); } override public function getCurrentAnimation():String { if (this.anim == null || this.anim.curSymbol == null) return ""; return; } public function playFlashAnimation(id:String, Force:Bool = false, Reverse:Bool = false, Loop:Bool = false, Frame:Int = 0):Void { playAnimation(id, Force, Reverse, Loop, Frame); applyAnimOffset(); } function applyAnimOffset() { var AnimName = getCurrentAnimation(); var daOffset = playableCharData.getAnimationOffsetsByPrefix(AnimName); if (daOffset != null) { var xValue = daOffset[0]; var yValue = daOffset[1]; if (AnimName == "Boyfriend DJ watchin tv OG") { xValue += offsetX; yValue += offsetY; } trace('Successfully applied offset ($AnimName): ' + xValue + ', ' + yValue); offset.set(xValue, yValue); } else { trace('No offset found ($AnimName), defaulting to: 0, 0'); offset.set(0, 0); } } public override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); if (cartoonSnd != null) { cartoonSnd.destroy(); cartoonSnd = null; } } } enum FreeplayDJState { /** * Character enters the frame and transitions to Idle. */ Intro; /** * Character loops in idle. */ Idle; /** * Plays an easter egg animation after a period in Idle, then reverts to Idle. */ IdleEasterEgg; /** * Plays an elaborate easter egg animation. Does not revert until another animation is triggered. */ Cartoon; /** * Player has selected a song. */ Confirm; /** * Character preps to play the fist pump animation; plays after the Results screen. * The actual frame label that gets played may vary based on the player's success. */ FistPumpIntro; /** * Character plays the fist pump animation. * The actual frame label that gets played may vary based on the player's success. */ FistPump; /** * Plays an animation to indicate that the player has a new unlock in Character Select. * Overrides all idle animations as well as the fist pump. Only Confirm and CharSelect will override this. */ NewUnlock; /** * Plays an animation to transition to the Character Select screen. */ CharSelect; }